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Rated: E · Poetry · Holiday · #2307403
Halloween Banned as a Satanic Pagan Holiday Writing Com
Halloween Banned as a Satanic Pagan Holiday Writing Com

36 lines

The Christian States of America
Imposed Christian fascism
On the old United States in 2030.

The government outlawed
The observation
Of anti-Christian holidays.

Banning observing
Diwali, Rosh Khana
Other Jewish and Muslim holidays.

MLK Day, June Tenth Day
Black, Asian, Hispanic, and woman
History months.

But they reserved
Thier greatest scorn
For Halloween, October 31

Banned as an anti-Christian
Neo-pagan, satanic
Wicked Wiccan holiday.

But in California, the left cost,
East Coast big cities,
Hotbeds of resistance,

People celebrated Halloween
On October 30,
Which was not banned.

The custom was to dress up in costumes,
Mocking the new leaders,
Wearing nazi uniforms with swastikas.
Going door to door, trick or tweeting
People gave candy, money
Or words of encouragement.

But secret supporters,
Of the Christian State
So- Called Christians

Would shoot at them.
Calling them pawns of Satan
Who deserved to be sent to Hell.

There is a new prompt up in "The Writer's Cramp" - and if you write the best story or poem (and follow all of the rules) you just might win 10,000 GPs.

" WINNER AND NEW PROMPT DUE MON OCT 30" 17 hours 22 minutes 30 seconds
Write a story or poem about a group of children who go trick or treating in their neighborhood on the WRONG day (any day except one in October). Include the WHY they are trick or treating on the wrong day - and WHAT their neighbors give them instead of candy, if anything?

Note: hating on Halloween is a thing see the Bing Ai Response below;

Halloween is a holiday that has been celebrated for more than a thousand years. It originated as a religious observance and became increasingly secular over the centuries until its religious trappings all but disappeared. Today, Halloween is considered a holiday for dress-up and fun, especially for children 1.
However, some people object to celebrating Halloween for various reasons. Some religious families may find the holiday’s pagan roots and association with witchcraft and the occult objectionable 2. Some schools have banned Halloween celebrations altogether in light of these concerns 2. Others may object to the holiday’s commercialization and the pressure to spend money on costumes, decorations, and candy 2.
It’s important to note that while some people may object to celebrating Halloween, many others enjoy the holiday’s festive spirit and traditions. Ultimately, whether or not to celebrate Halloween is a personal choice that depends on one’s beliefs and values.

why do some people object to celebrating Halloween - Search (bing.com)
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