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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Women's · #2308844
A new meaning to Thanksgiving! Where Neil is for dinner!
It was a beautiful day in the small little town and today it was thanksgivings day! The day Neil Proctor and Sarah Leheron were preparing for all week. Night and day, they tried their best to gather anyone who could. Inviting friends and family over for a lovely thanksgiving dinner, though not everyone could, there were still those who wouldn’t miss it. Valerie and Ariel Bradson were both obviously joining the party as well as Sarah’s best friend Clarissa. Natalie Veronica and Megan Brown though, simply couldn’t join as they had their own family dinner. Mary Jean also invited her boss Madelyn Walkers and she was happy to join them. All were given tasks to help out. Ariel and Valerie made the salads, Madelyn set the table, Clarissa made a delicious dip sauce, Sarah helped Mary Jean in the kitchen and making sure everyone had a drink. All was going according to plan and Neil was in charge of bringing them the turkey. The cherry on the topping, the one thing that would make this Thanksgiving perfect. He better not screw it up for sure!
It was at the end of the afternoon and Neil’s car parked at the Leheron house. This was it as Neil was walking towards the open door, during his walk he texted Sarah. “Oh shit! He’s here! Everyone! It’s about to begin!” Sarah said excited and everyone grew restless and were eager for this moment. But when Neil entered the living room they we’re all met with a disappointment. “Well…where is it?” Ariel asked. “What? Uh, what is where?” Neil asked sweating. “Neil, where is the turkey?” Sarah asked as well. “I…couldn’t get a turkey in time…” said Neil, shocking everyone. “No turkey!? Oh no!” Madelyn said. “So no turkey for dinner! NO!” Clarissa yelled. “How did this happen? No turkey already?” Mary Jean asks. “I’m so everyone…I fucked it up!” Neil responded. “Oh you fucking sure did!” Ariel said, confirming his mistake. “You have 1 job Neil!” Valerie said. The ladies looked at each other, grumpy and disappointed. However, soon Mary Jean looks at Valerie and Valerie smiles. “Now, now ladies, I don’t think this dinner is going to waste! Neil tried but failed, so what!?” Valerie said as she walks over to Neil. Neil was backed up to the couch. “I mean we just have to think of something else…or someone else..” Valerie said and smiles towards Neil. “Uh what do you…” Neil said before interrupted by Valerie as she pushes Neil onto the couch and takes out a small, what seems to be a USB stick from her cleavage. She pressed the button and…ZAP! Suddenly Neil shrinks down and finds himself shrunken to the size of an ant! “What the…OH NO! NOT AGAIN!” Neil said and when he looks up he saw Valerie, along with the other ladies. “Oh! Look at how cute you are!” Valerie said as she lowers herself down and places her boobs onto the couch. Ariel and Clarissa lowered themselves too and looked down. “Little fucker!” Ariel said. “Aw! He’s so cute and small!” Clarissa said. Sarah, Mary Jean and Madelyn also look down at him. “Pathetic bug!” Mary Jean said. “He is so adorable! So small, so helpless! So pathetic.” Madelyn said. “Sorry Neil, but…you had 1 job and failed us, all 6 of us” Sarah said. “What! This can’t be real!” Neil was terrified, but this was all very real. “Now what do you with you?” Ariel asked. “Oh I know!” Valerie said and whispered to the others and they all nodded in agreement. Neil shivered and sweat at what the girls we’re talking about. Soon they formed a line and the first in line was Sarah.
“Sarah! You must forgive me.” Neil said. “Sorry boyfriend, you fucked up!” Sarah said and turns around showing her massive butt. Neil knew immediately what she was up to. Before Neil even realized, Sarah drops herself onto Neil, sitting on his beloved boyfriend. The others ladies laughed and loved this. “Oh get him Sarah, get that little sucker.” Ariel said. “Haha, oh I wanna sit on him too! I can’t wait! it looks fun.” Madelyn said. Then Sarah stood up and looks over her shoulder and gives a little air kiss. “Your welcome babe.” Sarah said and Neil once again looks up as another shadow loomed over him. This time Mary Jean and he saw her turn around. “Be a good boy for mommy.” Mary Jean said as she slightly lifts up her skirt. “OH NO WAIT! HMPH!” Neil said but Mary Jean sat down on Neil, pressing her weight onto his little body. “Oh this feels good! My daughter’s boyfriend pinned under my butt.” said Mary Jean happily and she stood up again, turns around and bends down. “Good boy for mommy.” Mary Jean grinned and stood up and made way for the next in line. Neil looks up only to see Ariel! “Oh uh…hello Ariel.” Neil said nervously. “Shut up Neil! You failed us, you pathetic bug!” Ariel said as she turns around and drops herself onto Neil. “How does it feel under there? Bet you like it!” Ariel said as she grinds Neil under her weight. At last she stood up and looks behind her. “Pathetic bug…” Ariel said and made way for the next one. Neil looks up to see Madelyn, who looks down at Neil and is quite excited. “I just need to sit down a moment!” Madelyn laughs and sits down right on top of Neil, smothering him under her butt. “Oh this feels so good!” Madelyn says and laughs, before standing up once again. Neil gasped for air, but before realizing he was soon covered in another shadow. This time it being Clarissa and she looks down. “Sorry Neil, but…this looks so fun!” Clarissa said and she sat herself down on Neil. Her big ass was quite the pressure Neil had to endure. Luckily it ended soon for she made way for the biggest and the last ass. “Hi Neil, ready for the big finale? Haha! Oh how your gonna love this!” Valerie said as she turns around. “Now see this ass? You like it? GOOD! Your about to get up close and personal little guy!” Valerie said as she spanks her ass and slowly descends down. “Wriggle little bug, wriggle like the good worm you are! Now get…under…my…ASS!” With that said, Valerie sat down on Neil. The queen of all asses was now right on top of Neil. Neil squirmed and Valerie loved this. “Oh keep squirming Neil, I bet you love my ass! Haha” she grinds her ass from side to side, really smothering Neil hard. “Okay, now let’s see my little butt lover.” Valerie said as she stood up and looks down, only Neil wasn’t there anymore. “Huh? Where did you…Oh my haha! Uh ladies? Do you happen to see Neil somewhere?” Valerie says as she playfully turns her rear in the air so that everyone could see. The giant ladies saw him, pinned and stuck to Valerie’s ass and laughed. “Haha! Look at him, he really likes you ass Val.” Madelyn laughs. “What a freaking pervert!” Ariel said. “Oh he sure is. Now I know you love my ass, but that’s enough for now little guy.” Valerie said and she picks up Neil from her ass cheek and placed him on the palm of her hand. “Look at you Mr handsome haha.” Valerie said as she held the little Neil. “So cute, now what do we do with you? Oh right, we are teaching you a lesson.” Valerie said as she brings Neil to the dinner room, followed by the other giant women. “Ah well look at this Neil, everything was to be perfect. We had everything ready except for, well haha, you know! The turkey.” Valerie said. “That’s why we decided that if you did not succeed, well…” Mary Jean said. “We’ll just have YOU for dinner haha!” Madelyn laughs and this scared Neil. Would they be real? Would they really do this to Neil? It seems like it and Neil didn’t like it. “NO PLEASE! DON’T EAT ME!” Neil screamed in fear. “Now let’s see here? Ah perfect! In you go!” Valerie said and she drops Neil into the bowl of dip. With a little splash, Neil landed in the dip, getting all covered in it. “Ugh what is this mess I WHOAH!” Neil screamed as suddenly the bowl was picked up by Clarissa. She brings the bowl of dip happily to the living room and sat it down on the table. Sarah empties 2 bags of chips in an empty bowl and they all grab a chip. “Okay ladies, first one to eat Neil wins! You ready? Set and…” Valerie said and smiles. “Oh no please no!”
“EAT!” Valerie finally finished and Neil began to swim for his life. “OH FUCK ME! THIS STUFF REALLY IS HELL! I…OH NO!” Neil yelled as he struggles moving through the dip and when he looks up he saw Sarah coming towards him. “I see you there! Come here boyfriend!” Sarah says as she scoops up some dip, almost scooping up Neil. “FUCK! TOO CLOSE! TOO CLOSE!” Neil yelled as he continued to swim. “Ah just missed him, oh well! *CHOMP*” Sarah said as she starts eating. “Crap that was…OH NO!” Then the little Neil felt being lifted up by none other than Clarissa herself. “Haha! I won! Gotcha! Now get in my tummy!” Clarissa said joyfully and brings him up from the bowl of dip. “AH CRAP NOT CLARISSA!” Neil screams, but suddenly he found himself falling and he falls down with a glob of dip back in the bowl. “Huh? Where did he go? Oh no, he escaped!” Clarissa says as she eats the dip covered chip and looks down in the bowl and spots him. “OH CRAP NOT BACK IN HERE AGAIN!” Neil said. “No fair, I could’ve eaten you!” said Clarissa dissatisfied. “Oh don’t worry about that dear, I’ll get the fucker for you!” Ariel said and she saw him suffering down there, swimming for his little pathetic life as she like to put it. Soon though Ariel scooped up Neil and brings him out of the bowl. “You’re going to get eaten little fucker!” Ariel said and turns to Clarissa. “Here Clair, you deserve to eat him.” Ariel said as she brings the dip covered chip towards Clarissa. “OH no, those are not part of the rules, you eat him.” Said Clarissa as her polite and honest nature pushed Neil back. “Oh come on Clarissa, you caught him, you eat him.” Ariel insisted, but while she argued, Neil saw his chance and tried to get away. He was moving through the dip, trying to escape. “YES! YES! COME ON NEIL!” Neil said, but then the 2 stopped. “Ugh fine, I’ll eat him!” Ariel says and licks her lips, but at that moment Neil fell down from the chip along with some dip and he once again lands back in the bowl of dip. “Fuck! He got away! Where is he?” Ariel asked angry. “There he goes!” Madelyn pointed out and was going for him. “Oh don’t run! I’m gonna get you!” Madelyn said and teasingly followed Neil with her chip, until she scooped him up and brings him out of the bowl. “Your mine! Time to eat! AH!” Madelyn said as she opened her mouth up wide. “NO! NOT TODAY! AND NEVER EVER!” Neil yelled as he once again had to struggle through the thick dip. Madelyn teasingly licks her lips and opens her mouth, but against all odds, Neil once again drops down along with a load of dip. Madelyn scooped up quite a load of dip and it all fell down and onto her boobs. Neil along with the sticky, slimy goo landed deep within her cleavage. “Huh! Darn it! It got away again.” Madelyn said and looks at the mess she made on her boobs. “Where did Neil go? Is he in the bowl?” Madelyn asks, and the others looked. “I don’t see him!” Valerie said. “No off course you don’t, if only your sight was as good as your scent. He’s not in the bowl.” Ariel said. “Which means…” Clarissa said as she starts blushing. “Oh my haha! Neil is such a lucky naughty boy!” Valerie said laughing. Madelyn scooped up the dip from her boobs and didn’t see him on her dip covered fingers, which she quickly slurps and licks clean. “Oh my I think…” Madelyn said as her finger digs into her cleavage and when she takes it out, she saw Neil on the tip of her finger. “There you are! What a naughty boy you are!” Madelyn said laughing. “But I guess you do deserve another chance…” Said Madelyn as she flicks the dip along with Neil back into the bowl. Neil landed with a splash, not wanting to do this anymore. “PLEASE! I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE! PLEASE! END THIS!” Neil screamed as he notice a shadow looming over him. When he turns he saw Valerie herself. “Hi there cutie! Come to Valerie!” Said Valerie teasing and she scoops up Neil with the chip. “NO! NOT YOU!” Screamed Neil as he is brought to her lips. “Don’t worry, It’ll all be over quick!” said Valerie as she teasingly licks her lips. But then she did something unexpected as she allowed to drip some dip from the chip and allowed it to fall onto her enormous boobs. “Haha, oh how naughty of you. You wanted to be on my boobs now did you. This time it’s over Neil.” Valerie said as she eats the chips and dip and chewed. Neil tried to move through the dropped glob of dip. But as he did Valerie swallowed and turns her attention to Neil again. She simply scooped him up with her finger and brings him up to her lips. “Enough boobs for you dear, I know you love them, but now the fun ends!” says Valerie teasing before…”NO VALERIE!” Neil screamed. Then Valerie plops her finger into her mouth and sucks it clean, swallowing it all down her throat…or did she? Little did she know that at the very last second Neil managed to escape and fell back down into the bowl of dip and everyone thought Valerie devoured Neil. “Ah! That was good! Yummy, yummy, yummy Neil is in my tummy! Haha!” Valerie says laughing as she pats and rubs her belly. “Aw, Valerie won? Bummer! I was so close!” Clarissa said. “Me too Clair, me too. Guess my boyfriend learned it’s lesson now haha.” Sarah said as she was poking Valerie’s belly. “Aw, the cute guy. Now he’s gone! And I almost had him too.” Madelyn said. “Well I guess Valerie is the true winner here, well done Valerie. Now let’s continue the thanksgiving festivities.” Mary Jean said as she and the others left the bowl of dip and returned to the living room. Neil looks up as he sees everyone leave as he sighs in relief. He made it he did it! Or…did he?
Suddenly Mary Jean returns and she was about to take the bowl of dip with her when she suddenly saw him. “Oh my goodness! Haha! I knew Valerie didn’t eat you.” Mary Jean said quietly. “OH NO! MARY JEAN!” Neil screams. “Don’t worry, mommy is here. Mommy is here to….eat you!” Mary Jean said teasingly. She picks up a chip and brings it down into the bowl. “NO PLEASE MARY JEAN!” Neil said, begging for her not to eat him. Mary Jean simply scoops him up and brings him to her mouth. “Sorry Neil, you messed up! You messed up. Now, let’s eat!” said Mary Jean as she brings the chip along with Neil in the dark chasm of her mouth and started chewing. Loud chomping and chewing was to be heard within Mary Jean’s mouth and Neil was being tossed around in there, until…GULP! “There we go, good boy. You served mommy well.” Said Mary Jean as she returns to the living room with the bowl of dip. There they all continued to snack on the chips and dip before going for the real dinner. Everything was delicious, the mayor thing that was missing was the turkey, but I guess they resolved the issue. There was a nice atmosphere In the area, and quite a common one at that. Valerie bragging about having eaten Neil, which she only thought as Mary Jean happily rubbed her belly every time she mentioned it. They all had a lovely Thankgiving…or was it?

“AH!” Neil screams as he woke up. “Oh crap! It was just a dream!” said Neil. It was indeed thanksgiving today and Neil just woke up after falling asleep and having a nap. It was all good for Neil though as everything was ready. “Ready for today Neil? I’m sure you are!” Sarah said as the doorbell rings and the first guess arrived. Sarah walks to the door and opens it. It was Clarissa, arriving as the first guest. “Hi Clair!” Sarah said and Clarissa greeted her. “Hi Sarah! And…” she bends down to boob level to greet Neil. “Hi there Neil, as cute as ever. Safely in Sarah’s bra.” Clarissa said smiling. Neil waves back. Neil was still very small, as he never got back to normal size. But that didn’t stop the fun at all! Soon more guests appeared as Madelyn arrived and Mary Jean opened the door and greeted her in. “So where is this Neil fellow you’ve been talking me about Mary?” Madelyn said. “Well right there with Sarah.” Said Mary Jean as they both walk up to Sarah. “Hi Sarah, how’s it going? I’m eager to meet your little boyfriend.” Said Madelyn. “Right down here haha.” Sarah said as she points down to her big bosom. “He’s safe and sound in my bra cup, just as he likes it.” Sarah said and Madelyn saw him. “Nice to meet you there Neil. My name is Madelyn!” said Madelyn. “Nice to meet you Madelyn!” Neil said. Then the doorbell rings once more. This time, at last but not least it was Valerie and Ariel entering the house. “Hey folks, we’re here…at last.” Said Ariel. “Let the thanksgiving begin! Cause Valerie is in!” Said Valerie. “Hey Ariel hey Valerie!” Mary Jean said as Valerie and Mary Jean entered the living room. Valerie and Mary Jean gave each other a hug as they always did. Valerie then walks over to Sarah. “Now where is Neil?” Valerie said. “Right here!” Said Sarah as she pointed at her boobs. “Haha! Always in your favourite spot right Neil? Can’t blame you. So cute though!” Valerie said happily. “But I can’t help but think there is a better spot waiting for you!” Said Valerie as she turns to show her divine ass. “See this? Now isn’t that something way, way…AH!” Says Valerie as Ariel pushes Valerie aside. “That’s enough butt for Neil...You cool Neil?” Said Ariel as “Very cool!” Said Neil blushing. And now that everyone was here it was time for some conversations, they all chittered and chattered around as usual. Suddenly though Mary Jean enters the living room. “Who’s hungry for some dip?” Mary Jean said and Neil gulped. This time though, Neil wasn’t dropped in the bowl, Neil was safe as he safely continued the day in Sarah’s bra. The day went on peacefully and they all had a lovely thanksgiving, as it should be.

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