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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #2311106
Shrunken down to an Inch tall mistakenly packaged away being served alongside the meal
Chapter 1: The Appetizer

Originally planning to spend my first summer out of college lazing about when my parents spurred me on to take a part-time job at the local mall. Now I'm stuck here preparing meals day in and day out, the only perk to this is my crush who works right alongside me. Being the boss’s daughter Beth was clearly out of reach but nothing could get her out of my head. The reason for this was her earth shatteringly huge ass and being Stationed directly behind this massive fat deposit glancing down became as natural as breathing was for me. The only difficult thing here would be handling my boss Kim. “SAM GET BACK HERE NOW!” Knowing she was quick to anger I placed down the order and headed back to check to see what the commotion was about. “Thought I told you to pick up some ingredients today, So where the Hell is it?!?” I never did have a good poker face and it was clearly showing as Kim began to grow even more furious. “I’ll fix your Fuck Up this time so just get back to work you Damn Slacker.”. More than pleased to take Kim’s offer returning back to my station and finishing up the customer’s order.

The biggest mystery here was why anyone even came to eat here: The food court was old, bugs constantly flew around the kitchen, and every slice of bread we served was weeks old. The only reason people ever showed up seemed to be Beth at the front counter. Curly ginger hair, freckles all across her body, chubby in all the right places, and that staggering dump truck she carried wherever she went, not only that but… “SAM! Where’s the Salad I asked for!” Beth’s shout brought me back to reality. Placing away the salad into this flimsy medium-sized container my neck suddenly felt pinched. Kim really needed to hire a pest service for this dump, the last thing that came to mind before everything began to grow hazy. Light-Headed and woozy everything went dark feeling myself toppling over the countertop. “Where's the order? Sam?” Beth turned around noticing nothing but an open container of salad. “If you're going on break let me know first Jerk” Muttering under her breath Beth closed the lid handing it off to the hungry customer.

Chapter Two: A Bountiful Harvest

A strong sweet earthy aroma stung my nose, stirring me awake finding myself encompassed by utter darkness. The surface was bumpy and brittle made up of multiple layers all coated in this viscous goop. “Sorry for the wait, Please enjoy your Meal!” Recognizing Beth’s voice just as everything began to quake as an explosive amount of force launched me back. Launching off the ground every few seconds my body was hurled hitting the roof directly overhead. Disoriented it felt like torture with no end which was exactly when the quaking stopped but the tranquility felt in this moment wouldn’t last even a second. Noises of something big clawing against the outside walls sent shivers down my spine as it broke into the void around me in an intense flash of light. The newly lit interior assaulted my vision as the sky above peeled back revealing a figure bigger than any building or mountain ever before seen. Shock and terror soon enveloped me as my eyes adjusted from the blinding amount of light recognizing the massive figure as my old classmate Elizabeth. It seemed incomprehensible how gigantic she had become but glancing around her size would be the least of my worries. My legs went weak finally learning where I had ended up shrunken down barely any taller than the mini croutons that were scattered randomly about atop her salad.

The how or why of my situation all fell to be irrelevant in front of this giant version of Elizabeth since by far she was the worst person to be found by in this state. Her frizzy black hair, large glasses, and petite small build never looked all too intimidating but what really scared me about her was her twisted mind. Meeting only once in between classes we bumped into each other in the hallway accidentally spilling out various drawings onto the floor. Each illustration pictured gigantic women crushing, killing, and eating what looked to be tiny humans and ever since then she had become an outcast from everyone at school. You really wouldn’t expect something so strange from such a plain girl and with our history combined with her perverse fetish she was clearly the most fearsome opponent to meet at this size.

In a blink her fork descended piercing through several layers of lettuce seemingly unaware that the person who ruined her social life was helplessly stranded in the dead center of her meal. Sliding past her lips Elizabeth began to chew, turning the few leaves in her mouth to mush within seconds. This horrific sight caused a slight panic in me dashing over towards the walls of the container hoping not to be accidently picked up alongside the rest of her food. The walls made of styrofoam were too steep to climb up and too tough to tear into; there was no escape as her fork descended for another bite. Another few bites later she swallowed, dropping right into her guts which at this point began to growl. This rumble continued moving back up her throat eventually erupting past her lips in this foul-smelling belch of hot air aimed straight down where I stood. Gagging from the odor I began to wave my hand across frantically in an attempt to disperse the smell “Is there seriously a bug in my food?” A sound of disgust from above as Elizabeth took notice of the small intruder in her lunch.

Watching as her eyes narrowed towards me I remained motionless uncertain on how to respond when her expression suddenly transformed from one of disgust to surprise. “Sam Is that you?” Recognized as a person did ease some tension but as I continued to stare at her gigantic form this dread I felt couldn’t be shaken off. Leaning closer towards her meal Elizabeth soon filled out the entire sky above me as her breath grew even more powerful especially at this range, feeling the gusts of air coming out of her nostrils like an impending storm. Stealing my nerves I began to yell up to her about my situation hoping she'd take pity on me but as I finished all I received in response was a snort shortly followed by her disgusting laugh. The volume of which nearly deafened me as it became clear exactly what kind of person I was dealing with. “Seriously, You think some mutant fly bit You, shrank You, and caused You to fall into my meal? That's too Funny but hey since you did come with my meal I guess that means you belong to me now!” Another blast from her mouth as she began cracking up at my situation it was enough to make my blood boil. Of Course this Bitch would treat some poor soul like this; she probably fetishized this exact moment in her head a hundred times. I couldn’t hold it in any longer as I stared up at this gigantic freak above me spouting out every insult my small voice could scream out. “Oh don't get so worked up I was only k…What was that?” Elizabeth's face twisted as her mood worsened looking down at me in utter disgust “A Grotesque Psychotic Freak? Glad to know despite the size you're still a Huge jerk but since you think so lowly of me I guess I don't have to “”Pretend”” to hide these cravings anymore. Hope you enjoy your stay in my Guts! At least your life won't be completely Worthless since I’ll be getting a bite to eat."

Chapter Three: Becoming the Main Course

Running wouldn’t help me now but as her fork aimed toward me everything inside screamed to flee punching at the styrofoam walls crying out desperate to escape. Deranged laughter that sounded like it came from a mental patient filled my ears as she watched me panicking like some cruel child teasing a bug. Stabbing down my body was caught in the slot in between two points of her fork forcing me violently to the ground. Hoisted out of the makeshift prison Elizabeth carried me up towards my execution as her tongue ran eagerly across her awaiting lips. “But where's the fun in simply Swallowing you whole? No you deserve to know what your big mouth cost you,” Wedged securely and struggling to free myself it was clear Elizabeth was enjoying my torment. “Swallowing you whole you'll find yourself being Toyed with by my tongue which will begin Pressing and Wrapping itself around you but don't worry I plan to really Savor this moment. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water and speaking of which my Saliva will completely coat you until your body is nice and slick ready to be Swallowed down my Throat. Here you'll enter my Esophagus and one tight and bumpy ride later you will Splash down into this massive lake of Stomach Acid.” Still unable to lift myself out, terror began to take over as what she said began to sound unavoidable “Here my belly will begin to Digest, Churning you into even smaller pieces eventually being Absorbed into my body! Anything left will be Flushed away in the morning, Sound fun? No? Well too bad, Maybe in your next life you’ll learn some Manners.”

A foul-smelling odor emanated off her breath with several strands of saliva that blew wildly about inside her wide open mouth as vast amounts of air flew out past her lips. A tongue that outsized me tenfold slithered out slamming its repulsive wet surface across my entire body. “Bon appétit Sam.” Tears that couldn't be seen past the thick layer of drool on me began to pour out begging for forgiveness but even I knew that ship had long sailed. Inserted past her lips I began to fight back with everything I could muster. The saliva that blanketed my skin made a useful lubricant feeling myself slipping from her grasp popping free out from the wedge that held me in place just as her mouth slammed shut. Plunging from so high without a parachute I wondered if I made the correct choice but as I saw her playing with whatever scrap of food she mistook me for in her mouth this worry quickly dissipated. Even if I ended up splatting against the floor like some insect I’d consider it a blessing as long as I wouldn’t be swallowed by some giant flat-chested monster. Then as my body impacted I noticed a strange lack of pain or death, Instead I was bouncing relatively unharmed as I collided into Elizabeth's thigh tumbling down onto the cafeteria bench below. Picking myself back up I noticed her legs now surrounded me on both sides, trapping me yet again but as long as her eyes didn't wander down I should be safe. Turning my attention back towards the cruel demon above me it seemed I had made my escape unnoticed as she swallowed whatever was in her mouth in one big show-offy gulp. Tracing its descent down her neck with her finger the sadistic girl smiled as it dropped helplessly into her Gut. The last thing that exited her mouth was another disgusting burp looking completely satisfied with herself as Elizabeth began to rise out from her seat. The outline of her bottom was soon the only thing that remained of her as she began to walk away not even worrying to toss her remaining salad away as she left.

Marooned atop the bench with no easy way down, my body simply collapsed from all the built-up stress enjoying this single moment of tranquility. It wouldn’t even be a minute later everything would begin to escalate again as massive tremors woke me from my spot. Hope began to swell spotting Beth heading straight towards the dirty table to clean off the trash, finally somebody who'd actually help me moving frantically about calling out towards my sizable coworker hoping to somehow get her attention. Stopping just a foot away this long dreadful growl began to emanate off Beth's belly, her eyes glued to the barely touched meal left behind by the previous customer. Looking about the desolate and empty mall, she was really considering eating some stranger's salad even if it was barely touched I hoped she wouldn't be that desperate. “i mean… it would be wasteful to toss a practically uneaten meal right?” Muttering under her breath Beth stepped closer swinging her leg over me as everything suddenly began to grow dark. The ass I once admired from afar now hovered overhead ready to slam down crushing me at any moment. Again I'm left petrified, unable to move even an inch as my voice trembled attempting to cry out as the sky above began to fall.

Chapter Four: Kneaded Dough

Everything seemed to slow down watching as my crushes moon-sized bottom began to plummet, growing larger every second until it connected, feeling as if I were a grape about to pop against her shorts as the impossible amount of weight distributed across the bench. Pushing and prodding nothing affected the massive amount of flesh that exerted against me as Beth began to chow down on her lunch. Unaware that as she ate her coworker was on the verge of death, feeling every movement as she adjusted herself over me feeling an agonizing amount of torture as Beth simply adjusted her butt against her seat. Getting comfortable Beth's cheeks began to press even harder against me as the excess fat on her ass wrapped around me, imprinting my small body against her rear reshaping to the minuscule bump she had sat on. The heat coming off her was unbearable, quickly losing all sense of time and rational thought as everything soon began to revolve around her backside. Only fitting that the ass I constantly wished to be under would be the exact thing that spelled my end as she remained none the wiser. Imagining her later washing her clothes attempting to clean the newly formed stain that had appeared on her cotton shorts unaware it belonged to the creep that pervertedly stared at her day in and day out. Tears couldn’t stop falling from my eyes thinking it was the end but just as I had accepted my defeat just as the pressure that had pinned me in place for so long began to fade. Her backside began to rise up into the air with me alongside it as my imprinted body remained stuck to it like a piece of gum. Gasping for air I couldn’t believe it was already over but before I could begin to feel relieved her butt began to reshape, pushing against me and once it did it would drop me right back to the bench below.

Reaching out my hands with all my might I grab hold of the fabric of her shorts as Beth stands back up bringing me higher into the air to dizzying heights. Starting to walk away feeling as her body tried to knock me off as each time she took a step her booty bounced nearly launching me away with every move she made. Never before had my body been pushed this hard as simply holding on put a large strain onto my arms as Beth leisurely walked towards the trash tossing out the remains of the now mostly empty container. Continuing her stroll through the mostly vacant food court I had somehow gotten one of my arms tangled in some loose strands of fabric that had come loose on her shorts. Suddenly a massive bounce from her ass had me losing my grip ragdolling like some strap on her bag as my stuck arm held me in place on her bottom. Tossed around fiercely as each new step caused me to rebound harshly against her ass, clashing repeatedly against it until she finally stopped moving. Checking behind recognizing that she was now back behind the front counter at the deli thinking to myself how great it felt not being at the mercy of her butt any longer. Our boss Kim must have been filling in for me as she was now situated at my station handling customers orders when our eyes suddenly meet. “Honey come over here for a second, you have some crud on your shorts.” Moving in closer Kim swooped down yanking me cleanly off her daughter's butt tightly holding me within her fist making sure to keep me well out of view. “Go wash up in the bathroom, I'll handle things here.” Taking her offer Beth began to leave and within moments the restaurant had gone quiet. Kims hand began to open, staring down at her shrunken employee in her grasp, seeming unsurprised that the newly hired employee was now standing no larger than an inch tall in the palm of her hand.

Chapter Five: Just Desserts

“Didn’t think You’d actually make it back here Sam especially on the back of my kids shorts' with this look of pure revulsion plastered across her face my body froze fearing what she had in store for me. “Guess you're starting to put it all together but just in case your IQ shrank alongside you allow me to state it clearly. Yes I was the one who shrank you,” In her other hand Kim now held an empty syringe “Don’t even bother speaking I doubt your shrill voice would even reach me from so far away instead I’ll just guess what your thinking and answer, Firstly your a lazy, unmotivated slouch whos been bringing his shitty attitude to work day in and day out but despite this fact all I would ever hear at my house was how much my daughter swooned over you,” Even now Kim seemed annoyed which despite the strange circumstances was pretty normal for her. “And secondly thanks to your fuck-up this morning I needed to reorder our signature ingredients, you wouldn’t believe how many women love getting tiny men in their food,” Lost for words when for the third time today a stomach began to growl and staring up at Kims hungry expression it wasn’t hard to imagine what she did with anyone who learned what her secret ingredient was. Learning Beth actually liked me the same day her mother was about to eat me felt like a slap in the face as Kim fixated her gaze on me. “Well Sam we won’t be needing your services anymore but since I can’t just let me introduce you to your new position!” Without a second of hesitation Kim engulfed me in a single bite.

Splashing against the slick moist surface of her tongue I was instantly engulfed inside as rows of teeth slammed shut destroying any shred of escape that remained. Becoming nothing more than some insignificant scrap of food for my gigantic boss as I feel her start toying around with my body. Her saliva nearly suffocates me as Kim rolls me around her mouth drenching me in her drool from head to toe. Degrading wouldn’t even explain how violating it felt to be sucked on like some lollipop becoming disoriented as she thrashed my body about inside the dark dank pit that was the inside of her mouth. Picking up her teeth she held me between them adding pressure just to feel me squirm in a pathetic attempt to avoid being crushed. Time soon lost all meaning as her lips began to pucker, spitting me out alongside a wad of her saliva splashing back into the palm of her hand. “Fucking disgusting Sam, I should’ve guessed pathetic specks like you had such a shit taste,” Through all the shifts Kim never smiled but as she observed my weakened state she began to grin. Wiping globs of spit from my bruised body I wondered what happened in my past lives that could justify this much bad luck. “Don’t worry though we don’t waste food here, not even nasty little morsels like yourself!”

Flipping over her hand Kim dropped me down into her shirt where she viciously began to wipe away the saliva that clung to my body. “For this recipe we’ll clean you up before tossing you on a nice soft layer of bread. Word of caution: try to run and you’ll wind up inside my garbage disposal.” Prepping her employee atop a large slab of white bread Kim began to hum, placing various ingredients off to the side. “I'm certain Beth will be thrilled to receive you in her lunch, maybe you might even help fill out that ass you love so much,” A lettuce leaf much larger than me buried me alive. “Sadly for you even if you did end up as ass fat for her it would be for some other idiot to enjoy.” This was the last thing anyone would ever say to me as a massive amount of meat and condiments came raining down over me. Shrunken by my boss and placed inside a sandwich which would soon be handed over to my crush to be eaten alive. Losing all will to live quietly accepting that this was the best fate had to offer and patiently waited inside Beth's next meal hoping my next life is as carefree as possible.

The end
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