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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2317497
In which Kai's night out goes wrong
OmniVentures Ltd. is located in Bangkok’s Central Business District. A huge glass and steel building with beautiful views of Lumpini Park from its office windows, it’s a company people would kill to work for. No one knows that better than the two men currently standing in the office on the top floor of the building. One of them is Nail Thanakumchai, second highest ranking employee of the company--a feat which is impressive, considering his age. Nail has the uncanny ability to pull information out of people whether they want to give it or not, which makes him extremely useful to the man standing in front of him.
As CEO of a company with holdings in various investments, nonprofit organizations, and nightlife, Chalam Tian Samongkonchai is not a man to be underestimated. Usually, his demeanor is one of a sensible and pragmatic businessman who can charm anything out of anyone. Today, however, his temper is on the edge of fraying.
“What items specifically are missing?”
Nail doesn’t flinch under his superior’s shark-like gaze. “That is unfortunately information we don’t have.”
“But?” Chalam’s voice has a dangerous undertone.
“They came from your personal archive, sir. A place very few people have access to.”
“As I am well aware,” Chalam clenches his hands to prevent them from smashing into the face of his subordinate. “Do you at least know who removed these particular—items?”
“I can get them back,” Nail says. “It shouldn’t be too much of a problem.”
“For your sake, Nail,” Chalam’s voice is deadly. “It had better not be.”
The two men are so engrossed in their conversation, that neither of them see the other person standing just outside the doorway. The eavesdropper moves toward a door at the end of the hall, which leads to a back stairwell. After making sure no one else is around, he pulls out his phone and dials a number.
He speaks rapidly before the person on the other end of the line can say anything. “Kai’s in trouble.”
There are a lot of people here tonight.
Kai supposes he shouldn’t be surprised the crowd is so big. Everywhere in Thonglor comes alive at night, and Nightshade is no exception. Not only is it one of the trendiest new nightclubs in this particular neighborhood--both for tourists, and native Thai--it’s also a Friday night. Or maybe Saturday morning? Either way, it’s hot, and it’s crowded, but if he stays then he doesn’t have to think, so he has no intention of going home anytime soon.
Unless the two jackasses lurking in the corner force him to leave. One of them Kai has never seen before, but the other one is a person that makes the hairs on the back of Kai’s neck stand on end: Nail, assistant to the CEO of Omniventures--the company where Kai is currently interning--and someone you never want to get on the wrong side of. Which is apparently what Kai has done, because Nail and the other guy have been following him since he left the OmniVentures corporate office earlier that evening.
A frosted glass appears on the bar in front of him. He raises his eyebrows, glancing up into a pair of dark eyes glittering with mischief.
“You made me a mojito?”
“No,” Luca perfectly matches his expression. “I made you a Thaijito, with extra lime. You look like you need it.”
“Really?” Kai lifts the glass, and the smell of lime, lemongrass and ginger wafts into his nose. Yep, there is definitely extra lime in that. “It’s not bad.”
“I think I owe you a drink,” Luca winks at him. “But only if you promise not to make me regret it by being too charming.”
Kai winces, and not from the tang of ginger at the back of his throat. “You don’t owe me a drink, and what makes you think that line will work?”
“Too much?”
“Don’t ask me.” Kai throws Luca a mock salute with his glass. “You’re not my type.”
Luca presses a well manicured hand to his chest. “Ooh, that hurts.”
“You’ll get over it,” Kai takes another gulp from his Thaijito, rolling the tart liquid around in his mouth. “You’re one of the reasons people keep coming back here.”
It’s true. Luca’s one of those people who effortlessly blends flirtatious banter and a magnetic presence. This charisma not only attracts frequent patrons and substantial tips but also ensures the pages Luca's Little Black Book rapidly fill on the nights he works, with both male and female names.
“That compliment will get you a second drink.” Luca removes the glass and refills it before Kai has the chance to protest.
Kai rolls his eyes.“Don’t flirt with me.”
“It’s a purely friendly gesture.” Luca pushes the newly filled glass closer. “Like I said, you look like you need it.”
Kai raises his eyebrows at him as he takes the newly refilled glass. “You trying to get me drunk?”
“Hilarious.” Luca’s one of the few people who knows that Kai is allergic to alcohol, so he substitutes the rum in Kai’s Thaijitos for extra lime juice, no questions asked. “So what’s going on with you? You’ve been here most of the night and hardly moved.”
“I’ve moved. ” Kai taps his fingers on the bar in illustration as Luca’s eyebrows shoot up to his hairline, and then adds, “This is my last year at uni.”
That answer seems to satisfy Luca, if only temporarily. “You know there’s a place for you here, if you want it.”
“I have to complete my internship first.” Kai grimaces as he says it. He hates his internship, but he’s not about to tell anyone why. “And graduate.”
“You don’t sound very confident that you’ll do either.” A new female voice sounds just over Kai’s shoulder. Kai snorts his Thaijito. Pepper always causes those damn flutters in his stomach—and some other awkward anatomical reactions.
The heartbeat of Nightshade, Pepper enchants patrons with her dynamic personality, gracefully moving from tables to the bar and back again like a butterfly. Her secretive smile leaves each guest feeling personally attended to—but, to the best of Kai's knowledge, there's no trace of a Little Black Book, literal or otherwise.
Right now, she’s grinning at him. “You’re supposed to drink that, not inhale.”
“Inhaling’s the new sipping,” Luca deadpans. “It’s called a sophisticated taste experience. You should try it sometime, really elevates the flavor profile.”
Kai is too busy fighting back a coughing fit to do more than glare.
“Next time, I’ll get you a cough syrup cocktail.” Luca smirks at him. “It might suit your inhalation technique better.”
Kai shoots back a glare, “This is karma for the truth serum you unleashed with those Thaijitos.”
If anything, Luca’s smirk gets bigger. “How was I supposed to know Thaijitos had such revealing powers?”
Pepper shoots a pointed look at Luca.
“Considering your profound expertise in mixology, that shouldn’t surprise you.” She doesn’t wait for his answer before turning her attention back to Kai. “You're twitching. Something wrong?”
Kai takes his time answering. “I’m good.”
“Did you tell your face that?” Pepper has always been able to decode every thought in his head just by his expression.
“There’s nothing wrong with my face.” The words come out of Kai’s mouth harsher than he wants them to, so he takes a breath before continuing. “I said I’m fine. Great. Fan-damn-tastic.”
“Uh-huh,” Pepper takes the empty glass and refills it for the third time. “You only talk like that when you’re nervous about something. You know we’re always here when things blow up in your face, right?”
Leaning in, Luca smirks, “He won't be coming to me, but if he did, it would be one unforgettable night.”
If they had been anywhere else, the remains of Kai’s Thaijito would be decorating Luca’s face. But they’re in public so he glowers instead. “I said you’re not my type!”
“I know,” Luca is enjoying himself a little too much. “So why don’t you tell Pepper who is?”
Pepper matches Luca smirk for smirk. “Someone with better taste and manners than you, obviously.”
“That stings.” Luca smirks. “I thought we had a connection.”
Pepper rolls her eyes. “Your connections are as real as your humility.”
“Of course,” Luca’s black eyes are dancing now. “Why should I limit myself to one flavor?”
“I heard there’s a new flavor called ‘The Exit’.” Kai’s eyes are shooting daggers in Luca’s direction. “Why don’t you go figure out what it tastes like?”
“Good idea. ” Luca takes the hint, but can’t resist one more jab at Kai’s expense. “Hey Pepper? Kai’s secrets are like fine wine—they need time to breathe and the right connoisseur. Remember that.”
With a parting wink, he moves away before either of them can respond.
“So,” Pepper takes Kai’s empty glass and starts mixing another Thaijito. “Is there a specific vintage causing your twitch or are we dealing with a whole cellar of problems?”
Kai smirks back, “Tell Luca not to quit his day job as a secret decoder. There's no vintage, just a bottle of intrigue and a stubborn cork. Nothing to worry about.”
Pepper glances behind Kai, “Well, if Mr. Mysterious over there is the source of your twitching, maybe we should offer him a glass of truth serum. What do you think?”
Kai doesn’t turn his head. “You mean your brother?”
“If I meant Nail, I’d have said so.” Pepper puts a fresh Thaijito in front of him. “Besides, Nail knows I’ll castrate him if he causes any trouble in here. I mean the guy over in the corner. Don’t turn around!”
Too late. Kai has already swivels away from the bar and is now scanning the room. Nail is still standing close to the door, arms crossed and eyes glaring. But there’s another man in the opposite corner.
This guy is sitting in semi-shadow, so Kai can’t see his face, but he can see the clothes the guy is wearing--dark wash jeans and sports jacket over a dark shirt. Unless you were looking for him, he blends perfectly into the shadows. There’s no drink in front of him, and his posture looks relaxed, but Kai is sure that this guy is anything but. Prickles slip up and down his spine. The clothes and something about the way the guy sits is familiar and Kai doesn’t like it. He turns back to the bar.
“You know him?” Pepper is still staring.
“No,” the word comes out of Kai’s mouth faster and sharper than he wants it to. He takes a breath, lowering his voice. “I mean, I don’t know. I can’t see his face, but he’s never been in here before, right?”
“He came in shortly after my brother did,” Pepper leans over the bar to get a better look at the dark corner. “I can’t tell if he came in looking for you or not.”
“But you know Nail did.” Kai keeps his eyes on Pepper’s face. She knows Nail followed him, so there’s a chance that she knows why. Which means all he has to do is stay close to her tonight. If he stays close to her, then he’s safe.
Or not.
“Back the hell off my sister, jackass.” Nail swaggers up to the bar, slinging an arm around Kai’s shoulder in a way that appears friendly but absolutely isn’t. His glittering eyes impale Kai, daring him to move. “She’s not here just to keep you entertained.”
The only thing Nail has in common with his sister is matching hair and eye color. Whereas Pepper’s hair flows long down her back--especially when she’s not at work--Nail seems to think it’s a good idea to slick it back and then cement it to his head with gel. Pepper’s eyes glint with mischief occasionally, but Nail’s seem to have mastered the Look Can Kill gaze that intimidates everyone around him.
Well, almost everyone.
“There’s too many people in here.” Kai flicks Nail’s arm off him like a pesky insect, twitching out of Nail’s reach. “ It’s hot.”
“You’re lucky there’s so many people.” Nail takes a menacing step forward. “Means you get to keep your neck intact for an hour or two longer.”
Kai doesn’t retreat. He keeps his voice perfectly level, knowing that will irritate Nail even more. “Jackasses don’t intimidate me.”
Nail growls, and takes a second menacing step toward Kai.
“That’s enough, Nail.” Pepper steps between them. “You want to get me fired?”
“It’s your boyfriend you should be worried about,” Nail glares at his sister. “Not me.”
A muscle twitches in Pepper’s face, but her expression doesn’t change. “I mean it. If you like your anatomy the way it is, then back the hell off.”
“Why?” Nail doesn’t back off. Instead, he moves closer to Pepper so that she is forced to look up at him. “Are you going to castrate me in public?”
Pepper doesn’t even flinch. “Don’t tempt me, little brother.”
The two siblings glare at each other for a minute. Nail is the one who finally backs off. His sister’s threats are never empty. Still, he came here with a purpose, and he’s going to make sure it’s fulfilled.
“Outside, Kai. We need to talk.” His voice makes it clear that he’ll drag Kai outside if he has to.
Pepper shoots Kai a concerned look. “Kai--”
“I’m not scared of your dumbass brother.” Kai answers Pepper, but keeps his eyes on Nail.
“Pepper,” Kai winks at her. “I’m good. I’ll see you later.”
He follows Nail out the door before Pepper can say anything else. True, Kai had originally said the room was hot to get Nail the hell away from him, but the press of so many bodies in one place is about to make him seriously overheated. The temperature is lower outside, and the crowd is smaller, but not by much. At least he can breathe out here.
For now.
“In there,” Nail points to an alley just behind the nightclub, while his silent crony steps up behind Kai. The two of them are blocking any other exit. “We’ll talk and you can go.”
Kai raises his eyebrows, tensing his muscles to stop the shiver that’s threatening to shoot through his body. “What if I don’t have anything to say to you?”
“Then you’ll shut up and listen.” Nail looks less than amused. “Move, or I’ll drag your ass in.”
Kai moves, darting up the alley before Nail can even take a step. The shadows are so thick Kai doubts he could see his hand in front of his face, but that would mean lifting it to check and he’s too busy running to do anything else. All he has to do is get to the other end, then backtrack up whatever street he comes out on. His blood pounds in his ears in tandem to his feet, and he can hear Nail’s voice shouting his name, and Nail’s feet just behind him.
Or is Nail just behind him?
The alley could be narrow enough that echoes are playing tricks on Kai’s mind. His legs burn and the breath catches in his ribcage. How the hell long has he been running? Kai darts another glance over his shoulder. Half of his brain screams at him that another look won’t do him any good, but the other half is screaming just as loudly that if he squints, then maybe his eyes will penetrate the darkness and see just how close the jackass is.
Red and gold sparks explode in front of Kai’s eyes as his head connects with something solid. He reels as his head goes momentarily numb. His knees buckle, and he’s sure that if he could see the alley, it would be spinning.
Nail knew what he was doing.
They were waiting for you.
Stupid, Kai.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.

The alley floor is scraping against his hands. The smell of blood and refuse assaults his nostrils. Something slimy is dripping down the side of his face. Now his brain and every muscle in his body are telling him to move, to get up, to run. Kai’s gorge rises and his eyes sting. He’s pretty sure one of his arms has been scraped raw by his tumble to the ground, and the breath has been smashed from his lungs. More footsteps, slower this time, and then a sharp blow to his ribcage, sending Kai flat on his back.
“Don’t kill him. We have a message to deliver. ” It’s a new voice, dry and emotionless, probably belonging to the other jackass who came with Nail tonight.
No, not probably.
It is.
Get a grip, Kai.

“Hey, Kai, you hear me right?” Nail snorts, his voice floating just above him. Kai’s face stings under Nail’s slap, and his eyes snap open. “Yeah, you hear me. I need you to listen. Listen very carefully. Can you do that?”
Kai swallows, forcing the urge to retch. “You think I’m interested--”
“In what I’ve got to say?” Nail finishes for him. “You are. Cause it’s about you, and Mali. See, if I can’t get what I want out of you, then I’ll go after your sister--”
“Stay the hell away from Mali!” Kai isn’t sure if his fist slamming into the side of Nail’s face was pure luck or not, but he knows the world has stopped turning cartwheels long enough for his ears to locate where Nail’s voice was coming from, and he’d swung his arm that way. Nail’s grunt of surprise is just the hint Kai needs to launch himself in Nail’s direction.
Apparently, Nail is more familiar with the alley, because Kai’s hands grasp at empty air. Kai finds himself facedown on the alley floor, with the coppery taste of blood in his mouth and the smell of rot clawing at his nostrils.
“I will,” Nail’s voice still sounds just out of reach. “Provided you give me what I came for. Something’s missing from Chalam’s office, and you have it. Hand it over and we all walk away from this.”
“I don’t have anything.” Kai’s voice hisses out between clenched teeth.
“You know what the difference is between a ‘jackass’ like me, and someone like you?” Nail doesn't give Kai a chance to answer before driving his foot into Kai’s side, flipping the smaller man over like a dead fish, and punctuating his words with more kicks to Kai’s body. “We know how to lie.”
Curled on the alley floor, Kai doesn’t even have the breath to cry out. Nail yanks him up by the shirt front. Kai can smell the alcohol on his breath, mingling with the combination of blood and waste that’s already in his nostrils. Bile rises in Kai’s throat as his stomach roils a second time.
Maybe he’s delusional, but Kai could swear he sees one of the shadows breaking away from the wall behind Nail. But shadows don’t move on their own, right? Apparently, sometimes they do, because suddenly Nail is yanked backward into the darkness, and Kai can only stare like a stupid idiot at the place the other man used to be.
Another yell, this time from Nail’s previously silent crony, followed by a shriek and a low snap--Kai doesn’t really want to figure out if it was a bone or not. He slumps back into a ball, unable to move as the sounds of all hell breaking loose explode around him.
One of his eyes is definitely sealed shut by whatever is dripping down his head. Each ragged breath makes his entire body throb. All he wants is to get the hell out of this stupid alley, but the sounds of flying fists and running feet tell him it’s not a good idea.
Running feet?
As in, retreating?
Nail’s feet?
Or someone else’s?
“Kai,” Gentle hands are stroking Kai’s face, turning him over, easing him upright. The voice is equally gentle, and one Kai hasn’t heard in years.
“You all right?” Definitely Jet’s voice, low and concerned.
It’s a stupid question, and Kai opens his mouth to say so. Instead, he empties the contents of his stomach all over his rescuers’ shoes.

"3. Reunion

Read from beginning: "1. Ignored
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