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Rated: XGC · Chapter · Adult · #2317676
As Ben surveys his situation Eddie begins his investigation and comes across a revelation
Eddie stumbled through the rubble of the town of Charmouth, passing cowering, terrified people. Some of whom were suffering from horrific injuries. He spotted one man laying across a pile of bricks his back bent at an almost right angle while his left arm stuck out at the wrong angle, bone splintering out through his elbow.

The sight was horrific enough to cause any person to empty their stomach, yet Eddie held firm that was until he saw the man turn his head a soundless scream for help escaping his lips as thick viscous blood bubbled from between his lips.

Eddie heaved hard, spewing his stomach contents across the dust covered ground.

The violence of this vomit was a result not only of the sight of the prone man but the thought that Ben had caused this without even thinking.

Eddie stalled wondering if he could help this man but he seemed beyond any hope as his breathing had become even more labored as each harsh breath gurgled through his own blood. Hurrying swiftly on in a hope to lose sight of the dying man Eddie continued towards his destination as it loomed overhead.

The cavernous opening of Ben's shoe sat just over a street away looming about 150 feet into the sky. As he approached, Eddie noticed the very air itself growing warmer and far more humid than before as his nostrils were engulfed in the scent of Ben's foot sweat emanating from the fabric cave. Fortunately the smell was not overwhelming and was pretty easy to withstand, what was more off putting was how fresh it felt.

The very madness of his plan had just started to cross Eddie's mind, why was he doing this? Was he really about to climb into his friend's colossal discarded footwear in an attempt to figure out how this had happened. Finding anything seemed unlikely, but he had to start somewhere if they were ever going to reverse this. With that Eddie reached the lip of Ben's converse. The fibers of the fabric magnified a thousand fold giving a good handhold for anyone attempting to enter the cavernous converse. Staring up Eddie realised just how large the lip of this converse was, the edge of the entrance easily 15 feet thick at least.

Gripping some of the thick fibers, Eddie started his ascent, finding whatever foothold he could, whether it was a loose stitch or small gap in the fibers. The climb was short but difficult as it was a sheer ascent, up an object that would give way and change shape depending on the amount of pressure applied. After several minutes of arduous climbing Eddie found himself rolling onto his side as he threw himself over the edge of the lip and into the awaiting cavern. Laying on his back his chest heaving heavily, his mid parted hair begining to stick to his scalp Eddie took a moment to regain his energy.

As he lay there Eddie glanced aound his impossible location taking in every terrifying detail. About 70 feet from his location at the edge of the entrance to this cavernous converse was the insole, a vast plane of compressed foam that stratched into the sky and far off into the deep cavern. Switching on the torch on his phone Eddie shone it directly at the insole wall, illuminating it like you would the wall of a cave or a tomb.

For just the briefest of moments Eddie felt like Indiana jones only instead of some ancient tomb he was clambering through the shoe of one of his good friends. A thought suddenly crossed Eddie's mind, he should record his investigation to try and make a record of everything he finds.

Switching on the phone camera, Eddie hit record as he stepped further into Ben's shoe.

"Investigation into anomalous growth of Ben Thomas part 1…" Eddie began "I am currently stood less than 30 feet from the edge of the opening to this converse. Directly ahead of me is the insole, stretching for tens of feet overhead and down to the toe of this cavern." He flipped the camera viewpoint from selfie mode to the rear camera and scanned the wall of the insole with the torchlight.

"As you can see there is a deep imprint in the foam, it is, I assume, Ben's footprint. Its actually kind of awe inspiring something that may have been just a few inches wide at most noe magnifed to nearly 100 feet wide, what a terrifying sight it would have been to those poor stragglers in town."

Eddie continued his pace towards to the insole finally reaching touching distance after several minutes of walking and recording.

"This imprint would have been millimetres deep at its original size now its like a crater with walls a few feet deep." Reaching out Eddie couldnt help but stand in awe as his fingers brushed the moist fabric of the insole, a residue coating his fingers as he did so.

"The insole seem to still be coated in Ben's sweat its almost revolting if it wasnt so awe inspiring, its not particularly pungent rather it smells mildly musky even at this scale." Then for reasons beyond his own explanation Eddie switched the camera back to selfie mode and brought his sweat coated fingers to his nose as if to emphasise his point. Then in a moment of insanity, unable to even consider he stuck his fingers in his mouth. It was vaguely intoxicating, there was a saltiness to it but not overpoweringly so, in fact it was almost nice. Eddie had never been into guys before let alone guys feet but damn if there wasnt something about this that tickled something deep with a primal part of his brain. Something about these events and Ben himself was very appealing as something stirred below his midriff.

Pausing for a second, he realised just what he'd done and most impirtantly of all the fact he'd recorded it. If he ever wanted this data to be taken seriously he better come up with a good reason as to why he'd just happily lapped up some of Ben's foot sweat off his fingers.

"Erm, theres no… theres no indication as to what may have caused the anomalous expansion in the chemicals secreted by Ben, they remain standard." Eddie stammered, hoping that it would be taken as a valid reason. Swiftly flicking the camera back to the rear view Eddie headed further into the cavern of Ben's shoe.

"I intend to delve deeper to examine the area for any physical signs or clues. I shall continue recording to allow further examination later." Eddie moved quickly scanning the camera from the insole to the roof of the shoe then over to the far side, there were no signs of anything anomalous just stalagtites made from balls of lint the size of boulders hanging from the walls. Eventually the torch kept catching a wall at the far end, he was approaching the toe and the space was becoming less cavernous.

Eddie stopped and glanced towards the towering insole and saw 5 immense indentations each at least the size of a house. He paused for a second to tske in the sight, each deep indentation of Ben's toes dwarfed him a hundred fold easy.

"As you can see there is no physical sign of any cause for the growth, yet I find it strange that this item of clothing and the rest of Ben's outfit grew with him. Clearly whatever caused his growth didnt just affect his body in a biological sense." Eddie paused following this thought and glanced at his phone. Something passed through his mind, if Ben's clothing had grown surely his phone had as well. How had he not realised this earlier, maybe this was how they could contact Ben to stop him.

Ending the recording Eddie selected his phone contacts scrolling to Ben's name, yet before he could select it the world around him lurched violently. He was tumbling towards the entrance of the shoe as the very ground rumbled disorienting him. The wind rushed past his ears as they popped aggressively from the sudden change in air pressure. Then just as suddenly as it began it stopped, Eddie found himself at the lip at the entrance to the shoe face down in the musky fabric, his arm bruised and bleeding.

Wincing as he looked out of this cavernous footware, Eddie was horrified by the sight that greeted him. There was Ben exactly where he had stood earlier, on the hill at the edge of town, only this time he filled even more of the sky.

It had happened again, this time it seemed far more dramatic. Rather than 1000 feet of flesh looming overhead now there stood 10,000 feet of Ben weighing thousands of tons. Eddie's Mouth fell agape as much like before Ben lifted his foot and began to stroll away from the town, the contours and bumps of the soft clean sole looking like a hill covered landscape as it soared into the sky blasting the air away in a thunderous rumble.

Unable to take his eyes off Ben's collossal figure as it stepped away Eddie slowly brought his phone up to his ear, it was definately worth a try if only to save anyone in Ben's path.

Moments after spotting Portsmouth on the horizon a shooting feeling spread through Ben's every nerve. It felt like a bolt of electricity had triggered every pleasure centre in his body even down to his crotch. He felt his muscles tensing and his bone cracking with every passing second as his eyes clamped shut as the pleasure overwhelmed him as the orgasmic feeling filled every inch of his body. Then as suddenly as it began, it subsided leaving him stood there eyes clenched shut as the afternoon sunlight beat down on his skin.

Opening his eyes Ben was met by a similar sight as earlier but something felt off. Glancing around he saw the town from earlier next to his foot only rather than covering an area the size of a carpet it now seemed no larger than his foot which was planted firmly in the ground next to it. At this distance the finer details of the town were harder to make out so any chance of seeing the destruction he had caused earlier was lost as it was obscured by cloud like whisps of smoke lingering around his ankles.

"Oh wow im even bigger now, I best get a move on dont want to outgrow the city before I even get there to begin my investigation" Ben chuckled to himself, before slowly lifting his sole begining his now shorter trek to the city of Portsmouth. He could feel the world beneath his soles yet he had failed to notice the twitching in his shorts.

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