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Shiner and his pals attend a carnival |
Shiner and The Carnival - A Shiner Bockenheimer Adventure “Gavin! Olivia!,” mom shouts, “It’s time to go.” Gavin and Olivia race down the stairs and yell “where are we going?” Shiner barks at them and says. “The Carnival!” “What are you saying boy?” says Olivia. “He says you’re going to The Carnival!” says mom. “Oh yeah! I love the Carnival! Wait, what’s a carnival?” “Olivia, you are so silly! It has games, rides, popcorn and…” “Rff Rff! Hot Dogs! My favorite!” slurp, slurp, Shiner says. “Shiner stop drooling,” Olivia says. “It’s getting all over my shoes. Gross!” “C’mon let’s go!” Shiner barks and starts running around in circles. Olivia and Gavin start laughing at him. He looks so silly spinning around and around in circles. “You look just like a merry-go-round Shiner,” Olivia laughs. Rff! Rff! “Ok, ok, I just have to get my shoes on,” says Gavin. “I Just need my purse”, says Olivia. “I am going to buy a souvenir this year AND a present for my best friend, Freya.” It's about time you buy something for Freya,” says Gavin, “she’s always buying you something.” “I know, it;s because we’re twins!” “Are not!” “Are too!” “Are NOT!” “ARE TOO!” “You can’t be twins!” “We can if we want!” “Whatever!” Gavin sighs. “Ha ha! I win,” Olivia smirks. “If you two can’t work it out, then maybe we shouldn’t go to the carnival…” says mom. “Ahhhwooohhh…rfff….rfff.” Shiner howls. “Don't worry boy! We are just playing,” says Gavin. “Yes, we are joking. It’s ok” says olivia. Shiner looks at them and then heads to the front door. He pushes the red button the family installed by the door so Shiner can let them know when he needs to go outside. Shiner looks at them and waits expectantly “Outside!” “Get your shoes on. It’s time to go,” mom says sternly. Gavin and Olivia rush to get their shoes on because the look on mom’s face meant it was time to hurry or they will be in big trouble. RIght before they head outside, mom asks “Did everyone use the bathroom?” “YES!” both kids shout. “RUFF!” Shiner barks. “Does everyone have their money?” “YES” both kids shout. “RUFF” Shiner barks. “Ok! Let’s go everyone,” says mom. Shiner, Gavin, Olivia and mom head out to the SUV in the driveway. Shiner loves car rides. He is so excited, his butt is wiggling back and forth and the kids start giggling. Shiner leaps into the front passenger side, while the kids pile in the back. Shiner woofs and looks at mom. She smiles at Shiner and rolls down the window and he sticks his big head out of the window and sticks his tongue out, ready for the drive. The family takes off and begin their drive to The Carnival. The Carnival is a yearly event in their town. It celebrates the change from summer to fall and the start of a new school year. It’s a bittersweet feeling knowing that school will start soon and summer is almost over. Gavin and Olivia really miss their school friends and can’t wait to see them, but they don’t want summer to be over yet. Gavin is starting a new school and Olivia will be at their old school and she is nervous. They are so happy that mom takes them every year because they get to see their old friends and make some new ones. “We’ll be there in about 45 minutes!” says mom. “45 minutes! Thats forever!” shouts gavin. “Why don’t you play some car games?” asks mom. While mom and the kids are talking about car games, Shiner sticks his head out of the window and laughs. He doesn’t mind long car rides at all. He loves smelling all the unusual smells! Eventually, he tires out and curls up in the passenger seat and closes his eyes. He hears them start playing the game “I spy” but is too tired to play and decides to take a nap. “Shiner! Shiner! Ha ha ha!” Shiner looks up groggily at his family and yawns “what?” “Shiner, you were running in your sleep! Were you chasin something?” asks Olivia. Shiner stares at them as he tries to remember. “And then you started drooling! Ha ha ha! Were you dreaming about hot dogs?!” laughs Gavin. The family laughs while Shiner stretches and smiles at them. He doesn’t remember his dream, but they are probably right. Chasing cats and eating hot dogs sounds like a great dream. They finally arrive at the The Carnival. Shiner sits up in his seat and stares out the window. There are so many people everywhere! There are rides and games and FOOD! Everyone begins shouting at once while mom parks the car. “Look! Cotton Candy!” “Ooohh i see a pirate ship!” “Mom, i see games!” “Hurry Let’s go!” “Okay, okay! Let’s go to the ticket booth and get our tickets.” “Yay! I love Tickets,” Shiner barks. Gavin, Shiner, Olivia and mom start to walk over to the ticket booth but are stopped at the front gate by a security guard. “Ma’am,” he says in a gruff voice, “ there are no dogs allowed this year.” “What! You must be mistaken! We’ve always brought our dog here. Are you sure? There was nothing online about not bringing dogs.” “I am sorry ma’am,” he says somewhat apologetically, “it was a last minute decision. Fortunately, we have a kennel here where your dog can hang out while you explore the Carnival. It is free of charge!” “Well, i dont know…” mom says hesitantly. “Don’t worry, it’s perfectly safe. You can come take a look if you’d like?” The security guard is smiling really big at them as he guides them towards the kennel. “Mom, can’t shiner come with us?” Olivia asks. “No honey, they have a new rule.” she says to olivia. “He will be ok, right Mr?” Asks gavin. The security guard looks at the family and smiles.“Yes, right this way!” He looks at Shiner and whispers “You’ll be just fine.” Shiner does not like the way he is looking at him. They walk back to the kennel area and say goodbye to Shiner. “Don’t worry boy, we’ll be back soon.” Shiner whines as they walk away. “Don’t go! Gavin! Don’t leave Olivia!” But they can’t hear him anymore. Shiner looks around at the kennel. It’s a big open field. There are some farm animals roaming around, and some ducks hanging out at the pond. Shiner thinks to himself “This might not be too bad! I can hang out with the cows and horses and run around in the field. Maybe there are some other dogs to play with.” Shiner begins to run and smile and suddenly he is jerked back as someone grabs him and clips a leash on him. “Where do you think you’re going, you crazy mutt! You’re coming with me. You are going to make me some money at the sale next week!” The security guard was back and was laughing to himself almost hysterically. Shiner cries “What are you talking about?” “Don’t you worry! Your family won’t miss you. We will tell them you ran off, or something.” THe security guard yanks on his leash and leads Shiner to a room filled with cages. Inside there are several dogs locked up and looking scared. He tries to wrangle free, but they grip him tighter and shove him in a cage. Shiner begins to bark, “GAVIN, OLIVIA! Come back!” “Look here dog, if you don’t quiet down, i’ll put a muzzle on you!” The security guard snaps at him Shiner whines quietly and hangs his head down and thinks “I have to get out of here. What am I going to do.” He begins to pace in his cage and starts brainstorming. Meanwhile, Gavin and Olivia are playing games at The Carnival. They are having so much fun and have even won a couple of small prizes. “I think I am going to win that hot dog stuffy for Shiner. He will love it,” says Gavin. “Ohhh! Let’s go get some real hot dogs and we can save one for Shiner!” says olivia. “Yeah! That’s a great idea.” says mom. “I wish he was here right now," says Gavin. “I miss him! I really hate this new rule. It stinks!” Gavin and Olivia get in line while their mom sits at a picnic table to save a seat. “Yum! I love hot dogs. I hope Shiner is having fun.” “Yeah, me too,” The line moves quickly and it’s Gavin and Olivia’s turn. “We’ll have 6, I mean, 10 hot dogs please.” “Wow! You kids are really hungry! That’s a lot of hotdogs for 2 little kids.” “It;s not just for us,” Gavin laughs, “it’s for my mom and my dog too. He loves hot dogs.” “Oh! I love dogs! Where is he at? I keep special treats, for special pups,” the vendor smiles. “Well, he had to stay at the kennel because of the new rule.” Gavin tells the vendor. “Yeah, the security man said we couldn’t bring him,” Olivia says sadly. “What are you talking about?” the vendor asks. “Dogs are family and are always welcome at The Carnival! Look around!” Gavin and olivia look around and finally notice that there are several dogs hanging out with their owners. “Wait a minute…” gavin says. “Somethings wrong” olivia says. “MOM!” they both shout and start running toward their mom. Back in the kennel, Shiner is still pacing. “There has to be a way out of here.” He decides to start whining like he has to go to the bathroom. “I bet they will let me out now. And when they do, I will jump on them and get out of here.” After about 10 minutes of whining and little yips the security guard comes over. “Stop that!” he yells. “You;re making too much noise - What?! You need to do your business? Fine. Let me get the leash.” The security guard is muttering to himself about how he can’t wait for this job to over as he walks to get the leash. Shiner is ready and waiting. As soon as he comes close, I am running out of this door… Back at the carnival, Gavin and Olivia are shouting at their mom all at once. “Mom! The food guy says that we can have dogs!” “Yeah! Can we go get Shiner?!” “Slow down, Slow down,” mom says. “What are you talking about?” “Look around mom, there are dogs everywhere!” Mom looks around and notices all the happy pups walking around with their owners. She runs up to the food booth to find out more. “Excuse me sir, are pets allowed?” “Yes! Of course! We love them.” “But the secruityr guard said there was a new rule and we had to lock him up in the kennel.” Ma’am, that is not the policy. Perhaps you should talk with the manager. Next in line please!” Mom, Gavin and Olivia look at each other and all shout “We have to go back!” “Gavin, Olivia, let’s go find a manager and a police officer first. And then we will head back together.” They speak to a manager and they all start heading toward the front gate. Back in the kennel, Shiner is readying himself. “Ok, here he comes. Get Ready!” Shiner says to himself. The security man opens the door and Shiner jumps right on top of him and knocks him down. Shiner looks around and sees a big, red, button. “Hey, that means outside! Just like at home.” Shiner jumps up to push the button to release all the dogs. As soon as he pushes the button, the alarm goes off instead. Shiner whines and starts running around while the security guy is chasing him. “ahh! “ Shiner shouts. He keeps running around. There must be an outside button somewhere! Hurry, he says to himself. Gavin, mom and Olivia finally make it back to the front gate, but they don’t see the security guard anywhere. They decide to run to the kennel area. “Look around! There has to be a clue somewhere.” says olivia. Gavin and Olivia start searching. “Hey! What’s that noise?” Gavin shouts. It sounds like an alarm. “Let’s go” shouts Olivia. Gavin and Olivia take off running with their mom and the manager trailing behind. They run towards the back of the kennel and the sound gets louder. As they enter the back area, they see the security guard chasing Shiner., and a room full of dogs in cages. “Oh no! Shiner! Shiner! Come here boy! We’re here!” Shiner is so happy he runs over and jumps on them and licks their faces. “Eww shiner, no more slobber,” says olivia. The security guy starts heading toward them and Shiner turns around to guard the kids. He stands protectively in front of Gavin and Olivia and barks as loud as he can. All of the dogs in the cages start barking too! “You're in big trouble Mr. Security guard. My mom is bringing the police.” The security guard looks around nervously and starts to back up. He turns around slowly and begins to run. Shiner runs after him and Gavin pushes the cage release button. All the dogs chase the security man until he is cornered. “Well, Well, Well, what do we have here?” Mom and the manager show up with several police officers. The security guard begins shaking his head and muttering to himself. “How did this go wrong?! If that dog hadn’t pushed that button, I’d be rich right now!” “Good job Shiner!” Gavin says and hugs his best dog. “You;re safe now,” Olivia tells him. “It’s a good thing you like pushing buttons, Shiner!” Mom laughs. Gavin, Olivia and Mom give their statements to the police. The security guard, who wasn’t really a guard, is a passerby coming through their town and thought he could make a quick buck by stealing and selling dogs. Over the next few weeks, the other dogs are returned to their owners and the security guard is locked up in jail. Prologue One weekend the family is coming home from dinner and when they arrive in their neighborhood, they see lots of cars and people everywhere. “Mom, Dad, what’s going on?” “I am not sure. Let’s park and see!” They park and start walking toward their house. There are bright lights, music and even…CARNIVAL GAMES! Their neighbors are smiling and Gavin and Olivia run up to them. “What’s going on?” Olivia screeches. “Well, since you had such a rough time last month, we decided we needed a do-over! It’s our very own neighborhood carnival!” “Thank you! Wow! Hooray! Let’s go” they both shout. Shiner, Gavin and Olivia run around the neighborhood playing carnival games and eating hot dogs. They have the best time in the world! |