Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2320682-Review-NO-ROAD-HOME-by-John-Fram
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Rated: 18+ · Review · LGBTQ+ · #2320682
Review of 2024 Release
In 2020 when I read John Fram's debut novel THE BRIGHT LANDS, I was Over-the-Moon excited and astounded. In fact, I was more akin to orbiting Pluto! So learning that THIS AUTHOR has a New Novel Upcoming! sent me right back into orbit. NO ROAD HOME is absolutely INCREDIBLE! That's not a "sweetness and light" happy Incredible, though: NO ROAD HOME rocked my foundations. (Just when I thought I'd read it all...) In 2024 I've been reading a number of perturbing (disturbing) novels, including some seriously dysfunctional family groups. In terms of evil families bound up with evil homes, I'm just going to mention two other exceptionally perturbing novels, so you can get a flavor of what you'll be falling into as soon as you open NO ROAD HOME:
2023's THE SEPTEMBER HOUSE by Carissa Orlando, and 2024's THE INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS by John Connolly. Welcome to--not just the Dark Side--but a realm of unconscionable, genetic and nurtured, Dysfunction. You might never be the same.
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