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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2321917
In which Luca and Jet play a game, and Luca makes an offer
“Wallet stays in your pocket,” Luca places a hand on Jet’s arm for emphasis. “Just tell me what you want.”
Jet sighs, sliding his wallet back into his pocket. “Fine. Iced Americano. What are you grinning at?”
“I can memorize your coffee order now.” Luca winks at him. “One more thing to check off my list.”
Jet raises an eyebrow. “You have a list?”
“Of course.” Luca grins, matching Jet eyebrow for eyebrow. “This surprises you?”
Jet shakes his head. Grinning and winking is all Luca seems to have been doing for the past hour, and Jet isn’t sure how he feels about that. The drive back to Kai’s dorm hadn’t been entirely awkward, but it hadn’t been entirely comfortable either. Kai had reached the car first and dived into the back seat as soon as the car was unlocked, leaving Luca no choice but to sit in the front with Jet.
And grin.
Kai hadn’t stayed silent on the drive back either. Instead, he’d chatted with Luca until they pulled up in front of his dorm. Jet hadn’t really paid attention to the conversation because of what Luca’s grin was doing to his pulse rate. When they pulled up to the dorm, Jet told Kai for the third time to be careful and Kai had rolled his eyes and slammed the door, but the look on his face tells Jet he understood. Then Luca invited Jet out for coffee.
And winked.
“So are you going to tell me what you meant the other night about the shark?” Luca’s voice breaks into Jet’s thoughts as he hands him the coffee order. Steam rises from Luca’s own cup, and the smell of mocha tickles Jet’s nostrils.
“Why are you so interested?” Jet can’t quite keep the suspicious note out of his voice.
Luca smirks. “Because I’m interested.”
“In the shark?”
“And you.” Luca’s smirk widens. “But we can start with something else.”
Jet takes a sip of his Americano before responding. “I thought we were going to stick to running.”
“But we’re not in the park anymore,” Luca points out, leaning back in his chair. “Change of scenery means change of subject. I’m curious what you and your brother and sister have to do with a fish.”
“A carnivorous fish,” Jet emphasizes. “It’s—”
“Complicated? That word doesn’t scare me.” Luca smiles. “Is this ‘shark’ the reason why Kai looked like he’d been put through a meat grinder after Nail said he wanted to ‘talk’ to him?”
“You saw that.” Jet makes it a statement, not a question.
Luca nods in confirmation. “I saw the conversation, and the result of it, but nothing in between.”
Jet hesitates before replying. “Kai stole something.”
“From OmniVentures?” Luca smiles at Jet’s surprised look. “Kit talks to Kam who talks to me. Is the ‘shark’ you’re referring to the CEO of that company?”
Jet nods.
“And your sister works there too,” Luca adds. “Which is why your face changes color every time OmniVentures is mentioned. Yes, Jet, I noticed that, too. I’m a very observant person.”
“I can see that.” Jet smiles in spite of himself.
“Do you know what it was that Kai stole?” Luca’s voice is only casually curious, but his eyes are alert. “Or have you not asked him that yet?”
Jet raises an eyebrow at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Luca leans back, his expression shifting from playful to serious. “It means I’m trying to understand how deep this actually goes. When I said I want to get to know all of you that includes whatever shitstorm you’re currently riding. Do you know what Kai stole or not?”
“No,” Jet’s shoulders slump. “And I haven’t asked him—”
“Because the last time you brought it back up, you argued and ended up drinking your feelings.”
Jet shoots Luca an annoyed look. “Are you going to make a habit of finishing my sentences?”
“Only if I know exactly what you’re going to say.”
Luca’s wink doesn’t make Jet feel better. He stares down into his coffee as though the dark liquid has the answers he’s looking for.
“Kai’s good at hiding things, especially from me. But I know it’s important enough to catch Nail’s attention.”
“And Chalam’s,” Luca agrees. “A man like that shark doesn’t like dirtying his own hands when he can use the hands of others.”
“You sound like you’re speaking from experience.” Jet’s eyes flick back up to Luca’s face.“Why do you care so much?”
“Because,” Luca’s gaze drops back to his own coffee for a second, and when he looks back up, there’s an unreadable expression on his face. “I’m a sucker for underdogs. Yes, I know you’re COO of ManiratInfinateDrift, but that’s still a small company compared to OmniVentures. And because Kai is involved, which means I’m involved. I really like that kid.”
“Yeah,” Jet smiles. “Everybody seems to like Kai.”
“His brother’s not half bad either.” Luca winks at him.
Jet’s eyebrows shoot back up. “You think all that sweet talk is going to get you what you want?”
“Worked for me in the past.” Luca shrugs. “Helped me find out a lot about you.”
Jet raises his eyebrows. “Such as?”
“Such as,” Luca ticks each tidbit of information off on his fingers. “You like Black Russians, omelets, and Americanos. You have a younger brother, and a younger sister. You have an ouroboros tattoo on your right arm—”
“You know what that is?” Jet looks a little impressed.
“Italians have a rich appreciation for mythology and ancient symbols.” Luca winks at him.
“You’re only half-Italian.” Jet points out.
Luca is undeterred. “I still know what an ouroboros is. It’s the same one that Kit, Zone, Kam and Bel have so that makes you an adoptive Manirat. You drive a Lexus. You speak Italian, practice Muay Thai, and you run at five every morning.”
“Five-thirty.” Jet corrects him. “How did you know about Muay Thai?”
“Sorry, five-thirty.” Luca nods in acknowledgement. “Kai mentioned it when he invited me along for the run.”
“And my tattoo?”
“You showed me the other night when you were about three Black Russians in.” Luca looks amused, gesturing to Jet's bare arm, where the blue snake above his elbow is in full view. “And then I got a better look this morning. So now it’s your turn.”
Now Jet’s eyebrows are threatening to disappear into his hairline. “My turn for what?”
“I’ve dug into your business, now you get into mine.” Luca leans back in his chair. “Ask anything you like.”
Jet smiles in spite of himself. “Don’t tempt me.”
“I already did.” Luca smirks. “Twice.”
“So I can ask you anything.” Jet takes another sip of coffee, studying Luca’s face. “What did you study at university?”
Luca stares at him. “That’s your first question?”
“You said it was my turn.” Jet shrugs. “And that I could ask you anything I liked.”
“Fine,” Luca sighs. “I studied Business Admin, Marketing major.”
Jet’s eyes widen. “In Italy?”
“For my Masters.” Luca nods. “Thailand for my Bachelors.”
“Do you prefer Italy or Thailand?”
“Both.” Luca doesn’t even think about it. “Same goes for the food.”
Jet gestures to the coffee cup in Luca’s hand. “Do you always order mocha?”
Luca narrow his eyes. “Is this conversation really going to be full of ‘icebreakers’?”
“I’m the one asking the questions.” Jet reminds him.
“Yes, I always order mocha.” Luca’s lips purse in a mock pout. “Now ask me an interesting question.”
“All right, then.” Jet chuckles. “Why bartending?”
This time, a different emotion flickers across Luca’s face. “It’s more fun than what I used to do.”
That catches Jet’s attention. “Which was?”
“A story for another time.” Luca’s expression is still neutral, but his eyes shoot back the hell off daggers at Jet.
“All right, then.” Jet chuckles. “Why bartending?”
A different emotion flickers across Luca’s face. “It’s more fun than what I used to do.”
That catches Jet’s attention. “Which was?”
“A story for another time.” Luca’s expression is neutral, but his eyes shoot back the hell off daggers at Jet.
Jet cocks his head. “You said I could ask you anything.”
“I did,” Luca agrees, a note of warning in his voice, in spite of the smile. “But I didn’t say I’d answer anything, or that my answers would be ones you liked.”
“Fair enough,” But Jet gives Luca a curious look. He’s always been good at reading people, and knows when to push and when to hold back. ‘But I’m going to hold you to that.”
“I hope you do.” It’s clear from Luca’s voice that he means it. “Next question--and don’t make it an ‘icebreaker’.”
Jet rolls his eyes. “You’re annoying.”
“I know.” Luca’s grin is back. “But that’s not a question.”
“Ok.” Jet puts his coffee cup down, his eyes dancing. “Are you an 'adoptive Manirat'?”
“Afraid you’ll commit incest by dating me?” Luca’s own eyes dance as color creeps up Jet’s neck. “No. The offer’s been made, but people like Pepper and me prefer friends to adoptive family members.”
“Why?” Jet is genuinely curious,and fully aware of the color of his face.
“I’m twenty-five.” Luca shrugs. “ And I have my own family. Why do I need another one?”
“There’s more than one kind of family.” Jet points out. “It’s not just about blood.”
“Oh, I’m fully aware of that.” Luca takes another sip of his mocha. “And so is everyone else. The Manirats like getting involved in each other’s business.”
Jet raises an eyebrow. “And you don’t?”
Luca shrugs.“Depends on the ‘business’.”
“You like putting a lot of things in air quotes.” Jet points out.
Luca leans forward. “Noticed that, did you?”
“I’m observant too, remember?” Jet feels comfortable enough to smirk now.
Luca nods in acknowledgment. “What else have you noticed, then?”
“You’re a flirt.” Jet’s smirk deepens. “You know what you want and how to go after it.”
“I have an agenda, you mean.” Luca’s reply is smooth, rather than offended. “The same as everyone else. What’s yours?”
“Keeping my family safe,” Jet answers without hesitation. “And figuring out why a certain bartender suddenly cares so much about my brother and I.”
Luca’s expression softens. “I told you, I care about that kid, just as much as you do. He can’t go after OmniVentures all on his own, and you’re—”
“The best decision you’ve ever made?” Jet’s eyebrow is back up. “Are you going to tell me what that means?”
“You’re stubborn.” Luca locks eyes with Jet, holding his gaze as he answers. “You’re also loyal, protective, and you have this snarky edge that I happen to like.”
“Funny,” Jet snarks. “That only seems to happen when I’m around you.”
“And Kai.” Luca adds. “Seems like the two of you are on a mission to outsnark each other.”
“Is outsnark a word?” Jet asks.
“It’s in the dictionary.” Luca nods. “Take my word for it. You’re also hiding something.”
“That makes two of us.” Jet points out. “You tell me your secret and I’ll tell you mine.”
Luca’s face closes up again, but this time he seems to be thinking about it. “I worked in corporate before Nightshade. High stress, high stakes, so I left.”
“That’s your secret.” Jet makes it a statement, rather than a question. Luca’s silence is the only answer he gets. Jet sighs. “Fine. My parents died in an accident that Chalam caused, but we can’t prove it.”
Luca blinks. “So you and Kai are looking for evidence.”
“Mali, too.” Rome confirms. “And…several other people.”
“The Manirats.” Luca finishes his mocha, allowing Jet the opportunity to confirm or deny. Jet’s face is his answer. “All right. How can I help?”
Jet hesitates. “There’s a lot of people involved already.”
“So what’s wrong with one more?” Luca pushes.

"25. Access

Read from beginning: "1. Ignored
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