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by Krakes
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #2322359
In a contract-bound marriage, Daphne seeks Draco Malfoy to protect her magic.
Many people were taken by surprise when they encountered Draco Malfoy, years after the war.

The boy had gone underground soon after the trials, whilst his parents were sent to share a cell in Azkaban.

Where did he went? Nobody knew.

And no one had heard of him for a good long while, and eventually, he faded from people's memories.

But that had changed recently when a group of patrolling Aurors spotted him leaving a pub near The West End; he was accompanied by a lady who was in a rather unflattering state of undress. It had made the front page of the Prophet and the rumours had started as expected.

Soon after, Malfoy made his first public appearance at the Ministry, and the changes couldn't have been more apparent.

No longer did he possess the frail, emaciated countenance that had characterized him before; instead, he had blossomed into a statuesque figure, endowed with well-defined muscles and an impressive height. His previously weak and nasally voice had undergone a significant deepening, resonating with the newfound confidence he held. The infamous, garish and shiny blonde hair had been cut short as well. It now stuck to his head as if permanently windswept, giving him a cute, roguish look.

And it wasn't just his physical transformation that had caught everyone's attention; Draco's mental growth had been equally astounding. Gone was the blathering idiot who didn't know when to keep his mouth shut. Draco, the man, had developed into an astute individual, consistently thinking several steps ahead of others. Everyone knew how he had played circles around Lord Nott and the Rookwood heir; tricking them both into a rather risky allegiance under House Malfoy.

As a savvy businessman, he had propelled his family's business back to its former glory, all within a remarkably short span of time. In less than six months of his reappearance, the Malfoy House once again owned a tenth of the shares in Diagon Alley, just as it did before the war. And just like his father, he too had set his claws into the Ministry politics.

It was an open secret that Minister Bones was under his influence. Many of her colleagues had seen him entering her office for long meetings that went on for hours. No one knew what they did, but everyone was surprised at how easily he had managed to persuade such a morally upstanding woman. As of now, he was on his way to reclaim his rightful place among the Lords of the newly revamped Wizengamot. Suffice it to say, he had quite a presence that often left others unnerved.

However, at that moment, it was Draco who found himself surprised beyond belief. He struggled to wrap his mind around what he had just heard.

"What did you say?" he asked again, his voice tinged with surprise.

"Yes Malfoy, I've thought this through thoroughly, and you're the only one who can help me," replied the hot blonde standing in front of him, her arms crossed over her chest.

The day had proven to be filled with surprises. When the wife of his long-standing Hogwarts rival had arrived at his doorstep earlier that evening, Draco had been pleasantly surprised, and dare he say it, a little excited.

Daphne Greengrass had always been the object of desire for a significant proportion of male population at Hogwarts. Every boy wanted her.

Even at the tender age of sixteen, she possessed strikingly feminine features that drew the attention of many. Her hourglass figure was a mark of perfection, showcasing wide, curvaceous hips ideal for childbearing. A pair of round well-proportioned tits, were usually kept concealed under her heavy uniform. The only glimpses he caught of them were during her late-night study sessions in the common room. Complementing them were her smooth, toned legs that seemed to go on forever; she was quite tall for a girl. Her waist was so sleek and narrow that even the most beautiful of models would feel inferior in front of her curves. Such unreal was her beauty. Soft, golden blonde hair cascaded down her dainty shoulders, framing a face adorned with shiny, peach-colored lips that beckoned to be kissed.

Needless to say, she was a frequent visitor in the fantasies of his dorm mates. He had often caught them stealing lustful glances at her in the common room.

"Fuck mate, I'd give my left nut for Greengrass to titfuck my cock, she has got the nicest pair I've ever seen", exclaimed a seventh-year Slytherin, the desire palpable in his voice.

"I want her bitchy lips wrapped around my prick, choking and gagging as she takes it all" muttered Flint, his frustration spilling over after a particularly grueling defeat against Gryffindor.

Idiots, the lot of them.

Not that Draco was any better than his friends, but if you were to ask him to pick his favorite part, he would have chosen her perfect arse any day. That thing made him drool in his sleep. The perfectness of its shape was hard to describe in mere words. You would need to see her walk in front of you, swaying her hips as she did, to understand what he meant.

That magnificent work of the gods was practically made to be buggered all day. It was so plump and taut that you could have bounced a galleon off it. And those slutty cheeks, they were so damn fat, that Draco was sure she could give a round of applause with them. He had often found himself lost in illicit thoughts about that shapely rear end, and these thoughts usually involved her sprawled out, butt naked, on his lap.

And now, the very woman of his dreams, with even more refined and tempting features than before, was requesting something from him, which had left Draco parched, confused, and consumed by an overwhelming surge of lust.

"So, let me confirm if I've got this right— you're asking me to father your child because your husband is impotent?"

Draco had trouble believing the words coming out of his own mouth, so surprised was he by her unexpected proposition. This was eerily similar to many of his dreams.

"Yes," she responded, her voice slightly strained yet cold. "As I've told you before, Harry is experiencing difficulties with..... um, ejaculation. We are in need of an heir, and his impatience is growing. Loathe am I to admit it, you are in the perfect position to help us."

She said this looking straight into his eyes, as if the meaning of her words was perfectly clear.

But Draco, still perplexed as ever, sought clarification. "How so?"

At this, the woman grew flustered, her cheeks flushing red before turning to anger.

"Don't be dense Malfoy. Look at yourself," she said, huffing at him with her hand. "You're one of the most virile wizard in the entirety of Magical Britain. The Malfoys have been known for centuries as the best sperm donors, producing strong male heirs with no squibs in the last 500 years of history. And,” she hesitated, growing shy for the first time since arriving here, "certain rumors regarding the prowess of your manhood have reached my ears. I found them to be rather outrageous, so I've come to check for myself."

Draco couldn't help but smirk inwardly at her words. After the war, he had become something of a playboy; fucking women left, right and center of Britain. His pleasure-seeking pursuits had taken him on countless nightly escapades, where he had indulged in acts of debauchery that defied all social norms. He had deflowered hundreds of innocent young women, reveling in their pain each time as he tore through their hymens. Seducing the unfaithful wives of clueless men was his personal favorite. He loved to see their eyes fill with lust and liberation, knowing that they could never go back to having pitiful unsatisfying sex with their husbands; it brought him immense pleasure.

It seemed now that his dirty exploits had not gone unnoticed, as whispers about the size of his cock had already spread among the ladies. He was certain that either Pansy or that Leaky Cauldron slut, Hannah Longbottom had something to do with this. Among all the women he had fucked, they were the only ones Greengrass was close to.

He didn't know what all they have said, but by Merlin, was he thankful for what their talk had done for him, bringing him this goddess. Rest assured, Draco had every intention of having another meeting with these gossipmongers, to reward their diligent efforts and ensure that they continued spreading the juiciest details.

After all, he had a reputation to uphold. The Malfoys were renowned for their well-endowed nature, wooing women with their performance between the sheets. His mother didn't used to put up with his father's antics just because of 'love'. Draco had walked in on them going at it one time; his mother was bent over his father's table, screaming bloody murder as the man plowed her from behind. He had never quite managed to put the image out of his mind.

"And Potter knows about this?” he inquired, wanting to ensure that all details were laid bare before him.

She scoffed before saying in an angry voice, "No, my husband actually thinks there's something wrong with me! Can you believe that? As if it couldn't possibly be the other way around."

Draco couldn't help but snort out loud at that.

What was Potter smoking? Greengrass infertile? Are you fucking kidding me? She was like the incarnation of Aphrodite herself. Her family had a long-standing reputation of producing highly fertile pureblood girls. In fact, their fertility was so renowned that suitors in the past were required to pay the bride's weight in gold just to get a shot at marrying into the Greengrass clan.

It was common knowledge among those versed in pureblood history. This again proved how much of an uncultured dunce Potter really was, as Draco has been trying to say for years. Now, if Greengrass were married to him instead, well —let's just say that he would've kept on banging her every waking moment until she had birthed a full brood of Malfoy babies. He wouldn't have let her laze around like this. She would be busy taking care of their children, as a perfect wife should.

".....So, I've informed him that I'm going to seek treatment from a specialist..." she continued, unaware of his thoughts, her words suggesting a well-thought-out plan.

"Besides, our hair colors are strikingly similar. It would be unlikely for anyone to notice, my husband certainly wouldn't. The child would be healthy, and that's all we need. So, are YOU willing to help me?" she finished, looking at him sharply, the implication of her words clear to them both. From the moment she had set foot in his home, her voice had carried the same sense of confidence, revealing her calculated approach to the situation.

Now, any other man on Earth would have rushed to undo his pants faster than a goddam Seeker chasing the Golden Snitch. And Draco too had to greatly restrain himself from doing so, his pants suddenly feeling unbearably tight.

Potter had always been a thorn in his side. Draco had been waiting for years to take his revenge. Now that the opportunity presented itself, being practically served to him on a silver platter, he would be a fool to let go of it. He could one up Potter, first by fucking his beautiful wife and then by making the scar head raise HIS child, who would remain blissfully unaware.

He wondered what panties she had worn today, he would love to pull them down and see if her ass was still as good as before. Though he knew he wouldn’t have to wait too long to find out; he'd be clapping those cheeks in no time.

He stole another glance in her direction, his attention drawn to her rather bold attire.

She wore a long-sleeved white blouse that pressed tight against her bust. He could just about make out the outline of a velvet-colored bra underneath. A snug black skirt hugged her lower half, reaching just above her knees and clinging tightly to her curvy hips. A bit too much clothing for his liking, he decided. Her hair was let loose today, soft golden strands being scattered all over her face. With her dark red lipstick and high black heels, the blonde looked every bit the proper lady that she was. Potter was a very luck man, and Draco was going to become one too.

Her gaze remained steady as she allowed him to stare, a stern expression on her face due to the blatant ogling. However, he couldn't help but notice that she too took occasional glances beneath his legs, hastily looking up each time he caught her. To his surprise, he found that his cock was making a rather prominent display at a proud, ninety-degree angle.

He didn't realized when this happened, but it felt as if a raging inferno had ignited in his manhood, burning with the sole purpose of snatching the woman away from her cuck of a husband. His member now stood to its full, intimidating length, the swollen bulge almost covering the short distance between them. He could feel the hot blood spasming through the veins, gushing about with a renewed vigor as his pants struggled to hold him. He could wait no more. It was decided. He desperately wanted, no— he NEEDED to pound the bitch into oblivion. He had to give her cunt a good hammering before she departed today.

But before he could do so, he first had to seize control of the situation. Greengrass had been acting like she was the boss this whole time. He would start by shattering her perceived notion of superiority.

Among the many new changes within himself, the ability to assess the situation with prudence triumphed over his lustful emotions, thus prompting him to think hard. After formulating a quick yet sinister plan, Draco nonchalantly posed the question,

"See your plan is great and all. I mean it solves your problem and if we keep our meetings discrete then no will know about it. But there is one part that you missed- what do I get from this?" —he looked expectantly at her for an answer, as if his throbbing loins weren’t a good one.

You could hear a pin drop silence.

Even Greengrass was surprised at that. Evidently, she thought the prospect of having sex with her would be enough to win any man over (which it was), especially someone like Draco, who had not been the sharpest during his younger years. Though that had clearly changed.

He appeared entirely too calm. This was not good. So, in a slightly disconcerted manner, she asked, "W-What do you want?” her voice less sharp than before.

Now, you see, just the opportunity to seed Daphne Greengrass with their sperm would have anyone selling their vault at Gringotts, and here he was, getting it at no cost. However, the businessman in Draco, couldn't help but use her desperation to get one more wish fulfilled for himself— a golden chance to quench a secret desire that had been brewing since his fifth year. So he spoke in a calm yet powerful voice-

"Listen Greengrass, I'm flattered that you came to me first and I'm more than willing to help with your situation. But I have one small condition— in addition to the regular sessions involving impregnating you, we will be having some special ones occasionally. I'll let you know that these sessions could be of any nature like, oh, say, some backdoor knocking."

Here, he paused deliberately, locking eyes with the surprised blonde, relishing the tension that hung between them. "You must be open to fulfilling any sexual desires I may have. My offer to assist you is contingent upon this condition, which I believe to be fair and non-negotiable."

"That's hardly fair—" she started, her tone highly unsettled, all previous composure forgotten. However, before she could continue with her refutal, Malfoy cut her off with a harsh retort.

"Accept it OR DECLINE . This condition won't change."

Silence fell between them as Daphne pondered her decision. She was all too aware of what lay ahead if she agreed to his terms. Malfoy would try to assert his dominance and aggression. Unlike her husband, he would have his way with her. He would be rough and callous, taking what he desired. She envisioned him exploring every inch of her body in ways unimaginable.

"Come on Greengrass! Why are you thinking so hard about it? It's not as if I'm asking you to be my slave. It'll be just some fun stuff between old friends."

Daphne looked up to find him staring at her with an unsettling grin, like a wolf eyeing its prey. She swallowed hard, her heart racing as she struggled to hide her unease. Her mind frantically searched for any possible alternatives.

Things had not gone according to her plan. Daphne had come here thinking she would draw him in using light flirting, teasing him by giving delicate touches and pretty smiles, leading him on and offering glimpses of what he could have. But as soon as he hinted at something more, she would pull back, acting distant and reserved, like she did at school in the old days, letting him know that if he wanted to go further, he would need to agree to her demands first. Using this simple technique, she would have him eating out of her palm in no time.

However, Malfoy was far more cunning than she had anticipated. He had completely outmaneuvered her, ruining her hours of meticulous planning by imposing a single condition. With this single condition, he could make her do anything he wanted. Whether it was having her lick his boots in front of the Minister or twerking her arse in a pub full of drunken perverts; he held too much power. Also, she really didn't have a good feeling about these special sessions that he had mentioned.

But, she found herself with no other choice; The Black-Greengrass marriage contract had stipulated a maximum of five years to conceive an heir. Failing to do so would result in the loss of her magic. Her husband on the other hand was completely protected from the terms of the contract. No harm would come to him, even when this was all his fault.

They had been trying for a baby for the past three years, with no success, all thanks to his lackluster performance. First of all, his cock was abnormally small. Like she was sure he had put some pranking charm on it the first time she saw it. It was no larger than her finger!

They said she was lucky, marrying a man like him. Bloody Savior of the Wizarding World, they called him.

Ha! No one would call her lucky if they saw what she sees every day. She had tried to move past the disappointment, hoping at least he could please her in other ways. But alas, it was all wishful thinking.

Daphne wasn't vain, but even she knew that you couldn't get any better than what she had been gifted with. Just her looks alone could make any man cum in mere seconds, her husband was a proof of it. Sometimes he came even before his cock was inside her. No, the issue wasn't how many times he ejaculated, but rather the quantity and quality he did.

How was it her fault that he couldn’t cum more than a trickle?

His sperm was so sterile and diluted, that it felt as light as water.

She wasn't a whore but even she knew that semen was not supposed to be cool to taste. There was something seriously wrong with her husband and despite her many requests he outright declined even the mention of an appointment with a healer.

What a moron! And now she was going to pay for his stupidity by becoming a squib. Her magic would be gone. She would never be able to use her wand again. No more charms for painting her nails, no spells for hair drying, and no more painless underarm shaving for her!

Daphne shook herself out of these dark thoughts. The contract, for all its dead ends, had one small loophole.


It didn't explicitly mention that the husband should be the one impregnating her. Daphne, being thoroughly trained to read legally binding contracts since her 5th year, knew this was a genuinely safe way for her to break the clause. She would not lose her magic!

No, she just needed someone to put a baby in her soon, even if it meant engaging in infidelity with someone more potent than her husband. Malfoy appeared to be the most fitting choice for this purpose. If Hannah's claim were true, then she was in for a wild ride. Neville was literally sleeping in the next room while the other man had allegedly dumped a bucket full of cum inside his wife. Her friend, unaware of her situation, had warned her countless times to use a protection spell before coming here.

Daphne wouldn't be needing one though. She wanted him raw and bare.

And how bad could it be? She believed she could handle whatever he gave. Perhaps she had been overthinking the situation. He would ask her for a blowjob or two sometimes, a tit fuck or lap dance at worst. Heck, she might even agree to a 69 if it came down to it. Even though he had openly stated his intention to play with her rear end earlier, Daphne wasn't too worried about it. As soon as she removed her clothes, his brain would freeze, and he'd forget everything. From there, Daphne would make him do whatever SHE wanted.

As she thought more and more about it, she get more and more confidant that she could tame him. All men thought with their dicks. He might have a decent one, but it was still a dick nonetheless.

"Very well," Daphne stated in a cold voice. "I am willing to accept your terms, but you must promise to help me conceive by any means possible. Also, now that you have asked for it, we need to draw a formal contract of agreement."

Maybe it was the way her left eye twitched, or perhaps it was his smug smirk, but as the words escaped her lips, she felt as though she had made a big mistake.

A glimmer of satisfaction danced in Draco's eyes as he conjured a document with a flick of his wand. It didn't seemed like it but he had finally made a crack in her bitchy attitude, now it just needed to be shattered completely.

"Let’s finalize the details then - so that we can get down to business soon after." he said, his voice now completely transformed from before.


30 mins later,

"IT'S TOO BIG!!" cried the blonde from her position on all fours on the large couch; the same couch where they were formulating the contract just minutes before.

A lot had changed in these last few minutes.

The man was still in his earlier attire except for his pants, which were now dropped to the ankles. He stood behind her, the stance being familiar to him, though the soft curves pressing against his pelvis were not.

In his front, the blonde woman from earlier lay bent over, completely exposed. Her black skirt had been removed forcefully, the buttons had went flying around the room in all directions. The frilly green panties she had been squirming in were found to be surprisingly damp and moist, completely opposite to what she had him believe. Rubbing her pussy through that big wet spot, he had asked if the color of her knickers had anything to do with their Hogwarts house. Her face has burned red at that. When she didn't respond further, he had ripped them apart from the waistband in a single SNAP, baring her ass to him in its full glory.

It had become even better than he remembered, having put on weight in all the right locations. He had inspected it for a few moments, pinching the cheeks and checking their squishiness. Declaring it to be the finest ass he had ever seen, he had moved on to help her get naked.

The only remnant of clothing on her now was the purple lace string running across her upper back. Though it too wasn't of much use either, for if you happened to look from the front, you'd find them big titties dangling outside, peeking out from behind the lacy bra that had been forced down slightly, signaling that they had already been fondled. Her face, on the other hand, was contorted into a lustful grimace, with her tongue sticking out like a bitch in heat. This was quite unusual, considering that she was sprawled out on a rather plush, white Victorian couch.

Though, if one looked closely enough, they'd see that the reason of her distress stemmed not from the uncomfortable position, but rather from the sizable rod inserted halfway into her pussy.


Her plea went unheard, like numerous before.

"Quit your whining, it’s not even halfway in yet," the man sternly replied, delivering a swift slap to her rear while doing so. He had chosen this position for precisely this reason. If she tried to show her bitchy attitude like before, he could use direct force from behind.


"Quite submissive now, aren't we? Remember all that posturing you did back there when writing the terms?" He jeered, mimicking her voice with a hint of mockery. ``Penalty in case either party tries to backtrack, right?``


Another sob escaped her lips as he spanked both cheeks firmly.

Daphne's mind swirled with a mix of pain and regret. How had she found herself in this situation, what was she thinking, seeking out this man to impregnate her?

When Malfoy had unzipped his pants, revealing the mountain between his legs, she had been taken aback by its sheer size. The saucy gossip with Hannah and Tracy, had not prepared her for the magnitude of Draco's endowment.

He was hung like a horse.

She had been unaware that men even came in such proportions. Even in his semi-erect state, he was easily three times the size of Harry. That itself should have been enough of a warning, but now as he was splitting her pussy in two, Daphne seriously doubted her ability to endure this torment on a daily basis.

The searing heat of his hot precum leaking inside was making her vagina feel as if it were on fire. Every small movement of his cock felt as if someone was trying to wrench her pussy open with a rod, forcing it to bit more than it could chew. Her tight lips were stretched to such an obscene length that they resembled a snake's mouth as it tries to swallow a prey twice its size. They were being pulled apart to full elasticity, any more of his girth and she was sure something would break.

The pain surpassed anything she had ever felt before, and he wasn't even fully in yet. She almost fainted at the thought of how much it would hurt when he had finished hilting his sword in her.

The thought of Apparating away naked had crossed her mind, but her current position left her with little recourse. He had better fulfill his part of the agreement and knock her up soon, otherwise, she might just die from his overwhelming size.

Little did she know, however, that the man had no intention of letting her go anytime soon.

Frustrated by her stubbornness to not take his cock, Draco decided to improvise. Wetting his left middle finger with a lick, he brought his face down to where his cock struggled with her entrance. He gathered a big, copious amount of spit in his mouth and spat it hard on her twitching twat. The spurt landed near her hole and began to seep down inside, running along the tip of his bulge. Now, before she could react, he had already shoved his long, lubricated finger deep inside her.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING MALFOY!!?" she cried out, clearly caught off guard.

Merlin! Even her asshole was so tight, it could barely accommodate his finger. It was evident to Draco that she had not engaged in any previous anal activities and though he would love to remedy that soon, now was not the time. He needed fix another hole of her first, because as far as he could tell, this one was a virgin too. Was she lying? Has she even let Potter fuck her?


"Stop clenching your pussy, Bitch," he growled as he continued to push his finger deeper inside her puckered hole. Even this one refused entry, having caught his finger in a vice-like grip. He tried very hard to push it in, but her sphincter muscle was so strong that it didn't budge an inch. Great, now he couldn't move in nor out. Both his members were stuck inside her. She was making an already difficult situation even harder.



A powerful slap left her ass such a deep shade of puce red, that you'd have a hard time discerning it among a basket full of ripe tomatoes.

"If you scream one more time, I'll bend you over my knee right now and spank that ass until the sun comes up. I promise, you won't be sitting properly for days. If you think I'm bluffing – just ask Longbottom's wife. She can confirm it."

He didn't shout, but the anger in his tone left no doubt that he wouldn't hesitate to carry out his words. He was trying his best to make it easy for her, but her complaining was making his ears ache.

"I told you, it's never going to fit inside me," she had enough sense to speak quietly this time. To be fair, her throat was raspy from the continuous pleading; never mind that it had fallen on deaf ears. By now, she had realized that no matter how much she protested, Malfoy wouldn't stop until he was balls deep in her.

"Oh! Don’t you worry, I know perfectly well how to make it fit. Contrary to what Potter might have you believe, you can easily take someone of my size inside you. Even though you're married, your pussy is as tight as a virgin's. It just needs a bit of training the first time. By tomorrow you will be bouncing right on my lap, taking it all in one go. So if any part of you is feeling guilty about breaking the trust of your loving husband, know that we are doing it to ensure the future of his line, and for the love of Merlin, try to cooperate with me here."

"Okay, I'll do as you say. But can you please stop fingering my ass now? It’s so gross. I haven't even cleaned it properly," she was embarrassed to admit the last part out loud.



"Stop being a prude like mudbloods. Have you not been trained like a proper pureblood wife? Don't you know about the old marriage rituals? This stuff is vanilla compared to the shit they used to do. I can't believe that a daughter of Greengrass family could be such in adept in bed. Your ancestors must be rolling in their graves. Now do as I say."

For some reason, she felt chastised by his words. She was aware of the reputation of Greengrass women being excellent wives. She never wanted to bring shame to the family. It was just that she didn't feel like doing anything she didn't want to, and her husband was a soft man, so he acquiesced when she said no. But Malfoy was different; he was aware of the pureblood customs and didn't liked it when a woman denied him his pleasures. So she kept her mouth shut and let him do his work. Though she still find it hard to believe that she would ever be able to take him inside completely.

"Relax, loosen up," he commanded, desperate to make progress. "We don't have all day for my cock to dangle halfway out. Let your pussy juices do the work."

He hooked his finger inside her anus like an anchor and tugged hard, eliciting another whimper from her.

"Good, Greengrass."

"Yes, yes. Just like that. Let it go."

"Trust me, when I finally start pounding your twat, you'll know it was worth any temporary discomfort and will be begging for more."

She didn't want to admit it but Malfoy's words were finally having an effect on her. She had never allowed Harry to play with her bum, despite his persistent efforts. But now, she was powerless to stop the man behind her. He wasn't her husband; he didn't care about her desires or comfort. He would do whatever pleased him. And despite the lack of control, Daphne couldn't deny the growing arousal within her. She had never experienced someone so demanding and dominant in bed. It was all so new and exhilarating for her.

Draco began maneuvering his finger inside her, exploring her depths with determination. Every nook and cranny was explored with a primal fervor. He didn't know how clean it was, but he was beyond caring at the moment. Every now and then, he would tug forcefully, drawing out more moans from her.

After a few minutes, he felt his erection starting to slip inside her, albeit slightly. He knew he was making progress; he just needed to push her further into a heightened state of arousal.

"Come on, Greengrass. Let's get this over with. I can't wait to have some fun with this arse afterwards," he urged, delivering a series of sharp smacks.

"It hurts" she whimpered, her voice tinged with pain from the continuous assault on her backside.

"Is this it huh? Is that the best you can do? Can't take a little spanking? No wonder your husband thinks there is something wrong with you. Prove him wrong by taking a real man's cock."

Daphne tried very hard to moisten her pussy, desperately willing her magic to assist her. She knew she could do this; she could take him in fully. She had to prove herself capable. Determination coursed through her veins.




With a series of resounding spanks on her furiously reddening ass, Draco encouraged her, urging her on with delight.

And finally, as he simultaneously spanked her other cheek and tugged on her too forcefully, she unraveled. It was as if a dam had burst open. Her pussy released an abundant flow of juices as she experienced the most profound climax ever.

Her trembling knees threatened to give way as she began to fall forward on the couch, but luckily, Draco's massive dong acted as a sturdy support, holding her upright like a well-placed screw. And thus, Daphne Greengrass experienced the very first orgasm of her life, mounted on Draco Malfoy's dick.

Meanwhile, Draco realized that it was the perfect moment for him to take charge. He couldn't let this opportunity slip away. He reached over and pushed her head down onto the couch, raising her ass up in the air. It looked especially cute with all that redness. Removing his finger from her other hole, he used both his hands to position her legs closer, giving him ample space to plow.

Summoning all his strength, he pushed his mighty cock inside her now lubricated passage. It entered a bit further, but the tightness remained. She couldn't help but let out a squeak, even with all the lubrication.

Firmly gripping her warm waist, Draco thrust with all his might.


Finally, after half an hour of intense effort, he was fully sheathed inside her.

It was an incredibly erotic scene, one that would shock anyone who happened to stumble upon it. Daphne Greengrass, the wife of Magical Britain's savior, was sprawled out in all her glory on a couch at Malfoy Manor. And there, in a breathtaking display of passion, stood Draco Malfoy with his big cock rammed deep inside her, hilted all the way from the bulging tip to the girthy base, truly balls deep, their bodies joined perfectly like a lock and it’s key.

The woman's mouth was open in a silent scream, a burning pain consumed her insides as tears flowed down her cheeks. He had torn through her pussy in one hard thrust, not caring whether she got hurt from the breaking of her barrier. His tip knocked on her cervix wall, dripping it with a spoonful of precum, as her pussy stretched to adjust to the size of its new owner.

It felt so fucking good.

As Draco admired the fruit of his labor, he couldn't deny that it was more than worth it. Countless times he had fantasized about this moment, and now it had become a reality. The sight of his throbbing shaft intimately connected to this ethereal blonde goddess served as an irrefutable proof that his long-held dream had finally materialized. And now, he intended to savor every single second of it.

"Get ready Greengrass, you're in for a real pounding." he declared with a devilish grin that indicated trouble.

And before the woman could stop him, he had started moving his cock in and out of her in slow yet powerful stokes.

Daphne's mind whirled with a mix of conflicting sensations. The initial discomfort began to fade, replaced by a growing sense of pleasure that sent shivers down her spine.

Her body responded instinctively, arching against Draco's forceful thrusts, gradually surrendering to the rhythm he set. She couldn't help but be surprised that she was able to accommodate his massive cock fully. Her once resistant and defiant pussy now easily swallowed every inch of him. It was as if a previously clogged drain had now been unclogged. His length slid through her like a hot knife through butter. Don’t be fooled, her insides were still tight as ever, but Draco's forceful thrusts made it feel smooth.

With her husband it always felt empty and jerky. But with Draco it was as if she were a glove molded precisely for this purpose, a perfect match for his generously endowed stature. A thought crossed her mind, wondering if she had always possessed the capacity to handle such well-endowed men, but had never had the chance due to her husband's pitifully small size. And as the truth lay bare before her, she reveled in it.

For what felt like an eternity, the only sounds that filled the air were Draco's primal grunts, Daphne's fervent moans, and the wet, squelching noises emanating from her pussy as he relentlessly pounded into her depths. He hit parts of her that her husband had never reached before. It was like having a flexible broom inside. Every corner was explored and stretched, the G-spot tickled, the walls bruised, and the cervix firmly hammered. It was like oiling a brand new car that had never been serviced before. Only after experiencing it, did Daphne realize how much she needed it.

The pounding continued relentlessly, stretching well over the course of two hours. Time seemed to blur as Draco exhibited an inexhaustible stamina, his relentless thrusts unyielding. It was as if he possessed boundless energy, showing no signs of fatigue. He fucked her all over the sitting area. On the chair, against the wall, by the table, between the pouffes, on the rug and back again on the couch. By the end, she was fucked in more places here than back at her house. The room was filled with the rhythmic symphony of their bodies colliding, echoing through the vast halls of Malfoy Manor.

Then suddenly, Draco intensified his pace, and started driving himself into her with even more force. Daphne's scream ringed out with pleasure as he battered her pussy mercilessly. Her ass, red and bruised from spanking, bounced off his muscular thighs on repeat. Every soft curve and contour of her ass cheeks melded with his leg muscles, creating a loud echoing of flesh.

One moment his cock was dangling outside, just by the tip. A moment later, his balls were squashed tight against her core, the entire length disappearing inside under half a second. Such was the force of his thrusts.

Her body quivered under his powerful onslaught, her senses overwhelmed by the all-consuming presence inside her. Draco's grip on her hips tightened, his rhythmic movements growing more urgent, driving them both closer to the edge. With a final cry, Daphne reached her climax yet again, her body convulsing in ecstasy. In a culmination of their passion, Draco released himself, and filled her pussy with his potent seed.

Insane amount of cum was dumped inside her for a good few minutes. Spurt after spurt let loose from his spent cock. It shooted out every few seconds, in thick jets of jizz. Daphne felt her insides being flooded with his baby batter. First it was just a handful, then the next two spurts had her half-filled, and it continued on and on, until she felt him leaking out of her. Merlin! He could come like a horse. The seeding didn't stop there though. Draco pushed her head downward, and tilted his cock at a straight angle, essentially creating a funnel for her canal so that no drop would be spilt. After two long minutes of full dripping in this position, he finally stopped, leaving Daphne's womb warm with his virile sperm.

The room fell into a hushed stillness as they both caught their breath. Their bodies were entwined like long-lost lovers, Draco on top of a profusely sweating Daphne, who knelt vulnerably on the couch, his cock still plugged tightly into her snatch. She could feel him throb rhythmically inside, each contraction of his heart perfectly syncing with her own. The intimacy was unlike anything she had ever experienced with her husband.

The air remained thick with the unmistakable scent of sex as they both lay there panting. In the stillness, countless pairs of eyes encircled the naked couple, the Malfoy lineage observing their descendant claim yet another wife. Pride radiated from each gaze, visible through the glass of their frames.

After a few minutes of short rest, Daphne extracted herself from beneath him. Her fingers ruffled through her disheveled hair as she moved to retrieve her scattered garments, only to find herself abruptly halted as Draco caught her hand and turned her around to face him.

"Where do you think you're headed?" he asked, his tone more puzzled than angry.

"Back home," she replied plainly.

He let out a snort and gently guided her down to her knees. Then, he strolled over and settled onto the love seat, spreading his legs outward. His eyes flicked down to his cum-covered cock, which was far from limp, and then back at her; a suggestive raise of his eyebrows completing the communication.

She knew what he wanted. But she was tired after two hours of fucking and wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. So instead of doing that by standing up and go looking for her clothes, she did the shameful act of crawling on all fours like a whore, and dragged her knees to where he sat.

Up close, his cock was an entirely different beast. It looked unnaturally big, even at half size. A long, prominent vein travelled from the top to the base. It twitched occasionally, causing a queasy sensation in her stomach each time. His testicles appeared swollen and full; despite the fact that he had emptied himself inside her just moments before, they looked as if they were storing an year's worth of semen.

While she was lost in her thoughts, Draco suddenly grabbed her by the hair and forcefully pressed her nose against his scrotum.

The texture was peculiar, with a rubbery weightiness to it that gave an oddly pleasant sensation as he wiped her nose against it. Additionally, a strong musky scent was wafting from his manhood, eliciting both repulsion and arousal at the same time as it overwhelmed her olfactory senses. The musk carried a smell reminiscent of a blend between semen and eggs, and it was already intoxicating her senses like a drug; causing slight tingles in her nether regions, making her feel dizzier by the second.

"You thought we were finished so soon. I'm not your husband. Service me properly if you want me to help you," he said, before reaching over and giving her a firm smack on her behind. He seemed to have quite the thing for her ass.

Daphne knew an order when she heard one. She began by using her lips to graze the texture of his balls, starting from the base. After caressing them for a while, she cautiously took one of his testicles into her mouth and applied a gentle suction. The taste wasn't exactly pleasant, but it wasn't terrible either. She attempted to take the other one into her mouth as well, but their larger size made it quite challenging compared to what she was used to. After a while, she did manage to fit both of them in her mouth, although her lips were now stretched to an obscene extent like a pufferfish's. Collecting a significant amount of saliva, she engaged in the rather unorthodox act of rubbing the testicles together. It was undeniably gross, but it made her husband cum quickly.

However, the only result this had on Malfoy was making his cock return to its erect state. Nevertheless, he continued to moan, "Good-good," begging her to keep going on for a little while, until he abruptly pulled her mouth off his balls with a wet POP. Her lipstick had left them smeared with red.

Rising from his seat, he towered above her, his thick cock hanging above her head at full mast.

"Make it wet, if you don't want it to hurt."

When she made no effort to move, he grabbed her firmly by the throat, coercing her to open herself for him. She could have resisted a bit more, but she knew with him it was a lost cause. But as soon as she opened her lips, he immediately thrust his cock full force into her mouth, penetrating her oral passage with a loud squelch. Due to the forceful angle of his thrust and the slick layer of cum that covered him, it slid in entirely in one single motion, causing tears to strung her eyes as her wind pipe became engulfed by his dick. She tasted both their secretions as he prodded her throat thoroughly with his tip, like a plumber inspects a drainage system with his tool. In this manner, he continued to throat-fuck her for several prolonged minutes until she was seeing stars.

As she teetered on the edge of unconsciousness, the thought crossed her mind that he might never cease until he reached his climax. However, by some miracle, Draco stopped abruptly and forcefully maneuvered her body so that she now faced him. His cock glistened, slick with her saliva, while her throat throbbed with soreness all over. She made an attempt to speak, to tell him that she was done for the day, but the words never came out of her mouth. Her hair was in disarray, and her face was streaked with tears, both adding to her already vulnerable appearance.

Rather than providing any comfort, he instead removed the still dangling bra from around her back and proceeded to grope her breasts, savoring in their firm, supple and flawless nature. Daphne, half-fainted from the most intense deep-throating of her life, made no effort to resist as he started sucking on them. She had willingly submitted herself to this from the moment she had signed that damned contract.

"You came here asking me to make you pregnant. Do you think one load will cover it? No, we'll need to go at it multiple times a day. So get your arse up, and let me do my work. We have a lot to do before you go home."

With his words still echoing in the air, he grasped her firmly from the waist and lifted her up almost effortlessly, as if she weighed nothing. Harry couldn't lift her like that. Walking purposefully, he carried them both to a nearby room with a bed much larger and grander than the couch they had used before, and settled down with a heavy thud.

He extended his arms to cradle her legs, hoisting them up forcefully and guiding them towards the ceiling until the back of her head was pressed beneath his chin and her legs were hovering above his ears. Giving her a moment to adjust to this new position, he skillfully spread her legs apart, causing her pussy to gape widely, and then, without a second thought, he speared his cock deep inside her in one powerful thrust.


It was well after midnight when Daphne Apparated back home.

She was gone for SIX BLOODY HOURS!

Harry would be livid. Opening the front door, she tiptoed around the hallway, desperate not to make any noise. As she turned the corner around the living room, her feet came to an abrupt halt as she came face to face with him.

His eyes were tired, indicating that he hadn't had a nap yet.

"Daphne", he asked softly.

"Honey, you didn't sleep?"

"No I was waiting for you? The bed felt too empty."

He came close to her and put his hands on her waist. The spot he touched was bruised, so she had to stop herself from twitching.

He held her face softly and leaned in for a kiss. Daphne tried to duck out of the way, but he was faster, so she could do nothing as he continued kissing her for a few long moments. She helplessly reciprocated the kiss, praying hard that he wouldn't ask why her lips tasted of cock and semen.

She released a deep breath a he pulled back after the third kiss. Not wanting to tempt fate once more, she tried to move quickly towards the stairs, but almost ended up falling flat on her face as her legs wobbled with pain. Harry was at her side in less than a second, expressing serious concern upon noticing her limp. Daphne's heart ached at his endearing concern. Despite all his faults, he really did love her.

Too bad his dick was limp though.

Daphne maintained a straight face and lied, "The healer had to put me through some rigorous physical exercises to diagnose the issue. He warned that the limp will persist throughout the treatment. But don't worry, he assured me it will be fine."

He seemed satisfied with her response, and being a supportive husband he helped her climb the stairs to the second floor without any complaints about her late arrival.

As Daphne slowly tottered towards the master bedroom, exhaustion overwhelmed her, leading her straight to bed. She laid on her stomach; her bum was badly bruised from the hours of spanking.

The evening with Malfoy had left her thoroughly spent and her nether regions sore. She reluctantly admitted to herself that she had enjoyed the sensation of being forcefully rammed by his big cock. It was painful at the beginning, but after a while it felt so good that she couldn't begin to describe it. Her plan couldn't have gone more perfect. She had the best sex of her life, and if they continued going at it in the same manner, the issue of the heir would be resolved in no time. The amount of load he shot made it impossible not to, really. Heck, it wouldn't even surprise her if she became pregnant with triplets.

She needed to wake up early tomorrow morning. He had asked her to visit him at his Ministry office at 10. Now, if she just feigned sleep, her husband would spare her the pitiful 10-minute sex that failed to satisfy her. Moreover, her pussy was already filled with Malfoy's sperm, which she refrained from cleaning until morning. He had mentioned something about increasing the chances of impregnation if left overnight, though she wasn't sure if he was being serious or not. Nonetheless, the musky scent it exuded pleased her, so she decided to leave it be.
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