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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #2322980
Rough draft Ch Vampires meeting to air complaints. Leader having hard time concentrating
The large open lobby of my hotel was full. The bar was busy filling drink requests. All free for today’s attendants. The large table of petit fours, cheese, fruits, hors d'oeuvres sat mostly untouched. The few unknowing mortals who had booked the hotel happily picked at the table and a few of the older vampires carried a small plate to help with the illusion. After we all enter the ballroom all the claims will descend on the table to see it does not go to waste.
I much prefer the smaller meetings with just the leaders, but everyone wants to be heard. This time any vampire who wants to attend is welcome. All the City and Coven leaders and their seconds are here, but so are the powerful masters and their children. So basically, everyone who dared to travel.
The noise in the lobby was uninteresting. No one was willing to talk about their concerns where mortals may hear. My watch vibrated and I looked over to the doors. Jess stood proud in her professional attire. Hair pulled back in a bun with a few curls around her face. Her makeup lightly done to not draw attention to herself. A beautiful pink blouse with a long gold necklace fitted her figure perfectly. Her black pants were tailored but allowed for ease of movement. Her flat boots are the only indication that she was there for more than opening doors. I smiled and gave her a nod. I knew as she turned to open the doors and allowed the guests to enter that hidden on her was no less than three blades coated with a non-lethal paralysis poison. Jess was beautiful, talented, well organized, and a deadly pure hunter. My mark was hidden under that lovely blouse but any vampire or hunter would be able to feel my energy coming from it. No one gave her a second look, but she would be the last they saw if they misbehaved.
As the guests were let in, they were all greeted by a staff member and shown to their seats. The chairs were separated by city so that the leaders could help contain their own should the conversation become heated. And just like Jess every member of the staff was prepared in case the leaders failed to calm any commotion.
White hair. Please tell me I did not just see white hair. I pushed off the wall and started to make my way to the doors. The guests were almost all in. I scanned the room to see if perhaps the white hair was simply just from an older vampire or perhaps a vampire trying to follow some new fashion trend, but I wasn’t seeing anything.
Normally there were open chairs as the meetings were not all that interesting, but this evening there were people standing all around each of the thirteen groups. Something is bothering them all and I bet I can guess what it is. The views on that video were growing every hour.
The whispers could be heard as I entered the room. Talks of videos and cameras, hunters and deaths. Worry and even fear ran through the room. No one felt safe, and I had to fix it.
My boots made soft taps as I crossed the room. The small stage at the front of the room held a single, more plush, chair for myself. Jess stood next to it with paper and pen in hand. A tall dark skinned man rested his elbows on the stage and leaned back at the foot of the chair. Perfectly showing off his muscles. His black hair was cut short so there was no fussing with it. His brown eyes were confident as he gave a woman a little smirk. Daren was a flirt, but when you’re a pure hunter, flirting with a vampire wasn’t so much dangerous as it was a pleasure.
As I made my way to the stage the voices hushed. Eyes watched my every move. I wasn’t in a hurry and I kept my energy calm. If I panicked they would too and that wasn’t the goal of this meeting. Reaching the stage I took the few steps to get on. As I reached Jess and Daren they each inclined their heads till I passed. They were mine. All of the staff members were mine and they showed their respect, and in doing so showed off my strength without me ever having to let out even a whisper of my energy.
“Good evening. If I don’t get the chance after I would like to thank you all for coming. Everyone’s voice deserves to be heard, but I expect you all to be respectful and not interrupt others. There are a lot of new faces tonight and that is appreciated. For ease of this meeting, if within your groups there are those with the same issue, please pick one person to speak for you on that topic so we do not waste time repeating ourselves. I will give you all a few minutes to talk among yourselves.”
Gracefully, I sat tall in my chair, never taking my eyes off the crowd. The soft fabric of my pants fizzed as they crossed. I leaned on my left hand as I scanned the room. Was I mistaken?
“The majority of the guests seem to be concerned about eating,” Jess whispered and handed me a file. “I was able to gather a report from each of the Guardian representatives for each city. It’s the number of videos they have had to be intercepted this last week. The cities with colleges have had the greatest spikes. As high as a seventy percent increase.”
Opening the folder, I looked down at the paper. Almost every city was up. This video was causing sparks. If we don’t put them out quickly, no shadow will be large enough and no night long enough to ever hide us again.
I closed the folder and looked up. Most of the talking had stopped and they were looking at me.
I took a deep breath and nodded, “Let's begin.” I pointed to the Huntsville group.
A young looking man stood up. He shifted from foot to foot for a moment before he caught his breath and looked at me, “We’re having a hard time eating. The number of hunters has increased in the last few weeks. It feels like they’re on top of us at all times.”
“Aside from their presence, have they done anything?”
A woman stood up next to the man, “They have been egging on the younger vampires to get them to fight them. We spend a lot of time breaking up the fights before someone gets killed or a fight gets recorded.”
Another woman raised her hand and stood slowly. She was shaking a little, “I’ve recently been turned… I still have friends who are alive.” Other vampires looked to her quickly. “They don’t know. I swear. I’m in college. They take notes for me for my day time classes.”
“Do you have something to add,” I asked calmly.
She stiffened and nodded slowly, “My friends tell me that there’s a new upstart company selling items on campus. Rose soap, rose water ice-cream, rose soda. The list goes on, but I noticed it’s all items that would harm us. I don’t know that it is the hunters, but… But I thought it was important.”
I gave her a soft smile and nodded as she sat back down. “Coral, have someone check into that company and report back to me. It does sound like something some hunters might try.”
Coral’s pink curls bobbed as she typed away on her phone. “I’ll have it for you by tomorrow’s sunrise.”
“Has there been an increase in hunter activity or numbers anywhere else?”
I scanned the room and almost all the city leaders were nodding or raising their hand as an answer.
Gold eyes flashed to my right. My eyes darted over but there was nothing in the corner or the shadows.
That bastard. Why?
“We’ve been having a hard time keeping track of videos.” Jason stood from the College Station and Bryan section. “We’ve been working with the Guardians and the Seekers, but aside from the usual cell phone recordings, there are new cameras being put up in odd places. We’re finding them in back alleys in North Gate. Some on the roof, some hidden behind dumpsters. They are everywhere on campus. Statues, trees, garden beds. These aren’t security cameras. They’re action cameras. These are cameras that people are setting up looking for something. And it’s more than just college pranks going too far.”
“I will tell you all now if you haven’t already seen or heard of it. A content creator has posted a video where in the background a vampire was caught feeding and then disappearing.”
There were gasps and whispers that turned into full conversations. I put my hand up to quiet everyone.
“This is a great concern for us all. Raloch has already put the Guardians on this task. However, the video is starting to trend. It is probably a safe conclusion that these extra cameras are from creators hoping to get the next viral video. We cannot let them get it.”
“How do we stop them?”
“Why hasn’t the video been taken down?”
“Why is the creator still alive?”
A soft snicker came from behind me. Gods save me, he is here.
“The cyber team of the Guardians haven’t failed us yet. Keep your trust in them and don’t make things harder for them. No one is to go after the creator.” I projected my voice to be heard over all the commotion.
“He should have been killed.” The whispered words crawled over my skin and I stifled a shudder.
“For now, I suggest no feeding out in the open. Bring them home, take them to a hotel, go for a drive. But whatever you do, keep the number of bodies and missing people to a bare minimum. Zero preferably. What’s happening here is happening everywhere. We all need to be careful.”
“What about the hunters? They are increasing their numbers and activity. We can’t be the only ones who need to be careful. They will be the ones to give us all away!”
Voices called out in agreement and called for action.
“The hunters have always been an issue. It will be up to the leaders to talk with the local organizations to find a solution.”
Everyone shook their heads and started their whispers again. The City leaders only kept their people’s voices down, but they didn’t silence them. They agreed. They didn’t like my answer.
“Just kill the hunters. A few will get the message across. A bloodbath.” The deep male voice sang in it’s whispered song just for me.
“What of Rakusha? This increase of activity is probably her fault. She’s been successfully locking down our city here.” Zack’s voice demanded attention and the room obliged.
I glared down at him. “Rakusha will be handled. She’s not simply killed and forgotten about.”
“Don’t let him challenge you Love,” I could hear the grin on the bastard’s face.
“We are losing property. We are losing people. We have to survive on bottles of blood. This can’t be maintained long term.” Zack pushed.
James sat next to Zack with his arms crossed, looking for an answer that would satisfy them all. All the vampires in the Livingston group were nodding and looking up at me, begging.
“I will see to Rakusha’s removal.”
“That’s not good enough.”
“It is good enough!” I snapped at him and stood. My energy flowed over the room and settled heavy on everyone. “I will not bring greater harm to us by acting rashly. Rakusha is a great threat, but the Akada’s are far greater. Killing Rakusha would be the excuse they use to come here. If you’ve never known the blade of an Akada then count yourself lucky.”
Zack’s energy pushed against mine. His was demanding but lighter, full of desire. He loves his people. I lightened my energy over the room and shifted it to a calmer presence but I never took my eyes off of Zack. He stood staring up at me. His thoughts were racing across his face as I stood firm. Finally, after a few moments Zack bowed his head and sat back down.
I relaxed a bit and stood tall. I looked over the room. Most were sitting still watching me closely. Others were cowering. I took a deep breath and put on a soft smile. I pulled all my energy back into me.
“These are trying times. We all need to be careful and help one another. Please take your time and talk among yourselves. Any concerns or ideas to help will be heard. Let’s take a break. We will meet again in an hour.” I turned and walked to the steps.
I shot a glance behind my chair but there was nothing, no one. Gods help me. Carts filled with glasses and bottles of blood made their way into the room. Healers smiled as they served the guests and offered their services later for anyone willing to pay them a high price. I made my way down the steps and out through the employee’s path.
My employees all stepped to the side and bowed their heads as I hurried past them and out a back door. There was no moon tonight. The area had only a couple of lights near the door and the dumpster. As I walked across the drive the darkness surrounded me. The grass was soft under foot after I stepped off the concrete. There was a little bench under a few trees but I wasn’t interested in sitting down. So, I kept walking further into the trees.
How dare he question me like that. I told him I would handle her!
My anger filled my veins. My blood ran hot. I screamed in frustration as I punched a tree leaving a good size impression. I could hear the cracking as the tree splintered and fell. I watched it as if in slow motion. The bark split open showing the wood cracked and ragged where it was breaking from the pressure of it’s top section falling. There was a loud thud as it hit the ground and a few creatures scurried or flew away.
I leaned against another tree and took a deep breath as I slid to the ground. I pulled one knee up and rested my head in my arms on it. The other leg I slightly curled around the other.
“Fuck.” I sighed softly.
The silence was peaceful. The darkness was cooling my rage. That’s what it was too. Rage. I shouldn’t be so angry. My people are angry and scared. They’re hurting. They’re just looking for help. Help I need to provide. I shouldn’t be adding to their fear.
I lifted my head and rested it against the tree. Before I opened my eyes I took a deep breath. There wouldn’t be many stars, but hopefully a few would be visible. I opened my eyes to look.
“Shit… Oh go away Damon. I don’t have the patience to deal with you.” I groaned.
Damon was grinning down at me. The hard angles of his face catching the shadows just right, to make him even more beautiful than he had the right to be. His long pristine white hair laid softly around his broad shoulders. The bastard looked good in a casual suit. No tie and a few buttons undone at the top hinting as the well-muscled body underneath.
He knew he was gorgeous and his smile offered everything his words didn’t.
“You seem a little stressed.” His deep rich voice trickled over my skin.
“No shit.” I turned my head to the side so I wouldn’t be looking at him.
He gave a short chest laugh at my refusal of him. “Such language. That’s unlike you.”
“You don’t know me. I don’t want you here. Leave my lands.” Why didn’t anyone warn me that he was not only in my land but in my city?
“I do know you. I’ve known you for a long time. I’d dare to say I know you better than anyone.”
His movements were swift and quiet. The grass giving way under him was the first indication that he decided to sit next to me. His energy wasn’t threatening. It was soft and gentle. It was inviting and warm.
I stiffened as his fingers lightly brushed down my arm. I pulled away.
“You’re adorable when you’re angry.” He cooed.
“Is that why you never leave when I tell you to?” I shot back. I didn’t want him here. I didn’t need him here. I didn’t need another issue to deal with.
“You want me. I can feel it.” His hand moved to my jaw and he guided my head to turn to look at him.
He was so close. His desire rolled off him and over me in an overwhelming wash. His pale skin and hair gave him a soft glow, but it was his eyes. His golden eyes caught mine and refused to let go. I could feel him trying to slip into my mind. It wasn’t forceful but a gently persuasion asking for me. Promising me more and everything I could desire.
My heart picked up as his eyes got closer to mine. Just give in. Give him everything.
His hand cupped my face as his lips found mine. They were soft and he push in.
I could have him. All of him. From now to eternity. I could be his.
“NO!” I pushed him back and stood to get space between us.
The back of my hand went up to wipe my lips. They felt cold without his.
Damon only sat back and smiled. “Sex is a great stress relief.”
“Not with you. I don’t need this. I don’t need you.” My words escaped my breath.
“Liar.” His laugh was deep. The desire in his eyes bared into me.
I shook my head and cleared my mind of his allure the best I could. I needed distance. I needed him to not be here.
“Leave my land.” I said sternly.
He stood and took a step towards me but I took one back.
Shame hit me hard. I backed away. This man forced me to back up. I’m not afraid of him. He doesn’t scare me. He shouldn’t scare me.
I glared up at him and snarled, “Leave me alone. Leave my lands. That’s not a request.”
I stood tall and proud. I reclaimed that step then took a few more towards him. Leaving little space between us.
“Leave or I will force you out.”
I then walked right past him and back into my hotel. I had a meeting to finish.
© Copyright 2024 RLSinclair (rlsinclair at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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