Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2322998-Rise-Before-Fall-A-Femdom-Story-7
Rated: GC · Chapter · Erotica · #2322998
Sebastian starts to experience foot fun with his new girlfriend. Has he really moved on?
Unlike previous chapters, this is 'new territory' following on the real-life events from a fellow writer on WDC's experiences, Windowlicker. As before, all names and certain details have been changed for anonymity reasons. However, this time, these events have not happened (not at the time of writing at least). Windowlicker has also contributed to the story too; we hope you enjoy it!

Part 7 - Start As You Mean To Go On

Typing, then re-typing his message to Frieda, it was just impossible to resist those flawless bare feet...

Fine, I'll pay €50.... your feet are worth every cent!

Even while typing it, he felt wood stirring in his pants. At least he didn't wait for long, as Frieda quickly replied with a payment link. Was he really going to do this, lower himself to pay for a foot picture...?! The final crumb of resistance was fleeting as he surrendered his pride, as well as money that he really couldn't afford to part with. This instantly reminded him of the money he had forked out on trains, on hotels while he had been barred from his dorm. Still, the promise of Frieda's feet was just too much!

The next couple of minutes were excruciating. What if she had simply conned him? He'd have no leg to stand on... who would he report her to - the police?! After everything that he'd been through with various authorities. The idea of that was laughable! Thankfully, mercifully, Frieda was true to her word.

Enjoy, dog!

That was the only caption, immediately followed by a clear, full-on shot of both Frieda's bare soles. They were even better than he remembered... soft, slightly-wrinkled, the perfect amount of tan and so, so delicious. Sebastian failed to suppress a whimper, cursing himself immediately - the last thing he needed was to wake his Mother! Before he even realised it, he was rock hard with one hand moving like a magnet towards his throbbing member...

Barely a minute of stroking later and Sebastian climaxed, his whole body convulsing as he shot his load so powerfully that it overspilled the tissue he'd hurriedly placed there, just another humiliation as he felt his boxers already soaking. Taking a deep breath, Sebastian practically discarded his phone, dropping it next to him on the bed and letting out a weak moan. Fifty Euros... but those feet, they were just so perfect, so damn beautiful...

Hope you enjoyed! Let me know when you want to spend money on another one...

He could practically hear Frieda's sweet voice, though it was marred with the fact that he'd humiliated himself so much. Oh fuck! This was insane... his ultimate crush, the woman of his dreams had just financially exploited him! Shaking his head in despair, he abruptly turned his phone off, headed to the bathroom to clean himself up and collapsed back into bed, so emotionally drained that he was at least asleep relatively soon.

Waking up with a jolt the next morning, a sense of realisation was swimming through every part of his being. He needed out - out of this whole mess with Rachel and Frieda. He HAD to move on and buying a foot picture of the German goddess was NOT going to be the solution. Everything he had been through - from being arrested to the time in that clinic... he had suffered enough indignity and after hitting rock bottom, he felt renewed, somehow. It all felt so logical; he started by deleting Instagram, not even checking to see if Frieda had sent further messages. This included removing the foot picture - which was for the best. He knew that if this were on his phone it would be too tempting, too easy to relapse. A sharp sense of purpose swept inside Sebastian for the first time in months, certainly since he was arrested in Austria on that hateful evening.

For the next few days, he kept himself busy with work. The part-time security work had increased, as he'd impressed each establishment he'd been working for, none of which pushed for any details for why he'd quit at University. It wasn't always the most sociable, working at night but having time in the day. This at least gave him ample opportunity to train, eat well and practise Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu more than he had since meeting Rachel. Grateful to his Mother for providing a home, food and emotional support to him, he enjoyed watching TV with her, often cooking for her and pulling his weight around the house. There were times when he felt tempted to re-install Instagram, check on how Frieda, Rachel or even Heather were doing, but he resisted, just. Occasionally, he would message Aleks, getting a few updates from his pal. Still, these seemed brief. Aleks would share some information about what he and Jessie had been up to, though this was becoming increasingly bland. Maybe Rachel had gotten to him, too?

Anyway, things started to unexpectedly change for the better. It was during a training session, a late-afternoon class in mid-May, that was several hours before his security shift, that he met Maha. The 4pm class was not the most sociable, as people were usually at work. This worked out well for Sebastian - he preferred smaller groups and, just like he did at University, avoided situations with too many unfamiliar people.

"Um, you want spar?" This petite, black-haired, olive-skinned beauty had asked him suddenly. "With I?" She added in her broken English.

Avoiding eye contact and giving her a brief nod, Sebastian hoped his checking her out wasn't too obvious. She had a gorgeous, curvy body and a really cute face. With her dark complexion, he figured she was from somewhere else but wasn't sure about her accent, not that he could talk much to her for the next few minutes. As she was a three-stripe white belt (Sebastian was, after years of training, a blue), she didn't pose too much of a challenge.

"Sorry, didn't mean to take you down that hard..." Sebastian reached down and helped her up. Not being the biggest or heaviest man, Sebastian had gotten used to putting quite a bit of force into his takedowns, and even though he tried to adapt to any partner he'd train with, this particular single-leg had been more on the ruthless side, having caused Maha to hit the floor with a thud as it ended up succeeding. She smiled at him, shrugging off the awkward landing and was immediately back up for more.

"Lucky move," she grinned at him, before catching him by surprise with a guard-pull. He'd countered this before and his reflexes kicked in but...he was distracted by Maha's beauty, as well as her bare feet which had been in clear view as she had been unable to close her guard during his time of fighting back. This did, however, quickly change due to his lack of attention or rather how it had shifted from defending against her to admiring her beauty and her feet...

To the amusement of several others, Maha pushed her advantage and soon had a pretty decent arm bar locked in. Now, normally Sebastian would stack his opponent's lower body into her, using his knees to block her hips. This defence was most logical one too, considering that Maha was lighter than him and had locked up this arm bar from her guard. Yet, this time, he fumbled and she successfully managed to reapply the hold, exerting more pressure until he felt at the point of nearly tapping. Regaining his composure, he finally managed to lift her leg that was over his neck, before escaping her guard and taking her back. It did not take long after that for him to lock up a choke, causing Maha to tap.

Still, everyone was impressed. Most of all, was Sebastian. It was at this point that they shook hands, properly introducing themselves to one another. What had really made the impression was her gorgeousness, as well as the fact that one bare foot was very close to his face, during the arm bar, which is why it had taken him longer than usual to fight her off. He'd had a good few seconds to take in her arches, how her sole was a little lighter than the rest of her foot, and very delicious-looking. Anyway, it was a memorable encounter and Sebastian couldn't disguise his pleasure that she was there again, three days later.

Of course, they sparred once more. As before, she locked in an arm bar and this time he couldn't escape. Plus, the fact that she extended one bare foot, pushing it into his face was a major factor! It was an undeniably unorthodox thing to do but made sense here, given that she was shorter and knew that he'd try to push her hips into her again - something he couldn't do if his head was forced back, straightening his posture. As he breathed in the sharp, slightly vinegary aroma and gazed at her petite, cute and powerful sole, he surrendered. It just felt right to. While his eyes were locked into her bare sole, he even had brief flashbacks of Rachel - the numerous times when she had hovered her powerful feet over his face. That feeling of weakness was kind of intoxicating, even though losing to an opponent with a white belt was embarrassing. Still, he had to simply absorb the comments and jeers, which were all in good spirits, to be fair. Best of all, Maha was delighted with her win. That evening, they walked home together, enjoying the sunset view around them as they exchanged stilted, but enjoyable conversation.

Sparring at the BJJ session soon morphed into 'practising' at home. They would visit each other's houses (she also lived with her Mother) and playful, wonderful submission sessions would be incredibly fun for both of them. Maha thoroughly enjoyed winning - apart from that first time when he had overpowered her - she had won on every single occasion. She even agreed not to spar with him at the BJJ classes anymore, just to protect his reputation. Impressively, she moved up to a blue belt by June. Although still not technically as sound as him, the fact she was improving was just something else that he liked about her. For Sebastian, all of the terrible events from the past couple of months were beginning to heal.

In fact, he'd been to see a lawyer, who had given some hope, especially when the protocols - or lack thereof - from the Austrian authorities were seriously under question. The whole 'restraining order' that had been placed upon him was, in actual fact, a more routine sentence and didn't have the same weighting as one would expect in Germany or most countries. The sense of hope felt palpable and he realised that he didn't really miss Rachel, Frieda or anyone from University. Being kicked out of the dorm had been jarring but he was appreciating living with his Mother, especially after she had taken a liking to Maha.

"You...give... loser?!" Maha giggled, sitting on his back, wrenching up his arms and nestling each of her sweaty soles against the sides of his head. Although it was pretty painful, he loved the feeling of her feet in his face and he had prolonged the agony in his arms long enough. Weakly crying up that he gave, she sighed with satisfaction, dropping down on the bed next to him. Hopefully, she was oblivious that he had an erection - not that it really mattered. Surely, she must've known that he enjoyed this! How else could she continue to lock up such ridiculous submissions on him if he wasn't letting her? She must have known that it only worked because he loved it. After all, this was just a typical afternoon with his girlfriend, going exactly the way both of them liked it most.

He'd found out fairly limited information about Maha. She was 21 years old, planning to start a course in Psychology, was from Lebanon originally, having moved to Germany a few months ago. Her Mother, plus her younger sister (Maryam) were also gorgeous - black hair, beautiful complexion and just simply hot! With only a basic grasp of English and German, (Arabic was her native language), their conversations were brief. But it worked - Sebastian was not much of a talker so it suited him just fine and most definitely beat Rachel's constant stories from her life she had bored him to death with.

With her wearing nothing but a white vest top and short, tight fitting yoga pants, it was heaven having Maha wrap her strong legs around him, or when she straddled him in a dominant position, forcing him to surrender. Best of all, was the feeling of her soft, though admittedly raunchy feet in his face. They certainly had a stench to them, caused by working up a sweat. Yet, to him, the smell was addictive! Either he hid his enjoyment well, or Maha secretly knew but didn't let on, but their playfights were so damn enjoyable. So was making out with her; although she wasn't strictly religious, she did not seem remotely interested in sex. This actually, again, suited him just fine! After everything with Rachel - someone who he didn't like, had nothing in common with but sexually stimulated him, this was a refreshing change. They'd kiss, sometimes on his couch, sometimes on her bed, at the cinema or at home, watching a movie. Kissing was... nice. But best of all were the submission holds she put him in, especially when she was using her bare feet. Having her spread her toes over his face while holding him in a precarious position was thoroughly enjoyable. In fact, it was impossible NOT to get hard when she did this!

One morning, just before he went out to meet Maha for a coffee, his phone beeped. Maha didn't message very often, maybe she had to cancel...

Why did you stop messaging me? I loved our role-play... it was so much fun! Was it the foot pic? I thought that was what you wanted? And instead, you ghost me? You've really upset me, Sebastian...

His heart began to beat wildly as he read the message from Frieda. Frieda! It had been weeks since he'd paid for that foot picture and deleted Instagram promptly afterwards. Still, he felt an immediate pull to her, to explain himself and apologise... after all, she hadn't done anything wrong... No. No! He stopped himself and remembered Maha; he was happy with her, his new girlfriend. Frieda, Rachel, ALL of them were in his past.

Ignoring the message, he resolved to focus on the present and met up with Maha. After coffee, they went back to her place and watched a film (in Arabic but with German subtitles, for him) in the living room. The fact that both her sister and Mother were barefoot didn't go unnoticed; he just hoped he didn't stare too obviously. That psycho stare... Rachel had really belittled and vilified him. The fact that she had used the against him... to the police, to the professionals... He had a brief flashback to when they watched 'The House That Jack Built' - the film that Rachel had actually used as evidence against him...

Maha squeezed his hand, snapping him away from his thoughts and subtly leading him upstairs while the other two happily continued chatting in Arabic, watching their film. Within moments, they were happily sparring on the soft carpet, each trying to gain an advantage with quick movements, until he over-balanced. Pinning him down onto her bed, she breathed heavily into his ear.

"I've waiting... waiting to have you all myself..." She slipped off her jeans, wearing very short, lacy underwear and started straddling him. Maha would sometimes do that, taking some of her clothes off in order to have even more of an advantage. Logically, it made sense, they did primarily train in BJJ with GIs after all, so less clothing meant less grip, which benefitted her but Sebastian could not shake off the feeling that she also tried to tease him with it... Still, he loved this position and it definitely helped take his mind off things. Better yet, she suddenly turned sideways to lock in a head-scissors, a powerful one that would have caused serious damage to most men. He resisted, making a show of fighting back, but it was all for fun. He had NO intention of winning, trying not to smile as she lifted up a bare foot and slowly pushed it against the side of his face.

"Your face feel good under feet," she stated, gasping a little for air, before hopping down so she could place both soles in his face.

The view of her cute toes, wiggling in front of him suddenly gave him a flashback of Frieda. Frieda's perfect bare feet. Without realising it, he was rock hard in his pants, though at least he had his jeans still on, so hopefully, this obscured things a bit. Maha giggled as she pushed harder, grabbing one arm to pull his face towards her, causing more pressure from her powerful soles. The musty, salty scent flooded his nostrils, helping him to refocus on her. God, he loved the smell of her feet, the feel of them on his face. Soon she flipped him to the side, with both bare feet even more firmly pressed against his face, while the movement of their bodies didn't exactly help with his hard-on!

Thankfully, one of her pillows had broken free and blocked his crotch, at least making his erection less obvious. Unfortunately, this began to slide around as she continued to wriggle around, so that his groin was basically being rubbed against... This continued for several minutes; his girlfriend seemed genuinely unaware of rubbing against his crotch, especially as he was subtly responding by leaning and grinding into it. Though eventually, she seemed to pick up on but misinterpret this. Seemingly thinking that Sebastian was trying to bridge and push her away with his hips, she responded by pushing back against this movement, unknowingly increasing the pressure on his crotch.

"Give in. My feet win. Again!" She let out a ridiculously cute giggle, while scrunching her toes some more and continuing to press against him...

It was too much as he soon let out a loud moan, which she first took as a signal for submission, shouting with triumph while she slid her feet away. Realisation dawning on her face, she looked between Sebastian and the pillow, then turned her head away, playing with a lock of her black hair.

"I... er... sorry," he mumbled, taking deep breaths now that he didn't have her feet covering his face. He felt mortified, but Maha was fine about it. In fact, she was cool. Without a word, she disappeared but returned with a toilet roll, handing it over with a hard-to-read look.

"See you back... when you... clean up," she told him briefly, pulling her jeans back on and sauntering out of the room, her curvaceous hips swinging. Dropping down to the bed with a groan, he shook his head, rueing what had happened. Yet, she seemed...OK? With Maha, she didn't give much away. Still, after sorting himself out, his boxers were not too caked, his jeans pretty-much-OK and the pillow, mercifully was fine.

He soon resumed the film with Maha and her sister, Maryam (their Mother had since headed out to the shops), both women grinning at him, which he hoped didn't mean that his girlfriend had informed her sibling. He was sure at one point that Maryam was practically smirking, but to be fair she often wore that expression on her pretty face. While the two girls chatted away in Arabic, often laughing to one another, Sebastian noticed another message from Frieda on his phone.

Hey! Do you want me to send you another foot pic? It will be a freebie this time!

With mixed feelings, Sebastian quickly put his phone in his pocket. This was the last thing he needed! It wasn't until later that evening, after he'd left Maha's and headed back home that he found himself replying.

It's OK. Sorry for hurting your feelings but I've moved on now.

Letting out a sigh of relief, content that he was doing the right thing, Sebastian started picturing Maha's bare soles. How she forced them in his face, causing him to orgasm. It had only been several hours since ejaculating, but already, his member started stirring at the thought. The smell of her feet - that slightly musky, delicious aroma. He hadn't actually tasted her feet yet - not kissed, nor licked them like he had with Rachel, many times. His phone beeping interrupted his fantasy...

Frieda's feet!

No message, just a photo of Frieda's sumptuous bare soles. In this one, Frieda had zoomed out slightly, so her face was visible too, a playful smile on her lips as she was lounging back, her feet crossed at the ankles. She was so perfect, so gorgeous... Without a doubt, her feet were just perfection... meaty, such defined arches and suckable toes... Plus with the fact that her beautiful face with her long blonde hair hanging down, along with her legs. But most of all those ridiculously sexy feet!

It was too much for Sebastian and he soon started jerking himself off. This took a little longer than last time as it hadn't been long since cumming into his pants at Maha's. Still, it was with a feeling of total defeat and ecstasy when he orgasmed, his body convulsing and shivering with pleasure. Frieda's feet... there were just too damned good!

Feeling both guilty and ashamed of himself, he had no idea what to message Frieda back with. What could he possibly say?! For a moment he considered deleting her number, blocking her on WhatsApp.... but he couldn't bring himself to do it. It would be a definitive action that he'd never be able to come back from. Sighing to himself, he looked at the picture again. In the background, he could just make out... after zooming in, he could see another face. Was it Rachel's? Possibly Heather's? It was hard to tell, but whoever it was, their face was gloating, as if laughing at him.

"Fuck," Sebastian muttered to himself, deciding to send Maha a message, as if to make up for this indiscretion. She was surprisingly more literate on message (probably with the aid of Chat GBT) and there seemed to be no awkwardness from what happened earlier. In fact, she agreed to come over for breakfast tomorrow. Phew!

The next day, Sebastian waved goodbye to his Mother, who was away for two weeks on a business trip. She was becoming increasingly fond of Maha, clearly happy that her son had found a 'nice girlfriend' and had no qualms with her staying occasionally over.

"You know," Sebastian began, taking a sip of coffee. "Mom's away for a little while. She's absolutely fine with you staying over... If you want to, that is?"

Maha smiled at him. "Maybe I ruin your pants too much?" She looked away for a moment, turning slightly red before resuming. "You know, for me, not sex. Right?"

He wasn't expecting to this conversation, but in a way he was relieved. It was the elephant in the room that neither had addressed - not just about the ejaculation incident, but the fact that sex had not come up as a proper topic until now. He assured her that he didn't mind - that he was not after sex with her and just loved spending time with her, including their sparring sessions...

"I like... beating you. Feeling...powerful. And with not your Mom here... we can make noise when I submit you..." She let out a giggle, while it was his turn to blush. Maha did stay over that night, and the next one too. Nothing happened in bed - again, it was clear and fair to him that sex was not on the cards. Waking up next to her, snuggled against him gave him a warm glow, a feeling he'd not felt before.

Better still, they had an almighty battle in the afternoon. To make it 'interesting', Sebastian suggested that the loser would need to do a forfeit. Immediately, she raised an eyebrow and asked if this was his way of trying to negotiate sex with her. He considered this, then under her stare, hastily suggested the loser would have to kiss the winner's foot - a condition that his girlfriend of course happily agreed with! At first, he made a show of having the advantage, partly to test if he could actually take her! To his frustration, she countered every move and he couldn't help but be impressed. She was clearly improving rapidly and it dawned on Sebastian why that could be....wait, she was getting so much training with him in particular, could it be that she was actually well-trained in doing well against him specifically?! Before he knew it, Maha had twisted and contorted him in various places, defended each of his attacks, escaped his half-heartedly applied holds and was now standing over him, one foot triumphantly on his chest.

"I win!" She declared, holding out her arms as if to soak up imaginary applause, before looking down at him with a smirk. "You too easy. Loser." He opened his mouth to argue, but she moved her bare foot forward so her sole was hovering over his face.

"This like sex for you I bet? Kiss. Kiss foot, loser!" Of course, he complied at once, enjoying the salty flavour as his lips pursed against her sweaty sole. It tasted sharp, damp but delicious at the same time! The sex-reference was not unfair either! Maha accepted a few more kisses before resting her foot firmly over his face, letting out a giggle. "You no challenge. Even Maryam could take you! HA!"

He couldn't even reply and when she lifted her foot off his face, her expression was hard-to-read. Was she starting to tire of him? Was that talk of her sister just to tease him, or a way to explore this dom-sub dynamic they had further? She seemed fine enough as she left his house, casually telling him that she'd message him.

Maha was just... amazing! Yet, was kissing her foot a sign of such submission that she was starting to lose respect for him? He was picturing that salty flavour of her foot, which he had finally tasted, when his phone beeped. He'd become accustomed to a sense of trepidation every time it had happened.

Hey Seb, did you not like my foot pic? I thought I'd clear the air by sending you a free one... was that no good for you?

Shit! He'd been preoccupied with Maha and to be fair, he should have messaged something back to Frieda. He started to type a hasty apology, but quickly deleted his words when he saw she was typing again...

Anyway, I was hoping to show you that we can still be friends with the pic because I also kind of need something from you. I'm driving your way and thought I could crash at yours, maybe? Rachel told me you had a spare room and offered her to stay at your home in case she ever visited, so I was thinking, you know...

His brain whirring, Sebastian couldn't help but panic. Taking a breath, he sat down and processed this. The girl of his dreams, who had admittedly humiliated him and seemed to be friends with Rachel.... the prospect of her being here, in person. Perhaps Maha was tiring of him and this was the time to indulge in his fantasies with Frieda?

NO! Maha was his girlfriend and he was not going to throw that all away for a woman who had financially exploited him and sided with the person who had basically ruined his life. Then again, he did suggest the price of the foot pic and he was the one who asked and then paid for it. Additionally, he couldn't deny the fact that he was hoping to be able to clear his name at least. It was nice that Frieda seemed to be OK with him as is but maybe if she spoke to her in person, he could let her know his side of the story? But with her already well aware of his fetish, Sebastian knew this was not a good idea if he wanted to be loyal towards Maha...Before he could reply, it beeped again.

Look, I know the situation isn't easy for you and whatever but I'm already on my way and the hotels in your city are sooo expensive :( Not to seem rude but I'll be there in about an hour and getting me a bed for tonight is kind of the least you can do. I know your address from Rachel already when she showed me the case file and I think it'd be a great way for you to show that you're not a danger to women if you let me stay over! I'll be there soon.

A feeling of helplessness started to swell. Frieda was making sense with mentioning the cost of hotels - he still hadn't financially recovered from how much they had cost him back in Austria when he had been kicked out - but was with her attitude? Moreover, what was he going to do?!

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