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Rated: GC · Chapter · Adult · #2324075
Ben faces another growth spurt that leaves him needing something.
By now the news of Ben's growth and subsequent destruction of a major city had spread, not just across Britain but around the globe. Governments were scrambling around in horrified confusion looking for solutions. The British government had so far failed to scramble a response, instead focussing on where to put blame for the event.

The lack of any response had drawn ire from countless members of the public as they fearfully watched the ongoing events unfold on their screens, hoping to God that something could be done to stop any more loss of life. Many people had lost loved ones that had lived along the south coast to this immense young man, their existence reduced to nothing beneath him.

No one was more horrified however than another of Ben's close friends Hamza, he had watched in disbelief as his home had been annihilated by his former friend turned kaiju, from the relative safety of the isle of wight. This small outcrop of Jurassic in the English Channel was home to at least 140 thousand people and countless tourists. Hamza was there on a research trip when the news reached him and he could do nothing but watch the scattered footage with mouth agape.

Now, however, he was witnessing it first hand as he watched amid screaming crowds as the all too familiar form of Ben loomed over the horizon. It was clear that he was still getting bigger as that already vast figure Hamza had seen on the news paled in comparison to what he was seeing with his own eyes. Ben stood over on the mainland yet still he loomed far overhead. His lower legs towering high into the sky thousands of feet tall on their own. The rest of him fading into the sky, his athletic torso looking like a mountain looming larger than anything Hamza had ever seen.

Ben easily dwarfed this little island that Hamza stood upon despite it covering an area of easily 140 square miles. But Ben could cover that in a step. The fearful stupor everyone was in was broken instantly by the shifting of Ben's truly colossal form as he lowered himself onto his haunches, his shorts covered crotch beginning to loom overhead. Hamza could make out a shape straining against the fabric pitching a tent that could cover a large portion of the south coast. It was clear that Ben was enjoying this and that put the fear of God into millions as to how he could be enjoying this chaotic apocalypse he was causing.

Now Ben had lowered himself Hamza could make out Ben's face. A vast familiar monolith looking like a celestial body in low orbit, a grin plastered across his face and his piercing blue eyes burrowing into the soul of everyone within his gaze. The horrific reality of the situation began to set in for Hamza as he realised all too late that Ben was looking directly at the Isle of Wight.

Ben felt his new growth spurt subside as he hit a new size that stretched all definitions of colossal. Glancing down he could see the landscape of his home country stretching away from his feet, the coast mere centimeters from the tips of his toes. Well they were centimeters to him but he knew they could easily be measured in miles for those below him.

It was like looking at a vivid 3D representation of Google Earth, each hill and river snaking away. Towns and cities visible as little patches and in some cases specks. But what really drew his eye was a little cookie sized piece of land not far from the coast. Ben knew this island well as he had spent 3 days walking the coast and vlogging it with Doug a few years back for his youtube channel. This flash of memory made Ben chuckle, a thunderous earth shaking chuckle. His Youtube channel, he had grown so far past needing it now, why should he spend his days informing his viewers of ancient history and biology when the whole world could see him now and know it was lesser. He was the peak of evolution, humanity was nothing, no other species had ever reached this level of power. The power to reshape the surface of the world with the ease of taking a step. This power was now really exciting him as he had never felt this horny in his life, but something else was sitting on his mind right now.

Ben returned his attention to this pathetic island, crouching down. Shifting his immense mass ,shattering the landscape around his toes annihilating countless towns and flattening miles of landscape as he did so, his heels and arches raising from the ground revealing the ruined landscape within his footprints that to those on the ground would appear as vast canyons stretching for tens of miles. The land began to crack and crumble around his toes, sending some towns sliding into the sea, the screams of countless people falling on deaf ears as they dissipated before even reaching above his long toes.

He looked down at the island and a grin spread across his face. Reaching forward, as carefully as possible for someone of his immense size, he slowly encircled the island with his fingertips, the long slender digits digging firmly into the bedrock along the coast of the tiny landmass he plucked it from the surface of the planet.

How easy it felt was a surprise as his fingers dug through the bedrock with a force powerful enough to melt the rock itself leaving glowing blood red streaks of molten rock on his fingertips. He raised the island higher and higher, bringing it up to his face. Closing one eye he examined the crumbling mass of earth between his fingertips like you would examine a piece of food that had been dropped on the floor.

"Ha, wow I can barely make out those pathetic little towns let alone the germs in them" Ben boomed, his voice rumbling across the entire country.

"Unfortunately for you, it's the perfect size for what I have planned."

With that Ben continued to raise the tiny island higher tilting his head back as he did so. In a motion so swift, Ben opened his mouth beneath it and dropped it in. Millions of tons of rock and every living thing upon it suddenly found itself weightless as it plummeted towards the awaiting maw.

Hamza watched in horror as Ben's colossal fingers snaked across the sky blasting even the high altitude clouds out of the path of the unceasing descent. As each massive digit impacted the sea surrounding the island vast clouds of water and rock were blasted into the sky vaporised by the impact into a superheated cloud of ash and steam. Yet with the speed in which Ben moved for something so colossal these were dissipated by his motion so they never made landfall. Hamza's mind began to break as the earthquakes hit, quakes so powerful that no structure was left standing on the island.

As these quakes grew stronger Hamza could feel his body getting heavier as Ben lifted this island off the planet's surface, the motion causing every being on this island to feel several Gs of force. The island began to lose stability around Hamza, he watched as the scattered terrified crowd began to disappear into deep cracks in the earth that began to open up in the ground beneath them.

By now Hamza was battered and broken, lying prone in a pool of blood leaking from a shattered limb that had been caught in a piece of falling debris from a nearby building. He lay there his head getting woozy from blood loss and oxygen deprivation, the view of Ben now filling the sky as his God like eye came into view between the vast fingers that caged them on this doomed isle. Ben's bright blue iris like an ocean in the sky. Through Hamza's hazy vision and broken mind it was like a vivid dream or divine experience distracting him from the inevitable.

As quickly as Ben's eye had loomed, it vanished, replaced again by a darkening sky as the atmosphere grew thinner. Suddenly and without warning hundreds of thousands of people felt themselves lift from the ground as gravity itself seemed to fail. The truth of these events finally dawned on Hamza's failing mind as he glimpsed Ben's city dwarfing fingertips disappearing into the sky overhead. They were soon, however, replaced by looming white monoliths. These vast stone like monoliths were the last thing Hamza saw before his mind suddenly blacked out from the incomprehensible forces placed upon it. The last thing he could remember hearing was the babbling screams of countless others experiencing the chaos with him.

Ben clamped his jaw shut and felt the crumbling remains of the island impact his tongue. The vast sensitive muscle could feel every inch of the island as it melted away and down his throat. The minerals in the rock and undoubtedly the battered corpses of thousands of people gave a faintly salty taste to this particular morsel.

Ben swallowed hard dooming every living thing to a slow painful digestion, yet he could only smile in response to his snack. Feeling his cock twitch in response Ben raised himself to his full height with the intention of finally sorting it out. However, before Ben could reach into his shorts something drew his attention as he felt several pin pricks around his heels and toes. Shifting his gaze down Ben caught a glimpse of several tiny mushroom clouds emerging from the skin of his foot and from between his toes. These flashes were no bigger than fleas but it was obvious what they were. The government had finally decided on a course of action.

"Did you pathetic fucking germs try to Nuke God!?" Ben's voice tinged with thunderous fury. He knew just how to respond.

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