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Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2324565
Being transformed, Matthew must deal with family, friends, the government, and criminals.
Chapter Twenty-Four

Just a Suggestion

         When the Defender regained consciousness, he was lying in an unknown location. The ground was barren of all life. It was without dirt or sand but had a dull, glossy surface with a film of grit. The sky was orange-red without any clouds. There were no trees or bushes, just rock formations made with quartz or some gem. As the Defender stood up, he noticed the air felt different than Earth's atmosphere. It felt heavier, like the air on a very humid day. He could still breathe; however, it made him wonder if he had a super metabolism but never had a chance to use the superpower before.
         As he walked, he noticed there were no other life forms around. He had seen several forms from a great distance, but he thought his eyes played tricks on him because they looked like stone statues walking around. But then again, it reminded him of the figure he saw before the accident that changed him. He picked the direction the statues were going and began to walk in that direction.
         Sometime later, the Defender saw a large crowd of stone statues. They were walking around. Strangely, there were no sounds. As he got closer, he noticed several were noticing him. As one, half of the gathering turned and looked at him, stared for a moment, then turned away.
         The Defender tried conversing with one of the moving statues when he was within speaking distance.
         "Excuse me, may I ask a question?"
         "I am sorry to bother you. May I speak with you?"
         The Defender was getting frustrated because he had not received a response. He decided to walk in front of one of them to get their attention.
         When he walked in front of the nearest statue, he immediately noticed the face had no mouth, nose, or ears. It only had two normal eyes and a Third Eye like his. The Defender's Third Eye opened and glowed bright green when he caught the statue's Third Eye. There was not a beam. It just shone brightly.
         What are you doing in front of me? I have no time for malformed Young Ones. Yes, yes, you have a pretty Third Eye. Bother someone else. The Supreme High One will be here soon, and I must be ready to listen. So much for the locals being friendly.
          From all the information the Defender gathered, the Hydranousians stated they only viewed Planet Earth and its inhabitants; they were amazed at the diminutive size and lack of prism bodies. They noticed that the bodies came in distinct colors, shapes, and sizes. Despite the variety, no one has the brilliant prismatic colors they did. At the time of this intercepted message, they were not planning to take more trial candidates. The previous candidates have been returned, except for two, with their memories wiped. This research planet may include thoroughly vacuuming the atmosphere as we have done in other worlds.
          Another exciting piece of information discovered by the Defender while viewing the inhabitants was that some earthlings were particularly interesting to the Hydranousians, even in a previous case study. It had three lower appendages. Even though one was much smaller and connected to the upper appendage, mobility was acceptable. The body appeared bent and did not move as fast as the other inhabitants. However, when we performed the Nerul-Drive Brain Stimulation Cortex Generation on the participant, it was discovered that the scores in Sapience, Understanding, Perspicacity, Effectiveness, and Resourcefulness were all significantly above average. It was regretful that we had to erase all traces of the testing and block the receptors to this information. It is good to know; however, they could find this test subject easily and reverse the erasure with the power of the three power crystals of the Supreme High One.
         The Defender saw the individual they were referring to. It was him. Well, it was him before his transformation. It dawned on him that he somehow went through time and space. He sees himself before his change. The person who is leading the group must be what's-his-face. The big guy. The person he saw before.
         He can stop what happens to him.
         Bad idea. Or is it?
         If he does that, his current self will cease to exist, and everything he has done will never have happened. All the good is gone. However, all the harmful outcomes that occurred will never happen again.
          It is selfish to want to be the Defender again, isn't it?
         Still connected to the group, the Defender suddenly hears a horror-filled gasp from half of the population present. He was not paying attention to what happened, just that something terrible was occurring. He turns to see the window to Earth fading before the strange lights go through, creating his future self.
         Acting out of instinct, the Defender focuses his attention and wills his power to flow toward the window to bolster it. While this happens, the Defender sends a message to the people holding the weakness at bay that the three power crystals will strengthen the window frame, but it must be done now and at full strength.
         Not knowing if he received the message, the Defender is about to resend it when he sees the leader holding three crystals up and aiming them at the window. Three bright lights appear and blast into the frame. It works.
          Before he jumps through, he sends a message and a blast from his Third Eye. He doesn't know if it will work and will never know he tried.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Figuring it all out

          0-Moments after the Explosion
          As the Supreme High One recovered, he remembered the people disappearing. He lost contact with all of them. After they vanished, all the other Hydranousians collapsed except for him. He remained. He scanned the survivors to check if they still lived. He was relieved to see they did. However, he noticed a change occurring in their minds and memories. Every single Hydranousian was having their memories changed. They were experiencing a trauma unknown to the Supreme High One.
         As he helplessly watched, he saw the erasure of the Hydranousians who had disappeared. He did not understand what force caused this. He knew it was potent, more powerful than all the Hydranousians.
         But why was he still there and untouched by the erasure? Was it because he was channeling all that power, and it kept him immune? He did not know and did not like that feeling. As Supreme High One, he is to know all. Could a force outside of this planet cause this? But who or what could be this powerful? Had this happened before? How many Hydranousians have perished not to be remembered? When this occurred, he did not feel the touch of a sentient being. Could it have been caused by nature or something else?
         He began to walk the vast field of victims. He passed many Hydranousians he recognized. He saw others whom he recognized by their mental signature. He noticed half of the Elders were gone.
         How do you explain this to the remaining Hydranousians? They would think he is going into madness. How could he go on knowing half of his people were gone? He needed to go somewhere where there were no Hydranousians. He needed time to think, to process what had occurred, and if it happened again, would he remember or be wiped off his memory?
         After checking all the thoughts of the remaining Hydranousians, he knew they would be waking up with no memory of what had happened. He decided to step down as the Supreme High One. No one has ever done that. He needed to disappear.
         He could not. His coloring would alert people of his status. He needed to change color. He wondered if he could. With the Hydranousians waking soon, he had to act now or never.
         With all the concentration he could muster, he visualized his gray color, turning the Color of the Hole of a MeeBee a standard color. He used all the energy available to him and focused like never before. Time seemed to slow, and the exertion was incredibly painful. When he could no longer channel because the pain was interfering with his concentration, he reluctantly stopped. He was afraid to look. He did not feel anything was happening, so he believed it did not work.
         After finally preparing to look, the other Hydranousians woke. The Supreme High One did not know what to do, so he stood there. He quickly masked his thoughts from everyone. He still allowed ideas to come but guarded his thoughts about the disappearances and his attempt to change color.
         A known friend came over to him and queried if he was ill. The Supreme High One answered that he was not. The individual asked what he was doing in a field and how these people came together and fell asleep. He replied that he was wondering the same thing. It was a walking sleep, an uncommon event when many minds are linked.
         I do not know. That sounds plausible. He felt a probe. He improved his blocking technique. Is there something you are looking for? He asked.
         I did not realize I was apparent while probing. I apologize. I was wondering who you were as we have never met, answered his friend.
         The Supreme High One glanced at his arm. It was not gray, but a dark Color of the Hole of a MeeBee. It had worked!
         Tell me, what was your last thought? He inquired.
         I am attending a meeting held by the Supreme High One with my friends. I do not remember what happened, but I do remember an explosion. I came to look for him; we are friends.
         He remembers me but not the disappearances of the others. Selective memory loss. Whatever caused this was indeed a powerful force. Before anyone else would question him, he needed to leave. He needed to blend into his society.
         Ho, Old One, did you suffer the fall like everyone else? Getting closer, he said, I apologize. I thought you were an Old One.
         Picking up quickly, I am an Old One. May I ask your name?
          I am called Zantis, well met. We are looking for the Supreme High One. Have you seen him?
         Not since the Explosion.
          That is what we are wondering. We cannot feel the Supreme High One's presence. We hope he is not One with the Planet. We will continue our search.
         The Supreme High One left. He did not rush so as not to gain attention. He did not know where he was going; his new life started as an Old One.
         As he walked, the Elder's announced that the search for the Supreme High One was canceled. We find no trace of his remains. The Elders established that the Supreme High One fell into the viewing window before its destruction. Keep this information within you. Do not announce until advised.
With this information, he decided to enter isolation to ponder the attack. As he made his way, he lightly touched the minds of the out-of-phase Hydranousians. He noticed confusion among them. He listened to their thoughts.
         What has happened?
         Where is the Supreme High One?
         He vanished.
         Is he One with the planet?
         Where is the Supreme High One?
         Their concern touched the Supreme High One. He wished he could calm their worries, but that would require him to expose himself to the Collective.
         A pond of Liquid Eterinite. Many Blessings, he thought. He could refresh his Essence and replenish his reserves. Sitting in the pond, he thought of a solution to his diminishing resources while not in a pool of Liquid Eterinite or at a retreat. He would attempt to immerse his mind lightly into the Collective. He knew of an ancient method to do this. It would require him to open his Emptiness and allow the Collective in.
         Emptiness is within all Hydranousians, yet they do not know it. It's believed to be where Afflicted Ones go when they become One with the Planet. The Supreme High One knew of it because he was with an Afflicted one when they became One with the Planet.
         The Supreme High One thought he knew how to tap the Place of Quiet to mask his connection. No one could access his thoughts by being in the Place of Quiet. The link to the Place of Quiet is one way to trap unwary individuals efficiently. He could siphon tiny amounts of Essence and strength from the Collective to create the connection. If anyone were strong enough to feel and investigate the siphon, they would encounter the Place of Quiet and find nothing.
         Slowly, he opened his Essence to the Place of Quiet. It was vast, so vast he did not see an end. He could begin to see exceedingly small dots. They were of wondrous colors and brightness. The color around the dots was the color of One with the Planet. It was everywhere. He opened his Essence a little more. Soon, the colored dots became expansive, and more dots appeared. There was no end to the colored dots. Everywhere he looked, there were dots, some larger and some smaller.
         As he looked around, he saw an empty place the color of One with the Planet but denser. The more he looked, the more confident that it was a Place of No Color. It also made him feel despondent. He needed to investigate further, but not today. Today, he needed to stay focused on connecting with the Collective.
         He reached his Essence to the void and opened a doorway between him and the Collective. It was small, so small travel was possible for him in only one direction. Within the void, he was undetectable. Once he had the link firmly placed, he sat back in the pond. He would soon see if it worked.
         A sudden, overwhelming surge hit him. If he were not sitting down, he would have staggered. The raw power was incredible, more than he could have imagined. He gathered himself and began searching for anyone looking into the power pull. He found no one.
         When he pulled his attention away from his Essence and back to his body, he noticed someone sitting across from him. Did they suspect anything? Did they tap into his thoughts?
         Well met, Old One, the stranger said.
         To you as well.
         I had not seen you enter. I was deep in thought, The Old One declared. I do not seem to recognize you, but your Essence is familiar to me.
         The stranger offered. We may have been together offering the Supreme High One our Essence. That is until he became One with the Planet. he somberly stated.
         I was unaware where he was; began The Supreme High One, but I was unaware the search ended. I did not hear of the cancellation of the investigation. He lied.
         Only the Elders and Old Ones are aware of this. We will pass it along to all in a cycle.
         That is a long while. Will the information leak out if someone probes for it? He asked.
         We have put our defenses in place to prevent this. We will need to wait until a new Supreme High One arrives. With the previous Supreme High One being One with the Planet, a new one is undoubtedly coming. I must leave you now. It is time for me Out of Phase to begin. I apologize for disturbing your concentration. May the Blessing be with you.
         And you, as well, the Supreme High One offered.
         After being left in the pond alone, he secretly celebrated his plan. It had worked better than he had hoped, and he was now receiving the full benefits of the Collective. In a short while, he left the pond and began his journey again.
         He wandered for many cycles. Exploring his realm like he could not have done before. Instead of seeing it behind the eyes of another, his feet were bringing it to him directly.
         He met hundreds of survivors from the fateful day. He wondered whom they had forgotten. His sadness turned into resolve as he tried to piece together what had happened that day.
         As he walked, he once again wished to explore the place of the color of One with the Planet. It would be best if he found a retreat or other shelter, preferably one with Liquid Eterinite away from the suns. Until then, he could wander without losing Essence due to his connection with the Collective.
         After a cycle more, he found a cave on the side of a mountain behind a Liquid Eterinite dropping. It was secluded, comfortable, and now, his.

Chapter Twenty-Six


         Matthew stopped flying briefly. He momentarily forgot where he was going and what he was doing. It was as if Matthew had fallen asleep. After completing this, he decided he needed to get home, eat something, and get some sleep.
         As Matthew flew toward the open space on the ground, he noticed a sports utility vehicle parked in the clearing. He didn't see anyone in the clearing standing there waiting for him. That meant they could have been still in the car or hiding. He was too tired to play hide-and-go-seek, so he landed by the car.
         "About time you got here," a familiar voice said from within the car, "been waiting for over an hour."
         "Joe? Is that you? Joe!" Matthew rips the door off the hinge, getting to his friend and hugging him.
         "Take it easy," Joe exclaims, "we're not all made like a Leopard 2A7 Battle Tank or can take explosions and shrug them off. And did you have to rip the door off? How is that going to be explained to the insurance?"
         Ignoring his friend, "I thought you would be halfway to Alaska by now, or at least out of the state. Change your mind?"
         "I did. I called in a few favors, changed my name, got a new address, got an appointment for a face job, and voila," spreading his arms wide, " and a new face to go with a new me. I am going to lay low while this is all going on. Do you think Misty can fit me in with you staying there?"
         "Well, she does have a basement room, not in use. I can't get down there because of my size. I am in the living room on the floor. Want me to call her?"
         "Could you? I sure would appreciate it. I can pay until my new place is ready."
         "Sure. Let me call now. I should have called Misty before. She has to be worried sick. She has to think I am dead."
         Matthew dialed Misty using Joe's phone.
         Misty answered and had been crying. "Hello, Joe. Have you heard about Dad? They can't find him. Have you heard from him? They don't know where he is. There is no news about him. I am worried sick about him."
         "Misty, this is Dad. I am OK. Nothing happened to me. I am fine. I didn't get hurt. I am with Joe just outside of town."
         "Dad? Dad, you're alive?" Misty breaks down and begins to cry again. Soon, she is sobbing uncontrollably. Matthew waits. He knows what is going to be next. After about five minutes of crying, Misty begins to talk. "Why haven't you called? Why didn't you come home? Where are you? Didn't you think we would be worried about you? I saw you get blown up on television, along with all the crooks. They say you went crazy and took them with you because their leader was too smart. Are you hurt? Please talk to me. Are you coming home?"
         "Misty. I am fine. I am not hurt. The crooks are not dead. They're all, all of them, have been turned over to the police and are under arrest. No one got hurt. I could not have called until now; I am sorry. I know you had to worry about me, and I needed to call immediately. I came across Joe by accident. Speaking of Joe, he is coming back. It's a long story. However, he needs a temporary place to stay, and he was wondering if he could stay in your basement room until his operation. I will let him explain."
         "Yeah, sure. Of course, Joe can stay as long as he needs to. How soon will you be here?"
         "I will be there within a couple of minutes. Joe will be there within half an hour, as he has to drive. Just keep the garage door open for me. Oh, order eight large pizzas with everything and use my card. Order you, the girls, and Joe something too."
         Matthew knew that he would be able to relax with his family and his best friend. It will be a well-deserved rest.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Old One

0 - 350 Cycles A.E.
          Once inside, the Old One began his search for the strange place, the color of One with the Planet. He remembered how he got there before and retraced his steps. Soon, he saw the site. He began to look closer by increasing the use of his built-up Essence. By doing this, he managed to get closer to the place the color of One with the Planet. He first noticed there were no small colored lights around it. He focused more on the emptiness. The closer he became, the more uneasiness he felt.
         Such an odd feeling, he thought. He soon recognized he had felt this way before. As he joined someone entering One with the Planet, he felt uneasy with them, calm, and then nothing. He reinforced his barriers, then moved again. Here, however, instead of calm, the anxiety grew. He sensed he was still extremely far away; however, he noticed what looked like a hole in the Planet, much like a MeeBee burrow, but immensely more significant.
         He was confused at first. There appeared to be no solid substance around the hole. So, how could there be a hole in emptiness?
         He still could not feel any conscious or unconscious activity within the hole.
         He began to feel something he had sensed before the unfortunate Hydranousians disappeared. He instantly became alarmed. Was he going to be unmade like the others? He needed to fortify his barriers and leave.
         Before he could do that, he felt a wave hit him, like a wave of Liquid Eterinite, but nothing was there. He abruptly severed the link and reversed his essence back to the cave. As he went, he wondered if the hole eliminated the wave and why he was still there.
         When he opened his eyes, he discovered an alarming change. The once-clean cave floor has rocks and bone beast's bodies that are One with the Planet. He looks at himself and notices dust has formed over his body. The Liquid Eterinite dropping was gone. Upon making contact, he also felt something odd regarding the Collective and discovered that the Collective seems more extensive, as if more individuals supply him with Essence.
         He stood up and experienced sharp pains in his back, hips, and shoulders. He began walking slowly toward the hole in the wall leading outside. He used a little Essence to relieve the pain, but the stiffness remained.
         Once out, he saw a change in his surroundings. He saw that the Liquid Eterinite was gone, and there were bushes and trees now around the hole in the mountain. The suns were the same, though it looked like a season had passed.
         As he began to walk away, he noticed a trail leading to the distance. Why didn't he see it before? He must have been concentrating on the hole in the mountain and Liquid Eterinite.
         He decided to follow it. Hopefully, it would lead to a small village with Liquid Eterinite.
         After walking far, he spied on what looked like a village. He bolstered his endurance and began walking faster. As he drew near the town, he noticed it had many Out of Phase retreats. He also saw more dwellings than he anticipated. When he was upon the village, he knew it was a city.
         When he entered, instead of blending in, he became noticed and was soon visited by several of the locals.
         Hello, Old One, a citizen initiated. You have come a long way to be here. How are your reserves? Would you like to refresh yourself in one of many Liquid Eterinite pools or ponds?
         While he did not need to replenish his reserves, he agreed. That is a wonderful suggestion. I would very much like to refresh myself.
         Good. Afterward, we would like to speak with you regarding an offer. I am sorry, I am called Dewis.
         Well met, Dewis. I look forward to your offer. Can you please direct me to the Liquid Eterinite?
         I can do better. I will take you there myself. Please follow me.
         He knew the offer by using his connection to the Collective. They recently lost an Old One and needed to replace her. He searched the memories of some of the locals to determine where he was and the date. He was unaware of this city.
         After a short probe, he was shocked that this city had been around for three hundred cycles. It started as a camp, became a village, and once people became aware of it, it became a city.
         Three hundred cycles. That could not be right. As the Supreme High One, he knew all villages and cities. This information is new to him.
         At this time, he remembered the wave that hit him when he looked at the place with the color of One with the Planet. He remembered having the passing feeling of vertigo, then nothing. Is this what the disappeared one felt?
         We are here, Old One. I will wait for you here to discuss the offer.
         Thank you, Dewis. I will return when I have replenished my reserves.
         As he walked into the dwelling, it instantly became cool with the smell of fresh Liquid Eterinite. He entered the pool and sat down. It came up to his shoulders, and when he laid back, it reached his neck. He decided this was much more comfortable than most of the pools he had visited before. It was like his private pool in the palace.
         He then set his mind to searching for more information regarding this city and its citizens. By reading their thoughts, he became aware that this city, called Eriarp, was deemed second to the palace's area. He also found out there still was no Supreme High One. Of course not. If he is alive, there cannot be another. He probed into this to see what the people thought. He found it was common knowledge that the reason no Supreme High One had not been born was that the Elders were governing well.
         He broadens his search within the Collective to find an Elder. He soon found an Elder and began to search her mind for information. He instantly found a link to the other Elders. The information is protected within her mind so others would not be able to see it. He discovered the Elders are very worried about the absence of a Supreme High One to the point of panic. It had been over three hundred fifty cycles since the last one disappeared.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


         There is no place on Earth he can go where a seven-foot-tall, gray-skinned super-being can live without being noticed. Bad people or dangerous situations, like he was a week ago, where split seconds count as lives. He lived through that already. Years ago, while in the military with Joe.
         He wasn't afraid of himself. He had a family, a daughter, and two little granddaughters to worry about. His friend wanted to move on and have an uneventful life. He had lost one friend to his new lifestyle; he didn't want to lose anyone else.
         One thought is that he could go to the Federal government and become a full-time hero. His fear of that was being turned into a weapon, with refusal out of the question. On the other side, he may be able to help more people during natural disasters.
         On the other side of the same thought, go to the United Nations and offer his services before the Federal Government finds or tracks him down. However, would he also be used as a weapon or in Police Actions?
         He could stay invisible and stay in his daughter's house.
         He knew he needed to make a call before being forced to make a tough decision. He brought out the phone that linked him to Captain Ventz. After the first ring, He answered on the second ring.          
         "Yes, it's me. I need to speak with you. In-person. It is rather important regarding our working arrangement."
         "Sure. How soon do you want to meet and where? Do you want to meet in the forest, downtown, or your hideout?"
         "Oh, hey, yeah. Let me give you all my data so you can hold all that over me. If I had any weaknesses, we could hold a press conference and discuss them in a roundtable format. Are you busy in ten minutes? Go to your roof and wait for me there. Make sure you are alone. Wait, bring your second in command; the more, the merrier. I will be there waiting."
         With that, the Defender hung up the phone, advised Misty and Joe where he was going and why, turned invisible, flew to the top of the police station, and waited. He did not have long to wait as two individuals emerged from the roof entrance door. One was Captain Ventz, and the other was an officer the Defender did not recognize. As soon as they shut the door, the Defender made himself visible. The two officers saw him and walked over to him.
         "Were you already up here when you made the call?" asked Captain Ventz.
         "No, I was about twenty miles out of town. I flew in."
         "That's quite the speed you have there. Good thing you weren't driving." Ventz tried to add a joke to cut the tension. "This is my second in command, Lieutenant Urad.
          Upon hearing his name, Lieutenant Urad saluted the Defender, "Honor to meet you, Sir." He then extended his hand to shake the Defender's hand while patting his opposite shoulder with his other hand--an exuberant first hello.
          "You called the meeting, Defender. What did you want to inform us?"
          "Yes. I wanted to discuss my future with your department and the whole city. I have been wondering if going to the Federal Government or the United Nations would be a greater benefit to see if they could use my services. During the most recent hostage/bomb scare, I did things I had not even imagined I could do. But I did, plus much more. However, I don't want to leave you after helping. My name and reputation brought the last criminal here solely to see what I could do. He didn't care who was hurt or killed. I can't live knowing that could happen again with me being here."
          "First, it is very admirable of you to worry about us if you leave. It shows character. Second, seeing how fast you can fly or run, I don't think the distance would be an obstacle you couldn't overcome easily. Thirdly, we can and will survive without you. We did so before you came along and will do so when you leave."
          "I am glad you see it that way." The Defender then handed over the telephone the captain had provided. "I won't be needing this anymore then. I will wrap up loose ends here and then go to the United Nations and the Federal Government. Collaborating with you has been a pleasure, and I wish you the best.'
          Before Captain Ventz could respond, the Defender took off from the rooftop and flew north until he was out of sight. Turned invisible, went back to the rooftop to see if they were still there, and then flew to Misty's house, into the garage, and shut the door.
          Lieutenant Urad hurried into Captain Ventz's office. "We caught him, sir. We caught the maggot where he nests."
          "Who? What are you talking about? I didn't order any traces placed on anyone."          
         "You didn't. I Did. We found where the Defender lives and are sending our Special Weapons and Tactics ("S.W.A.T.") Teams, air cover, and bomb control to his residence. The estimated time of arrival is ten minutes.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Six hundred Cycles A.E.
         Six hundred cycles? That could not be. It felt like he disappeared fifteen cycles ago. He again thought of the wave that hit him. Did it push him three hundred cycles into the future? Did the time anomaly affect anyone else? He would need to research further.
         How are you doing, Old One, began Dewiss. I have been waiting for a relffs and have become worried about you. Do you need more time?
          No, I am just finishing. I have been in the plains for a long time and needed to replenish my essence.
         I am glad you came upon us then. I want to walk you to your destination and discuss my offer if you are ready.
         The Old One was still reeling from knowing how long he was gone. He had already decided to take the offer of becoming a replacement for Old One. He knew where this journey would end and was looking forward to it.
         As they walked, Dewiss began his offer. I want to offer you the position of replacement Old One. The previous Old One became One with the Planet. The vacancy left us saddened because we thought highly of her. We are also saddened because we have so few Old Ones. We wonder if you want to become one of our Old Ones.
         The Old One waited a few minutes to speak. He wanted Dewiss to think he was weighing the offer. It will be nice to call someplace home.
         The Old One responded I accept your offer on the condition that I tutor with the knowledge I use the methods I have used prior and not questioned.
         That is the way we want our Old Ones to do. Who are we to judge the Old Ones' experiences? It is an honor to have such a tutor.
         Good, I am glad, he began. What was the destination we were going to? I am eager to see it.
         We have arrived. Here is your new home. We make sure our Old Ones are comfortable and taken care of. You have your pool of liquid Eterinite refreshed by a stream. If you want to use it, you also have a spot for your Out of Phase.
         I accept this dwelling. It is very satisfying. Where do I go to obtain sitting rocks for my pupil and me?
         I will arrange for someone to bring some to you to decide which ones you want. Is there anything else you need or want?
         You have been a Blessing. I appreciate all you have done. I do not need anything else. I can begin anytime.
         You will start when we bring you pupils from the other Old Ones.
         Life began again. The Supreme High One began tutoring Young Ones regarding their history, culture, Planet's history, and time anomalies.
         It had been one hundred complete cycles since he began tutoring. He was primarily left alone when not tutoring. He was assigned two pupils for one cycle. He was to guide, inform, and encourage them to strive for one with the Collective. During their time with him, he closely watched their thoughts. He wanted to make sure a student like Eternity did not slip by. If he had seen one, he would block those thoughts from progressing.
         He used many stories from when he was the Supreme High One. The stories would engage the attention of his pupils and begin their journey to complete adulthood. He used the Eternity tale to teach the lesson of being one with the Collective and true to yourself.
         Most of his pupils were scared and unsure of what they wanted or expected. In cases where the pupil found it hard to progress, even as the cycle was close to ending, the Supreme High One would probe their minds silently and calm them. During their time away from him, he would instill many concepts they lacked or did not understand. He masked it as they finally understood what they had learned.
         During one of his tutoring sessions, a pupil did not understand why only the rarest colors, the Highest Peak of the Mountain, became the Supreme High One.
         It is because the one with that color is also gifted with superior essence and can channel it more complexly. For example, when a Supreme High One is a Young One, they can already read thoughts and emotions. They can easily break defensive barriers and attune themselves to be one with the Collective. This way, they learn and adapt much faster than other colors. They are ready to become the Supreme High One as they reach their maturity date."
         While teaching her this lesson, he probed for questions or uncertainties and mentally answered those concerns. The Young One did not even realize that was happening because he focused on the unconsciousness of the pupil so it would form and become a conscious thought.
         When done with his lecture, he asked her any questions she might have.
         Yes, I do, she began, then hesitated. Wait, I guess I do not. I initially did not understand what you were saying, but it suddenly became clear. The rare color signifies who it is, but the gifts make them the Supreme High One.
         That is good. You are thinking and remembering the lecture and applying it to your understanding. You have been making great strides recently. Excellent.
         When the mind has influenced the pupil probe a few times, the mind becomes quicker at gathering and dissimulating information and ideas.
         Due to his help, the Supreme High One had the reputation of being an outstanding tutor. All his pupils transition from Young Ones to adults and, from there, pick a profession best suited to their skills and mental capabilities. Most eventually become Elders and stay connected with their Old One.
         During his tutoring lessons, he discusses time anomalies and his theory of how and why they happen.
         I have a theory that throughout history, the Planet and its inhabitants would experience the pull from the place of the color One with the Planet. Time anomalies frequently occur with the force of both our suns and the effects of the area of the color One with the Planet. Time could jump forward, backward, or completely vanish. It would be as if our original history never happened.
         One curious Young One asked the Old One, Has it happened already?
         I believe so. But as I stated, no one can remember it happening. So, how does one prove this?
         She thought hard about the answer. If I remember it happening, I could share my thoughts and memories with everyone else. They would see the truth and remember it is possible to happen again.
         Excellent thought process. You are doing well, the Old One began. After sharing your thoughts, what if someone thinks you are an Afflicted One with strange ideas? We previously discussed the plight of all Afflicted Ones, ending with them being One with the Planet.
         Considering their reaction, I would not share. I would place it in a guarded area and not share it. I would hide it from the Collective because of the ramifications.
         Good, you are thinking of what you should conceal and what you should not. Always be diligent with your thoughts.
         I have a question, she began. Why did you teach me this if I cannot discuss it with anyone?
         An open mind requires information and truth, even those thoughts others would question. I believe that someday, this information will become common knowledge. It is better to know than it is to be ignorant. Why? You can disagree but have an open mind to accept everyone's right to have their ideas, thoughts, and beliefs.
         So, I can disagree with someone but keep an open mind of acceptance.
         You have learned much today. The session is over until our next visit. Think about what we've talked about. If you disagree, I will not be upset. It is your personal opinion, and I accept that.
         The Supreme High One was glad his students were open to innovative ideas. He encouraged his pupils to accept his theories and ideas, even if they did not believe them. However, he felt the Young Ones received information about the time anomalies, meaning others would begin to think as he does. This information will soon become thoughts in the Collective.
         He is curious about what some of his older pupils, who have moved on, have done with the time anomalies information. He went into the Collective and searched for them. It was easy because he knew the touch of their minds and soon found them.
         He probed their minds and experiences. He soon discovered that all of them kept the information guarded. They also have let select others gain this knowledge. Wonderful! The Young Ones will assimilate slowly, just as he hoped.
         When it was time for the next tutoring session, the Old One shared a story with his Young One:
         There was a man who felt open to all information, no matter the source. He let others see his thoughts and thought process so they knew his beliefs and why. The Hydranousians who experienced his thoughts believed he was odd but not inflicted. About every ten cycles, he would move to another settlement and share his thoughts. He was known as the Odd One in the Collective by the sixth and seventh moves.
         The Odd One came to a small town to live. He had heard this town welcomed open-minded Hydranousians as long as they did not go against the Supreme High One or the Elders. He knew his information did not threaten them.
         He also knew he still needed to be careful who he would trust. He had patience. He knew some people who said they were open to information and thoughts but were secretly trying to find others who may represent a threat to the Collective. Those are the ones who live on the fringe of the Collective. They waited for free thinkers to walk into their trap and expose them for who they thought they should be.
         When the Odd One came across a small village, such a person greeted him.
         Well met, stranger, I am known as Repard, she sent telepathically. I have not met you yet.
         Well met, Repard. I do not believe we met in person, though I recognize your Collective signature. He felt Repard searching his thoughts. I assure you, there are no decisive thoughts within me. But, by all means, keep searching.
         This startled Repard. She did not know she was being that clumsy during her search. She withdrew her thoughts.
         By the time she withdrew, the Odd One had already searched her thoughts. He discovered who she was and her motives for exposure. He also found that she has reported many others by spreading false rumors and beliefs for her benefit. The information she shared was what she thought she believed. In truth, she wanted to be elevated to an Elder, even though she lacked the capacity for authentic power.
         When the Odd One saw this, he knew this was a dangerous and unstable person. While he had dealt with others like her, no two were the same. He would have to use caution when allowing her access to information. He also knew he needed to remove this threat from innocent people.
         His plan was simple. Allow Repard to probe him while he implanted thoughts into her mind. She will not notice because her attention will be elsewhere.
         As he felt Repard's light touch, he entered her thoughts and began. He knew what information to plant and how. For him, it was a straightforward process. However, he still used caution and diligence to insert the delayed data. When he finished, he saw she was still trying to overcome one of his barriers. The barrier was a planted decoy to hold her attention. He then allowed open his essence with the delayed information. He felt her eagerness to find something that would validate her story. Her essence began probing the false memory. She found one that piqued her interest.
         After she found the information, her probing stopped. The Odd One felt her withdraw her essence from him. He immediately placed the impenetrable barrier back up. Now, he would wait.
         Repard began contacting her Collective informant, Temuus. Are you free? She sent.
         Temuus answered quickly, Give me a moment. He advised. A brief time later, he contacted her. I am free now. What have you discovered?
         I have probed the Odd One's memories and discovered what I thought. He is a traitor who is planning to overthrow the Elders.
         Are you sure? That bold statement can get you into trouble if it is false.
         It is true. I found it behind a difficult barrier. I am confident of this. I am contacting an Elder to show the probe. Wish me luck.
         I do, though you are stepping on shaky ground.
         The Odd One heard the whole conversation. He knew what would happen when she went to the Elder to share her condemning information.
         Elder, may I speak with you? Repard sent.
         I am free at the moment. What is it you need?
         I have news of a traitor. He is known as the Odd One. I probed his thoughts without his knowledge. What I found is incredible. He is planning to overthrow you and the rest of the Elders. Probe me and see what I saw.
         The Elder found she was happy to give him this information and smug because she wanted to be an Elder at any cost. The Elder noted that. He became suspicious about her motive and built a barrier if any attack were to happen.
         The Elder began his probe into Repard's mind. He quickly cut through the useless information, found the incident's memory, and opened it slowly. When he had opened it all the way, he quickly looked into a bare area. There were no memories, thoughts, or probes.
         You have wasted my time with false accusations. You have dared to lie to an Elder, knowing well I would discover your deeds, yet you made a mockery of my time and powers. I contacted the other Elders, and they have witnessed your deceit.
         I know you find secrets of unwilling Hydranousians after you have either altered or misled the Hydranousian into thinking of overthrowing us. You are guilty of conspiring to make false witnesses and showing altered thoughts. The sentence for these crimes is first to warn the Collective of your deceit and fabrication. Secondly, we are blocking your probing actions. You will not be able to contact anyone. I have Silenced you for the duration of one cycle. If someone wishes to contact you, they will find you blocked.
         Repard felt an intense probe and then a feeling of nothing. She could not send thoughts to anyone. She began to know Silence. She felt panic. How will she survive? What if everyone shuns her? Will she become an inflicted one waiting to become One with the Planet? She should have listened to Temuus! Will he contact her or ignore her too?"
         The Odd One heard everything. He knew she would go to an Elder with the news. He also knew his trap would work. Planting a false memory was easy, but making it vanish was the tricky part. He needed to ensure that if she opened it once, the trap was sprung, and the memory would fade when she closed it.
         Because she attempted to deceive an Elder, Repard could not be trusted and shunned. She tried to find the Collective within her thoughts. She discovered there was still a link. She attempted to contact Temuus.
         Temuus, are you there? Can you hear me? Please answer. I need to listen to your voice. Temuus? Temuus? Temuus!
         She suddenly felt alone. There was no one. She could not live like this. She needs to know everything will be all right. She knew she only had to suffer for one cycle. Right now, it was an eternity.
         The Odd One cut the probe. He knew she received the proper judgment. He also knew he was the one responsible for her Silence. Even when he was the Supreme High One, he detested giving punishments. He knew they were warranted, but he still sympathized with the defiler.
         The Young One did not know how to respond and left without saying a word. The Old One chose this story because he had seen a deceptive trait within this pupil. It would be best to stop the pattern from fully developing.
         The Old One prepared for his next lesson. He hoped they would retain and use the information he gave them, even though it was a difficult lesson.
         He knew he would eventually have to leave. He would need to rethink his decision to go within the subsequent fifty cycles or so.
Chapter Thirty


          Having super hearing has its advantages. The Defender heard the S.W.A.T. team coming way before they got into position. He managed to get Misty, her daughters, and Joe out of the house via the back door to a neighbor's house, safely carrying a walkie-talkie with strict instructions not to call him. After becoming invisible, Matthew went outside and watched as the S.W.A.T. teams made their way up and around the house, setting up positions in strategic locations. He then noticed something alarming. Most of the special operatives had heat-sensitive goggles on. He did not know if he was invisible to everything or if the S.W.A.T. team could see him using their infrared goggles. It's too late to do anything about it now. He was already outside. He would have to move slowly to keep them busy, yet fast enough to elude capture.
         He attempted to listen to their conversations. They were not talking. It must have been radio silence, knowing he could hear their communication. He did hear, however, the tapping of keypads. They were communicating via typing information. He would need to get one. If the heat-sensitive goggles worked, no one had them turned on, as no one raised the alarm as the Defender moved carefully around the yard to find an isolated Operative. He noticed all the Operators could see at least one or two other Operators. If the Defender took one out, someone would instantly notice and call an alarm so much for that idea.
         A soft sound began to fill the air. The Defender knew the sound but could not recall it at first. After the sound grew a little louder, he recognized it as being from when he was a soldier. Wuppa-wuppa-wuppa in the far-off distance. Too faint for normal hearing. It seemed not to develop any louder. He wondered why the helicopters were staying at a distance. They were waiting to see if the S.W.A.T. teams could capture him. So far, no one was moving; they were getting into place and staying.
         The Defender took a chance and walked before the Operatives, hiding in the bushes, behind trees, or in the grass. If any saw him while invisible, none of them let on. He was going to go into the house via the garage. He noticed a camera in the garage doorway facing the entrance to the house, hiding behind a couple of boxes that were not there previously.
          He was going to unplug the camera but then had an unusual idea. He knew he had a Third Eye, and it could do things he would not normally do, even with his enhanced powers. Could his Third Eye reprogram the camera? He first began to relax. He then closed his two eyes and attempted to see the camera with the Third Eye. He pictured his eye-opening and made the camera pause from taking pictures. He felt the bean flow from his sight, engulf the camera, and quickly took it apart piece by piece and then put it back together. After completion, the Third Eye closed. The Defender went and looked at the camera. He noticed the camera had new settings: All Off, All Delete, All Pause, All Terminate. Interesting settings. For now, he turned the dial to All Pause and brought the device with him.
          He returned to the house, turned visible, and went from room to room, looking for traps or devices. As he checked the bathroom in the mirror, he caught a glimpse of his shoulder and saw a black speck. He reached for it, pulled it off, and looked at it closely. From what he could tell, it was a tracking device someone had placed on him.
          Not someone. Lieutenant Urad. That little weasel. The Defender will have to give him a thank-you talk after this end. He did not want Misty, the girls, or Joe ever mixed up in this, and now they are. Oh, yes, the Defender will have a little chat with Urad. He took the tracking device and flushed it.
         After securing the house, the Defender used his Third Eye to make the walkie-talkie untraceable. After he finished, he contacted Misty. "Hello, are you there? Don't use names; respond to the questions asked."
         After a slight pause, "Hello. Yes, we are here. I have not heard anything. I am apprehensive about you."
         "Don't worry about me. Make sure you are taking care of yourself and keeping the party going here and members busy and occupied. Nothing is happening yet. I got to go. Keep this near you. Call if anything at all happens at your end or seems unusual."
         Turning back invisible, the Defender goes back outside. He first noticed the helicopter noise fading, even with his super hearing. The S.W.A.T. members are still present and hiding. He is not sure what, if anything, they were waiting for. He debated, turning visible to see what would happen, but quickly decided against that. He wanted them to leave of their own accord, thinking this was the wrong place.
         He remembers the old boat house and docks where Joe kept his boat and where he took his showers. He immediately flew toward the docks, turned visible, and began getting attention. He even called the police via pay phone to report a sighting of a giant gray man flying about.
         His walkie-talkie beeped. He answered it. "Hello?"
         "Not sure where you are. The police left in a hurry. The Police are all gone. We are staying put until you give us all clear."
         Within minutes after the message, Mathew heard sirens. He landed on the shore and waited for the police to arrive.
         He did not have to wait long. Soon, the S.W.A.T. team plus four squad cars pulled up plus two Canine Units. It surprised Matthew that the helicopter units were not present.
         Lieutenant Urad came from one of the squad cars. "So, this is where you hide out during the day. It is spacious. You tried giving us the run-around by landing in a crowded neighborhood, but we had our eye on you the whole time. You could not hide from us for long. I even traced you to the lake you are staying at. I put a tracer on you, and we followed you to Lake Isp near the Water Treatment Plant. Now that we know where you are staying, we can track you.
         "What can I say? You got me. Too bad you can get to my real base, though."
         "Why? Where is that? Who said I cannot get to it?"
         "It is too far away for you, though you can see it."
         "If I can see, I can get to it. I will have my team there within the next hour to prove you wrong. Where is it?"
         "If I tell you, will you leave me alone? Your word on it."
         "Sure. You tell me the base of operations, and I will leave you alone. I will turn you back over to the Captain. My word on it."
         "O.K., deal then. Look up."
         Lieutenant Urad looks up. I do not see anything. Clouds. The Moon. No mountains. No aircraft. Nothing.
         "My base of operations is on the Moon. It is where I go when I am not busy or need to recharge. Where do you think I got my gray coloring?"
          "The Moon? How. What? Impossible. Coloring?" Matthew watched Lieutenant Urad sputter for a few more moments before he began to fly straight up toward the Moon until he was out of sight, turned invisible, and went to Misty's house.
Chapter Thirty-One

Trust Yourself

650 A.E.
         The Young One continued, I do not see the need to know these things. I can find the information from the Collective when the time comes.
         Even though you are too young to contact the Collective, I will show you why you should learn from a tutor or do your research. With that, the Old One opened the Young One's mind.
         You are now with me as we contact the Collective with your questions. Ask.
         The Young One began. Who are the Afflicted Ones?
         The Afflicted Ones are those you ignore.
         No, the Afflicted Ones crave too much power and catch a disease because of it.
         Both are wrong. The Afflicted Ones are the citizens who go Out of Phase.
         What? Out of Phase? Very wrong. They became One with the Planet because they were too old.
         Old One, which of these is correct?
         None answered correctly.
         Do you mean all of them were wrong? Who are the Afflicted Ones?
         There exists a condition that may cause a Hydranousian to go into madness. It affects their use of mental abilities. Their thoughts can be uncontrollable and disconnected. After this happens, the others in the Collective stop feeding the Afflicted One's energy and ignore the Afflicted One. Because of the lack of energy, a conscious depression begins, leading to self-termination and becoming One with the Planet.
         Asking the Collective for an answer is to get their personal beliefs. As you have heard, there are many beliefs. To those, their response is correct. Who would you believe if you did not know the truth?
         What is your next question?
         Why can I not touch the Collective anymore? The Young One asked.
         It is because I am no longer aiding you. What is your question about our subjects?
         Since you asked, the Young One responded, I also do not understand the hierarchy. It is not clear to me.
         Our hierarchy is based on the assorted colors of our prism bodies, he began. The rarest color is called the Highest Peak of the Mountain. When discovered, this was the rarest color; it absorbed a vast amount of energy, more than any other color, giving it more access to the powers. As far as anyone knows, there is no limit to the power of the Supreme High One.
         Where do you rank, if I may inquire?
         My color is not rare. Many have the color of the Hole of a MeeBee. I am slotted as an Old One as I have been around for a long time, explained the Old One,
         What is your next concern, asked the Old One.
         I do not understand what a previous Young One told me about time going backward. She explained that I did not understand.
         That, my pupil, is an excellent question. Do not be ashamed to ask questions.
         A theory states that time could jump forward, backward, or completely stop. If reality becomes rewritten, all life will not notice the changes. It would be as if our original history never happened. When reality moves forward, all memories leading to that moment are gone, and the present reality is all that exists. Because of this, time and reality changes are not noticed.
         Throughout our history, the Planet and its inhabitants have experienced the pull from the place called the color One with the Planet. Time anomalies frequently occur because of the force of both our suns and the distance of the location of the color One with the Planet. We do not know how, however.
         Let me get this straight. Everyone on our Planet experiences time anomalies or shifts in time, right?
         So, if that happened now, I can either go forward a cycle or be erased from time. Would it also make me not know what happened? Bzebulite asked.
         Correct again. You are learning well. If time shifts forward or backward or changes reality, it could have large-scale consequences. Whole villages or cities could cease to exist, and no one would know.
          Enough of theories. Let us move on. Our collective power allows us to create dwellings and Out-of-phase retreats using rare power crystals from the crystal mines. The most potent crystals were the Smell of Silence, Sound of the Suns, and Vision of Forever.
          With the combined energies of the Collective and crystals, we can even open one-way dimensional windows to other planets and realms. We can observe the individual planets to gain helpful knowledge to become a stronger society.
          Do you have any other concerns? The Old One questioned.
          Yes, what happened to the old Supreme High One? Did he disappear? How would we know he vanished if it was the anomaly? You said everyone would have forgotten.
          It would be impossible for us to remember the Supreme High One's disappearance if the anomaly occurred.
          Then what happened to him? The Young One asked.
          That is a mystery unsolved. Long ago, the Elders proclaimed that the Supreme High One became One with the Planet.
          No one has asked the Elders what would happen to him if he did not become One with the Planet. Why?"
          Those are good questions. Always search for the truth. Because the proclamation came from the Elders, it is forbidden to question them because they use the Collective's power to discern the truth.
          Because the Supreme High One hand-picked his successors after careful scrutinization and a complete examination of their thoughts.
          The Old One stated, It is my turn to ask you a question. Even knowing that, is it acceptable to question what happened?
          Yes, because you said you must find the truth behind the question.
          Excellent, you passed today's session with a perfect score.
          The Old One quickly probed the Young One's mind. He was searching for deceit. Did she genuinely believe all questions can be answered by searching for the truth? It would be best if you asked the right questions. The Old One went deeper into her subconscious to see if there were any outside influences. In the process, he saw insecurities regarding her graduation into adulthood. She believed she was not ready to be sent into the world and the Collective.
          Before you leave, I want you to know you are one of the brightest pupils I have taught. You need to trust that you are ready. We can discuss this more before the end of your tutelage. I will not forget.

Chapter Thirty-Two


          After the run-in with Lieutenant Urad, Matthew had no more surprises waiting for him at Misty's house when he returned. He did a thorough check of the property before he gave the all-clear for everyone to return. As Joe was the last to get there, Misty had to move her car out of the garage so he could park his car in the garage for the few days he was there. The garage door stayed closed unless Matthew needed to leave or come back.
          Matthew was looking forward to having Joe there. During their time in the military, they were close friends, but Joe was the better tactician. While serving together, Joe drew up most of their battle plans. The thing was, Joe did not like letting the officers know this. He did not like putting others' lives on the line. When Joe made plans, they were for Matthew and himself. He did not want to endanger anyone else's life. He knew Matthew would follow him because Matthew believed in what he was doing. Matthew trusted him. Joe did not want others to do this because they were ordered or felt obligated. Both saw too many of their friends not return from missions to take this sort of thing lightly.
          Having Joe at Misty's also gave Matthew a break from being the entertainment. Cindy and Becca were in absolute heaven having Uncle Joe there, especially since he was the new and improved model. He would wrestle, chase, dance, and even dress up with them. Also, Joe was just the right size to fit in all the rooms, chairs, doorways, and beds. Best of all, he still had the best stories, even better than Grandpa.
          Even though Joe was not a permanent resident at Misty's house, Matthew took advantage of his time with Joe. One ability Matthew thought he wanted but could not prove he had was x-ray vision. As a child, Matthew saw a pair of X-ray glasses in the back of a comic book offering a pair for $.99, but his mom would not let him buy them. Joe stated that if Matthew got a pair, he wanted one, too. Misty only rolled her eyes and said nothing.
          An ability discovered by Matthew and Joe was the ability to cause a stasis field around Matthew where all action within the area moves at a regular time while time outside the field can either move faster, slower, or halt altogether for short durations. They also discovered that, with difficulty, Matthew could cause the time to go backward in concise bursts. However, it is not entirely accurate and is very draining for Matthew.
          During their time together, Matthew wanted to see if he could build up a resistance to the yellow objects. He knew if a tiny splinter of anything yellow could cause body paralysis and pain, what would anything more significant do? Misty bought random things that were yellow or had yellow on them for testing. He and Joe went to the old, deserted military testing ground with these items. They decided to go early in the morning to have daylight before hikers or bicyclists would be out.
          The first test was with an ordinary yellow pencil. When Matthew first picked it up, he did so with its eraser. He remembered how it felt when the sliver of yellow-coated wood was in his finger and how debilitated he became. Not until it was removed entirely did he begin to feel normal.
          He carefully held the eraser and placed his finger on the pencil midway down its length. His finger was barely touching the pencil. It felt like he was putting his finger in a pool of molten lava. He immediately removed his finger and dropped the pencil; however, the damage was done by this time. The finger had a burn mark where it touched the pencil. Matthew recognized the burn. It was a second-degree burn. His nerve endings were severely damaged but still intact. He needed medical assistance.
          Matthew's Third Eye opened within seconds of the burn and began to glow. Soon, a soft glow began to cover his whole body. When the light reached his injured hand, the glow intensified. Matthew felt the pain subside while the glow pulsated and faded. He saw all traces of the burn removed.
          Matthew had an idea. He did not know if it would be possible but wanted to see if he could do it. This time, however, there was not an injury to focus on. He wanted his whole body covered with a continuous healing glow. He thought about how his Third Eye became activated to allow the process.
          Within mere moments, the Third Eye opened again. This time, the entire body began to glow softly green instead of a localized glow. He held up his hands and saw they had a soft green light. He looked down and saw that the rest of his body had the same glow.
          "Can you see the glow everywhere? Are there any patches without the glow?" Matthew asked Joe.
          "No, you are covered everywhere I can see. It looks like you are covered from head to toe. Touch the pencil now as you did before."
          Joe picked the pencil up and held it out for Matthew to touch. This time, Matthew tried to pinch the pencil with his index finger and thumb. He hesitated when he had his finger and thumb in place to squeeze. Matthew now had two memories of experiencing pain from touching something yellow. He almost backed away. Instead, he quickly pinched the pencil and let go. He did not feel anything. He squeezed the pencil again, this time a bit slower. He felt nothing. He saw a whitish light circling his thumb and finger as he gripped the pencil. As he looked closer, he discovered they had tiny yellow and green bolts of light striking each other in a fight for dominance, with the green bolts winning.
          Feeling more confident, Matthew reached into the bag to bring out more yellow objects. The first object pulled out was a banana. Matthew noticed there were light bruises where his hands touched. Was the shield he was producing causing these? He would have to investigate later.
          Reaching into the bag again, he pulled out a rubber ducky. Matthew smiled because it reminded him of the song he sang with Misty when she was a little girl. He moved the item from hand to hand and rubbed it on his arm to ensure it was covered.
          He next brought out two lemons. They also acquired small, darkened spots where he touched them. If Misty wanted to use them for lemonade or baking, he did not want to ruin them, so he placed them back in the bag.
          The last item in the bag he brought out was a marigold. The flower caused him to pause his experiment. His wife's favorite flower was the marigold. She would always have a vase of marigolds in the kitchen and dining room when they were available. Their yellow color and shades of yellow and orange always brightened the rooms and her spirit. Matthew ensured the flowers were always in her hospital room in her final days.
          Joe saw what Matthew was looking at and let him have his moment. After a few minutes, he cleared his throat to get Matthew's attention. "Well, it appears you have found a way of making yourself invulnerable to the color yellow. How are you feeling?"
          "Honestly? Very tired. Using this power is sapping my energy more than I anticipated. I feel tired and hungry. I do not dare use the healing power because that draws on the same point.
          "Can you turn the power off?"
          "I am sure I can." With that, Matthew focused on his Third Eye and willed his power to deactivate and return to normal.
          There was a surge of power and a flare from his Third Eye with a blinding green flash, and Matthew had his old, crippled body back.

Chapter Thirty-Three


700 A.E.
         The Old One was through with his tutoring until right after his next visit to the Liquid Eterinite pond to refresh his essence. He was, of course, ready for the next pupil. He had some free time, so he joined the Collective to gain information regarding the Supreme High One, time anomalies, and Elders.
         He heard many conversations regarding the Elders. There were no accusations or distressed feelings, more like simple gossip. From what he heard, the Elders were the topic of choice.
         He heard the Elders have more power than the Supreme High One could imagine. They keep it a secret so people are not nervous around them.
         Did the Supreme High One sacrifice himself when the three-headed monster entered a magic area in the air? There was a fierce battle between the two. After the beast bit the Supreme High One, a great light came out of thin air that caused a horrific explosion, killing the beast and the Supreme High One.
         What? The Old One wanted to hear more.
         A great light out of thin air? The window? Someone had either remembered the lights or had heard about that day. This information was an excellent lead.
         He immediately focused on the speaker. He found her instantly. Her name is Tay. She was young, only five hundred cycles. He began to search her memory regarding the window, explosion, and himself. He had an idea to get the information from her directly. He would become an inner voice of the lost Supreme High One. He must bring his barriers up to prevent her from looking too deeply.
         Tay, why did you call me from my rest? It is not time for me to leave One with the Planet. Has a new Supreme High One been created? If you are not true to me, I shall bring you when I return to One with the Planet. Speak!
         The Supreme High One? Who are you? Puclss, is that you? Very funny.
         I am whom you summoned: the Supreme High One. Do you have any news as I spoke?
         Now stop. I know this is not the Supreme High One. He has been gone for five hundred cycles. What proof do you have?
         Proof? Do you demand proof? Very well. I will delve deep into your memories, something not even an Elder can do.
         I have one. You are joined to Weth. You have been with five different Hydranousians. When meeting someone new, you claim to have never joined. Do you need more proof?
         No! How did you know? I have never told anyone.
         I know all, see all. You are transparent to me. Now give me the information I requested.
         No, there has not been a new Supreme High One since the other became One with the Planet in an explosion over five hundred cycles ago.
         Who told you how I perished? There was no beast.
         One of my tutors told me when I was a Young One. The Old One said he was there when it happened. He said the explosion was so bad that hundreds of Hydranousians became One with the Planet.
         Who were they? Your Old One must have known some of them if he was there. He undoubtedly was connected to them. What of the explosion you mentioned? How did it happen?
         The Old One never told me. He said a beast with three heads bit you, and the explosion occurred.
         That is not how I became One with the Planet.
         Where is your tutor now? Where were you when you discussed this with him?
         Last I heard, he was in a village in Glok-Glok Sands. I am from a town near Glok-Glok sands and the River of Liquid Eterinite. My village was within sight of the Liquid Eterinite. Many remember him in my city and can tell you more. If I may ask, how would you get there?
         I am the wind that destroys, the Liquid Eterinite that sends the unwary to become One with the Planet. I am the Supreme High One.
         Tay was very afraid. Her only defenses wavered and then collapsed. Was she weeping?
         Please, Supreme High One, I am sorry I talked about you. I will never do so again. Please forgive me. I can become your tool, your Prophet.
         I need no such thing. You are forgiven.
         Thank you, Supreme High One! Supreme High One?
         The Old One closed off direct communication with Tay. He then went to her subconscious and removed the conversation and all knowledge of her story. For good measure, he put in fear of ever talking about the Supreme High One.
         After the Old One had walked to places unknown, he had passed through many roads, villages, and cities. He remembers Lewr and the Glok-Glok sands. It would take half a cycle from his current location. He began at once.
         After walking and exploring as he went, the Old One arrived at the Glok-Glok sands and Lewr. They were as he remembered.
         He walked to the gate of Lewr. As he approached, a guard addressed him. Hold, stranger. You are entering the providence of Lewr. State your business.
         I am an Old One. I have been traveling for about three cycles for my pilgrimage. I followed the path and came upon this village. I want to rest, refresh my essence, and find another Old One said to be here.
         The Guard said, " Hold while I discuss your admittance with a superior."
         The Old One stretched his awareness to the Guard and superior.
         There is an Old One at the gate. He states he is on a pilgrimage. He stated he wanted to speak with another Old One who said to be here. He would like to refresh his essence and rest.
         Did he provide a time limit for how long he will be here?
         No, he did not. I did not ask him that question. Forgive my error in not asking him a simple question.
         No need to apologize. You are new to this post. Take this as a lesson.
Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.

         Allow the Old One to enter. However, please keep track of him, where he goes, and who he talks with.
         Yes sir. Thank you, sir. The Guard goes back to the gate and speaks to the Old One.
         You have the privilege of entering our town. Be diligent about where you go and what you do. Be aware of your surroundings and remember where you've been and where you want to go.
         Thank you for your information. Replied the Old One. Could you tell me where the Old Ones live?
         I know all the current Old Ones. Please tell me what they look like. Describe in as much detail as you can provide, remarked the Guard.
         Indeed, he has different colored eyes. He is a little shorter than I am, and his hair and beard are the color of One with the Planet. He has broad shoulders.
         Oh, him. I do know who you are talking about. He is currently Out of Phase. That building is down that road. When you come to the second bridge, turn left, and walk until you reach the Retreat.
          May you be blessed for your kindness and assistance.

Chapter Thirty-Four

Two Are Better Than One

         At first, Matthew did not know what had happened. He suddenly felt dizzy, weak, unstable, in pain, and disoriented. He saw Joe just staring at him incredulously.
         "Matt, what did you do? What happened? You are you again! You are your old, old self. Where did the Defender go?"
         Matthew looked down at his hands, arms, and body, expecting to see his gray, well-built body. He saw an old, frail man wearing six sizes too big for him.
         "I have no idea. I just wanted to turn off the protective green aura. You do not think I am back to normal for good, do you?"
         "I don't know. Do you feel super in any way?"
         "Not really. My bad leg is hurting me. I feel unstable without my cane, have a bad headache, and feel ready for a nap."
         "Maybe we should return to Misty's house to determine our next move. At the very least, get you into other clothes, a new cane, and some rest. I am not sure how everyone will react to having the old grandpa back. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."
         While Joe was helping Matthew into his car, Matthew was fervently going over what he had done before his change. He remembered willing his Third Eye to turn the green force field off. But why would that make him change back to this?
         After Joe got in, he headed back into Misty's house. It was still early, around 7:30 a.m., by the time they arrived. Joe stated, "Maybe I should go in and prepare her for what happened. She has experienced many changes with you. You stay put."
         When Joe walked in, Misty sat at the breakfast nook reading the paper and drinking tea.
         "Morning, Misty. Are the girls up yet?"
         "Oh, hi, Joe. No, they do not usually get up until 9:00 on the weekends. How did Dad's workout go? Speaking of which, where is he? Did he have to go save somebody?"
         "That is what I wanted to talk to you about. As you know, we were practicing with your dad, becoming desensitized to yellow. He came up with the idea of covering his whole body with a soft healing glow so if he touched something yellow, he would not be harmed by it."
         "Did it work?"
         "It worked better than we thought it would. The only downside was that it drew too much energy from your dad. He needed to rest. He thought if he could turn off the power shield, he would be able to rest, and the energy pull would stop. When he attempted to do this, you need to see this to believe it. I will go get him."
         Misty's brow furrowed, "Why? What happened? Is he all right? Did he spend too much energy and fall asleep or pass out?"
         "I will just go get him and bring him in." Joe left the kitchen and went back to the garage to get Matthew.
         When Joe returned, he came in first. He immediately told Misty, "This isn't as bad as it looks." Then Matthew came limping in as he still did not have his cane.
         "Who is that? Wait. Dad? Is that you? What happened? You are your old self! What happened? I know I just said that but what happened?" She looked toward Joe for answers, then back toward her dad. She was speechless.
         "Misty," Matthew began, "it's not as bad as you think. Joe and I will figure this out. We do not know what happened. One minute, I was the Defender, and the very next second, I was the old me. We need to go over what happened. Retrace what we were doing and saying. I even needed to rethink what I thought at that moment. We do not know. Where are the girls? I do not want to get them upset about this. They do not need to worry about anything until we are sure I will be staying this way. If I am, well then, I am. If not, then I go on like I was. Fewer headaches, I guess. I don't know."
         "We should go to the basement where the girls won't see us then," Joe suggested. "Do you think you can manage the stairs?"
         "You will need to help me. Without the support of a cane, they will be difficult."
         "No problem. I can lead you down and set you up in a chair so we can get started."
         "Dad, are you sure you are all right? You went from, well, a superhero to a 73-year-old man. You are taking this rather calmly."
         "What should I be doing? Screaming? Yelling? Cussing up a storm? I have never acted that way in a crisis. Ever. Even when I turned into the Defender, I took it in stride to find out the why and then to discover what I could about it. No different now. Let's go, Joe."
         Joe helped Matthew stand, and they went toward the basement stairs and began working their way down. After reaching the bottom, Joe helped make Matthew comfortable before they reviewed what happened piecemeal.
         At first, they discussed what they were doing during their time at the military training ground.
         Matthew discussed that he felt a slight draining sensation of his Essence while touching the yellow objects without discomfort. The sense only grew more unpleasant the longer the draining occurred. After he stopped touching the yellow objects, the draining process lessened but did not cease. He felt that continuously using the healing power was sapping his energy level.
         He and Joe then discussed that using his innate healing ability during the draining process would have been futile because it drew upon the same healing process being drained.
         The next bit of conversation was more on what they discussed. They divided on the actual verbiage used. They both agreed that this point was important because if Matthew had said something a certain way, he might have inadvertently caused his change. The problem was that neither could remember what was said.
         "Maybe you wanted to try to change your clothes? And the picture in your mind was the picture of those?"
         "Why would I want to change my clothes? They would never fit. I like those clothes I was wearing."
         "Just an idea. I am brainstorming."
         "Sorry, I snapped. I am getting nervous that I will not be able to get the other form back. I prefer that form. I miss feeling I was complete, could do anything, and was healthy."
         "I can imagine. Since my transformation, I have forgotten what being in my old body felt like. I love walking and running. I do not miss the stares from people. Oh, I get stares now, but those are distinct kinds. Those I like. I used to wish I could have turned off all my disabilities, even for an hour, just to be normal, and now I am."
         "Joe, that is, I think. I wanted to turn off the healing power. But I phrased it wrong. Dang it! I can't remember how I phrased it."
         "So, you said something in the line of, 'you wanted to turn the power off'?"
         "Yeah, something like that. If I could remember what I said, I could reverse it."
         "Wait, before that even happens, I thought of something you stated earlier. You mentioned your Third Eye. Do you still have one? I don't see the Third Eyelid."
         "Dang it, never thought of that either. Without the power of the Third Eye, I will never have the power to do any of that. What is the use of even trying?"
         "Well, wait. Let me look closer at the Third Eyelid. It is there, and I cannot see it. You do have more wrinkles to look through. Could you do me a favor? Try activating it. I know it opened up when you did that before."
         "If you say so". With this, Matthew focused on his Third Eye as he has always done. He did not feel anything opening on his forehead. "Anything opening?"
         "Uh, nothing opening, but something is popping up. Try harder and focus."
         With that cryptic response, Matthew again focuses on his Third Eye. At first, he does not feel anything. Soon, however, he sees the familiar green scene coming within view. It is in a much clearer picture than his other eyes. This view seems to take in more scenery than usual and be higher. He reaches up to feel where the eye is on his forehead. He cannot discover its location. He feels further up and eventually feels two separate eye stalks coming from his upper forehead, leading to two independent eyes at their ends approximately eight inches above his head.
         Matthew immediately let us go and turned toward Joe. "What are these?"
         "There appears to be an additional pair of eyes on stalks instead of your usual one eye. Why they are on stalks, I have no idea. Your body cannot have a third inner eye. Can you see out of them?"
         "Yes, just fine."
         "They are glowing green, just like your one eye did. So, this is telling us you still have access to your powers. However, we do not know where your body is. Let us get back to what we were discussing. After you said, 'turn the power off,' what did you do?"
         "Well, I think I focused on turning off the glow."
         "Did you focus on turning off the glow?"
         "I think I did. Then I got this body."
         "Just a bit ago, you said you would turn the power off, not the glow. You focused on turning off your power instead. Can you even do that? You did focus on turning your power off. I saw a scowl. Hear me out. If you thought that you would be turning off your glow by turning off the power, but instead, you turned off your superhero, you would have reverted to your former self because you deactivated your power."
         After thinking about this momentarily, Matthew carefully stated, "If this were true, why don't I have my Third Eye?"
         "You do, but not your normal Third Eye. Humans cannot have a Third Eye as we know it. Try using your current Third Eye to reactivate your powers. I bet they work."
         With that, Matthew focused on his Third Eye again and willed his power to reactivate.
          At this time, in the kitchen, Misty was preparing Saturday breakfast for Cindy and Becca. The kitchen television was on the girl's favorite channel as they ate.
          Suddenly, the lights dimmed, and the TV blinked off and then on. Suddenly, a loud crash comes from the basement, followed by cheering of excitement and congratulations.
Chapter Thirty-Five


Seven hundred Cycles A.E.
         The Old One walked down the road. He sensed someone in hiding was watching him. He bolstered his barrier and closed his power and essence. He used the Collective to replenish his Essence in the event he needed it.
         He zoomed in on the one watching him. He felt her curiosity and the reason she was there.
         You can come out now. I know you have been watching me. What do you want? I have no exchange. Please come out so we may meet, called the Old One.
         A Young One looking near the age of completion of Tutoring came out of the dark building and to the Old One. Thank you for coming out to meet me. I am called the Old One. I am new to this town. You appear knowledgeable about the city, could you walk with me so I don't get lost?
         Instead of talking, she nodded soberly.
         Thank you. What may I call you?
         She replied very quietly, Jaz.
         Well met, Jaz, the Old One said politely. Would you like to get started?
         She nodded again.
         Jaz, it is all right if you talk with me. I won't get upset or scold you for talking, he offered. I bet you have a pretty voice. Can you speak to me, please?
         Jaz looked at the Old One pensively.
         The Old One thought momentarily, then used the Collective to create a tighter bond with Jaz.
         Hello Jaz.
         The little girl looked around for the voice she heard. After seeing no one, she looked at the Old One.
         Yes, it was me who talked with you. Nobody can listen to or interrupt you when talking. I am a Tutor. Have you started being tutored?
         I can hear you now. I do not have to guess what you are saying to me. I heard you!
         That's great, Jaz. I am sorry I did not know you were partially psychically deaf. I would have tried this a bit earlier.
         That's OK. What were you saying a little bit ago?
         I asked if you could walk with me because I do not know this town. Now that we can talk, we can speak so no one hears us.
         Oh, yes. I know this place. If you need to rest, I know of sites you can. Some areas will let the smaller ones hide for free.
         That sounds nice. Are there other places you can hide?
         No. People do not like helping us. I do not know why.
         Well, when I rest, you will rest. Deal?
         Oh, yes. It is a deal! Jaz said enthusiastically.
.          Let us get going. If you need to talk with me, start talking.
         How far is it from the other Old One?
         It will be a bit. Not a long time, however.          
         How about I tell you a story as we walk?
         Will you? I have never heard of this story before. I have seen picture scripts. No one has told me a story.
         Then we will get started, and I will tell the story.
         There once was a man named Sazt who loved to help people. He would do any odd job that needed doing. He helped them so much that the people would be angry if he got sick because nothing would get done. Now, for all Sazt's help, he seldom received any goods for what he did. Sometimes, this upsets him. However, Sazt loved helping people so much that he did not complain.
         Then, something happened that would change everything.
         What do you think happened to Sazt?
         I do not know. Did Sazt get hurt?
         That was a good guess, said the Old One. Let us find out.
         One day, Sazt was working in an orchard picking crystal sticks and noticed a new neighbor walking down the path. It was someone he had seen before.
         Jaz asked, Why was she walking down their road?
         She wanted to meet Sazt. She had work for him to do, replied the Old One.
         When the girl came to where Sazt was standing on the other side of the fence, she introduced herself. 'Hello, my name is Pokl. What's your name?'
         'My name is Sazt--a pleasure to meet you.'
         'My, you are such a polite young man.' Gesturing around the nearby houses, 'Do you work for all these people?'
         'Oh, Hydranous, no. I work for only nine of them.'
         'Nine? That is a lot of work. At least you get compensated.'
         'No, they do not pay me. I do it because I like to help.'
.          'Why, Sazt, they are taking advantage of your goodwill. Have they ever done anything nice for you? When was the last time you had a relaxing evening?'
         'Let me think a minute.'
          As Sazt was thinking, Pokl was looking at him. She decided he was a handsome, diligent young man. However, he had not noticed her.
         'Well, the relaxing evening sounds perfect. Do you need help getting anything ready?'
         'No, Sazt, this is for you. I will not let you help me. However, you can come early and talk to me while I prepare everything.'
         'That sounds nice. I would love to talk with you some more. You are so easy to speak with. Not like the other girls I know. They never talk to me.'
          'Well, I will certainly enjoy your company. I must get back home and start preparing for when you come over.'
         Sazt went home, cleaned up, changed, and then walked to Pokl's house. Using her directions, Sazt made it there in no time. He knocked on the door.
         When the door opened, Pokl answered it. Sazt did not know what she did, but she looked charming. Prettier than before, and he told her so.
         'I have never seen anyone prettier than you. You are beautiful.'          
         'Thank you very much, Sazt. You are looking very handsome yourself.'
         'No, I am not. You are being nice. No one has called me handsome except you.'
         'Have you seen yourself in a mirror? Have you ever noticed you are more muscular than others your age? Or females may be looking at you but are afraid to talk with you because they do not want rejection?'
         'Why are you saying all these wonderful things to me? No one has given me a second look except you. I am not worthy of you. I am just someone who does odd jobs.'
         You are worthy, Sazt. I have wanted to meet you for a long time. I want us to get to know each other better. I want us to be together.
         'I would also like us to get to know each other. I've liked you since you walked over today. I would very much like to get to know you. I also believe we would be great together.'
         And they were.
         The moral of the story is that everyone has worth to someone. They will help you see your worth in yourself.
         Jaz clapped her hands in pleasure. That was an incredible story.
         I am glad you liked it, the Old One said.
         As they continued, Jaz asked a question.
         Can I be tutored? I have not had tutoring before and am alone, so I have no currency. Is that important?
         Currency is not crucial to me. How old are you, Jaz?
         I do not know. I do not remember too much of my previous life.
         May I look at your memory? It will not hurt, and you will not even know I am there.
         Will it hurt? Jaz asked.
         I promise it will not hurt. I also promise not to look into your thoughts.
         O.K. I will close my eyes because I do not want to watch.
         The Old One looked into Jaz's memory and her subconscious to determine what happened. As he was looking, he saw how she became deaf. As a newly unattached Young One, she began exploring her surroundings. She met some more mature Young Ones. The Old One became shocked and appalled by what he saw.
         The older Young Ones began pushing and hurting Jaz. It went so far that they performed psychic screams repeatedly in her head. When Jaz screamed in pain, the Young Ones left, leaving her to bleed and cry, psychically partially deaf.
         The Old One skipped ahead and saw an older Jaz, and she was already in the street begging. She did not hear people talking to her or warnings. On more than one occasion, she was knocked down and hurt. No one came to her rescue.
         Jaz was emotionally upset when the Old One met her and wanted to be One with the Planet.
         The Old One decided he was going to do something for her. He opened a wider conduit to the Collective. He focused on her psychic hearing loss with the extra power and essence. He immediately saw what happened. The psychic screams damaged each receptor zone so that only thunderous noises could get through. Through her memory, he got the names of the guilty ones. He returned to her receptor zones and began repairing the old damage. Due to the age of the wounds, repairing them took time. He noticed Jaz was getting tired. He removed the shawl he was wearing and made a small bed for her to sleep on.
         There. The Old One finished repairing the receptor zones, and they worked as they should. He went back to her memory and took the worst memories out. He then fixed that, too. It was in short order that he had made her whole again.
         When Jaz woke up, she was startled by her newfound hearing. She looked everywhere, finding a new sound wherever she turned. She was beyond thrilled. She knew the Old One did something but did not know what. Right at this time, she did not care. When she became more accustomed to the sound, she went to the Old One and gave him the hardest hug Jaz could provide. While hugging him, she began to cry.
         He spoke softly, not to startle her. What is wrong, Young One?
         Nothing is wrong. I am just delighted. I feel lighter than before. When you healed my hearing, it made me happy. When I return to the street, I will hear where the free shelter is. Thank you so much!
         It would be best if you found a tutor. You are missing your training for Adulthood, said the Old One
         Where do I find a tutor? Do I need money to go? Who is a good tutor? I do not want a mean one.
         The Old One began by saying, You need a tutor, and I need a pupil. The average time it takes for a pupil to finish coincides with their creation date. Because we do not know yours, we will follow the cycles. Typically, training takes approximately one cycle, at the most two. It is an intense time in your development and education. My job is to get you on your feet and ready for your creation date anniversary. Yours will be on the date we begin your cycle training. Your part is that you study hard and do as I say.
         Here's the deal: I will tutor you. The time it takes to finish will depend on how fast you pick up what is taught. I will help you learn about your race, our society, the hierarchy of skills, and the use of your powers when they become available. You will travel with me, and we can work as we go around the land.
         The Old One waited a few minutes for everything to sink in.
         Do we have a deal? I tutor you, and you study hard and learn.
         Deal. I do have one question, however.
         What is it? He asked.
         What shall I call you? The Old One or the Supreme High One?

Chapter Thirty-Six


         All three looked startled at the unexpected noise and television disruption.
         "Girls, stay put. I will go see what Grandpa and Uncle Joe are up to."
         "Uncle Joe is here? Grandpas back? Why are they down there?"
         "They will be up shortly. Finish your breakfast so you will have time to see them."
         As Misty walked into the downstairs room, she saw her father back to his super-sized self, lying on a smashed recliner, laughing, and wearing hardly anything.
         When Joe saw her, he stated, "We figured it out. It was so easy; I am surprised we didn't see it earlier."
         As Matthew got up, he momentarily forgot where he was and bumped his head into the ceiling. "Sorry about that. Oh, and your chair. Wasn't thinking when we were trying to get me back to normal." At this time, he noticed his clothes were not on as his pants had fallen off while in his smaller state.
         Covering her eyes, she said, "Dad! You are almost naked. Pull on your pants before the girls see you!"
         By this time, Cindy and Becca came running down to see their grandpa rushing to pull his pants up. They both shrieked with laughter.
         "Grandpa is nakey," stated Becca.
         "Is he taking off his clothes because he is going to take a bath down here? Shouldn't he be in the bathroom? I do not think he is going to fit. Maybe he needs to sit in our swimming pool." Cindy offered.
         "Girls, cover your eyes! Grandpa was changing his pants, and you walked in on him. Girls shouldn't see boys changing their clothes."
         "You too, mom. Close you eyes." Becca stated.
         "Why don't you three just go back upstairs, and I will be up when I get done. I promise to hurry." Matthew declared.
         "Good idea. Let us go, girls, back upstairs. Grandpa and Uncle Joe will not make any more noise and clean up this mess."
         Within thirty minutes, Joe and Matthew were back upstairs and in the living room with the girls and Misty. While Cindy and Becca played a game, Matthew and Joe apprised Misty of what had occurred with his reverting to his older self and returning to his alter ego. They believe that with effort, Matthew can change back and forth from human to superhuman self at will. When human, he has access to his Third Eye, even though it is in the form of eyes on stalk-like antennae.          
         Matthew stated that while he could use his human guise, the infirmity and helplessness he experienced were a great deterrent. With that, he would use it in a pinch if there were no other options.
         Around eleven that morning, a knock on Misty's front door is heard. Misty looked at her dad and then at Joe, mouthing, "What should I do?" Joe answered softly, "Go answer. Matt, go invisible. Girls, you do not know where Grandpa went. Just be quiet and keep playing your game."
         When Misty went to answer the door, an unassuming gentleman met her, 45 to 50 years old--dressed casually in a dress shirt, slacks, suspenders, slightly balding, and a two-day stubble. Misty could not remember ever seeing him before and wondered what he wanted. She had the chain bolt on the door, so she opened the door the full three inches the chain allowed it to open:
         "Hello, may I help you?" Inquired Misty.
         "Yes, Hello, ma'am. I want to speak with you regarding a possible superhero."
         "This is a private residence. The people who live here are me and my two underage daughters. I am pretty certain we have never met, and I have no idea what you are talking about."
         "Oh, I am very positive you and I have never met. Nor have I met your daughters."
         "I am confused. Who are you here to see then"?
         "I am here to speak with The Defender. Now, before you say he is not here, I know he is. I know."
         "Are you with the police or something? I do not see a badge. What makes you think he is here? Do you have proof? You are frightening my daughters with accusations that a dangerous man could be here."
         "Yes, I am with the police, but not here on official police duty. I have been working through hunches about his home base for months, and this is the most likely spot. I apologize if I frightened your daughters. I, too, have daughters. Rather, granddaughters get scared of strange men. I don't mean to frighten anyone."
         "Why are you looking for him? If you are looking for him, can't you contact him?"
         Misty allows the officer to enter after briefly pausing and whispering conversation with Joe.
         "I appreciate your time," began the police officer, "if he doesn't stay here, but you know how to contact him, please let him know we have been getting many quiet inquiries about him from the Federal Government and United Nations. They want to meet with him. They would not go into detail. I advise him not to make it known if he has family or friends. I will make sure I forget this address when I leave. I have taken the liberty of removing Sergeant Urad's notes regarding this address within his notes about his botched capture attempt."
         From where the Defender was standing, he heard the reference of Sergeant Urad. Wasn't he a Lieutenant? Was he demoted?
         With this, the Defender appeared right behind the Police Officer.
         "Thank You for your information, Captain Ventz."
         Everyone was startled by the sudden appearance of the Defender.
         "How long have you been listening? I could have gone into much more detail if I knew you were here," stated Captain Ventz.
         "What were you leaving out?"
         "I believe they want to experiment with you. Assess your abilities. Your speed, strength, stamina, what powers you have, things like that. They say they want to meet with you."
         "Your tone sounds like you don't believe them."
         "I believe they want to use you, or at the very least, abuse your gifts for their use."
         "I won't do anything I feel is wrong."
         "You have family and friends. You would be surprised what they can get you to do. You appear to have served in the Military, didn't you? I assume that, at some point, you were human. Remember how young some of the enemies seemed to be? They were not there because it was fun. Threats were made against their families to produce fighters 'or else.' Even then, the 'or else' happened."
         "Speaking of families, how did you find this location?"
         "Here? That was luck, nothing more. I have been canvasing neighborhoods for weeks, asking the same questions. I have been punched; doors slammed in my face, people called the police on me, ignored, beset by dogs, spent four hours talking to a cat-lady about all her cats, and many other scenarios.
         "Getting back to the Government's offer, if I help them, what is their payment, or will I be doing this for free?"
         "According to them, you would do this on a case-by-case basis. The bigger the bang, the bigger the buck. Whatever it is, I would ask for the payment before the task because they could easily not pay you."
         "How do I contact them if I want to do this? Call the White House. Knock on the Senate's door? Quickly Visit a session at the United Nations?"
         "They did not say. Do something that gets their attention. Something big. Make it special. Any ideas come to mind?"
         "Well, yes. I have wanted to try something. It is big, super, crazy big. As you know, I have an incredible healing power. I want to use it to its full potential. I want to heal children who are ill or have no hope. I know a children's hospital in a southern state is the largest in the country. I am going to go there and heal all the kids. At once. That will demonstrate huge power and catch the eye of many people. What do you think?"
         "That would certainly attract a lot of attention. What will that do to you? Won't that drain you completely? Is there a possibility that might be too much of a drain of your power?"
         "I don't think so. I figured if I do the healing on a floor-by-floor basis and do it methodically and slowly, knowing not all rooms will be taken, I should be able to revive myself as I work.
         "How would you take the credit? Would you do this in plain sight or hidden?"
         "I thought about walking in, standing by the elevator on each floor, and sending out the healing aura. People would see the green aura coming from me and, hopefully, attribute the healing to me."
         "Now for a reality check. What do you do about the guards trying to stop you? Or even the police? They will see a seven-foot-tall man dressed in green and black, emitting a green aura, who is not listening to their commands to cease. They will either attempt to taser you, physically assault you, or shoot you. Or all three. Are you immune to these?"
         "Yes, especially while I am producing the healing aura."
         "How soon would you carry this out if you decide to do this?
         "I am not sure of that. For your protection, it is best that you do not know.
         "I have another question. It's a different scenario if you will. What do you think about doing something similar to a military show? I am not talking about going into action. Just show off what you can do, I guess. It takes the fastest jet, approximately twenty-two hours, to go around the Earth. How fast can you run?"
         "Well, we timed me once. I just ran for two hours at full speed. It was approximately 13,000 miles, or 6,500 miles an hour. I can go much faster when I do short bursts like I was using with the bomber. I have not had the opportunity to see how fast I can fly. I want to race some jets. I hear they can fly up to 1,900 miles per hour, with a Soviet MIG-25 Foxbat flying as fast as 2,400 miles per hour. That would be an exciting and fun race.
         "I have seen you take an explosive device, hold it against you like a pillow, and shrug off the explosion. I bet you could do the same with a shell from an M1 Abrams tank and stop it in its tracks."
         Captain Ventz thought momentarily, then asked, "How fast can you recover from something draining?"
         "Don't know. I haven't been drained to the point of exhaustion before."
         "I have an idea. Just tell me if this sounds too much for you".
         "We want their attention. We want them to know you have superpowers. That you are peaceful, that could be beneficial. And that you are something that does not want to be messed with. So do everything. Each day, do one of the things we talked about. Start with the hospital, race a jet, find a tank to beat, and then wait and see the fallout. What do you think?"
         "That would certainly tax my powers, which I have wanted to do. Because I can disguise where I am coming from, no one will know my origin, and I can rest anyplace. And this would be fun. Let us give it a go. I will start first thing tomorrow."

Chapter Thirty-Seven

What's in a Name

Five hundred Cycles A.E.
         What did you ask? The Old One inquired.
         Did I ask the wrong question or not ask how I should have? Jaz questioned.
         What do you mean? The Supreme High One is dead. He perished over nine hundred cycles ago.
         No, I saw it in a dream I just had. You are the Supreme High One and the Old One. You must have forgotten.
         The Old One must not have put any barriers up when he was in Jaz's mind. His memories must have contaminated Jaz's inner thoughts. He could erase what she knows, but that would endanger all the work he just completed. He made the only decision he could.
         Jaz, I am both. I used to be the Supreme High One until a force greater than my own took half of the Hydranousians away. There was nothing I could do to stop it from happening as I was injured in an explosion. When I gathered my senses, the remaining population was being mind-swept; their minds were altered to forget the disappearance of the Hydranousians and their very existence.
         My mind alone was left unscathed. I remember everything, including the emptiness. I took it upon myself to find out what happened and see if I could reverse it. I have been searching for over nine hundred cycles. No one knows I am the Supreme High One except for you. I ask you to keep this secret to yourself. I will help you build a barrier to hide information. No one will be able to see if they look into your thoughts. I will also help keep your barrier up until you can achieve that yourself.
         Are you upset with me for finding out? I did not mean to. It just popped into my head, honest, Jaz asserted.
         I know it did. It is my fault, and I am sorry to have burdened you with the information. You are to call me Old One. Did you see anything else?
         I did see something, but it must be a mistake.
         What else did you see?
         I saw you holding up a crystal, and it hit two Hydranousians and sent them to be One with the Planet. You would not do that, would you?
         I did. Being the Supreme High One comes with all kinds of responsibilities. Not all of them are pleasant. One of them is to protect all other Hydranousians. The two I sent to be One with the Planet were evil. They were plotting to overthrow the other Elders and me. That was breaking a High Law, punishable by termination. I did not enjoy doing that. All life is to be honored. I have often had to be tough on people for the betterment of our society. Do you understand?
         I do. I hope I never get you angry.
         Do not worry about that, Young One. I saw you are honorable. Now, let us move along. We must explore the city of Lewr.
         The Old One asked Jaz about the man he was looking for. There is an Old One I am seeking. He has different-colored eyes and is currently Out of Phase in a retreat past the second bridge. Do you know of a retreat in that direction?
         Oh, yes, I do know the place you are asking about. I can show you, answered Jaz.
         As they walked, Jaz asked the Old One about her training and how often she would learn new things.
         Allow me to answer your questions. Your training will occur all the time. As we travel, you will have many opportunities to observe and learn. I will be telling many stories, each with a moral. These morals will help develop your mind and what you believe. They will also shape how you treat everyone, analyze every problem for its worth and understanding, and, most importantly, whom to trust.
         Jaz felt overwhelmed. How would she learn all that? What if she did not understand everything? Would the Old One abandon her? What would she do if he did? She then set her mind to resolve to learn everything she could and more.
         The Old One was watching her thoughts. He was pleased the Young One had made this decision on her own. It showed him she would make an excellent pupil.
         Here is the second bridge. As the Young One pointed out, we must go in that direction. It is near to the retreat.
         Let me share a short as we walk, began the Old One.
         There was once an Elder who thought highly of himself. He would look down on the population and even other Elders. He had no friends because he felt all were beneath him. One day, while walking in the forest, he stumbled and was hurt. The pain was excruciating, and he could not focus well. He knew he could not concentrate well enough to fix the wound or even call for help. A small Young One passed as he lay there feeling sorry for himself. She remembered his cruelty and hatred toward all Young Ones. The Elder asked for help. The Young One remembered her tutor and the stories she had told her. She knew it would be the right thing to do, even if she felt distaste for the Elder.
         She helped the Elder free his foot from the roots he was tangled in and propped the injured foot upon a rock. She then advised the Elder that she would get help.
         Jaz inquired; if she did not like him, and he did not like her, why would she help him?
         Good question, Young One. You are seeing the truth of how others may think and act. Let me continue.
         When the Young One reached her village, she went to the Healer and told him of what had happened. Upon hearing the Elder treat everyone angrily and resentfully, he hesitated to help. However, being a Healer meant to him that all beings who are injured or sick deserve to be healed. He asked the Young One to show him the way. After he gathered his supplies, they left.
         When they arrived, the Healer saw that the Elder was in pain and uncomfortable. He first made the Elder as comfortable as possible and then addressed the injury. The Elder had broken his foot in three places. The Healer knew what to do. He asked the Elder to lower his barriers so he could heal the foot from within. The Elder became angry because he did not trust anyone in his mind or thoughts and told the Healer this.
         The Healer expected this and advised the Elder that he had a broth to heal the foot. He removed the crystal bottle and offered it to the Elder. The Elder, still unable to focus, looked at the broth and then at the Healer. Drinking broth was more acceptable than having lesser beings in his mind.
         After the broth had been drunk, the Elder felt calmer and more relaxed. His pain was subsiding. He thought he could then fix the breakage on his own. When he began to focus on his foot, he did not feel it was mending. He attempted to focus; however, the same result happened. He knew he could do it without the Healer's help. When he tried to focus again, he suddenly felt exhausted. He needed to refresh his essence right away. But first, he would rest.
         After the Elder went unconscious, the Healer began his work. He had no trouble linking his mind with the Elders. He quickly found the Elder's essence and barriers. As the Elder was not focusing, the Healer went to work healing the broken foot. He made short work of healing and dissipated the pain. As the Healer was about to exit his thoughts, he saw into the thoughts of the Elder. He saw the pain which had made the Elder so bitter toward everyone. The Healer did nothing more. He left and allowed the Elder to wake on his own.
         As the Elder began to wake up, he was relieved that his pain was gone and he could focus his thoughts again. He knew he had been awake during the entire process, as nothing within his mind had been tampered with. He was smug; he could withstand the pain and heal the breakage alone. The Elder then got up and left."
         Jaz was upset. Why did he not say thank you or acknowledge they helped him?
         The Old One replied that The Elder could not do either, for he considered himself doing the healing. In his mind, he was right, and the others did nothing. The Healer knew this would happen but took solace in knowing the truth.
         I still think he should have thanked them, Jaz stated.
         There is a moral to this story. Can you tell me what it is? Think hard because your perceptions of what happened may cloud your thoughts.
         Jaz thought about this as they were walking. After a period of silence, Jaz offered her idea. The moral is to accept everyone as they are because we do not know where they are coming from and what has happened along the way.
         Excellent, Young One. You are opening your thoughts regarding others. You can disagree with them; however, you must understand they are right in their mind. As the Healer discovered, the Elder had something in his past that shaped his way. It is not our place to judge their experiences, only to accept that they are different. Do you understand?
         I think so, paused the Young One. That is like your decision to send those two Elders to be One with the Planet. You had your reason to punish them the way you did. You knew something about them that caused you to behave as you did. I need to accept your judgment but do not have to agree to it.
         That is correct. You are learning.
         Jaz stated that we are here at the retreat for the Out of Phase Ones.
         Good. I will go in alone to see what I can discover from the Old One.
         After entering the retreat, the Old One placed his most substantial barriers up and proceeded to find the Old One with different colored eyes. It was not complicated as there were only two Old Ones there. He quickly contacted the Old One he was searching for.
         Old One, I have been searching for you. I was advised of distressing news. One of your former students, Tay, told me you were there when the Supreme High One vanished. She also stated that you remembered what happened. How is that possible when no one can remember?
         The Old One with the colored eyes responded, Yes, I remember Tay. She had questions but barely remembered why I told her the stories. She was always plotting to use the information I provided for her gain--poor Young One. I, of course, was not there. I was not even one with the Collective as I was here tutoring. I did hear the Supreme Old One had died but left nobody to place in the liquid Eterinite. She also talked about the three-headed monster.
         What explosion did you speak of? Was there an explosion?
         No one can remember what happened. Only they woke up. Something terrible happened, and the Supreme High One placed a powerful barrier to protect all the citizens and Elders. He must have drained all his essence to do this and became One with the Planet and evaporated.
         The Supreme High One had been looking at the Old Ones' memory and thoughts. He saw the deceit he told Tay, his Young One at the time. He also noticed that the Old One was speaking the truth regarding what he knew about the time of the Supreme High Ones' disappearance. He knew nothing of what had happened. While the Supreme High One was relieved he knew nothing of the event, he was disappointed he was no closer to the end of his search.
         After receiving disappointing information from the Old One with different colored eyes, The Old One and Jaz began walking to his cave for solitude and replenishment. He told Jaz about the cave and his previous visits but said nothing about what he had done there.
         How far is this cave? Jaz asked.
         It is about a cycle. You will learn much as we walk with no interruptions. You will surprise yourself with what you accomplish, said the Old One.
         Jaz proved to be a very astute pupil. She understood the stories' morals and found similarities with her life and experiences. She also questioned everything the Old One had to offer.
         When you were the Supreme High One, why did you think Eternity would change after inviting her to stay with you at the palace? You just stripped her powers and made her silent. I think anyone would hold resentment for doing that. That is like sentencing someone to be One with the Planet.
         As I have advised you before, I began the Old One and felt sickened after doing that. I knew what I was doing and would do it again if the punishment suited the crime. It does not mean, however, that I enjoyed doing it. I invited her to stay partially because I wanted to try and rehabilitate her. I also felt sorry for her. She did not have a tutor who could foresee the harm she would cause and prevent it with barriers or blocks. In a sense, she was a victim as well. Do you understand now?
         Yes, I do. Do you have a story, Old One?
         I do have one. Once, there was a crystal farmer named Zaddit near the mountain range of Hibcl. Ziddit was joined with Qanish for two hundred cycles. He was a busy farmer because the need for new power crystals was immense. He and Qanish labored all the time, except when they were Out of Phase. Even then, as their replenishment cycles were opposite, the crystals would still be farmed.
         One day, Ziddit was working; his Third Eye began to falter, and he could not focus the power beam to dislodge the crystals. He became alarmed and notified Qanish. Qanish became distressed that Ziddit could not work. He had always been proud of how much work they would accomplish each cycle. Without his assistance, the workload would have fallen below 75%, an unacceptable result. Qanish's name and reputation would be tarnished.
         Ziddit would try to regain his Third Eye's power beam but could not. He felt awful. Worse, Qanish would provide verbal disdain toward him. He realized his concern was not for him, only for the number of crystals he could produce. After realizing this, he felt alone.
         Jaz inquired, Why would someone who is joined not care for the other? It sounds like Qanish never cared for him, only his labor. That seems like a lie.
         Yes, Young One, it does. Qanish kept his true feelings behind a barrier so Ziddit would think they were happy. In truth, at first, they were both happy for varied reasons. For Qanish, material reasons, and for Ziddit, companionship.
         To continue, when it was time for Ziddit to go Out of Phase and Qanish to return, their ties were severed. Qanish advised Ziddit that he would be leaving to find a more suitable companion. Ziddit did not know how he could continue alone.
         During Ziddit's Out of Phase replenishment, he began to feel his mind becoming more centered on his Third Eye. He felt an awakening of something he had never felt before. His Third Eye felt recharged. More than recharged, a regeneration of sorts. He did not know where this was coming from; only he began to feel lighter, more content.
         When his Out of Phase ended, he returned to his work site. Once there, he did not feel alone without Qanish. He felt at peace with the separation. He then went into the cave and tried to use his Third Eye. Instead of failure, the eye responded with more power than before. He could produce such an energy beam; he fabricated three times the number of crystals.
         I know what happened, began Jaz. Qanish came back, and they became connected again.
         Let us find out. News of the quantity and quality of the produced crystals became widely known. He was sought out as his work became of superior quality to other crystal farms. He gained followers who would collaborate with him to sort and provide the crystals to the Hydranousians and even Elders.
         Qanish heard about his success and went to become his companion again. When he approached, Ziddit heard Qanish's appeal. Ziddit stated, 'You left me in my time of need. You never cared for me, only what I could do for you. When I could no longer produce crystals, you left me. But I forgive you. You were following your need, and I was following mine. They were not together. I am very content with my life now. I still love you but do not need you. Find someone who shares who you are.'
         This caused Qanish to leave, angry that he could no longer be recognized for Ziddit's work in the crystal trade. He wondered if the Collective knew of his betrayal and lies. The Collective did know, and Quanish was forced to begin his new life as a wanderer shunned, without a companion, and alone.
         That is justice, said Jaz. He did not genuinely care for Ziddit, only his work. He turned against him when he could not produce and then wanted back after he regained his Third Eyebeam. That was very selfish and hurtful. Qanish did not respect Ziddit enough to honor him for what he did. What is the moral of this story, Old One?
         You must be careful whom you allow into your life. Everyone has their agenda and wants. Before one seeks a companion, one needs to know oneself. The moral is doubled: know thyself and beware of someone else trying to take advantage of your gifts and affection.
         That's a lot to think about. How do you know if someone is genuine to you?
         At first, you do not. Only experience can provide the answer. Trust your instincts.
         Now that I have told you a story, it is time to practice your innate powers. Before you protest, know I know your limitations and will consider that, announced the Old One.
         What will you have me practice? Reading thoughts, barrier set-up, or entering the Collective? Asked Jaz.
         None of those. Today, I want you to reach into your essence and see your inner self. The search for the inner self is tricky the first time you attempt it. Be diligent with your effort and open to what is there. I will be with you but will not assist in what you are doing. Begin.
         Jaz immediately touches the essence that is open to her. Her ability to reach her essence increased as she progressed in her knowledge. The Old One told her she was farther in training than others her developmental age. She felt something when she applied as much as would be allowed by her consumption of essence. It was not a barrier. She recognized something hidden just out of reach. She attempted several times to reach for information but always came up short. She knew this was her inner self, hidden from her.
         She began to look at the problem at hand. She needed to access the knowledge, but she was the one blocking that from happening. She then wondered what she needed to do to gain that knowledge. She had passed all of the Old One's tests and trials. She knew she had come a long way in her tutelage. She also felt there was more to her than she realized.
         So why can she not reach it?
         The Old One was watching her thoughts and reactions. He knew this was a difficult test, usually used only on Young Ones as they entered the last phase of their time as pupils. He also knew this would be a great accomplishment for the Young One. It would be remembered that she accomplished a difficult test.
         As the Old One watched, he saw the formation of thought within her. Jaz was slowly understanding her accomplishments. She knew she had surpassed the Old One's expectations. She knew she started her training after other Young Ones began theirs, and she was learning faster. She also recognized her mistakes and how she learned to correct them so they did not happen again. She felt she had all the correct pieces but could not assemble them. She wanted to ask the Old One for guidance but knew she would be alone once she was fully grown and could not ask anyone about her inner thoughts or concerns. She would have to use her instincts, knowledge, and experiences to solve problems such as these.
         With that thought, she knew how to reach her goal. She already knew what her inner self was. She was able to reach her goal and opened her inner self. She was amazed at what she felt. Confidence in what she could do. She was assured of her knowledge. It is wisdom to know she can find answers to her questions when an effort is applied. And that the Old One's words and teachings would always be with her.
         Very, very well done, Jaz. You have successfully contacted your inner self. You relied on yourself and believed you could do it. Your past experiences and faith in yourself have unlocked your knowledge and commitment to trust. Excellent work! I am immensely proud of you.
         Next, we will evaluate how your powers have already changed and what your future potential may be.
         What do you mean, 'My powers have changed?' questioned Jaz. Would I not have noticed if they did?"
         Only if you were not prepared. Speaking of being prepared, I have a short ballad of tragic loss between two joined companions. It goes with our last story.
         'The time for goodbyes has not yet arrived; there are a few moments yet for memories. I see your face all smiles with cheer; what lies below is sadness and fear.'
'The time for goodbye is far from now.'
         'We face each day as forever, knowing what is in the future. We each say we are doing well, but each knows the other lies. I have been your knight, and you are my Everything. Thank you for seeing into my Soul.'
'The time for goodbye is not yet here.'
         'Before time passes, I wanted to say Thank You. Thank you for being my best friend. Thank you for picking me to be your joy. Thank you for giving me someone to love, honor, and cherish. Thank you for being my love.'
'The time for goodbyes will soon be upon us.'
         'Too soon, time went away, and we found our parting. One to continue with an emptiness in their Soul, the other to watch and wait'.
'The time for goodbye is here.'
         'Our final goodbye will bring tears, emptiness, and grief. You go one way, and I go another. I know we will meet again to fill the holes in our Essence.'
'Then time for goodbye will never be heard.'
         That was sad, began Jaz. I felt the loneliness of what was happening. Honestly, I did not have anyone before I met you. You introduced me to the Collective. I now have many Hydranousians whom I consider friends. What did it mean, 'I know we will meet again?' Is it referring to being One with the Planet? How can a Hydranousian meet someone when they are One with the Planet? Asked Jaz.
         Some Hydranousians believe that their essence lives on after becoming One with the Planet. They do not become one with the Collective because they no longer need the Collective as they are one with the Essence. They have passed into a different reality. Once there, they will remain until their companion arrives, and they will be together for all eternity.
         Do you believe that? What if you do not believe in this? Does your essence cease to be?
         What I believe is for me to decide. That, Young One, is for you to decide on your own. Do not judge others because your beliefs or knowledge is different from theirs. They have a right to their own beliefs and opinions.
         Let us continue by discussing your true powers and potential. As I stated, your abilities have changed because you are becoming more in tune with the Collective, which increases your mental capabilities and helps sustain you. With this ability, you become more potent with your essence, quicker to contact the Collective, and create more substantial barriers.
         Have I not been doing this all along with my training?
         Good question. You have been developing your knowledge and ability to contact your essence and the Collective. However, because you accepted your potential, your journey will hasten. Many Young Ones either never realize their potential or, if they do recognize their true potential, do not accept it and become lost in their desire to be someone they are not. This is what happened to Eternity.          
         That was another sad story. At first, I felt terrible for her because she did not want to finish her training, thinking she did not need it. If she had finished it and her tutor had been more diligent, her story would have had a better ending. She created her destiny because she was misguided.
         It is true. It was indeed a sad tale. One that I have made sure is not repeated.
         Do you ever wonder what happened to her in the North Quadrant? The hostile environment, indeed, was too harsh for her. Or she did not go there when commanded. Are you confident she went? She could have gone anywhere.
         No, she is there, the Old One said with a faraway look.
Chapter Thirty-Eight


         After saying his goodbyes to Misty and Joe, Matthew turned invisible and flew off, heading toward his first destination. While he flew, he went over how he would conduct his mission. Would he start with the top floor or the bottom floor? Would he announce who he was, take questions, or do any personal healing? After thinking for a moment, he decided to go to the hospital, declare his name, and then leave.
         Because he was not aware of how fast he was flying but knew it was not near his top speed, he arrived at his destination within two hours, about the time when the sun was just over the horizon. Upon arrival, he landed on the roof. He noticed it had at least three adjoining buildings. The healing would take more time than he first anticipated. He would need to divide the healing into three phases, with a pause in between each to rest and recoup his healing power.
         At this time, he decided to stop and rest a moment and gather some strength after his flight. He sat down, relaxed, and envisioned power flowing into him. His Third Eye opened. He saw the world as only he could. He began to feel his power build within him. He felt the very fibers of his body becoming more energized than they ever had before. He just knew they could hold an immense amount of this energy, and he could keep filling these endless wells.
         After what seemed like thirty minutes had passed, he began to slow the flow of energy and come back to reality. He became more aware of the world around him. He noticed he was glowing bright green and slowly pulsating. He then noticed two police helicopters hovering above him. He had no idea how long they had been there. He saw a third hovering helicopter from a television news station with a film crew from a distance. So much for walking into the hospital and healing the kids unhindered.
         He acted without really thinking about it. He placed both hands directly on the roof and just pushed his energy through him into the building itself. He imagined the whole structure surrounded by his healing energy so that every individual would feel the effect of his healing power. He knew right away that he could not do it. He would deplete his energy almost immediately. He did what he felt was instinctive. He again envisioned power flowing into and through him. He was looking at his hands when he felt his Third Eye snap open, and his power increased. The sounds of the helicopters decreased, the outside world began to fade away, and time stopped.
         The power he was channeling was not coming from him. Instead, he was the conduit. He was transforming random energy into a positive, healing force. He was guiding it to the people within the hospital who were suffering, regardless of age. He ensured all persons needing physical healing, especially the children, were. He did not count how many there were, only that they were suffering.
         He knew this was taking hours. It could have taken days. It did not matter--healing needed to be done.
         As the last healing was completed within the hospital, the Defender slowly began withdrawing his Essence. The green glow that had enveloped the whole hospital, all buildings, was slowly dissolving into nothingness. The Defender was still glowing with the same slow pulsation.
         At this time, he became aware that the police helicopters were gone, and two more hovering television news helicopters were in their place.
         Approximately ten feet away from where the Defender was sitting was a barricade encircling him. Behind the wall were heavily suited Army personnel with weapons drawn and aimed.
         As he stood up, the Defender stated, "Hello."
         He was answered by several loud clicks of weapons being readied to be fired should he make offensive moves. He was then advised to stand down.
         "Now that is uncalled for. I just spent a great amount of energy healing a hospital full of sick children. Now, you threaten to shoot me because I say 'Hello'?" Becoming agitated at the prospect of the lack of expected gratitude. "I could sneeze, and you all would be blown off the top of here. No, I was joking. Seriously, though, why are you pointing your guns at me? Why would I be hostile if I healed all those ill children?."
         Some of the guns wavered while some were lowered.
         "Now, if you don't mind, I am returning to my base of operations on the moon. I will be back tomorrow. Not here. I have seen how you respond to someone who tries to help."
         With that, the Defender rises from the building and slowly gains speed until he is out of sight of the hospital.
         Within minutes, he hears multiple screeching sounds in the distance coming closer. He stops flying and looks toward where the sound is emitting from. In the distance, he saw two F-22 jets coming toward him. He wanted to see what they would do, so he just hovered in place. No hostile moves were made toward him as they approached and flew by. They circled back twice, passed approximately six hundred sixty feet away, and began a circle pattern around him. With this occurring, the Defender did not turn toward home. Instead, he slowly descended toward the ground, trying to find a wide-open space without people. Room was available to land; however, he wanted to land somewhere there wouldn't be a crowd because having two fighter jets circling drew attention to you. He thought about turning invisible; however, he wanted to meet with the government people he knew were watching and get that over with.
         As he was about to land, the jets made one last fly-by and were gone. At this time, the Defender heard the familiar wuppa wuppa wuppa of helicopter blades. By the sound of it, there was more than one. He landed and made eye contact with three helicopters coming his way. One was flanked by two Apache-type helicopters. He was unfamiliar with the modern helicopter names but knew the significant types.
         He stood waiting for them to land and disembark. The two Apache helicopters stayed airborne, facing him while the transport landed. The Defender was amused when the first four individuals to come out appeared to be snipers and quickly set up position facing him. After what was the all-clear, a lone soldier came out and walked toward him and stopped approximately twenty-five feet away.
         "Defender in Green, you stand accused of violating or using the United States of America Air Space without authorization, a show of hostilities against the United States Air Force, leaving the scene of a crime, overt criminal actions, and anything else that can be levied against you. You are, at this moment, ordered to surrender into our custody and be incarcerated."
         After a pause, "That response is not an option. You are surrounded. These Apache helicopters will follow and shoot you down if you attempt to escape. If you attempt to attack me, the snipers will stop you. Not to mention, the F-16 jets are still out there waiting to be called back. Running is hopeless."
         The Defender responded, "Just because I like to be humored, let's say I go with you. What happens next? Do you take me to your lab and try to experiment on me? Do you think I am an alien from Area 51?" He waits briefly for a response, "No answer? I must be right. My answer is still no. I was hoping you could return to your transport, have your snipers shoot me, let your Apache helicopters try their best, and bring your jets to me. After they've wasted their ammunition, you better be far away because I will be coming for you to get answers." The Defender's Third Eye opens, and all three eyes glow bright green as they focus on the Lieutenant. The Defender notices a wet spot on the front of the Lieutenant's pants. "Why aren't you running yet?"
         The soldier visibly paled, turned around, and did his best to walk, not run, to the transport helicopter. The other soldiers quickly got in, and the aircraft took off, leaving the Apaches facing him.
         He had no idea what they were going to do. He increased his hearing so he could hear into the cockpits of the helicopters.
         "How long are we supposed to stay here?"
         "We wait to see if he attacks or chases after them."
         "He is just staring at us. It is creeping me out."
         The Defender slowly willed himself to hover a few feet above the ground, allowing his fists to glow bright green.
         "That's it. He is making a hostile move! Fire all guns!"
         Both helicopters begin firing their nose and belly turrets simultaneously. Both Apaches had six rockets that launched and struck the Defender. The explosions were tremendous and rocked the helicopters. After exhausting all ammunition and missiles, the helicopters increased their height to appraise the scene better. They knew there would be a crater and little else.
         As they hovered, the Defender rose slowly from the smoke. His body was slightly glowing green; however, his eyes and fists were glowing bright green.
         Neither Apache helicopter waited to see what was coming. Both turned around and flew away at top speed, following the first helicopter.
         When he was sure the helicopters were out of sight, the Defender lowered himself onto the ground and congratulated himself for passing these tests. He thought he would have at least gotten a bruise from one of the rockets, but nothing happened.
          He first heard, rather than saw, the two oncoming F22 Raptor jets. He focused on the direction of the sound and soon saw them. He readied himself once he saw they would use their Direct Attack Munitions. He saw the launch of their payloads and prepared himself for the impact. The first two bombs struck within twenty-five feet of him, throwing him back over fifty feet into the air into a grove of trees. He looked up in time to see the jets fly overhead, turn, and loop around for another run.
          Making sure he is in plain sight, the Defender flies over to the smoking hole the first bomb made, lands, looks it over, jumps in, turns invisible, and flies out. Spotting the farthest jet away from his starting point, the Defender flies directly toward that jet, increasing speed as he goes. As he passes, he debates how he will disable the Raptor. He doesn't want to injure the pilot or destroy the plane.
          He reaches the jet within three minutes and is over the canopy within seconds. The Defender easily matched the Mach speed of the F22. Knocking on the canopy, the pilot looked right, left, and then up to see the Defender salute and speed past the F22 with increasing speed.
          The aircraft banks left and then increased altitude to 65,000 feet to cruising altitude to orient on his target. By this time, the second F22 was actively searching for the Defender using radar and visual searches. Unfortunately, neither fighter can locate the Defender.
          After a brief conversation between the F22s, it is determined to return to base. As the jets were about to turn homeward, the F22 that did not have the Defender tap on the window flight speed decreased dramatically, even though the engines were operating at near maximum thrust. The pilot checked all the gauges and saw that everything was working correctly except the velocity. She called in Mayday and decreased the engine's thrust so as not to overheat the engines.
          The other F22 circled back to do a fly-by to see if physical damage had occurred. After verifying there was, it confirmed that nothing was seen, and the pilot stated he would stay with her until she could land safely.
          Within minutes of the message, the jet experiences severe turbulence, and the canopy falls off. The pilot is now fighting for control of the jet as the shaking worsens. She decreases altitude and attempts to maintain an altitude of 42,000 feet.
          At this time, the Defender decided he was done playing with the F22, and it was now time to bring it down. He stood on the wing next to the cockpit, looking in. With the speed of the jet and the altitude, she wasn't going to eject the seat. It would kill her.
          He takes a deep breath and becomes visible.
          The pilot did the one thing he didn't want to happen. She pulled the ejector seat by reflex. Before the seat left the cockpit, the Defender caught it. The built-in jets were firing, so he had to hold the chair tight. All the while this was happening, he was trying to calm the pilot down.
          Bending close to the pilot's head, he spoke: "Please stop screaming. I am not here to hurt you. I wouldn't have prevented you from breaking your neck with the ejector seat if I were. Please stop screaming. O.K. My name is Defender. Your bombs didn't work. No, the helicopters tried to kill me, too, but they failed. I will make sure you are ok, then do my thing. Are you ready? No, as I said, I am not going to hurt you. Please don't cry. No, I won't tell anyone you cried. Here we go."
          "O.K., Don't worry. I am an expert at flying. I Do it all the time. Say goodbye to your jet." The Defender, with the pilot's seat, hovers out of the flying jet and watches the jet speed off into the waning afternoon toward the east.
          "Good, that is taken care of. Let's get your oxygen mask on. .there you go. I have decided I am taking you down myself. It will be faster and safer. Hang on, here we go."
          After landing near a road, the Defender helped the pilot out of the seat and pointed toward the nearest town, "You could also stay here. Your seat does have a homing device--your choice. I need to go. I have another task I need to complete."
          Without waiting, the Defender flew off. He needed to fly quickly to catch up to the jet. He headed East. Using his supersight, he saw the jet still flying East toward the darkening sky. He sped up and, within minutes, was beside the plane.
          There was only one choice: to destroy the jet so there would be no casualties. The Defender decided to take the jet into orbit.
          He positioned himself underneath the jet's fuselage so his back pressed against it. He then spread his arms outstretched and used his hands to hold the fuselage evenly. Once this was complete, the Defender slowly increased his speed and altitude.
          As the Defender rose, the other F22 appeared within a hundred yards away. The pilot was gesturing for the Defender to go down. The Defender shook his head and sped up.
                   By this time, all clouds were far below his position. The air was cold and thin. He didn't know how much oxygen was in the atmosphere; however, he was not having trouble breathing. At this time, the Defender had stopped looking at the pilot and focused on the view. It was breathtaking.
          Suddenly, the other plane turned and left, leaving the Defender alone. Soon, the only sound was that of the wind in his ears. He flew faster, wanting to get his job done and return home. Long ago, the jet's engines had died. Soon, he started seeing the tiny twinkle of stars ahead steadily growing brighter. He knew he was there.
          He knew he had reached his destination when the jet began to float from his outstretched arms and hands. He noticed his body was glowing bright green and didn't need to breathe. He hovered toward the jet's rear, took hold, maneuvered it to point outward, and heaved. The jet drifted away from him and the remaining Earth's gravity. Satisfied, he turned and flew back to Earth. While descending, he wondered how much time had elapsed since his altercation with the helicopters. He knew the direction they flew in and was feeling peevish.
          Coming down at an angle and using superspeed, he was surprised by the sight of one of the helicopters. As he closed in, he turned invisible as he wanted his approach to go undetected. It was the Transport helicopter. When he passed into the open end of the aircraft, he saw the soldiers who had come out of the helicopter originally, another one holding what looked like a camera and others wearing parachutes. He quickly spotted the Lieutenant.
         "Is this a bad time?" the Defender said, turning visible, "Hey, I remember you," pointing at the Officer, "you are the Officer that threatened me and then had the helicopters and jet try to kill me." Walking directly to the soldier, "How did that work for you?" The Defender willed his eyes to glow green for the effect.
         The Officer did not answer; he just turned pale and wet himself again.
         The Defender looked down and then back up but said nothing. He bent in and, speaking in a false whispering voice, said, "Hey, Leak, Don't worry, I don't hold grudges long." He leaned back out and continued speaking normally, " I am glad there are witnesses to this. I was hoping you could give this message to your superiors, the President, and the United Nations. My name is Defender. I come in peace and have been trying to do so this whole time. I have been attacked several times by this government for no cause. I demonstrated my peaceful intent by healing a hospital for sick children. This government has attacked me without probable cause. I will defend myself, as was seen. I will do so again if I must. That is not a threat. It is most definitely a promise."
         The Officer just stared at him, afraid to speak. One of the other soldiers spoke up. "I heard about what you did from a buddy at the hospital. The hospital consists of more than three buildings, and if you were in any of those buildings, you were bathed in a green light and miraculously healed of whatever was wrong with you, no matter how serious or small it might have been. All the kids were dancing with their parents. The healing took over seven hours but did not stop until all the sick were healed. You were on the news all day. People kept watching to see what was happening and who you were. People say you are a mutant; others say you are an angel. Others say you are an alien."
         The Officer, who had been silent, finally spoke in a cracked voice, "That's enough, corporal. We are not to engage the enemy," turning to face the Defender, "As we speak, we are now headed to a maximum-security holding facility for your incarceration. You will be kept there until further notice." He attempted a smile, then looked down as the Defended looked at the Officer's pants and shook his head.
         Poking the Officer in the chest, "I plan on meeting the President or with the United Nations tomorrow. It does not matter which. Either way, I am done dealing with lackeys. I am offering my assistance to either or both. You can help me or stay out of my way. Your choice, Lieutenant Leak."
         After saying this, the Defender left, flying out of the rear of the transport.
          The Defender flew down to the ground and watched the helicopter fly away, making sure it was out of sight before he let his guard down. He thought it was time to check in with Joe and Misty and pulled his phone from his boot, the safest place he could think of. He began dialing when the first bomb blew up right beside him.
          Because he was not paying attention, he did not notice the missile until it was too late. He just managed to bring his arms up to cover his head and face right before the impact. Instead of pushing him backward, the explosion blew a crater underneath him, and he tumbled back. The second missile hit him in the chest and pounded him further into the ground. The third and fourth missiles managed to bury him in debris.
Before digging himself out, he waited for another strike.
         After checking himself over, he found the remnants of his phone's antenna and tossed it aside. He decided to go home. He turned invisible, rapidly ascended to get his bearings, and flew to Misty's house.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


Five hundred Cycles A.E.
         Changing the subject abruptly, the Old One began Enough talk of that place, and those sent at is not the point of today's lecture. As I stated, your powers have changed and will continue to change if you are open to the Essence and Collective. I am still experiencing changes in my abilities. If you are open-minded, your changes could continue to grow. When I was Young, I knew my path. Oh, not because of the color of my crystal skin, but because I was open to my Essence and Collective. I let them guide me forward. I was constantly in flux about becoming the Supreme High One, even though I did not know where the changes led me. As an older Young One, I had the abilities of an Elder but did not feel I completed my learning. I instinctively knew I would be the Supreme High One when I entered adulthood. The Elders would have used me as their puppet if I had stopped growing.
         Wow, you have been through a lot. Were all your endeavors successful? I bet they were, or you would not have become the Supreme High One, stated Jaz.
         No, I had many failures. But that did not stop me because I learned from my mistakes so I would not repeat them. I became more patient with myself, not being too rash to join in or making quick judgments when conflicted with thoughts.
         You had failures? Did the Elders or others hold them against you?
         They tried. However, they could not break me because I was extremely comfortable with my learning process and became more in tune with my inner self. I am about the greater good of our society and the individuals therein. Some Elders and Hydranousians were concerned about what they could get for nothing or, in the case of the Elders, how they could manipulate others to do their will.
         Why did you not eliminate those Elders if you know what they are doing?
         I can keep track of where they are. I placed some of the Elders because they were honorable and just. Others so I could access their thoughts and actions easily. Remember the story of Elder Scrbeaul? That was an actual encounter with one of my past Elders. I knew of his ways before becoming an Elder. I placed him there because of his abusive nature. As the story started, something had happened to him in his early life to shape him the way he was.
         If I may ask, what could have been so bad that it turned him into a cruel person?
         Knowledge is the way to enlightenment, Young One. Never forget that.
         Before Scrbeaul became an Elder, he was a local High One. He sought advice. He possessed no elevated powers, though he thought he should have. He felt forced into the role and resented all contact with others, especially those who joined with others. Before that, he had attempted many professions, all of which he resented because he thought it was beneath him. When he was a Young One, he was smaller than the other Young Ones. He felt he was constantly picked on or abused. It was only his perception of what occurred. However, his beliefs were his reality. He had an excellent tutor, except she failed to help him overcome his faulty perceptions.
         So, he became a resentful Elder because of his perceptions of himself?
         Not yet. Scrbeaul's path toward his future began right before he became an adult. While being tutored, he felt attracted to a female pupil, Mellainy, of a neighboring Old One, who had been training her. Scrbeaul thought he had to become Mellainy's companion to the point that he obsessed with her constantly. His final studies suffered dramatically. His tutor realized this but felt confident he was ready to merge into adulthood despite not completing his full tutelage.
         Meanwhile, the young female pupil was ahead of track for her transition to being an adult. Her tutor had seen her develop into a bright, confident, and focused Young One. She had made plans on what she wanted to accomplish with her final goal of being a tutor herself. She knew of Scrbeaul and his infatuation with her. She did not share the same feelings. He was not interested in becoming more significant than himself, for he thought he was already above others.
         The day before their final session with their tutors, Scrbeaul approached Mellainy with the intent of becoming companions. He was sure it would happen because he felt superior to Mellainy. Why would she not want to be his companion? When he first approached her, he claimed they would be together. Mellainy advised him that her plans did not include a companion in this part of her development. He did not listen to her and pushed his opinion onto her. She again refused, advising him she did not share the same thoughts.
         Why did he keep pushing her when she was not interested in him? Jaz wanted to know.
         Because he only cared about his feelings and interests. He was not listening to what Mellainy was telling him, nor was he interested in her feelings.
         What did she do?
         When he could not get her to agree to be a companion, he decided to try to influence her mind. He blatantly reached into her mind and began looking for ways to make her consent, even if that meant planting thoughts.
         She was ready for just that attack. Her tutor showed her how to repel intruders. She had placed her barriers and focused on his mind while he was busy with hers. She learned to send a psychic shock wave attack. This attack turned off Scrbeaul's use of the Collective and caused physical pain. She did not want to use this, but he gave her no choice. She released the wave.
         The effect was swift and painful. Scrbeaul was brought to his knees, holding his head, and cried aloud. He has never received a rebuke before. He was defenseless even to stop it because he did not know what it was, as his tutor did not teach him this.
          Mellainy stated aloud. 'This attack will happen if you ever touch my mind uninvited. I would never become your companion. You have made me loathe your sight, and your touch is repulsive. You will never find anyone who will want you as a companion. You are selfish, rude, self-centered, and unworthy of anything good. You will tarnish all you come in contact with.
         Mellainy promptly left him in pain, unable to contact the Collective, and speechless.
         Jaz observed that he got what he deserved. Wait, is this the person in your story about the Elder who broke his foot? Is this what the Healer saw?
         The same. Scrbeaul became even more bitter at the rejection and her words. Even though it was an unconscious decision, he became what he was. He loathed himself to the point that he had to treat everyone with disrespect and contempt because that was all he knew and felt about himself. Yes, the Healer saw this and felt pity that he had never known true happiness.
         I do not know if I feel sorry for him or pity for how he was. Is he still an Elder? Jaz asked.
         Sadly, he was so miserable that he fell into a deep depression and self-terminated. He is now One with the Planet.
         I was unaware of that. I guess I do feel sorry for Scrbeaul.
         Enough of this talk. Let us continue our journey. We will soon be there.
         When they arrived at the Old One's cave, he saw the vines were denser than he remembered, and the pool of liquid Eternite's depth had increased. They approached the opening behind the falling liquid Eternite to enter the cave. It was as he left it.
         Jaz was excited to be at their destination and immediately went into the pool of liquid Eternite to replenish her essence. The Old One soon joined her. Neither spoke as they were monitoring their essence.
         The Old One took this opportunity to assess Jaz's journey to becoming an Adult. He remembered when he found her. She was scared, lonely, and afraid. She has made friends along her journey, is confident in herself and her powers, and is eager to continue learning. She has even surpassed the Old One's expectations. Despite her lack of age, she will make an excellent elder in a few years.
         Old One, why are you smiling? Did you think of something humorous?
         I was thinking of your progress so far. You have come a long way from being the shy and inexperienced Young One I found.
         I owe it to your teachings and my experiences with you.
         No, I only opened the doorway for you. You did all the work and took advantage of the opportunities. I look forward to watching you complete the journey.
         How much longer will that take? I am eager to explore the planet and my inner self; she thought for a moment before beginning again. I wish to see the people with my own eyes. Experience all the new and exciting possibilities my life has to offer. There is a mystery I hope to solve from my past. I want to be a positive force.
         Well said. Soon, I will be entering into meditation. I will be unavailable then, and my attention will be elsewhere. Please do not attempt to contact me because my barriers will peak, and my defenses will react to all disturbances. If it is a dire emergency, send a message, but do not follow it. Once I sense the communication, I will attempt to respond. Do you have any questions?
         Is where you are going dangerous? Do you need me to provide the essence to assist you?
         No. Doing so could endanger you as well. I will be fine. With that, the Old One sat back and began contacting the Collective and building his barriers. Once completed, he began stretching his essence to the Emptiness, the Place of Quiet. Because he has done this several times, he knew what to expect and when to halt. He began expanding his essence to the place the color of One with the Planet.
         He immediately located what he had been searching for: the place with the impossible hole. As he looked, he began slowly extending his Awareness toward the hole, stopping frequently to see if the spot would react to his presence. When he was at his usual stopping place, he noticed the gap was minor to the point that it was only half the size it had been previously. He decided he would take a closer look. He began once again to extend his Awareness further than it had been. When he stopped, he saw there were many more dots than before. He guessed he was seeing more because the hole was shrinking. However, there were no dots directly on the rim of the gap. He still wondered why.
         As he stared at the hole, he noticed it was getting smaller. He was fascinated by this occurrence. The shrinkage ceased after losing half its mass.
         He then felt a familiar but alarming wave hit him.
         The Old One immediately withdrew his essence and Awareness from the Emptiness, the Place of Quiet. He became aware of his surroundings and then returned to Awareness. He looked around to see if anything had changed. He didn't notice anything amiss. The cave was the same. No dust or debris had gathered, and the vines were still there, as well as the liquid Eternite. All was as he left it. As he got out, he suddenly remembered the Young One.
Chapter Forty


         As the Defender flew away from the helicopter, he turned invisible. He did not need any surprises or followers. He also did not want them to see him go down to find where he was so he could get directions. He discovered that when the rockets and missiles hit him, they destroyed his phone, so he could not call anyone or use any available applications. He then realized he needed to get a change of clothes because he looked ragged. He decided to fly home, get the clothes, and get a temporary phone.
         He thought of an idea of how to find a home. He would fly high enough to see the country as if looking at a map and then fly toward where home should be. Of course, that is how he could find anything else, too. He decided to try flying high enough to see the country on a map.
         As he flew up, he discovered it was not as high up as he thought. He got his bearings and then flew back down at an angle toward where he guessed his state would be. As he drew closer, he only had to make minor adjustments. Soon, he was in his hometown and flying toward Misty's house.
         The garage door was open, so he flew right in, landed, and shut the door. Joe's truck was still parked inside. When he got in, he announced his arrival and was greeted by his enthusiastic granddaughters'.
         "You're back. Where were you for so long? We saw you on TV, and then you were gone until now. Did you get into trouble? Is that why all your clothes are messy and stinky?" Cindy asked.
         "You smell," Becca added after sniffing her grandpa, "you need a bath. I go get the bubble bath."
         Misty and Joe then came out and saw Matthew. "What happened to you, Dad? Are you all right?"
         "He was hit by either grenades or other explosives by the looks of his clothes. After you left the hospital, we lost track of you. Who did it this time?" Joe asked.
         "Interesting story. Let me tell you all about it, starting with the hospital. Let's go sit down; it's a long story." Matthew told them what happened to him after he got to the hospital.
         "When I landed, I found a spot where I could get comfortable and began to prepare. I initially thought I would gather some reserves, go into the hospital, and heal from the inside. I began to gather energy slowly. When I thought I had enough, I opened my eyes and noticed two police helicopters were circling me. I panicked. Instead of going in, I reacted and placed both hands directly on the roof of the building and began pouring the healing energy into the building, thinking about healing all the people and kids inside. I just kept pushing and pushing the energy into the building. I soon realized I was reaching my limit. Instead of stopping, I thought of myself as becoming a conduit for the energy flowing through me. I had no idea if this would work. I felt my Third Eye snap open, and my power increased. The sounds of the helicopters decreased, the outside world began to fade away, and time seemed to stop."
         "I was simultaneously creating and transferring positive, healing energy toward the hospital and the suffering people within. I was not differentiating between adults and children. I had an idea of time passing but didn't care because the healing needed to be done."
         "As I finished the healing, I began to withdraw slowly. The green glow that had enveloped the hospital building slowly dissolved into nothingness. I ended up with the same pulsating green glow I began with."
         "At this time, I noticed the police helicopters were gone, and approximately ten feet around me, a barricade had been erected and with heavily armored Army personnel with weapons drawn and aimed."
         "I did not want to appear hostile, so I slowly got up with my hands slightly raised and simply stated, "Hello." They answered with several loud clicks of weapons being ready to be fired should I make offensive moves."
         "I didn't know what I had done wrong, so I tried to explain what I just did. I advised of my healing of the sick children and did not do any harm to anyone. I was tired and cracked a few jokes to lighten the mood. It worked a little, and I flew off. I did not wait around to see what happened. I am unsure how high I went but knew I was traveling east quickly. The only sound I heard was the wind blowing in my ears until I heard jets coming closer. The sound was very distinct. It's quite different from being on the ground. I stopped flying and hovering. In the distance, I saw two F-22 jets coming toward my location. They kept circling me. I am not sure if they were wondering what I was or trying to get a fix on me. They just stayed at a distance."
         "At this time, I began to descend. I spotted an open space away from towns or cities and readied myself to land there. When I was to land, the jets did a fly-by and seemed to fly toward the north. Within fifteen minutes, I heard a group of helicopters in the distance coming my way. One is a transport type with the other two Apache Attack Helicopters."
         "The bigger of the three helicopters, the transport, was the only one that landed. Within minutes, four combat-readied soldiers disembarked, followed by an Army Lieutenant. I assessed the situation as they were not yet certain of the type of threat I represented, only that I looked dangerous. The Apache Helicopters didn't move and stayed hovering; however, no one operated the turrets then."
         "The Lieutenant immediately informed me I was under arrest because I violated the United States of America's Air Space; I needed to stand down and prepare for incarceration."
          After a slight pause, Matthew continued, "During the ensuing conversation and abrupt departure of the Lieutenant, the helicopters appeared to go on High Alert while observing any perceived hostile intent against the departing troupe helicopter. I began to hover to better view the remaining helicopters and instantaneously received an intense barrage of turret fire and missiles. I was wrenched around repeatedly, up, down, spun sideways, and thrown to the ground. When I tried to get off the ground, more Apache missiles found their target while I was still trying to right myself. Over and over. I surprised myself by not being knocked unconscious."
         "It stopped as suddenly as it started. As I began to dig my way out, I no longer heard the helicopters. What I heard in the distance could only be described as rapidly approaching missiles. As I looked up, one was about to hit my location, closely followed by another, scattering massive quantities of debris everywhere. When the other two missiles exploded right on top of me, I became slightly dazed. I didn't feel like I was being hurt beyond my ability to heal, just that I was being drained quickly of my reserve energy."
         "After the second F22 finished firing its payload, I became invisible, flew into the sky, and followed. While flying behind the F22 closest to me, I wondered what these jets could do to a town, small city, farming land, or fishing community. I thought about what five or six could do unchecked. I decided impulsively to take matters into my own hands."
          "I sped up and quickly caught up with the F22, and when I was abreast of the cockpit, I became visible and made eye contact with the pilot. I am unsure what went through the pilot's mind when they saw me. However, the ensuing result is the pilot ejecting herself to safety and me taking the jet into space and launching it into deep space. It's past the moon by now. I need to say that all the time I was up there, I had a green glow around me. It kept me safe from the lack of oxygen, radiation, the cold, you name it. I turned around and flew back down."
         There was a three-minute silence before Joe quietly asked, "Is that when you came back?"
         "I was flying faster than I thought because I soon came within sight of the transport helicopter. The two Apache helicopters were nowhere to be seen or heard. I decided to fly into the open transport and speak with the officer who ordered this."
         When I flew in, I immediately saw the officer I wanted to speak with and hovered over right in front of him before becoming visible."
         "'Is this an inconvenient time?' I say to him, startling him out of comprehension. 'You are the Officer that threatened me and then had the Apaches and jets try and kill me.' pointing to myself, 'How did that work out for you?'"
         "I gave him my name, that I am peaceful and have been trying to be so this whole time. I told him I had proven this by healing a whole hospital of sick and terminally ill children. I asked if he had seen the news about it. I don't think he had because he just stared at me."
         Another soldier said he saw something on the news about what I did. I was too upset at the officer to pay close attention but remember it had been on the information a lot."
         "When the officer finally said something, it was another threat. I didn't pay any attention and then left by stating I was either speaking to the President or the United Nations regarding offering my help and for him to stay out of my way."
         "So, hopefully, I will go to the United Nations or meet with the President tomorrow with clean clothes, which is. It will be an uphill battle, but I do not plan on battling anyone. I want them to see I come in peace, no matter what they throw at me."
         "Are your healing powers still gone?" Misty asked.
         "I have no idea. Let me tap into them and see if I can heal some minor bruises I still have."
         Matthew then began searching for minor bruises he could not have healed before because he had been too tired. After searching, he discovered he could not find any.
         "Well, it appears I am healing them without effort. My chest still hurts, kind of, where the missile hit me. Let's try to heal that."
         Matthew places his right hand over his chest and focuses on healing the sore spot. His healing glow appears to his relief, and soon, his chest is no longer bothering him.
         "That's good your body can do its own while recharging itself. It is good to know. You also answered some of the questions you started out wanting to know. One: you can fly faster than a jet, which is fast. Two: you are resilient if you can withstand the cannons and rockets of an Apache and the missiles of two F-16s. I have no idea what type of missiles they fired. We are certain there weren't any News cameras filming what was happening to you."
          "No, but I bet military cameras were recording those events and seeing what you would or could do. Watching for your response. Maybe your peaceful reactions will get you those meetings tomorrow."
         "I have no idea. But I will be at the United Nations building tomorrow. I will sneak in and hover until I see an opening. With their cameras, I am sure to get noticed then."
         "Now, however, I am going to the lake for a bath and a change of clothes. I am going to eat several pizzas and then sleep. I will have the pizza delivered to the park. Wait. I cannot. It is tied to my card. We need to have a party and order several pizzas delivered here."
         "Better yet," Joe began, "I will go to several places and pick some up there. They will not be the wiser regarding the number of pizzas I am getting. How long are you going to be?"
         "Give me about two hours. I am going to soak for a bit. I cannot bring my clothes with me because what I carry does not become invisible. I will have to dress when I return home." While we eat, I will see if there is any news regarding my healing. I almost forgot I need a replacement phone. Like one from the shopping centers, pay-as-you-go types. My old phone got blown up."
         "I'll stop and get you a no-frills flip phone and get you some minutes." Joe offered.
         With that, Matthew turned invisible, opened the garage door, and flew toward the lake.
         While flying, he began to think of what the soldier was telling him in the helicopter of people wondering about him. Was he an alien, angel, or mutant? He knew he was alien and human from meeting with the statute beings. It's a hybrid of sorts. How it happened was still confusing to him. He landed and began to clean himself.
         As he was soaking in the lake, he began to sort through all his thoughts. It was a quiet evening, so very few people were around the lake, either walking around its shore or fishing from its banks. Matthew was also toward the center of the lake toward the mini-island.
         As time passed, he slowly began to believe he was a protector of the planet and its people for a reason. He was placed here with these abilities to help others and show them that there is a Better Way.
         The problem was that he was uncertain of what the Better Way was. With the United States, he would conform and enforce their ideals and thoughts as their agent to the world. The same would occur if he chose the United Nations or another governing nation.
         He knew he did not want fame, monetary compensation, and especially notoriety for what he did. His help was not for sale and not politically motivated to sway voters or public opinion. He wanted to help people regardless of stepping on toes because people needed help at that time, not when all the red tape had cleared or when everyone thought it would be a clever idea.
         By the time two hours had elapsed, he was no closer to having a plan for the next day than when he started. He left the water and flew toward Misty's house.
         After they ate, he told Joe and Misty what he had thought about while at the lake. He advised that he did not feel comfortable swearing allegiance to any one government because they would eventually make him into a weapon. He only wants to help people, save lives, improve things, and make positive changes.
         He decided to meet with the United Nations. While they try to assist all people, they have a presence in every country and have greater mobility to assist people. He knows there are negative aspects to helping them but felt starting there was his best opportunity.
         About this time, it was past 11:30 p.m. Cindy and Becca had long ago gone to bed; there was a massive pile of empty pizza boxes in two corners of the living room, and Matthew needed to recharge. He told Joe and Misty he would not leave in the morning until they talked and bade them good night. Joe went to his basement bedroom; Misty checked on the girls and then went to her room. Matthew ensured the curtains were closed and heavy blankets covered the windows.
         Matthew slowly began to levitate as he lay on the floor, pulsated a soft green glow, and fell asleep.

Chapter Forty-One


Five hundred Cycles A.E.          
         Jaz was not here.
         Realizing that Jaz was missing, he instantly reinforced his mental barriers. The disappearances had happened again. While in the emptiness, he knew he felt the psychic wave again. He thought he would be the only one affected. He did not realize it would be a planet-wide event again.
         He briefly widened his focus to the surrounding area to determine if anything else had changed. He did not notice anything and went on. He then began to probe the minds of the citizens of Lewr, the closest city. He searches the Collective for the presence of a familiar Essence. None of them experienced any known time fluctuation. He chose a few at random and checked their memories for missing information. After he started, he suddenly realized that if there were time fluctuations, they would not remember. He hastily removed his probing and returned to his body.
         After becoming aware of his surroundings, he explored them for changes. After leaving the cave, he looked around to see if anything had changed. After spending some time searching, he could see nothing had changed.
         He then decided to reach out to Elder Sopite, one of his most loyal Elders. He would need to mask his identity, as Sopite did not know he was alive. To Sopite, he would appear as an Old One petitioning for advice.
         Elder Sopite, are you available? The Old One sent. After a pause, an answer came back. Yes, Old One, I am free now. What is it you need?
         I am on a pilgrimage to become more enlightened. While meditating, I felt a disturbance in the Collective. Has anything happened of which you are aware?
         Besides a new Supreme High One being discovered, nothing we know of has changed. What is it you are seeking?
         The Old One did not hear anything after discovering a new Supreme High One. His mind began to race. How is this possible? Only after the death of the old Supreme High One can a new one grow and detach. Did the wave cause this he felt?"
         Old One? Are you listening to me? I asked what was wrong as you became silent. Have you not received word of the new Supreme High One? Allow me to provide what we know. She was found wandering alone near Lewr. She did not know how she got there or where she had been. After the Elders did a mind and memory probe, it was determined she had not been tutored; however, she possessed enormous strength and possibility. Two Elders, Limdg and Veez, have offered to become her tutors until she is an adult.
         The Old One recognized the names as two Elders who were allowed to become Elders because of their greed and intolerance of the citizens they represented. I was led to believe there were designated tutors to accomplish this. From what I remember, you were assigned this responsibility by the previous Supreme High One. Was not the other Elder named Elder Vers? I heard he was also a trusted advisor of the previous Supreme High One.
         Elder Vers became One with the Planet many cycles ago. His wisdom and patience are still missed today. You are right. I was an ally to the previous Supreme High One. Unfortunately, the Elders voted that Limdg and Veet would become advisors to the new Supreme High One. As I told the Elders, that was a mistake because the chosen two have an agenda that not all Elders agree on.
         Thank you for speaking with me. I know your time is valuable. The citizens are Blessed to have you speak for them, the Old One commended.
         I thank you for your Blessing. May the Spirit of the Essence always flow through you.
         The Old One severed the link with Sopite. He kept his barriers up as he knew the Elder would trace whom he spoke with to determine if it had been a trap. He felt the whisper of the probe going against his barriers and false memories. He was not concerned. Elder Sopite was undoubtedly experienced, the best of the current Elders, but he could not break the wall of the Supreme High One.
         After the probe was severed, the Old One began an investigation of Limdg and Veez. He wanted to see if they had changed or were the same.
         He opened a conduit to the Collective to increase his Essence and barrier strength. He concealed his probe and began to reach out to the Elders. As he proceeded to gain access to the inner thoughts of the Elders, he noticed their barriers were only partially enabled, making access much more accessible. The lackadaisical attitude raised a warning as he suspected a trap. He proceeded with caution as he went through the barriers. He immediately noticed that the information behind their barriers was falsely implanted information. He expected as much. He quickly moved to a more profound, much more secure memory. Here is what he was looking for.
         As he bypassed all the barriers with experience, he arrived at the actual memory. It was a conversation between Limdg and Veez.
         Are you sure the new Supreme Old One has not previously been tutored? Questioned Veez.
         Yes, yes, I am sure. Two other Elders and I joined our minds to investigate. She had a blank slate as far as being tutored. However, her innate barrier defense kicked us out after we entered.
         Does she already know how to create natural barriers? She sounds as powerful as the Old Supreme High One. Are you confident we can sway her in our direction? Her mind already says formidable.
         Trust me. We will have this one under our control. We will be controlling what happens here from now on. I believe the Young One, Jaz, will be helpless to stop us.
         Did he say Jaz was the new Supreme High One?
         The Old One cursed the anomaly. And he cursed himself for going when he knew something like this could occur. Again, he was the cause of something terrible. At one time, he prided himself on learning from his mistakes.
         As he was getting ready to go to the palace to help Jaz, he decided to try to reach out to her. He began to gather his Essence and placed a Collectively enhanced barrier. He did not know how much Jaz had at her disposal.
         When he joined the Collective, he began to search for her. At first, he could not locate her because he did not know her new Essence. He then thought about using the Essence he did recognize. He reached into his memory to bring forth the Essence of when he first met and his last communication with her. He then again reached out to find a contact.
         His new search was soon answered. He found Jaz, but her Essence differed from his last contact. He remembered she was inexperienced with using any of her powers of telepathy and telekinesis. As he drew closer to her Essence, he noticed limited barriers had been placed. He knew this was all she knew how to do.
         He then broadened his awareness around her to determine if Limdg and Veez were watching and listening to her. He soon discovered they were, and they were not hiding it. They were warning all those who would contact her or attempt to gather information secretively.
         He was infuriated. He was upset at himself for his actions and angry with the two Elders trying to control her. He almost sent a message to Limdg and Veez to inform them he was the real Supreme High One, and they were being terminated.
         He stopped short of carrying it through. He needed to contact her and tell her what needed doing. He effortlessly worked around the Elder's energy barriers and their contact with Jaz. He created a false impression of Jaz's thoughts and memories. He placed it into his mind to monitor their Essence and probing.
         After being in place, he reached out to Jaz. Good day, Supreme High One. I am an Old One who wishes to speak with you. Can you hear me?
         There was a brief silence, then Jaz responded, Please, call me Jaz. I am not the Supreme High One. He passed many cycles ago.
         As you wish, Jaz. I am uncertain if you remember me. I used to be your tutor. I met you in the city of Lewr. You were deaf, and I repaired it for you. We traveled as I was tutoring you.
         I am sorry, but I do not know what you are saying, except the part about being deaf. How did you find out? Did you probe my mind? Two Elders taught me how to construct an impenetrable barrier.
         Whoever taught you how to construct a barrier did not teach you well. Your barrier is fragile and cannot withstand a novice probe. Are you experienced with reading thoughts and looking into memories? Asked the Old One.
         I am told I have not touched my advanced powers. I was not tutored because no one wanted to train me. All I received were individuals probing me without my permission and then leaving. They were abusive when they spoke with me. Some even went as far as to inflict me with some energy to hurt me.
         If I may ask, what is the color of your skin?
         The Smell of Rock. Why do you ask?
         All Supreme High Ones have the rarest color, the Mountain's Highest Peak. How did the Elders contact you?
         I was found roaming around, lost, trying to find someone to help me. As I know a little about the Collective and using my powers, I was deemed too close to adulthood by the Old Ones.
         How was your deafness taken care of?
         I remember once meeting an Old One cycles ago. He was a kind and gentle Old One. He stated he could fix my hearing. I knew he was an Old One I could trust. He placed me to sleep and reversed the injury. For a while after, I felt better. I lost all my memories until Limdg and Veez found me and investigated my memory. They stated that an Old One offered to tutor me, but I advised him I did not need to be guided by an Old One because they would train me. So, I stayed where I was until they got me. I regret doing so.
         How did Limdg and Veez find you?
         They came to my city and probed the minds of all the Young Ones. They stated I was their chosen one because my mind was a clean slate, whatever that meant, and I would be easy to tutor. So far, I have not received any help with my abilities.
         The Old One decided to attempt something tricky. It would not be difficult to accomplish. However, if Jaz did not believe what she saw and learned, she could quickly contact the Elders.
         Jaz, he began, I wish to share with you the memories I have. They are of you. At one time, I was your tutor. We did a lot of traveling together. You were beyond any other Young One and some young adult's experience and knowledge. You used and interacted with the Collective, and substantial barriers gathered your Essence and stored it.
         Why are you teasing me? I have not wronged you.
         Please allow me to show you my memories of you. Because these are about you, you will feel the same emotions you had then. That is something I cannot do or control. With that, the Old One connected to Jaz's Essence and memories.
         He started to show the memories of when they first met. He discussed healing Jaz's ears and requesting the Old One to be her tutor. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes as he showed her the memories. He replayed the conversations and stories he shared with her. He then included the places she saw. After he finished, Jaz was silent.
         Are you all right, Jaz?
         You used to call me 'Young One,' Jaz stated.
         Yes, I did because I was your tutor. Do you remember anything else? The Old One inquired.
         I had powers. I could control them and build substantial barriers. You were right. I was advanced because of my skills and your tutoring. I remember you are the Supreme High One, but I do not want others to know.
         Yes, I am the Supreme High One. When I was repairing your ears, you were open to exploring my mind. That is where you discovered my identity.
         I also remember I could talk with you like this, and we had many good conversations this way.
         You are correct. What else do you remember? Do you know where Limdg and Veez found you and what occurred?
         Yes, my memory is becoming easy to access now. Two Old Ones discovered me walking around in the desert near Lewr. They contacted two Elders, Limdg and Veez because they followed their teachings. I remember one of the Old Ones gave me something to consume. That is all I remember until today. How did you find out I was here?
         Someone announced that an Elder discovered a new Supreme High One and is at the palace. Through our past connections, I used the Collective to aid me in finding you.
         I just remembered how I was found and what happened to me. You were going to the place the color of One with the Planet to try and discover what was happening there. Once you were there, all communication stopped. You advised that if I needed you, I would need to send you a message.
         I left the cave and began exploring the area. The crystal formations were stunning, and I lost track of the time. When I was away from the shelter. I noticed a darkening above the crystal mountain and your cave. It was the color of One with the Planet. As I watched, the size appeared to shrink and then stop, and then shrink and stop again. It was knocked backward. I did not remember who I was or where I was. I began to walk on an established path.
         It was only a short walk before two Old Ones found me. After talking with them, they advised me to speak to an Elder called Limdg. I do not remember much after that until you woke my memory and restored my powers. Thank you.
         Let us go back to when you were thrown backward. Did you feel any presence or consciousness that someone, or something, was controlling or attacking you?
         Not from my memory. I just felt dizzy and then was contacted by the Old Ones. I am sorry I do not remember more.
         There is no shame in announcing that you do not remember. I know how to get you out of there without notice. Do you remember the story of Eternity?
         Oh, yes, I do.
         With your help, I will transport you to my location. We first must combine our energies and open a conduit to the Collective.
         The Old One felt the power building within Jaz. She was using the same technique as he used. Jaz soon contacted him.
         I am ready. I feel like I am unstoppable with our combined powers. Oh my. I can now sense your true power. It feels overwhelming. You have opened it to me on separate occasions. But now you seem to have tripled what you usually could do. Why is that? Were you not showing me your true potential?
         I feel the power as you described it. I have never felt this way before. It is an overwhelming sensation. As you said, I feel like I can do anything. We can explore this new sensation when you get here. Just follow my lead and focus on me. Here we go.
         As the Old One focused on Jaz, he imagined her beside him. While sensing, he discovered he had enough energy to teleport Jaz to him. He felt he had much more Essence and was not near his total capacity. He linked Jaz to his Essence and began the teleportation.          
         Here we go. The Old One released all the energy at once. He felt it drain into the power of Jaz's teleportation to him. What would typically take a cycle will only take Esuoms.
         Right after he released the energy, Jaz appeared. This is not how it usually works. The transportation process is challenging to master and drains the Essence. He felt as if he had just moved a tiny crystal shard a small distance from where it was. During the teleportation process, he felt the process did not alter his reserves. The energy must have come out of Jaz's reserves.
          Jaz was as startled by her being there as the Old One was. She released her power to the Old One and could not even blink before arriving. She did notice something extraordinary. The amount of her Essence stored for teleportation was the same as before she left. Nothing was taken to fuel the process.
         Thank you, Jaz, for the energy you provided. The teleportation process went very well. It's better than I expected. None of my previous teleportations worked as quickly as this one. Simultaneous transportation had never occurred.
         My energy was not used for the teleportation process. This came solely from you, advised Jaz.
         How is that possible? I never possessed that much energy to transport you here myself, began the Old One. Are you positive I did not take any power? I put a strain on the Collective's energy. I need to investigate that. He opened a small window into the Collective, expecting to view panicked individuals. What he found was peace. Nothing happened. He heard conversations, none discussing a power surge or drain.
         That cannot be. There was a tremendous surge. There had to be a way to instantly teleport you here from that distance. Please tell me again what you feel.
         Jaz looked quizzically at the Old One. What was the big deal about how she got there? She was sure he was making more out of this than he should. I remember you telling me that the process was going to begin. Then I was here. I did not provide any assistance with the teleport.
         And it felt like I did not release my energy, The Old One added. I must think about this. Could someone else have assisted in the teleport that neither of us noticed? That is highly unlikely.
         That or you are becoming a truly Supreme High One, Jaz offered.
         The Old One did not believe he could have done the teleportation alone. Something like that required a tremendous amount of power and collected Essence. He again went within his mind to find anyone's assistance with the teleportation. After careful scanning, he saw that no one could have escaped his barriers. He felt he knew the answer but refused to believe it.
         Old One?
         He knew he was capable of feats others could not do; however, he did not think he was that powerful. He could not remember any stories of past Supreme Ones being able to accomplish this alone. What does this mean, he pondered.
         Old One?
         There had to be a rational explanation for this. The Old One decided he needed to tap into whatever power he had and try to duplicate the teleport. But whom should he teleport, and how would he explain what happened to them?"
         Old One!
         The Old One was pulled out of his thoughts when he finally heard Jaz's call. What do you need, Young one? I was busy with my thoughts.
         You have been standing there for over three Relffs without moving. What had captivated your attention for so long? Were you in contact with the place the color of One with the Planet again? If so, did you feel any Time Anomalies?
         Sorry, Young One. No, I was merely In profound thought regarding your teleportation. I still question how it occurred with no one's assistance. I am thinking of attempting another teleportation to assess your theory. I have the perfect place to teleport us without anyone watching.
         Where is that? Are we going back to the palace? I want to demonstrate my true powers to the Elders who held me against my will.
         We can act upon that once we get to the cave. From here, no one will see us vanish or be in the cave to see us appear.
         Did you say 'us'? Will we be teleporting together?
         Yes, I want to experience what you do. We will create a teleportation window from here and go through it together," the Old One stated. Let me know when you are ready.
         I am ready now. As I stated, I have not used any of my Essence, so I can aid in doing this.
         Good, we can proceed. Please note how I do this so you may learn and create your own someday. Here we go.
         The Old One opened his conduit with the Collective after his barriers were in place. He felt Jaz's Essence and began to connect them to create the teleportation window. When this was ready, he visualized the cave and was there.

Chapter Forty-Two

Planned Visit

         When Matthew woke up, he felt fully refreshed, and all traces of the previous day's injuries were gone. He did not know if anyone else was awake, so he turned the television on and saw if there was any news reporting regarding yesterday's events.
          As he flipped through the channels, he discovered no one had reported anything regarding the Defender regarding the hospital healing or about him. He even stayed on several stations for over ten minutes to see if they were updating their storylines, only to discover nothing was mentioned.
         Not hearing anything is very frustrating. It made his entire previous day seem a waste. He felt he tried to help all those children, and no one paid attention. He did not do it out of gratitude. However, he did it to be recognized as someone who could be an asset to the country and the world.
         He knew he could make a difference in the lives of everyone if given the chance. What he accomplished and demonstrated the previous day was for nothing if governments and the media deemed him not worthy of any recognition for what he achieved.
         "Dad! You are awake!" Misty shouted.
         The shout startled Matthew out of his quiet thoughts. He had not heard her coming from the hallway. He saw she was fully dressed and carrying two bags of groceries coming in from the garage. She quickly went to the kitchen and, after depositing the bags, came over and hugged him as if she had not seen him for months.
         "We've been so worried about you. How do you feel?"
         "I feel terrific. Why"
         "Why? You have been asleep for over eight weeks. After you came home that night from the healing at the hospital, the flight into space, and the attacks from the Army, you were beyond exhausted. After we ate supper and everyone went to bed, you fell asleep in the living room. We all woke up the next morning and saw you were in a cocoon sphere of green light, hovering slightly off the floor. Joe surmised you were so drained that your body needed to re-energize and shut down. We thought you would wake up in a day or two. We waited and waited. Days turned into weeks. A side effect of your healing cocoon was that whenever we were nearby, we were refreshed and healed ourselves."
         "The girls have started school again. I had a big discussion with the girls about not talking about Grandpa, especially with Becca. If anybody asks about her grandpa, he is fine and living at our house. They are not to talk about the new Grandpa to anyone. And nobody is invited over to play."
         "Joe found a new apartment near here and moved out. He stops by every day to check up on you. I am sure he will be happy to see you are awake."
         "Eight weeks? Really? Wow. I just floated there the entire time. Did anyone try to wake me?"
         "We all did. The girls tried shaking and yelling at you. Joe put a pair of headphones on you and played Reveille so loud we could hear it, and you didn't even twitch a muscle. We even put your hand in cold water, which didn't do anything."
          "What was said about the healing at the hospital? What did the news say about that? Were there any stories about it?" Matthew asked.
         "That was the only thing on the news for over a week and a half. There were interviews with patients, parents, doctors, specialists, eyewitnesses, and television helicopter pilots. There were video feeds from three diverse sources of you feeding a green light into the hospital, staring down the Army barricade, and an excellent video shot of you flying off without support. That was the best piece of video. No one could figure out how you did that. Most thought it was somehow staged without wires, ropes, or support. They couldn't explain how you managed it."
         "Also, someone from inside the military leaked a video of your altercation with the Army and the bombing sequence. You were videotaped from one of the helicopters. We do not mention the extent to which they were firing you! They may have killed you. They were firing live ammunition at you. And the explosions. They kept firing at you to evaluate if you would survive. We thought they were stopping when they stopped and backed away, but they only backed away because missiles were coming. I could not believe what we were seeing. It was terrible. They only left when they saw you climbing out of the rubble. It scared them. They had nothing that could stop you. That only aired twice before being removed, or the military confiscated it. It has shown up several more times after that.
         "There is a reward for any information regarding your identity from all the major news outlets. There is a push to send someone back to the moon because there is a rumor that you keep your base of operations and the jet. I wonder where they got that idea?"
         "No idea. Were there any newspaper articles? If there were, did you save any?"
         "Joe went and bought all the major papers that carried the stories. He did not buy any of the tabloids. They said they were about alien invasions, Big Foot, the undead, and many other popular tabloidization rantings. The newspapers are over by the television. Speaking of television, the government was the only agency that did not formally broadcast anything. They have remained silent.
         "If you tried to evaluate the strength of someone only to fail and then have the film leaked out, I don't think you would brag about it. However, I am curious why the government has not tried to deny it. Before I venture out, I want to talk with Joe and get both of your opinions. For now, though, I want to read the papers." Matthew stated.
         Matthew spent the remainder of the day reading the papers regarding the day he healed the sick children; he got a bigger picture of what had happened by reading different newspapers. He discovered that over six hundred children were hospitalized at the time of the healing, over two hundred with terminal illnesses, and twenty on life support. The articles all state that in the beginning, a strange green glow began to occur throughout all the buildings. Some thought it was due to the lighting. Others thought it was coming from outside the building. When the glow began to pulsate, everyone began to feel the calming healing effects. While some did panic and left the buildings, the majority did not, as the overwhelming feeling was calm. The healing began instantaneously throughout the hospital and the surrounding attached buildings.
         Individuals with minor illnesses like headaches, muscle stiffness, backaches, and colds require little healing and finish first. All occupants in the emergency rooms were sitting up or walking out in disbelief. Admitted patients were finding they no longer felt ill, or their illness had no grip on them. Patients who had been in the Intensive Care Units felt whole. The pain was gone, breathing eased, and thinking clear. Patients in operating rooms with tumors or other malignant or cancerous diseases removed would suddenly shrink and disappear independently. Patients with limbs, organs, or tissue removed due to illness or accidents had them regrown within minutes.
         After the glow subsided, all patients underwent rigorous examinations for their original medical diagnosis. The patients who had experienced the healing underwent a complete remission of their illness with no side effects and eventually were released.
         One newspaper had a short article summarizing why they did not have all the information other papers had when it attempted to follow the report on why several Police and Fire and Rescue departments were alerted and on-site; however, there were no widespread evacuations. The Police did confirm that there had been a failure in proper communication, and an internal investigation is ongoing.
         In one newspaper Matthew read, an article stated a gray man dressed in green sat on top of a hospital's rooftop when green Christmas lights lit up around him and started twinkling. While police did not verify this sighting, the homeless shelter spread the story, many of which placed plastic Christmas trees up in hopes of having the gray man visit them and bring presents of alcohol and blankets.
         By this time, Joe had arrived, and the girls had gotten home from school.
         "Grandpa, you're awake and not glowing green anymore," Cindy shouted when she first saw him sitting on the floor.
         "Can we hug you now?" Becca asked. "You couldn't hug us back before."
         Matthew looked toward Misty briefly, "Of course, you can hug me now. Sorry about that. I was healing my body. It was tiring."
         "That's what Mom said. We will let you sleep."
         "You sleeped a long time. It was boring." Becca added.
         "Well, I am awake now, so I will try not to be boring anymore."
         As Joe sat down, he noticed the pile of papers Joe had read beside him. "I see you are getting caught up on your reading. You missed all the newscasts and special broadcasts about you and what you have done."
         " How was the mass healing completed? Was it a mass hoax? Why didn't you stay? How did you leave the building without aid? Who were your accomplices? There is also a massive outpour of response from the families of the children healed to meet with you in person to thank you."
         "Not sure if Misty told you, but a mystery recording regarding the Army's recording of when they opened fire on you was recorded, leaked, and seen on national television, removed, then re-aired on the internet. Its viewing went global overnight. It was seen online for days. However, it is mysteriously removed within a day or two whenever a certain agency discovers a copy online."
         "Have I been dubbed a vigilante by the press or government for what I did?"
         "No, the official verdict is still out. You are wanted for questioning by the medical field and the authorities, and especially the military. They want their jet back. Their official release is that they 'did not know you were friendly when they shot at you, blew you up, bombed you, and threw a bunker buster missile your way.'"
          "So, what you are telling me, the government is trying to keep a widely seen event a secret," Matthew states.
         "Pretty much sums it up."
         "Then I bet they are angry about what I did with their jet."
          "You weren't supposed to make the news with what you did. Taking a one hundred-twenty million dollar jet would upset the government a little. Didn't you think that through? If you wanted to help them in any way, that blew any chance you might have had."
          Well, I acted impulsively. I had enough. I was bombed, shot, blown up, belittled by a Looie, and got dirt and sand down my pants. I am not too fond of that last one. Fine, I will go out and find the jet and bring it back. I pushed it toward the moon.."
         "Changing the subject, I need to get to the United Nations and offer my help. I am sure they would have heard of what has happened by now. The government is probably all proud, thinking they scared me off."
         "I want to tell them, 'Try hitting a moving target.' Better yet, hit one you can't see. Before you say anything, I am not planning to engage anyone. It wouldn't be fair. I could take them out easily. I am here to offer my help. Not take sides, not make war, or harm."
         "But Joe, I will not be a target again."
         "Matt, I wasn't there. I do not know what was going through your mind when they were firing on you. I cannot even imagine what you were feeling. I can only tell you what I was thinking, what I thought when I saw what they were doing to you. It brought back all the memories of you and I enduring the barrage of shelling around the trenches. The bombs went off a few feet around us; I did not know whose side they were from. The firing of the guns inches all around us so that the flying bullets would tear our shirts. The screams of our friends dying." Joe pauses long enough to walk over to stand over the two playing girls. "If it happens again, you do what it takes to come home." With that, Joe picked up Becca and sat down in a chair with a far-off look in his eyes.
         Matthew was going to say something but decided Joe needed time to himself, so he went to the kitchen to let Misty know he was leaving.
         "Isn't it late to be going to New York now? Wouldn't it be better to go tomorrow morning?"
         "I want some time to think. Get my bearings. Be ready. Plan a strategy. I want to be able to walk around without bumping into many people. Just keep the television on in case there is a news bulletin or something. I will turn invisible and come home if anything goes wrong."
         Matthew's flight to New York was uneventful. He didn't fly high enough to be in the flow of air traffic; however, he saw passenger aircraft, Air Force jets, and a few personal aircraft flying in the distance. He knew they couldn't track him, so he wasn't worried about attracting attention to himself.
         While flying, Matthew began planning how to approach the United Nations ("UN") building. He didn't want to barge in or crash through as he tried to avoid the wrong message: the removal of the delegates and a lockdown would occur. The Defender thought his best opportunity to be allowed entrance would be approaching the building in the open and peacefully requesting an audience. By this time, word of who he was and what he had accomplished might even have reached the delegates and piqued their curiosity.
         He quickly located the United Nations ("UN") building when he flew closer to Manhattan. It was dark outside, and even early risers would still be in bed. As he looked around the building for landing sites, he saw extreme security measures in and around the streets leading to the UN building. He decided to land at the farthest point on the UN Plaza from the UN building and walk toward the building on foot. Authorities like the New York Police Department, UN police, FBI, and Secret Service would be open to be approached friendly and casually, opening doors for questioning. He was unsure if there would be any military presence due to his earlier run-in.
         He knew he would have to wait until the UN Council convened before he could approach. If he had something to do while he waited, it might have helped pass the time. He didn't have a watch and couldn't see the time on his phone as it was invisible, and he didn't want to turn visible and take the chance of being seen, so he had to guess the time by the traffic of people he saw streaming to and from locations within his sight.
         He kept watching toward the UN building, remembering when he, his wife, and Misty came to New York. They had saved a little money, took a family vacation, and thought Misty would love to see such a wondrous place. They enjoyed an Off-Broadway show and visited Staten Island, Central Park, and museums. They went to a ball game at Yankee Stadium as a treat for everyone.
         As the horizon lightened and the morning traffic grew, he knew more people would be coming to the UN building, and the security would intensify. His resolve to show his peaceful intentions toward all of the countries present grew as he remembered the stories from his grandfather and his first impression of seeing the Statue of Liberty, the opportunity of freedom, inspiring others to rise above tyranny, and justice for everyone.
         Eventually, he saw a pick-up of traffic dropping off delegates. He reasoned that the UN Council would convene soon. After some time, it was time for the Defender to visit.

Chapter Forty-Three

Surprise and Punishment

Five hundred Cycles A.E.
         Young One, are you still in the desert? The Old One sent to Jaz telepathically.
         No. I am right behind you, but how is this possible? You opened the teleportation window, and then we were here. This incident happened before. I was at the palace, and then I was here. No time elapsed, and then Young One stated, you brought us here without my aid. You opened the portal window, and then we were here. This teleportation proves the other one was not an accident. You can teleport short and long distances by yourself.
         I felt the window open and shut. I thought I went through it by myself. How did we both end up here without sensing the actual process? I am beginning to think I am creating the portal on a subconscious level. That would mean I am making the windows with little or no energy. It is like placing internal barriers. I just set them up, and it happens with a mere thought. I feel supercharged but in control.
         When did you first feel this way? How long ago? Jaz asked.
         I first felt this way when trying to teleport you to me. Before that, the last time I teleported anyone, I believe, was a criminal to the North Quadrant was over eight hundred cycles ago. But I had all the Elders assisting me, and it took several esuoms to complete the full teleportation.
         The Young One thought for a moment and then added, before being abducted, while you were trying to contact the Void, I remember a darkening above the crystal mountain and your cave. It was the color of One with the Planet. As I watched, the size of the swirling clouds appeared to shrink, stop, and then shrink and stop again. At this time, a hidden force hit me backward. Right after, my memory ceases.
         Were the clouds you saw circling or stagnant? The Old One asked for verification.
         They were twirling around above the mountain itself. They were very dark.
         I wonder. Am I pulling the Void to me? I do not feel I am. However, you may have seen the physical manifestation of the Void while I was there. You stated that the mass shrunk twice. While at the place of the Void, I saw the Void shrink twice, too.
         The Old One asked. You stated something unseen threw you backward. Did you see anything at all, such as a hazy mist?
         No. It was like a strong gust or a wave of liquid Eternite pushed me back.
         I had those same sensations when I was in the Void. While there, a wave-like pressure throws me backward. Every time I feel it, something changes. I have never spoken of this, but on one occasion, when looking at the Void, a minor wave cascaded into me. When I regained consciousness, I was three hundred years into the future. When I was there today, another tide rolled over me. Instead of me being affected, you were.
         It is a good thing it was not permanent this time, and you were able to get me back. I wonder if any others would have been affected without your knowledge. After a brief pause, I just thought of something. When you first felt these time waves, you had a viewing window open to a different world. While watching a three-legged individual walking, an unknown power build-up caused the disappearance of half the population and hit you, and a tremendous power surge racked your mind and body. This surge caused the window to fluctuate out of control. The power surge that went through you went toward the window. You could no longer control the window and knew the power surge would cascade through it into the other world. You received a telepathic message stating to use the power crystals to destroy the window, and you did. Do you know who sent the message? Also, you started remembering seeing the power crash through the viewing window and hitting the three-legged man. Did the power wave go through as well?
         Yes, I believe it did.
         Is that when the viewing window exploded?
         It exploded right after I saw the power crystals hit the three-legged man. I do not know his fate.
         Could we open a new window and try to find out? We would have to go back in time, but that should not be difficult with your new powers. The world you were viewing was unaffected by the blast. Or the explosion of the crystals missed the three-legged man and did not do any damage.
         That is an exciting premise. I will have to think about this. Until then, we must set a trap for Limdg and Velez.
         Trapping Elders Limdg and Velez should be easy. By now, they have discovered you are missing and are trying to find you through the Collective. With your barriers in place, they will see you are not there and wonder what happened to you. We need to get them to broaden their search and then give them a small trail to follow.
         Jaz asked, would that not lead them to me and eventually you?
         Not necessarily. Even if Limdg and Velez discover me, my barriers are more robust than their probing. They will only find an Old One who is tutoring you.
         We first will place false information regarding you. They cannot know you have recovered your memories and full strength. When they discover you, you will still be the weak, helpless Supreme High One they want. If they try to teleport you again, we will surprise them.
         With that, Jaz and the Old One began building barriers for Jaz to hide her true abilities, ensuring that she did not cut her off from her entire Essence. It was a complex feat to accomplish, as hiding her Essence was different from dampening it. After several trials and errors, they were satisfied with the result. Now was the time to set the trap.
         Jaz made a weak connection with the Collective, talking with her new tutor, Old One. Are you able to hear me?
         I can barely hear and understand you. What did you mean by 'I needed to secure a firm link to the Collective?' I am doing the best I can. I know my barriers are substantial because two Elders told me they were. You are the one having difficulty because of your age.
         The Old One responded more clearly, Young One, I assure you I am sending you a clear message. Your connection with the Collective is poor. Whomever your previous tutors were, Elders or not, did an inferior job tutoring you. What were their names?
         You asked for the names of my previous tutors. They were Elders Limdg and Velez. After taking it, I could not connect with them. They were ignoring me. I am the new Supreme High One, you know. Jaz laughed after sending the last part.
         Hmm, yes, as you told me. You have not received proper training, so it will be long before you take your rightful place.
         The Old One stated, " Young One, we lure them in, the Old One said.
         I am sending a solid note for the Collective, Young One; please do as I say. I want to evaluate your Essence's power to contact the Collective. Focus on what we talked about, the Old One sent. Visualize the person you want to hear your thoughts and try to search for them.
         Who should I pick?
         Choose anyone you know who has had contact with you recently. Those will be the most vital paths to follow.
         Jaz then focused on Limdg and Velez to partially send her message to. Old One, can you hear me more clearly now? This technique works better than with the Elders' tutoring.
         The telepathic message regarding Elders Limdg and Velez caught their full attention. They focused on her location. They needed to regain her and put her more firmly under their control. The fastest way to get her there was to teleport. They knew this would be risky but needed to complete it immediately. They both entered the Collective and drew as much power as they knew they could channel. At once, they began the teleportation sequence.
         The Old One was ready for this. As soon as he felt the draw on Jaz's physical form, he locked onto them and teleported Limdg and Velez to him.
         The Elders were stunned. They had no idea what happened to them. First, they were disoriented and did not understand how they got there. As they looked around, they first saw Jaz and then the Old One. They had no idea where they were, and the Old One immediately removed them from the Collective.
         Greetings Elders Limdg and Velez. I am an Old One, and this is my pupil, Jaz. I noticed you took her away without her consent. You then announced she was the new Supreme High One and would train her to be your pawn. What you did was teach her how to construct a fragile barrier so you could easily manipulate her into whatever you wanted. Am I correct?
         Who do you think you are? We are Elders, chosen by the last Supreme High One because of our faithfulness and honesty. We answered only to him and not some Old One. With that, Limdg and Velez turned around and began walking away. They stopped and turned back toward the Old One. How are you doing this? You cannot block our connection to the Collective.
         The Old One answered, oh, I am not. It is the Young One who is doing this. She reached her true potential after she became liberated from you, and her mind was clear about what you did to her. As you called her, she is the Supreme High One. She can do whatever she pleases to you.
         Limdg was beginning to get upset and nervous, Impossible. She is not the Supreme High One. She does have true colors.
         Being a true Supreme High One, she can change her color. She may not have wanted anyone to know who she was. You are the ones who have announced her to the Collective, the Old One stated.
         Jaz strode toward the Elders. You took me against my will, drugged me, and then tried to make me your puppet so you could rule all the Hydranousians, Jaz began. I sentence you to Silence.
         You are not the true Supreme High One. We made that up to control you and become more potent among the Elders. You cannot Silence us--only the Supreme High One or the Elders with the combined power of the Collective. You have failed in whatever you were trying to do.
         Immediately, they felt their connection with the Collective opened. With this, they both felt the total weight of all the other Elders upon them contacting them regarding their plan to overthrow them.
         You will answer for your crimes.
         You will be Silenced and exiled to the North Quadrant.
         Yes, to the North Quadrant with you both.
         We deal harshly with traitors.
         We are initiating your teleportation now.
         No, wait! We can explain! We did not mean anything we said. We knew it was a trap and played along. Stop the teleportation now. Please Stop. Limdg and Velez slowly began to disappear, both wailing their innocence.
         What will happen to them? Jaz asked.
         Be Silenced and sent to the North Quadrant. At the very least, they are stripped of their powers and Silenced for a cycle or permanently.
         Do we continue to the cave, or will we go somewhere else?
         Let us continue to the cave.
         When the Old One and Jaz got outside the cave, they immediately scanned the area for others nearby. When neither one discovered any sentient beings, they entered the cave.
         Well, that was easy enough. I thought Elders Limdg and Velez would have somehow gotten off easy with the lies they no doubt told everyone. Jaz commented.
         I do not think they succeeded in getting off easy. I probed the Collective and could not find their Essence. They have been Silenced or worse.
         You do not think they have become One with the Planet, do you?
         The Old One stated that all wasted lives are terrible, so you must weigh all options before deciding. Never judge another without considering everything they may have gone through. At first, I attempted to do that for Eternity.
         If I may ask, Old One, why do you use her for so many examples?
         These are reasons best left buried. I had personal experience going through what Eternity went through.
         Jaz could tell she would not get any further explanation from the Old One. She let it drop.

Chapter Forty-Four

A Purpose

         After making himself visible, the Defender walked down United Nations Plaza toward the UN Building in broad daylight. He did so at a leisurely pace, wanting to make sure to be seen in a non-threatening way. The Defender observed several New York Police Department watchtowers along the way and noticed someone spotted and followed him. He knew the person who spotted him had already announced him to the first checkpoint and expected.
         The concrete and metal barriers were reinforced with steel girders when they created the first blockade. Just behind these barriers were four work trucks loaded with sand. As the Defender approached, he held his hands up, showing he was not armed.
         "Stop right there with your hand where we can see them. State your business here." At this point, several more police officers became visible, and while their guns were still holstered, their hands rested on their hilts.
         "My name is Defender. I have come not wanting any trouble of any kind. I wish to speak to the UN Council. I want to assist in any way, excluding joining war efforts or Police Actions. I have been helping the police in Underwood to the south of here for several months. I am unsure if you saw what I did for the sick children two months ago at one of the biggest children's hospitals in the United States. I ask for nothing in return."
         "What makes you think you can come here and walk right in? What makes you think they want to see you? You could be trying to get in there and kill everyone or take them hostage." With the last remark, more officers encircled the Defender, with several officers placing their hands on the hilt of their weapons.
         One of the other police officers within the circle said, "There is a video of you attacking the US Military and shot down. How are we expected to believe you are peaceful as you state you are?" A few of the other officers mumbled an agreement.
         The Defender answered matter of factly, "If you saw the video, you would have seen me hovering facing the two Apache helicopters. They began firing their canons and rockets at me without provocation. When they ran out of ammunition, two jets fired missiles at me. They were either assessing me or trying to make a hole in the ground underneath me. After they left, I flew away without retaliation or intentional pursuit. Did you miss that video?"
         The apparent Captain turned toward the speaking soldier and shouted "Silence" and then turned toward the Defender, "We all heard what you did at the hospital and then saw what happened with the Army. It does not make it any easier that you shrugged off their attack. We still have no idea who or what you are and exactly what you can do. For all we know, you can walk through all our efforts to stop you, destroy the UN building and everyone in it, and walk away."
         "I am here, in any case. I am asking permission to speak to the delegation. I am not demanding or threatening; I am just asking. If their answer is no, then I go away. No trouble. I want to help. What do I need to do to be seen?"
         After listening to the Defender, the Captain went to the radio and called someone. While the Defender could have easily heard into the conversation, he did not want to use any of his powers unless necessary. The conversation seemed to last for several minutes, and then the Captain called someone else as he used a different phone. This conversation was much shorter.
         When the Captain came over, his face did not express emotions or thoughts.
         "Well, it appears you are expected. The Secretary-General has directly authorized and permitted your admittance. You are to proceed to the main entrance of the General Assembly Building, where you will be greeted and ushered to the waiting assembly. You will need one of these. Always wear it. Do not remove it for any reason." The Captain handed the Defender a UN badge, which allowed the Defender access through security points where the UN Police, Federal Agents, and Secret Service Agents waited.
         The Captain ordered the police to stand down and allow the Defender to pass.
         After going through the police barricade, he came to a UN Security Checkpoint. Even though he wore a security badge, a verifying call was required to ensure it was legitimate. He waited patiently and, after acknowledgment, continued his walk toward the building. While he walked, he noticed individuals from strategic locations on the roofs of the UN building were watching him.
         When he arrived at the entrance, he was allowed in and ushered into the General Assembly Hall to the front-most dais with a raised section for three people and a podium. At this time, an unintelligible murmur occurred throughout the hall as hundreds of voices of different nationalities talked about their new visitor.
         . As the Defender listened, he could not discern any language he knew. The UN Council provided interpreters to translate the different languages. The entire process had to be synchronized perfectly.
         The person he was following led him to the raised dais and stopped. She turned to him and said, "We will await your introduction. Please place this device in your ear. It is like a hearing aid connecting you to our translators. Whenever you ask a question or communicate with one of the delegates, you will have the translation provided with their responses. Sometimes, the translations become delayed; however, they will be provided. When you are spoken, your information is provided to the delegates."
         "This will start with you answering questions from the current five Security Council members and, if there is time, and if there are unanswered or follow-up questions, we can field them at that time."
         The Defender thought momentarily and then advised that he was ready to start.
         After a few more minutes, the Defender met the Secretary-General, who in turn presented the Defender to the Security Council, "Instead of discussing Item SCD-9-Community Project E, our next agenda item will be the interview and open panel review of the entity code-named Defender." The Secretary-General then proceeded to be seated. The Defender went to the podium and looked out to the assembly.
         Immediately, a question came through his earpiece, "Where are you from, and are there more of you in hiding?"
         Because of the translation, the Defender did not know who had presented the question. He did not know how to take the question. Were they assuming the Defender was an alien and there were more like him in hiding? He needed to let them know he was from Earth and, as far as he knew, was the only one.
         "Originally, I am from Earth, like all of you. I was born, raised, and grew up as a human. A space anomaly changed me into what you see. Because of what happened to me, I hid because of the fear of public and government reaction. Over time, I learned I had special abilities. I could help people. I could do good and meaningful work. After the transformation, I found a police department that needed assistance with cases they could not manage independently. Unfortunately, this caught the attention of a criminal who sought me out and tried to evaluate my powers. I rescued the innocent people, and he is now in prison for life."
         A different interpreter asked, "You say you are originally from Earth. Do you have a family? What of them? Are they still around? Do you see them? How do you contact them? Are you still in contact with the police? Who is your communication within the police department?
         "I will not answer all those questions as they do not pertain directly to my offer of assistance to the UN or my ability to help you. I will not endanger my family. My powers are not dependent on anyone except myself. As for my contact with the Police department, I severed all contact with them. They could not contact me directly except by telephone and have no information about who I am except as the Defender. They only know I planned on contacting the UN or the President of the United States to offer my help."
         "How can we trust you if you do not provide all the information we ask?"
         "How do I know you will not ask me to abuse my powers?"
         After a general murmur from the assembly settled down, another translator asked, "What are your superpowers? Can you please elaborate on what they do for the assembly?"
         "Certainly. I have super running speed. I can run the circumference of the globe non-stop within three hours. This power includes running atop water without breaking the surface tension. I can alter the light around me to become invisible. My flying speed exceeds that of all forms of manufactured devices. I can fly into space without the protection of space gear, as I have flown above the Karman Line several times without detriment. I am invulnerable to all forms of physical attacks. My vision and hearing have increased to see objects and hear sounds over ten miles away. As witnessed two months ago, I can heal others from life-threatening illnesses."
         There was another, more prolonged murmur throughout the entire assembly. The five Security Council members huddled within their respective tables, fervently in discussions. After approximately five minutes, the next person approaches the microphone, and again, it is silent within the hall.
         "Defender, one of the reports we received from when you were performing your healing states you have a Third Eye. Can you acknowledge or deny this claim? Where is this eye, and what does it do if true? Also, do other members of your species have this Third Eye?
         "Let me answer your second part first. As I stated, I am a human like you. There is no one else like me that I know of on Earth. Something transformed me into what you see before you. During that transformation, I received my Third Eye. So far, my experiences with this eye have led me to believe matter itself can be malleable using the Third Eye. Some of the powers I have used are psychokinesis, or the ability to move objects or rearrange matter; power blasts, the ability to discharge powerful blasts to destroy any substance that is in its way; and transmutation, which is the action of changing the state of one thing into another.
         "Now, where the Third Eye is located, it is on my forehead. I can cause it to open. When it does, it will glow green. Sometimes, a green laser beam will come out; other times, it will just glow."
         "Can you demonstrate something? Something easy." the speaker asks.
         "I am not sure what you would like me to do. Using my powers is not like doing parlor tricks. It's real life," After a brief thought, "Let me see if I can open the Third Eye and make you understand me without using a translator."
         With that, the Defender closed his eyes, focused on his Third Eye, and willed it open. It snapped open and instantly began to glow green. It began to shine brighter and flashed a brilliant green light, flooding the entire assembly hall, then faded, and closed. He opened his eyes and looked around.
         Nothing had changed. Everyone was expectantly silent.
         After less than a minute, the Defender offered, "I am not sure what happened as I do not feel any different than I did before the flash."
         The Secretary-General asked the Defender, "How did you do that? I just heard you speak in my language without the interpreter."
         "No, he answered in mine." Stated the Soviet Union Security Council Member directly into the microphone.
         Slow but increasingly louder conversations began to grow as increased delegates began to understand the full impact of the bright green flash from the Defender's Third Eye. Disbelief, outrage, and wonderment were the primary emotions.
         The assembly erupted in chaos. The Secretary-General attempted to call the body to order for over forty minutes before The Secretary-General achieved quiet. After the din had subsided, more questions arose.
         "Defender, how did you achieve this? Why did you do this?" the Secretary-General posed.
         "I was asked to demonstrate some of my power via my Third Eye. I thought of making you understand what I was saying without a translator. When I activated the Third Eye, instead of causing you to understand just me, it increased the effect on the whole assembly. From past experiences, the Third Eye works on a much deeper level than human thought does."
         "So, you are not in control of your powers? Isn't that dangerous? Couldn't that be a major liability and cause serious trouble?"
         "From all my experiences using my powers, they have done exactly what I wanted them to do. In this instance, I wanted people to understand me without using a translator. My powers understood what I wanted and created the action to do just that. I made sure no one needed a translator. What you do here should be a blessing, not a curse. If everyone understands each other, that makes the communication battle much easier, don't you agree?"
         Without answering the question, the Secretary-General stated, "Let's continue with your questioning. Please tell us how you can help us conduct our services for us. How can you conduct services on our behalf?"
         "Before becoming the Defender, I was human. I was a soldier. I willingly fought for my country. I fought for its principles and beliefs. All people need to have individual rights and freedoms, and all are created equal. They need to be tolerant and live together in peace. Human rights are not negotiable, and democracy and social progress create a healthy society."
         "I believe conflicts should resolve themselves by any means possible before using armed forces and military actions. If all peaceful actions fail, military actions must be swift, concise, and well-planned with no civilian casualties. Keeping the objective in sight is imperative if a short conflict arises; however, changing the strategies to obtain that goal will allow more opportunities."          
         With this answer, there was a smattering of applause throughout the assembly.
         Good. Finally, a positive response. The Defender needed to reach more people.
          "So, what you just told us, if we had you hunt down a war criminal and his army so he doesn't commit any more war crimes, what would your plans be?"
         "Like the UN, I will not choose sides in war or conflict. None. I will help in peacekeeping and Humanitarian work. Anything non-warfare related. I will not be a Lone Wolf that is pointed toward a problem and told to 'Kill.' I will assist in solving the problem, and when the time comes, if necessary, my special abilities are required; I will go in when it is not safe for combat troops to apprehend the war criminal as peacefully as possible. I have not caused the death of any of the people I have apprehended thus far and have no intentions of starting now."
         Another pause for the applause of agreement.
         A man wearing a tailored three-piece suit asked the following question. Before he spoke, he seemed profoundly serious or upset because of the look on his face. "Defender, you alluded you were from the United States. Is that true?"
         "I stated I was from Earth. I assisted a town within the United States."
         "Yes. You stated you had assisted the police department in the city you mentioned. Is that correct as Well?
         "I did assist a city, which is correct."
         "Is the police officer's name Captain Ventz you worked with?
         "I believe it is. Did you meet with Captain Ventz?"
         "No, I haven't had the chance yet. He told us of the help you gave him and the criminals you helped apprehend. He also stated that your conversations took place via telephone. Is that true?
         "Yes, it is. And before you ask where it is, you can thank the US Army for destroying it when they attacked me."
         There was a pause before he continued.
         "How often did you contact the Captain?"
         "Never. Captain Ventz is the one who contacted me. I answered, listened to his job he needed help with, and then hung up."
         "I see. Do you remember Lieutenant Urad?"
         "I beg your pardon?"
         "It is Sergeant Urad. You called him Lieutenant Urad."
         "Yes. So, you do remember Urad. He searched to discover your identity and came close. Can you tell us about it?"
         "From what I recall, he harassed a private neighborhood, endangering civilians with his reckless actions until he discovered me at a lake miles away and failed to follow me to my base."
         "Your base? Your base of operations? And exactly where is your base? And why couldn't Sergeant Urad follow you?"
         "At that time, it was approximately at a 180-degree angle from where he was standing."
         "For the record, where is that at?"
         "The moon."
         "So, you are stating you call the moon your home base. Why is that? If you are from Earth, why do you not live here?"
         "If you had every government agency, every law enforcement agency, everybody wanting to make a name for themself looking for you, regardless of the consequence, where would you go? If you show yourself publicly, you are attacked unprovoked or threatened to be locked up for no logical reason. You are grilled and questioned about your intentions. Where else could I live without continuous interruptions or petty issues?"
         The gentleman in the three-piece suit was about to ask another question; however, he decided to sit down. The Defender noticed that no one else immediately stood up to ask any more questions. He felt he needed some answers of his own.
         "If I may now address the Council? I have answered the questions honestly and openly without endangering innocents. Before making any decisions, I need to have some questions answered as I, too, can decide."
         "How do I know you will not ask me to abuse my powers for whatever you call the greater good? I have seen too many wars to know there are no winners, only misery and death. I can heal, yes, but to what end? You asked if I would go after a war criminal by myself. I changed my mind. If it meant saving the countless lives of innocents, I would. If this war criminal were a dictator or even a president, they would be considered. However, I would do everything in my power to take them alive so they would face a fair trial by their peers. I am not a judge or executioner."
         "I would hold myself accountable to a very high standard. Always help others. Seek Justice always. I would also hold the UN to that standard."
         After the Defender finished, there was no applause. He took that for his answer. He turned and walked toward the door. No one attempted to stop him, and he did not look back. Once outside, he began to fly away, not trying to turn invisible,

Chapter Forty-Five

Final Change

Five hundred Cycles A.E.
         Now, Jaz, we begin preparing to contact the three-legged one I saw close to nine hundred cycles ago. Before I summon the viewing window, we open the Collective, and you need to feed me the Essence you receive. The viewing window will draw the Essence from all in the Collective so no one will notice the drain of their Essence.
         After the Old One began to open the Collective, he felt Jaz do the same. Slow down, Young One. The Old One stated pulling too fast will draw attention to yourself and compromise your actions. That is better. I am ready to focus on the three-legged One.
         The Old One focused on the three-legged One inside a viewing window. He felt the power flowing from the Young One to his effort. He suddenly innately felt there was too much power flowing through him. He needed to dampen the amount of Essence he was collecting.
         Young One, lessen your drain on the Collective by half. The Old One could feel the immediate withdrawal of outside power. It still felt too much. Cut all drains on the Collective. I will advise you when you are to begin again.
         After stopping her withdrawal from the Collective, Jaz observed what the Old One was doing. She immediately saw that he provided all the energy to create the viewing window himself. It alarmed her to see this. The Old One commented previously on how much of a drain it took to make a viewing window. From what she saw, the Old One was using his Essence alone instead of that of the entire Collective. He was more powerful than anyone in history.
         Soon, Jaz saw a faint image materializing before her and the Old One. It was opaque, but the picture became denser, making details easier to see.
         I see something, cried Jaz as the form of a viewing window appeared. It is taking shape like you stated it would. I can see the borders of the picture and a little on the inside of the viewing window.
         I am seeing it as well. It is forming much quicker than I remember. There must be a power source on the other side that is helping with the window formation. I do not recall it being this easy. There was a sudden air intake from the window, and then it was formed.
         The Old One halted feeding power into the window only to discover it stayed formed and then became solid. He observed that no additional control was required to keep it open. He remembered another viewing window that seemed not to need continuous feed. That was many cycles ago.
         Soon, someone was stepping close to the other side of the viewing window. At first, it was just a shadow, but once it came up to the window, the Old One instantly recognized the being because it was the color of the Highest Peak of the Mountain. It was the non-Hydranousian from Eternity's cave.
          The Old One watched what the other was doing. After each looked at the other, the Old One held up his right appendage, facing forward. The non-Hydranousian raised its left-facing appendage, mimicking the Old One, and nodded.
         The Old One was about to send a telepathic message to the other when it spoke using the orifice on its head.
         "Who are you?" the non-Hydranousian asked. It then pointed to itself and stated, "I am Defender. Defender".
         The Old One looked at the non-Hydranousian and the gestures it was making. Jaz startled him by speaking. It tells us its name, 'Defender.'
         You are right. Let me check something. The Old One addressed the one in the window and stated, Defender while pointing toward it. The Defender nodded several times and then told the Old One and Jaz.
         The Old One commented to Jaz that It wants to know our names. Let me see if I can answer it. He then turned and addressed the Defender. While pointing at himself, the Old One sent a telepathic message, Old One. Old One. He then pointed to Jaz and announced Jaz. Jaz.
         The Defender looked quizzically toward the Old One and pointed back to his head and the small growths on each side. He then pointed toward the opening at the bottom of its face. It then covered the orifice and then pointed to its head.
         Could it not be he understood? Jaz began. I could be wrong. Let me try something. I will include you in my attempt to communicate directly into the creature's consciousness. Jaz walked closer to the window and looked intently toward the Defender.
         At this moment, the Defender's Third Eye opened and shot out two separate beams the color of the Sounds of the Suns to Jaz and the Old One's Third Eye. When the beam struck, each eye responded in a distinct color. The giant statue's eye turned to the Highest Peak of the Mountain, and the Young One's turned to the Smell of Silence in color.
         After the Sounds of the Sun's beams of light faded, the Defender was left standing, looking at the two statues. He suddenly heard talking.
         Young One, are you...Wait. The One who is the color of the Highest Peak of the Mountain can hear us.
         How can you tell? I am not projecting any thoughts. I was going to try to use stronger telepathy but did not have the opportunity. Are you confident it can hear us?          
         "My name is Defender," he stated, "Wait, I just heard you in my head. How is that possible?"
         Jaz asked the Defender; Can you hear me? I am speaking directly into your mind. Your mode of speaking is different from ours. We cannot talk like you do. We communicate through thought.
         "Yes, I can hear you just fine. It sounds like you are talking through your mouth," pointing toward the small hole in its face, "How can I understand you? You certainly can't speak English."
         Jaz continued; We have no idea of your English. We speak Hydranousian, our language, and we do not know how to translate. Jaz offered.
         The Old One stated I have thought about this possibility. All of us have an open Third Eye. It may provide a link for us to understand each other. Tell us, how long have you had the Third Eye?
         "Ever since you changed me into this form. It can open on its own or when I want it to open. I think it opens when I need more power, too."
         Yes, I thought as much. Our eyes operate on similar needs. We can open them upon will, but when we need more energy or go into our power more deeply, they will open themselves. The Old One started.
         The Defender's Third Eye flared brightly, then dimmed. He looked directly at the Old One, "You called yourself the 'Old One'? Why are you hiding different names?"
         The Old One stated, Who said I was hiding different names? He doubled the security of his real name and then tripled the locks on his memory.
         "I saw what you just did. You are trying to hide your real name. Or rather names. One is 'Supreme High One,' and the other is 'Potentaten.' Why are you hiding both of those?"
         It is impolite to scan another's thoughts without permission, Defender. As for the names, now that you know them, please lock them away and never use them again. The reason I do not use them is my business alone. Turning his attention to Jaz, Forget you heard the last name. I will inform you of that name later.
         The Defender continued, "It's too late. I learned it by accident. I did not try to see your personal information. I did not even know they were there. The first name, Supreme High One, is what you called yourself before an accident wiped out half of your species, causing my creation. The remainder of your people believed you died during that same accident so you could investigate what happened. Your other name is Potentaten. I sincerely apologize for finding these names out without your permission."
         There were different reactions from Jaz and the Old One. The Old One was upset but could not beret Defender because the Old One had gone into countless individuals' minds to gather thoughts intentionally without their permission and continues to do so. As he stated, the Defender's actions were unintentional and could not be helped. Neither name would be in danger within this small company.
         Jaz, on the other hand, was in disbelief and shock. She had heard of the name Potentaten before. A long time ago. She had met him before he fixed her listening ability. She remembers where and under what circumstance she heard that name.
         It was in an out-of-phase building three cycles ago. She was newly unattached. She saw the adult she came from and was walking away. Right before leaving the building, she heard the adult brazenly speaking telepathically to someone unseen. The person speaking was named Potentaten.
         Increase your barriers to as high as you can, Jaz. That should effectively stop all conversations from the Defender."
         The Young One spoke, and I did increase my barriers to their highest level. I can still hear him. I can still listen to what is sent.
         "Why don't you two speak normally? Well, you have no mouths, so it cannot be normal. But make sense of what you are trying to say. What are the barriers you keep talking about? Why shouldn't I be able to hear you?"
         "Young One, I, too, can still hear the Defender in my thoughts. Defender has easily bypassed the barriers I placed. They were strong enough to block an Elder using much of the Collective as a source of Essence."
         "Have you tried reading Defender's thoughts? Surely he could not block you, Old One."
         Yes, I have, but I cannot seem to reach them. I have never come across such barriers before.
         "OK, that's it. I am standing right before you, and you both act like I am inferior. If you can't read my thoughts, but if I can read yours, you sound inferior to me."
         The Old One opened his Third Eye and focused his power on the Defender. Jaz followed his lead and did the same. The Defender did not see a threat to his mind or well-being; however, he was annoyed they were doing this. He then focused on his Third Eye being brighter and more substantial than the other two combined.
         His Third Eye opened with those thoughts, and a bright green glow appeared. When this happened, the other Third Eyes closed. The Defender did not know what this meant, but it could not be good for the other two.
         What have you done? Exclaimed the Old One. How have closed our Third Eye without our consent? Never has this happened in the known history of our race. How did you do it being a non-Hydranousian? Where did you acquire this power?"
         "I don't know. I know I have it. You should know. Your people gave it to me."
         The Old One gruffly responded, Besides the few occasions we have met through the Viewing Window, I have never seen or met you. What about you, Young one? Have you ever met the Defender before?
         No. This is the first time I have met this individual. Being so strange, I am sure I would have remembered.
         The Defender, with his glowing Third Eye, spoke up. "I can clearly remember you like it was yesterday. It was when..."
         The Young One interrupted the Defender. Excuse me. What is 'Yesterday'? We have no such word in our language.
         The Defender took a deep breath and answered, "I guess yesterday's definition would have been the day before today. Now, as I was saying..."
         What is today? The Young One asked.
         "Today is, well, now. The present. The day before tomorrow."
         Are you referring to the passage of time? We do understand that concept. What brings about your course of time? Do you have Esuoms and Relffs?'
         "I don't know what Esuoms and Relffs are. Days, weeks, years? An explanation of a year: My planet, Earth, takes three hundred sixty-five days to circle our Sun."
         The Young One answered, Wait, I understand your information about time better. Your Planet circles one of your suns one time in three-hundred-sixty-five days. How long does it take to orbit your other Sun?
          "We only have one Sun. Do you have more than one"?
          We do. The Young One continued. We do not have the word 'years' in our vocabulary. A Cycle takes our Planet three hundred of your Earth years. Hydranous, to go around our suns, Retpmoc and Tana. Also, what is a day?
          "A day? That is another unit of time. This information doesn't matter right now. Maybe we can share this tedious information some other time, but not now."
          "This is all interesting, but I want to get it straight about when I first saw you. About nine months ago, an opening appeared in front of me in a park. I saw you there by yourself with your Third Eye-thing glowing bright gray. At that instant, the window began to glow brighter and looked like it might explode. I was going to get out of the window's way when three very bright colors, yellow, blue, and green, shot out. There also appeared to be a visual distortion coming from the window. The distortion was like seeing on a scorching day when looking down an asphalt road. Before you ask, it is a black road that gets hot. The colored lights and distortion hit me as one, throwing me back into a tree. I saw you in that window as I began falling unconscious."
         What are yellow, blue, and green? Are they more passages of time? The Young One Inquired.
         "No, they are colors. Colors are all around us. Green is the color of grass. That is what I am standing on right now: green grass. Here, let me pull some up and show you." The Defender bent down, grabbed a handful of grass, and held it toward the window."
         Oh, you are talking about the Sound of the Suns.
         "Sound of the Suns? Are you telling me your Sun makes noise? Never mind. Yellow is easy. Yellow is the color of the Young One over there," pointing to Jaz.
         That is indeed easy to recognize. The Young One's color is the Smell of Silence.
         "The smell of silence? I am getting the impression that your people use other senses when describing colors. Like what does the Smell of Silence smell like? Are you saying the Young One has a smell? Is it a good smell or a bad one?"
         She has no smell I can detect. She..."
         The Defender cut the Old One-off, "You don't have a nose. How can you smell anything? For that matter, you have no mouth, either. How do you eat? Do you eat? I guess it does not matter. Maybe I don't want to know how you eat without a mouth."
         "Let's move on to the last color you wanted to know, blue. Blue is the color of our sky during the daytime when there are no clouds. Do you have a word for the sky? The thing above us?"
         "Yes, we do. It is called Crystal Root. It is the color of your Sun, Crystal Root."
         "The color of our Sun is not Crystal Root. It is a red-orange color. How do you make up all these weird names?"
         Our ancestors used these names, which remain because no other names seem suited for what was named.
         "What? Even with a direct link to you, it is still hard to follow your words. I know; imagine your sky in detail and picture it in your head."
         The Defender concentrated hard to picture what was in the Old One and Young One's minds. He saw a desolate landscape with no visible vegetation. He saw the sandy, tan-looking ground and then the sky. There was no blue. It was, as he guessed, the red-orange color of his Sun. He saw the two suns of their world. One was a bright red, and the other was an even more brilliant yellow. He thought it was interesting.
         The Defender then offered to show them his world. "OK, I will show you my world and the colors." He began to imagine what daylight would bring in with all the colors. He remembers the green, yellows, blues, purples, red, white, and many other colors. He then thought of a cloudless sky. There are different tints and hues of blue as you go up or down in the sky. He then began thinking of clouds.
         What are those? We have no word or knowledge of these floating objects or their color. Your Planet has a lot of this unknown color. When we were examining your world out of curiosity, we saw that this color is dominant. We had no idea it did not touch the ground. Very intriguing.
         "They are called clouds. They are all over the Planet. The color of them is white. If you were looking from space, you would have also seen snow, which is also white. Snow is on both poles, the North Pole, and the South Pole. You can also see it elsewhere in the world. You would have seen the blue from the oceans, lakes, and rivers."
         So, the oceans, lakes, rivers, and smaller amounts of this blue substance are called The Vision of Forever.
         "The Vision of Forever is what your people call the color blue. I guess I can understand that one. Makes sense."
         The Young One approached the window and asked, May I ask another question? From what I have been told, you had a third leg. They saw you walking on it. And you were smaller, much smaller. Does everyone on your Planet grow a third leg after being injured? How amazing." Asked the Young One.
         "Third leg? I have never had a third leg. Oh, I understand now. I used a cane to walk around. Was it thin and brown? If it was, it could have been my canes."
         The larger one asked, A cane? For what is it used? Replace an appendage? Also, what is brown?
         "Brown is brown, I guess. It is just a color. It is the same color as your rock body."
         I see. Brown is the same color as the Hole of a MeeBee.
         "What on Earth is a Me-Be?" The Defender asked.
         Well, a MeeBee is much smaller than you. It would not come up to one of your mid-lower appendages. They are not known to be sentient. However, no one has studied them lately. I guess many desert dwellers could be sentient beings given the opportunity.
         What do you mean, given the opportunity, Old One? asked the Young One.
         Oh, nothing, just contemplating. As the Old One remembered Eternity and the Tras, he remembered that Defender could see his thoughts and quickly looked toward him.
         "I saw what you did. Did you decide a different species needed altering because you just wanted to help them? Because of you, hundreds of innocents have died, and countless individuals have suffered, and for what? An experiment? Worse, your ego? You should have stayed in that prison and died." He felt the Young One beginning to ask another question, "And stop asking all those questions. This isn't a lunch and learn, and I am sick of answering your lame questions."
         The Supreme High One quickly looked at the Young One to see her reactions to the Defenders' retort and to determine if she had heard his statement about what he had done to the MeeBee. If she did, she did not show it. He then looked back at the Defender and stated, I admit I have made mistakes. But what I did was to help. Have you never made a mistake you regretted?
         What mistake are you referring to, Old One? asked the Young One. You have never shared a story where you regretted doing something.
         "Before I tell her what happened, I want to ask again why you changed me. Was it to give Earth a protector? Did you pick me because I was handicapped? Did you feel sorry for me? Why?"
         At this time, a Time Window opened in the window portal, displaying both visions simultaneously. It all seemed impossible, yet all I knew was factual.
         The flooding memories begin in a room full of Hydranousians standing around a prone, unconscious male human on a slab of unknown stone.
         When we began looking at the life forms, one lifeform of the species appeared to be the most dominant.
          While viewing the inhabitants, specific individuals intrigued some of us. One had been a previous case study several times. It had three lower appendages. Even though one was much smaller and connected to the upper appendage, mobility was acceptable. The body appeared bent and did not move as fast as the other inhabitants. However, when we performed the Nerul-Drive Brain Stimulation Cortex Generation on the participant, it was discovered that the scores in Sapience, Understanding, Perspicacity, Effectiveness, and Resourcefulness were all significantly above average. It was regretful that we had to erase all traces of the testing and block the receptors to this information. It is good to know; however, we can find this test subject easily and reverse the erasure with the power of the three power crystals of the Supreme High One. We also marked this one with brain anomalies to determine the mortality rate. The early prognosis is like the others: fatal.
         "You did this to me! You did all this to me on purpose. You made me terminally ill, gave me these powers,
         We are scholars. We observe different planets. On one such viewing, we were looking at your world. While viewing the inhabitants, an individual intrigued us. The target of our inquiry had three legs, though one was much smaller and connected to the upper appendage. We now know it was your cane, a device to aid your mobility. You had a bent body and did not move as fast as the other inhabitants, even though it had three legs. A collective thought occurred that you were an inflicted one, soon to be One with the Planet. We didn't think it mattered."
         While we were looking through the window, a sudden gasp occurred from half of the population present. I was controlling the window and suddenly felt a great wrong was happening. A giant power surge hit me. I have never felt such an enormous power surge before or after that day. My thoughts and control were almost gone. All I felt was the power flowing into me. Then, an idea flowed from other Hydranousians. 'The Power Crystals can help; aim the power toward the window to stabilize it.' I aimed the crystals with much effort and pointed them at the window. Three blinding lights shot out and through the crystals and toward the window. The restraining frame began to glow.          
         Then half of our people disappeared.
         As I helplessly watched, I saw the erasure of the Hydranousians who disappeared. I did not understand what force caused this. I knew it was a more powerful source than all the Hydranousians combined.
         "So, you just aimed all the built-up power and energy toward the window, regardless of what you were aiming at? Is that what you are saying?
         I remember channeling all the raw power and holding the crystals firmly. I remember seeing the power crash through the Viewing Window and hit you. An afterthought was what changes would occur, but that was for later. Then, the overloaded power destroyed the window.
         The Defender was quiet for several minutes. He was processing what he learned. He knew it was the truth as the Supreme High One knew it.
         "So, I am a mistake? There is no real reason I am like this."
         I am afraid not, said the Supreme High One without remorse. As I stated, we are scholars and examine you and your Planet as you are different. What happened was something we had never experienced or expected. If we had known something like this could occur, more precautions would have been taken. We may even have destroyed your planet to ensure this type of event would not have happened; the consequences would not have mattered to us because the problem would have been solved. You must move on as we did.
         "I can't."
         I do not think you heard what I said earlier. Half of our population ceased to exist! They are gone forever without a trace. I witnessed this. No one else remembers this. How you feel, or the outcome of your planet does not matter to us.
         While the Old One was talking, the Defender was not listening. He remembers everything that has happened and everything that he has lost. He remembers everything his friends went through. While not all bad, he did have to start over and give up everything. He thought of his family and everything they had been through and still are going through. He remembers those who lost their lives on the count of him. Something had to give.
         "I need time to think about this. This window needs to be closed. Permanently. We will never see each other again. I cannot go into hiding, and I can go anywhere without drawing a crowd or being the cause of someone's death. My place is by my family, where I intend to be."
         With that, the Defender walked out of the Viewing Window.

Chapter Forty-Six

A Change In Perspective

Feeling angry and dejected after leaving the UN, Matthew did not know where to go. He did not fly toward home because he was likely being tracked, so he just flew in wide circles, thinking. He thought he would find a purpose, a reason he had these powers. After a bit, he turned invisible and flew toward home.
         While searching for answers, Matthew needed to contact the large statue he had seen in the window. He was unsure how to do that but knew he had to try. With what had previously occurred, he felt he had no other option. He needed to understand why he was given these powers and what was expected of him. He veered north a bit to find a secluded spot.
         He knew he was not followed because he had been invisible for quite some time. He had picked a location far from his home so it could not be traced back to where he lived, and it was miles from the nearest homestead.
         He thought back to how he had made contact previously. He remembered the Third Eye just flared, a window-like opening appeared, and there the statue was. It could work the same way again. Matthew thought about the window he saw the last time: its shape, color, and size. He also visualized seeing the statue within the window and the clarity of the sight. Within moments, he felt the sensation of the power buildup and the Third Eye opening and a beam of green light coming out and forming a window-like space within five feet of him. It solidified and became solid-looking. He drew closer to get a better look within.
         This time, instead of seeing only one statue, he saw two statues: a large statue and a smaller one. He noticed they were assorted colors.
         The Defender saw the bigger statue hold up his hand, palm forward. He recognized this from the last time he saw the figure, copied the gesture, and nodded.
         "Who are you?" he asked, then pointed to himself, announcing, "I am the Defender. Defender."
         He waited for any recognition from the two statues. He was about ready to try again when he was surprised by a telepathic message he received.
         Defender, the big statue, somehow stated, pointing toward him.
         While pointing at himself, the large statue sent another telepathic message, Old One. Old One, while pointing to himself. Then, pointing to the more miniature figure, announced Jaz. Jaz.
         The Defender again realized he was receiving telepathic communication as neither statue had a mouth, nose, or ears. How were these statues getting their information? He pointed toward his ears, then toward his mouth. He then covered his mouth and pointed toward his head.          
         After miming communication with the statues, the Defender waited for some response. While waiting, he noticed that both figures were looking at each other. Except for the little eye expressions both were using, he could not tell if they were using telepathy to speak.
         When the statues traded places with the smaller one now closer to him, the Defender's Third Eye opened and shot out two beams of green light to each of the statue's foreheads. While the green light was touching their Third Eye, each responded in a distinct color. The large statue's Third Eye turned gray, and the small one's turned yellow.
         The Defender looked at the two statues after the green light beam faded. He suddenly heard talking.
         Young One, are you...Wait. The one, the color of the Highest Peak of the Mountain, can hear us!
         How can you tell? I am not projecting any thoughts. I was going to try to use stronger telepathy but did not have the opportunity. Are you confident it can hear us?          
         "My name is Defender," he stated, "Wait, I just heard you in my head. How is that possible?"
         The larger statue addressed, the smaller one, "It appears the creature can hear our conversations. We must increase our barriers to avoid further thought sharing."
         The Defender interrupted, "What are barriers? And what do you not want me to hear or know?"
         "Did you increase your barriers, Young One? I thought I did, but it still hears us."
         "My name is Defender, not 'Creature' or 'It.' And why are you trying to hide your thoughts? Aren't you supposed to 'Come in Peace' or something?"
         Increase your barriers to as high as you can. That should effectively stop all conversations from the Defender."
         The smaller statue spoke, and I did increase my barriers to their highest level. I can still hear the crea... I can still hear what is being sent.
         "Why don't you two speak normally? Well, you have no mouths, so it cannot be normal. But make sense of what you are saying. What are the barriers you keep talking about? Why shouldn't I be able to hear you? Where are you from, and how can we make contact? I don't understand any of this."
         Young One, I, too, can still hear the Defender in my thoughts. The Defender has easily bypassed the barriers I placed. They were strong enough to block an Elder using much of the Collective as a source of Essence.
         Have you tried reading Defender's thoughts? Surely, he could not block you, Old One.
         "OK, that's it. I am standing before you, and you both act like I am inferior. You seem inferior if you can't read my thoughts."
         The one called the Old One opened its Third Eye and began concentrating. Gray light began to glow slightly within the eye. When the Young One saw this, her Third Eye opened and began to glow yellow. The Defender saw this and thought about opening his Third Eye. He imagined his eyes were brighter and more substantial.
         His Third Eye opened with those thoughts and showed a brighter green glow. When this happened, the other two's Third Eyes closed. The Defender did not know what this meant, but it could not benefit them.
         What have you done? Exclaimed the Old One. You have closed our Third Eye without our consent? Never has this happened in the known history of our race. How did you do it being a non-Hydranousian? Where did you acquire such a power?
         From you.
         The Old One gruffly responded, Besides the few occasions I have met you through the Viewing Window, I have never seen or met you. What about you, Young one? Have you ever met this Defender?
         No. I have never met this individual. Being so strange, I am sure I would have remembered.
         With his Third Eye still glowing, the Defender addressed the Old One. "I can clearly remember you like it was yesterday. It was when..."
         Excuse me. What is 'Yesterday'? We have no such word in our language.
         The Defender took a deep breath and answered, "I guess yesterday's definition would be the day before today. Now, as I was saying..."
         What is today? The Young One asked.
         "Today is, well, now. The present. The day before tomorrow."
         Are you referring to the passage of time? We do understand that concept. What brings about your course of time? Do you have Esuoms and Relffs?'
         "I don't know what Esuoms and Relffs are. Days, weeks, years? For years, it has taken my Planet, Earth, three hundred sixty-five days to circle our Sun once. It is called a year."
         For the next forty-five minutes, the Defender spent a frustratingly lengthy period answering questions to the rock figure who answered the Young One. When it was reaching its breaking point, they began talking about his cane.
         The Defender explained, "Third leg? I have never had a third leg. I used a cane to walk around but never had a third leg. Was it thin and brown? If it was, it could have been my cane."
         The Old One asked, A cane? For what is it used? Replace an appendage? Also, what is brown?
         "Brown is brown, I guess. It is just a color. It is the same color as your rock body."
         I see. Brown is the same color as the Hole of a MeeBee.
         "What on Earth is a Me-Be?" The Defender asked.
         A MeeBee is much smaller than you. It would not come up to one of your mid-lower appendages. They are not known to be sentient. However, no one has studied them lately. I guess many desert dwellers could be sentient beings given the opportunity.
         In a flash of memory, Defender sees the Old One genetically altering the MeeBee to become the Natas because he feels they need to be modified to be more advanced. He did not consider the change's ramifications on the Natas or the environment. It is not until much later that he learns that he is indirectly responsible for the Elders, guards, and civilians sent to be One with the Planet, along with the extinction of a northern species.
          The Defender tells the Old One, "I saw what you did. You are a monster. You should have stayed in that prison."
         The Supreme High One quickly looked at the Young One to see if she heard the Defender's statement. If she did, she did not show it. He then looked back at the Defender and stated, I admit I have made mistakes. But what I have done, I was helping. You have never made a mistake you regretted?
         What mistake are you referring to, Old One? asked the Young One. You have never shared a story where you regretted doing something.
         "Before I told her what happened, why did you change me? Was this part of a large plan? Why?"
         The Old One makes a sound like a chuckle. Are all beings from your planet like you? They are so concerned about themselves that they do not see the big picture. You are then all pitiful fools worthy of extinction.
          While viewing the inhabitants, specific individuals intrigued some of us. You had been a previous case studied several times. At the time, you only had two lower appendages. Your body appeared bent and did not move as fast as the other inhabitants. However, when we performed the Nerul-Drive Brain Stimulation Cortex Generation on you, it was discovered that the scores in Sapience, Understanding, Perspicacity, Effectiveness, and Resourcefulness were all significantly above average. We performed many tests on one of your lower appendages, causing permanent damage. It was pretty easy to change the neuro-pathways to implant false memories of how the damage occurred.
          It was regretful that we had to erase all traces of the testing and block the receptors to this information. It is good to know; however, we could easily find you and reverse the erasure with the power of the three power crystals. On a side note, we also marked you with brain anomalies to determine your mortality rate. The early prognosis is like the others: fatal.
         "You did this to me! You did all this to me on purpose. You made me terminally ill."
         We are scholars. We observe different planets. On one such viewing, we were looking at your world. While viewing the inhabitants, you intrigued us. You were interesting because of your prior resilience. We knew about that due to all the neuro scans we conducted on you. Due to our experimentation, you had a bent body and did not move as fast as the other inhabitants, thus using the implement. A collective thought occurred that you were an inflicted one, soon to be One with the Planet. We didn't think your existence mattered.
         While we were looking through the window, a sudden gasp occurred from half of the population present. I was controlling the window and suddenly felt a great wrong was happening. A giant power surge hit me. I have never felt such an enormous power surge before or after that day. My thoughts and control were almost gone. All I felt was the power flowing into me. Then, an idea flowed from other Hydranousians. 'The Power Crystals can help; aim the power toward the window to stabilize it.' I aimed the crystals with much effort and pointed them at the window. Three blinding lights shot out and through the crystals and toward the window. The restraining frame began to glow.          
         Then half of our people disappeared.
         As I helplessly watched, I saw the erasure of the Hydranousians who disappeared. I did not understand what force caused this. I knew it was a more powerful source than all the Hydranousians combined.
         "So, you just aimed all the built-up power and energy toward the window, regardless of what you were aiming at? Is that what you are saying?"
         I remember channeling all the raw power and holding the crystals firmly. I remember seeing the power crash through the Viewing Window and hit you. An afterthought was what changes would occur, but that was for later. Then, the overloaded power destroyed the window.
         The Defender was quiet for several minutes. He was processing what he learned. He knew it was the truth as the Supreme High One knew it. It was true, as serial criminals saw it, too.
          While the Old One began talking again, the Defender was not listening. He remembered the negative things that had happened, and he had lost. He remembers everything his family and friends have gone through. He had to start over, give up everything from his old life, and impose it on his family. He thought of his family and everything they had been through and still are going through. Their losses. He remembers those who lost their lives on the count of this Old One.
          What else has this Old One done? Who else has he harmed?
         Without caring if he was interrupting, "I need time to think about this. This window needs to be closed. We will never see each other again. I cannot go into hiding, and I can go anywhere without drawing a crowd or being the cause of someone's death. However, my place is by my family, where I intend to be."
         The Defender walked out of the Viewing Window, which promptly winked out.
         Once the window was closed, he stood there for ten minutes, processing what happened during the last part of the conversation. His decision not to open another window to wherever this went was firm; he did not know how to prevent another one from being opened. He thought about opening a one-way window to the aliens and probing their minds on how to permanently close the window when he felt the tingle of his Third Eye opening.
         The sudden eye-opening and the glow's brilliance caused him to shut his other two eyes. His vision did not focus on a single beam of light. Instead, it turned everything in the area into a green glow. He felt an energy buildup, a sudden release, and the Third Eye's closing. He was unaware of how he knew it; however, he knew there would be no more doorways or windows from Hydranous to Earth again.

         A cry of severe anguish comes from the Old One as he grabs his head in pain. The Young One, too, holds her head, not in pain but in vertigo, and stumbles to a sitting position.
         Young One. Young One! I need your assistance! I have been suddenly silenced from my Essence and the Collective. Some great force has silenced all. Young One, can you hear me?
         Old One. I can hear you. The Collective is still here, as with the Essence. I can see it is you who have been Silenced. You are no longer the Supreme High One. You no longer have the coloring. Your coloring changed from Highest Peak of the Mountain to The Vision of Forever. You are now indeed an Old One.
         Who is the new Supreme High One? Who? One must be born if I am already replaced. Am I doomed to be One With the Planet?
         I have changed colors to the Highest Peak of the Mountain. All Hail to me.

Appendix and Pronunciations


Acmine (Aawk-mine) - An Elder.
Afflicted One - These Hydranousians experience memory loss, mental and physical capabilities deteriorate, and One with the Planet.
Beezz (Bee-EZ) - A piece of foraged animal muscle used by the Tra for the stretchable material of their crystal bows.
Boitereeze (Bolt-er-ease) - An Elder.
Bzebulite (Z-Be-utte) - A Young One taught by the Old One after the big explosion. Despite being warned, he went to the Northern Quadrant, was captured, and later killed by marauders.
Clan - A group of close-knit and interrelated families living proximately to one another.
Collective - It is the name of all the combined Hydranousians' Essence and power.
Color of One with the Planet - This is what Hydranousians call the Color Black.
Cirift (Sir-FFT) - A friend of an Elder sent to be One with the Planet along with the Elder. Cirift is the only civilian to join Elders and Guards to be One with the Planet during Eternity's attacks.
Cycle - The total time it takes the planet Hydranous to rotate around its suns, Retpmoc and Tana, creating a helix. There are three hundred Earth years in one complete Helix cycle.
Crystal Root - This is what Hydranousians call Red Orange, the color of their sky.
Demanery (Dea-man-er-e) - An Elder.
Dewiss (D-wis) - A citizen of the city called Eriarp. He is the citizen in charge of hiring Old Ones as tutors.
Double Helix - Four spiraling helixes oriented in opposite directions, which are interconnected.
Dyserl (Die-sur-el) - An Elder.
Elder - A chosen Hydranousian citizen who can contact, control, and maintain more Essence than an average Hydranousian. The Supreme High One determines who will be an Elder.
Emptiness - Where Afflicted ones go when they become One with the Planet.
Eriarp (Era-arp) - A city where the Supreme High One, disguised as a Tutor, first started his tutoring of Young Ones 500 hundred cycles after he disappeared.
Essence - Is the life essence of all living, non-living, and what is beyond within all Hydranousian. It determines the level of raw power Hydranousians can absorb. It is controlled within the Collective and is useable by anyone who can connect with the Collective. The amount of Essence used depends on the individual wielding it.
Esuoms (E-sue-oms) - These are similar in length to Earth minutes.
Eternity (E-ter-ni-tee) - Once a pupil of an Old One who failed to train her according to her natural abilities, she became angry to the point where she staged a rebellion against the Elders and the Supreme High One.
Fluorite (Flu-rite) - A stone is known for its clarity and mental enhancement to its bearer.
Frup - A Young One.
Glos (Glos.) - A flying animal with claws and feathers.
Glok-Glok Sands (Glock-Glock) - This is a desert where no sentient life is known to exist.
Gnit (G-nit) - An Elder. Once, Eternity's tutor was unsuitable for tutoring Young Ones; however, he was too powerful to leave unchecked. She was not ambitious enough to strive for more power.
Ground Shake -This is what Hydranousians call the Color Violet.
Gymph (Ga-miff) - An Elder
Hacuuk (Hay-Uk) - An Elder
Highest Peak of the Mountain -This is what Hydranousians call the Color Gray. It is the rarest color known to all Hydranousians.
Hiblcl (Hi-bl-cul) - It takes three cycles from the Palace to reach this mountain range to the south.
Hole of a MeeBee - This is what Hydranousians call the Color Brown,
Hydranous (Hi-drain-ous) - A planet over four hundred light-years from Earth. The surface temperature is always 350 degrees above boiling due to its two suns. The environment would be deadly to all life on Earth.
Hydranous Year - Called a Cycle. Equal to three hundred Earth years.
Hydranousians - (Hy-drain-ous-ians) Individuals who are the dominant species of the planet Hydranous.
Hynd (Hind) - This is an Elder who remembered the Supreme High One after the explosion and the disappearance of others.
Ingeous (In-gei-o-us) - This is one of the Elders accused of being a traitor.
Janifft (Yan-if-fit) - An Elder.
Jaz (Jazz) - A Young One.
Keysion (Key-see-on) - A friend of an Elder.
Koht (Koo-t) - An Elder.
Lecbp (Le-bop) - An Elder.
Lewr (Lure) - A town near the Glok-Glok Sands.
Limdg (Lime-dig) - An Elder.
Liquid Eterinite (Li-quid E-ter-night) - This is a thicker than water-like substance. It covers over one-third of the planet Hydranous. It replenishes the Essence of the Hydranousians. It is also the burial place of all Hydranousians.
MeeBee (Me-Be) - This is a medium-sized rodent-like creature, the size of a tiny Earth human child aged three.
Mellainy (Me-lain-y) - A Hydranousian Young One.
Merkil (Mer-kill) - An Elder.
Msadr (M-sad-er) - An Elder.
Obascha (O-bas-cha) - A designation the Tra uses for the female who gives birth to offspring.
Nata (No-ta) - A name the Supreme High One gives to describe the desert dwellers. They live in a colony of caves in which they sleep and hide from the Reres.
North Quadrant - This is believed to be where nothing survives for exceedingly long without the knowledge of using the Essence of the Collective. It is also the home of the Tra and Glos.
Odd One - Many thought, though never confirmed, that the Odd One was, in reality, an Elder in disguise.
Old One - To become an Old One, a Tutor, a Hydranousian must show knowledge of the culture, politics, sciences, myths, and social norms and be advanced in years. The last requirement is needed because living long will only meet the other conditions.
One in the Collective - The ability to effectively communicate and understand all within the Collective without becoming an Afflicted One.
One with the Planet - What Hydranousians call Death.
Osit (Os-sit) - An Elder.
Out of Phase Appendage - Twice in a Hydranousian's life span, they form an appendage during their Out of Phase period. This appendage grows into a smaller version of its creator. When the appendage receives its final color, it breaks off and begins its life as a Young One.
Out of Phase - Happens when a Hydranousian enters a sleep-like state within an Out of Phase Building. They replenish their Essence, give the Collective power, and restore their essential Life Essence.
Out-of-Phase Buildings - Dwellings constructed to house and protect the Hydranousians when they enter Phase or replenish their Essence.
Peetorim (Pe-tor-e-um) - An Elder.
Place the Color of One with the Planet - It was believed to be an actual place within the Void.
Pokl (Po-kel) - She is a character in a lesson told by the Old One to Jaz to convey a moral.
Obaschi (O-bas-cha) - A designation the Tra uses for the male who assisted in creating and raising offspring.
Potentaten (Po-ten-at-en) - The name of the current Supreme High One before taking on the latter title.
Power Crystals - Objects of power. The stronger the one wielding them, the more powerful the crystal becomes.
Powers - Hydranousians consider this the advanced use of Essence to create Telepathy and Telekinesis.
Prism Body Colors - The hierarchy of all Hydranousians base their prism bodies' color, with the rarest color called the Highest Peak of the Mountain.
Psychic Blast - This is a powerful mental attack used to stun unwary citizens. The effect lasts for several Relffs.
Puclss (Pu-cluss) - A citizen of Hydranous and a friend of Tay.
Qanish (Kwan-ish) - A citizen of Hydranous.
Reincarnated Chosen - A title given to the leader of the Tra, believed to be the original Chosen reborn.
Relff (Re-l-ff) - Similar to Earth hours.
Repard (Reap-ard) - A citizen of Hydranous.
Retpmoc (Re-tp-muk) - One of the twin suns that Hydranous circles.
Rere (Reer) - A flying animal with claws and feathers. Their favorite food is Nata.
Sazt (Sa-zz) - He is a character in a lesson told to Jaz by the Old One to convey a moral.
Scrbeaul (Sck-r-beau-eel) - An Elder.
Sentient Beings - Able to express complicated thoughts and emotions, live in a community of family units, and have a hierarchy of government and language units.
Silenced - Being removed from the Collective and having all powers of telepathy and telekinesis expunged.
Sirois (Sur-o-oz) - An Elder accused of being a traitor and placed on trial by the Supreme High One.
Sopite (Sew-pit) - A Scribe faithful to the Supreme High One. Later, he became an Elder.
Sounds of the Suns - This is what Hydranousians call the color Green.
Sound of Running Liquid Eterinite - This is what Hydranousians call the color Orange.
Super Massive Black Hole - This is the most significant type of Black Hole with a mass of millions of billions of the mass of the twin sons of Hydranous.
Supreme High One - Also known as an Old One. The leader of all Hydranousians. The color of their outer body determines them. Only one Supreme High One is alive at a given time due to an unknown phenomenon. Their power level is much greater than even an Elder. It is speculated that the Supreme High One's power limit has no boundaries.
Supreme High One/Old One - The Supreme High One and the Old One, the Color of the Hole of a MeeBee, are the same being. After the explosion, the Supreme High One took the paint and identity of an Old One to hide his true powers and identity.
Tana (Tan-ee) - This is one of the two suns' Hydranous circles, with the planet completing its rotation every three hundred Earth years.
Tay - A Hydranousian citizen, the Supreme High One heard discussing his demise through the Collective.
Telekinesis - The ability to move objects at a distance by mental power or other nonphysical means.
Telepathy - Communication of thoughts or ideas other than the known senses.
Tem - An Elder.
Temuus (Te-mew-us) - A friend of Repard.
The Place of Quiet is in the subconscious mind and inaccessible to most Hydranousians. Because of the emptiness, this is where the Afflicted Ones go when they become One with the Planet. If entered, all conscious thought is absent. Conscious thought is non-existent because no one has been strong enough to break through the barriers. If you enter the Place of Quiet, contacting anything outside the wall is effortless. Breaking through would only allow a one-way connection. If anyone attempted to follow the trail of thought back to its origin, it would be like the path went nowhere.
The Smell of Silence - This is what Hydranousians call the color Yellow.
The Walking Sleep - This scarce condition affects many Hydranousians at a time, causing them to wander during their Out of Phase.
The Viewing Aperture - This was initially created as a transdimensional aperture to other planets, realities, and time for studying other worlds. Soon, it became apparent that more nefarious applications became clear.
Third Eye - All Hydranousians develop their Third Eye when they enter adulthood. From that point, they have access to incredible powers of telekinesis and telepathy. With all of their abilities, the color of the body determines the power available.
Time Anomalies - A disruption in the spacetime continuum that can be related to time travel. They can have various effects: time reversion, the creation of alternate timelines, and the fracturing of a vessel or person into different periods.
Tra (Tr-ah) - Formerly called the Natas. They are an evolved race of desert dwellers. They are sentient and have created a society within their city. They have developed a complicated language, a governing system, and weapons against Hydranousians and prey. They hunt, capture, and train the Glos to be flying mounts.
The Vision of Forever - This is what Hydranousians call the color Blue.
Unknown Color - Hydranousians did not know this color because they did not have the color White on their planet.
Velez (Veel-ezz) - An Elder.
Vers (Ver-z) - An Elder.
Void - A place where nothing exists and is only approachable using a significant amount of Essence from the Collective. To the Hydranousians, it is not considered an actual physical location. In reality, it is a Supermassive Black Hole twelve million billion miles away from Hydranous. It is so strong that it may be the source of the Time Anomalies and reality changes.
Voice - Another term indicating someone has the power to communicate within the Collective. Using this term is deemed an adverse event.
Weth (Wet) - A Hydranousian citizen.
Ynaff (Yawn-af) - An Elder.
Young One - This someone, usually under three cycles, tutored by an Old One.
Zantis (San-tis) - A Hydranousian citizen who met the Supreme High One right after the accident.
Ziddit (Zid-ditt) is a character in an Old One's story.


Anniversary Park - The biggest park in Underwood.
Candice Apper - A woman who met Matthew Yule in Windor Park.
Captain Ventz - The Police Captain responsible for giving the Defender his assignments.
Cindy Addams is Misty Addams's oldest daughter.
Color Yellow - A color that causes The Defender to become vulnerable to physical harm.
Defender - It is the name taken by the Defender in Green
Dr. Murphy is Matthew Yule's family physician.
Dr. Schmitt - The doctor cared for Matthew Yule in Wood Plaza Hospital.
Defender in Green - The alias for Matthew Yule.
Ed Reat- A local farmer who discovered the Defender in Green, closing a portal to a different Planet.
George Freman Hospital - After being mugged in the park with Matthew Yule, Joe Earnest went to this hospital for treatment and observation.
Jessup Hinder - Part of the criminal gang known as the Windsor Park Duo, who mugged Matthew Yule and Joe Earnest.
Joe Earnest is Matthew Yule's best friend and also a war veteran.
Karman Line - The imaginary line above the Earth where the Earth's boundary ends and space begins.
Linda - The Nurse who cared for Matthew Yule in Windor Hospital.
Matthew Yule - An elderly war veteran who accidentally changes into a hero.
Mike is a nurse from the late shift who cared for Matthew Yule at Wood Plaza Hospital.
Mike Tetterson - Part of the criminal gang known as the Windsor Park Duo, who mugged Matthew Yule and Joe Earnest.
Misty Addams is Matthew Yule's divorced daughter.
Polly McKensie is a news reporter for Channel 12 News.
Rebecca (Becca) Addams is Misty Addams' youngest daughter.
Rita Wen - A woman who met Matthew Yule in Windor Park.
Ryan Brown is a delivery man and associate of the Defender in Green.
Sargent Mark McElroy - Police Sargent with the Underwood Police Department.
The Muscular One - Whose real name is Mike Tetterson, is part of the criminal gang known as the Windsor Park Duo, who mugged Matthew Yule and Joe Earnest.
The Tall One - Whose real name is Jessup Hinder, is part of the criminal gang known as the Windsor Park Duo, who mugged Matthew Yule and Joe Earnest.
Tiffany Agnew - A woman who met Matthew Yule in Windor Park.
Vik 'The One' Sinister - The mobster boss of the Windor Park Duo and other criminals the Defender has run into. Sinister is on the Federal Bureau of Investigations' ("FBI") Ten Most Wanted List.
Underwood - The town in the story initially takes place.
Windor Park - Known for the variety of trees and spacious grassy area, this is the second largest park in Underwood.
Windor Park Duo - Jessup Hinder and Mike Tetterson.
Wood Plaza Hospital - Matthew Yule went to the hospital in Windor Park after the accident.


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