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Rated: GC · Short Story · Adult · #2327110
3 older and much heavier girls trample and squish their smaller stepbrother for years.
The Helpless Little Boy and his 3 Sadistic Stepsisters

A True Story of my Childhood from age 5 to age 12. The reason I believe I am so traumatized and ended up with the sexual S&M fetish that I live with as an adult

         When I was 5 years old, until I was 12, my father was dating a woman who was a long haul truck driver. She had 3 daughters of her own and every weekend when I would go to my dad's to visit for the weekend he was always babysitting those 3 girls and because he really had no interest in being a father and didn't want to be bothered by us kids, he would send us all upstairs to our rooms to play while he had his friends over drinking and doing whatever they did downstairs while I was trapped in a room with those 3 girls for basically the entire weekend from Friday night until Sunday afternoon.
         Things started out normal at first, with the 4 of us getting along and playing Nintendo and doing what normal kids usually do together. Then one day, probably not more than the 3rd or 4th weekend that I started coming over, those 3 girls suddenly started to take an interest in wanting to sit on me all the time. When I say all the time I really mean ALL THE TIME! I remember how it all started. They wanted to play a game called Cops and Robbers, where I was the Robber and they were the cops. I pretended to rob the "bank" which was the electric box in our backyard, and once I did that I would try to get away while they would try to catch me. Well needless to say, with them being so much bigger and older than me, it didn't take long for them to catch me and tackle me to the ground. Then once on the ground, Cindy and Jenny immediately sat on my back to hold me down. I should mention that Cindy was 4 years older than me and about 40 lbs. heavier. Jenny was 3 years older and about 20lbs heavier and Brandy was 2 years older. So here I was at 5 years old, with a 9 and 8 year old girl both sitting on my back at the same time while brandy kept a lookout for my dad so they wouldn't get caught hurting me. They stayed sitting on my back like that for what seemed like forever, but was probably only about 15 mins or so before they finally got up but only because Brandy warned them that my dad was looking for us. So, Thanks to my dad calling us in for dinner, I was spared from having to endure the weight of both of them sitting on me for so long that I absolutely couldn't handle it anymore.....That time. However, later that night when Dad sent us all upstairs to get out of his hair, they couldn't wait for round two. And this time my dad wasn't going to come and save me like last time.
         After dinner, my dad sent us all upstairs to our room like usual and as soon as we all got there Cindy said, Lay down again Brandon, I want to sit on you again, that was really fun. I told her that she was too heavy, especially when she and her sister were both sitting on me at the same time. I told her I couldn't move at all and I was really struggling to breathe and I really didn't want her to sit on me again. "Well, you do realize that there are 3 of us and only 1 of you right? And you can either cooperate, or we will just force you down on the floor and sit on you anyway. So we can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way." At this point I could see in her facial expressions that she was actually being serious. I thought about what would happen if I protested and ended up with all 3 of them sitting on me at the same time. I knew I wouldn't be able to take that much weight on top of me all at once. Plus I knew that my dad wasn't going to be checking on us again the rest of the night to help me. After a few seconds I finally agreed, but I told her that I could only handle them sitting on me one at a time and if she agreed to that then I would lay down and let her sit on me. Cindy said,"ok, but this time I want you to lay on your back so I can sit on your stomach. I want to play Mario 3 on my Nintendo. Me and my sisters will take turns sitting on you while we play and if we die or beat a level then we have to pass the controller to the next girl and she will sit on you while she is playing." I had never had anyone sit on my stomach before but I figured I didn't really have any choice in the matter so I finally laid down on my back in front of the TV and Cindy quickly sat directly in the center of my stomach. Right away I remember noticing how much heavier it felt with her sitting on my stomach instead of my back. I was 5 years old and about 65lbs. Cindy was 9 and weighed 85lbs at that time. Looking back I should have been grateful how light she was because as the years went on and her and her sisters grew older and taller and they all hit their teenage growth spurts years before I did, they got a lot heavier a lot faster than I did. By the time I was 12 years old having them sit on me every weekend became almost a life and death situation for me, but I'm getting ahead of myself..... I remember her weight was way more than I could handle at first, and I immediately begged for her to get off of me. She laughed and just looked down at me and said," are you serious, I just sat down and you're already begging me to get off of you. I was just sitting on you outside for over 10 mins with Jenny sitting on you at the same time and you were fine, now all the sudden you expect me to believe you can't handle my weight on top of you....nice try but I'm not going anywhere Brandon so you might as well get used to it."
         Then I explained to her that her weight on my stomach felt 10 times heavier than when she was sitting on my back. I was literally struggling to hold her weight up with my ab muscles and that they wouldn't be able to hold her up much longer. They were already starting to shake.
         "Yea I noticed your stomach was shaking already, but your stomach is really comfortable. It's nice and soft and warm and squishy and every time you breath in and out I can feel myself move up and down a little bit, almost like my chair is alive lol."
         "That's because your so called chair is alive," I protested.
         "Yea but your back isn't comfortable, it's hard like a rock and it's not squishy at all. I'm sorry but I'm staying right here on your stomach. As a matter of fact, I think this is going to be my favorite place to sit from now on so if you can't handle my weight squishing your stomach now then you better get as much practice as you can because you are going to be having your stomach squished all the time from now on. I think this is the most comfortable seat I've ever sat on ha ha. Plus we are all only going to get heavier and heavier as time goes by."
         I said, "What do you mean as time goes by? How long do you plan on using me as your personal chair?"
         "Probably every weekend that you are here from now on. Actually, yea, I'm going to make you my new assigned seat anytime you are here from now on, just like in school when they make you sit at a certain desk, I'm going to sit on your stomach every time you are here from now on."
         As I was laying there listening to Cindy tell me this, I could tell that she was being completely serious. She meant everything she was telling me and at the same time her weight was starting to feel heavier and heavier as time went by. After a couple more mins I couldn't hold her up anymore. My stomach finally stopped shaking as my ab muscles gave out and suddenly I felt her ass sink deeper into my stomach as my muscles relaxed and her weight overcame my ability to hold her up. As her ass sank into my stomach her weight changed from being an uncomfortable pressure that was bearable to an immense pressure that was squishing me completely. Worst of all she still had no intention of letting up. I could feel an increased pressure in my chest as if all the contents in my stomach were being pressed up into my chest and suddenly I could feel my heart beating against her ass on my stomach. When she felt my abs give out and felt herself sink into my stomach he face lit up like a Christmas tree. She was suddenly really excited and it was plain to see that she was loving ever second on this newfound control over me in her ability to hurt me. She said, "Am I too heavy for you Brandon? I just sank deeper into your stomach when your abs gave out. Now I can feel your heart beating and its beating really fast ha-ha. This is really really fun. Jenny and Brandy have to try this too cause they don't know what they are missing"
         "I don't care how much fun you think this is Cindy, You are way too fucking heavy right now. You are really crushing my stomach. You have no idea how much this hurts. Get off of me right now." When I could tell that she had no intention at all of getting off of me, that's when I started to fight back to try to get away. As soon as I did she told her sisters to help hold me down. Jenny and Brandy each grabbed one of my arms and forced it down to the floor and sat on them. So now I had a girl sitting on each one of my arms and Cindy still sitting on my stomach. Now I really was completely unable to move at all, with way too much weight still sitting on my stomach, and it was at that moment that I realized that I really couldn't move. Like not at all. I couldn't move either one of my arms an inch and her weight was holding my body down. It was the first time in my life that anyone had sat on my stomach and squished me like that while I was unable to move at all or do anything to stop the pain and pressure crushing my stomach. I was only 5 years old at the time and I couldn't understand how these 3 girls could continue to hurt me so much and not seem to care one single bit about how much they were hurting me. I was begging with them, pleading, I think I was even in tears at one point, I mean the weight was way too much to handle, but the only thing I could do was to just lay there and take it until they felt like letting me up. Problem was, they didn't feel like letting me up at all. And they didn't. Cindy just kept sitting on my stomach and she would always sit with her back completely straight and her legs bent with her feet on the inside of my elbows so that she was putting all of her weight on the smallest area possible and not one ounce of her weight was touching the floor. Not even her feet since they were on my arms as well as her sisters sitting on my arms, and this was the standard position that they would love to get me into every single day of every weekend I was there for 7 years straight. The worst part of all of it was that once they got me on the floor on my back and the 3 of them sat on me like that, they just would not get up at all. Not for anything short of the sound of my dad coming up the stairs to check on us. Besides that, I was completely at their mercy and struggling to breathe while having my stomach squished for hours at a time. When they finally would get off of me Cindy always said something like that was really fun Brandon, it really sucks that we have to let you up now cause your dad is going to come up and tell us to go to bed soon and we don't want him to catch us, but we have all weekend to have fun so don't worry, there is plenty of time left for us to have fun. The first night they did this to me Cindy told me you better not say anything to your dad or I promise you are going to regret it badly. If you think I am too heavy to sit on your stomach, just imagine what it would be like if all 3 of us sat on your stomach at the same time. Because that is what we are going to do to you if you tell on us, you understand? I just nodded my head and slowly went over to my room and got into bed. I was so exhausted from having to endure 3 hours with someone so much heavier than me sitting on my stomach, I didn't have the energy to do anything. I fell asleep pretty quickly and before I knew it suddenly it was Saturday morning and my nightmare of a weekend was just getting started....
         This went on every weekend for years. It started when I was 5 and for the first couple of years they would sit on me in that same way every hour of every day that I was stuck upstairs with them each taking turns on my stomach while the other two held my arms down. It was so bad that I hated going to my dad's on the weekends because I knew what I was going to have to go thru and I knew that there was no way out of it. My mother wanted her weekends without any kids and my dad didn't want to babysit any of us so for the 72 hours or so I was there every weekend I spent about 48 hours of it locked in a room with 3 sadistic girls who were all older and heavier than me, all sitting on me at the same time and each one of them wanted to be the one who got to sit on my stomach. I remember it stayed like that for a couple years until what I call "the first progressing of brutality" finally happened where they took the whole act of squishing my stomach to the next level..
         So, They day that Cindy decided that she was bored with me being able to handle her weight, and knowing that I might actually be enjoying having them sitting on me instead of suffering like she wanted me to, I can vividly remember that entire day like it just happened. People always say that we remember the most traumatic events of our lives the most vividly, and this day was definitely one of mine. I had just turned 8 years old. I weighed 75lbs. I always knew what the girls weighed because they took pleasure in every pound each of them had gained since the last weekend and enjoyed letting me know that between the 3 of them, I would have an extra 5lbs or so to deal with this weekend or if it had been a month since they told me then maybe the 3 of them had gained a combined 10lbs since they last told me. Either way, they were always getting heavier and heavier as time went on. Kids grow up fast, and teenagers even faster. It wasn't odd for them to gain 25 or 35lbs between the 3 of them each year that went by. But anyway, that day, Cindy was 11years old and said she weighed 110lbs, which was like 10 lbs heavier than the last time she told me her weight, and she was proud of it. She had decided that I was enjoying being sat on too much lately and I needed put back in my place. She knew that when she first sat on my stomach and I was holding her weight with my abs that she wasn't really causing me a lot of pain and discomfort, but when my abs finally gave out and she felt her ass sink into my stomach that was when things got bad for me. Problem was, after about 30 seconds to a min, I was able to lift her weight back up with my abs again and hold her for another few mins or so before my muscles needed a break again and I was forced to relax and the cycle would repeat. It was only because I was able to kept lifting her back up every few mins with my abs that I was able to endure the long relentless hours of her sitting full weight on my stomach without ever getting up for a single second. During the time of being squished was her favorite, because she could feel my heart beating on her ass and feel the rise and fall of my stomach as I breathed, plus it was obvious I was in pain from the squirming around and trying to get her sisters off my arms and trying to get away that I always did. But I always was able to withstand it for hours and hours each day, however long they decided they were goanna sit on me that session. I called them sessions because to me that's what it felt like, and mentally it helped me get through it. When they finally would get up and I had survived another 4 hour session of being squished by my 3 stepsisters it gave me the mental ability to be able to deal with it over the years. But anyway, that day was different. Cindy had a surprise in store for me that day that I wasn't expecting. I really wish I had kept my mouth shut about her weight not being so bad lately because I was getting used to it because for some reason that was what set her off. It made me realize that this girl really was a sadistic and merciless person at heart and it really was all about making me suffer. Nothing more. And the times that I suffered were when my abs gave out and she really squished me, so her plan was to make sure that when that first break through of my abs happened that day, that she would make sure that I wasn't able to recover and lift her back up again with my abs for the rest of that session. That way, I would have to spend the entire hour's long session in the being squished and trying to escape phase. And this is how she did it.
         It started the way it always did, every time, her telling me she wanted to sit on me and I needed to lay down on my back. Then brandy and jenny each sat on my arms and Cindy carefully centered her ass over my stomach, sat up straight putting all her weight on her tailbone and put her feet on the inside of my elbows and the session began. Sometimes I liked to look at the clock on the wall at the start to see how long I could go before I looked again. Being able to endure this type of torture they had been putting me through for years requires a person to find ways to distract their mind from what they are going through. Well since she and her sisters had been getting heavier and heavier so fast lately, they were growing up quicker than me because they were years older than me, and I was still so much physically smaller then all of them too. Cindy ass literally covered the entire area of my stomach from my rib cage to my pelvic bone, plus her hips hung off of either side of my stomach when she sat on me, so my entire mid-section was squished every time they did this. But this time, as soon as my abs started to shake, I noticed a different kind of excitement in her eyes. I mean, this happened every single time she sat on me. But that day I could see that she knew something that I didn't and once my abs finally gave out I quickly found out what that was. I relaxed my abs and she sank into my stomach like always and suddenly her next oldest, heaviest sis Jenny got off of my right arm without either one of them saying a word and quickly stepped onto my chest, turned her back to Cindy, and sat on her shoulders. It all happened so fast that it took me a sec to realize what was going on. Then I felt the increase in weight and it was something that I to this day can feel every time I'm laying on my back on a hard surface and I think back to that moment of that day, I can vividly remember what it felt like. One of those traumatic moments of a person's life that they never forget. Those girls gave me more than a few of those in my life. So Here I am at 8 years old and 75lbs. Cindy Sitting on my stomach is 11years old and 110lbs, and her 10year old sister who weighed 105lbs just sat on Cindy's shoulders. And the extra weight came immediately after Cindy had just broke thru my abs with her weight alone. I went from the being squished feeling I was used too but still struggled like hell with every time from Cindy's weight of 110lbs to having 215lbs now CRUSHING my stomach. When I say Crushing I can remember feeling like my stomach was crushed completely flat. Cindy's ass sank into me like it always does and then when her weight suddenly doubled she sank into my stomach even deeper than she ever had before. The pressure was unbearable. And I couldn't take it for a single second. I used my free arm to try anything but brandy had already changed her position on my left arm from sitting to standing and had one foot on each of my arm standing now with her weight evenly balanced on each of my forearms while she steadied her balance with her hand on the wall. Plus Cindy was still sitting in the same position on my stomach with her feet on the inside of my elbows, so she could easily push my arms back down with her legs if I was able to move them in the first place. But my Stomach felt like it was crushed completely flat. The pressure I always felt in my chest when Cindy broke through my abs was way more intense this time, and with 215bls now completely crushing the entire soft area of my stomach I couldn't even come close to being able to use my abs to lift her, actually them, back up to a bearable position that I could handle for a few seconds. I kept trying but I couldn't lift that extra weight. Problem was that my stomach was so much flatter now and the weight so much heavier that I called it ,"squished past the point of recovery". My next mistake was the anxiety that overwhelmed me at that moment. Here I am in agonizing pain and I'm squirming moving my legs around because that's the only part of my body that I could move and begging them to stop this and Cindy had the biggest grin on her face that I had ever seen. I remember the conversation just as vividly as the pain.
         "Jesus...Christ...I....Can't.....Breath....Your.....Crushing......My........Stomach.....Get....Off......now.......I.......Can't......Take.........This......Seirously.....Please.....Please.....Please....Im ........Begging......You.......Holy.......Fuck........Are......You......Serious......Cindy......Please......Holy......Fuck......AGGG......"
         then I made a gargling sound as Cindy shifted the weight slightly from one side of her ass to the other and back again and this movement made the weight of her and her sister sink just a little more into my stomach. I couldn't believe that she was just watching me suffer and not saying a word and the 215lbs on my stomach kept getting heavier and heavier to me even though it really wasn't. It was just the fact that it was planted in the softest spot of my body and it wasn't going anywhere. And this became their new way to sit on me every single day from that day forward. Cindy would sit on me by herself with her sisters holding my arms down until she broke through my abs, and then Jenny would climb onto her shoulders to double the weight squishing my stomach. About 2 hours into the first time they did this to me, brandy realized that she didn't need to stand on my arms the whole time and decided to sit on my chest the same way Cindy was sitting on me with her feet still on my arms from standing there the last two hours. She just kind of got tired of standing the whole time and just sat down, which added another 101lbs onto my chest and countered the pressure slightly from my stomach contents being forced up into my chest from her sister's weight crushing my stomach. I remember what that felt like too. When her weight rested on my chest it pressed back a little of the pressure from my stomach contents being pushed up into it and lifted her two sisters up slightly who had been sitting on my stomach this whole time. Her weight helped balance out the intense pressure my upper body was experiencing from my stomach being crushed so severely and actually made it a little easier to bear.
         It's crazy to say this but I remember when brandy put her weight on my chest it made it a little easier to withstand have so much weight on my stomach. But this 3 on 1 position they had just came up with became the new standard in how they had to sit on me from that day forward. It started when I was 8yo and for the next 3 years they never sat on me one or two at a time but always two on my stomach and one on my chest all at once and they put my little fragile body through a lot of pain and pressure over the years. Each weekend that went by they kept getting heavier and heavier too. Sooo fucking heavy. I really dreaded having to visit my dad every weekend. I remember being depressed during these 3 years of my childhood so badly that I thought about suicide all the time. I just wanted my miserable life to end, just to stop the suffering I went through on the weekends. I just couldn't get them to stop this torture, and it really was torture. People don't realize what this must be like. I was just a child, forced into a room each weekend with 3 girls who took extreme joy and sadistic pleasure from the pain they were causing me and it was relentless, nonstop, and the worst part was seeing how much they loved doing it to me. The way they would look down at me while they were crushing me and smile and say, "How is it down there Brandon? Are we too heavy for you yet?" My answer was always the same. If I was even able to talk at all, I would mumble something along the lines of please just stop for 1 min. Please, I'm literally begging you guys, with tears in my eyes, sweating and panting like a dog just trying to breathe. And they could just keep their combined weight planted right where it's been for the last 3 hours straight and look at me smiling and say shit like," shut up, if you couldn't breathe you wouldn't be talking." Even though it was very obvious how much trouble I was having talking. Just when I was starting to get used to it and being able to take it for so long each day they would suddenly get an inch taller and 20lbs heavier in just one month sometimes. They were in their teenage growth times and I was still less than 10 years old. Having them getting a lot taller and heavier so much faster than me was probably the worst part of the whole situation I was in. I still hadn't started growing yet and the 3 of them were turning into fully grow teenage girls right in front of my eyes while I stayed the same size and weight for another 4 years. And the last two years that my dad was still dating their mother, when I was 11 and 12 years old and around 120lbs. Cindy was 16, 148lbs, Jenny 15, 132lbs. And brandy 14, 120lbs. That was the biggest size and weight difference between us that it ever progressed to, but holy fuck was it a weight difference. The 3 of them together finally reached 400lbs When they started sitting on me in this way, the weight on my stomach was 215lbs and 101lbs on my chest. After 3 years of this towards what I call the end of phase 2, Cindy and Jenny combined weighed 280lbs on my stomach and Brandy was now at 120lbs on my chest. It was a pretty significant increase in weight over the years during a time that I barley grew at all. People just can't comprehend what I was forced to go through by these girls. And then the next level of progression happened, when they became hell-bent on finally getting all of their combined weight all onto my stomach at the same time from now on.. To hell with sitting on my chest, that only lifted up the weight on my stomach a little and was counterproductive to their mission of crushing my stomach completely flat. And I became convinced during the last 2 years that they were really trying to see if they could crush my stomach completely flat because the things they did during the last two years not only mad me seriously fear for my life. They made me actually pass out so many times that I lost count in the first 3 months. This stage was what I called the final sadistic progression of brutality.....

         Once again we had reached a point where the nonstop squishing an crushing of my stomach and now my chest, hell my entire upper body had been going on for so long that my body had gotten used to it, and since they had stopped gaining weight finally and weren't heavier and heavier every weekend I got to a point that I wasn't struggling and showing how much pain I was in the entire time they sat on me anymore. That always seemed to be what would push them to the next level. Knowing that I was able to take it easily. Well definitely not easily, but seeing that I wasn't constantly suffering the whole time anymore made them pissed off and they just couldn't accept the fact that I might not be in agonizing pain anymore so they came up with a way to fix that. These last 2 years were by far the worse. As if it wasn't horrible already, the first time they put all 3 of their combined weight on top of my stomach, on a much smaller area then the size of Cindy's ass by the way, I was seriously in fear for my life and did everything I could to get my dad's attention to come and save me which was something I never did before just because of the threat Cindy made years ago about what they would do if I ever told. Problem was, they were now actually doing what she threatened to do if I ever told so what choice did I have.
         What happened was this. In my dad's room, which was also upstairs. Well it was their mom's room as well, they had one of those heavy metal hospital room beds for whatever reason. The kind with a remote that you could push the button and the head area would raise up or push another button and the feet area would raise up. Well Cindy had figured out that when you raised up the head part of the bed there was a metal tube underneath that slowly lowered towards the floor until the bed reached its maximum distance and the tube stopped only about 1 inch from the floor. I'm sure you can guess where this is going. I still can't remember what leverage she used to convince me to crawl under that bed and lay down on my back, I try like hell to remember why I would have put myself in that position, but I simply just can't figure it out. But regardless, it happened. She might have tricked me the first time or made a deal with me that they wouldn't hurt me too much I really hate that I can't remember. But anyway, I was laying under that bed and I heard the motor start whining and suddenly this metal tube was coming down pressing into my chest at first, I moved quickly to get it over my softer stomach instead because it didn't want it to break my ribs. And it didn't take long before it sank into my stomach with the weight of the entire bed pressing down on it. It was a lot heavier than I thought it would be and I screamed for her to stop but she didn't. She ran that motor until it reached its maximum and the entire weight of that heavy metal frame bed was on my stomach on a metal tube about 4inches in diameter. The legs of the bed came off the floor about 4 inches as I struggled to hold the weight with my abs. Then when the motor wouldn't run anymore Cindy looks under the bed at me and says are you ready for this. I was not expecting what came next, but honestly I should have fucking know what she had planned for me. Fucking all 3 of them all at once, not one at a time or one after another, no, all 3 of them, remember how old they are and how much each of them weighed by the way. Because I was still only 12 years old and 120lbs. They all climbed on top of that fucking bed at the same time so that their combined 400lbs would crush me all at once. No way for me to slowly ease into this one. No, the bed itself felt like it weighed more than Cindy did already, and these fucking sadistic bitches thought it would be fun to throw 400 more pounds on top of my stomach in 1 second. That bar only stopped about an inch from the floor when I watched her raise the head part of the bed before I climbed under it, and when they all climbed on top it sank into my stomach until the legs of the bed were touching the floor again. I might have had about 2 inches between the floor and the bar crushing me just because it bowed pretty good under the weight. But I cannot describe how this felt other than the pressure that pushed up into my chest like always was so intense that I felt a sharp pain in my chest, almost like I was having a heart attack. And I started pounding on the floor as hard as I could with my arms and my feet. Loud as fuck. Cindy yelled at me to stop that right away but I didn't. I was fucking scared. I thought these girls are not going to get off for hours and I already have the sharpest pain in my chest after 1 second and they are so sadistic they really will gladly crush me to death right now if I don't do something to get my dad's attention. So I just kept on pounding on the floor. To my surprise the girls didn't get off right away. Cindy kept telling me to stop it. And then I finally herd my dad yell up the steps, "Knock that pounding shit off right now!"
         Cindy yelled back down at me again to stop but I kept right on. I could not take a single breath since the 3 of them climbed on top of the bed. And my dad hadn't started up the steps yet. He was still yelling for us to cut the noise out. I kept thinking please dad just come up here. Don't yell at us I fucking need you dad please. But I couldn't get any words out. I couldn't breathe. So I just kept pounding and pounding and pounding. It just wasn't motivating my father to actually come up the steps. I could tell he was standing at the bottom of the stairs yelling up at us, but he was trying to make us stop without actually coming upstairs. So I kept on pounding and pounding for I don't even know how long until finally I heard him start up the steps. That was what it took for the girls to finally get off of the bed and when they did and the weight and immense pressure was relived off my stomach I suddenly got extremely light headed and dizzy and I passed out.
                   When I woke up the girls had already drug me out from under the bed apparently before my dad made it into the room and I woke up to them and my dad standing over me asking if I was ok. I was still confused and foggy. I couldn't remember what happened right away and Cindy started telling my dad that I had fallen and knocked my head against the corner of the bed and that was why they were pounding on the floor trying to wake me up. It was surprising to me how quickly she was able to make up a bullshit story that might actually be plausible enough to convince my dad it was the truth. I was still dizzy and confused, and my dad kept asking if I was ok. Do you think you can sit up son? Here I'll help you up. So I let my dad believe the story Cindy told him and still didn't tell on them about what they had just did to me. Honestly I was scared of these girls by this point. They were at a weight now that could actually kill me if they wanted to and I was becoming convinced that they really wanted to. I mean I just fucking passed out, and the entire time they never got off of me until my dad actually started coming up the steps. I mean, what the fuck is wrong with these girls? I told myself under no fucking circumstances will I ever get under that fucking bed ever again. I still can't remember how they convinced me to in the first place. Probably from some kind of memory loss from me passing out at that time. But I never did go under that bed again.
          They still came up with plenty of ways to put all of their combined weight of 400lbs onto my stomach over and over again for the next 2 years. They had a 2x4 that they snuck into their room at some point and one weekend they spent the entire weekend crushing my stomach with that board. They would handcuff my arms to the headboard of my bed while I was still asleep and then wake me up by putting the 2x4 acrossed my stomach and Cindy sat in the middle, right in the center of my stomach like always while her sisters sat on the board on either side to balance the weight and they loved watching how deep it would sink into my stomach, especially while I was lying in bed. The mattress absorbed most of the 400lbs from their weight right over my stomach but it held up the rest of my body normally causing the mattress to cave in right where the 2x4 went acrossed my stomach and made it appear as if my stomach was completely flat because the board would be touching the mattress on either side of me where none of their weight was actually transferred to the mattress, but right where I was laying it was actually the mattress that was flattened out under me laying on it and their extra 400 lbs in such a small area, so it looked as if my stomach had completely disappeared and they loved to see that for some reason. It was almost as if their goal was to crush my stomach completely flat and see how long I could survive. But like always they wouldn't get up at all and now my arms were handcuffed above my head which made it more painful because raising your arms up while there is weight on your stomach makes it a lot more painful. If you don't believe me just try it for yourself. But bending your legs helps to ease some of the pain as well and at least my legs were free to move around, plus laying on the mattress made it far less painful than laying on the hard floor so I honestly believe the only reason I never passed out when they sat on my that way was because I was laying on my bed mattress and if you ever had anyone sit on your stomach before you would know a soft surface helps tremendously. I would have passed out within minutes if I was forced onto the floor with them crushing me like that.
         However, they did make me pass out almost every single time because they just wouldn't get off of me until I would pass out. But every time they would wake me back up all pissed off that I wasn't strong enough to take the weight of the few girls on my stomach and I need to man up and stop being such a pussy. Can you believe that shit? 12 years old, 120lbs, and they are putting 400lbs on my stomach over and over and would not get off of me until I would pass out from not being able to breathe. Every time I thought things couldn't get any worse over the years then what they were already doing to me they found a way to make it exponentially worse than before. I kept thinking, what if I don't wake up next time? What if they don't notice that I passed out and forget to get off of me. Those last two years were by far the worst years of my childhood, the worst years of my life period. I was tortured by having my stomach crushed in such a way that they made me experience what it felt like to literally be crushed to death over and over again ever single weekend. If I wouldn't have woke up just once, or they wouldn't have noticed I passed out in time, I really would have been crushed to death. But even though I lived, I experienced what it felt like to actually be crushed to death countless times over that two years anyway. Just take a min to remember that this is a fucking true account of my life from age 5 to age 12. And then after I finally got away from those girls for good, when my dad and their mother broke up and I never saw any of them again, they left me scared and traumatized for the rest of my life in the fact that I have always had the desire to be sat on and squished ever since. They gave me an S&M Trampling and smothering fetish for the rest of my life. Nothing gets me off more and gives me an orgasm even close to the ones I get from having my stomach squished and crushed under the weight of multiple girls at the same time. But not in the way of it being consensual and having a safe word when it's just too much. I've tried it like that with girlfriends before, but I need to be crushed the way those 3 girls used to do it to me when I was a kid to really get the intense release that my inner subconscious desires. I need to be helpless and begging for them to stop and be taken back to my childhood days of nothing I can do but just lay there and take it in order to get what my body forces me to go through still to this day, with no safe word with a group of sadistic women who just didn't care the way those girls didn't care. They fucked me up bad people. If I don't satisfy this fetish every now and then its crazy how my sex drive just changes and I am literally unable to have a normal sex life until I satisfy the craving of being crushed to death by unbearable weight on my stomach. But once I get a group of girls to take care of that for me. I'm back to being a normal person with a normal sex life and relationship...until the next fucking wave hits. It's like a damn monster that I have to feed every few months in order to keep him at bay, and if I feed it then I can live a normal life. But when I deprive it for too long, it affects my relationships, my sex life, everything that makes a man enjoy time with his girlfriend, it all goes away until I feed the monster. I despise those girls for what they did to me and I feel like they still haven't stopped my entire life. Every time I find 2 or 3 women who aren't afraid to do what I need done to me, or every time I convince my current girlfriend to do it to me, but since she isn't heavy enough by herself I still need 1 or two more women involved. It's hard to find a girl understanding enough to convince this shit to. She has to really love you to crush your stomach to the point that you pass out, all the while you are begging her to stop, pleading, in obvious pain and agony. Most of my ex girlfriends only became my ex's because of this fucking fetish. They couldn't bring themselves to hurt me enough to satisfy it. They always stopped when I looked like I couldn't take anymore, right at the time that I needed them to keep it up. But I mean I get it. .I really do understand ... it's a lot to fucking ask a person. In my entire adult life I've only found 1 girl who would stick to the script. And you need a script because when I'm begging and pleading for her to stop she needs to be constantly reminded of what we talked about before we started. Or they will always stop. But she admitted that she was scared she was going to crush me to death and go to jail for killing me or something. This woman actually parked the back tire of her car on my stomach and left it parked on me until I passed out one time and she said she will never do it again because it scared her so much that when she pulled it off of me and tried to wake me up I didn't wake up for a couple mins and she really thought she had killed me. But because of those fucking stepsisters I had growing up, that is what it takes for me and I fucking hate what they did to me. I guess I've told enough about myself at this point. So I'm going to end the story here.
          By the way, anyone who I trust enough to let read this please understand how hard it is for me to share this information with somebody. Think of how personal this is for me and how embarrassed I feel about it and understand that if I let you read this, I am either madly in love with you and want a future together, or I just paid you a lot of money to do this to me, and we are such good friends that I trust you will keep this between the 2 of us forever. Don't feel bad for me though. I think about what my sex life would be like without the super intense extreme orgasms I've had over the years because of this and there is nothing on earth that can compare to it. You have to have a fetish yourself to understand the difference In pleasure form just getting some pussy to getting off by satisfying the monster inside of you that is your sexual fetish... I almost feel bad for people that don't have a sex fetish. I just wish mine was something different. At least I'm not into people peeing on me or doing nasty disgusting shit. So I guess it could be worse. There are some really weird disgusting fetishes out there that I could have ended up with, so I guess just having and enormous amount of weight crushing my stomach for a long time isn't all that bad. Execpt for the fact that it is extremely painful. Girls always ask me how I can just lay there and take the weight on my stomach for so long without complaining, or without forcing them to get off of me, and the only answer I have for them is that my body is just so used to it from going through it as a child that I am able to take it when most people couldn't. the absolute best thing that my girlfriend can do to me is to tie my arms up so I can't move them and sit on my stomach, with her feet on the inside of my elbows like Cindy used to do to me, and just sit there for hours and hours without getting up. The longer she keeps her ass planted on the center of my stomach, the heavier and heavier she feels. After enough time goes by, no matter how light she is, even just a girl weighing 125lbs will start to feel like she weighs a ton. And if she slowly shifts her weight back a forth from one cheek to the other she gets heavier and heavier too. I have actually gotten off just from this, without her ever even touching my dick at all. Just the weight squishing me for so long is enough to give me an orgasm. But ill admit it takes a really long time. Having a girlfriend willing to sit on me like that is my ultimate fantasy. Up until now, most of my girlfriends only sit on me for 30 mins or so. Or just while she is watching a show on tv, then when the show is over she always gets up. Also having a girl sit on my stomach like that while one of her friends sits on her shoulders is awesome. But anyway, ive been looking online for a woman willing to squish me like this. Anyone on here who lives in Pennsylvania in the Harrisburg area and wants to crush my let me know. I might even be willing to pay you $1 a min for as long as you want to sit on my stomach. That's $60 an hour with no limit to how long you can sit on me. All day and all night if you want. Message me if anyone is interested. You have to be between 125-165lbs and look half decent. If your not attractive looking then it just ruins the whole experience.

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