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Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #2327765
Two boys goes missing in a small town by a wicked giantess
Steven was awoken by his friend Matt on the bus they where on "we are here, would have missed your stop if i didnt wake you there". Steven had been planning this trip all year, always wanted to travel up state where the cold is, as all his years have been under a baking sun. Steve and Matt got off at the Old hotel they where staying at, it was old looking, but a fully furbished inside with a marble bar and crackling fireplace. "looks like shit from the outside dosent it" said Steve. "thats a good thing actually, no one would suspect this place to be so nice from the inside" Matt replied. They wait at the counter until a woman appears "im guessing your room 19?" she said. matt replied "umm yeah thats us" "heres your key sweetheart" she gave them there room key that was the length of a human hand and very old looking. "do you find it creepy how this place is so inviting but no one is here?" Steve said in a worry, "nah its early were fine, come one lets head to our room". they make there way to the room with 2 separate beds, a chair and dresser, pretty bare compared to the rest of the hotel. time passed as matt bounced a ball against the wall and Steve was looking at the map making sure everything was good. that did not last long until they heard a knock at the door. Steve opens the door to see a middle aged woman about 6 foot wearing black leggings, a pink winter sweater finished with a pair of ankle high vans. "Hey, i saw you check in id thought id say hi to you both, in Tracy". "What can I do for you?" Steve said nervously. "Well can I come in I would love to speak further inside if I can" with out hesitating he opened the door letting Tracy inside. "Wow, as boring as my sons room I must say" "yeah it's pretty bare to be honest but it were only here for a night". Tracy looked at them both for a few seconds. "Why don't you come over for dinner at my house? It just across the street" Steve looks at the time "sure, but it can't be long". "Sure, follow me" they leave the hotel and enter her house "so what are we having?". Tracy dosent answer the question and gives them too a drink. "Here have this, it's almost ready" "thank you for this mam" they both say. They take one sip before feeling dizzy and falling to the ground, the last thing they say before blacking out was Tracy getting a container from fridge.

Steve slowly is waking up and hears a crowd talking around him. "Hey, hey kid are you alright? Did she Hurt you?" Some guy says. "Huh?" Steve groans as he stands up and clears his vision, he sees a naked crowd of 20 or so people crammed into what appears to be a see through box. "What the fuck" he shouts as he covers up his privates, "calm down, its not gonna get us out of here" the stranger said. "Out of where? Where the fuck are we?" Barging past the naked crowd he makes his way to the front of the box. He looks up to realise he's in a fridge like room. "What the fuck is happening" he mutters to himself. He returns to the man and demands answers "did she drug me or something? Tell me please" "shh, yes you where drugged, and its going to be hard to believe but... she shrunk us". Steve looked in disbelief "No time for jokes man, that's something matt wou.. matt where's matt?". Steve frantically looked around before finding him passed out. "Matt wake up" he said as he tried shaking him awake to no avail.

Suddenly a loud thudding was heard getting closer that spooked the entire crowd of people. The door opens and there stands a massive giant Tracy in the fridge doorway. "Hello little ones, its time" when the crowd heard that they lost it and started hugging and crying with each other that scared Steve to his core. Steve was in awe as he realised the man was not joking and he had intact been shrunk to the the size of an ant. Tracy opened the container and everyone stood still, almost like they don't want to be noticed by her. "What happened to your friend, matt? Is OK?". Steve replied "he's fine" "let me see" Tracy knocks Steve over with her finger and he watches in horror as matts passed out body gets lifted towards her face. Tracy wiggles him trying to see what's up with him, "ah well, some don't wake up I suppose". Tracy then opens her mouth and tosses matt in which enrages Steve. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING LET HIM OUT NOW, DONT EAT HI-". before he could finish Tracy swallowed matt and seemed to enjoy it. "AH that was too good. Little boys are the best tasting I think". "YOU FUCKING BITCH IM GONNA KILL YOU" Steve seeing red Tracy plucks him up "looks like you need some time out little man".

She puts Steve in another container which held a bunch of misfit boys as she separated the boys and girls, like organising spices. "I recommend you save your energy for later, we have something planned" one boy said. "I'm Chris". Steve replied "she ate my only friend, I can't believe someone could be that cruel". "You don't know the half of it, just wait till her daughter gets home". "I'll be out of here soon enough" "yes we will, come on" Chris brings him to this hole one of the boys was sitting on. "Let's squeeze through here, head to the open window and we are home free".

They all squeeze through and steak there way to the window. That was until Tracy blocked the sun light and looms over the table. "Aww, so cute that your trying to escape, desperate little things, but guess what, it's not going to happen". they all scatter in different directions, steve heading straight back towards the container. one of the tinys falls off to the floor breaking nearly every bone in his body. "aww poor thing" tracy then steps on the man putting him out of his misery. as she grinded away at him three managed to climb down safely on to the floor, they yelled up at steve who was at the hole of the box. "What are you doing?" steve was froze and didnt know what to do anymore. the shout alerted tracy which startled the three, "oh shit, we have to run the refrigerator now" the three run into the open towards the refrigerator. "wow you all want to be stepped on dont you? well, if thats the case i want to feel it hehe" she said in a chilling voice like she gets erotic pleasure from it. Tracy then takes off her shoes and socks leaving her barefooted. "were almost there just a few se- chris was cut off by a thud sending him flying. he turns around to see that the two have been crushed and one till alive with there legs smushed and body hanging out, groaning loudly. "aww, wasent he your friend chris? im sorry" she shifted her foot and finished him off with a massive pop sending a streak of blood flying into Chris's face. a defeated Chris just lies there awaiting his death. "aww, my daughter would have loved you, thats to bad. she arched her foot over Chris. "i thought so much more of you, you know? well... goodbye little shit" Tracy lowers her foot crushing him with a big wet crunch. "holy shit that felt good, that explosion under my sole never gets old".

Steve not taking up the opportunity to escape he just sat in the box with his hands over his ears not hearing the awful sounds that occurred below. a few minutes go by before she opens the lid to see Steve "hey there little one, you ok?" Steve replied "what do you think, you ate my best friend." "well to bad, got to suck up the bad things in life sometimes". Tracy stares at the helpless Steve for a few seconds "you know what, your free to go" Steve looked in awe. "W-What? really?" "yup, head on through the window over there, that's the way out". Steve not fully convinced slipped through the crack and started jogging his way to the window. until he felt the warm breath of her above making him fall on his ass. "i lied" that was the last thing she said before scooping Steve up and swishing him around like a candy hearing his helpless cries in her mouth. "at least you will see what left of your friend, nice knowing you tiny". she then swallows Steve making him travel down her tight throat. all the way down the her gurgling stomach where he could feel the skeletal remains of his friend floating around in the stomach acid of Tracy. nothing to do but to await the same fate as his poor friend in total darkness.

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