I watched two tiny birds dancing on thin switch-branches. I considered an "us", myself included, yourself welcomed. Consider: two warm flares of stable atomic potential at a steady spin around an ever-burning fire among the endless cosmos. This same universe, for all I've considered myself to know, could also be orbiting something much greater, more distant and brighter at an incomprehensible speed. Yet, my limited vision is misguided to believe it's only cold darkness. Then again, I saw two tiny birds dancing on a tree today; so, maybe we could be. If the dark is really so endless and cold, why do I still see faraway bright lights piercing through the night's dark cover? It can't be all darkness. And, why, looking up after I wash my face, do I see you staring back at me through my own eyes? It's like two eternal cosmos pouring back into one another. We're not even in each other's vicinity and I can still feel the same affinity as when I first saw you. Your pupils, black as they were, didn't seem so cold to me. So, for all I know which for what it's worth is nothing at all, how crazy would it be that we might exist together harmoniously in a world of incomprehensible insanity —spinning, and spinning endlessly like two tiny birds on the branches of a tree? |