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Rated: E · Short Story · Inspirational · #2335426
True love overcomes "cultural expectations".

Real Men Do Cry!

Many memories of childhood have escaped me at this age. However, +one memory is permanently burned into my soul. It is as important is it is vast. It was the first battlefield that I ever witnessed my daddy fight on.

One night, after my dad came home from work, my momma told us to, "Get ready, we are going to see grandma". We loved to go to Shawnee, Oklahoma to see our grandparents. Even if it was after dark. Mom had already packed the suitcases and fed us children. She had daddy sandwiches, a glass of tea, and a piece of fruit on the table when he got home. After daddy finished eating, He loaded the bags while momma loaded us kids and we were off into the night.

I didn't understand us leaving so late, it was already dark outside, but God did. While daddy had eaten momma had made pallets in the back seat and floorboard. My older sister was in the backseat and my younger sister and I were on either side of the floorboard. My brother was in the front because he was a toddler. I was maybe 6 years old so it would have been in the mid to late 1960's.

I don't know how long we had travelled, but I was still awake. We were a good ways from Tulsa because there were no houses or anything in the area. We were on one of the older paths because we went through a number of small towns. The only light around was the twinkling of the stars. Momma may have dozed off because when daddy hit the brakes, she let out a startled yell, "Burl, WHAT?" Then Silence.

As daddy got out of the car, I climbed quietly up on the backseat. Another man had stopped right in front of us. Daddy quickly reached the man and they talked for a moment. The the man jumped in his car and sped off. My dad ran back to the car, grabbed the big flashlight out of the glove box, his bible in hand, and hurried down the hill by the car, disappearing into the dark of night.

I felt the heaviness of the night surround me. The silence of the world disquieted me. The only sound was my mother praying in a whisper. Engrossed, in silent prayer, she did not seem to move at all. I didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, there was a whoosh of air that made the car bounce, and the sound of gravel shifting. The man who had talked to my dad had returned. And the faint sound of sirens grew until they burst through the air. There were two police cars. As the policemen ran down the embankment, my dad came running up.

My dad, who was in good physical shape was gasping for air, "Roberta", he said, "keep praying, one is still breathing. I know he can hear me, I just know it!" With that he was gone again.

I don't know how many ambulances came out that night. We were there for quite a while. I think there were 4 or 5 total and maybe a firetruck, I'm not sure. I only remember one siren when they started clearing out. I slid back down into my pallet, behind the drivers seat, in silence.

When my daddy came back to the car, He reached in mamma's window and placed his bible on the dash. Momma gently touched his arm and invited him to get in the car. Tears were streaming down his face. Daddy said, "not right now Roberta, I don't want the kids to see me crying." Mom got out of the car and took my dad's arm. She paced back and forth along the side of the road with him until He was ready to leave. It felt like an eternity. It was silent the rest of the way.

The next morning after breakfast they excused us kids and my dad went to the living room to read his bible. He was so quiet. My mom was talking with the grownups. I snuck around the wall and listened. I knew eavesdropping was wrong, but I had to understand what had happened. I had never seen my dad so upset in all the half dozen years I had known him!

A car at high speed had flown past our car and the man in front of us. When it got to the curve, it was too tight for them at such a speed. They lost control.It was air-born for a few seconds then went plummeting into a deep ravine. As it hit the ground it flipped several times. The teenage driver and passengers were strewn in various spots around the area.

My father had rushed down to check on them while the other man ran for help. One by one, my father had talked to each of them. He introduced them to God and Jesus and quickly explained about heaven and hell. He told them of Jesus sacrifice and how to become saved for all eternity, and then led them in the sinners prayer.

I don't know how many of them accepted Jesus Christ as there Lord and Savior that night because several of them were unconscious or unable to talk because of their medical conditions. But I truly believe in my heart that some or all of them did. I've heard that hearing is the last sense to go. Also because God is an awesome God. He will also go to extremes for each of us. Besides, Almighty God paid the ultimate price to redeem us from our sins and give us eternal life in heaven. He gave his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, for our sin offering. Also, God does not want anyone to perish. He wants all of us to have everlasting life with him in heaven.

However, God is not wasteful. He orchestrates the timing for all of His children. That is why our trip had been delayed until that specific time. That is why my parents had chosen that roadway that night. He had someone in front of us to run for help. God knew what time those kids would have an accident. He knew every hair on each ones head and knew who would leave their earthly life that night. God made sure they had one more chance before they breathed their last breath. God is very specific that He doesn't want ANYONE to perish in Hell for eternity. But, God is also a gentleman. He will not force us to be saved. If we say no on our last chance (and no one ever knows which time that will be) then we will still have to bow and proclaim that Jesus Christ is King of Kings. After that we will face judgement for all of our sins. Ever after, for Eternity, we will burn in a fire that neither consumes us nor dies down.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness, but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (KJV)

.My daddy wept openly that night. He wept without shame.He wept because some of these young lives had been cut short. He cried for the families who would never see their children again in this life.But most of all, he grieved at the reality that even one soul could have been lost unto Hell for eternity.

So, Yes,Real men do cry!If you don't believe me....................

Jesus wept!

You can't get more real man than that. Christ Jesus left all of Heaven and all of His protection and privileges, to come to earth as a human. To suffer (in our place) shame and humiliation: to suffer resentment and cruelty and hatred to the point where most humans would be dead: then to suffer pain past the point of human awareness, so we could be healed: Then when He wasn't even recognizable, He was hung upon a wooden cross and despised by many. Just to take your sins, heartaches and hurts upon him, so that you could be acceptable to God. ( God is pure holiness and cannot be with sin).

Jesus wept.

John 11:32-35

Jesus wept for the grief his friends Martha and Mary were experiencing.

Luke 19:39-44

Jesus wept over the unbelief and the impending destruction it would bring.

Hebrews 5:7-9

He wept in prayers and supplication unto his father.

If you too have wept to many tears, because of your yesterdays or because you have lost hope for tomorrow, Jesus is waiting to help you find a better way. No internet or money needed. Just call out to him today.

Jesus Christ, I need you in my life. I know that I have sinned against you. Because all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23) Lord, your word says whosoever Believes that Jesus Christ is the son of God and he died for forgiveness of my sins then rose to heaven, and calls upon the Lord shall be saved. (John 3:16-17) and (Romans 10:13). That's what I need. Dear God,please wash me of my sins and save my soul. I want you to help me, Please save me and show me how to have new life in you. Jesus, you are the way, the truth, and the light. (John 14:16) You are also the light of the world. (John8:12) Lord please light the path and show me the way to you. Thank you for your love dear God. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Or if you just want to find out how you can have everlasting life in heaven after you die: you can find many answers at

Billy Graham Association

peacewithgod.net or prayerline is 1-855-255-7729

700 club

24 hour prayer line you can call 1-855-0700

The Joy FM at 1-877-800-7729

24 hours daily or text to same number

K-love radio

speak with a pastor 1-800-55-5683

Focus on the Family

counselor 1-855-77104357 or 1-800-232-6459

Or you can email a request to Help@Focusonthefamily.com

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