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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Erotica · #2336095
Dinner for Two.  Speaking of Harvey.
Ollie was, indeed, ready. Having dressed from the left, as he called it--his dress clothes were on the left-hand side of the closet, a small piece of tape embossed with Braille briefly describing each garment. He dressed quickly, almost carelessly. Dark gray slacks, button-down white shirt with open collar--no tee, black blazer and grey faux-alligator shoes with dark argyle socks. He had no idea what he looked like, but Adrienne had told him that almost any combination of the clothing on the left looked good.

When he was finished dressing, about the time Adrienne was finishing cleaning her sensitive mound, he stood still, thinking. Thinking of the odd form of anticipation he was feeling, of how much he wanted to look good. Not so much for himself, though…but for Adrienne. His brow creased and he whispered to himself. "Dude. Are you going out on a real date with your SISTER?!" He realized he was smiling at the idea.

He was smiling and excited, and ad to admit that he was also a bit aroused, for some reason.

Then the strong scent of her as she stood in front of him in the bathroom pushed itself to the forefront of his thoughts, and his cock begin stiffen. He had smelled her perfume…but he had smelled much more. He had smelled HER: her body, her hair. The steamy haven between her legs. What the fuck, he thought. What in the hell is going on with me…?

He shook his head to clear away the thoughts, and finished getting ready. Once his last button was buttoned, his mind was focused on the band they would see and the laughter and the stories they would have from tonight.

MOST of his mind anyway; Ollie still had a semi-hardon, and didn't mind a bit.


"Harvey was a wanker!"

She laughed as she told Ollie about her unsatisfying dalliance with Harvey Goldstein. Well, she told him about Harvey, but she left a lot of other stuff out.

Adrienne had only moved in with Harvey (around the time her father was escalating his bullshit to near domestic-violence levels) because the friends she had moved in with were starting to treat her weird. She didn't like going out with them to the clubs, and she moped around the house in sweats whenever she wasn't at work.

"We thought you bailed because your Dad wouldn't let you have a life?"

That's what Adrienne had told them when she suddenly asked if they needed a roommate one day: "My dad's a raging asshole, and at twenty-one, it's still like I'm thirteen and can't do anything without him looking over my shoulder."

"Seriously?" Ollie interrupted at this point. "I never even noticed that."

"Well…that wasn't really it," she admitted. "But Dad had a lot to do with it. I saw how he was with you, and it pissed me off. I guess it showed, because we stopped being close at all, and he actually did start interfering in my life. Mostly just by being a run-of-the-mill asshole, though, not like I told the girls."

But then she never went out with them, she continued, and never brought any guys home. They thought she might be gay, but she never brought any girls home, either.

One night, Lisa sat her down with a glass of wine. "Ade. What happened?"

Adrienne looked at her blankly for a moment. "When? What are you talking about?"

"Why did you bolt from your mom and dad's? You had it made there, then one day, you're like 'You guys need a roommate, I gotta get outta there.'" she paused. "You said your dad was being an asshole. Did he… Did your dad like, do something? To you?"

Ollie's head snapped up from the expensive and utterly unappealing appetizer he was crunching on. "Bullshit. I'll kill the son of a bitch, Ade--"

"Shut up, nothing like that happened." She smiled at him, flushed, touched at how protective he was being. "Lisa looked all worried and concerned, and I was like, "What--?'"

"Did your dad, like, put a move on you or, like, you know, try something inappropriate? You can talk to me about it, if you need to."

Adrienne thought about how she hadn't even known what to say. How about, "Oh, no, Daddy's fine, it's just I suddenly realized I wanted to get in my little brother's pants?" Or how about, "No, I decided was going to turn into the fucking family rapist and seduce my kid brother?" Aloud, she told Ollie what she had settled for. "Ah, fuck. Is that what it seems like? Like, I don't even know how it seems like that, but no. My dad just IS a dick; he didn't try to GIVE me his dick."

Ollie choked on a piece of lettuce and Adrienne giggled.

"The 'wine conversation' ended pretty quickly after that, but Lisa still seemed to think Dad tried to pull something hinky, and it like, weirded her out or something." Adrienne had known she'd have to do something soon, or the girls might just throw her out, send her back home. She was bringing down the vibes.

Adrienne had known Harvey from school, and she ran into him again at a run-down diner over on Yerson Ave. right around that time. They struck up a conversation, and Adrienne decided she'd ask somebody out finally. If what she had felt that morning with Ollie had been fucked up, then walking around all day thinking of nothing ELSE was even MORE fucked up.

Harvey had been surprised--

"Yeah, no shit. I wonder how many times he wanked it about you before that!" Ollie interjected.

Adrienne chortled, but glanced at him. "That's nasty, Ollie. …But apparently true."

--And he readily accepted a date the gorgeous Adrienne Theenis. He had fantasized about her in high school, he later told her, when they had moved in together. That first date, she knew he was not her type. He was falling all over himself, trying to be a good guy, but trying to steal as many glances as he could at as much of her as was showing. She fucked him on the first date just for the hell of it.

She hadn't been with anyone in quite a while at the time, and it wasn't too bad. He was just so annoying! He was like a puppy that's so excited it won't stop wagging its tail; and he was like that even while she was riding him back in his oddly immaculate apartment. He was at least enough of a gentleman to tell her he was going to cum, since they weren't using any protection. She climbed off him and took his mediocre cock in her mouth. She had never minded her own taste; it actually kind of turned her on during sex. She finished him off with her mouth, swallowing his slightly sour cum.

Of course, she spared Ollie all these gory details. She left it at: "I just wasn't that satisfied by him."

She remembered that she tried to enjoy Harvey, but he was just-- He didn't even fuck like a grown man. He was silly and soft and never wanted to try anything. Adrienne even resorted to trying to picture Ollie's face when she was on top of Harvey. But Harvey's pecker wasn't all that great, and she kept thinking that Ollie's would have been a lot better. She told neither Harvey that at the time nor Ollie now; nonetheless, she had had to admit to herself that her lover was simply nowhere as alluring as her brother.

"After about a year and a half, we weren't really… Well, we never really did it much anymore." The sex had grown stale and infrequent, and it felt like they had been married for 20 years, with nothing in common but bills and resentments. Harvey came to her in tears one night and told her he just didn't think it was working out. Adrienne worked up some polite tears to make him feel better, packed her stuff, and moved out, breathing a sigh of relief and taking a breath in anticipation.

She was moving back home.

"Mom started asking me to move back home a couple months before Harvey and I split. She said it was… Well, she said it was 'uncomfortable' with just her and you in the house after the divorce." Adrienne immediately wished she had left that part out. Mom had always loved Ollie, but she had never really understood how to be close to him. She seemed to think he was breakable instead of blind.

Ollie laughed, though. "That's an understatement! It was like living in a library that was in a museum. It was uncomfortable as hell, but I stayed upstairs mostly, and I'll be leaving for school around the first of the year, so…"

Adrienne suppressed the sudden panic that statement brought on, and continued her story. "She needed a woman to talk to, she said, someone who understood the way Dad had been, someone who would just… understand." She shrugged as she told this to Ollie, as though it was just the way things go, but when she had first agreed to come back home, she knew she was going to be walking into an emotional and psychosexual shitstorm of her own making.

She remembered the day she told Ollie she was moving back in. She had been nervous, but he was happy as a fucking clam when he heard Adrienne was coming home. She was intensely grateful that their closeness had not faded with distance. In fact, however, Ollie was so happy that he reminded Adrienne of Harvey on that first night they were together, bouncing around like a puppy and chattering like a squirrel, and it kind of irritated her. The mixture of conflicting emotions had her heart and mind in a whirl. Oh, and Ollie was wearing the tightest pants she had ever seen on him, and that didn't help her stay calm either. "Well, I'm fucked," she had thought to herself at that moment, almost able to make out the head of her brother's cock through his pants. "I'm home five minutes, and I'm already scoping out my baby brother's crotch. Oh well, at least he was eighteen now, right?" She had groaned inside, wondering how she was going to manage this.


It was surprising how easy it was to talk to Ollie. It always had been, but this was some intimate and even embarrassing stuff. But Ollie somehow understood this was not the time to tease. He listened to her and, aside from his couple of outbursts and interruptions, let her share the past year or so of her life with him.

When she was done, she waited for him to speak. Before the silence grew awkward, he quietly said, "I missed you, Ade." And that was all until they finished their meal.
© Copyright 2025 Jeffrey Meyer (centurymeyer35 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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