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Rated: E · Fiction · Dark · #2336191
Now in a different, unfamiliar area, subject 4474 needs to continue his descent down...
The infested building:

Facilitated suffering.

By: prettycoolguy4474

When subject 4474 turned around, an infected lunged at him; luckily he was able to slice it nearly in half, he watched as it crumpled to the ground slowly while in pain. As Subject 4474 looked down at them, they walked away as the infected groaned and screamed in pain as they reached out for subject 4474; he kicked its arm away from his foot, stomping on its hand. As he walked through the lab, the lights had suddenly shut off; a red emergency light turned on, above a door with the sign "backup generator" on the wall beside it. Once subject 4474 had broken open the door, he found himself walking down some stairs; which lead to a slightly flooded area, water up to his waist. As he stumbled through the water, he managed to get onto a small break in the area; the platform was small, around four feet wide. As he stepped off, he felt the coolness of the water cover him; as he walked through the water he soon got to another door, upon opening it subject 4474 had found himself in a room with a generator. The other things he could barely see was a gas canister, a double locker, a corpse of a mechanic, and a wrench; he looked closer at the corpse of the mechanic, who was holding a manual and a dead flashlight. After being able to barely read the manual, and struggling to figure out how to hold a wrench, subject 4474 eventually got the generator to run again; as the generator ran an alarm went off before the lights turned back on, slightly blinding subject 4474.
         After walking all the way back through the flooded area, he soon made it back to the lab area; the lights often flickered still, but at least the lights were somewhat on. As he walked through, a horde of infecteds were in the room with him; but before they could do anything, the bridge below them broke. After the infecteds all had fallen, subject 4474 ran at full speed and actually made it to the other side; he found himself in front of a door that said "office complex and senior worker quarters", as he entered he saw it wasn't that great looking inside: gray walls with a orange stripe on them, blue-ish gray rough carpeted floor, and some weird splotches of black gooey liquid.
         When subject 4474 had finally continued walking he had noticed all the weird gooey stuff that covered some infected corpses, and the goop seemed to pulsate even; but ignoring it, as he walked he heard a noise: a squelching noise. As he peaked around the corner he saw a creature that was made out of a black gooey substance and with two, eriely wide eyes. It saw subject 4474 and ran at him, he dodged out the way and hid inside one of the cubicles; finding a folder, he opened it to find info on a worker who worked here as a trainer for new recruits before they had a severe head injury which gave them a bit of memory loss: and as he looked at the photo provided on the folder, it looked like that guy he had met. Subject 4474's time was cut short, as he needed to leave this area; so he snuck out and found himself walking towards a door that said "senior worker quarters", when the door opened it was very fancy looking: wooden walls, a nice blue carpet, large windows, support beams in the hall, chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, and the hall was very tall. But as he walked towards the door, he heard a noise behind him: a squelch. As he turned around he saw a black gooey puddle slowly forming into a creature, the same creature he had just seen a few moments ago; it shrieked at him before running at him, so subject 4474 ran through the door. The hallways that followed had falling bookshelves he jumped over, collapsed ceilings he slid under, and broken in half bridges that stood over the far drop down onto the city below he had to jump across, as he ran bursted through another door; he found that the room was the same as the room where he started. The large hall then had a collapse, a big hole was now in the floor; he made a huge leap of faith, and he gripped onto the edge of the other side. He tried pulling himself up...
         But he failed.
As he awoke, he found himself full of adrenaline; he was on an elevator, he looked down on both sides to see a larger fall. Subject 4474 opened the emergency hatch on the elevator and crawled into the elevator, walking through the torn open elevator door; he was in a medical looking area, it still had the same black goo splotches around. As subject 4474 continued to walk through the medical sector, he heard the same shriek behind him; he had no need to turn, he just started running immediately. After a while, subject 4474 got to a dead end, it was slowly getting closer and closer yet just then he realized something: it was goop. He looked around himself, spotting a room with a sprinkler activator in it. As he used the sprinkler activator he heard a screech, looking out he saw the thing slowly melting in the water before reverting back to a puddle. Before he could catch a break, a part of the roof broke open, revealing the hazmat guy; who fell down with a grunt.
"yo! What a surprise, you're still alive!" he said, genuinely surprised "Im pretty shocked though, good job on getting rid of that thing."
But his face went from smiling to neutral as soon as subject 4474 pulled out the folder, containing the info about him. "Wh-" he stuttered, looking down before continuing "where did you find this? The nest? Information director room?" subject 4474 was sitting there, staring. "I've been wondering about this thing; was it in the nest?" subject 4474 tilted their head. "The nest," he said, "the office cubicle area?!?" subject 4474 nodded. "No wonder why I couldn't find this, but anyways I have an important errand to do. Goodbye." he said before climbing back up into the ceiling hole he made. After the scare of him appearing out of nowhere, subject 4474 had seen a crack in the wall; breaking it open to show another hallway behind it. he entered the hallway, it was dusty and bland: being made of gray concrete and having pipes lining the walls, most likely these are some maintenance tunnels of the place. As he walked through the tunnels he soon exited a hatch in the ground, finding himself in another lab area: but this area had blue walls with white stripes and a gray floor, the place had some stains on the walls from.. Blood? He couldn't tell so he continued walking through the lab.

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