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Now inside of yet another area, subject 4474 started to get tired of this. |
The Infested Building: Hostiles Spotted. ?C------------?------------?? By: prettycoolguy4474 Subject 4474 walked through the halls, his legs felt like noodles: he hadn't stopped moving since his awakening. As he walked, he could hear the echo of his footsteps; this place didn't have any lights on, only lit up by the sunlight leaking through the windows. He soon was staring out a broken window, as he turned he slipped and started to fall backward: Then something grabbed his arm. Upon opening his eyes, he saw a blonde man with glasses in front of him: wearing a doctor's coat and light blue clothes. The mysterious person pulled him back inside, he felt better without the cold wind outside. "You alright?" he asked "I heard a noise out there, I didn't think he had any subjects left." subject 4474 tilted his head. "The silent type, huh?" they asked, not surprised, "at least I could teach you how to write." he held out a hand "I'm Doctor H." subject 4474 shook Dr H's hand. After a while, Dr H led him to the medical bay; it had taken a few hours, but Dr H managed to get him to write down simple words and phrases. As subject 4474 looked around, he saw many tapes and books everywhere; some of the recordings were in a box, 5 of them in total. "Oh, interested in them?" Dr H asked, "I had found them in a drawer in someone's office." Dr H walks over and picks up the box, setting it on a counter. As subject 4474 practiced writing, Dr. H tended to his minimal wounds. "You seem like you have been getting hurt, so you should be more careful." Dr H wraps a bandage around subject 4474's leg "Y'know, you should be wary about the infected, one scratch and it's over for you." Dr H warns. Subject 4474 grabs a piece of paper, shakily writing: ok. A week later, subject 4474 had learned enough words to write longer, less simplistic sentences; and said his goodbyes to Dr H. "Stay safe out there! Good luck!" Dr H calls out to him, Dr. H still being inside the medical bay. As subject 4474 continued to walk down the hallways, when reaching a staircase he heard footsteps; looking behind him, he saw a man in a gas mask. The man had his hands behind his back, but suddenly the man kicked him, sending him tumbling down the stairs, falling unconscious. Upon waking up, subject 4474 found himself chained to a wall. "Hello, subject." said a mysterious voice that came out of a loudspeaker, "I can't believe you've come this far, only to run into me." The loudspeaker deactivated, and then a large metal door slid open loudly; a man in a black lab coat and a gas mask walked out, nearly his entire outfit was black besides his dark ginger hair and white t-shirt. "Don't worry, you won't be leaving." the man said, crouching down and staring at subject 4474 "You can address me by Dr. M as if you could speak." subject 4474 tried to attack Dr. M, but he couldn't get close enough; his arm was chained onto the wall after all. "No no, we can't have you getting violent with me.." he pulled out a metal baton, the metal glinting in the light. "I shall punish you for such misbehavior." Dr M whacked him across the head, his vision blurred as he got hit over and over; after what felt like forever, the relentless assault of whacks stopped. Dr M put the baton back into his pocket, "maybe that will teach you a lesson." Dr M walked off back through the metal door, disappearing. It would be a couple of days, but one day; Subject 4474 remembered the wrench he had taken from the generator room, pulling out the wrench; he slowly got up and unbolted the chain, and it crashed down onto the floor. Subject 4474 wasted no time running through the first door he saw, it seemed like some sort of recording office: having open filing cabinets and folders everywhere. As he got close to a chute that would lead to trash disposal, someone burst through the door: it was Dr M. "What do you think you're doing? I never said you could leave." Dr M said in a stern tone, pulling out his baton. Upon seeing the baton, subject 4474 impulsively jumped down the trash chute; roughly landing on a deactivated conveyor belt, and sloping down towards a pit of molten trash. He slowly scaled the slope until he could start running, after a moment he heard footsteps behind him; it was Dr M. "Get back here brat, I still have plans for you!" The orange lighting lit up the room, just enough to see a clear path ahead. As subject 4474 ran, he saw a gap in the conveyor belt: leaping down, he landed in some trash. He got up and continued running, Dr M was still pursuing him: but he was tired of running from his problems. He quickly turned and punched Dr M straight in the face, kicking him in the stomach and punching the baton out of his hand; letting it fall into the depths of the place. Dr M soon regained his senses and prepared to box it out with Subject 4474. They ran towards each other, they took turns blocking and hitting each other; though soon subject 4474 got kicked in the gut, coughing up some blood. Subject 4474 took his wrench out and hit Dr M in the face, as Dr M fell to the ground; Subject 4474 hit him in the stomach with the wrench multiple times before running off. After a lot of running, he found a maintenance hatch; climbing up the ladder, he turned the metal wheel and flipped the lever; finding himself in the maintenance tunnel again. After walking a bit, he jumped through a vent and into a large cafeteria; he found himself sitting on the floor, it was empty there. Soon he noticed a completely broken door on the opposite side of the room, as he walked to it; the lights flickered. Upon exiting the door, he found himself in a storage room; it was extremely large, but all that filled it were crates and shelves. As he walked, he soon saw a dead body: it had a massive hole in its head, it also was torn in half crudely. As he looked at the nearby blood-stained walls, he felt a shiver go down his spine. Soon he found himself walking out onto a balcony, another body was there: it was nearly perfectly intact, besides the rebar that was going through their chest. Subject 4474 got close to the body, identifying their name as "Dawn J." by the nametag in their hand. He soon noticed the journal near the body, two pages were filled out: one about some test, and one about the infection. As he read the test page, he felt a shiver go down his spine; the test was on him, and it had various effects on him; such as amnesia and mutism. Suddenly, he heard a creaking; before he saw the balcony crack, he ran towards the door as fast as possible. Though he was too late; the balcony broke beneath him, and he hung onto the little bit of the balcony that hadn't collapsed. He struggled and struggled until he managed to crawl up and into the "safety" of the building, he felt his fast heartbeat and sore body, but he was still alive. Subject 4474 slowly got up, gasping for air; then suddenly he heard something running at him, luckily he dodged out of the way from the infected's charge. The infected was like the other ones but with large claws extruding from its knuckles, it proceeded to pounce at subject 4474: who dodged out of the way and kicked the infected into the wall. The infected snarled at him, but subject 4474 charged at the infected; he punched it in its gut, knee its chin, kicked its cranium, elbowed its chest, and attacked it until it didn't move anymore. He walked around the storage room, finding a door around the southern wall. As he opened the door, it made an unsettling creaking noise; revealing a long, dark hallway, it had a single window and a staircase at the end. But as he advanced he heard a sound: a scratchy noise, like claws scraping against a wall. He felt a shiver, he was tired and hurt; it was too draining to fight. Looking out the window, it showed a separate room he didn't see; but the door was blocked. The room consisted of multiple test tubes, an "L" shaped counter, a lot of science equipment, and... a dead body; unsurprisingly. He then smashed the glass with his wrench, climbing through the now broken window; he walked around. The floor was blood-stained, some type of ichor was spread in a few spots on the floor, and the lights barely were on; flickering on rarely, before turning off shortly after. He looked at the dead body, the name tag was broken in half; the other half missing. In the body's hand was a piece of paper, a bit of blood staining it. The paper was about some sort of test result, talking about... himself again, jeez; he thought about how big of a deal he was for some reason. Looking around, he didn't see anything else of interest; but before leaving he heard a strange noise, a tapping. Looking about, he saw a figure hunched over a dead body; he felt a shiver go down his spine. It was hard to see, but it was lanky; bony; dark; and had two, blankly staring eyes: yet its face was absent from any mouth. The figure slowly looked at him, as it stood; the light flickered on for a bit of time, allowing him to make out more details: their feet did not look like a human's feet, long fingers that looked like claws, and knees and elbows that were the thickest of their connecting limbs, and they still towered over him. Each small movement it made caused a quiet creaking noise, he slowly backed towards the window; crawling through the broken window very slowly. As he made it out of the room, the creature went back to the body: losing interest in him. Soon after a bit more walking, he found an elevator shaft he could climb down because of a ladder. After 10 minutes, he managed to get down roughly 12 floors. He got out the elevator shaft and into one of the areas: he was still high up. Turning around, he saw tables flipped like barricades; stuff broken; bullet holes in the walls; barbed wire; active cameras; a sign reading: "KEEP OUT"; and two sleeping bags. Getting around the barbed wire, he decided to look around a bit: walking around but finding nothing. Before stepping out, he saw a door labeled: "RECORDS", walking in he saw many filing cabinets yet all of them were open. Before he got to leave, he felt a tap on his shoulder: turning around, he was met with a punch to the face. Everything quickly went black. |