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Rated: E · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2336197
Waking up to some familiar giants, I wonder if they'll help me or be my end.
The ground was shaking before I even opened my eyes, but the way it shook was something far from normal. Looking around, I saw that everything was enormous and the open areas were spacious. The ground wasn't like any I have ever seen before. It was smooth with imperfections all throughout it, definitely appeared to be man made. But nowhere I've ever heard of had this much space except on deserts and dry lakebeds which had either sand or dirt. This was neither. Large, tall pillars covered in black moved in the distance that matched the constant booming vibrations when they landed, migrating around other, thinner pillars that looked like metal. I was so absorbed in watching them that I didn't noticed the shadow coming from behind me. That is until something bigger than a skyscraper landed right next to me, nearly blowing out my eardrums. That's when it clicked...those are legs and that was a humongous foot.

Fear filled every part of me when I realized I was laying on the floor in a room somewhere. Noticing it wasn't moving, I took note that this was a black heel with a thick sole and a rounded tip. As my heart continued to race, my eyes started to scan up the leg, which was covered in a black material that laid just above the top of the heel, to see if I could make out a face of this woman. My attempt was interrupted with a sudden crash behind me. Some kind of liquid of large amounts fell so close, the initial impact actually propelled me outward high enough to slam into the black material of the pant leg. Instinctively, I grabbed onto the fabric with a death grip to prevent from falling back on the floor. Though for a single moment I actually questioned if it would be better to die if staying alive was already this hard, but I shook my head of that thought and held on. There was a voice from above as the leg moved backwards, making such a jolt upon landing that I nearly lost my holding. "Hey, be careful," it said.

It was so close that I figured it to be the woman I was holding onto. Something about that voice seemed so familiar though. It was gentle with a country accent. I replayed it over and over in my head while I climbed, holding strong when she walked a few steps every so often. My heart never calmed all the while, worried someone might see me during my ascent. Luckily nobody did, even when she leaned down to wipe off her heel from whatever that spill was. This small size worked to my advantage with my weight. Pulling myself up hand over hand wasn't as hard as it would have been if I was normal height. Getting to the top was quicker than I figured it would be, but I stopped when I found what I believed to be the front pocket of her pants.

When I slid into the tight space and settled in the warm darkness, feeling the heat from against her skin, the lightbulb came on in my head. I knew that voice, but it couldn't be right. It has to be someone else that sounded like her. My mind relayed several portions of my favorite show, CSI Miami with my character crush and found I couldn't be mistaken. I was in the pocket of Calleigh Duquesne and she had no idea of my existence. "This is a dream," I kept telling myself outloud. "It has to be." I tried to think of how this could be possible, as well as being shrunk in the first place, but when she walked, it jarred my thoughts making me unable to think straight. Each land of her left foot jerked the pocket upward and then lowered down before repeating again...and again.

Finally the walking took a pause, but that's when something slammed into me from the outside a few times, forcing me hard against her leg from the other side each time. It was in a downward motion so I guessed she was wiping off her pants from something. The next thing that happened is what terrified me of being discovered. I was hit once again from the outside, this time it was straight on me before being on both sides which I was then squeezed enough that I thought I was going to be crushed. The voice from above, slightly muffled, said, "I think there's something in my pocket. It's kind of squishy." The pressure let up, allowing me to breathe again.

That relief was short lived though when I heard the pocket receiving another visitor...the woman's hand. My eyes grew wide when I saw her fingers searching for me with neatly trimmed nails. I flinched as soon as they touched me. Once again I was squeezed, really tight this time. I was sure to bust now. Without trying to resist, the woman pulled me out into the light, blinding me after being in the dark for a while. I was unable to see very well as I was lifted high into the air. Before they had time to fully adjust, I was suddenly dropped as she said, "Eew, it's a bug!" I landed on my back onto a table that was lit up from underneath. With my blurry vision while trying to catch my breath, I watched a large object start to fall toward me at great speed. I was about to die when a hand appeared and stopped it, "Wait, Natalia." Hold up. Natalia? I can't mistaken both of them being together to not be real.

My sight was clearing when I teared up in fear. This WAS real. Calleigh had stopped Natalia from killing me. She then said, "Something isn't right about this bug." Natalia looked at her in a curious manner, "It's a bug. They're all the same to me." "Not this one. I'm actually thinking it isn't a bug. Can you hand me that magnifier over there," Calleigh pointed across the room at another table. Natalia walked over to get it. Handing it to Calleigh, it was brought over me closely. When our eyes met through the lense, their jaws both dropped. "Oh my God," Natalia exclaimed. "It's a person," stated Calleigh before asking me, "Are you okay?" With my whole body shaking, I was able to manage a small nod.

Moving the magnifier to set it down a ways away from me, Natalia voiced a thought we were all asking, "How can this be possible?" This was what I had been asking practically since I woke up as well as how were these people real when everything about them is made up. Calleigh's voice softened as she squatted down to get more eye level with me, "I am so sorry. I had no idea what you were. Did I hurt you?" I shook my head, causing a look of relief to come across her face. Natalia lowered herself down next to Calleigh to ask me more quietly, "How did you get so small?" I shrugged with my hands out. Calleigh added another question, "What about how you got into my pocket?"

With a gulp, my voice quivered as I attempted to respond, "I was...on...the floor." Stopping, I noticed they were trying to hear me. Taking a deep breath to calm myself down some, I cleared my throat and tried again a bit louder, "I was on the floor. I woke up there. Don't know why or how. Then your foot," I pointed to Calleigh, "landed next to me." She instantly brought her hand over her mouth, "I almost crushed you." "It's okay. Then I think some kind of liquid fell right behind me and threw me against your leg. I climbed up until I found your pocket." Natalia slightly gasped, "I split some water from my water bottle. I'm sorry. Did it hurt you?" I shook my head, "I think that helped save me. Got me off of the floor."

Natalia sighed a relief, "Then I'm glad I could help." Calleigh looked around before saying, "I would like us to go somewhere a little more safe for us to talk, and if you're okay with it, have you meet our boss." I gulped again, "I... I guess so." "It's just he needs to know about you since we'll have to sneak you around. Horatio is really nice. He has a kind heart and would understand why we should keep you a secret." I nodded, "Okay. I trust you." When they both stood up, everything inside me nearly died. I was so tiny next to them, making them like goddesses to me. I felt the need to bow in their presence. Calleigh started to put her hand out but stopped, "Do you mind if I carried you?" I was surprised she even asked. I would have assumed she would do it anyway, but I also know how respectful they are to others. I nodded nervously, which prompted her to then lower her hand, palm up, down next to me.

It took me a good several seconds to get myself up onto my wobbly legs, then almost not being able to grab her skin so I could pull up. Seeing my struggle, I froze when I saw Calleigh's other hand coming towards me. But instead of picking me up, her finger extended so I could grip her nail as a support. Once on her hand, I crawled to the center and sat down. My breath was taken from me when Calleigh lifted her hand to be level with her stomach, which was when she said, "I'm going to close my hand so that no one will see you, okay?" "I would like that, thank you." How I have yet to have a heart attack from all this fear is beyond me. When watching her fingers curl over top of me until they touched the other side of the palm in a loose fist, I felt trapped. I was basically being held hostage by Calleigh, yet protected at the same time.

Each footstep vibrated through Calleigh's hand while she walked, which were pretty quick. Though scared, I loved being in my warm hiding spot. It was safe. My mind played through all the possibilities of where I was being taken to. I know who I'm to meet, but not where the meeting would take place. It wasn't long until I heard his voice talking to Calleigh and Natalia. They were telling him about me and what I had said to them so far. When he asked to see me, I felt her hand move forward before uncurling her fingers. The bright light revealed his confused expression the second he saw me. Calleigh kept her hand in a somewhat cupped manner so that I wouldn't fall out in any way.

After taking a good look at me, his face changed to a caring one, "Hello there. What's your name?" "M.. M... Melissa." "How are you doing?" "Physically I'm okay but I'm really scared. I don't know what's going to happen to me." "That's understandable. Well, you're in really good hands. Quite literally in fact." He smiled when I laughed at that last statement, "That's good. Calleigh and Natalia will keep you safe and hidden." Natalia told Horatio, "We're going to go sit somewhere so we can talk more with Melissa. Maybe get something to eat too. I'm sure she's hungry." I nodded, "I am actually." Horatio nodded as well, "You do that. Let me know if you need anything." "You got it," Calleigh replied to him.

Closing her hand again, they walked off to find a place that I'm sure we could talk more comfortably. I was unsure of anywhere that could be until light suddenly blinded me. Looking around, I noticed a small kitchen area off to one side and sets of tables with chairs on the other as well as the middle. It was my assumption that this was the break room. Calleigh walked to the furthest table in the corner, followed by Natalia after making a pitstop at the fridge for a couple bottles of water. When they sat down, they had their backs to the door so that if someone walked in, I wouldn't immediately be spotted. That would give them a quick second to hide me.

Natalia opened her water, then asked me, "Would you like some?" "Oh yes, please." "Okay, heeere..." She paused while pouring some into the cap, then continued after setting it down next to me, "you go." I took no time scooping a droplet into my hands and slurping it up. It tasted so good, even though the cold nearly froze me. I shivered once and then drank another drop. "So you have no idea how you got this small," Calleigh started to ask. "What was the last thing you remember?" I looked up at them, still terrified to be so tiny in between my two character crushes. Both them and me being shrunk period are only supposed to be in stories. Swallowing hard, I said, "I was laying in my bed with my dogs and cat on the farm I lived on. I remember falling asleep there, then woke up here with everything so huge."

Natalia's voice was sad when she said, "You must have been so scared. I know you told Horatio that, but I think scared wouldn't even begin to cover it for me." Nodding, I told them, "I'm still shaking from the fear. I even thought for a split second after waking up that it would've been better to be crushed because I didn't think it was worth trying to stay alive. I'm the size of a bug. I might as well just be one. I mean, how can I survive like this when everything can kill me?" Calleigh moved her right hand and placed it sideways next to me, partly extending her finger. I could see she was attempting to place it on my shoulder so with my trembling hands, I slowly reached out and touched it. She smiled at first, then her expression saddened, "I didn't realize you were a person at first. When I pulled you out, all I saw was something small and moving. My mind instantly thought bug. I'm really sorry about that and dropping you. And I'm glad I realized you were different." "And I'm sorry for trying to kill you. I never would have if I had known..." Natalia's voice trailed off.

My eyes teared up seeing their sadness, not able to hug them to say it's okay, that it's not their fault for any of this. So with my heart in my throat, I turned around and hugged Calleigh's finger. This made her smile, "Thank you for that." Natalia spoke up after seeing that, "Hey, can I get one of those hugs?" Letting go of Calleigh's finger, she moved it out of the way for Natalia could bring hers down, which I happily wrapped my arms around the best I could. As Natalia pulled her finger away, Calleigh got serious, "I don't want you to call yourself a bug, or even compare to one. You are a human." Natalia nodded in agreement, "That's right. Being small doesn't change that. And whatever you need, we will be right here to help you." "All you have to do is ask," Calleigh added. I smiled at them, "I really appreciate that." "Speaking of asking," Natalia quickly said, "I know I've been wondering and I'm sure you have been too. Let's see how tall you are exactly."

Pulling out a small, compact measuring tape, she pulled the metal piece out and set the tip onto the table. Walking over so that my back was against it so that they could read the numbers. "Wow," Calleigh said in a surprised voice. "What? How tall am I?" Calleigh answered, "You are right at a centimeter and a half tall, just over half an inch." My heart stopped. I knew I was small but now having a number to put me next to, makes it all the more real. I looked down at myself before saying my thoughts aloud, "I know I was small, which scares the hell out of me...but why does knowing my exact height terrify me even more? Numbers doesn't change any of this." Calleigh brought her finger back to the side of me, lightly touching my shoulder the best she could, "Perhaps it puts it more into perspective. It's the same with distance. It never looks far until you put numbers on it." I nodded, placing my hand on her finger, "That makes sense. Thank you." She smiled at me, her green eyes seemingly more caring than ever.

It was then we heard Natalia's stomach growl. She laughed, putting away the tape measure, "I think that's the signal to have lunch. Do you want yours too Calleigh?" "Absolutely! I have a salad in the fridge." "Really? I brought one too!" Natalia brought their salads over and a couple forks from the drawer. Calleigh sat her fork down right next to me while she opened her salad to remove the packets of dressing and seeds that came in it. The second she placed it down, I looked at it. At that moment, my brain's control was lost. I got up almost right away and walked over to the fork, touching the cold metal handle. It was if I was watching myself from outside my body because everything I tried to do to stop myself failed. Next thing I know, I'm climbing onto it and crawling over to the prongs until I was positioned in the middle of them, laying lengthwise with my head toward the tip.

There was laughter from above signalling that my movements didn't go unnoticed. My body flinched when I felt the fork lift up in the air, coming face level with Calleigh. "What are you doing?" My vision vibrated with each pound of my heart when I force an answer, "To be honest, I like to wonder what it would be like inside someone's mouth." Calleigh looked at Natalia, who had stopped mixing her salad when she heard me say that. Turning their attention back to me, Natalia asked, "Why would you wanna know what that's like?" Sitting there on Calleigh's fork, my fear escalated. When I spoke, it was clear in my voice how scared I had suddenly become, "I was, or am, a weird person. Always thinking thoughts that normal people usually don't have. About being small, in a mouth, in other certain places whether known or unknown by others. I'm kind of embarrassed to say that actually. And when I saw that fork laying there, I figured why not at least sit on it."

Calleigh's smile calmed my some of my nerves as well as her saying, "You don't have to be embarrassed. Sometimes we can't control what we think. Thoughts are harmless. Let's just get through the day and we'll see what happens." I gulped and nodded. Suddenly the door to the break room opened up, causing Calleigh to look quickly in that direction. That fast movement made her fork falter, making me fall off, right on top of her salad. There was a slight splotchy sound when I landed on a piece of lettuce covered in Italian dressing. "Hey guys, how's the case going?" It was Ryan, someone I wasn't ready to let see me yet. "Hey Ryan," Natalia greeted him. "We're running DNA samples for illumination, but that's all we got at the moment. Figured we get a bite while we wait for the results."

While Natalia was talking, Calleigh glanced at her empty fork, then looked down to search for me. Her eyes found me right away. With a relief but not eager to expose me by getting me out, she stabbed the salad on the side to keep me from being skewered in the process. This accelerated my excitement and fear at the same time as I watched a mixed stack of impaled lettuce leaves, tomato slice and piece of chicken rise out of the bowl. My eyes were glued to her mouth while she chewed and swallowed. When Ryan asked if he could join us, Calleigh answered, "Next time, Ryan. We're having some girl talk. Don't think you want to listen in on our women problems." "Uhh, not really. I'll see you later."

Once he left, Calleigh scooped me up with her fork, laying me in the same manner as I was on it before, "I'm sorry I dropped you, again. Are you okay?" "I'm great! It was a better landing this time. I actually had fun. " Natalia laughed, "You're definitely weird. Not saying there's anything is wrong with that." Calleigh lowered the fork down so I could turn around and slide off onto the napkin they had ready for me, "Nope. Normal is highly overrated." Her smile melted me right then. They knew how I was thinking and yet still seemingly accepted who I was. Usually people faked that but I heard it in their voices that their kindness was genuine. Using the napkin, I wiped myself clean the best I could while Calleigh tore of a pieces of lettuce, chicken and then put drop of dressing on second lettuce leaf I used as a tray.

Every time someone came in, whoever's hand was close enough at the time would lay on top of me. This lasted off and on for about 20 minutes before they finished their salads. Before anyone could get up, the door opened yet again, this time a woman poked her head it, "I have your DNA results." "Oh, good. Thanks," Calleigh said as she walked over to take the folder from her. Looking at it as she came back, she verbally noted that neither were a match. Slightly frustrated, she dropped the folder right next to me, which caused enough of a gust to blow me over the edge. Natalia saw this and reacted right away. Her hand was quickly placed under me, catching me mid air, "I got ya."

Calleigh's hand went over her mouth, "I can't believe I just did that. I'm so sorry." As I was lifted up, I reassured her, "It's not your fault. Shit is going to happen." She laughed, "Maybe so but I still need to be more careful." Natalia moved me closer to her eye level, putting me in almost a transe for a moment staring back at her large, brown eyes that looked right into mine, "I do have to say this, not meaning that being small is amazing, but this is pretty cool. The idea of holding a fully grown person with just one hand never crossed my mind. I can see you sitting there, but I still barely feel you." Lowering me down a little, I agreed with her in my own way, "Same goes for me, except the other way around. I never thought that being held in one hand by someone so much larger than me would be possible. My life is literally in your hands. You have complete control over my entire existence with next to zero effort and I can't do anything about it, even with all my strength."

Natalia's eyes softened, "Well, you know that these hands here and those," she pointed to Calleigh's, "Are some of the safest hands you could ever be in." "That's right," Calleigh sid before adding, "And we don't want to control your life. You tell us what you want or need, and we'll try to make it happen." She paused, "Within reason." I laughed, saying, "Thanks." The thing was though, I WANTED them to be in control. I just couldn't tell them...not yet. I may be brave enough if I stuck around a while, but I don't know how long I'll be here. One thing I do know...I'm glad that for the moment, I get to be in their hands.

This was completely unplanned. I usually keep to my wolf version with these CSI Miami characters(that are owned by CBS) but for the last few weeks, shrinking scenarios bullied my mind until I wrote them down on paper. I then copied it to my phone where I ended up doing a complete rewrite. I have no plans still to continue this, but with more plagues in my head of different happenings that aren't in this story...there just may be an additional chapter.
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