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Rated: XGC · Chapter · Medical · #2336574
Ben returns to Saint Alice mental health hospital to get well and get home to his family
Chapter 15.

Ben packed up all the things that his beloved Stephanie had bought for him and Karl Sutton a 38-year-old Scottish man came to pick up the music producer and author. The Porter put the unwell man into a wheelchair because he was too weak to stand from the stomach pump. They walked to the end of the corridor and into the lift that went down three floors and into the foyer. Karl then got Ben get in his yellow Volkswagon beetle and gave the wheelchair back to the hospital.
They drove seven miles in silence and all the duration Ben was thinking of his poor family all alone without him, but happy and grateful that he was alive and had seen his gorgeous wife and was able to see his wonderous children tomorrow.
As the car zoomed along the country roads back to the hospital that devilish monster inside Mr Bradshaw's head started playing up again. It screeched in his brainstem yet more profanity making Benjamin feel extremely uncomfortable. It wailed,
“Punch that tossed-off wreck in the head so he loses all control of this dump of a car and it ploughs right into the oncoming vehicles and you both instantly perish.”
Ben calmly said to the voice,
“Can I have a little word in your ear?”
The menace cackled at the gentle man's psyche,
“Stop talking utter crap you pathetic cunt and get on with my demands NOW!!!!”
Ben punched himself hard in the head and squealed at his oppressor,
“Listen good, you twat face I will never carry out the shit you force upon my good soul, so take a running jump and. . . FUCK right off boyo!!!”

Karl, the crisis team officer gripped the steering wheel hard and parked the car in a safe place,turned to face Mr Bradshaw and spoke in a soft calm tone,
“Hang in there Mr Bradshaw I'll get you to Dr Zimmermann in a flash, try and keep your mind occupied for another few miles and remember what your wife said,
“Think positive and strong and you'll get through this! So sit back relax and think of your lovely family sir.”

Twenty minutes later Karl was parking the car outside ST Alice’s facility and Ben was gripped to the seat in the anxiety of not only hearing the obnoxious speak in his head but returning to the hospital.
Two guards and a nurse came out with a wheelchair and helped Ben sit in the machine. Before going inside; Jasmin Shardburn a 20-year-old from Nuneaton who moved to Wales with her boyfriend injected the author with a sedative and told great dad,
“This is a new medication the Dr asked me to give you and is quick activating and will keep you nice and calm so we can let you back inside. Don't worry it's painless and has absolutely no side effects. Roll up your sleeve and I will administer it for you, sir.”
Ben was moaning as to why he had to take such a drug and if was it addictive. But then he realized how dangerous the 44year-old had been to himself in his delusional state, so he shut up and did as he was asked and then the guards pushed Mr Bradshaw back inside. The people staying at the hospital gave Ben a cheer and clap when they saw the man was doing better than when he left. Mark, Ray and Becky were pleased to see their friend but let the tired iron maiden fan settle back into his room.
Benjamin slowly climbed out of the chair and sat on his bed and Frances; the guard put his new belongings on the rectangle table that was fixed to the wall of his room. The extremely tall black man asked if he could help with anything and Ben asked in his painful stomach state,
“Thanks my friend and so sorry for all this commotion, I’ve caused I will be on my best behaviour from now on. Could you please pass me my iPad that’s in the green bag and ask if I can have a BLT sandwich, some plane crisps and some fresh orange to have in here, as I can’t face seeing anyone this evening? Thank you so much, oh and at 730pm my mother is visiting me can you bring the wheelchair then?”
The security guard smiled at the ill music producer, handed him the red and black iPad and said,
“There you go Mr Bradshaw and it would be a great pleasure to help you, I'll go see what is on the food trolley and make sure the chair is accessible for you for your visit and I will remind you when your relative is here, just in case you’ve gone to sleep. Ben thanked Frances again and got comfy on the hard as nails bed, while all the time he was trying to keep the rotten voice at bay. It sounded enraged and demanded,
“Get your sorry ass up you useless good for nothing fat and ugly twat and go and annihilate all the pathetic fuckers in this demented place then swim in their blood.”
Ben whaled in his head for the demonic freak to shut the fuck up now, but it just continued to laugh and speak insufferable horror. “
Ben lay there closed his eyes took a long deep breath and then switched on the iPad and pressed the button to FaceTime his pretty wife before he took a quick nap and saw his mum. The computer lit up and the children’s short story writer pressed on the picture of his wife and waited to get an answer. 6 minutes later the sweet lady sat in front of her phone and spoke gently. She said,
“Hello my dearest Ben, is everything okay? Have you settled back in, hope you're not in too much discomfort. Ask for extra pain relief if it gets too much in the night, someone will be there around the clock. I do hope this time those doctors and nurses will get to the bottom of your illness my love and we can all be together again very soon.”
Ben smiled at Stephane and wanted to blow her a kiss but he thought it too much and didn’t want to upset her any more than she already was. He said,
“Thank you for looking after my darling Steph, I’d be a complete wreck without you! I have settled down in the room as I couldn’t face anyone when they brought me in and yes my stomach is very saw. I can’t imagine what I was thinking to do such a thing. I am truly sorry for upsetting and scaring you, that was never my intention but then I was completely absorbed in my wretched delusion. I am so frightened to think I might have more in this intense place, but I’m staying calm and will keep occupied physically and mentally. I will read my awesome Maiden magazine you've kindly given me and when I am feeling well enough to walk will go into the garden and get plenty of fresh air. I will help wash up and keep the place tidy like I do at home and chat with the other guests. Oh and ignore that dam bullshit in my head. I am utterly embarrassed by my actions and I am so very sorry for getting ill and being in here. All I want to do is get better and come home to you forever. I love you with every part of my being.
Please give Tyana and Isac a huge hug and kiss and tell them I can't wait to see them tomorrow evening. I have not seen Dr Zimmermann this evening, I guess it will be sometime in the morning. I have asked for some tea in here before Mum arrives in an hour and a half. I don't want to say goodnight my lovely and could listen to your angelic voice until I fall asleep, but you need your rest and strength being on your own with our epic children.”
With that realization, Stephanie took a deep sigh and a heavy heart. She was feeling anxious about not knowing when her handsome husband was coming home. She put on a brave face and said,
“Just try and relax Ben and don't you worry about anything! You can concentrate on getting well, and we'll be here when you get the all-clear to come home. I love you to the ends of the earth and always will. Goodnight my sweet man. ”
Ben told Sephine that he loved her to the edge of the universe and back and pressed the off switch to the iPad and put it safely l on the bedside table. His eyes felt very heavy and was about to get 40 winks when Frances the security guard knocked on Mr Bradshaw's door. The very tall thin shaven haired black man said,
“May I come in sir? I have the tea you asked for and some new medication”
Ben pulled himself back in bed and sat up with ample discomfort, but he was hungry and needed to try and move or he would never heal. Benjamin shouted,
“Come in Francis thank you”
So the St Alice employee entered the room with a tray of sandwiches, crisps, and oranges and Becky thought you’d like chocolate cake as she thought it was the nicest she had ever tasted. Please take your meds Mr Bradsaw the nurse informed me you have 3 new meds and Dr Zimmermann will discuss this with you tomorrow. I will come back for the tray in a little while. Here is a pull cord in case you have any delusions in the night. Everyone sends their regards and looking forward to seeing you in the morning. Now try and get some rest.”
Ben thanked Francis and the man left and shut the door behind him.
The shy and quiet author ate his tea and reluctantly took his medication, even though he hadn't been told what they were and did. He washed the 4 tablets down with his orange turned on his side and tried to get some sleep but the dreadful noise in his head had other ideas. It screamed in his Frontal lobe,
“Don’t think you’re getting sleep any time soon for the road to hell is paved with all my ideas and I’m dragging you there fool!”

Chapter 16.

Ben had closed his eyes, except now the alarm he'd set on his iPad went off. The menace in his head was cackling at the man's discomfort of little sleep. Ben ignored the shite and slowly sat up in his bed of nails and tried to stand but it was a wrench on his stomach so the blond-haired slim man with green eyes pressed his alarm button and within several minutes a nurse came to Ben’s aid. Jenny Bishop was a red-haired 22-year-old girl and a student nurse. She inquired what he needed and he said,
“I'm sorry but if you're not too busy at the moment could you please fetch me the wheelchair so I can visit with my mum, I can't move without it hurting. So sorry for the inconvenience I realise how busy your Drs and nurses are. Thank you “
Sophie gave Ben a warm smile and said,
“It's not a problem Mr Bradshaw it's our job to help you in any way you need. I will ask one of the security guards to bring it for you shortly. So you're in a lot of discomfort? I can give you something for the pain and you will get a better night's sleep. I don't have access to morphine but co-codamul is much stronger than paracetamol. I will sort that out for you and let you know when your visitor arrives.”
Ben smiled happily at the nurse and thanked her, but all the time he was gritting his teeth from the monstrous devil inside his brain, it said,
“Rip off the little annoying whores thong and pull out her clitoris from her dirty whole and strangle her with it. Then slice her tits off and shove them up her ass.”
Ben felt red as a beetroot and wanted to hide under the bed in disgust and embarrassment. He felt like a sex pest fiend because all that was coming from his brain. Then he thought to himself, “Hang on I'm no monster and I've not done any of these terrible things and not going to ever, so why don't you take a running jump and just fuck off now!!!”
The poorly 44-year-old man looked down at his feet as Sophie left the room, he prayed to God and Jesus that she did not hear him and if so would understand that it wasn't him.”

Seventeen minutes later Jerrold Dutton, another security guard came with a wheelchair and before the kind and friendly man greeted Ben and helpped him, the brutal villain screamed to the innocent author,
Look at that pathetic loser get your sorry ass off the bed and ram the wheelchair into his fat ugly face a thousand times until the fucker is out cold.”
Benjamin took an extremely deep breath in pure hatred and screamed Fuck off you annoying bastard leave me alone forever mother fucker.”
And Ben said to Mr Dutton,
“Evening sir thank you for your kindness I will try and get off the bed to make it easier for you to help me into the chair.”
Mr Dutton gave Ben a friendly smile and pushed the chair towards the bed. He came to the side of the music producer and said,
“Don't worry Mr Bradshaw I'm trained to lift patients. I will put one hand under your legs and another under your arms and anyway the beds are not too high I will be able to manage, but thank you so much for your kind offer and your concern. I will lift you to the count of ten and then I'll push you to the visitor's room. I hope that you have a lovely visit with your relative and the nurse will bring your nighttime meds at ten pm.”
Jerold did as he explained to Ben his actions and then after ten seconds he was being lifted into the chair and pushed out of his tiny room and down the corridor to see his mum.

Mrs Bradshaw was sitting in the visitor's room with Ben’s special surprise and just as the man was approaching the tiny room with a seat that went all around the room and a window. Philippa heard her son coming and got ready to jump out on him for the surprise to work, she wasn't too concerned about his fragile state and shocking Ben because it was a really lovely secret.
As Jerard pushed Mr Bradshaw down the corridor and out into the foyer to go towards the family room, all the staff and guests clapped and cheered the safe return of Ben. But the greatest astonishment for the 11-year music producer was about to bring chills to the man and a huge smile upon his face. Ben’s mum wanted to bring joy to the author in a place that's full of illness and negativaty.

As the wheelchair got close to the door Ben’s sister; Lilly-May- Perkins along with her five-year-old son; Taylor and Six-year-old daughter Andrea came over from Denmark just to see Ben and hoped it would make the friendly author happy and boost his mental health.
As the heavy metal runner got up out from the chair, his mum popped her head around the corner, she said smiling,
“Hello my lovely handsome son I have a wonderful surprise that will cheer you up lots, here’s your sister and your niece and nephew xx”
With that Lilly-May jumped out from around the corner and gave her little brother a huge embrace and her children did as well. Ben was overwhelmed to see his beautiful and clever sister and it had been a good few years since he's been in the same room as her. She looked well and so did his niece and nephew and they were all happy to see each other. After a long embrace and a kiss on the cheek, the family moved to the visitor's room which was nice and private.

Philippa and Lily sat down facing Benjamin while the kids played with their toys on the floor in the corner of the room. The 35-year-old artist had brought her brother some new clothes
and she'd given him a few t-shirts, jumpers and comfy shortd and the kids gave Ben a little brown bear so he wouldn't be on his own, his name was Rexy. Ben’s mum gave him some books and a pen and paper so the author could write another children's story and keep his mind working.
Ben held his sisters and mum's hand and Lilly said,
“It's so great to see you, despite this wretched place, it has been far too long bro, hasn't it? I'm worried about you but even though it's hell for you, the Drs and nurses know what they are doing so trust in their judgment and before you know it you will be home with your beautiful wife and epic kids. Hang in there Ben we have your back and Mum was just told you'll see Dr Zimmermann tomorrow and she can come in with you if you're not up to facing him alone and don't know what questions to ask. I am so proud of you for asking for help when it's one of your worst nightmares to come into a place like this. But you're doing well and if you engage well with the Drs and nurses and everyone in here, it will help you to show you're getting on better and can function. Remember this isn't forever so do as Steph said and,
“Try to keep busy and your mind focused and hopefully this will help in your recovery from this dreaded mental illness.”
Ben gave his big sister another massive hug and said,
“Awe it's so wonderful to see you Lilly and your gorgeous children how grown they look already! Thank you for coming all this way to see me, it is the best thing to happen in a long time! Thanks for the clothes and books that's very kind of you and the kids I will look after Rexy very well thank you!! I know I hate being separated from everyone and can't go out unless in the garden, but I realise it's the best place at the moment and I am determined to get 100% better!!! I will take up on your kind offer of coming to see the Dr tomorrow thank you!!!”

Ten minutes later the buzzer sounded and this meant the end of the visit, which was sad but the running author had gotten so much from the visit, for he was feeling on top of the world seeing his mum, sister and her children. He had noted that he’d had less deranged garbage in his head while with them which he pointed out to himself was a very good sign and felt he could get better one day soon!
He gave his family another tight cuddle and said,
“It is not goodbye but we’ll see each other very soon and I'll embrace that, which will help to keep me going.
Philippa, Lily and the children kissed Ben And returned to their car to go home, feeling Somewhat guilty that they couldn’t go home with the great children’s author. Ben returned to his room with his new Belongings and He put them away and went to bed.

Chapter 17.

Ben had closed his eyes, except now the alarm he'd set on his iPad went off. The menace in his head was cackling at the man's discomfort of little sleep. Ben ignored the shite and slowly sat up in his bed of nails and tried to stand but it was a wrench on his stomach so the blond-haired slim man with green eyes pressed his alarm button and within several minutes a nurse came to Ben’s aid. Jenny Bishop was a red-haired 22-year-old girl and a student nurse. She inquired what he needed and he said,
“I'm sorry but if you're not too busy at the moment could you please fetch me the wheelchair so I can visit with my mum, I can't move without it hurting. So sorry for the inconvenience I realise how busy your Drs and nurses are. Thank you “
Sophie gave Ben a warm smile and said,
“It's not a problem Mr Bradshaw it's our job to help you in any way you need. I will ask one of the security guards to bring it for you shortly. So you're in a lot of discomfort? I can give you something for the pain and you will get a better night's sleep. I don't have access to morphine but co-codamul is much stronger than paracetamol. I will sort that out for you and let you know when your visitor arrives.”
Ben smiled happily at the nurse and thanked her, but all the time he was gritting his teeth from the monstrous devil inside his brain, it said,
“Rip off the little annoying whores thong and pull out her clitoris from her dirty whole and strangle her with it. Then slice her tits off and shove them up her ass.”
Ben felt red as a beetroot and wanted to hide under the bed in disgust and embarrassment. He felt like a sex pest fiend because all that was coming from his brain. Then he thought to himself, “Hang on I'm no monster and I've not done any of these terrible things and not going to ever, so why don't you take a running jump and just fuck off now!!!”
The poorly 30-year-old man looked down at his feet as Sophie left the room, he prayed to God and Jesus that she did not hear him and if so would understand that it wasn't him.”

Seventeen minutes later Jerrold Dutton, another security guard came with a wheelchair and before the kind and friendly man could greet Ben and help him, the brutal villain screamed to the innocent author,
Look at that pathetic loser get your sorry ass off the bed and ram the wheelchair into his fat ugly face a thousand times until the fucker is out cold.”
Benjamin took an extremely deep breath in pure hatred and screamed Fuck off you annoying bastard leave me alone forever mother fucker.”
And Ben said to Mr Dutton,
“Evening sir thank you for your kindness I will try and get off the bed to make it easier for you to help me into the chair.”
Mr Dutton gave Ben a friendly smile and pushed the chair towards the bed. He came to the side of the music producer and said,
“Don't worry Mr Bradshaw I'm trained to lift patients. I will put one hand under your legs and another under your arms and anyway the beds are not too high I will be able to manage, but thank you so much for your kind offer and your concern. I will lift you to the count of ten and then I'll push you to the visitor's room. I hope that you have a lovely visit with your relative and the nurse will bring your nighttime meds at ten pm.”
Jerold did as he explained to Ben his actions and then after ten seconds he was being lifted into the chair and pushed out of his tiny room and down the corridor to see his mum.

Mrs Bradshaw was sitting in the visitor's room with Ben’s special surprise and just as the man was approaching the tiny room with a seat that went all around the room and a window. Philippa heard her son coming and got ready to jump out on him for the surprise to work, she wasn't too concerned about his fragile state and shocked Ben because it was a really lovely secret.
As Jerard pushed Mr Bradshaw down the corridor and out into the foyer to go towards the family room, all the staff and guests clapped and cheered the safe return of Ben. But the greatest astonishment for the 11-year music producer was about to bring chills to the man and a huge smile upon his face. Ben’s mum wanted to bring joy to the author in a place that's full of illness and negative.

As the wheelchair got close to the door Ben’s sister; Lilly-May- Perkins along with her five-year-old son; Taylor and Six-year-old daughter Andrea came over from Denmark just to see Ben and hoped it would make the friendly author happy and boost his mental health.
As the heavy metal runner got up out from the chair, his mum popped her head around the corner, she said smiling,
“Hello my lovely handsome son I have a wonderful surprise that will cheer you up lots, here’s your sister and your niece and nephew xx”
With that Lilly-May jumped out from around the corner and gave her little brother a huge embrace and her children did as well. Ben was overwhelmed to see his beautiful and clever sister and it had been a good few years since he's been in the same room as her. She looked well and so did his niece and nephew and they were all happy to see each other. After a long embrace and a kiss on the cheek, the family moved to the visitor's room which was nice and private.

Philippa and Lily sat down facing Benjamin while the kids played with their toys on the floor in the corner of the room. The 35-year-old nurse had brought her brother some warm clothes as the temperature was about to -15 so she'd give him a few thick t-shirts, jumpers and pjs and the kids gave Ben a little brown bear so he wouldn't be on his own, his name was Rexy. Ben’s mum gave him some books and a pen and paper so the author could write another children's story and keep his mind working.
Ben held his sisters and mum's hand and Lilly said,
“It's so great to see you, despite this wretched place, it has been far too long bro, hasn't it? I'm worried about you but even though it's hell for you, the Drs and nurses know what they are doing so trust in their judgment and before you know it you will be home with your beautiful wife and epic kids. Hang in there Bengy we have your back and Mum just was told you'll see Dr Zimmermann tomorrow and she can come in with you if you're not up to facing him alone and don't know what questions to ask. I am so proud of you for asking for help when it's one of your worst nightmares to come into a place like this. But you're doing well and if you engage well with the Drs and nurses and everyone in here it will help you to show you're getting on better and can function. Remember this isn't forever so do as Steph said and,
“Try to keep busy and your mind focused and hopefully this will help in your recovery from this dreaded mental illness.”
Ben gave his big sister another massive hug and said,
“Awe it's so wonderful to see you Lilly and your gorgeous children how grown they look already! Thank you for coming all this way to see me, it is the best thing to happen in a long time! Thanks for the clothes and books that's very kind of you and the kids I will look after Rexy very well thank you!! I know I hate being separated from everyone and can't go out unless in the garden, but I realise it's the best place at the moment and I am determined to get 100% better!!! I will take up on your kind offer of coming to see the Dr tomorrow thank you!!!”

Ten minutes later the buzzer sounded and this meant the end of the visit, which was sad but the running author had gotten so much from the visit, for he was feeling on top of the world seeing his mum, sister and her children. He had noted that he’d had less deranged garbage in his head while with them which he pointed out to himself was a very good sign and felt he could get better one day soon!
He gave his family another tight cuddle and said,
“It is not goodbye but we’ll see each other very soon and I'll embrace that, which will help to keep me going.
Philippa, Lily and the children kissed Ben And returned to their car to go home, feeling Somewhat guilty That they couldn’t Go Home with The great children’s author. Ben returned to his room with his new Belongings and He put them away and went to bed.

Chapter 18.

All the residents cheered the quick and forceful reactions to the dire situation and then went to get a lovely cooked lunch. Ben had Battered fish, chips, and mushy peas and sat enjoying it for three-quarters of an hour before seeing Dr. Zimmermann. The children’s author went back to his room, cleaned his teeth, and used a deodorant to smell fresher.
He kissed the photo of his family and waited for his mum to arrive. The music producer sat and thought about what he wanted to say to the Dr and the manager of the ward. Before the Welshman could write down his thoughts, the security officer was at his door asking Ben to follow him to Dr Zimmermann’s office. So he followed Larry, another security guard and finally went to the doctor's office Philippa; Ben's mum was waiting for her lovable and gentle son. The guard left them at the door and the mother and son went into the crucial meeting of Ben's life, so far.
The Dr was a 61-year-old man from Birmingham who had curly grey hair and had a slight overweight figure. He possessed a scar on his left cheek from a dog at the age of seven. The happily soft-spoken psychiatrist welcomed the Bradshaws into his tiny cream-coloured room and asked them to sit. Ben and his mum did so and listened Implicitly to Dr Zimmermann’s discovery of what was going on in Ben’s head,
“Mr Bradshaw, we have monitored you over the last three weeks and tried you with the necessary medication and now I can confirm my findings. You have anxiety and desperation and this makes the voices in your head which is called Severe OCD it gives you delusions alongside this. You have been given antidepressants and an antipsychotic for your voices and delusions and we believe this is working for you seam to be steady. We are taking you off the section but would like you to attend the outpatient facility here at the hospital once a week and the psychologist will teach you CBT and exposure therapy. We have some unfortunate news that I wish to share that is hard to accept right now, but you will hear the voices for the rest of your life, we will help you to manage the symptoms of these mental health conditions so you can live a fulfilling and happy life.
We are discharging you today and can go home to your loved ones, but first, you need your obs taken again and wait for your medication please take the dose I have set every day. Please have faith in us that we can help you to live with these conditions and live a normal life.
Thank you for your cooperation and behaviour during your stay with us, I know it has been an emotional rollercoaster, but you have done exceptionally well and should be proud of yourself for not giving in to your illness and not doing what it tells you. I wish you well for the future and if you need any emergency help we will be providing all the necessary phone numbers to call us in case your mental health should deteriorate significantly to crisis again. But I am confident with time things will never get so bad, but we're always here should you need us! God bless Ben and take care.”
With that Ben and his mum stood up and looked at each other the author shook the doctor's hand and left his office, feeling uncertain and bewildered and wishing he’d gotten the chance to ask lots of questions, including what the hell is OCD? He felt rushed out of the office and had no explanation for anything except waiting for those so-called wonder drugs. The father of two sat outside in the garden with his lovely mum and put his head into his hands, in utter desperation feeling confused and completely out of his depth of understanding. Ben's mum put her arm around her youngest son to comfort him.

Chapter 19.

Ben's emotions were becoming enraged for the amount of time he and his mum had to wait for the meds and discharge paperwork and had to keep being a nuisance in asking the staff when it was ready! It had been four and three-quarters of an hour. By now Benjamin could not care about Drs's outcome and just wanted to go home to his lovely family. He said to his mum in a caring manner; I think it only fair that you should go home and I'll have tea and I'll ask Stephanie to pick me up when the meds are ready, she was bringing the kids to see me tonight so she'll be able to pick me up. It just looks like the meds are going to take all day to arrive, so I hate for you to just hang around in this hellish place any longer than you have to. Thank you for seeing the Dr with me and waiting around. Don't worry I will be fine with staying for another few hours if necessary.”
Philippa smiled at her son and thanked him for his kind, caring and thoughtful nature and said,
“I understand what you mean Ben, for the meds could arrive at any minute or turn up at ten o'clock tonight, so I think I will go and get some tea and if Sophie doesn't want to come out when it's late, I can come back. Try not to worry about your diagnosis, I'm sure Steph will help you understand it better. Enjoy your tea and if Stephanie does pick you up then I will see you in a few days
Ben gave his mum a hug and a peck on the cheek and he said,
“Thanks again for all that you do for me and sorry to have had to have this wretched illness, love you mum xxx”

Mrs Bradshaw smiled at her son and said,
“You're welcome Ben it's my pleasure is do anything for you, but it's all your forcefulness and determination that's made you get better and able to go home to Steph, Tania, Isaac. And me and your dad love you lots too! It's so great to see and hear you being yourself again my lovely son!!!”
The 56-year-old woman got up from the comfy seat she had been sitting on for a few hours around the television with the other residents of Saint Alice Mental Health Hospital said Goodbye to her son and got up and left.
The bell went for tea time and all the residents lined up. Ben decided to have a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich, salt and vinegar crisps, a bottle of cherry coke and a Chocolate eclair and sat on the relaxing sofa and enjoyed his tea and tried not to think about the meds.
Becky the 23-year-old flight attendant came over and asked the author how his Drs appointment went said,
“Hey bro how's it going dude? Me and Mark were quite concerned about you, that Dr can be quite full on in his delivery of your diagnosis. I know it's still really raw and you probably want to forget it, but would you like to talk about it, my friend?
Benjamin smiled at the pretty young blond-haired girl and told her,
“Thank you for your concern you lovely lady, the Dr says I have OCD, anxiety and depression but I don't know what OCD is. It is all beyond my understanding.”
Becky gave Ben a peck on the cheek smiled at the music producer and said,
“Don’t worry my friend it’s obsessive-compulsive disorder and I’m sure the psychologists will help you, they have helped me while I have been in here. I have every faith in them and your ability to beat this wretched illness. Keep busy with all the things you love to do, the more you occupy your mind the less it will be able to attack it and fill it full of lies. Anyways enough of that let’s put a film on while you are still here, the buggers take hours to process your medication and paperwork. I have been coming in here most of my life. What film do fancy? Spider-Man 2, The mummy, or men in black 3? You choose my friend it will do you good to relax before heading out into the big wide world.”

Ben gave Becky a big embrace and said”
“Thank you, my kind friend, I would choose Spider-Man 2 but I am concerned about the time and Stephanie coming out when she’s got to cook the kids tea and put them to bed, so if this goes on much longer I will have to ask my lovely mum to pick me up. I think I will go and ask the nurses if any news. “
Becky tried again to reassure the thoughtful author and said,
“I think you are right in that instance Ben you need to think about your family, I would say if by 6pm then it will be tomorrow morning now?”
But all the time she was talking those dreaded OCD was saying,
“ slide your hand up her skirt and put your fingers down her knickers and masturbate her wet pussy then fuck her up the ass and if she refuses you, slit the bitches throat.”
Ben jumped up and ran to the staff office and said,
“I’m having more OCD voices please help and are my meds here yet? I have been waiting all afternoon!”
Frances Gordon, the ward manageress gave a warm smile and said,
“Come in and sit down and do some deep breaths and try to ignore them, Benjamin. Your meds are 15 minutes away and I just have to get the Dr to sign the discharge papers so just another half hour. Do you want a cuppa I can get a nurse to fetch you one. Or go back to your room, and will shout you when your medication is here.”
Ben chose the latter and decided to call his gorgeous family to explain what was happening,
The quiet introvert who had packed up his belongings and left them on his bed moved them and sat down and dialled his gorgeous wife, but his 8-year-old daughter had picked up her mummies phone and said,
“Dad, daddy, daddy oh, my lovely daddy how are you? Please say you're better! We want you home because we love you!”
Benjamin began to sob and a waterfall of tears fell down his face after hearing his beautiful daughter's voice for the first time in a month. He wiped his eyes and took a deep breath then gently spoke to his sweet little girl,
“Hello Tanya, my angelic princess, how are you doing? Daddy is so sorry for being ill and away from you for so long, but Daddy was so poorly and had to get proper help. I am coming home and will never be away from you again, I promise!! Can you please give mummy a message for me? Can you tell her nanny will be bringing me home in the next half an hour as I didn't want to disturb you all having tea and going to bed? I love you a zillion bags of sugar and will see you and Isaac in the morning. It's so fabulous to hear your lovely little voice, I can't wait to give you a big hug and kiss, good night my beautiful girl. “

Ben hung up and quickly phoned his mum and explained his meds were about to arrive and could he have a lift home as it would be close to seven o'clock and Tayna would be going to bed. She wholeheartedly agreed with pleasure and was fabulous Ben was leaving that scary place behind him and could get much better with his loving family. He thanked Phillipa and asked the security guard to pick up his bags and take them to the lounge, as his stomach was still a little bit painful and should not lift anything heavy. So Dannal Frederickson, a 35-year-old Irish guard helped the author to move his valuables and by the time he got to the lounge, the manageress of the ward came out to see Mr Benjamin Bradshaw leave the mental health hospital and give him his meds for the next month and all the necessary paperwork.
Miss Gordon handed Ben the meds and he put them in his suitcase along with the paperwork to read later. Frances smiled and said,
“ it’s been a pleasure to have you here at Saint Alice hospital Mr. Benjamin you have been the model resident may I wish you a successful recovery and God bless you and your family, and I hope that we don’t see you in here again because you’ll have access to the best NHS mental health doctors and nurses.

Chapter 20.

Philippa reached her son around 7 p.m. and gave Ben a huge hug for getting the all-clear to go home. She asked the manager if someone could load the authors' bags into her car, as they were extremely heavy for them both. Daren Sidwell was only too happy to help, and the guard carried the belongings to their vehicle while Ben said his goodbyes to his friends, doctors, and nurses. He thanked all the staff for their help in his recovery and for looking after him.
He walked over to Becky, Mark, Ray and the other residents and bid his farewells; he said,
“Hey guys, I just got my meds so I can go home to my beautiful wife and awesome children. Thank you for making me feel welcome and looking out for me. I hope you all get well soon and can go home to your loved ones.”
Ben shook Marks's hand and said,
“It's been great to meet you and talk about Iron Maiden, here is their biography for you. It's okay I have read it while in here. Up the irons forever and keep thinking positive matey.
Benjamin handed him the book and they gave one another a warm embrace then he turned around and spoke to the gentle Becky; he told her,
“Thank you for being such a friendly lady and for the chocolate cake when I first came in here, I wish you all the very best and hope you are back home very soon!”
He then wished Ray the snooker extraordinaire his hand to shake, he said,
“It was fun playing your favourite game with you, you could play pro your that good. Good luck for the future bro and to all of you.”
They all cheered Ben's kind and caring nature and the staff came out of the office to wish the author the very best.

Ben’d mum had been talking to the Dr and asking if there was anything they could do at home to prevent him from coming back in. Dr Zimmermann told her to make sure the music producer attended the psychological appointments and to keep asking how he was feeling, plus make sure he took his meds and did not miss any.
Philippa came out and asked her son if he was ready to go home, Ben smiled and said to his mum,
“I’m ready yeah!!! Let’s go home to Steph and the kids!!!”

So the manageress gave Benjamin the paperwork and said,
“I wish you well for the vc future Ben and hope you don't have to come to us again, but if you ever need to, well always make you welcome! Try not to worry about the past and think about the present and your future will be much brighter I am sure! Goodbye, Ben and thank you for being a model resident here and being kind, caring and thoughtful to everyone in here!”
With that, she unlocked the main entrance and the Bradshaws went to Seph’s orange Ford Puma 1900 car the mother and son drove slowly taking in every tree, house, car, person and flower. Ben suddenly said,
“I am a little bit nervous about seeing my family again as I have been so poorly and it's been a month but because they have been on their own I feel utterly guilty. But I'm so happy to see them it's all I've thought about for a month.
Philippa took her keys out of her tartan jacket and clicked on the button to open the green Rangerover parked 5 metres from the entrance and the son and mother gently strolled to the 2004 vehicle. The park was empty at 7:30pm so they manoeuvred towards their journey home easily.
Ben stopped as soon as he left Alice's ward and felt a release of emotions and tears came down his face. Suddenly he realized how brave and strong he'd been in coping in dealing with not only his severe mental health conditions but being so extremely brave for staying in the hospital, locked up away from his family and society with the possibility of a negative stigma placed upon him.
“Well those narrow-minded idiots can get lost for none of it was my fault and I still have to live with the crappy illness for the rest of my life and they have no idea what I have been through, so sod anyone who talks about me behind my back.
After two minutes of euphoria of being out of the hospital, Ben gathered his thoughts smiled, and then headed for the car.
The author opened the door and had to move the seat back for his mighty height of 7 foot 4 inches inside the cramped vehicle. He pulled the door firmly but gently shut and Philipa started the engine while Ben put his seatbelt on, the 56-year-old nurse drove away and Ben gave the biggest sigh of relief his mum had ever heard.
She smiled in the rearview mirror and said to her relived son,
“Oh, Benjamin your mum and dad are so proud of you for managing to get through your ordeal and survive the harsh ward of the mental health hospital. Don't look back look forward and you will be back to your well self again very soon. Trust in the ability of the physiologists and listen to everything they have to say and before you know it you'll be managing your OCD, anxiety and depression and be able to live a happy life.”
Ben held his mum's hand and smiled at her and said,
“You are the most kind and caring person I ever met, thank you for those lovely words and all your support. I love you a more than million dollars. Now let's get home to Steph, Tyana and Isac.

Chapter 21.
Philippa reached her son around 7 p.m. and gave Ben a huge hug for getting the all-clear to go home. She asked the manager if someone could load the authors' bags into her car, as they were extremely heavy for them both. Daren Sidwell was only too happy to help, and the guard carried the belongings to their vehicle while Ben said his goodbyes to his friends, doctors, and nurses. He thanked all the staff for their help in his recovery and for looking after him.
He walked over to Becky, Mark, Ray and the other residents and bid his farewells; he said,
“Hey guys, I just got my meds so I can go home to my beautiful wife and awesome children. Thank you for making me feel welcome and looking out for me. I hope you all get well soon and can go home to your loved ones.”
Ben shook Marks's hand and said,
“It's been great to meet you and talk about Iron Maiden, here is their biography for you. It's okay I have read it while in here. Up the irons forever and keep thinking positive matey.
Benjamin handed him the book and they gave one another a warm embrace then he turned around and spoke to the gentle Becky; he told her,
“Thank you for being such a friendly lady and for the chocolate cake when I first came in here, I wish you all the very best and hope you are back home very soon!”
He then wished Ray the snooker extraordinaire his hand to shake, he said,
“It was fun playing your favourite game with you, you could play pro your that good. Good luck for the future bro and to all of you.”
They all cheered Ben's kind and caring nature and the staff came out of the office to wish the author the very best.

Ben’d mum had been talking to the Dr and asking if there was anything they could do at home to prevent him from coming back in. Dr Zimmermann told her to make sure the music producer attended the psychological appointments and to keep asking how he was feeling, plus make sure he took his meds and did not miss any.
Philippa came out and asked her son if he was ready to go home, Ben smiled and said to his mum,
“I’m ready yeah!!! Let’s go home to Steph and the kids!!!”

So the manageress gave Benjamin the paperwork and said,
“I wish you well for the vc future Ben and hope you don't have to come to us again, but if you ever need to, well always make you welcome! Try not to worry about the past and think about the present and your future will be much brighter I am sure! Goodbye, Ben and thank you for being a model resident here and being kind, caring and thoughtful to everyone in here!”
With that, she unlocked the main entrance and the Bradshaws went to Seph’s orange Ford Puma 1900 car the mother and son drove slowly taking in every tree, house, car, person and flower. Ben suddenly said,
“I am a little bit nervous about seeing my family again as I have been so poorly and it's been a month but because they have been on their own I feel utterly guilty. But I'm so happy to see them it's all I've thought about for a month.
Philippa took her keys out of her tartan jacket and clicked on the button to open the green Rangerover parked 5 metres from the entrance and the son and mother gently strolled to the 2004 vehicle. The park was empty at 7:30pm so they manoeuvred towards their journey home easily.
Ben stopped as soon as he left Alice's ward and felt a release of emotions and tears came down his face. Suddenly he realized how brave and strong he'd been in coping in dealing with not only his severe mental health conditions but being so extremely brave for staying in the hospital, locked up away from his family and society with the possibility of a negative stigma placed upon him.
“Well those narrow-minded idiots can get lost for none of it was my fault and I still have to live with the crappy illness for the rest of my life and they have no idea what I have been through, so sod anyone who talks about me behind my back.
After two minutes of euphoria of being out of the hospital, Ben gathered his thoughts smiled, and then headed for the car.
The author opened the door and had to move the seat back for his mighty height of 7 foot 4 inches inside the cramped vehicle. He pulled the door firmly but gently shut and Philipa started the engine while Ben put his seatbelt on, the 56-year-old nurse drove away and Ben gave the biggest sigh of relief his mum had ever heard.
She smiled in the rearview mirror and said to her relived son,
“Oh, Benjamin your mum and dad are so proud of you for managing to get through your ordeal and survive the harsh ward of the mental health hospital. Don't look back look forward and you will be back to your well self again very soon. Trust in the ability of the physiologists and listen to everything they have to say and before you know it you'll be managing your OCD, anxiety and depression and be able to live a happy life.”
Ben held his mum's hand and smiled at her and said,
“You are the most kind and caring person I ever met, thank you for those lovely words and all your support. I love you a more than million dollars. Now let's get home to Steph, Tyana and Isac. Philipa Bradshaw finally got to Lamberis at 51 Loss Angeles street, Ben's semi-detached house. She pulled in behind Bens DeLorean which had been in the drive for a whole month.
Ben began to feel nervous about getting out of his mum's car and seeing his gorgeous wife and eldest; if he was home and not at Stacy’s house, his 19-year-old girlfriend’s in Rhyl.
Ben froze on the spot in the Range Rover and felt guilty for getting ill and scared to face his loved ones because he'd left them alone for a month. But then he realized they were the people who loved him in the whole wide world ever and would forgive him for anything and always be understanding. So the tall and slender man removed himself from the car and walked up the tarmacked drive to his bright red door and took his keys out his denim jacket pocket and put them into the lock and turned the metal and pushing the heavy wooden door open. He walked into the hallway and took off his jacket and removed his shoes. He then walked into the living room to the absolute delight of Benjamin’s loved ones who had made a huge banner saying,
“Welcome home Daddy Ben we love you with all our hearts!!!” and an extra surprise for Tanya was awake and holding a gigantic card. She handed her dad the big orange envelope and he said thanks and gave his pretty 8-year-old daughter a massive hug.
Ben slowly opened the card and it had a picture of all four of them on holiday in Los Angeles, just three months ago for his 30th birthday. Inside it said a beautiful message which read,
“To Daddy Benjamin welcome home we are so glad you are feeling much better and happy your back home where you belong!!!!
On the next page it had a photo of Ben running the Rhyl half Marathon and underneath it was the words;
“Your in!”
Ben had no idea what it meant but loved the card and most importantly seeing his family. The tall man bent down and kissed his children and wife and gave them a huge embrace and said,
“ thank you so much for the card. It’s beautiful. I’m so happy to see you all and so sorry for getting out. I’m leaving you for a whole month. I feel so guilty. What do you mean? I’m in?”
Stephanie, Tanya and Isaac began to cry and hugged their husband And Dad tighter and said,
“Don’t feel guilty our big brave Dad and husband we love you so much and are happy to see you. You Couldn’t help I’ll, It wasn’t your fault so never feel bad, We are just so glad to have you home!!! we have a Meg surprise for you that is a Once in a lifetime event, but we know you will love and hopefully make you feel better, let’s just say you’ll need your trainers on for this and it’s your favourite number that takes place in the big smoke.”
Bens eyes nearly poped out of his head when he finally realized what his beloved family meant and had done for him. He had a massive smile on his big head and said,
“ oh my goodness me it can’t be true say it can’t be? You mean to tell me I’ve got a place in the London marathon 2019? How did you do this? I love you more than all the planets in the universe thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you.!!!!!! I don’t deserve it, but thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you.”
Sweet Stephanie Whispered in Man’s Ear And said,
“ you deserve all the gold in Fort Knox Mr Bradshaw. We were so worried about you to do something nice for your return. So we contacted a charity and asked if we could sign you up so Mr. Benjamin Bradshaw you’re going to the London Marathon 2019 and have to run 26.2 miles we love you very much.”
Ben gave his family another massive sqweeze and gental kiss on the cheek and said,
“ you’re all so very kind and I can’t believe what you’ve done for me. It’s going to be magnificent but not as monumental as this moment in returning home from the dreaded hospital. I promise I’m never gonna go away ever again and I will tell you straight away if I’m feeling unwell. I promise to go to the psychological appointment and listen to everything they say.”
Stephine kissed her man and said,
“Don’t worry hun for we know you want to get better and you will for we have every faith in you”

As the children went to bed and Stephanie settled down with a cup of coffee and watched Netflix for an hour, Ben sat on his iPad and looked at all the photographs of his lovely family and realised he had the greatest wife and children in all of the universities ever!! He then looked at the London Marathon website on the course he would be doing in 12 months but all the time’s nasty OCD was saying,
“ listen you dozy prick You have no chance in finishing that race for you just a fat, ugly, lazy good for nothing cunt. And your family are pretending that they love you they want to stick a knife in your chest and eat your heart. Ha ha ha !!!!!”

Chapter 22.

It was April 19th, 2019, the day before the London Marathon, and the Bradshaws were full of euphoria and excitement about going to the greatest race in the world. Ben was also feeling nervous and apprehensive about running twenty-six point two miles around the roads of London because he knew it was a bloody long way, except he had been given some great advice on how to mentally and physically take on this almighty challenge. It was to cut the miles into bits and run at a pace where you could hold a conversation with someone. So he thought he would run six miles at a time, his favourite short distance and check in with himself to see how he was feeling while taking in all the sights. He would use his Apple watch that his family had brought for him to keep an eye on his pace. He decided to run at a comfortable pace of nine minutes long which would get him over the most famous finish line in history at a great time of four and a half hours, which is a respectable time, not going mega fast and burning out halfway and not going too slow and come in last.
Benjamin wasn’t worried about his OCD for he’d been seeing a remarkable psychologist who had given him an array of mental strategies to cope with the intenseness of the wicked voice and all the bullshit it would constantly rattle on about in the poor man’s head.
She made him realise that what he hears is just a dreadful intrusive thought and it can’t hurt anyone for it only exists inside Ben's mind and he would never act on them rotten commands, so he could tell himself that they are just bad thoughts that are like clouds that float over him and can watch them come into his head and then dissolve into the atmosphere, like normal thoughts. And every time he felt angry, frustrated and sickened, he would remind himself that they were just intrusion that wanted to fight and he could acknowledge them but remember they were just mean and nasty intrusive thoughts. Whenever he hears them he will gather them up and put them to one side and continue with his day. And always remember to enjoy the quietness when the bastards weren’t churning out their utter crap.

Stephane and Isaac made lunch for the family and the 18-year-old loaded it into the boot of the car, while Ben got ready for his big weekend of adrenaline and fun. Little Tanya packed her bag of all the clothes teddies and dolls she wanted to take with her, for the whole family we’re staying at a hotel overnight so Ben could be on the start line in the morning. He took extra clothes as it would be cold standing around for an hour as he was in blue wave D and he wasn’t due to run until 10:15Am.
The first stop in their magical weekend of running would be on the services for a well-earned rest going from Wales to England and then onto the running expo show in a building near the river Tems. This would be for everyone doing the London marathon, to pick up their race numbers and also for friends and family joining them to look around the stalls of companies selling their running products and also all the charities people were running for in the marathon. There was also an area for photographs with the race numbers next to the TCS London Marathon sign. There were plenty of stalls of refreshments too, so when Ben and his family got to the show they immediately went and got some lunch., They had to queue up for everything as it was very busy. By two o'clock Ben had purchased a new pair of Puma trainers, a London Marathon t-shirt with the London bridge in it and a brand new hydration vest, gels and protein bars to keep his energy up in the greatest race on the earth. He was all kitted out and now raring to go and run 26.2 miles the next morning at Black Heath Common near Greenwich.

The alarm went off at 6:45AM at the Hilton Hotel in Lewisham, 12 minutes from the start of the biggest Marathon in the world. He jumped out of bed and showered, shaved and dressed in his Dragon Runners Club green t-shirt pinned his magnificent race number to the front and donned his new red and silver trainers that his parents had kindly given him the money for. He put on his hydration vest and made sure he had his mobile phone and charger inside along with all the necessary gels and sustenance to keep his energy levels topped up for 26.2 miles and gave it to Stephine to put in his car and then he went for a breakfast in the hotel's restaurant. He ate scrambled eggs on toast and a large black coffee. The kids and Steph had full English to keep them going while spectating as they didn't want to miss any of the action and see Ben at the different sites along the route and would use public transportation to get around. They would re-meet at the finish line at the Mall near Buckenham Palace in hopefully 4 and a half hours.
The family finished their meal and headed for Ben’s Delorian where they saw other runners beginning to head on foot, in cars on public transportation. The Bradshaw’s quickly got in their car and headed for black heath Common, there they would leave the car at a convenient carpark all day and get a taxi back to pick it up at around 3pm once Ben had crossed the finish line.
Ben drove to the large field and found a multi-story carpark so drove into it and got the token to pay later the family headed for Black Heath where it was a circus atmosphere of runners, tents, portaloos and media coverage.
After waiting an hour and three-quarters Ben took off his jogging bottoms and long sweatshirt and put them into the pile where others had done the same for charity and the tallest competitor of the race walked to his area ready to run in fourteen minutes.
Benjamin instantly thought,
“What a phenomenal atmosphere he was experiencing surrounded by other runners ready to pounce the streets of London.”
Everyone was excited and the feelings of euphoria could be seen in the entire crowd.
Paula Radcliffe and Steve Cram were at the start line and the two most famous British runners pressed the button to begin Ben’s section of runners. 3. 2.1 and. . . Off they went through the start of the most magical Marathon in any city on Earth and Ben started his Apple watch to record his miles and pace.
The first 5k was tough with so many folks trying to find their feet and pace, it all became a big squash but Ben held back and kept at a manageable stride away from others in front and behind him. After 3 and a half miles Ben found a gap and zoomed straight for it surprisingly, the field in front became a lot easier to run so The author of 16 children’s books quickened up his pace and before he knew it, the OCD suffer was well on his way to reach 10k and out the first London; the Cutty Sark in Greenwich. The runners ran Around the glass Boat in the middle of the road and a huge TV screen was positioned with the cameraman pointing at everyone so people were trying to get their face on the BBC sports program. Benjamin couldn’t see himself but he waved anyway just in case he was there and smiled like he’d won the entire marathon.

Now he had reached the 6-mile mark, Benjamin couldn’t see himself but he waved anyway just in case he was there and smiled like he’d won the entire marathon. He reached the 6 mile mark. The author took out an orange gel to recuperate his energy levels and sipped some refreshing water in his hydration vest. Now the Field had opened up and Ben was able to speed up to his chosen training pace of 9 1/2 minutes per mile to reach the 4 1/2 hour mark And he was confident of sustaining that Speed. The music producer was mesmerised by the atmosphere around the streets for they were jammed with spectators watching this famous race and he was amazed at everyone cheering waving flags and high-fiving them all. There was entertainment on the streets too, with steel drummers, a choir, dancers, and lots of music playing.
Ben was running well and pacing himself sufficiently, his legs felt strong at 13.1 miles too. Now it was the moment he'd been waiting for and the thrill of crossing the London Bridge was overwhelming. The crowds were deep on both sides and they were very loud cheering every runner that went past them. It felt like a magical experience crossing the second most famous site in the English capital, after Buckingham Palace. Ben was surprised at how long the bridge was and seemed to take ages to get back onto the roads.
Next was the business district and Ben suddenly felt cold and then it began to rain, but fortunately only for ten minutes. It had also become very windy and nearly pulled Ben’s number off his shirt. It was five miles of built-up high-rise buildings.
Ben reached mile 20 and he felt his legs getting heavy so he took another gel and a protein bar to get his energy back up. The father of two stopped for five minutes and did some slow stretches and could feel the blood pumping back through his legs. He took a long sip of water and set off again.
Ben was suddenly overwhelmed with emotions that he'd reached the massive 20 miles and realized he only had two park runs to do to get to the finish line, six-point two miles. Without Mr Bradshaw's knowledge, Jake Camble the Chairman of the Green Dragon running club was underneath Big Ben's clock and he not only cheered this great brave and strong man but took a few photographs of the number 23 runner.
With 3 miles to go, Benjamin felt a twinge in his hamstring and began to hurt. The music producer was extremely anxious that he was going to have to pull out of this immense incredible race, and without warning, Ben’s OCD piped up saying,
“Give up now you piece of scum, your crappy body is like some old man's cock, shrivelled up and pointless. You're never going to reach the finish line because you're the worst runner on the planet.”
Ben growled at the bombardment bulshit and almost stopped and punched his head when he heard a new voice inside his head, which said
“Mr Bradshaw listen this is your guardian angel, you are doing fantastic and look how far you have run, don't give up for you have certainly got this and will feel incredible when you pass through that magical famous finish line. Your Nan and Grandad would have been so proud of you to have started the marathon let alone run past the 20-mile marker. It's okay to walk the last 3.2 miles if you think your body can't manage it. Ben ignore that critical nasty voice I have your back.”
Suddenly Ben had reached Queen Elizabeth’s house; Buckingham's Palace with only 600 metres to go. The seven-foot four inches tall Welsh man felt a second wave of adrenaline and turned around smiled and waved at the palace and then shot down the mall like he was on fire at 7 minutes per mile and crossed the line in 4 hours exactly.
The man had only gone and accomplished the unthinkable and ran twenty-six point-two miles through the streets of London in the greatest Marathon on Earth.
Ben went through the finish line with his arms in the air and cheered loudly. He switched his watch off and went to the phone Stephanie to give her the great news and she and the kids jumped out of the crowd and screamed,
“You did it Daddy Ben yeah!!!
They gave their dad and husband an incredibly massive embrace and kissed him on his cheek. Isac gave his dad a hi-five and Tyana held Ben’s hand and they both said together,
“Congratulations Daddy you just ran like a superhero in a phenomenal 4 hours yay!!! Go get your medal and T-shirt you have earned it!!!”

So Mr Benjamin Bradshaw walked along the end of the Mall and reached the area where his bag of a change of clothes and a sandwich and drink were. One marshall handed him the bag and another his well-deserved medal and T-shirt. The 30-year-old thanked them for organizing the most spectacular race in the history of running. The medal was stupendous and Round and shiny. The T-shirt was orange and had the words London Marathon finisher on the front.
Ben Shifted through the crowd and searched for Stephanie and his children and he found them quite easy but reaching them through the crowd was looking impossible, so the fabulous runner sat on a wall and waited for the mass of crowds to disperse. This took over 25 minutes and he lost where his loved ones were so he rang them again and suddenly Tyana jumped out from behind her daddy and said,
“Wow, Daddy that’s awesome I hope you will frame it with your number and a photo Of you crossing the finish line because you deserve to have a treasured Memento of this treasured day.”
Ben Kissed His little girl and said,
“Thank you my darling Tanya, You are all Epic for giving me this unforgettable running experience, I love you all”
Stephanie kissed her man firmly upon the lips for five minutes and then said,
“ I am so proud of you for running the hardest race in the world and finishing in a massive four hours you should be so happy with yourself and overcoming your OCD!!!”
Ben put his arms around his wife’s hips and looked into her eyes and said,
“Thank you my darling Stephanie I had you and the children’s love to keep me going to get through anything and I’ve loved every single mile that I just ran and do you know in the whole four hours? I only had one intrusive thought...

Ben And his family caught a taxi from the Millennium Wheel back to Blackheath Common which took three-quarters of an hour and picked up their car from the multistorey car park and went home back to Laberis very happy and proud Bradshaws. And Ben could stick to fingers up at the OCD for he had ignored the negative shit to keep going in his race.
When the family got home Ben had a shower and put on his new London Marathon T-shirt and his medal back around his head.
In the days that followed Ben would show his great achievements to all his family and friends and anyone who would listen and he kept saying to himself,
“Not only did I beat my mental health illness but I only went and ran the bloody London Marathon yippee, so some things inside me say I was truly strong enough to run 26.2 miles yeah, yeah, yeah!!!!

<For my beautiful wife and sons xxxx love you to the edge of the universe and back 2/3/2025>

© Copyright 2025 Lee (runningmusic27 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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