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When Calleigh offers her snack to me, I was given a surprise that I wasn't expecting. |
At the end of the shift, Calleigh took me home with her which I found to be exactly how I saw it in the show. Only difference was that I was seeing it in a different perspective and from the other angle that the cameras never showed. Some of the rooms were either never in any episode or seen only briefly. The kitchen was our first stop right after she walked in the door so that I could be placed down. Lowering her hand to the center island, I was able to slide off onto the surface as she said, "Wait right there. I'll get us a snack. I hope you like yogurt." "Oh yes," I answered happily. "Especially any flavor having to do with berries." Pulling out a Yoplet, she smiled, "Perfect because that's what I have. Blueberry, raspberry and this one which is strawberry." Calleigh opened it up just enough so that the plastic curled over the side nearly the length of the cup, she set it down next to me to grab a spoon. She made the first scoop a heaping mound and placed it in her mouth before pulling it out empty. "Mmm," she said as she dipped the spoon back in to bring out a tiny amount for me on the tip. "Here you go. I'm going to go change real quick okay? Stay here with the yogurt. I'll be right back." I nodded as I started climbing the side of the spoon, "Okay." I had just scooped up a portion in my hand when she walked away. The second she was gone, I turned my gaze to the lid that was just hanging there. Everything in me said no, but I had a bad habit of not listening to myself so it was no surprise to me that I made my way down the handle. Once I got to where the lid was hanging right above me, I reached out and gripped it to start pulling myself up. The climb was easy to get to the top, which is where I got on my hands and knees to look into the pool of the thick sweetness that smelled so inviting. Reaching down, I tried to see if I could touch it from here. Logic would've told me I couldn't, curiosity said to try anyway. Going with curiosity was always the bad choice. I leaned so far forward that I ended up falling head first right into the yogurt. Using all my strength I had, I managed to somewhat swim so that I was able to turn myself upright. Scraping the strawberry paste from my eyes, I came to the horror that I was completely covered in pink. I knew that if I didn't move, I could be mistaken for a strawberry. My heart raced with that fear and the wait for her return nearly put me in a panic. It wasn't long after my fall when I felt the slight vibrations of footsteps coming closer. I had a feeling she would see me, but it's her reaction of me doing this in the first place that scared me the most. Before the shadow came over my prison, I heard Calleigh sigh, "You just couldn't resist could you." Feeling the cup suddenly lift up startled me, rising up towards a face that showed a little disappointment. Looking up, I saw Calleigh's eyes scanning the yogurt for only a second until they locked onto my position. Even with the knowledge that she knew exactly where I was, being in her food still made me nervous. I tried to smile but I doubt she saw that under all this goop on my face, "I didn't mean to fall in. It just kind of happened. I'd like to get out, but I also wanna stay for a minute." Calleigh closed her eyes and shook her head, "Fine. Just this once." She looked away long enough to grab the spoon, cleaning off what she had put on it for me. Her eyes came back into the cup as I watched the spoon slowly lower inside. Turning it sideways, Calleigh scooped up a decent amount which caused a divet right next to me. I felt the pool of yogurt shift when it was pulled out, making me slide a tiny bit. Fear stayed with me watching it disappear in her mouth and reappear clean. Swallowing, she returned the spoon to the same spot as before. This time the retreat made a bigger hole that caused me to slide all the way into. I was now in the exact place she was scooping from. I tried to keep myself rotating my arms so she didn't lose sight of me but I was getting too tired. I had stopped moving when the spoon returned. The speed of which Calleigh was eating her savory treat never slowed down. The next time she dipped the utensil in, I felt it underneath me making me think she did lose me. Lifting it up, the top layer I was on slid off just as it was rising and fell back in. The pounding in my chest made it hard to breathe seeing her place it in her mouth and swallow without pausing. It was the two scoops following that made me realize that she did that on purpose. Each time I would just barely be on the spoon until she went to eat it, which was when I fell off. It wasn't but a few bites later when it was just me and maybe one more spoonful left. But the second to the last round of scooping, a slight wave of yogurt rose up and over me, fully submerging me in the middle. I couldn't see or hear anything and I also lost my oxygen. Struggling to make an air pocket in front of my mouth was extremely difficult. I had just managed a small open spot so I could take a breath when there was a scraping below me and then a rising sensation. My heart skipped several beats as of it was trying to stop. Surely Calleigh has to know I'm in this spoonful otherwise I'm about to actually be eaten. A second later, I felt heat all around me followed by the spoon sliding back. Nothing happened right away but that was short lived when her tongue lurched upward. It divided the yogurt and then swirled it around her mouth a few times, causing the thick consistency to become less as it mixed with her saliva. Her tongue poked around looking for anything solid that she could investigate. Watching in fear, I watched a piece of strawberry get rammed into the side of her tooth before being let go. It's next target then became me, but instead of having a meeting with her molars, I was shoved upwards against the roof of her mouth. It stayed there for longer than I expected, shifting a bit to decide if I was what she was looking for. Wiggling around with my arms and legs, she knew she found me. There was then a sucking motion and the sound of her swallowing which was pretty loud and unnerving. After lowering her tongue, it didn't move again for a while. Taking this time of stillness, I looked around to survey my surroundings. Through the light that shown from the other side of her cheek, I was able to see every tooth. Her taste buds felt weird rubbing my fingers over them, feeling the little damp bumps that told her brain what she was tasting. I was beginning to wonder then what I tasted like to her, but my thoughts were interrupted at the sudden opening of her mouth. Calleigh proceeded to push her tongue forward so that she could get me out. As her top teeth passed over me, I reached up and touched them. It was like touching a wet, smooth stone. Looking away from those giant teeth, I saw Calleigh's fingers heading for my location. I attempted to stand up with great difficulty, but I kept falling back down. Reaching towards her fingers, I was relieved to have them be placed on my front and back so I could get out of this humid cave. My feet were lifted from the spongy surface as I was gently brought in front of Calleigh's face. I couldn't help but smile at her expression. I think she surprised herself that she actually did this for me. "Was it like you were expecting," she asked me. I shook my head, "It was more. So much more." "Did you enjoy yourself?" A minor skip with my heartbeat at wanting to be honest, I didn't want to lie to her, "Is it bad to say that I did?" Her eyes softened with her smile, "No. You just like to have different types of fun than most people do. I myself most likely wouldn't at your size." I shrugged, "Its not for everyone. I even liked having the fear. It's what made it exciting." She laughed, "I'm glad you had fun. Just know that I only did this for you." "And I'm very thankful you did." Setting me down on the counter, I watched as Calleigh's enormous figure walked to a cupboard and pulled out one of them cup saucers, filling it up with warm water. After placing it down next to me, she said, "Go ahead and get yourself cleaned up. I would like to see how I can get your clothes washed. I might have an idea." I didn't waste any time undressing myself even as Calleigh's eyes never left me. It was scary having such a beautiful woman staring down at me with clothes on, now she'll be seeing me without them. I suddenly felt exposed. Taking them off, I put them to the side and tried to get into my bath. After a couple attempts, I realized the rim was too high for me to accomplish this myself. I think Calleigh saw my predicament and decided to help. But instead of picking me up, she turned her finger upside down so that I could use her nail like a stepladder. Falling into the warm water felt really good on my sore muscles. This was really needed for sure. Calleigh watched for a minute before asking, "Would you like me to give you some privacy?" I thought about that hard. Even at my size it amazed me that she was giving me the option to be alone. I was really thankful for that but I enjoyed her company too much to accept the offer. Shaking my head, I told her, "You don't have to. I need to get over my fears at some point and I know this will help me with that. Besides, I like being around you." Calleigh's smile was so kind, I couldn't help but just stare at her all the time, "Awe, thank you." Looking down at my clothes, she picked them up and looked at them closely, "I do have a load of laundry to do so I'm going to have to leave you for a few minutes anyway. I think if I placed this in one of my shirt pockets that button, they should stay there during the wash." I nodded in understandment, "It's worth a try." "I'll be right back." The loneliness crept over me the moment she walked away. I didn't like being alone, especially at my current size. I felt so vulnerable with no one around to keep me safe. But I knew that as long as I'm in this house, nothing is going to hurt me. I was just finishing with my hair when Calleigh returned. Seeing that I was at the edge of the saucer, she grabbed the hand towel that hung on the stove handle and placed it next to the plate. Pulling myself over the edge to get out was a lot easier than getting in. I was able to drop onto the towel and grab the corner of it to dry off. My body began to shake from the cold even after I was mostly dry. The air hit differently at my tiny form, magnifying whatever temperature it was. Calleigh saw my discomfort and said, "I can hold you until the clothes are done. I'll keep you warm." The idea of being held without clothes on was unsettling, but I knew it was needed. Nodding my head, I answered with eagerness, "That would be great because I'm definitely freezing." Holding my breath, I watched Calleigh's fingers come down for me, placing her thumb in front of me and her finger on my back. The second they touched my bare skin, I felt like I was going to melt into them. There is no describing how it feels to have my entire naked body pressed against a giant finger. Whatever it was, I can tell you one thing...I was loving every bit of it. Lifting me up, Calleigh carefully place me into the palm of her other hand, keeping it partly closed to keep in the heat for me. I curled up on my side against her warm skin beneath me saying, "This feels so nice." Hearing the smile in her voice, she replied, "I'm glad I was able to help." While resting in Calleigh's hand, I listened as she brought out her phone and make a call. Sounds at this height were slightly louder than normal, so when she talked on her phone, I was able to hear the other side of the conversation. It wasn't as loud as it would have been if that person was in the room, but it was enough for me to know what was being said. I got a bit nervous when I hear the other friendly voice, but also happy at the same time. I just kept still, watching her as she spoke. Calleigh: Hey Natalia. Just telling you how things are going here. Natalia: Oh great! How is Melissa holding up? Calleigh: She's doing really well. We had a yogurt snack when we got home and she decided to accidentally go for a swim. Calleigh looked down at me with a smirk which caused me to blush with embarrassment. What she said before made butterflies flutter in my stomach. She said 'when we got home'. The idea of calling her home my home too gave me such a feel of acceptance. Natalia: I have a feeling she wasn't too upset about that. Calleigh: Nope. She didn't really want to get out so I let her stay in there while I ate around her. I think she was more thrilled than anything. Natalia: I bet so. How did you get her out? Calleigh: Believe it or not, I gave in to what she told us earlier. Natalia: About being in someone's mouth? Calleigh: Yeah. I scooped her up in the last bite and let her sit on my tongue for a few minutes. Natalia: Sounds fun for her. Can I ask an odd question? Mainly because I'm just curious. Calleigh: Sure. Natalia: Did you taste her? Calleigh went silent for a minute unsure of how to answer that. My heart began to race waiting for her response. I felt her look down at me as I lay still. At that point I wanted to pretend I was asleep. The thumping was loud in my head when she finally answered. Calleigh: Kind of salty and something else. Weird to say that I didn't not like it. That's when my heart stopped. Did Calleigh just admit that I tasted good to her? That there was a terrifying thought. Natalia didn't speak for several seconds, but I soon heard her voice speak. Natalia: Did anything else happen? Calleigh: Nothing like that. She took a bath and now I'm currently holding her until the laundry is finished. I found a way to wash her clothes so I'm keeping her warm for now. Natalia: That's good. Do you think I can bring her home with me tomorrow? Calleigh: I'm sure she would like that. I'll let you know in a few. Natalia: Okay. Talk to you later. When they hung up, I tried to calm my mind after hearing what Calleigh said about me. About how I tasted. She didn't not like it, which meant she liked it. I was disturbed and turned on at the same time. What would it be like if Calleigh actually ate me? Pushing those thoughts aside, I let my body fully relax and accept the sleep that had been knocking at my door. Nothingness took over as I lay warm and secure in the comfort of Calleigh's hand. |