Nature's different realities and perception from within on our evolutionary path |
Perceiving Nature From Within ____________________________________ We look at the majestic mountains, blue oceans, green forests, white clouds and we marvel at the beauty of nature, creation and existence. Most of us however, perceive nature as an independent observer. Somehow, we are outside looking in. When conducting scientific experiments, we have to be fiercely independent and objective and there are good reasons for doing so. The fact remains, that we ourselves are also part of nature and have evolved from within it. We interact with our surroundings thereby affecting it and at the same time being affected by it. We perceive things through the five senses that we have evolved with. The sense of hearing sound, the sense of touch, sight and vision to see the interplays of light, the sense of taste and finally, the sense of smell. Our version of reality, of matter, of beauty, aesthetics and nature in general, is based on these five senses of perception. We have developed these senses to survive, to hunt, gather and replicate our species over a tremendously long evolutionary time scale . We started from Australopithecus( Lucy) in Africa and evolved to Homo Erectus via multiple intermediate hominids and finally to the Homo Sapiens that we presently are. We are still on the evolutionary journey but more of that later. We have managed to do the very basic things of life, competition and survival by using only our five physical senses. Let’s take the sense of hearing. If you clap your hands, the air is disturbed, producing a sound that travels at 740 miles an hour in the medium of air. While hunting, we listen to that barely audible snap of a twig and anticipate a roaring tiger. We are emotionally moved by music and the complex sounds of a symphony orchestra. But do we hear everything that surrounds us? Do we see everything that surrounds us? The answer is an emphatic no. We cannot hear extremely high pitched sound. We cannot hear the mating call of a giraffe or the click sounds emanated by most varieties of bats. With our naked eye, we mostly see white combined light, unless we are observing nature at dawn or dusk when light takes on different hues. We need a prism to split white light into its monochromatic components. Even then, we do not see ultraviolet. We do not hear ultrasound. Does this mean that they do not exist? The simple answer is again in the negative. Like the simple prism, we have learned to create instruments which aid us to see hear and feel matter and energy, which lie beyond our five senses. The more sophisticated and technologically advanced instruments help us see beyond the more simple ones. Today we see distant galaxies with the help of radio telescopes where images are received in the form of radio waves and different colors. This is a far cry from sighting planets and stars through Galileo’s telescope and much more than photographs taken through advanced cameras. Without the instrument of a radio, we would probably not have believed that something like radio waves exist. We cannot tune into radio waves with our five senses. We need a radio to convert radio waves into sound waves so that we can use our sense of hearing. However the sad thing is that when we do complex things like interacting with groups, working at office, or perceiving nature, we fall back on the limited capabilities of our five senses. We are surrounded by fields of energy that we cannot see or feel. We can feel heat energy through our nervous system, we can see when heat energy converts to light energy when you get a campfire going. Nature is a combination of matter and energy which transfers and converts into each other. Let me try and list some of Nature's energy fields that surround us and with which we constantly interact. * The magnetic field of the earth * The gravitational fields of the earth, the moon, the neighboring planets and the sun. *The electrostatic field of the planet. * The electromagnetic field, which has a spectrum ranging from the very slow wave caused by disturbances in the atmosphere, through the spectrum of visible light and into the ultraviolet and higher frequency radiation. * The electromagnetic fields created by humans, the fields of radio, television and communication satellites. *The electrostatic fields created by our bodies, ( to which we will return later). *Intelligent energy and consciousness. There is a treasure-house of energy that nature has surrounded us with. But we seem to be operating at low energy levels, simply that obtained through eating food, generating internal combustion within the instrument of our bodies, digesting it and excreting the waste after energy has been extracted. This is our reality within the normal day to day levels of consciousness. If only we could supplement our energy from the vast and unlimited fields of energy that nature has surrounded us with? We can. Our ‘reality’, our sense of perception that has evolved over millions of years, finds this difficult to accept. A bottle of good Scotch whisky can change this reality really fast for most of us. Some harder chemicals like LSD and Ecstasy makes us experience a different reality. Even softer natural greenery like Cannabis or Ganja help us take a trip into a different reality. The perception of reality changes when one is under the influence of these chemicals. The perception of what is real also changes when we go diving in the oceans or look at our blue planet from space. We begin to understand what Carlos Castaneda called a “Separate Reality”. Instead of going into a philosophical discourse on Separate Realities, let's dwell for a moment on the reality of nature perceived by another one of our fellow inhabitants of planet earth, the Bat. The philosopher Thomas Nagel once wrote a paper called,” What is it like to be a bat”. It is not so much about bats as about the philosophical problem of imagining what it is like to be anything that we are not. Bats hunt at night and cannot use light to help them to find prey and avoid obstacles. They do this to avoid competition with other creatures who hunt during the daytime. Because they cannot use light, natural selection has given bats the ability to locate and hunt using sound echoes. Modern day radar and sonar instruments are built on these same principles. Bats had perfected this in their bodies millions of years ago. Bats use natural sonar and the term coined for sonar in bats is ‘echolocation’. Bats click their tongues loudly and rhythmically as it flies and navigates by measuring the time interval between each click and its echo. Most bats use ultrasound, a very high pitched sound, far too high pitched for humans to hear. They are very technically advanced echo machines and their brains can use echoes to do something akin to seeing images, although it is impossible for us to visualize what those images might be like. The beam that the bat emits is the reference beam. As this beam encounters a flying insect, some of this sound is reflected back to the bat. He picks up this echo and compares it to the original click or squeak. There is a difference between the two (known as the Doppler effect) and this difference tells the bat how far away the insect is and how fast it is moving relative to his own movement. As the bat successfully closes in on the insect, the difference between the two frequencies, the original emission and the echo diminishes. When it is very small, the bat opens its mouth and literally eats the echo. Crunch ! Their faces are often distorted into gargoyle shapes that appear hideous to us until we realize that they are exquisitely fashioned instruments for beaming ultrasound in desired directions. The bats image of the world is being updated ten times per second. Out own visual image is continuously updated as long as our eyes are open. We can see what it might be like to have an intermittently updated image of our surrounding world by using a stroboscope at night like it is used in discos. A dancer appears as a succession of frozen images. The faster the strobe is set , the more the image corresponds to our normal continuous vision. However bats use a low frequency (ten clicks per second) only when cruising normally. When it detects a prey, the click rates go up to two hundred pulses per second. This requires higher energy to sustain for longer periods of time, thus the click-frequency reduces during normal times. Bat engineering skills are very advanced and they can do everything and more than what modern radar/sonar technology can achieve. Bats can also avoid jamming by cries of other bats as they live in bat colonies with large aggregations. They use a strangeness filter for doing this. Each successive echo from a bats own cries produces a picture of the world that makes sense in terms of the previous picture of the world built up with earlier echoes. If the bats brain hears an echo from another bat's cry and attempts to incorporate it into the picture of the world that it has previously built up, it will make no sense and is filtered. The point that is being made is that we see a reality of our surrounding in a particular way which may be different from the reality seen by others through their own senses of perception. We can now take the next step if we accept that our perceived reality is not the only reality. Our reality is not unique. Science has seen this reality change continuously. Ever since Newton, physicists had believed that all physical phenomena could be reduced to the properties of hard and solid material particles, matter. In the 1920s, quantum theory forced them to accept the fact that solid material objects of classical physics dissolve at the subatomic level into energy and wavelike patterns of probabilities. These are not the probability of things, but probabilities of interconnections. Thus at the subatomic level, particles and matter are not things but interconnections with things. Thus it seems that the real reality, which underlines all our common sense subjective realities of matter, is made up of vast empty space filled with oscillating, vibrating, fields of energy. The tiniest disturbance in one field carries over into others. It is an interlocked web of fields, each pulsating at their own rate but in harmony with others. We move from matter to the spirit. In classical mechanics the properties and behavior of the parts determine those of the whole, quantum physicists discovered that it is the whole that determines the behavior of the parts. The foundations of science had been shaken. Einstein in his autobiography described his feelings, “ it was as if the ground had been pulled out from under one, with no firm foundation to be seen anywhere, upon which one could have built”. The reality was surely and strongly changing. In the 1970s Geoffrey Chew formalized the bootstraps philosophy. This completely abandoned the idea of fundamental building blocks of matter. The material universe began to be seen as a dynamic web of interrelated events. None of the properties of this web is fundamental, they all follow from the properties of the other parts, and the overall consistency of their interrelations determines the structure of the web. Importantly, the observer is also part of the system and the observer and the observed are in a relationship within the whole. This is perception of reality from 'within’ the system that is nature. To look a bit more at subjective realities, we look at the relationship between leaves, twigs, branches, and a trunk and we call it a tree. When we draw a picture of a tree, most of us would not draw a root. Yet the roots of a tree are as expansive as the parts that we can see. In a forest, the roots of all trees are interconnected and form a dense underground network in which there are no precise boundaries between individual trees. The Amazon rain forests display a continuously running and interconnected canopy which covers vast areas supporting and being supported by an astonishing variety of life. At the beginning of this article, we listed many of the energy fields of nature that surround us. It is now fairly easy to think of an interconnected reality, as physics, the life sciences and the modern interdisciplinary science of Chaos-theory do. Come and take a peek at sound energy which is produced when an action ( clapping, playing the violin) disturbs the air around us. The energy travels in a wave motion. The same oscillation and vibration that we talked about earlier. When the hills and valleys of two separate waves match, then the we have two wave patterns with identical frequency and amplitude or wavelength. When the matching waves are superimposed they form a wave with twice the height of the original wave form. If the hills matched the valleys and the valleys match hills and we add them as before, we find that they cancel each other out and we have a flat spot. The first type of synchronous waves lead to harmony and energy transference. This happens when waves of energy flows are in step and there is coherence. We are looking for periodicity here. Now, an oscillator is an object which moves in a regular periodic manner. It may be a pendulum, anything that vibrates. It produces a sound or note which alters the environment in a periodic manner. The environment may be any medium, air, water, electrical fields, gravitational fields, any of the energy fields or it may be a body tissue as in our heart- aorta system. Musicians among us have commonly seen the results of two tuned violins kept next to each other. If a note is played on one, then we see that the same string in the other violin is also humming on the other violin in sympathetic vibration. This is sympathetic resonance. In the tuned violins, the natural frequencies are the same and energy is transferred as we saw in the matching wave pattern above. Energy transfers when wave patterns match and there is resonance. Suppose your antique collector grandmother took several of her old antique grandfather clocks and hung them on the wall next to each other. To begin with, they may all be out of phase with their pendulums swinging in different frequencies, all out of step even though the pendulums are of the same length. Within a couple of days you will find that they are all swinging in the same phase. Energy has been transferred through the wall. If one clock is now disturbed, it will come back to rhythm quite fast. Now we know why we feel good and exhilarated when dancing to a beat, or are engrossed in the heavenly music of a philharmonic orchestra. It is no wonder then that the same mechanism can be used to transfer nature's energies into ourselves. This is no longer a field of dreams, but nature revealing her energy fields through the observational power of science and logic. Like a violin or a grandfather clock, if we manage to resonate in around the same wave frequency as our surrounding energy fields, then we have managed to set up a direct link with nature and begin to perceive it from within, physically. Have you ever listened to the sound of your heartbeat? Of course you have. The ECG or electroencephalograph instrument, transfers the heart beat into a wave pattern. Just look at the printout and see the large peaks. These are caused by the ejection of blood from the heart’s left ventricle. The portion between the two peaks are quite irregular and is caused by a the vibration of the body due to the action of blood in our largest artery, the aorta. Here the wave patterns are not synchronized, the hills meet the valleys and valleys meet the hills and the result is a disturbance pattern, an irregular wave pattern. The ECG printout clearly depicts this irregular wave pattern. If we manage to stop breathing, this irregular pattern turns into a nice regular, smooth pattern close to what are known as sine waves. When we stop breathing we find that the heart-aorta system resonates just like a tuned musical instrument. When we are not breathing, the interference patterns of the blood pressure from the left ventricle and its echo are removed and resonance happens. The pulse and the echo move out of the heart together and they continue to move in synchrony and our body system is in resonance. The body moves harmoniously up and down about seven times a second producing the nice and regular large amplitude, near-sine-wave pattern . But can we consciously stop our breathing for long periods of time? Come to think of it, we do not make the heart beat consciously, do we? It is our subconscious mind which does it for us. Is there a way to get consciously into the subconscious. If there is, then we can do something with our minds. Let’s not take a leap of faith. Let’s look at lessons from within nature once again. Nature is full of rhythms. Poets ride on them and bards sing songs on them . Our own biorhythms are affected by light and gravitational forces. There are also effects of magnetic, electromagnetic , atmospheric and other energy fields surrounding us. Our biological clocks are well tuned and affected mostly by light and dark cycles. When this is disturbed as in a jet lag, we find it difficult to function in the new environment till our bio-clocks readjust. Prof. Frank Brown of the Northwestern University shipped some live oysters to his laboratory from Long Island Sound, a distance of about a thousand miles in an East West direction. These oysters follow nature’s rhythms, they open and close their valve in rhythm with the tides. Upon arrival they were stored in the lab with no natural daylight and were found to still open and close their valves in tune with the rhythm of tides in the Long Island Sound. However in two weeks they had started shifting their rhythm and later they stabilized in a rhythm that coincided with the passage of the moon over Illinois. They were indeed affected by the rhythm of the gravitational affect of the moon. We again see nature’s vibratory dance. Being within nature , we too participate in this vibratory dance, a dance that reverberates throughout the cosmos in planetary orbits around stars and shooting asteroids. This is the dance that Hindu philosophy symbolizes as the dance of Shiva, destroying, creating, preserving and again destroying, the same oscillating, vibratory, sine wave pattern that we were looking at all this while. What is happening to our common-sense perception of reality now ? Do we exist always in a physical reality? Whether we take an electron microscope and go looking at atoms and subatomic particles, or take a trip in space with Galileo's telescope, the design of all creation in nature is similar in its vibratory reality. Whenever there is something in nature that we cannot perceive through our limited five senses, we are clever enough to develop instruments which help us. We have invented electron microscopes, radio telescopes, prisms, televisions and the list goes on. Digital images change our perception of reality till it becomes art. Society has to be careful as reality can be easily doctored. The courts of law are reluctant to accept photo-impressions. The greatest organic instrument ever created is the human mind and body. All of us have one and even though there is some wear and tear, we try to keep it in good shape. The brain and mind is so complex that we are creating instruments to study it and our knowledge is not complete. As knowledge expands our reality and perception of nature changes. Newton became a special case of Einstein's general theory and this in turn will become a special case of a more unified theory encompassing the mind, consciousness and intelligent energy. Our reality of what Nature really is, changed recently with the new science of Chaos. When Lorenz hit upon Nature’s ‘Strange Attractors’, Figenbaum on its different ‘dimensions’ and Mandelbrot on its ‘fractal geometry’, our reality underwent another massive paradigm shift. We began to see why the fern leaf is shaped as at is, why clouds form and disappear, the 'fractal' shape of snowflakes and the endless repeating coastlines. And, it made us think. Nature is even more wonderful, complex and uncertain that we ever thought. Einstein in his days said, “God does not play dice”. The new reality reveals that God does indeed play dice, though “it is a loaded dice”. As soon as we come to the human mind we begin to have some very human problems. We interact with nature and society in complex ways. We act, we conceal, we even trick ourselves. Those of us who have experienced interactions in complex organizations, psychologists, B-School graduates and communications experts to name a few, have come across a model called the Johari window. It is a simple visual rectangle which describes our interactions and feedback between ourselves and the external world. The rectangle is divided into four smaller quadrants. The top left quadrant is where there is good communication and feedback with the external world and ourselves. Here, we match the perception of the external world. What we know about ourselves is also what the external world knows about us and feeds back this knowledge to us. But then, we have facades and the next quadrant is where we know something about ourselves which the external world does not know about, it is hidden from view but we know about it ourselves. We hide in the shadows. The next quadrant represents the area where the external world knows something about us that we don’t know about ourselves though we communicate this to others subconsciously. If we are open to external feedback, both positive and negative, and increase our powers of communication and interaction, then we can increase the size of the first quadrant to match the internal and the external and grow with continuous and dynamic feedback. However the last quadrant, the space in the bottom right in the rectangle, represents that area where neither the external world nor we, have any knowledge of what is within. This is the vast realm of the pure subconscious. By this time I think I do not have to repeat that like other energy fields, we are also surrounded by ‘consciousness’. Itzhak Bentov, an American professional inventor, has given us a model of consciousness which is quite easy to understand. While this is not the place to go into details, Bentov looks at both the quantity and quality of consciousness. Consciousness in its simplest, is defined as the capacity of a system to respond to stimuli. Atoms may get stimulated by electromagnetic radiation and vibrate. We may stimulate a virus and it reacts with some responses. A bacterium responds with a larger number of responses. The higher the organism is in the scale of evolution, the more complex the organism, the more varied and more numerous the responses per stimulus. When we reach mammals and eventually humans, the responses grow rapidly. The ‘quantity’ of consciousness is defined as the number of responses to stimulus. The quality of consciousness is the level of consciousness and can be expressed in terms of frequency- response. Coming back to our senses, we know that our ears respond to the stimulus of sound within a sound wave frequency range of between 30 Hz to 20000 Hz. Thus our sense of hearing has this range. As discussed earlier, we know that our vision and all the other senses have a limited frequency response. The Quality of consciousness defines the degree of response and its range and we could equate it with the intelligence of the response. As Bentov explains, “the quantity of consciousness and the quality of consciousness have a positive relationship with each other”. As the frequency of response goes up, we go up the levels of consciousness, till we reach the level where the human nervous system responds to all possible stimuli. The relationship is not a linear, straight line one, but nonlinear and curved. Some of our more sensitive humans operate at the highest levels and begin to perceive things a bit differently. Our basic reality operates at the boundary of our senses and our instruments. As we go into higher frequency- bands above the human response frequency- band, these represent realities of the populations functioning at those levels. What we are dealing with here are actually different realities, higher and lower than our own in terms of evolution of matter in the universe. It appears that Nature has a spectrum of realities each with a certain level of consciousness and these levels merge into one another just as the colors in the rainbow merge with one another. Somewhere above our conscious waking reality is our dream reality. We go higher from the mental level to the intuitive level. Beyond and higher than the intuitive level we reach the spiritual level. These reach all the way to the Absolute or the ‘supra-consciousness’ that surrounds us all. The higher we move along the scale of evolution, the higher the degree of free will and the higher the ability to control and create our own environment. The absolute is the highest and the source of all energy and consciousness. Going from the lowest levels of consciousness therefore, we may have mineral realities, plant realities, animal realities, bat realities, human realities, a spectrum of realities and levels of consciousness within human realities, higher spiritual realities and then the absolute reality. If someone learns to operate at states of realities higher than the basic human realities, we say that that person has acquired supernatural powers or that he produces Miracles. If we retrace our steps to the last quadrant of the Johari window, where we do not know about ourselves and neither does the external world, we see a window to the subconscious world. Through the controlled use of our minds we can set up a link between the subconscious and above to the supra-conscious and the Absolute. We can learn to tap into the higher energies and consciousness of our universe. We have already learned how energy transfers take place when wave patterns are in resonance and synchrony. Remember our grandmother’s antique clock ? Let us see if the same oscillating, vibrating, wave reality applies to our minds. Have you ever wondered where our thoughts really come from? Do you consciously create them? Sometimes we definitely do. But, do we actively do this all the time? We are thinking about work at our workplace and suddenly our thought shifts to junior’s football match. Within seconds the thought jumps to the beautiful figure hunched in front of the computer. Sometimes we have thoughts coming simultaneously to us from many directions. Have you wondered when you drive a car whether you are driving consciously? Most of the time you drive at the subconscious level. Most of us know of instances when we have driven for a long time and suddenly woken up to the fact that we have reached. Most of us probably haven’t questioned this, but when driving from the subconscious we normally do a fairly good job of it. Have you had times while playing a game of golf, when everything goes just right and you return with a pro-score. Have you ever had times, when poetry and literature comes rushing to your head in a flood and all you can do is write it down? We have in all these cases, set up a link through our subconscious to higher realities. The source of our thoughts are from higher realities. If we manage to travel the same route as our thoughts, then we can set up a link to the supra-conscious and the Absolute. This is also known as the yogic union. The ancients knew intuitively that "all knowledge is structured in the consciousness". We keep discovering what is already there and give pompous sounding names to our discoveries for posterity to remember us. Let’s see how individually and practically we can put it all together and tap into the vast energies and consciousness that is part of Nature. Most of us know of Yoga ( Sanskrit for union) as physical stretch exercises. Numerous TV programs and Yoga centers teach us these valuable physical techniques known as Hatha-yoga. The ultimate union is in the mind. Hatha-yoga or the physical poses, are important only to strengthen our spine and nervous system so that when we learn to receive Natures vast energy flows. We have to be physically prepared to be good and sensitive ‘receivers’. This is supplemented by Pranayama or breathing exercises to calm our nervous system and exercise our internal organs via the diaphragm. But, these exercises are only the basic building blocks. The ultimate union is when our mind and consciousness connects with the higher energy and supra-consciousness, the source of all thoughts. Our mind is like the ocean. It is fluctuating like the waves on the surface of the ocean. The surface of the ocean is full of waves, cross currents and storms. Think of this as our waking state conscious mind. As you dive below the surface, it gets calmer. At the depths of the seabed there are no waves and the vibratory reality has changed into calmness. Translate this analogy to the mind and the higher states. From the fluctuating thoughts of our waking state realities , the rough surface of the ocean, we go deeper and deeper into levels of higher consciousness, till we reach the bottom which is calm, the source of the Absolute consciousness. All thought bubbles emerge from this source, travels up through the levels of consciousness and reaches our conscious mind. If we manage to retrace the thoughts back to the source then we manage to reach the Absolute. Even if this is for a few seconds, we experience a tremendous sense of calmness. This route is however, to use a golf analogy, full of hazards. These hazards are the stresses that we have built within ourselves. When we try to dive deeper, we hit our stress hazards and come right back thinking a thought, some thought, any thought. Further, the more we think and intellectualize, our thoughts fluctuate even more. The ancients discovered that if you think a thought that has no meaning, but only a sound vibration (wave patterns), then it is possible to dive deep into the fields of consciousness and have an energy exchange with the universe. This also operate in cycles. These vibrating sounds-without-meaning , are known as mantras. When you learn Transcendental Meditation - a technique of meditation (which does not use concentration, trance etc) where you learn to think the mantra or the sound- without -meaning , then you go deeper and deeper through thought cycles. At the beginning, you are flooded with thoughts. That’s okay. Then you think the mantra and at the same time, the mind starts wandering. You think of this and that till the mind comes back to the mantra from its wandering. The mind keeps hitting the inbuilt stresses and retreating back to the surface. Then it goes back to the mantra and tries diving again. Again it hits stresses and goes back and we jump to external thoughts. Each time we think of the mantra we dive deeper. Our cycle of external thoughts get smaller and smaller, stresses are reduced and energy transference takes place filling us with a sense of calm and energy. After we have meditated for a while and have practiced the skill, we learn to go beyond the mantra, transcend beyond , without its help and link up with the higher consciousness, the source of all thought and knowledge. As the Vedas say , all knowledge is structured in the consciousness. We just have to be tuned in to receive it and we do so in our evolutionary path. It happens when scientists discover new knowledge with a sense of Aha! The Eureka moment. It happens when a student who has worked unsuccessfully all evening with a math problem, wakes up in the morning and lo and behold, the solution is there in his mind. To understand what happens during the state of meditation, we must once again revert back to the vibrating reality of our body, the blood pumping through our heart aorta system and the pumping of the left ventricle giving us an irregular body wave detected by the instrument of the ECG. If you have to, then do revisit the explanation given above. Now, the resonant frequency of the earth in the ionosphere cavity, is about 7.5 cycles per second and that of the micro motion of the human body is about 6.8 to 7.5 Hz. In deep meditation, the metabolic rate of the body slows down so much that very little oxygen is required to keep the body going. As one practices the technique, the breathing becomes so gentle as not to disturb the resonant state of the aorta. An automatic process develops in which the lungs and the diaphragm regulate the heart aorta system so as to keep them well tuned and thus extend the resonant behavior despite some shallow breathing. In deep meditation, with shallow breathing, the previously irregular curves visible on the ECG machine smoothen out as the heart pumping decreases . The smoothened sine waves start resonating at a wavelength of 7.5 Hz, the resonant frequency of the earth. Resonance and synchrony transfers energy as we saw earlier. In deep meditation, in deep prayer and devotion, the human being and the earth planet system starts vibrating and resonating and transferring energy. This occurs at a very long wavelength of 40,000 km or the perimeter of the planet. The signal from our bodies thus, travel around the world in about one seventh of a second through the earth’s electrostatic field. Such a long wave naturally goes through any surface, metal concrete, water and our bodies, and is capable of carrying mental signals and thoughts. As the body resonates, energies are transferred to our bodies which aids in the natural healing process. Some people like Reiki practitioners, instead of taking the energy into themselves, learn to act as mediums, transferring Nature’s energy to the sick to aid in natural healing. The body’s natural healing process responds as stress levels reduce and the natural balance of the body and mind is restored. If a group of people are meditating together, they will all be operating close to 7.5 Hz cycles, the resonating frequency, they will all be pushed along and locked into that frequency, just as the grandfather clocks did in our experiment above. People who learn to be in tune with Nature for long periods of time, people who have had mystic experiences, those with near death experiences have been touched by the Absolute. They find that their consciousness is expanding in ways that they did not think was possible. We now know that it is consciously possible to remain in touch with the Absolute. This is what Carlos Castaneda was writing about in "Teachings of Don Juan", "A Separate Reality", and "Journey to Ixtlan". From a historical standpoint, what we have achieved in 10000 years is now being achieved in hundreds. We only have to only notice the shifts in consciousness in an evolutionary time-scale. We have grown from animal consciousness to higher and higher levels. We Homo Sapiens are a mixture of the lower level animal consciousness and the higher consciousness. Some operate at higher levels than others with expanded awareness. The reason and purpose of our existence points to the direction of raising our species through thought and action to higher states of consciousness to merge with the Absolute at the highest level. In the process, whether we realize it or not, we of all the species have been placed in a position to protect all other species and nature that provides our physical forms. We are instruments of the Absolute. Below our physical bodies, atoms , molecules, veins and muscles, we are fields of 'energy' as quantum mechanics so lucidly explains. We are spiritual beings and our existence is directed towards spiritual growth and ultimate union with God and the Absolute consciousness. We do so not only individually, but collectively. We are intertwined not only with our own species but the entire system of nature. Slowly but surely, we are evolving in our minds from being Homo Sapiens towards transformation into Homo Noeticus, the higher human. Given the exponential speed of progress, that day is surely not far away. |