Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/406459-Dream-of-a-Golden-Horse
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Cultural · #406459
A dream told in poetry
Once I rode a golden horse
along a diamond studded silver stream

The sky above me, sang through rays of blue
The earth below me, an emerald green
The sweet shade of cottonwoods cooled my skin
The wind sang through my hair
Wild and free, I felt that day
As the hoofs of grey
Thundered under me

I came upon a small path
Where it led, I felt lost
The golden horse pawed the ground
Dark clouds came down
and the drums beat loud

For down that unknown path
I seen the red flowing free
there lied my ancestors, in front of me

My eyes lifted, and i began to sing
Some unknown song,
that was meant for me

I seen the faces, of those before me
As I sang and watched
Those faces
I felt my heart begin to beat
A fast hard rhythm

I sang and sang, into the night
ahead of me a bright firelight
I saw the people, dancing in step
to the beat of my heart
and the hoofs below me as they sprang forward,
forward they ran, until they stopped
before my own face

I was one of the people
I was the one who rode the golden horse
I was the one covered in red
I was the one who carried the dreams
I was the one who held the pride
I was the one who died

As I sat upon the golden horse
My arms reached up to the black sky
My voice cried out to the creator
And I asked why?

The sky lit up
As lightning struck
I seen before me, the path was long
The journey was hard
I pulled the reins of the golden horse
my flesh gave way
I cried in pain
as i felt the talon of an eagle
rip through my vein

My eyes wide, my heart beat wild
You are free
your spirit sings to be alive
The creators voice spoke inside

The words of others
The deeds they do
The hurt and pain
Will all come for you

Hold up your arms
Hold up your head
Dance into the night
around that fire bright

Your people will take you home
Go over the bluff
There you will find peace
you will always remember
The blood of your own
Your people, your heart, your love, your own

Do not hold your head down in shame
You have earned the right to shed the pain
And live in humble honor
Hold the Pride of your people
Within you always

For it was never lost

I heard the creator speak of this
I lifted my head
I raised my arms
I held my pride
I was no longer lost

The creator spoke one last time
Before I crossed the bluff and beyond
his words were simple

There will be those who will hate
There will always be those who will use your pride against you
There will always be those who fear for themselves
There will always be those who know not their place
Words they will use to break you down
Take you down to their own fears
Tell you not to be proud
of who you are, and what you stand for
For they hold no pride of their own

Hold on to that horse of gold
And never fall off,
Be brave and bold
As those before you have always been
And you will see a nation before you
Who will embrace you in its arms
once again

As my tears fell free
And my hair whipped around me
I heard that voice one last time
Before I crossed that plain
To the other side

The voice came forth
One last time

You have held your ground
You are now free
The promises you made
Through out your life
Have been fulfilled
Your purpose complete
your journey is done
Now rest in peace

I smiled, held my head proud
I felt brave and free
as I crossed to the other side
There before me
My people stood
Arms outstretched
To welcome me
I seen the eagle and hawk fly above them
my circle complete
for you my friend
We earned the right
to always and forever
stand once again together
with pride

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