Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/503171-Me-pure-and-simple
Rated: E · Other · Biographical · #503171
Well, this is about me.
Name: Jennifer Marie (aka Gwen)(aka Celedra)(aka Willow)(aka Priestess)

Born: May 25

Sign: A Gemini and a snake.

Lives: In some unknown castle in the sky floating over the western United States.

Appearance: Shoulder-length brown hair, blue-gray eyes with a ring of green around the pupil. They change color depending on what mood I'm in. (Gray-depressed, Blue-happy, and Green-angry. A mixture of all three most of the time.) I'm around 5'3" with a slim build, long legs.

Personality: Oh, this is fun... Well, as Gwen, I'm pretty much a bright, cheery person, ditzy, and rather a klutz. As Priestess, I'm calm, gentle, quiet, and peaceful. As Celedra, I'm haughty, arrogant, violent, sarcastic, and bitter. As the Willow, I am sad, depressed, alone, and anguished. As Jen, I am all of these rolled into one, with different personalities dominating at different times.

Relationship Status: Single for today ^.~

Favorite things:

-Color: dark greens and browns. Even dark purple now and again.

-School Subject: Hmm... Chemistry or Jewelry. My Chem teacher is much more fun, but I get to use a TORCH in jewelry... O.O

-Hobbies: Reading, writing, singing, playing piano, archery , horse-riding (only been once but I love it just the same...), karate, eating, photography, art stuff (drawing etc.), and sleeping. (Hey, whatever goes, right?)

-Animal: Hmm... A unicorn or a phoenix.

-Place: An awesome tree with a perfect perch to sit and read/write... Well, it WAS until they chopped the tree down. Now I'd have to say Holmes Cafe in St. Louis.

-Book: Mostly I read too much to have a favorite, but I have never tired of anything by Juliet Marillier.

-Movie: Seen too many to pick... XP

-TV Show: Love the anime. Family Guy is great, as is Gilmore Girls. I think my FAVORITE favorite would have to be Scrubs, though. ^^

-Manga: Almost all of the non-hentai ones I've read, lol.

-Anime: Record of Lodoss War! (The original one... Deedlit and Parn... yeah...)

-Music/Band: Dispatch and Dave Matthews' Band are I think my favorites, but I'll listen to anything, especially if it has a good beat.

-Tree: Willow. I'm a dryad, after all. ^_~

-Stone: Moonstone. Amber is a close second though.

-Other: the Middle Ages, mythology, nature

-Rune: Uruz. Always been drawn to it.

-Element: Air. Gemini, so it's almost expected.

-Arachnids (oh god... O.O)
-A book called "Diving for the Moon"
-Pink (for me to wear and for my room to be coloured)
-Locker Rooms
-Dogma (not the movie lol)
-SHOTS!!! This last one I literally had to be held down.

Lots of other things too, but those will suffice for now.

Religion: Pagan

Family: 1 sister, 2 brothers. Parents are divorced.

Friends Online:

One of my best friends from school.

A literary genius and my friend.

She's a great gal from Britain. Funny as all hell.

This is my political mastermind and very good friend Lorien. VIEW HER PORT, YOU'LL LOVE IT!!!

This is High Elf Princess Radella, one of the people closest to me. We have some... interesting... stories with tea...

This is my friend MB, a VERY smart person and a blackbelt in karate. She is very witty, a great person to joke with, and a great friend.

Other cool people:



Tin Kan




And more.

Campfires I'm in:

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Cauldren Wood 

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My Groups:

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Best Bud Quote: "God is a penguin," by Danny K. in February 2004. (Not the movie star [yet].)

Yeah, I know. I'm in all sorts of stuff. ^_^

Well, that's all for now folks! But just wait until my next revisal... BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/503171-Me-pure-and-simple