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Rated: E · Outline · Writing.Com · #506157
We're celebrating our 23rd birthday! Stop in to see what's going on!
Party Central Header
Writing.Com is celebrating its
*Balloon2*   *Balloon3*   *Balloon4*   *Balloon5*   23rd Birthday   *Balloon5*   *Balloon4*   *Balloon3*   *Balloon2*
Join us as we celebrate this amazing milestone!

In honor of Writing.Com's 23-year birthday, we are hosting a week-long schedule of festive events celebrating this momentous occasion! Besides the massive amount of Gift Points we will be giving away (did we mention millions?), there are brand new contests, activities and much more going on for the first seven days in September. Make sure you log in every day and add this item to your favorites so that you don't miss a single thing!

         *BalloonG* 10% Back Sale!
         *BalloonG* New Releases
         *BalloonR* Writing.Com Contests & Activities
         *BalloonO* Community Writing Contests
         *BalloonY* Community Birthday Activities
         *BalloonV* Skins and Decorations
         *BalloonP* Thank You

Party Central Header: 10% Gift Points
*Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* TOP *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6*

For every order placed in "The Writing.Com Shop during September 1-7, 2023, we will give back to you 10% of your order's total in Gift Points!* Purchase a one-year Premium membership at the regular price and you will receive 139,950 in Gift Points. Buy a 3-month Upgraded membership, and you'll receive 19,950 back in Gift Points. Buy 1 million Gift Points, and you'll receive an extra 100,000! And if you order tangible items like mugs, t-shirts, journals and more, we'll even include your shipping in that 10% back. We're that excited to be turning 23!

* 10% back only on orders paid by credit card, PayPal, check or money orders. Orders paid with Gift Points not included.

Party Central Header: New Releases
*Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* TOP *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6*

During our week-long celebration, we will release something new for you to use on each day! Make sure you add this item to your favorites so that you don't miss any of these announcements! (We will also post this in "Site News & Announcements, but the ambiance is much more fun in here!) And just an added note that everything released during the celebration is here to stay! We will not be removing them after the celebration is over.

*PartyhatV* Day 1: September 1, 2023

*PartyhatB* Day 2: September 2, 2023

*PartyhatG* Day 3: September 3, 2023

*PartyhatP* Day 4: September 4, 2023

*PartyhatR* Day 5: September 5, 2023

*PartyhatO* Day 6: September 6, 2023

*PartyhatV* Day 7: September 7, 2023

Party Central: Contests & Activities Title
*Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* TOP *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6*

Journey Through Genres
The task is simple: Write a short story that follows the genre this month! Win one million Gift Points and an exclusive Merit Badge!

Journey Through Genres: Official Contest  [E]
Write a short story in the given genre to win big prizes!
by Writing.Com Support

Start reviewing everything you read! For each of the seven days we are celebrating our birthday, we will choose 11 random public reviewers throughout each day to award 10,000 Gift Points. That's 77 chances you have to win during our birthday celebration!

7-11  [E]
Writing.Com will award 11 reviewers per day during our 7-day birthday celebration!
by The StoryMistress

Review and Get Recognized For It!
Getting good deeds done might win you some cash!

Good Deeds Get CASH!  [E]
Write reviews to win cash prizes!
by Writing.Com Support

RAOK Surprise!
RAOK surprises for WdC reviewers: the more you review, the more you'll get a chance to receive a review reward.

RAOK Upgrade Brigade Group  [E]
RAOK (Random Acts Of Kindness) helps members by Upgrading them.
by Writing.Com Support

*BalloonG* Daily Review Rewards
Rewards are TWENTY-THREE Times Normal this week!

*Balloony* One FREE Badge Every Day of our Birthday!
Normally, every paid member can send one free virtual Merit Badge every 30 days... but for the 7 days of our birthday, paid members can send one FREE virtual badge EVERY DAY! Choose a member, choose a badge and send it. It's that easy. If you are eligible for a free badge at the time, the Writing.Com system will automatically know this and discount the badge you wish to send. (You can not defer the free badge; the system will always use the free one first when giving badges.) * Physical merit badges are not free and are the same additional cost.

*Balloonr* Automatic Gift Points from Writing.Com
Earn 2,300 Gift Points for every day you log in! Each of you can gain 16,100 Gift Points if you log in every day during our celebration.

*Balloonv* Tributes to Writing.Com 
Have you written something special about Writing.Com for our birthday or in general? Plug it here!

*Balloono* Member Birthdays
Check out our members' account birthdays! Find out who else is celebrating a Writing.Com birthday by choosing Account Birthdays   from your Writing.Com Tools pulldown menu.

*Balloonb* Scrolling Messages
Birthday elves will be around and about on the scrolling message system playing games and giving away Gift Points throughout our week of celebration. Thousands of Gift Points will be up for grabs! Click the little you see in the left column. (Upgraded and above membership required.)

*Balloony* Test Your Memory  
Try your hand at this game and see how good your memory is!

Party Central: Community Activities Title
*Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* TOP *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6*

Many of our members are hosting their own contests and activities
in celebration of our birthday. Be sure to check them out;
there is much fun and many prizes to be had!


The Writer's Cramp
Join the party over in "The Cramp" (WDC's longest running daily contest) the week of September 1-7 as we celebrate WDC's 23rd Birthday. There will be special prompts, a 23K GP Daily prize, a birthday trinket, unique "Cramp" awardicons and merit badges, and other surprises sprinkled around by the Cramp Birthday Fairy!

The Writer's Cramp  [13+]
Write the best story or poem in 24 hours or less and win 10K GPs!
by Sophy

The Bard's Hall
The Bard's Hall is celebrating WDC's AWESOME 23rd Birthday with our Annual Cop Shop Mystery! Something mysterious is always brewing in Bardstown during the Founder's Day celebration! The question is, Can YOU solve the mystery in EXACTLY 23 Sentences?

The Bard's Hall Contest  [13+]
JUNE:Annual Blog Month!
by StephBee

Blog Week
Week-long blogging event celebrating the 23rd birthday of WdC. 7 prompts with prizes for 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place and HM's when needed.

Blog Week Birthday Bastion  [13+]
Blogging event from September 1-7, 2023 Quill Nominee 2023. CLOSED
by WakeUpAndLive️~🚬🚭2024

Trinket Throw Down
This is a trinket throw down - special birthday round! People will be asked to create the most spectacular, creative trinket!

Trinket Throw Down! Birthday Edition🎂  [E]
Debuting a new contest inspired by trinket lovers - NOW CLOSED
by Shadow Prowler-Spreading Love

23 Skidoo
Best short story or poem. Anything to do with the number 23. Charity event. 50% of the “take” goes to "RAOK Upgrade Brigade Group. It’s wide open to diversity of all kinds; from type to genre to rating to membership annd case color. And any member can participate up to 23 entrants!

23 Skidoo Contest  [E]
23 Skidoo Contest
by Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈

No Dialogue
A no-dialogue contest with a prompt of "twenty-three." A special one-week round.

No Dialogue Contest-CLOSED  [E]
Write a story containing no dialogue, in 700 words or less.
by QPdoll

Write With Might
Flash story contest with many prizes. Starting 9/1-7 to celebrate WdC's birthday. I'm willing to make changes as needed.

7 DAYS to celebrate WDC's 23 birthday. Show your stories.
by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

Poetry Pals
This birthday week, I invite you to invite someone to write with you!

Poetry Pals  [ASR]
I invite you to invite someone to write with you. Let's be poetry pals!
by Kit

23 From Now
What’s the future, writers? It’s 23 years in the future. Write a speculative fictional encounter with our world to bury in the Writing.Com internet time capsule.

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor


Pick a token, roll the die, & seek out your luck as we celebrate Writing.com's 23rd birthday!

a Mod-o-Poly Celebration!  [13+]
Pick a token, roll the die, & seek out your luck as we celebrate Writing.com!
by iKïyå§ama

Barrel of Monkeys
Back for another year! This year's Barrel of Monkeys music blogging challenge is to share some of your favorite live music experiences and Writing.com memories!

Barrel of Monkeys  [E]
An annual interlinked musical blogging challenge! Starts every September 1st.
by Jeff

Masquerade Party
This is our 11th annual role-playing mystery event! Choose your own character and join in the fun.

Wdc 23rd Birthday Masquerade Party  [18+]
A role-playing party where you choose your identity and can win prizes for participating!
by Brooklyn

Do You Know WdC?
Do you know WDC? In celebrating its 23 years, I have 23 questions below to see if you really know your Writing Dot Com Home Family. By answering the list of questions below, you can test yourself if you really know WDC and the whole family who are building the Writing Dot Community. You will get a Got Perfect MB score if you will get a perfect score.

Raffle Tickets
"Free" raffle tickets! Earn raffle tickets towards prizes, including the grand prize of 1,000,000 GPs by doing helpful reviews with a minimum of 500 characters that include at least 1 correction/suggestion. Don't spend GPs; earn GPs (and a MB) with this raffle!

WdC 2023 Birthday Review Raffle - CLOSED  [13+]
Grand prize of 1 million GPs! Tickets purchased by posting reviews instead of GPs!
by Schnujo Enjoyed Colombia

Alliteration Activity
Fun Alliteration Activity where YOU could win a merit badge and be entered in a drawing for a grand prize of 230,000 Gift Points!

Charlie Chaplin Chews Chocolate Chutney  [18+]
Alliteration Challenge September 1- 7, 2023! 230K Drawing 9/8 WINNER Nannamom!
by ♥Hooves♥

Super Sale
A super sale in celebration of WDC's 23rd birthday and appreciation of the Quill awards.

WDC Birthday Badge Bonanza   [E]
A super sale in celebration of WDC's 23rd birthday and appreciation of the Quill awards.
by 🌸 pwheeler - love joy peace

Annual Bingo
The annual, Angel-Witch Bingo is back to celebrate WDC's 23rd Birthday! Community FUN for EVERYONE! It's FREE! Nothing to lose, PRIZES to win, so come on in!

Angel-Witch Bingo!   [13+]
CLOSED until 9/1/24
by Ԝ€ß☆ԜiʈCH

Hilton Honors Prize
The 2023 WDC Birthday Celebration. The grand prize is 150,000 Hilton Honors points!

The 2023 WDC Birthday Raffle  [E]
A Raffle being held to celebrate the 23rd Birthday of Writing.com
by Sum1 In Halifax

Five Tasks
Complete all the tasks and win a prize! Five tasks, three are for doing reviews. One is a writing task and the other is to do a puzzle.

The WdC Birthday Challenge!!! CLOSED  [E]
An activity to celebrate WdC's 23rd Birthday!
by Lilli 🧿 ☕

Bigger and Better
Since Old Me's turning 40 this year, The Bash will be a bit bigger than usual: more badges, awards, and other goodies included.

Olivia's Birthday Bash  [E]
Help me celebrate WDC's & my birthday with a decent party for great causes.
by Olivia–Soccer EC ITA:SUI 0:0

Reading and Reviewing
Celebrate Writing.Com's 23rd Birthday by Reading, Reviewing, and getting Rewards!

Review, Review, Review...  [E]
Celebrating twenty-three years of reviewing our peers on Writing.Com!
by ruwth

1 For 23
1 winner for every 23 raffle tickets sold will receive a community MB.

23 Candles - CLOSED  [E]
1 in 23 wins a community MB!
by Lilli 🧿 ☕

Do Good
Write reviews and earn free raffle tickets. Do some good, spread the love and have fun!

Spread the Love Raffle - Closed  [13+]
Do you like Merit Badges? Write a review and get a ticket!
by Kit

What's My Age Again?
blink-182 once wrote in What's My Age Again? that nobody likes us when we're 23, but how true is that? Come add to a story!

Nobody Likes You When You're 23  [13+]
Interactive story to celebrate Writing.com's 23rd birthday.
by Future Mrs. B

Hot Potato
Who is going to be the last one to hold the Hot Potato?

Throw a Hot Potato  [E]
Who is going to be the last one to hold the Hot Potato?
by Annette

Celebration Challenge
The first step for this activity is to write a story based on the prompt ideas and then find a beta reader to review it and then the review and story are submitted in the forum. Based on the story and the review winners are chosen.

 WDC 23 Birthday Celebration Challenge  [E]
If you could write a novel
by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

Dice For Days
An updated version for this coming celebration with more prizes. Rounds are to be held with dice rolls for seven days. Special round for MB and a special round for an awardicon on day seven. I'm willing to make changes as needed.

Celebrating WDC 23 years old with many prizes and many winners. Gift friends/yourself.
by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

Party Central Header: Skins & Decorations
*Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* TOP *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6*

*BalloonG* Party & Celebration Decorations! 
Decorate your signatures, contests, and items with shared Writing.Com birthday images! (Upgraded and above membership required.)

*BalloonB* Writing.Com Images For Upgraded Members 
Have an Upgraded Membership, but no signature to flaunt? Or ready for a change with the one you've already got? You're more than welcome to use ours! (Upgraded and above membership required.)

*BalloonB* Wear a Birthday Skin!      TOP
No celebration is complete without those fun decorations all around you! Decorate your workspace with one of these celebratory skins! Click to view our colorful suggestiions!

Party Central Header: Thanks For Celebrating
*Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* TOP *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6*

Writing.Com is TWENTY-THREE years old! We want to sincerely thank everyone for making this site such a creative and inspirational success. It's been a wonderful time for us so far, and we are excited to see what the next many years holds in store for this incredible community.

A special thanks goes out to our Moderators and Senior Mods for their dedication to and support of our members. Another thank you is extended to our Preferred Authors for their participation and activity throughout Writing.Com. And a big huge thank you to ALL of our members for making this the best online writing community around! We couldn't imagine a better environment in which to spend our time. *Thumbsup*

*Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* NOW LET'S CELEBRATE! *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6* *Vignette6*

© Copyright 2002 The StoryMistress (storymistress at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/506157-WritingCom-Party-Central-2023