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Rated: E · Article · Opinion · #704162
My personal favorites here on Writing.Com!
Over the years, I've run across some items that have stuck in my brain. So I'm transferring them from my brain to yours and hopefully you'll like them too! Every favorite I award with a yellow ribbon...eventually! (Hey, GPs don't grow on trees!)


This author is very good at explaining things! He's also packed full of valuable information!
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Sardine Sandwiches and Whales Open in new Window. [E]
About Points of View Featuring a Lactose Intolerant Grilled Cheese Sandwich
by ♥HOOves♥ Author Icon

Ever been told "show don't tell?"
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by A Guest Visitor

Autism is a rapidly growing diagnosis. One author tries to see the positives.
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The Advantages of Autism Open in new Window. [E]
Autism has its advantages! A light look at the subject from one mom's point of view.
by winklett Author Icon

The US Welfare system needs an overhaul.
Dear Sir Open in new Window. [18+]
This was written for all of us who have troubles and sometimes need help. This is a blog.
by morelin Author Icon


I'm a big Lord of the Rings fan, and this just cracks me up every time I read it!
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The Fellowship Of The Wing Open in new Window. [13+]
A short parody of the Lord of the Rings
by W.D.Wilcox Author Icon

This comedy is full of plays on words and dark humor. The author incorporates himself and the script, making it more funny! You have got to read it.
Hungry Ever After Open in new Window. [18+]
mine...all mine
by Thumbsucker Author Icon

Hmmmm...Cemetary Golf...you have GOT to read this! It's great!
Golfetery Open in new Window. [13+]
You can take it with you.
by JonBBell Author Icon

I had to flush my toilet and play the piano at the same time to find out...
Most Toilets Flush in E-Flat Open in new Window. [E]
“Most toilets flush in E flat”-- Musically speaking, this useless fact may have a point.
by Joy Author Icon

Another sitire...
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by A Guest Visitor

This one happens to be true too...keep your shirt on.
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by A Guest Visitor

The title says it all...
A Man and his Beard Open in new Window. [13+]
This is a little comedy bit on the realationship a man has with his beard.
by Delamar Ash Author Icon


 The Boredom of Existence Open in new Window. [13+]
The very sun seemed to mock me, refusing to offer any help.
by Inyri Kajiiren Author Icon


This cat had quite a shock.
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by A Guest Visitor


If you like stories with twists, you are going to love these stories by the same author. They are both delightfully surprising!
RORSCHACH AND THE REDNECK Open in new Window. [13+]
A psychiatrist has a shocking encounter with one of his patients.
by Donkey Hoetay Author Icon

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by A Guest Visitor

This one has a great twist to it. I was thinking about it for hours after I read it!
Waking Up Open in new Window. [13+]
a honeymoon she never planned, a life she never wanted
by Terpsichore, ubertanzen Author Icon

This one I read a long time ago, and forgot to save it. I had to go searching for it. I love the ending, especially.
Two Sentences on a Postcard Open in new Window. [ASR]
The realization came in Austria; the turning point, in Ireland...
by Emily Author Icon

This drama is one I could relate to in ways and held my attention to whole time.
The Revival Open in new Window. [13+]
..and God touches the sinners deeper than the saints…
by Maharani, period. Author Icon

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The Jump Open in new Window. [E]
A moment of time suspended in air
by W.D.Wilcox Author Icon


It takes a lot for a poem to stick in my mind. Most are so abstract, or written in a way that's so personal, I don't know what they are talking about.
This poem was one written for the Writer's Cramp Contest. It did not win, but it was my personal favorite.
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by A Guest Visitor

This is another written for the Writer's Cramp, about an Irish Summer. It's absolutely beautiful and put me right there in the middle!
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Sestet for an Irish Summer Open in new Window. [E]
Natural Ireland in mid-Summer
by deemac Author Icon

Beautifully written and you can really feel what the author is expressing here.
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Regrets Open in new Window. [ASR]
Are choices made by chance, or fate ~ an etheree written for "What's Your Line?"
by Kate - Writing & Reading Author Icon

You have GOT to read this. You'll be surprised.
Complete Seduction Open in new Window. [13+]
Free verse poem of seduction.
by Diane Author Icon

A collection of poems based on history...
Therein All the Honor Lies Open in new Window. [ASR]
Originally three poems, but this seemed better. What price victory?
by C. Powell Author Icon

A brand new favorite describing a woman using the four seasons. It captured me!
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She Is.... Open in new Window. [E]
Poem. Compares knowing a girl to all four seasons.
by Icanterbareback Author Icon

More Poetry I like:

Children in the snow Open in new Window. [E]
This is a poem I wrote about the first snow fall of the year
by CMCC Author Icon

A Higher Call Open in new Window. [E]
Regardless of your politics, they deserve respect.
by Puckit33 Author Icon


This is the low down from StoryMistress herself on all the sneakiness that went into StoryMaster proposing to her! This is a story you don't want to miss! I was witness to the event, and my jaw is still dropped!
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I Never Saw It Coming Open in new Window. [13+]
Caught off guard by the one I love...
by The StoryMistress Author Icon

This Novella in progress is based on truth - a soldiers experience in Iraq.
 Lost in Baghdad, a novella Open in new Window. [18+]
After his convoy is destroyed, Jack must survive alone.
by MadMan at Large Author Icon

A good laugh at what parents go through! Simple camping trip? Never.
S'more good, clean, harmless fun. Open in new Window. [18+]
raising children
by SonofDrogo Author Icon

Yes...I think I have...but now I have an excuse!
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by A Guest Visitor


Why don't you recommend me a read?


This dramatic short story will shock you and give you hope at the same time.
Black Ice Open in new Window. [GC]
A vet relives 31 January, 1968
by SonofDrogo Author Icon

Sad but a real eye opener...
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The Promise Open in new Window. [13+]
The distinct clickety-clack of an approaching train heralded the arrival of our destiny
by Shannon Author Icon


This forum has weekly auctions of siggys! The prices are very reasonable, because not many people know of the forum yet. The GPs go for upgrades!
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by A Guest Visitor


A peek at the REAL Thumbster Open in new Window. [18+]
You supply the reading. I'll supply the writing.
by Thumbsucker Author Icon

The White Board Open in new Window. [18+]
For meandering thoughts, and mindful walks...
by Fyn - 20 WDC years old! Author Icon

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Life Happens Open in new Window. [GC]
Life happens, ready or not.
by Diane Author Icon


Most of the madlibs I do don't turn out right. This is one that I did that turned out incredibly funny. Maybe it was good luck on my part, or maybe it was because the author did a good job of setting it up. I recommend trying it.
Roaming Through Rivendell Open in new Window. [13+]
A mystical dream leaves you in Rivendell, what will happen when you wander through?
by Aiken4LOTR Author Icon


I don't give ribbons on the In & Outs (sorry). The content is constantly changing. But here are a few that I have a lot of fun with.

Entertainment at its best....

What's Last is First Open in new Window. [18+]
Use the last word of the previous sentence to start the next sentence!
by CactuarJoe Author Icon

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Fortunately/Unfortunately Open in new Window. [13+]
Alternate optimistic/pessimistic posts
by deemac Author Icon

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Poetic Insanity Open in new Window. [13+]
Complete the previous line and enter part of a new line of poetry...
by deemac Author Icon

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by A Guest Visitor


This used to be my own activity, but I have turned it over to new ownership. However, it is for sure a favorite!
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Secret Pal Initiation Room Open in new Window. [E]
Join the group that is full of surprises and fun, one month at a time!
by Kate - Writing & Reading Author Icon

I keep coming back to this contest, especially when having a case of writer's block. This contest is unique because it offers daily writing prompts!
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The Writer's Cramp Open in new Window. [13+]
Write the best poem or story in 24 hours or less and win 10K GPS!
by Sophy Author Icon

Even if you aren't into horror, this contest is one that you could enter. It gives an ordinary thing to include in your story. A nice challenge, and you have a whole month to write!
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by A Guest Visitor

Another by the same member. I've been amazing by the entries.
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by A Guest Visitor


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by A Guest Visitor

Natural Beauty - Variety Collection Open in new Window. [E]
Classy cNotes w/ Original Photography: birthday, get well, sympathy & more!
by The StoryMistress Author Icon


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The Confused Monkey Signature Shop Open in new Window. [E]
Unique, inexpensive signatures for you or a friend.
by Rhoswen - Relentless Victory Author Icon

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by A Guest Visitor

Elegant cNote Shoppe Open in new Window. [E]
Choose from 60+ cNotes - Welcome to WDC, Happy Birthday, Holidays, Just a Note, and more.
by Ladyoz Author Icon


There are certain authors that I consistently love to read. No matter the genre or subject - they just have something about their writings that I love. I usually can't choose a favorite work of theirs, because I like them all. I encourage you to visit their ports. You won't be disappointed.

Donkey Hoetay Author IconMail Icon
Kate - Writing & Reading Author IconMail Icon
C. Powell Author IconMail Icon
Zoo - Salted and Roasted Author IconMail Icon
*love2NaNoWriMo* Author IconMail Icon
The Milkman Author IconMail Icon
Colin Back on the Ghost Roads Author IconMail Icon
Fyn - 20 WDC years old! Author IconMail Icon

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