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by Dakkan
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Sci-fi · #706648
Immortality is ours, but not all men accept it. They believe there is another way...

It was inevitable. From the very first conscious thought of the very first human being to walk upon the planet Earth, we have been searching. Searching for that fabled elixir. An elixir that would extend human life indefinitely. That infamous life-extender has been called by many names. But it is most commonly known as..."the Fountain of Youth".

Along the way, many advances were made that improved the quality of human life. The human brain was completely mapped. Neural networks were built that mimicked some of the functions of the human brain. Both of these advances were extremely important. For they foreshadowed an important discovery. It was a discovery that would change human life forever.

Nearly 1000 years after leaving Earth because it had been poisoned by radiation, Paul Montross, a brilliant young scientist, had an extraordinary idea. He slaved night and day for half his life to make his idea a reality. Then, in 4132 A.D., Paul's dream was realized. By integrating knowledge of the human mind with neural networks, Paul was able to make the impossible possible. He "downloaded" the human mind into neural networks. The Fountain of Youth had been found.

Book of the Ancients
7128 A.D.

Paul Montross sat in a huge mahogany chair situated behind a marble desk. The computer terminal in front of him displayed the date of July 18, 5038. A plaque on the right corner of the desk declared him "Overlord of Beta Prime".

Paul's lips were turned down at the corners. His eyes glowed with a barely contained fury. Why do they continue to fight me, he thought. Paul was referring to the group that called themselves the Naturalists. The Naturalists were humans who preferred their own flesh to the mechanical bodies that Paul wished fervently to give them. Even though that gift would give them eternal life.

Paul shook his head, and then angrily slammed down his fist onto the marble desk. They mock us! Call us MechHumans! Foolish! They are very, very foolish!

The man sitting across from Paul shifted uncomfortably. He hated seeing Paul like this.

"What do you have to report this morning, Jason?" said Paul testily.

Jason Lang looked deep into Paul's eyes, and then sighed. Even the gift of immortality did not change some people.

"The Seekers apprehended a little over a hundred of the Naturalists today."

Instantly, Paul's angry demeanor vanished. His eyes widened slightly, and he looked at Jason expectantly, as if he was waiting for Jason to say more. Jason did not.

"Was Michael among them?"

"No, he was not."

Paul's eyes radiated cold fury. Not trusting himself to speak, he was quiet for the next five minutes.

As the time crawled slowly by, Jason began to shift again. Jason made a mental note to set an appointment to have that particular quirk erased. Since becoming a MechHuman, Jason had found out it was very fashionable to just get rid of undesired traits. Not once did he question the fact that each time he did so, it took away from who he was. Nor the fact that he cared less about anything after each procedure.

"Jason, have the Seekers step up the search. I will not have one man endanger what I have worked so hard for!"

"As you wish, Overlord Montross."

Paul's second-in-command left the room. Even as he went to do Paul's bidding, Jason secretly wished that the Overlord would just order the extermination of all Naturalists. If he would just do so, thought Jason, then I could wipe out the whole lot of them instead of the few I have killed.

Overlord Montross watched Jason go. Jason was beginning to worry him. For some reason, he no longer cared about the fate of the Naturalists, as did he. Paul had gathered this fact over the years from Jason's attitude whenever they spoke about the Naturalists. I will have to watch him more closely. As he thought thus, Paul plugged himself into the special outlet he used to recharge his batteries.

Michael O'Sheay gazed at the raggedy bunch of people who followed selflessly after him. There were men, women, and children of various ages. Most of them were half-starved. Michael's heart swelled with compassion as he looked into their long-suffering eyes.

"We will be there shortly, my children." said Michael. Michael always referred to the Naturalists as his children. None of them ever took offense.

"We are tired, Michael. We need rest,” said an old man twenty years Michael's senior.

Michael felt a pang of guilt at the old man's words. Undoubtedly, they were all tired. The MechHumans had forced them out of the cities. Cities that had been meant for all humankind. Because of that, he and his followers had been forced to live in the wilderness of Beta Prime. And the wilderness was very inhospitable to humans. Many had died quickly within the first few months after they had been expelled from the cities. But even that had not been enough. Some MechHumans had been trained specifically to seek them out. These men, who sought out the Naturalists, were called Seekers. And they were the most hated people among the MechHumans They brought the unlucky people whom they managed to catch back to the cities, and forced them to undergo Paul‘s “immortality solution”. Each day, the Naturalist’s numbers dwindled because of how effectively the Seekers did their job.

Michael took the supplies off one of his pack animals. Without thought for his own needs, he left his rations in the dirt. There were some amongst the Naturalists whose need was greater than his own. Michael noted with satisfaction that his followers made way for the most destitute in their number to have the first shot at the goods. He gave his pack animal over to the old man, who looked at Michael with gratitude.

Michael addressed the group.

"Children," said Michael, "we cannot stop now. Each day our number dwindles. Each day our hardship increases." Michael paused briefly. "But we cannot let that stop us! We are almost at Myrna. If someone is having a hard time keeping up, then do as I have done."

The crowd of people shuffled a little bit, but no one said anything. What Michael had said was a hard thing, especially with them having next to nothing. But if Michael was willing to live by it, then so could they.

Michael was about to turn away when he noticed someone moving quickly through the crowd. He continued to watch as a small man with chestnut colored hair, and black, penetrating eyes emerged and quickly made his way towards him. A look of concern was on the newcomers face.

"Hello John!" said Michael with a smile.

John didn't return Michael's smile.

"What is it? What's going on, John?" A deep crease appeared on Michael's forehead.

John pointed to a spot that was isolated. Michael nodded, and walked over to the place that John had indicated.

"What is it, John?"

"Michael..." began John. He closed his eyes and held his head down.

"John, what’s wrong?"

John Leary ran his left hand through his thick locks of hair. "They are no longer just catching us and forcing us into those stinking mechanical bodies."

Michael's eyes narrowed. Please don’t let John say what I think he is about to…

"The Seekers have begun killing each Naturalist they find."

Michael closed his eyes. He did not want John to glimpse the tumultuous emotions running through him at that moment. He was certain that the fiery little man would retaliate upon the MechHumans. And undoubtedly without his consent.

"It gets worse,” said John.

Michael opened his eyes. Undisguised curiosity shone forth from them. What can possibly be worse than what you have already told me? Thought John silently to himself.

"The MechHumans know where we are headed."

Michael's eyes bucked. "But how?"

"One of the captives was tortured. He told them nearly everything before they mercifully killed him."

John shuddered as images of what he had witnessed ran amuck in his mind. There was nothing humane about the way the Seekers had treated their captive. If only I had enough men there with me to help...

"Then we must hurry!" said Michael, breaking John's contemplation.

"Mobilize the people, John. We cannot let them beat us to Myrna."

"As you wish, Michael." John hurriedly got the Naturalists together. There was no time for mistakes now. Not a single one...

Jason walked into Paul's office. He was not sure why he had been summoned.

"It is about time that you made it!" said Paul. He was furious again. But this time, his anger was directed at his second-in-command.

"What is the..." began Jason, but then he noticed that Paul and he were not the room's only occupants.

"Guards! Seize him!"

Jason turned to run, but found he was held firmly in place by four sets of hands.

"What is this about, Overlord Montross!" stammered Jason.

Paul pushed himself forcefully away from his
desk, nearly toppling it in the process. His chair, now empty, slammed into the wall. Paul walked up until his face was a few inches away from Jason.

"My orders to you were to capture the Naturalists!" said Paul. "But I have heard you have gone far beyond my orders, Jason." Paul's eyes narrowed. "Reports have reached my ears... Very disturbing reports."

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play stupid. Naturalists have died. By your hands and orders!" said Paul angrily.

Jason, knowing he was caught, and not being wise enough to try and worm his way out, said, "They are nothing to us Paul! We are like gods! They are nothing more than a disease! A disease we must terminate!"

Paul drew back in shock. He had not expected to hear such hateful words come from Jason. He was about giving life. After all, had he not found the secret to immortality? What Jason had been doing behind his back was totally against Paul's teachings. Paul sighed. Jason would have to be made an example of. It was the only way.

"Guards!" said Paul, "lock him away in the very cells he built for the Naturalists!" Paul paused briefly. He found he could only say his next words with difficulty. "And completely cut off his energy rations."

Jason's eyes widened in horror as the realization of what Paul had just said struck him. Had he not served Paul faithfully for over 700 years? And now he was being sentenced to death? Like one of the Naturalist dogs? Anger boiled up within Jason.

"You filthy scumbag!" said Jason. "Do you think you have the right to play God with people's lives?"

"No more than you do, Jason. Guards! Take him away!"

Jason kicked, screamed, and yelled obscenities as the guards dragged him away from the Overlord's presence. Paul turned his back on the commotion, and walked back to his desk. The information the informant had given him had been real. He had also said that the Naturalists destination was Myrna, which was a natural energy vortex. What was that man's name again? Then it came to him. The informant's name was John. John Leary. Thanks to him, Paul would be at Myrna to meet Michael face-to-face.

As soon as Michael set foot in Myrna, he sensed something was wrong. For one, it was unnaturally quiet. And secondly, the pack animals had become very jittery. We must press on, thought Michael. No matter what happens.

Michael continued on. Behind him, the Naturalists kept pace. Every one of them was looking upon the lush vegetation in wonder. Due to Myrna being a powerful energy vortex, the colors were livelier. Here and there, natural crystal formations poked out of the ground. Entranced by the beauty of the place, no one noticed the shadows that moved amongst the trees.

Paul watched gleefully as the last Naturalist walked into their trap. They numbered less than five hundred. Paul gave an order via a transmitter embedded in his palm. Unbeknownst to the Naturalists, a steel ring had begun to close around them.

Michael O'Sheay turned quickly when he heard the first scream. It was coming from a woman whom he knew well. Her name was Lenora. And a Seeker pinned her down.

Michael looked around wildly as more Seekers burst from the trees around them. There was nowhere to go. They were all trapped. Panicking and screaming, his people ran in all directions. However, this only made them easier to capture.

Shortly thereafter, all of the Naturalists, including Michael, were subdued.

A MechHuman dressed in black and red robes approached him. Michael noted how the Seekers bowed their heads when he walked by. Michael did not need to be introduced to the newcomer, because his face was plastered all over Beta Prime. His name was Paul. Paul Montross. And he was the Overlord of their small planet. He was also the originator of the “immortality solution” that all of humanity, except for the Naturalists, had embraced. Paul Montross stopped before Michael. The Overlord's eyes were full of self-satisfaction.

"Release him." said Overlord Montross.

The Seekers who held Michael released his arms. Michael examined his wrists, where bruises were already starting to form.

"Come." said Overlord Montross. "Walk with me."

Knowing that he was in a no-win situation, Michael did as he was asked.

After they were out of earshot of the others, Paul turned and faced the Naturalist leader.

"Why have you fought so hard against what I offer, Michael?" Genuine puzzlement shone in Paul's eyes.

Unflinchingly, Michael looked the Overlord in the face.

"What you offer is unnatural."

Paul was taken aback. "What do you mean? I am freely giving you the gift of immortality."

"Man was not meant to be trapped for all time within the confines of a machine,” said Michael.

Paul felt himself getting angry, but quickly suppressed the emotion. When he looked at Michael again, there was amusement in his eyes.

“And what is your great answer, Michael?”

“Energy.” stated Michael simply.
Overlord Montross chuckled. "Energy? Is that your great answer? I expected a little more from you, Michael."

Michael ignored him. "Have you not noticed that the more energy something has, the faster its atoms vibrate?"

Paul stopped chuckling. This is it. Interested in what Michael had to say, and at the same time not wanting him to know this, Paul looked at Michael with feigned indifference.

"And the faster those atoms vibrate, the lighter the object becomes?"

"That is all true, Michael." said Paul. "But what relevance does that have to a human being?" He was listening attentively to Michael.

"Have you not also noticed that the happier you are, the more energy you have, and also that you feel lighter?"

Paul was beginning to see the implications of what Michael was saying.

"But how would a human hold that energy in order to evolve to a higher level?" asked Paul.

"I think it is a matter of attitude. You have to let go of fear in order to maintain the energy that will raise the vibrations at the atomic level."

"What you say is logical. And I must say that I am impressed. But have you ever succeeded?"

"That is why we came to Myrna. Even though we knew your Seekers would probably be here."

"If you don't mind me asking, Michael, who told you that?"

"One of my trusted friends." said Michael.

"Would his name happen to be John Leary?"

"How did you..." Michael didn't finish his sentence. Looking over at John, he tried to make eye contact. John did not meet his gaze. At that instant, Michael knew the truth of the Overlord's words.

"But why would he..."

"Turn you in." finished the Overlord for Michael. "He did so because Jason, my second-in-command, without my knowledge, has been killing your followers. Something, which I would not allow under any circumstance. Jason has been punished."

Even though Michael understood that John had turned them in to keep them from being killed, it still did not excuse him. John had betrayed his brethren.

"So why haven't you loaded us up and taken us back to be "downloaded" into mechanical bodies?" asked Michael. His voice wavered slightly. Michael was uncertain as to what the Overlord wanted.

"Your idea intrigues me." said Paul. "Even with you knowing we would probably be here, you still risked your life." He paused. "Now you seem like an intelligent man to me. Why would you do such a foolhardy thing? What is so special about this place?"

He cannot feel it, thought Michael. His mechanical body does not feel the energy running through this place. Michael's spirit began to lighten.

"Myrna is a place of power, Overlord. Can you not feel the energy moving around you?"

To his credit, Paul said "no".

"I think the next step can be taken. Here, and now."

"That step has already been taken, Michael,” said Paul. There was an edge to his voice.

Feeling the energy running through him, Michael became bold.

"No. It has not,” said Michael. "What you have done to the human race is nothing more than a travesty."

Anger blinded the Overlord, and he smashed his fist into Michael's jaw. Michael flew backward twenty feet. He landed in a bed of crystals.

Strangely, he felt no pain. Opening his eyes, Michael saw the Overlord approaching. Michael closed his eyes. He no longer cared if the Overlord killed him. Letting go of his fear, Michael just bathed in the power that the crystals sent surging through his body. Minutes passed. Michael continued to wait for the finishing blow, but none came.

Michael opened his eyes. Standing over him was the Overlord. But for some reason, he seemed to be unable to see him. Why does he not finish me off? Wait a minute… Is it possible? Have I done it?

Michael stood up, and walked by the Overlord, who continued to look bewildered.

Michael walked to the nearest prisoner, and whispered, "Trust me" into his ear. The Naturalist became still. Michael took his hand in his own, and then let him feel the energy running through him. The man became opaque… then vanished. Soon, all of the Naturalists began to vanish.

When his followers were out of harms way, Michael went back and stood before the Overlord, whose face openly showed disbelief.

Michael allowed his vibration to slow slightly. He was finding it very easy to control. In the blink of an eye, he materialized in front of the Overlord in a vaporous form.

"I feel sorrow for you, mechanical man. This is something I wish you could see. Energy is so... so beautiful! There is much more to existence than we ever imagined."

"Save your pity for the weak!" said Paul emphatically. "We have eternal life!"

"You have nothing. You will dwell in those bodies until you completely become robots. That's what happened to Jason. That's why he no longer cared. And it is the same thing that will happen to you. That is already happening to you."

"Lies!" said Paul. "You are telling lies!"

But even as those accusatory words came from his mouth, Paul knew he was just fooling himself. After all, what Michael had said was one of his biggest fears. And the extent to which they were having procedures done to erase undesired traits was alarming. Paul sighed. The Naturalist leader was right. In time, the MechHumans would become nothing more than machines, with very little to no human traits. I cannot let that happen.

"Thank you, Michael." said Paul. "I am grateful for the truth you have shown me this day."

Michael bowed his vaporous head.

Overlord Montross reached into his robe, and drew out a long, slender device with a black button on the end. He had hoped he would never have to use it.

Michael knew what Paul was about to do. However, he also understood that he should not interfere, even though he had the power to do so.

Paul closed his eyes, then pushed the button. Immediately, he felt a burning sensation as his neural pathways began to dissolve. All across Beta Prime, MechHumans ceased to exist.

Michael noted with satisfaction that a fine energy, at an even higher level of vibration than what he and the other Naturalists existed at, had left the bodies of the MechHumans. It had not been too late for them after all.

Years passed, and Beta Prime became a planet filled with bountiful life. In time, forests swallowed up the cities.

Michael lived on. As time passed, he realized the significance of what he had been through. And in order that later generations would not forget, Michael sat down in 7128 A.D., and penned the first chapter of what he would call the "Book of the Ancients."

The End.
© Copyright 2003 Dakkan (dakkan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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