Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/717724-Kai---Part-7
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #717724
Kai and Davey and an elf
Tori felt like she would choke on the darkness around her. Her arm was close to Kai's so she did not worry about her safety. The strange passage seemed to go on forever. In the far distance she was sure that she could hear a strange chanting.
"...Feast on... The gifts you... on the dark..." She could faintly hear the words. Maybe it was all in her mind.
"Kai?" she whispered,"How are we going to defeat these people? There is only three of us."
There was no reply.
"Kai?" she groped for him in the gloom. He was not there.

Davey stood defiantly in the cold cell. His head hurt and blood was trickling from his nose. They had had a hard time finally putting him where he was but that still meant they were more powerful than he was. He fingered the chains around his wrists. Some how they had taken his magic. Angrily he kicked a wall.
***Damn those freaks*** he fumed.
"We heard that!" came a cold voice from everywhere at once.
It was this that angered him most. They were able to read his thoughts but not he theirs. What was going on?

Tori wandered on down the passage. Her feet began to ache and far away the chanting was becoming darker and louder.
" Great Power feast on our immortal lives. The gifts you gave us for vanquishing on the dark death." It repeated over and over. Blocking all other thoughts from her mind.
A hand siezed her arm.

Davey heard a key scrape in the lock. A low voice came from the no where black behind the quaking guard.
"You've been very good." said the voice,"But you will not speak again."
A pale hand went to the man's throat and a weak croak camefrom his mouth before he ran.
Kai shimmered into view,"Come on.Tori's worrying her headoff." He snapped his fingers and the chains dropped to the floor.
Davey sighed with relief, "I'm so glad it's you.For a minute there i..."
"Stop talking. We need to go."

"Kai." Tori whispered over and over.
As soon as the two Tigers saw her they realised what was wrong. She was stuck in a time loop of some sort. Kai touched her cheek.
"I shouldn't have left her. She didn't stand chance." Kai muttered. He shook his head. On it lay a new expression for Davey. He had never seen power growing in anyone's features before, even if he had felt it. But Ray stood before him as Kai and he could sense time bending away from Tori and straightening out.
"What are you doing?"

Tori could see only the dark and all she knew was the strangness of the nothing about her. It was as if the world was slowing around her. Her head was groggy and slowly she knew she was losing it. Her arms would not move and her hope was seeping out of her. She sank to her knees. She sank to her knees.
"Kai..." she whispered the word left her mouth with no meaning. It was just a name.

Kai knelt by Tori's limp form. Summoning all his power into his hands he started to feed energy back into her. A time stop was a way of defeating hope. He had learnt that the hard way. With no way forward what was there to hope for. He glanced at Davey, knowing that the same thoughts were going through his head.
"Do you remember that book we made with Reef?" Davey said oddly, "The escape book?"
"Of course." Kai was Ray, "It was found and that room..."
"I remember very little of that room but..."
They were cut short by a drumming noise.

"Turn off the music." Mumbled Tori. But it was not music. Drums. Deep and Cold took her to a huge cavern. People were swaying round in circles on their heels. They were chanting something she could no longer recognise but she some how knew lay in her head. Anger welled up in her blood. Her eyes burned.

So this was Elven Battle Rage. Davey thought as he saw the elvish girl raise to her feet, a red aura emitting from her. Kai drew his sword, ready for anything, as usual. Davey grinned. But as he grinned he knew now was no time to be the mortal he appeared but the White Tiger in him. A hardness set in his heart and he summoned his own weapon, The Staff of Tyr. Just as the sword it would change but it was also a usful disguise for a mad boy.
"Let's get this over with." He braced himself and the girl lept into the midst of the chanters.

Back slash, pivet, decapitate. The manoevers came easily to Tori. It was as though she was born for it. Her strange symboled sword gave a powerful surge to her every attack. As she plunged the weapon into the chest of one of the angered chanters she saw the face of a different person in the blade. The figure of a whirling blade dancer, a fighter, was the young girl she knew as herself. She laughed as once again her blood boiled and she was taken in the fire of battle.
Something stirred in the sword. A word she did not understand was called in unison with three other voices that she did not know.

Kai fought as he always had, for himself alone. He knew in his firm focusd mind if he slipped once he was doomed. Rae could not be resurected and it was his job to see that it did. He battled to a raised platform where a huge orb floated, filled with desperate souls wnting to escape. Inside it he saw the face of almost every villager. He sent out the Calling.
"Algarath! Algarath! Algarath."

Davey was struck after the third cry with a surge of overwelming energy and magic. There was no other discription for it. He looked through the eyes of his leader and focusedd his will power on destroying the orb he saw before him.
But deep inside him he was watching a mass killing. He saw childhood friends aging terribly as the darkness came back three fold. Tears spilled own his cheeks as many of the adults he knew dissolved into dust and bits of bone.

Kai saw the sould of both his parents escaping with a proud look in their eyes. He told what he needed to say. That he forgave them. He had known what Davey remembered about that room. He knew it to well. His eyes. After three days he, Kai had given up. He had sat down and his eyes had glazed over. Davey had watched it happen and to him it had seemed that his friend and reason had been lost. Davey had shown him so many times in his nightmares. No matter how far apart they had ever been they had always been connected.
<Kai. Wake up.>

As the rage had died down Davey approached the elven warroir. She looked at him with out recognision but lowered her weapon.
"We need to find Kai."
"To naa orik?"
"Ma ana Davey. Ta schol ma."
"Davey?" The girl's eyes went unfocused and she drifted to the blood stained earth.
Carefully he lifted her. Knowing she was under going a memory clash he sensed no need of waking her.
Though the deprise he carried her until he came to a black wood platform. A green light was falling over the edges. He hid Tori beneath it and clambered up. A dark recognisable figure was hanging in mid air infront of a ghost.
It lifted its silvery head and whispered, "From here he will have changed. From here all will change. Now is the time for healing. For all of you. Each of you three White Tigers are damaged inside and each of you has begun the journey ahead of you. But before you Davey is your friend. He is dying. I have called but he will not wake. Take him. And take the elf away from here and do not pause to think. Let your feet take you." The ghost smiled sadly and vanished.

As dawn crested the horizon Tori awoke and Davey expalined all. To his astonishment she began to cry. Her tears came from the heart, he knew then, that she loved Ray, and Kai. He looked at her and pointed to where Kai lay. She nodded and walked a distance away from were he was.
"Davey." She said after a long time, "He had hard time didn't he? When he was young?"
"Worse than you can imagine."
"And his parents sent him into that hardness." This time it was not a question, "He forgave them back there."
"I know. It sounds terrible but i know i wouldn't have." Davey replied darkly.

Kai was alone. In a gloomy, whitewashed room. It was cold, no windows, no real light and time stood still. His soul was in a cage. And he couldn't espape. His eyes glazed over and he let fears, truths and nightmares in. He saw no hope...
© Copyright 2003 Dr Matticakes Myra (dragoon362 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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