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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #783323
He's known all along, but now he's finally finding out...
CODE: T (set in the Trench Rats/Tunnel Rats storyline)

TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): The Trench Rats (in progress)

PAIRING: PFC Reseda Rat/Vischer (M/M)

EXPLANATION: Well, what do you know. Reseda Rat has just found out...that's right! He can go both ways! Surprise, surprise. It turns out, however, that Vischer knows more than he does, and can easily pinpoint the cause of Reseda's tension...those feelings of hatred toward his commander, Silver, aren't quite as hateful as Reseda thinks. Reseda takes one last shot at denying this (see "The Good Morning"), but if you've read that you've seen how it turns out...you can only deny the truth for so long. I made Vischer an older-than-usual character in here just to look at the differences between the two of them. *shrug*

DISCLAIMERS: Based on what I know now, Vischer may be acting slightly out of character here--I don't think he would be quite as silly and airheaded as he appears. I could be wrong, though. Hm. Also the POV is lousy, and some plot details may be incorrect, as this was written before the whole Silver/Reseda thing was fully worked out.

* * * * *

Dear Silver

Vischer stepped into the bathroom and paused beside the door, his eyes silently taking in the form of the Trench Rat who showered within. Steam rose around him yet it wafted aside every so often so Vischer could catch a tantalizing glimpse of what was hidden behind it. The Trench Rat's hard body...his supple buttocks...just the briefest glimpse of the thick dark hair between his legs, though not what it surrounded...Vischer's breath sped up. He imagined that the Rat's member must be large, if it coincided with his size.

As if suddenly hearing this thought the Rat's head bobbed up and he saw Vischer. Vischer paled and thought of running but stood his ground. The Rat--Reseda--looked stunned, yet said nothing, made no move to conceal himself.

Vischer took advantage of the situation by grabbing a towel and holding it out. He hoped that his hand didn't shake too badly. The Rat still made no move so Vischer spoke.

"Here," he said faintly, gesturing with the towel. "Take it, please. Dry yourself. I have something I want to show you, if only you'll follow, please."

The Rat hesitated for a moment before reaching out to take the towel, and drying himself slowly. Vischer had to force himself not to moan...the Rat's slowly flexing muscles set him on fire. After a moment more he clapped his hands and smiled.

"Please, I have something to show you. Follow. This way."

The Rat wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped from the shower. He followed Vischer to his private quarters, where the frail rat shut the door and went to his dresser. He rummaged around before pulling out a bottle of oil and coming back to his waiting guest.

"This oil," Vischer said, smiling politely, "is made by our finest manufacturers. It is most expensive, yet the scent is exquisite, and it leaves the skin feeling most soft and clean. I hope I do not impose upon you too much to apply some to you? Trust me, it would be quite worth your time."

The Rat said nothing. Taking this as approval, Vischer opened the bottle and poured some oil into his palm, then approached the big Rat. He reached for his chest and began to gently rub the oil in. Within moments, he was applying this oil to the Rat's whole body, rubbing and kneading, his breath coming yet faster. The Trench Rat's body was exquisite. He hoped that it wouldn't be too forward to see him naked again.

Moving closer, in the guise of applying more oil, Vischer unwound the towel, dropping it; his oiled hands ran over Reseda's thighs, up to his crotch, yet moved away again before going too far. His fingers massaged over the Trench Rat's tight buttocks, and again he felt like moaning.

The Trench Rat still didn't move or complain. He looked mildly perplexed yet didn't speak.

"Such magnificent form," Vischer murmured, stepping behind to admire the perfect buttocks and broad strong back. "Most exquisite, your build...I have yet to ever come across one with such a perfect body, though your friend Silver comes close..." Unable to help himself, he leaned forward to smell the Rat's neck, to brush his lips against the bare shoulder.

Reseda said nothing.

Vischer continued to stroke and massage that perfect body. He ached, hurt so much. As one hand kneaded, still behind the Rat and out of his view, he reached down with the other to unfasten his pants, to draw out the swelling inside. As he continued murmuring words of admiration to the Trench Rat he splashed some more oil on his hand, rubbed it onto his penis...it throbbed, pink and upright, as he stared at the Rat's body. The pain, the pain...

"I doubt any others in your battalion are built such as you are." Lightly stroking the small of his back, then gently easing his fingers between the cleft in the Rat's buttocks. Reseda lifted his head slightly, as if further surprised, yet still didn't protest.

The pain... Vischer applied a liberal amount of oil to his hand, massaging between the hard firm buttocks, moistening his own member. "I doubt it," he murmured, lips brushing skin again. "You, you possess the perfection and beauty of those gone long ago...I honor this."

Reseda felt the heat from the smaller rat's body, felt the oil being applied to his skin. The massaging fingers, the closeness...he knew that the little German desired sex. With him? The way that he used the oil to moisten both of them verified this. He was mystified as to why, but he supposed that didn't matter.

The little rat murmured and stroked, tongue just lightly tasting Reseda's shoulder. Reseda was at least twice his size. Yet he supposed that didn't matter either. After a moment more he broke away from the light embrace, going down on his knees.

Vischer's hands fluttered to his chest in surprise. The Trench Rat--Reseda--knelt before him, then went down on all fours. Heart swelling up in his chest, Vischer took no chances. He quickly knelt as well, head swirling, hands reaching out to touch, to fondle the Trench Rat's body. He splashed more oil on his penis and on the Rat's backside.

"As I said," he said breathlessly, "bodies of your stature are few. You must be proud, to have such a perfect form. All of time will envy you!"

With this he grasped his penis, one hand holding the Rat's buttock aside, and slowly, carefully pushed within. Creamy heat surrounded him; he took a breath, let it out in a shudder.

"Oh...mm...yes...a perfect body. Both inside and out. Your friends, they must be in awe." He pushed, shivered in delight. "Mmm...ohhhh...delicious...to savor you, after having dreamed of you for so long...ohhhh...perfectly delicious..."

Reseda knelt and said nothing as the little German held his hips and thrust into him, quivering in rapture. Truth was, he couldn't really think of anything to say. The sensation was weird--not uncomfortable, but weird. He figured that they must make a strange-looking couple, the big soldier submitting, the little German thrusting and moaning.

Vischer leaned against him as his hips pulsed, pressing himself to Reseda's back, hands caressing his chest. "You know," he panted, barely a whisper, "I've had thoughts of you...you and your comrade Silver...I have fantasized myself taking you, and Silver taking me in behind, or perhaps you taking me, and me taking Silver in behind...do you believe he would consent to this?"

"I doubt Silver would much appreciate that," Reseda replied, thinking of the other Rat's brutal rape at the hands of the Nazis.

"Oh," Vischer said, sounding a bit disappointed. He pushed again and murmured, then continued stroking. "Well...it is a shame, the two of you, in such perfect form...I wouldn't doubt that Silver would feel almost as delightful as you...his build is most exquisite also...mmm...however, if he does not wish it, I suppose I could remain satisfied with you..."

Vischer closed his eyes and moaned softly, pushing, pushing. He couldn't believe his luck. He'd thought for certain that the big Rat would at the least refuse his advances, and at the most snap his neck. The Rat was huge! But to be allowed to go as far as he had--the oil, the rubbing--he had planned to masturbate should the Rat not complain or catch on--but for the Rat to fall on all fours, and wait for him, and submit to him, and accept him!--it was simply unbelievable! It must be a dream! He decided to savor it as long as he could.

"Dearest Reseda," he panted as he moved, stroking that perfect back. "I'm hoping I got your name right?"

"Yes, sir."

"Dear Reseda...I need not be 'sir' to you, we are equals now...but once we are done here...would it be too much for me to ask, that you perhaps think to take me after we are through with this?"

A pause. Vischer kept thrusting. After a moment the Trench Rat turned his head slightly, and Vischer saw that he was flushed. Looking down, he saw that his member was erect too, and caressed it.

"Take--take you, sir?"

"Yes, yes, dear Reseda. For you to come inside me; for me to submit to you. Would this be too much to ask for afterwards?"

Another pause, this one longer. Vischer groaned. Then, "I don't see why it would be, sir."

Oh God, joy! To feel this magnificent stud inside him--his body practically tingled with pleasure!

Reseda fell silent again as the little German pushed and groaned. Well, this was certainly something. Somehow, the action had aroused him; the hands occasionally rubbing along his member just made him want to start bucking, himself. Yet he bit his lip and stood still, only rocking slightly with the motions of lovemaking. He could feel the heat in his face, his own unsatisfied need; what of that when this was done?

As if to answer this question, the little German seized him and moaned loudly. Before Reseda could control it, he felt himself coming...

Vischer felt his release and moaned joyously, letting loose. A hard grunt came from the Trench Rat beneath him and semen splashed against the floor. Vischer let out a delighted sound and reached down to rub the substance on his hands, to his fingertips, to his lips. He tasted. Such a lovely sweet taste. He had to have more in him.

He pulled out. It was only when he touched the kneeling Rat's shoulder that he too got up, not panting but still flushed. Vischer clasped his hands with a nervous smile, body shaking.

"Dearest Reseda," he said again, voice faint. "To...prepare us...for our next pleasure together...are you terribly against kissing and playing at love? For to feel your tongue on me...this would be a joy..."

Reseda obeyed. What would be the point of fighting it?

Vischer cried out when the big Trench Rat bowed forward and closed his mouth on his neck. Warm tongue caressed his skin, his jaw, his cheek, finally his lips. Vischer opened his mouth, begging. The Rat kissed him back, tongues twining. A rough hand gently caressed his side. Vischer felt his knees growing weak. When the kiss moved to his ear, the caress below, fingers lightly cupping and squeezing his testicles, he cried out hoarsely once more, flinging himself at the Rat, licking his chest, rubbing his skin, clawing his arms.

The Trench Rat embraced him, arms enfolding him into a powerful hold. Vischer squealed with delight. He broke away after savoring the feeling, hopping over to his ornate dressing table, beckoning the Rat to join him.

"Here, here, please!" he exclaimed breathlessly, patting his leg while the Rat came forward. "Over here--right here. I wish to watch. The mirror. You needn't look if you don't wish. But to see you...this would be so pleasing. Just join me please, right here, just like that...ah."

The little German moved up close to the dresser, leaning against it, then stood high on tiptoe, legs spread wide, hands daintily parting his buttocks. He quivered, and said, "Yes, all right, we may begin now!" Reseda stared at him for a moment, frowning, then sighed to himself and picked up the bottle of oil, rubbing a bit on himself, then pouring the rest over the little Rat's anus.

He squealed again. Reseda took his hips. He might as well try to enjoy this, if he had to do it.

Vischer let out a girlish whine on feeling the strong, thick member push into him. Oh God, oh God! It was most exquisite!

He lifted his head, body shaking, and opened his eyes to peer into the mirror. The sight just excited him more. The big Trench Rat kept his hands clamped on Vischer's shoulders, holding him down slightly as he pushed. His eyes were shut tight, a strained look on his face. With each push it seemed like all of his muscles tightened, and Vischer's eyes devoured him, drinking in the glorious light sheen of sweat that covered that magnificent body. He wished that he knew what the Rat was thinking, with his eyes shut like that.

At first Reseda tried to think of nothing, just to concentrate on the act itself. He hadn't thought that he might enjoy it. Then, when he found that he did, he tried thinking of a woman, any woman he had been with in the past, shutting his eyes and trying to conjure up her image. That was when he realized just how aroused he really was. This feeling...being inside, the oily tightness...and not only that, but the feeling he'd gotten on having someone inside him...his heart pounded hard and the blood rushed in his veins and roared in his ears. And then, finally, an image, someone, appeared before his eyes--but it wasn't who he'd thought it would be.

He caught the fleeting, briefest image of Silver.

Reseda's eyes came open abruptly and he blinked in surprise. He shut them again and the vision only stayed the same.

It wasn't a woman but Silver Rat he saw, standing before him, leaning over and submitting to his thrusts. At first he thought that Silver would be furious--but he then noticed the arch of his back, the toss of his head--Silver was enjoying it as much as he was. He saw his face in the mirror, the closed eyes and rapturous look; and although he couldn't hear him in his fantasy, he could make out the movement of Silver's lips--Reseda...come in me...Reseda...

When he thought again of Vischer taking him from behind, now the little German was again replaced by Silver, who ran his hands up and down Reseda's body while pushing into him, teeth scoring his cheek, voice husky in his ear...How do you like me...Reseda...how do you like this...my lover...

He gasped. Silver's voice continued echoing in his mind now, a slight sardonic tone to it: Do you like me? Like being in me? Me being in you? Precious Reseda, my dear lover? My lover...keep taking me...keep loving me...beautiful Reseda...

"Silver," he moaned softly, hardly even aware as he said it. Vischer sat up slightly with a little gasp. Reseda shut his eyes tight, grinding his teeth. His hips bumped and pushed faster, the heat rising within him. Silver's gently mocking voice filled his head--maddening and exquisitely erotic at the same time--he could see only Silver's body before him, the curve of Silver's spine, Silver's hard lean muscles, the quiet strength and yet grace of his body, the bittersweet singsong of his voice...Reseda Reseda...sweet Reseda...if this is what you wanted all along...you should have just said so, dear Reseda...you thought I was above you...but the truth is you're above me...and atop me...and in me...aren't you, Reseda?...you always wanted me, didn't you...but were too afraid to ask...well look now, sweet lover of mine, how you feel...how you take me...how you fill me up...Reseda...my dear lover Reseda...

"Silver," he groaned; then again, throwing back his head with the strain, "Dear Silver!" His fingers sank into the yielding skin; he pushed hard, hips grinding, Silver gasping and arching beneath him, breath coming out fast. Even as Silver moaned and trembled in orgasm Reseda found himself wondering if he had always been like this, if what the Nazi had done to him had changed him, if Silver merely acted this way for some other purpose, if his lust and pleasure were even real, how he had missed the signals the whole time, how he'd denied it, wondered how long he'd actually loved Silver from a distance, how he'd longed for Silver to love him in return, how, when he knew that it wouldn't happen, he'd refused to believe that the love was ever there, how he now knew that it was, it always had been, he loved Silver, he was in love with Silver, he loved him deeply, he always had, he wanted nothing more than for Silver to love him back, for the two of them to consummate their love, to be together, how truly angry and furious and shattered the Rat's rape had made him feel, how he'd hidden it from himself and everyone, how overjoyed he was now that his feelings were reciprocated, how deeply Silver loved him, how deeply he loved Silver back...how he loved Silver more than anything or anyone...

The haze cleared from his head and he groaned and opened his eyes, wanting so badly to see that it was true, to see Silver before him, only to see Vischer, the little German; he let out his breath and tried to conceal his disappointment as he carefully pulled himself out, leaving Vischer leaning against the dresser, panting and spent. He turned away, stumbling a bit, brushing himself down shakily; what a vision that had been. He still couldn't believe the utter strength of it. All of these feelings, repressed all this time...how long had he been in love with Silver? And why had he never realized it until now? Had it been denial, or a lack of opportunity? Or had he truly thought the other Rat above him somehow, socially or otherwise? Granted, Silver had come from a rich family, and he had not...but was that the real reason?

"You...you were fantasizing about him, were you not?"

Reseda started and turned to look back at Vischer. The little rat was pushing himself away from the dresser, coming toward Reseda with a strange look on his face.

"Who?" Reseda asked stupidly.

"Your comrade." A strange smile. "Silver Rat."

Reseda's heart sped up. "How...how did you..."

"You said his name. Cried it out, actually...several times, in fact." The smile grew. "You were very aroused from the sound of it...you called him your 'dear Silver,' even...you very much treasure him, do you not?"

Reseda's face flushed. "I...I wouldn't know."

Vischer chuckled softly and waved a finger. "Ah-ah. You lie now. You think I cannot tell? I wondered who it was you thought of so ardently. I knew it was not me...you'd set your eyes on someone a bit more well endowed than I am...and even I know your friend Silver more than fits the bill, am I right?"

Reseda turned away, still straightening himself out. "I'm not certain what you're talking about, sir."

A gentle laugh. "All right, all right...I'll allow you to have this one fantasy to yourself...Silver is all yours. Although I do believe he would be most delectable myself...the three of us would make an excellent combination, if you don't mind me saying..."

"I do mind," Reseda said, the comment coming out sharper than he'd intended. He flushed again. "If you don't mind...sir...I have to go now. I shouldn't have tarried here this long."

"Understood, understood...but please, dear Reseda...you have such emotions bottled up inside...it'd be best to let them out before they end up exploding. Please tell your dear beloved how you feel about him...perhaps he will not reciprocate...but at least he will know, and you will know. I do think you and Silver would make a most excellent couple together." Still with the smile.

Reseda turned away and left the room. He couldn't bear the conversation any longer...most likely because...he wanted to tell Silver how he felt. But knew that it was impossible.

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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)

I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.

Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome.
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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