Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/821898-Giving-In
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #821898
A divorced mother fights her attraction to a handsome stranger before finally Giving In
“How much longer, Mom?”

Lindsey gazed in the rearview mirror and felt the uncertainty that filled Kaleb’s big brown eyes. Anxious to put as many miles as possible between them and Donovan, she had been driving for eight long hours, taking Kaleb farther and farther from the only home he had ever known. His sandy blonde hair, so different from her own straight auburn mane, glistened in the late afternoon sun.

“Not much longer, Sweetie.”

Autumn’s hand had painted a vast kaleidoscope of colors that decorated the many trees lining the two-lane road. Her spirits lifted at the thought of trading city traffic and high rises for the quiet beauty of the country.

A chubby groundhog waddled across the road just feet in front of her car. When Lindsey slammed on the brake to avoid hitting the plump animal, a loud explosion filled her ears. The car immediately swerved to the right, heading straight towards a large oak tree. Lindsey’s white knuckles gripped the steering wheel as she pumped the brakes. Every muscle in her body ached from the long, sleepless car ride, but she fought desperately to regain control of the vehicle. Kaleb’s frightened cries gave her the strength she needed to guide the car to a safe stop at the side of the road.

“Are you okay, baby?” Lindsey released her seatbelt and twisted around to face her ten-year-old son.

“Yeah. What happened?” His wide-eyed face was drained of color.

“I think a tire blew out. You stay here while I go check it out.”

Lindsey’s legs were shaking when she stepped out of the car. Pieces of tire tread were strung on the road behind them. With one hand sliding across the hood of her car for support, Lindsey walked around it to the passenger’s side.

“We lost the front tire, Buddy,” she called through the half-opened window.

Kaleb stepped out of the backseat to join his mother. “What do we do now?”

“Well, I guess we change the tire.”

“You know how to do that?” Kaleb snickered his doubt.

“Actually, I do.” She walked around to the back of the car and opened the trunk. “Before I met your father I changed my own oil.”

A small grin crossed his freckled face. “You did?”

“Want to learn how to change a tire?” Lindsey rolled the spare tire to the side of the car.

“You’re really going to do it yourself, Mom?”

Lindsey kneeled on the ground and began to jack the car into the air. “Do you see anyone else here who’s going to do it for us?”

Kaleb’s voice rose in excitement as he grabbed her arm. “Maybe the man getting out of that truck.” He pointed to the vehicle parked behind their car.

“Good afternoon, ma’am.”

Lindsey jumped to her feet. She gawked at the dark haired man standing beside her son. Her gaze hovered a little too long on the patch of curly hair that was playing peek-a-boo over the top of his white muscle shirt. Donovan’s chest was bare, and much less defined, she thought. Lindsey slowly moved her eyes over the broad shoulders and bronzed biceps, and then lowered her gaze to the narrow waist and muscular legs. Butterflies instantly took flight in her abdomen at the sight of the man’s well-defined physique.

“Looks to me like you could use some help,” the stranger offered.

“Yeah. Mom says-” Kaleb began.

At the sound of her son’s voice, Lindsey snapped out of her trance. With hands on hips she raised her head and glared into laughing blue eyes. “I think it looks like I am changing a tire!” She retorted. “And no, we do not need any help. I am not some damsel in distress in need of rescuing!” She dismissed him by returning to the task of exchanging the ruined tire for the spare.

“Have it your way, ma’am.” The man chuckled as he walked back to his truck. “Have a great evening.”

Kaleb stood in silence as the truck drove past them and out of sight.

Trevor pounded his fist against the steering wheel. Leaving her to fend for herself was not his style. Visions of the feisty redhead filled his mind. If she hadn’t turned her back on him when she did, he would have kissed the brazen look out of her emerald eyes. He groaned out loud. The thought of kissing her pink pouting lips stirred arousal in him that he hadn’t felt in years.

Two hours after the tire incident, Lindsey was helping her aunt set the table for dinner.

“You gave me an extra plate, Aunt Brenda.”

“I invited my neighbor.” Brenda pulled fresh baked rolls from the oven before winking at Kaleb who was already sitting at the table.

Lindsey didn’t feel up to meeting anyone. After the long drive, she just wanted to eat, take a hot bath, and crawl into bed.

When the doorbell sounded, Brenda said excitedly, “There he is now.”

“He? One of your many Bingo boyfriends I presume.” Lindsey teased as she headed towards the front door.

Lindsey opened the door expecting to see a man the same age as her aunt. Her breath caught in her throat when her eyes collided with the blue-eyed stranger from the side of the road.

“Hi, Lindsey,” he said nonchalantly. “I’m Trevor. Brenda has told me a great deal about you. I’m glad to see you got your tire changed.” His lips parted into a mischievous grin.

Lindsey leaned against the doorframe in disbelief.

“Are you all right?” There was genuine concern in his soft voice.

Trevor held her arm in one hand and placed his other hand on the small of her back. At his touch, the butterflies in her stomach took flight again. What is it about this man, she thought. Why am I acting like a love struck schoolgirl who has a crush on the captain of the football team? Maybe because he is so opposite of Donovan. Donovan never would have offered to help someone he knew, let alone a perfect stranger. And Trevor’s touch is so light, almost caressing, despite the size of his large calloused hands. In twelve years of marriage Donovan’s touch never sent shivers of anticipation through my body. Lindsey cursed herself for allowing him to lead her into the kitchen.

“Lindsey, are you okay? You look kind of pale.” Brenda turned to her great-nephew, “Kaleb would you get your Mom a glass of water.”

“Just tired.” Lindsey answered. She couldn’t seem to speak more then two syllables at a time.

“Why don’t you go take a shower before dinner. I can keep everything warm until you get back.” Brenda was already placing the rolls back into the still warm oven.

“Okay,” Again only two syllables.

“Do you need any help?” Trevor offered.

At the thought of this man helping her into a shower, Lindsey let out a low moan. She hoped everyone thought it was a negative reply.


The next week was filled with enrolling Kaleb in school, landing a receptionist’s job, and dodging Trevor’s many phone messages requesting she join him for dinner. She didn’t trust herself to be around him.

Lindsey returned home after her first week at work to find Trevor throwing a football in the yard with Kaleb. Unable to avoid confrontation, she glared at Trevor.

“Kaleb. In the house now!”

The front door slammed behind Kaleb. Lindsey’s heart leapt to her throat when she met Trevor’s amused glance.

“Using my son to get to me won’t work. Can’t you see I’m not interested! Kaleb is very impressionable and I will not have him hurt by the likes of you!”

She turned and stomped towards the front porch. Before she reached the door, however, Trevor’s hand closed around her arm and spun her around to face him. Holding both of her arms in his strong grasp he forced her to look into the depths of his cerulean eyes.

“Lindsey.” His voice was harsh. “I am not your ex-husband. I will not hurt you or Kaleb. I will not desert you and run away with my beautiful young secretary like Donovan did.” His voice became softer as he continued. “I think I fell in love with you that day on the side of the road. But you won’t give me the chance to find out.” He paused long enough for his words to sink in. “Maybe this will help.” Trevor moved his hands to caress the sides of her face. The rough pads of his thumbs tickled her jaw line. He pulled her to him and gently kissed her.

As soon as his supple lips brushed hers, Lindsey surrendered all her reluctance.

Heaven help me, she thought. I have lost my heart to a stranger.
© Copyright 2004 JulieAnn (julieann at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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