Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/856227-Best-Yard-Sale-Find-
Rated: E · Non-fiction · Experience · #856227
Best YardSale Find I Never Got. And Why.
The best yard sale find I ever found was a dress like I have always wanted. In fact I have found dresses of this type many times. The bad part about is that the cost is way above what I would eather give for it or it will not fit me properly. The type dress I am talking about is of the old Sothern belle type dress worn back centeries ago. The way the dresses are made a skinny minni of a size 2 can ware it. The bad thing I hate to addmit is I am no skinny minni. I am not fat by no means but you add how the dresses are made and how I have to be special fitted to a dress you are asking for trouble and a long drawn out undertaking in getting a dress made for me. The firt time I ever found this dress like I wanted we were out yardsaling one Sunday morning in Florida when we lived there. I remember When I saw it we were just out Driving around looking for yard sales. Down there you find the best bargains so that is what we did every weekend. Just about every time we went I would find at lest one dress like this that the price was right but the fit was wrong. My mom says I would have fit in to them old days of the way of life. I just tell her I just have respect for the way others had to live back then and how hard it was back then on others. It is my way of respect of how if we do not remind others of the old days and remember our heratage then feauture generations will never know where they came from. To loss that I think would be shamful. You Be The Judge.
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