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July 16, 2004, newsletter, using appropriate word |
Writers need ways to tighten and strengthen their work. Success can be found by finding and using appropriate, specific words Using the Right Word In order to create concrete images, whether in poetry or in prose, finding specific words that are appropriate tightens and strengthens the writing. Writers need to avoid general, overused words. Writers also need to avoid using clichés, generalizations, and stereotypes. Ah, I can hear the question now, "What do you mean? What are clichés, generalizations, and/or stereotypes?" I will go into those terms and their relationships to writing poetry month after next, but I'll give brief definitions for now: cliché: something that has become overly familiar or commonplace generalization: vague or indefinite statement stereotype: something conforming to a fixed or general pattern; especially a standardized mental picture that is held in common by members of a group and that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgment Other "no-nos" include avoiding state-of-being verbs as much as possible; instead a writer should use vivid action verbs. Many times the writer has to reword and revise, but resulting in stronger, tighter writing. Although most words on the lists below are synonyms, they do not have the exact same meanings. The writer needs to find the specific word that “fits” the way it is being used. The Tone Vocabulary lists help the writer find words that match the mood desired. For example, if a poem describes a spring day, the writer wouldn’t want to use words that portray sorrow such as somber or gloomy. Instead he would want to use words such as cheery or hopeful. These lists are not nearly complete; they are just examples, giving the writer ideas, a place to start. A thesaurus and a dictionary should always be at hand when a person writes. They are tools that can help the writer find the best word for his purpose. We need to remember that words aren't always interchangable even if synonyms. For example, the synonyms for house may be shack, mansion, cottage, dwelling, or bungalow. But which word would be the "right" word in place of "house" in the following sentence? The small house sat half hidden in the grove of trees and tall grass, it's roof half gone and holes in the walls. According to the context of the sentence, the place is located in a place not well tended. The roof is damanged, as are the walls. Therefore, shack would probably be the "right" word in that sentence. Activity - Reading 1. Consider the three lists below. Find other terms which could apply. 2. Consider the differences in meaning of some of the terms. Activity - Writing 1. Write a six-line poem using the following words: good, bad, said, glad. 2. Revise the poem using specific words to replace the four used, tightening the meaning of the poem. 3. Revise the poem with its specific words, being sure to use at least four poetry devices besides enjambement and caesura. NOTE: A sample list of poetic devices can be found in "Poetry Terms and Devices" ![]() Sample Lists of Specific Words (Note: I'm sorry I was unable to format the following into columns for easier reading) Alternatives to “Said” added corrected insisted ranted wept admitted cried laughed reminded whispered answered croaked lied replied wondered argued crowed mentioned requested yelled asked dared murmured roared babbled decided muttered sassed bawled declared named sighed bet demanded nodded smiled blurted denied nudged spoke bragged ended offered smirked bugged exclaimed ordered snickered called explained panted stammered cautioned expressed pleaded stated chatted fretted praised stuttered cheered gasped prayed suggested chuckled greeted promised tempted coaxed hinted questioned told confessed informed quoted wailed Less Common Alternatives to “Said” admonished droned projected vocalized affirmed enjoined quibbled volunteered alleged enumerated quipped assented espoused quizzed bantered estimated rebuked bemoaned evinced recited berated exhorted rejoiced broached indicated renounced cajoled intoned retorted carped jeered revealed challenged jested scowled cited lamented simpered claimed leered speculated communicated mocked sputtered conceded needled squelched demurred opined stipulated denounced outlined stormed disclosed presented theorized drawled proffered uttered Alternatives to “Good” and “Bad” Words to use in place of “Good”: excellent valuable benefit masterpiece pride gem precious jewel brilliant treasure model prince angel beneficial profit improve asset divine heavenly useful advantageous elite edifying genuine moderate tiptop virtuous favorable dandy well behaved perfect fresh Words to use in place of “Bad”: hurtful ill evil pest plague thorn abuse oppression persecution outrage atrocity torture mischief rotten vicious misbehave trespass deviate decayed decomposed putrid tainted burden imperfect wicked reprehensible deteriorated corrosive Tone Vocabulary Samples Positive Tone/Attitude Words lighthearted hopeful exuberant enthusiastic confident cheery optimistic loving amused elated sympathetic compassionate complimentary passionate proud sunny bright shining brilliant intelligent whimsical bantering wit Negative Tone/Attitude Words Anger: angry disgusted outraged furious wrathful bitter irritated indignant threatening accusing condemnatory inflammatory Humor/irony/sarcasm: scornful disdainful contemptuous sarcastic cynical condescending critical facetious patronizing satiric sardonic mock-heroic irreverent mock-serious ironic flippant Sorrow/fear/worry: somber elegiac melancholic sad disturbed mournful solemn serious apprehensive concerned fearful despairing gloomy sober foreboding hopeless staid resigned Neutral Tone/Attitude Words formal objective incredulous nostalgic ceremonial candid shocked reminiscent restrained clinical baffled sentimental objective disbelieving questioning urgent instructive matter-of-fact admonitory learned factual didactic informative authoritative Highlighted Iems Using the right words results in excellent poetry. Therefore all I had to do was find some of the best poetry on the site. Did I say "all I had to do"? This site is filled with excellent poetry. The hard part was deciding what to choose. The first poem makes the words live in the reader's mind.
This piece makes so much to me personally, that I felt chosing it would be bias on my part. Therefore, I had someone else visit this port and pick a poem. She also liked this one, so I hope you enjoy it.
A newcomer to our second home uses words like the hues in a painter's pallete. To give readers a chance to sample his "art work," I'm including two of his works.
The following poem brings the results of lies in advertising to a deadly end.
Limericks must meet a certain number of syllables per lines, a rhyme form, and limited lines. Words must be used very carefully.
One of the most talented word-crafters on the site is the writer of the following poem.
This poet used the "right" words to set the tone of her poem.
"Listen" to the words this writer uses to bring the scene to life.
Our Readers Speak from PA OUS ![]() ![]() I enjoyed reading the news letter, and it helps me a lot. I now know that free verse and blank verse are different from what I used to think. Pa Ousman Joof I'm glad I was able to help. I plan on covering "how" to write free verse next month. from Rachel Campbell ![]() ![]() Thank you so much for the information. I love to write and have often been told that I have a knack for doing so; however, I have never really dwelved into all the basics of writing. I believe being empowered with this information could only transform my abilities from hit-and-miss writer to steady enlightened works of art. Thank you again! We all keep learning and improving, or we start mentally dying. The same is true of writing. I'm still learning and, hopefully, improving, too. from Lexi ![]() ![]() Viv, Thank you for explaining the blank verse poetry form. Your newsletter topics always spark creativity and teach us something new. Excellent Newsletter! Lexi I'm glad to know that what I write helps others. I guess the teacher in me is still strong. from Juniper ![]() ![]() Thank you so much for this editorial. I am very glad that you chose to tackle blank and free verse. And to tell you the truth, I didn't really know the true meaning of blank verse until I read this. I have taken a couple of poetry writing classes, and didn't really get an explanation for that. Interesting. Thanks for addressing this issue, I think it is something that everybody needs to pay attention to. Thanks. I had a professor in college who insisted that we not only know what terms mean, but also how they work. She wanted us to understand and to use what we learned. She really influenced me. Thank you, Mrs. Sexton, wherever you are. from pendragon Wow! Great topic this week, Viv! I have never understood the full meaning of free verse until now, and I can't thank you enough for it! Your wisdom is cherished so very much! ![]() from Octobers Lie ![]() ![]() Viv, This Newsletter is so informative. I wish I could just bottle up all your knowledge and have it sitting right beside me while I write. You're amazing. Thank you for highlighting my poem. It is such an honor. Okay, I'll try to take all my knowledge and make static items. ![]() from winklett ![]() ![]() Great editorial on a wonderful subject. I like especially that you delved into the free verse/blank verse explanation much more thoroughly than I'd ever read before. Best of all, you used great examples. Thanks! Thank you. I hope I can continue helping. from mousybrown Ms. Viv, Again, I thank you for yet another lesson in the many types of poetry. I'm so happy you freely share your knowledge with us. You are a gem! Janne Thank you. I'm honored with all the praise, but feel unworthy. To me, knowledge not shared is worthless. Until next time, when we'll discuss free verse and how to write it, read and write beautiful poetry. Viv ![]() ![]() |