Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/878453-Hidden-Fire---section-14
Rated: 18+ · Other · Fantasy · #878453
Kai in the woods & very much out of his element.
Kai followed closely on Thomas' heels as the little troupe of knights led their horses deep into the Dryad's Wood. He'd extinguished his magelight at the Baron's hissed command, and the group passed through the heart of the wood by the fickle light of the moon. Kai swore as he stubbed his toes on another unseen object that littered the forest floor, and yanked his now tattered purple robes from the grip of yet another patch of nettles.

"What possessed you to wear those clothes for traveling?" Thomas laughed.

"Well, my friend, a jaunt through the woods was never on my agenda. A nice simple trip through the Betweenways requires neither boots, nor armor. And frankly, this outfit was chosen because it is the one I would mourn least." Kai gestured at his garish purple and gold robes with his hands, forgetting for a moment that he held a sword.

Thomas jumped back and shook his head. "Sheathe that thing before you skewer me." Then he snickered. "Well, those robes could protect you as well as any armor could."

"How so?"

"My friend, your enemies will be so busy laughing at the sight of them, that even you could run them through before they knew it."

"Hmph... You knights have no idea of what constitutes proper sartorial splendor. But what can you expect from men whose idea of fashion is clumping about looking like giant iron turtles?"

A deep growling voice cut through their conversation. "Having a nice chat, boys? Maybe you could talk a little louder, so the whole Gorangan army could listen in! Quiet!"

Kai looked guiltily at Thomas, who rolled his eyes. "As if they couldn't hear him for miles around," he whispered as the baron strode away. Kai choked down a snicker.

Suddenly the entire group froze. Kai heard a hissing sound as a dozen broadswords were drawn. The naked blades gleamed in the moonlight. Kai belatedly yanked his own blade out again and tried to peer around Thomas to see what was happening. He caught the glimpse of flickering red light between the trees--a fire!

The Baron signaled two of his men forward and Kai waited tensely for their return. After what seemed like hours, the two men slipped silently back into the glade.

"Gorangans, sir, about twenty of them are camped by the edge of the woods. They appear to be guarding the main road."

"Can we take them, Sir Owen?"

"I believe so. We have the advantage of surprise and several of them appear to be drunk. Very poor discipline." A note of disgust crept into Owen's voice.

"Let's make this short and quick then. No one must escape to alert the main army that we are about." He turned to Kai. "Archmage, you will remain here with the horses."

Feeling useless, Kai stood to the side, watching as each knight tied up their mount and then disappeared silently into the wood. Thomas walked over and adjusted Kai's grip on his rapier again. "We'll be back before you know it. Just remember, little mage, keep the point of your sword between you and your enemy." Then he slipped off after the rest.

Kai stood, eyes straining against the dark, watching the distant pinprick of fire dancing behind the trees. A scream rose in the distance and was cut short. Shouts and cries rang out, and something blocked his view of the flames. The underbrush crackled and shook wildly and Kai heard someone cursing loudly, quite near. He shrank back into the shadows as a Gorangan soldier burst through the trees. Blood dripped down his face and one arm hung useless at his side. The man scrambled onto the closest warhorse, but it refused to move, no matter what he tried. He dismounted and spotted Kai's palfrey. As he reached out to catch up her reins, he saw Kai. He froze at the sight, then looked down as Kai's rapier slid into his stomach.

The stench of spilled bowels assaulted Kai's nose as he withdrew the blade. The man fell to his knees before him, then collapsed to the ground. Kai dropped the sword from nerveless fingers, his throat convulsing as he struggled with waves of nausea.

"Ah! Good job mage! You got the last one before he could escape!" Baron Powell clapped him on the back, nearly knocking him over. The other knights gathered around him, eying him with newfound respect. Kai shrugged off the congratulating hands and ducked behind the nearest tree. His stomach heaved and he spilled the remains of his long ago meal across the ground.

The Baron followed. "Aye, it's a bit different to kill a man close up while looking him in the eyes, rather than closing your own and sending a bit of wind to pick him up and carry him off. But you did well, and likely saved all our skins." The Baron turned away. "Time to mount up and move on! We've got a long ride if we are to make Briarton by tomorrow."

Kai continued to stare at the dead man lying on the ground before him. Very different, indeed, killing face to face. Then his thoughts spread to all those he had killed in the assault on the Keep. For the first time in his life, he felt like the beast his half-brother had so often named him.

Thomas approached him as he brooded. A small scratch on the knight's face was the only sign that he had just been in a pitched battle. He picked up Kai's sword and wiped it off with a bit of rag, before handing it to him. "The first time we kill, it takes us all like that. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar. But always remember, they attacked us. We have the right to defend ourselves and our people. Come on, Kaimana, time to mount up. Brace yourself for a long, hard ride." Thomas turned and rummaged through his pack again. He pulled out a small jar of salve. "And take this. You will need it later."

At some gesture of the Baron's, all the knights mounted smoothly and trotted out of the forest and onto the main road. Thomas once again grabbed the loose reins to Kai's palfrey and led it forward onto the main road.

"Hope you and the old girl can take the pace! And when we get to town, I think the Baron's purse strings can be loosened enough to buy you some proper knightly clothes. You are one of us, now. To Briarton we ride!" Thomas called to him.

The horses burst onto the main road and broke into a ground-eating gallop. Kai clung desperately to the saddle, dark thoughts chasing through his head as the scene in the clearing played over and over again. Yes, it had been necessary, but regret for so many wasted lives filled him. The only way to stop the violence was to defeat the Scourge, and to do that he needed his fellow Mages and Baron's men. Aroostook had much to answer for. Kai smiled grimly, and his dear brother would pay for leaving innocent men to die.

"Aye, on to Briarton and then the Citadel, Thomas!"
© Copyright 2004 Midnight Dawn (abookluvr at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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