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Rated: XGC · Other · Erotica · #918153
Where can the Dreamstone be safe?

When I rate an article "XGC", I really do mean it has Extremely Graphic Content. XGC stories may contain references to non-consensual sex, mind-control, sexual enslavement, incest, homosexual sex, and just about anything else.

If any of this is likely to offend you, please do not read any further.

The slender young girl giggled as she bent and gripped her ankles. Her skirt was so short, this was enough to expose her ass and bald pussy to the man standing behind her. He wasted no time in getting his dick out of his trousers and into the girl.

To his surprise, she had the tightest pussy he'd ever encountered. It took some effort to force himself into her. He wasn't gentle, and expected some outcry from her, but she just giggled again. Even when he started fucking her as hard as he could, she made no complaint, just moaned softly in pleasure.

He came in no time, and handed her a small banknote. She's obviously very new to the game, he thought as he left, glad I got her while her pussy and prices are both so small.

As soon as she was alone, the smile dropped from the girl's face and she winced in pain. A tear ran down her face, and she bit her lip to stop herself from crying. She sank to the ground.

The pretty girl who'd just been taken for a teenaged novice was actually a woman in her twenties who'd been on the game for years. Her name was Ellie, and she wore the Dreamstone around her neck. It was the Dreamstone that kept her young, fit, and tight as a virgin.

Get moving, bitch, said a voice in her mind. There'll be another guy along any minute, and today's a good day to get you pregnant again.

"Leave me alone," Ellie whispered.

No, said the voice. Get up, stop sobbing, and go get fucked again. Move!

Against her will, Ellie stood, and walked down the street. Sure enough, in just a few minutes she was taken back down the alley. This time, she was put against the wall and fucked up the ass as she giggled and whispered encouragement. Again, her client was impressed at how tight she was, and again, she was given a pitifully small payment when he left.

She stayed leaning against the wall, crying softly.

Aww, poor baby, said the voice. Anyone would think your ass was virgin, the way you're carrying on.

"It might as well be," Ellie whispered. "You keep me so tight I feel like I'm being ripped in two when I get a dick in me."

Yeah. The guys do love a tight little girl, said the voice.

"Well, I don't," whispered Ellie, "I don't like guys and I don't like being hurt and I don't like being a whore. I'm the mistress of the Dreamstone! I should be a goddess, not a cheap little slut!"

Too bad for you that you didn't destroy me when you had the chance, then, said the voice. You could have done it, if you hadn't been so eager to get rid of Donna and the Dream Queen. Or even if you'd let the Queen tell you about me before you banished her. But you didn't, and now I'M the Dreamstone's Mistress.

"But why do you keep doing this to me?" asked Ellie in despair. "There's so much more you could be doing with the Dreamstone."

Because Donna created me to make you suffer by fucking guys, came the reply. That's the only thing I want to do with it. Speaking of which... get moving!

Unable to resist the will of her tormentor, Ellie returned to the streets to pick up another client. And then another, and another, and another.

She'd lost count of how many times she'd been fucked that day by the time Ellen finally let her take a break. She bought herself a meal, then found a place to collapse and sleep for the night.

She wasn't alone there - an old homeless woman was sleeping in the doorway next to her. Ellie said nothing to her, but the woman seemed to want to talk anyway.

"Hard day, m'dear?"

"Very," replied Ellie uninterestedly. She held the Dreamstone out where she could see it, and gazed into it's dazzling facets, wishing as she so often did that she could gain control over it again and free herself from her life of sexual slavery.

"Well, it'll get better soon, I'm sure."

"I doubt it," said Ellie. "It never has yet." She carried on staring into the heart of the Dreamstone. Even now, it's beauty mesmerized her. Even knowing it was the cause of all her troubles.

Ellen, the voice in her head, had been created to imprison Ellie's mind. In order to make her as invulnerable as possible, her creator had linked Ellen to the Dreamstone in some way. Thus, when she had been torn apart by nightmares, she hadn't died, but instead had returned to the Dreamstone. So when Ellie regained the Dreamstone, Ellen simply took control of her again.

To start with, Ellie had only noticed that whenever she was dreaming, she couldn't keep her mind off fucking guys. The only thing she had managed to do with the Dreamstone was making sure her daughter, the banished Dream Queen, would never dream - just to be on the safe side. Within a few weeks of regaining the Dreamstone, Ellie was incapable of using it, as the instant she entered the dreamworld, she would simply conjure up guys and fuck them nonstop until she woke up.

But in the waking world, she remained a lesbian who was disgusted by the thought of sex with men. But slowly, she found herself more and more driven to fuck them anyway, in spite of her desires. If she hadn't been pregnant, she would probably have started having sex even then.

When she'd given birth to her first daughter, it was like a switch had been thrown. She'd moved away from her parents, and acquired multiple boyfriends, who she'd encouraged to use her purely for sex.

But her drive to be fucked grew ever stronger, until in order to satisfy it, to her humiliation, she took up prostitution in order to get enough guys. Her daughter was taken away from her, she was evicted from her home, but even then she was unable to conquer her drive to get screwed.

At last, Ellen had revealed herself, and Ellie finally understood what was happening. But she was too weak to use the Dreamstone to free herself. And so she had spent the years ever since, being fucked perpetually, impregnated regularly, giggling all day and crying herself to sleep at night knowing she had no prospect of it ever getting better: The Dreamstone had kept her body young and healthy for years while Ellen overruled her mind, there was no reason to think either would ever stop.

"That's a lovely necklace," said the old woman, jerking Ellie out of her despairing reverie.

"It's beautiful," she said softly, "but it's cursed. I hate it!"

The old woman looked at her in surprise.

"Well, if you don't want it, sell it. It'd fetch a pretty price."

Ellie's eyes jerked away from the Dreamstone, and she stared at the old woman in amazement. "Sell it..?"

"If you don't want it, get rid of it," Said the woman. "Simple enough."

Ellie looked back at the Dreamstone. "Get rid of it..?"

No, Ellen's voice screamed at her suddenly! Don't listen to her! Forget it! I order you!

Ellie's mind had been fogged and enslaved by Ellen for over a decade. Ellen had made sure that it never occurred to Ellie that she could just take off the Stone and be free. But the old woman's offhand remark had shattered the barrier in Ellie's mind at last. The Dreamstone was in her hands, all she had to do was take it off.

Don't take it off, Ellen screamed at her. You can't take it off!

Slowly, dreamily, Ellie reached behind her neck to the fastener on the Dreamstone. Ellen had been created to force Ellie to have sex, she couldn't control her in any other way.

Ellie undid the fastening, and took the Dreamstone off. Ellen's furious screams faded away. For the first time in a decade, her mind was her own.

She stuffed the Dreamstone into a pocket, and exhaustedly fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

When she awoke, she was alone. The Dreamstone was still in her pocket, and there was no voice in her head.

I'm free, she thought to herself ecstatically. I'm finally free!!

Smiling happily, she leapt up and walked down the street. I'm free, I'm in control, I can do anything I want to, she thought happily.

To her surprise, she saw her first client of yesterday walking towards her.

"Hi honey," he greeted her. "Are you free?"

I'm in control again, Ellie thought happily. "No," she replied, "I'm afraid you have to pay for me!" She giggled.

"Be happy to," the man smiled. "Let's just go up this alley, shall we?"

Ellie walked up the alley with him and stood against the wall, her legs apart. Her client slid his dick up her cunt.

"Ow!" she exclaimed. "Not so hard!"

"Sorry," the man said unapologetically. He began fucking her, hard and fast.

I'm wincing, thought Ellie happily. I said ouch when he hurt me. I'm in control again! Wow, I'm even crying as he fucks me! Awesome!

When he was finished, the man held out the same small payment as yesterday. Ellie shook her head. "Sorry, prices have doubled."

"No problem," he replied, and gave her the amount she asked for.

She returned to the streets, and picked up another client. She almost laughed out loud in pleasure of her freedom when she spat his cum out instead of swallowing it.

After many other clients, she decided to finish early, and went back to her sleeping place of the previous night. Her pussy was sore, and nowhere near as tight as it had been in the morning. Her ass ached, and even her tits were throbbing in pain. The Dreamstone was no longer keeping her body in perfect shape, she realized happily.

As she drifted off to sleep, the thought occurred to her that maybe being free should mean she could stop being a whore and not have to fuck the men she despised any more. But after so many years of slavery, the idea was beyond her comprehension. She dismissed it, and fell asleep.

Tears trickled down her face occasionally, as even in her dreams she was unable to stop fucking.


Jenny woke up and yawned. Another dreamless night, she thought vaguely as she got up and headed to the bathroom.

Her foster mother had already been in there, she noted - the whole room was steamed up. How can she bear such hot showers? Jenny wondered. She wiped the mirror clear and stared at her reflection.

Dazzling violet eyes stared back at her. Most people, on meeting her, assumed she was wearing coloured contact lenses. Nobody, they said, really had eyes that Colour.

I guess I must be nobody then, was Jenny's usual unspoken reply. Jenny left a lot unspoken. Most people thought her shy, but she didn't think she was. She wasn't afraid of people. She was more afraid of the world. In a way she could never define, the world seemed altogether too solid and unchanging for her liking. And most people seemed too intense and focussed for her comfort.

So she spent most of her time alone. She didn't even speak much to her foster parents, who were fortunately happy to leave her to herself. She knew they blamed most of it on her mother. Jenny was taken away from her mother when the authorities discovered that not only was she a prostitute, but she made no effort to keep activities away from her young daughter.

She wondered sometimes what her mother was doing now. She'd not seemed at all upset when Jenny was taken, and made no effort to contact her. Not that she cared much about her mother, but she did wonder sometimes if she had any brothers or sisters. After all, she knew for a fact her mother used no birth control and had sex more times in a day than most people in a month.

She went downstairs, and saw her foster parents sitting at the table. They had a box and some papers in front of them, and looked unusually somber. They looked at Jenny as she came down the stairs.

"Come and sit down, please, Jenny," said Sarah, her foster mother.

Silently, Jenny went and sat at the table. She looked at the small card box, feeling oddly drawn to it.

"Jenny, I'm afraid I have some bad news. Your mother is dead," said Sarah.

Jenny blinked. Why is that bad news, she wondered. I barely even knew her. "Oh.." she said, unsure what else to say.

"She didn't make a will, but as her next of kin, her belongings have come to you." Sarah pointed at the box. "That's what the box is."

Jenny looked in surprise at the box. "That's everything she owned?"

Sarah nodded, and looked at the letter in her hands. "She... she died homeless. Apparently, she was living on the streets for years."

"Oh," said Jenny again.

"I'm sorry," said Sarah. Paul, her foster father, echoed her, "I'm sorry."

"Thank you," said Jenny, still not knowing quite how to react.

Sarah passed the box to her. "You don't have to open it here or now," she said.

"Thank you," said Jenny. "What're all the papers?"

Sarah's face went slightly red. "They're, um, official papers. For us."

Jenny knew she was lying. The papers were about her mother, she knew. She was probably just trying to shelter Jenny from the truth. But she didn't challenge her. She took the box. "I think I'll open it in my room," she told them. They nodded.

Jenny carried the box upstairs. She wasn't sure why she didn't want her foster parents to see the box contents, but she felt, for some reason, that there was something important in the box.

She closed the door, and sat down on her bed with the box on her lap. She opened it.

At the top was a handbag. A cheap black plastic one. Jenny opened it and looked inside. Oh nice, mom, she thought. Two pairs of handcuffs, two.. no, three dildos, and several things I don't even know what they are. Oh, and a purse.

She closed the bag in disgust and put it aside. Next, some clothes - a skirt that was barely more than a wide belt, a semi-transparent top, an ugly jacket made of silver fabric, and some cheap high-heeled shoes.

And at the bottom, a small bag, which clinked as she picked it up.

Jenny tipped the contents out onto the bed. Several rings, a few bracelets, and a necklace.

A necklace.

Jenny stared at the stone on the necklace. It was exactly the same violet Colour as her eyes. It sparkled, dazzlingly bright even in the subdued light of the room.

I know you, she thought. You're mine. I know you are.

Wonderingly, she picked it up. She frowned, slightly - the necklace felt somehow strange, not quite as she was expecting it. But the strange certainty that the necklace was hers didn't fade.

She put it on. It felt as though she had suddenly woken up: She felt complete, in a way she never had before. But she also felt slightly strange, as though she were listening to a melody that was beautiful, but had an occasional wrong note.

She went to the window and opened the curtain. She wanted to see the stone in better light. As the sun caught it, the stone almost exploded with light, casting rainbows in all directions. Jenny stared in wonder at the beauty of the stone, mesmerized.

Her reverie was broken suddenly as Sarah called up to tell her they were going out - Jenny had forgotten they had planned to be away for the day. She watched from her window as her foster parents got into the car and drove away.

As her eyes followed them up the road, they were caught by a staggering figure making his way down it - Drunken Dave, the local alcoholic. He was being taunted by a couple of boys, as he so often was - Dave was incapable of walking past someone without speaking to them. Usually he'd jeer at the males and make lewd suggestions to the females.

Jenny turned away, and went to get breakfast. Then she showered and dressed. The whole time, she found it hard to keep from holding the stone and gazing into it.

Then she logged onto her computer, and opened her chat software. She enjoyed talking to people over the Net, and even had a web cam and microphone so she could talk to people almost face-to-face if she wanted to.

None of her chat friends were online, so she went to a just wandered through the chat rooms at random. The clicking of the buttons on her keyboard seemed very relaxing, and she felt half-asleep as she watched the chat text on the screen.

An IM popped up, from somebody she didn't know. A man wanting to see her web cam. She got a lot of IMs from horny men when she had her web cam plugged in.

For once, she decide to play along for a bit, so she made her cam publicly-viewable. She felt even more relaxed then, and felt almost asleep. Vague words passed through her mind, but she paid very little attention to them - it was nothing she hadn't heard before.

"...your top off...."

Such single-track minds, she thought dreamily.

"...see your ass..."

Didn't they have anything better to do than beg girls to show off online?

"...moan for me..."

It's not like anyone ever actually shows them anything.

"...your legs wider..."

That's odd, she thought. I don't think I've heard that one before.

Suddenly, her dreamy state didn't feel so cozy. She opened her eyes and looked sleepily at her computer screen.

There were dozens of IMs open on her screen, and a movie was playing of a naked girl laying on a bed, her legs wide open, masturbating furiously with one hand and fondling her tits with the other. Then her eyes opened, and Jenny saw that they were violet.

Oh my God, thought Jenny. That's me! Her stomach lurched as she woke up fully and realized she was watching her own web cam, live: she was laying on the bed naked, moaning in faked pleasure as she masturbated in front of dozens of viewers.

For a moment, she was tempted to continue. Keep going, a part of her seemed to say. They've already seen everything, it won't do any more harm to keep going. At least get an orgasm out of this.

But she resisted, and scrambled off the bed and over to her computer. Hastily, she pulled out the cable connecting her computer to the net, and sighed in relief as the IMs and web cam screen went blank.

She sat back down and wondered what the Hell had just happened. What on Earth had possessed her to do such a thing?

Well.... she had been half asleep, after all. Maybe in her sleep-like state, she had been almost hypnotized, and open to the suggestions of the people watching her? And after all, we're always being told that being a teenager is a confusing time for the body, all the changes it's going through.. Yes, that must be it, she decided.

Then, since she was already naked and aroused, she laid back on the bed and finished masturbating before re-dressing and leaving the room.

She went into town to get some early Christmas shopping done then. By the time she was finished and started home, it was dark already. Winter draws on, she thought as she walked down the street. As if in response to her thought, it started to snow, a few flakes at first, but turning into a swirling mass of flakes in just a few minutes. As she walked towards her home, she watched the snow falling in the light of the street lamps. The twirling dance of snowflakes was almost hypnotic...

"Hello, Jenny. You want to get home quick in this weather," she vaguely heard someone say. She murmured something in response, still enraptured by the billowing snowfall. She felt almost asleep...

"Hey babe. Why don't you come and keep me warm?"

That's Drunken Dave, she thought idly. I'm surprised he can even feel the cold through the alcohol.

"Bet your mouth's plenty hot."

He's drunk alright, she thought sleepily.

"Yeah, swallow it all."

Huh? thought Jenny. What's he on about? She shook herself out of her reverie.

She was kneeling down. There was something pressed against her face that was making it hard to breathe, and something behind her head, pressing it forwards. Something that tasted rather unpleasant was in her mouth.

Oh my God, she realized. I'm sucking his cock!

She tried to jerk her head away, but he was holding too firmly for her to move. She made as much protesting noise as she could, and shook her head, trying to free it.

"Don't get all shy now sweetie. You ain't done yet," Dave slurred drunkenly.

Right, thought Jenny. You've earned this. And she bit down hard on his cock.

"Ow," he moaned. "Not so hard, babe."

Oh no. He's too drunk to feel hurt! Jenny realized. What do I do??

Do what he wants.

Just like when she'd woken up in front of her computer earlier, it seemed a part of her mind was encouraging her to go ahead. It was almost like a voice in her head.

But this time, she didn't see any other way out. She closed her eyes and tried to go back to the dreamy state that had gotten her into this mess.

She didn't manage it. She stayed painfully awake as she sucked away on the drunk's dick. Only after she felt cum spurting down her throat did he release his grip and let her pull away.

She spat as much as she could out of her mouth, then ran. Heedless of the icy conditions, she ran back home. She ran up the stairs, and only when she was back in her bedroom with the door locked did she stop.

What the Hell is happening to me, she thought frantically. Twice in one day! Am I turning into my mother???

My mother...

That's it! she realized. She pulled the necklace out of her top and stared at it. She couldn't explain why, but somehow, she KNEW that this stone was the cause of her behavior. It was influencing her somehow, she was certain.

She took it off, and dropped it to the floor. It felt like loosing a limb.

I can't throw it away, she realized. For some reason, the necklace seemed a part of her, an important part. She had to keep it. But she couldn't face wearing it again. Not after what she'd done already whilst wearing it.

I'll put it somewhere safe, she decided. Somewhere nobody will find it.

Jenny already had a hiding place for things she really didn't want found. The one time she'd smuggled a bottle of spirits into the house, she'd hidden it there. And the diary she occasionally kept was there too. The necklace would be safe there.

She went to her computer, and opened the side panel. The motherboard and all the circuitry were upright, screwed in to the far side. The bottom of the box was just bare metal, with only her diary resting on it.

She put the necklace on top of the book, and then closed the case again. Nobody else would open her computer up, the necklace would surely be safe in there...


Paul sighed in regret as the violet-eyed girl stopped moaning and finger-fucking herself and disconnected. He'd been able to record the video, fortunately, but it wasn't the same as watching live.

What was more, he'd been able to find her computer's address. The next time she connected, with any luck, he'd be able to crack her computer and watch her even when she thought her cam wasn't public.

He set his computer to ping hers once every five minutes, so he'd know when she came back, then went back to trying to crack his school network. He was determined to get access to his records to make sure his end-of-year report wouldn't have any inconvenient news for his parents.

Although he liked to think of himself as a hacker, he was really just a script kiddie - he had no idea how to crack a computer himself, he just had access to a bunch of programs that would do it for him. So far, none of them had worked, but he had downloaded a few new ones he had high hopes of...

"Paul..?" a whiny voice called. His sister, Beth.

"What?" he asked angrily.

"Mom says you're to drive me to the mall so I can get some shopping done," she told him.

"Oh, for fuck's sake," he muttered under his breath. "Why can't the little bitch get a boyfriend to be her taxi service???"

He went out and looked down the stairs at his little sister. Because she's a whiny, stuck-up, flat-chested bitch nobody in the world would want to get off with, that's why, he told himself. He took his car keys out of his pocket and went down the stairs.

In the evening, after spending far too much time waiting for his sister to try on dozens of identical-looking clothes, a chime from his computer alerted him to the re-connection of the violet-eyed girl's computer. She was back online!

Not in chat with web cam rolling, sadly, but never mind. Let's see what we can do with her computer. He started running scripts. To his delight, he gained full access to her computer after only three tries.

He checked her computer's logs first. Looks like she leaves it on 24/7, Paul noted happily. Now, let's look at her hardware and see if I can get access to her web cam...

He opened her /dev directory, and scrolled through it.

Huh? he thought. /dev/dream?? What the hell is /dev/dream???

He was aware of odd /dev files, like /dev/null, the computer equivalent of a black hole. And /dev/zero/, which would spew an endless stream of zeros when accessed. But /dev/dream??

He tried to access it.

A message window popped up on his computer. "Access dreamers?", it said, with on "OK" and "Cancel" button.

What the Hell, he wondered. He clicked "Ok". A new window appeared, with what looked almost like a phone book - a list of people's names, in alphabetical order.

Weird, he thought. He scrolled down, but even after hundreds of names had gone past, he was still on "A". Must be millions of names on here, he thought.

He decided to see if he was on the list. He called up a Find window, and entered his surname. There were hundreds of people with his surname, however. Up near the top, he noticed that his sister, Beth, was listed. His own name, however, was not.

Oh well, let's see what it says about Beth then, he decided. He double-clicked her name, and a picture of her standing naked and spread-eagled appeared on his screen. He stared at it in delighted astonishment. Was this some kind of porn collection, he wondered? He noticed a button labeled "current dream", and clicked on it.

A movie screen appeared, centered on Beth. He almost laughed out loud - his sister was a skinny girl with hardly any curves, but the Beth on screen had a very full figure. She was walking through some town he didn't recognize.

He noticed a text entry box under the movie, and typed Hello. Somebody in the movie immediately said "Hello" to Beth.

Grinning, Paul typed in "Add big green monster".

The grin dropped off his face in astonishment as a large green monster appeared in the movie, and started attacking the people in the town.

He heard a soft moan through his bedroom wall. Beth's room was next to his.

Is it possible..? he wondered. Is this REALLY Beth's actual dream?

"Monster attacks Beth", he typed. The movie monster leapt on Beth. The movie vanished, and he heard a scream through the wall.

Paul rushed to her bedroom door, and went in. "What is it?" he asked eagerly.

"It's nothing," Beth said. "Just a nightmare."

"Being attacked by big green monsters, huh?"

She looked at him in amazement. "How did you know?"

"What, you WERE? I was just kidding!"

"Oh. Well, I'm fine."

"Ok. Sleep well," said Paul, and went back to his computer.

Holy shit, he thought, this really does control dreams! What else can it do?

Beth's name wasn't on the list any more - because she's not dreaming any more, he realized. Then he noticed a check box at the top "Show active dreamers only". He unchecked it, and the list of names grew huge as the names of the awake were added to the dreamers.

He accessed his sister's entry again. A warning message came up "Any changes made will not take effect until the next dream." He okayed the message, then clicked on the picture of his sister.

A whole list of options opened up. It looked like almost everything about Beth could be affected - her mind, her body, everything.

He felt a surge of excitement. The thought of being in control of a girl was thrilling. I could fuck her, he thought. Right now, if I wanted. She's not sexy, but she's the only girl in the house.

He checked, and found that his parents were both asleep. He set their controls to ensure they wouldn't wake up. Then he went back to Beth's. Shall I make her want it? he wondered. No, he decided. She's a bitch, why make it easy on her?

So he simply made it so she couldn't speak anything above a whisper. Then he undressed, and went back into her room.

He knelt by her bed and shook her. "Beth? Wake up!"

She woke up and looked at him is groggy surprise. "What is it?" she whispered.

"Another nightmare," he said.

"I don't remember," she whispered. "Why are you shivering like that?"

He was shaking uncontrollably in excitement, "Why are you whispering?" he asked her.

She looked concerned. "I... I can't seem to speak any louder."

Paul felt a thrill as he realized that his computer had neutralized her voice just as he'd hoped. It really was working!

"That's good," he told her. "You can have that nightmare I mentioned now."

He stood up, and Beth finally realized he was naked. When she saw his dick was erect, she realized what he meant. "Oh no," she whispered.

"Oh yes," he said, as he fell upon her. She tried to fight him off, but he was far stronger than her. He pulled her legs apart and got between them.

"Help!" she tried to yell. Only a whisper came out. "Please! Help me! Stop! Please, Paul, stop!"

"Nope. This is your punishment for being such a bitch all your life," he told her. He put his dick up against her pussy.

"I'm sorry. I won't do it again," she whispered frantically, "please, don't do this to me!"

He ignored her, and forced his cock up into her.

"Ahhhh! Oh God!" she whispered despairingly.

"Oh yeah!" Paul hissed in satisfaction. At last, I get sex! he thought. Despite watching any number of girls on his computer, he'd never even kissed a girl in reality.

He fucked his sister hard, ruthlessly ignoring her whispered agony, until he finally came in her. He collapsed down onto her, panting hard. She sobbed silently beneath him.

After a few moments, he got up off her and stood up. "Don't worry, you'll be fine by morning," he told her. Then he went back to his own room, and watched the recording of the violet-eyed girl whose computer had made it all possible until Beth fell asleep at last.

As soon as she was back in his power, he set her body to heal completely by morning - she would have no bruises, no pain, even her virginity would be restored. And he weakened her memory of her ordeal. When she woke up with a fuzzy memory and no pain or injury, she would dismiss the whole thing as a nightmare.

About to go to bed himself, he suddenly realized something else he could do with his new power. He opened his own entry, and made an alteration. In future, when he boasted online of his massive dick, he wouldn't be lying. Besides, he thought, Bitchy Bethy'll cry even harder when she gets a dick that's even bigger.


The next morning, Beth seemed quiet and troubled, and avoided his gaze, but that was all. I've gotten away with it, Paul thought exultantly. She doesn't think it was real!

And I could do it to anybody. Anyone I want, I can fuck her brains out and she'll never even know. I can certainly find prettier girls than her. Girls with bigger tits, for starters.

But she's so convenient...

That night, he set Beth's tits to grow much bigger, and her pussy to get even tighter. Then he went into her room and woke her up.

"What is it?" she whispered.

"Another nightmare," he said.

"I don't remember," she whispered. "What nightmare?"

"This one," he replied. He stood up, and Beth realized he was naked. When she saw his erection, she realized what he meant. "Oh no," she whispered.


A week passed. Paul fucked Beth every night, but she still thought it nothing but a dream. Every night was just like the first, except her tits were getting bigger by the day. He tried taking her up the ass, but it wasn't as much fun as he'd expected, so he went back to her pussy.

He kept meaning to get other girls too, but somehow it always seemed like it would require too much effort to get to them. Beth was so convenient, and he found her desperately-whispered pleas a huge turn-on. She deserves it, he told himself, she's been a bitch her whole life.

And then Beth announced that she'd invited a friend to stay the night. Not an unusual occurrence, but it set Paul to thinking...

That night, when Beth and her friend, Sandra, were asleep, he used the dream controller to make sure nobody would wake up. Then he went into Beth's room, and turned on the light. He also put his web cam and microphone in the room, using extension cables.

That done, he set Beth and Sandra both to be nymphomaniac lesbians, started recording the web cam picture, and then told his computer to wake them up.

On screen, he saw them both open their eyes. They turned and looked at each other.. and that was it. Sandra jumped onto Beth's bed, they threw off their nightshirts, and without a single word exchanged, they started fucking.

They were at it for hours. Paul was actually getting bored of watching by the time they finally dropped in exhaustion. But he was delighted at the video files he'd recorded off the event. After the first hour, they'd gotten bored with simple sex and got very exotic. Should give me weeks worth of vid trading, Paul thought cheerfully.

He reset Sandra to normal behavior, and of course reduced her memory of the event to dreamlike status. Then he went to do the same to Beth, but paused. He had to erase her memory, of course, but he wondered if she'd beg him even harder not to fuck her if she was a lesbian.

He left her set to fancy girls.

And sure enough, the next night when he went into her room to take her, she pleaded more earnestly than she ever had before for him not to. Delightedly, he responded by fucking her even harder than usual. He noticed with approval that her pussy was tighter than a baby's and his massively-enlarged cock could only just be forced up it.

Life is good, he thought as he sat at his computer. He was having sex every night, getting revenge on his sister for her lifelong bitchiness, and his porn collection was increasing in leaps and bounds as Beth and Sandra's videos proved very popular.

When he eventually ran out of videos to trade, he decided to film some more. There were still plenty of sex acts he could think of that Beth could perform for the camera.

The question was, how could he make sure she performed as he wanted to? He couldn't control her when she was awake enough to give the camera a show.

Then it hit him. The dream controlling device he was using seemed pretty much omnipotent when it came to dreamers. Could he use it to swap his sister's mind for his own while they slept?

If he could, he could wake up as Beth, and do all the things he wanted for the camera, then swap back into his own body. He'd often wondered what it would be like to be female - he'd even pretended to be a girl on internet chat rooms before.

I'll do it, he thought. Tonight!

It was a bit complex, getting the computer to do what he wanted it to. But he worked it out in the end. He also set Beth's controls to stop her from waking up - it wouldn't do to have her walking around in his body. I'll wake up as her, fuck around for the camera for a while, then go back to sleep and wake up as me again, thought Paul as he went to bed that night. Should be great fun!


"Wake up, Paul," an unfamiliar voice told him. His shoulder was being shaken.

"What is it?" he whispered, sleepily trying to work out what was going on. He opened his eyes, and saw himself.

He was in Beth's room, in Beth's bed, he realized. He glanced down, and realized that he was in Beth's body as well. That must mean...

"Beth?" he whispered.

"Yes," Beth replied through his body's mouth. "You made a little mistake when you set your computer to swap us around - you told it to keep me asleep, and forgot that by the time it did that, I would be you and you would be me."

"You... you know..?" he whispered in surprise.

Beth smiled at him. "You left your computer on. I couldn't wake you, so I looked on it to see if it had any clues. Imagine my surprise."

This isn't good... how much has she found out? Paul thought. "What... how..?"

"I found out everything," Beth told him. "Everything you've done with it since you got it. And here I've been worried about having perverted nightmares. Turns out it was you all along."

Oh no... Paul thought.

"But I've made sure it won't happen again," Beth continued. "I mailed that purple-eyed slut and told her you'd hacked her computer. It's all over now."

"What?" Paul gasped in astonishment. "But we're still in the wrong bodies!"

"Don't worry. I made a few adjustments before I mailed her," Beth told him. "Or hadn't you noticed you can't speak above a whisper..?"

Beth stood up, and Paul realized that she was naked. When he saw her enormous erection, he realized what she meant. "Oh, no," he whispered.

Beth grinned. "I want revenge. And you made me fancy girls. I'm perfectly happy for us to stay like this."

She climbed onto him. He tried to fight her off, but she was far stronger than him. She pulled his legs apart and got between them.

"No!" he tried to yell. Only a whisper came out. "Please! Stop!"

"Welcome to your nightmare, Paulie," she told him, grinning, and rammed her massive cock into his tiny pussy. He whispered a scream of agony, but Beth ruthlessly ignored his sobs and pleas for mercy and fucked him good and hard. After a pain-filled eternity, he felt her cum splash into his ravaged pussy. She sighed softly, and slid out of him.

"Don't worry," she told him as she got out of bed. "You'll be a nice tight virgin again by tomorrow, just like I always was.

"Sweet dreams."

Continued in:
 Chapter 2  (XGC)
Like mother, like daughter?
#918154 by tatty_oldbitt
© Copyright 2004 tatty_oldbitt (tatty_oldbitt at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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