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Rated: XGC · Other · Erotica · #918154
Like mother, like daughter?

When I rate an article "XGC", I really do mean it has Extremely Graphic Content. XGC stories may contain references to non-consensual sex, mind-control, sexual enslavement, incest, homosexual sex, and just about anything else.

If any of this is likely to offend you, please do not read any further.

Jenny stared at the purple gemstone on its gold chain, dangling from her hands. Then she looked at the message on the screen. Then back to the stone.

The message was plain enough: "Someone has hacked your computer and gained control of dreams with it."

It sounded like nonsense, but on inspecting her computer's logs, she had discovered numerous access commands to /dev/dream. This unheard-of device vanished when she removed the necklace from her computer.

Dreams, Jenny thought. I've never had any dreams. But somehow, it sounds right. Dreams. This stone has something to do with dreams. Maybe that's why I never have any? The part of me that dreams is in this stone? Is that why I feel so complete when I wear it?

Jenny had never had a dream in her life that she could recall. She'd wanted to. She'd tried every method she could think of, even looking up old folklore to find herbs that were good for dreams. Nothing had ever worked.

She was wary of trying on the necklace again. The last time she'd worn it, she'd masturbated naked for dozens of people to see, and then given a drunkard a blow job as an encore. But surely, she thought, it couldn't hurt to put it on as I go to bed? What can go wrong while I'm asleep?

She chained the stone around her neck. "I want to have a dream," she told it, and got into bed. She tossed and turned for a few minutes, then her breathing slowed and deepened. She fell asleep.

Her eyes opened. Still asleep, she got out of bed. Then she sleepwalked over to her wardrobe, and took a cardboard box out of it.


She was walking through a fabulous palace. The walls looked like they had been built of diamonds filled with moonlight. The carpets were the softest she had ever walked on, and colors she had never seen before. Looking down at them, she noticed she was wearing a dazzling yellow dress, and nestled between her smooth, firm breasts was a beautiful purple stone. Everything felt perfectly right and natural, until she noticed a speck of darkness in the heart of the stone.

She tried to ignore it, but her eyes were dragged back to it time after time. Finally, she gave in and looked into the darkness in the stone. Immediately, she became aware of a sharp pain. She looked away. That was odd, she thought. What could possibly hurt the Queen of Dreams in the Castle of Dreams?

She looked back at the darkness, and the pain came again. Except.. she couldn't locate the pain. It wasn't a mental pain, nor was it hurting her dream body. What could it be?

She looked yet again, and the pain struck again. She struggled to localize it. Then she realized: It's in my body! My waking body!

How can I have a body? she wondered for a moment. I'm the Dream Queen!

Then the darkness flared, and swallowed her.


There was a rhythmic creaking. There was a girl's voice, saying "oh yeah! oh yeah!" in time with the creaking. There was gasping.

Then there was a dazzling light as she opened her eyes. Then the pain hit her: her pussy felt like it was being torn apart.

Utterly disoriented, she looked down.

She was wearing her mother's sleazy clothes. She was above a man she didn't know. And she was sitting on his cock, bouncing up and down as she moaned "oh yeah".

And she couldn't stop. Even the pain of her virginity being shattered wasn't enough to make her stop herself.

Then the guy stiffened beneath her suddenly. She felt him ejaculate inside her, and the realization that they weren't using any protection WAS enough. She leapt off him, and fell to the floor beside the bed.

He laughed. "Did the Earth move that much for you?"

"You raped me!" Jenny exclaimed at him.

He laughed again. "I don't think saying 'Yeah sure' to a girl who walks up to you and says 'Wanna fuck me' counts as rape yet."

"I didn't.. I did... did I say that?"

"Yeah. My kind of woman."

Jenny looked around frantically. "Where am I?"

"My place."

"Where?" she nearly screamed at him.

"Country lane," he told her. "Just off the main street."

She knew Country lane. Less than a mile from home. She got to her feet and ran to the door as fast as the awful high-heeled shoes would allow.

"Leaving already?" the guy asked in surprise. She ignored him and ran out.

In the street, she paused a moment to orient herself, then headed home. Her pussy hurt, but the pain was fading faster than she would have expected. Her breasts were beginning to ache though. She realized that her top was rolled up almost to her shoulders, exposing her tits to the world. She pulled it down. No bra, of course, she thought angrily, but even so, they don't usually hurt this much when I leave them loose.

Shivering in the cold, she walked as fast as possible to try and warm up. The slutty clothes did no more to warm her than they did to protect her modesty. She arrived home, and stripped out of them as quickly as possible. She went to the cardboard box they had arrived it, and stuffed them away in them. Her breasts were still aching slightly, but her pussy felt completely healed, to her amazement.

Should I take a shower, or just go to bed? she wondered. Then she caught herself.

I just lost my virginity, she thought. I lost my virginity to a guy I never met before, and I'm thinking of it no worse than a cut toe. Why am I so weird? It's like nothing that happens to my body is real to me!

Fuck it, I'm tired, she thought. I'm going to bed.

She climbed under the covers. Her bare leg bumped against something. My pajamas? she wondered. I'm not fond of sleeping naked. She reached down.

It was one of her mother's dildos.

How the Hell did that get here..? she wondered. She went to throw it out of the bed, but instead, her hand guided it into her pussy. Without even thinking about it, she started fucking herself with it.

Yes! she thought. Oh, this feels good! No virginity to worry about any more, I bet I can take the whole thing! She forced it right into her. It smarted as she forced the last few inches in, but she persevered.

Yeah, she thought, pumping it in and out. I can take it all! Go me! She kept fucking herself for several minutes, until she felt an orgasm build. She buried her face in the pillow and whimpered as she shuddered in pleasure.

Oh yeah, she thought. It's only right, after all. I didn't come when he did.

When he did...

Oh my God! That guy spunked up in me! And I've probably just forced his cum even further inside me!

She leapt out of bed, threw the dildo aside, and ran into the bathroom. She shoved the showerhead between her legs and turned it on full blast. With the other hand, she pulled off the necklace and hurled it away from her.

"What are you doing to me?" she whispered to it as she washed her unknown lover's cum out of her pussy.


It was well into the morning when Jenny woke up again. This time, she was in her own bed. Thank goodness, she thought.

She threw the covers aside, stood up, and stretched. Another dreamless night, she thought.

Hang on, tho... She sat back down on the bed, suddenly lost in thought.

I DID dream! I forgot all about it, but before I woke up earlier, I was dreaming! I was in a palace, and I was older, and I was...

I was the Queen of Dreams.

She lay back down and pulled the covers back over her. I was the Queen, she thought. That palace was MY palace. I'm sure of it.

Queen of Dreams... how could that be? I'm a girl who's never even HAD a dream before!

But... wouldn't it explain a lot? I've always felt like the world was too hard and unresponsive for me - and wouldn't a Dream Queen be used to a world she could change with a thought? I've always been shy of people because they seemed too intent - wouldn't the Dream Queen be used to people who were half-asleep?

The more she thought about it, the more right it felt. She was the Queen of Dreams, somehow reborn as a human. And the stone... it was linked to her somehow. It WAS a part of her.

I have to try to use it again, she thought. But I can't risk last night happening again..

She scrambled out of bed again, and went to the box her mother's possessions were in. She took a pair of handcuffs out. Then she got back into bed, and cuffed her arm to the headboard. The key, she put in her little safebox, which had a combination lock. Surely, she thought, I won't be able to open a combination lock in my sleep?

Then she picked up the necklace, and stared into the heart of the stone. The fire in its heart shone at her, and she whispered "Take me to my castle."

The fire flared, and she was dazzled momentarily. Then her sight returned.

She was standing in the palace. She was wearing a yellow dress, and her body was different. It was older, fuller, and flawless - not a single line, spot, or blemish. The necklace hung between her snowy breasts.

She looked around. There was a window in one wall. She went to look out of it. Millions of disks of light were visible, floating on a sea of darkness. Dreams, she thought. Those are dreams.

She left the window, and went to the throne. She sat on it. Nothing happened, to her disappointment.

I'm dreaming, she thought. I'm in a palace at the heart of the dreamworld. Now what?

If this is a dream, I should be able to change things. Let's try and create something. How about... a table?

She tried to concentrate. It was hard to concentrate, somehow. Why is it so hard? she thought. As she did so, a naked man appeared in front of her, with a major hard-on.

Careless thoughts... Jenny thought. She leaned back in the throne, which reclined with her so she was suddenly flat on her back. Her legs parted, and the man stepped between them, smiling.

No! thought Jenny. I'm not letting this damn stone control me like this. She wished the man away from her, and he vanished. The throne returned to it's usual shape, and she sat upright again.

She glared at the stone. "I'm in charge here," she told it angrily. "Not you."

I need to know why it's doing this to me, she realized. If this is a dream, I should be able to create anything I imagine. So let's see if I can imagine a guide to tell me what I need to know.

She concentrated, forcing the distracting thoughts of sex out of her mind. A guide, she thought, I want a guide.

And one appeared. A penguin, only instead of black, it was the same shade of yellow as her dress.

She blinked in surprise. "Who are you?"

The penguin replied "I'm the embodiment of your forgotten knowledge."

Sounds hopeful, Jenny thought. "Who am I?"

"The Queen of Dreams."

She pointed to the necklace. "And what's this?"

"The Dreamstone. It gives the holder absolute power over the Dreamworld."

"Where did it come from?"

"You made it, long ago."

"Why am I human now?"

"Your mother used the Dreamstone to reincarnate you. She was afraid you could take the Dreamstone from her."

"She knew what the Dreamstone was?" Jenny asked in surprise.

"Of course."

"But... she was a hooker who died broke and homeless!"

"Not by choice," the penguin explained. "She was enslaved by a creation of the Dreamstone."

"Enslaved..?" Jenny was stunned. "I think you'd better explain the whole thing."

The penguin shrugged. "You created the Dreamstone because you didn't want to be omnipotent any more. You sent it to the waking world, so it was beyond your power. Eventually, your mother, Ellie, found it.

"Your mother was a teenager at the time, and a frustrated lesbian. Her first act with the Dreamstone was to find a lover.

"The first woman she found, she used the Dreamstone to make her want to have sex with her. But the woman woke up before they finished. Your mother, very frustrated, summoned another lover, and this time forced her to have sex against her will.

"The problem was what Wiccans call the threefold law. Any evil you do with the Dreamstone comes back to you with even greater strength. The first woman was happy to have sex, so there was no problem. The second, however, was not happy. Your mother effectively raped her. So karma exacted a punishment.

"You mother used the Dreamstone to make two women willing to have sex with her in the waking world. In their enthusiasm, they pushed your mother beyond her limits, mistaking her cries of pain for pleasure. Karma was satisfied as your mother was herself the victim, and the scales were balanced.

"Until, that is, your mother was insulted by two women. She used the dreamstone to get revenge on them, making one of them deformed and the other an unwilling slave to anybody who gave her an order.

"After she freed them, karma again acted against your mother. Donna, the girl who had been made a slave, stole the Dreamstone. She used it to gain revenge on your mother by trapping her within a dream named Ellen. Your mother was a lesbian, so Donna made Ellen heterosexual and eager to engage in sex. Your mother watched helplessly as Ellen controlled her body and had sex with dozens of men.

"Finally, karma was satisfied she had paid, and she freed herself from Ellen's influence. However, she immediately took revenge on Donna by trapping her in nightmares, where she remained until she died, a few years later. Once again karma acted against your mother, allowing Ellen to take control of her again.

"Against her will, your mother was forced to sell herself to as many men as possible, until her sexual torment had paid for the suffering Donna had endured. Once that happened, your mother removed the Dreamstone, and Ellen was no longer in control of her.

"However, her last punishment had overwhelmed her, and she was unable to overcome its influence. She remained a whore for her few remaining years of life. Without the Dreamstone keeping her healthy, her body deteriorated and died in childbirth. The Dreamstone came to you, and here you are."

Jenny had listened in horror to her guide's story. So much pain, so much abuse of power... How awful!

"I hardly know where to begin," she told the penguin. "My mother died giving birth? Does that mean I'm not an only child?"

"Hardly," said the penguin. "You were only the first of nine."

"Nine?" asked Jenny in amazement. "But I'm only... she must have gotten pregnant almost as soon as possible after giving birth."

"She had sex many times a day," the penguin shrugged. "Of course she got pregnant a lot."

"Nine children... no wonder she died," Jenny breathed. "Wait... you said her body died. What about her spirit?"

"That did not die. Your mother was bound to the Dreamstone so long, when her body died, her spirit remained in the Dreamworld."

"She's here?" Jenny asked in astonishment.

"Not here. Down there," the penguin pointed down with a wing. "In the nightmare realm."

"I have to see her. Is it safe?" she asked.

"For you? There is nothing in the Dreamworld powerful enough to hurt you."

"Then take me to her," Jenny ordered. The penguin waddled to the wall, and a doorway appeared. Jenny stepped through with it, into a small room, which immediately began to sink.

When the doors re-opened, they showed a world of darkness. Screams echoed through the air. The penguin waddled out, and waved a wing. "She's down there," it said. Then it waddled back into the elevator.

"Aren't you coming with me?" asked Jenny.

"I'm a dream. If I stay here, I'll become a nightmare, evil. I don't think you want that, so I'll return to the castle."

"Oh. Okay," said Jenny. She walked in the direction the penguin had pointed, and found herself in a corridor, with many doors. She looked into the first room. A man was in there, screaming in agony as vile black monsters tore at his body with fangs and claws. His flesh was shredded and tattered so badly, Jenny was sure he'd have died long ago in the real world. He was dangling from the ceiling from gold chains around his wrists. Both chains had a purple gemstone glittering within them.

The Dreamstone, Jenny realized. They symbolize that he's bound here by the power of the dreamstone.

The next room held a woman. Her wrists were chained to two poles which stretched from floor to ceiling. This allowed her tormentors to rape her in every imaginable position, and they seemed to be taking full advantage of the fact.

Room after room was the same: Men hanging from the ceiling, women trapped between poles. Until finally, she looked through a door and saw her mother between two poles. She was screaming in pain as a nightmare man sodomized her with a brutally large penis.

As Jenny watched, the nightmare was knocked away by another, who forced her mother to the ground, then fucked her as she lay screaming.

Jenny destroyed it, and strode into the room. "Get out, all of you! Or I'll destroy you too!" she screamed. The room was empty instantly. She turned to her sobbing mother, and helped her up. "Mom..?" she whispered.

Ellie looked at her in amazement, then collapsed to the floor again in shock. She looked up. "Jenny..?"

"It's me, mom," Jenny assured her. "It's Jenny."

"I'm so sorry," her mother whispered. "For everything."

"I know," Jenny assured her. "I know all about it. It wasn't your fault. It was Ellen."

"No," Ellie cried, "it was me that sent you to the waking world. It was me that robbed you of your place here."

Jenny hadn't thought of that. "Well, that's true," she began.

"It was me that blocked you from the Dreamworld even when you were reborn," Ellie said through her tears. "It was all me."

"It doesn't matter, mom. I don't remember being anything but human, I don't care about what you did. I've come to free you!"

Ellie looked up at her in astonishment. "Free me from what?" she asked, baffled.

"From..." Jenny started. She stopped. She had only just noticed that there were no chains holding her mother between the poles. Her mother was holding onto them with her bare hands.

The penguin's words came back to her. "Her last punishment overwhelmed her, and she was unable to overcome its influence." She hadn't realized just what that meant. Her mother wasn't trapped her by anything. She was here by her own choice.

"Mom, you're being raped. Tortured. Hurt! Doesn't that mean anything to you?"

Ellie looked at her in incomprehension. "It's what I do," she said simply.

"You didn't used to, mom! Remember? Remember how you were before the Dreamstone? Before Ellen?"

Ellie simply looked at her in silent incomprehension. Jenny suddenly found her mother's lack of understanding infuriating. She slapped her, and Ellie fell to the floor.

"For crying out loud, mom! You don't like this, you don't want it, so don't take it! Just let go of the poles and walk out the door with me! Get it?"

Ellie stared up at her. "Are there more clients outside?" she asked hopefully.

"No!" Jenny yelled at her. "There are no clients! You don't need clients! You don't even like them! You're a lesbian, remember? You like girls!"

Ellie looked surprised. "Of course I like girls," she protested. "That's why I can't fuck them. I fuck men, because I don't like them."

The horniness that was never far away when Jenny put on the Dreamstone joined forces with the anger and maliciousness that was seeping into her. "Then fuck me, you stupid woman!" Jenny screamed at her mother. She grabbed her mother's hair and jammed her head between her legs. "Fuck me like you want to!"

Ellie screamed and tried to pull away. "No! Please!" she cried. But Jenny's will, enforced by the Dreamstone, overrode her own, and she obeyed her daughter. Jenny leaned against the wall and moaned softly in pleasure, ignoring her mother's whimpering.

She gasped in pleasure as she came, and slid down the wall to sit on the ground. Ellie, free again, crawled back between the poles and grabbed hold again.

Hopeless, thought Jenny. Even fucking a pretty woman hasn't reminded her of who she used to be.

She stood up. She still felt angry and vindictive, for some reason. The sight of a girl sobbing in distress did not move her to pity. It just made her angrier.

"Well, I'm leaving," she snapped. "Are you coming?"

Ellie just tightened her grip on the poles.

"Fine!" Jenny yelled at her. "If you won't leave, then I'll MAKE you stay!" Chains, just like those binding the other prisoners, appeared on Ellie's wrists. "Stay, and suffer like you obviously want to!"

"No, please, Jenny," Ellie cried, "I don't want to! I just have to!"

"You do now," said Jenny heartlessly. "Those chains will never break." She turned and stalked out of the room. In the corridor, the nightmare men she had banished earlier prowled restlessly.

"You can go back in now," Jenny told them, "she's not going anywhere."

She went to the elevator, and returned to her throne room.

"Welcome back," said the penguin. "Did you find your mother?"

"Yes," said Jenny, "she didn't want to leave."

"I see," said her guide. "So you had sex with her?"

Jenny looked at it, startled. "How..?"

"You're naked," the penguin pointed out, "and you mother was attracted to you, the one time she saw you."

"Oh... yes," said Jenny. Her anger had faded, and she felt ashamed now of what she'd done. True, it might have helped her mother break Ellen's hold over her, but she hadn't done it for that. She'd just wanted to hurt her. "I was so angry..." she murmured.

"That's what tends to happen when you go to the nightmare level," said the penguin. "You turn into a nightmare yourself, if you're not careful."

Jenny glared at it. "Why didn't you tell me?" she demanded.

"Dreams aren't allowed to volunteer information," shrugged the penguin. "We can only answer questions."

"Magic has a lot of laws," sighed Jenny. A nasty thought occurred to her. "You said doing bad things with magic rebounds - mom didn't want... I mean, she DID want, but she's so screwed up..."

"You want to know if you're going to get hit by karma?" said the penguin. "I have no idea."

I don't want to be fucked against my will, thought Jenny. Except...

"Does the punishment always come after the crime?" she asked. "A few bad things have happened to me already."

"It has been known for karma to occur before the event," her guide said.

Jenny breathed a sigh of relief. "That explains the last few days. That's a weight off my mind. And it's time I woke up. I'll be back later." She woke up. To her surprise, she was holding her safebox, and methodically working at the combination lock. She turned it to the right number, and unlocked the cuffs holding her to the bed. No need for these precautions any more, she thought. It wasn't the stone, it was karma from me making mom fuck me.

Back in the dreamworld, the penguin looked at the space where she had been. "I can't tell you anything unless you ask me to," it said softly. "A law you passed long ago.

"For your sake, majesty, I hope you ask me about Ellen soon, before you wind up chained in the room next to your mother."


Jenny watched her computer screen as she lazily fucked herself with her mother's dildo. Only eleven people watching me today, she thought idly, wonder where everybody is?

Reassured that her recent sexual episodes had been nothing to do with the Dreamstone, Jenny had kept it on ever since. It was about all she HAD kept on - she had been spending more and more time shut up in her room, naked before her web cam. She no longer found the idea of being watched unpleasant - why care about her human body when it was just a prison for her Divine spirit?

And it gave her a thrill, somehow, knowing she was being seen. The few times she had masturbated without the cam being on, she had been unable to reach orgasm. So now, every time, she went on-line and made sure she had a good audience first.

She winced suddenly as the dildo was forced harder than she was ready for. Oh damn, she thought, I forgot about this. She gritted her teeth, determined not to cry out as she rammed the dildo into herself painfully hard, time after time. She managed to keep to a few soft whimpers, but tears were running down her face by the time she came.

She gasped in relief as she withdrew the dildo. Why do I keep doing that, she wondered briefly. Every time I use it, I hurt myself.

Then she dismissed it from her mind and forgot it, as she had so many times recently. Then she laid back on her bed and looked into the Dreamstone. She hadn't used it to go back to her palace once - every time she thought about it, she wound up performing for her internet audience again. But she'd already done that tonight, and she was determined to go back. She had too many questions that needed answering.

For starters, she thought, why are my boobs getting so big?

She materialized in the dream palace. To her surprise, it was populated this time. By naked men. Her mind emptied of her concerns and questions, and she fell to the floor with her legs spread wide.

"Yes," she told them, "I want you to fuck me. All of you!"

"Then perhaps you would find a bedroom rather than defiling your throne room like this?" snapped a voice from the back of the room. The penguin, her guide, was standing at the back of the crowd. His voice snapped Jenny's mind back to her reason for coming to the Dreamworld. The crowd vanished.

"Uh... sorry," she apologized as she stood up. "Teenage hormones, I guess."

"If you say so, majesty," the penguin grumpily replied. "You've been away longer than I expected."

"Yes," admitted Jenny, "I keep seeming to have other things to do."

"Teenage hormone things, I suppose,"

"Um.. yes. And I suppose that might be the answer to my first question, but... how come my tits have ballooned up so much in the last week?"

"At last!" exclaimed the penguin in relief. "Ellen makes her hosts as appealing as possible to men. Long legs, tight ass, flat stomach, and big breasts."

"Ellen... hosts..? I'm not her host. My mom was!"

"Yes. Your mother was. And then Ellen was torn apart by nightmares. Didn't you wonder how she survived?"

"Uh.. not really," Jenny confessed.

"When she was made, she was linked to the Dreamstone. When she was destroyed, she returned to the Dreamstone. She controlled your mother from within the stone, and now she's taking control over you."

Jenny sank to the seat of her throne as the shock of this pronouncement made her legs go weak. "She's taking me over?"

"Yes," the penguin nodded, "that is what she does. ALL she does."

"Thank God I found out about it, then," said Jenny, taking the Dreamstone in her hand. "Let me see her!"

The air shimmered, and a girlish figure appeared. She looked almost identical to Jenny's mother, except for the eyes. Her eyes held none of the pain or sadness that Ellie's did.

"So you're Ellen then," Said Jenny. The girl nodded. "Have you been trying to take me over?"

"Of course," said Ellen. "What else would I do?"

"Why do you want to control me?"

Ellen shrugged. "Why do you want to live?"

"Your creator didn't give you much depth of character," observed Jenny.

"How much character does a pretty girl who'll fuck anybody need?"

"I suppose so. Well, Ellen, I'm sure you realize I've no intention of letting you control me."

Ellen smiled. "Neither did your mother. And she was a lot better than you at resisting. I'll have you spreading your legs every time a man smiles at you within a fortnight, and a giggling whore a month after that."

"I don't think so," said Jenny flatly, and a beam of light lanced out of the Dreamstone and struck Ellen.

Who stood unmoved by it. Jenny gaped in astonishment. "What you think really doesn't matter," Ellen smiled at her. "I'm part of the Dreamstone, you can't destroy me any more than you can destroy it. You need to learn your place."

Jenny's arms were grasped by two men. She barely had time to gasp in surprise before two more men grabbed her legs. They pulled her to the floor and pinned her, spread-eagled, as a fifth appeared. "No!" she yelled, struggling desperately.

Ellen laughed. "If your guide hadn't interrupted you, you'd have been doing this anyway. Why the sudden change of heart?"

Jenny's answer was lost in her scream as the fifth man forced himself into her. In the brief moment of respite as he slid back out in preparation for the next thrust, she managed a strangled gasp of "Mercy!"

Ellen giggled. The man rammed. The air was driven out of her lungs by the force of his stroke, and her screams of pain came out as mere strangled gasps. The world swirled around as the agony disorientated her. Was she laying on the ground or held against a wall? Was it light or dark? Was there a loud noise in the background? All she was sure of was the pain of her violation and her gasps of pain. She tried to focus on the gasping, and realized she was hearing words in it. They weren't gasps, she realized, she was panting "More! Yes! Harder! Harder!"

The pain subsided as her defiler slid out of her pussy. She was standing against a wall, she realized, in a dark place with loud music playing. A nightclub? I'm back in the waking world, she realized. Ellen brought me here while I was dreaming, and arranged for me to get fucked. How do I get out of here??

She had only a moment to wonder before another man stepped up to her, and then her pain began again.


She staggered up the road towards home as the lightening horizon proclaimed the imminent arrival of dawn. How many times was I fucked? she wondered. Twenty? Thirty? And however many times there were before I woke up.

And not one word of protest.

Not my fault, she thought furiously. They knocked my air out. I couldn't speak above a whisper, and even a shout would have been hard to hear against that music.

But she knew her protests were hollow. She would have been able to breathe in enough air to shout "No!" if she had been in control. It was Ellen's influence that had prevented it. She's taking me over, Jenny thought miserably. She's turning me into my mom.

She arrived home and crawled up the stairs to her bed. She was unable to bring herself to remove the Dreamstone.

"Enjoy your petty victory, then, Ellen," Jenny whispered to the stone. "But I know how to beat you now!" As she drifted off to sleep, a slight smile creased her face.

The next day was a weekday. She left earlier than usual to walk to school. If she hadn't, she would have been very late, as she stopped off on the way to fuck Drunken Dave.

In her first break time, she met a boy who she knew had had a crush on her for ages in the boiler room, and he was delighted when he saw her blouse open and her panties down. It was too gloomy for him to notice the tears in her eyes.

She did the same during her lunch break, only with different boys. Three of them, one after the other. Only one of them noticed her tear-streaked face, but she told him that her eyes always watered when she had an orgasm.

On her way home, she called in at the house of the local schoolgirl-fancier, and after spending a few minutes overcoming his paranoia, spent several more minutes moaning softly on his sofa.

At home, she went online and, instead of performing for the camera, asked if there were any men near her who wanted to meet her that evening for sex. Two said yes, and she arranged times and places.

An hour later, she left for her first appointment. He picked her up in his car, drove out into some woods, gagged and cuffed her, then fucked her brutally three times as she sobbed in pain - laying on her back, on her knees, and up her ass. When he removed the gag, she thanked him and complemented him on his staying power.

Half an hour later, she went to a cheap motel for her other internet appointment. Two men awaited her there. They tied her to the bed, and she was again gagged and fucked repeatedly whilst a video camera recorded the whole thing. They also made extensive use of dildos, clamps, whips, and things she'd never heard of to make her scream for the camera. They left her curled up on the floor sobbing in agony, but when she finally recovered enough to go home, she sent them an email saying how much she had enjoyed herself and hoped they could do it again sometime. She also made five further appointments with men online.

The next day, she had sex three times on her way to school, nine times at school, and twice on her way home. In the evening, four men contacted over the net fucked her a total of twelve times, two of them using cameras and three of them tying her up beforehand.

She didn't go to school for the rest of the week, as she had too many appointments after that. By her reckoning, two thirds of the men she met for sex tied her up, half of them used cameras, and a third of them used pain-inducing sex toys on her.

She cried every single time she had sex, as her pussy and ass continued to be kept incredibly tight by Ellen and the Dreamstone.

Friday night, after her last appointment had untied her and she was recovered enough to walk, she made her way to the train station and went into the city. For two days, wearing her mother's old clothes, she engaged in her mother's old job. Both days, she lost count of how often she got fucked, but at least her clients when she was being a whore were a lot gentler than the rapists she met online.

She returned home on Sunday night, wished her foster parents good night, confirmed she'd had a lovely weekend staying with a friend, and collapsed on her bed, exhausted. She cried for a while, then sat up and wiped her eyes. Time to arrange more appointments online, I guess.

She looked down at the Dreamstone. In a way she couldn't define, she could feel Ellen's mind within it now, feel the pressure she was exerting on her mind. Feel the utter bafflement radiating from her would-be possessor.

She smiled at it. "What's up with you?" she asked contemptuously. Her hand, without her willing it, reached up and took hold of the Dreamstone. "Oh, very well," she sighed.

She sat down on her throne and looked down at Ellen, who was pouting. "That expression doesn't suit you," she said.

"What the Hell are you doing?" Ellen snapped.

"Whatever do you mean?" asked Jenny, all wide-eyed.

"You know exactly what I mean. All this fucking and whoring and getting tied up. I'm not making you do any of it!"

"No," Jenny said, getting up and walking to the window. "You're not. That's what I realized about you. You were created to do one thing, and you can force anyone to do it, given time. So rather than waste time resisting, I went beyond you.

"You can't gain control over me if I do willingly what you want to force me to do. As the Queen of Dreams, I don't care about my human body as much as most girls. It hurts, sure, but only for a while. And it makes you helpless. You reckoned it would take you a fortnight just to make me agree to sex when it was suggested, but I'm already busy looking for sex. You reckoned over a month to force me into being a whore, and here's me back from a weekend in the city with a whole lot of cash." She walked over and stood in front of Ellie. "I've beaten you. You can't control me because I'm already doing what you want to force me to do."

Ellen glared at her in fury. "You won't be able to keep it up," she hissed. "The pain is already taking its toll on you. You're taking longer and longer to stop sniveling after your little appointments. Sooner or later, you'll want to stop. And I'll be there, forcing you to keep going."

"No you won't," said Jenny smugly. "Because this whole week was just stage one of my plan. This is stage two!" And, before Ellen could react, Jenny whipped the Dreamstone off her neck and onto Ellen's.

Ellen gasped in shock and clawed at the Dreamstone. But she couldn't take it off. Jenny laughed. "Welcome to stage two. In stage one, I reduce your influence on me to the point I can take off the Dreamstone. In stage two, I give it to you."

"What do you think this will gain you?" snarled Ellen furiously.

"I think you already know," Jenny told her imperturbably. "You enslave your host, whoever she may be. And your host is whoever happens to be wearing the Dreamstone. So now, your host is you. So off you go, Ellen, and enslave yourself."

Ellen fell to her knees, still trying frantically to pull the Dreamstone off. She's trying to fight it, Jenny realized, and that means she's fighting against herself. This could get messy.

The Dreamstone began to glow. So, Jenny noticed a moment later, did Ellen. Feedback, Jenny thought. Like a microphone being put next to the speaker it's plugged in to. Ellen started to scream as the light became brighter and brighter.

Then the light flared brighter than the sun, and the whole of the Dreamworld was shattered in an explosion of power.

Jenny stood in the ruins of her palace, alone. The Dreamstone was nowhere to be seen, but her body felt alive with power.

"She's gone," she whispered. Then she screamed "Yes!" in triumph. The Dreamstone destroyed itself, she thought, and so I've got all its power, like I did before I made it.

"Well done, your majesty," said a voice behind her. Her friend, the yellow penguin. "Is she gone for good?"

"Yup," said Jenny happily. "The Dreamstone is gone, and so is she."

"So what will you do now?"

Jenny looked at the destruction. "I've had a very hard week. I'm going to go to sleep. I'll repair the place later."

"Farewell for now then, majesty," said the penguin. Jenny nodded, and vanished.

The penguin blurred, and Ellen took its place. "I'm not gone yet," she said to the world at large. "And I'll take control again somehow!"

"No you won't," said a voice, and she whirled. Jenny was behind her!

"You? But...but..."

"I didn't wake up," said Jenny. "Just went away to see what happened. I thought you might be you."

Ellen fell to the floor in shock and fear. "Don't kill me," she pleaded, "please!"

"Oh, I won't," promised Jenny. She took hold of Ellen, and stepped forward. The step took them to the nightmare corridor where her mother was chained. She dragged Ellen down it.

As she passed her mother's cell, an enraged scream of "You! You bitch!" made her turn. Ellie was struggling furiously against her chains, her eyes fixed on Ellen in utter hatred.

"Ellen's come to join you in the cells, mom," Jenny told her. She threw Ellen into the opposite cell, and chained her between the poles.

"You think this frightens me?" Ellen asked unsteadily. "Being fucked? Me?"

"Yes," said Jenny. "Because you've never been fucked. You only force other people to be. You don't feel our pain. But you'll feel this!"

She turned and walked away. Nightmare men surged past her into Ellen's room.

Even before they reached her, Ellen was screaming in horror.

Jenny smiled, and returned to the ruins of her throne room. She wasn't alone there. The penguin and a strange woman were waiting for her.

"Who's she?" she asked the penguin.

"You should have remembered, your majesty," muttered the penguin. "You should have remembered what I told you about the threefold law."

Jenny's stomach lurched. She had just magically condemned Ellen to an eternity of pain. If that rebounded on her...

The woman smiled at her. "I'm here to balance the scales of karma," she said. "My name is Donna." She raised her hand, and Jenny saw the Dreamstone dangling from it.

Continued in:
 Chapter 3  (XGC)
Dreams can become nightmares
#918155 by tatty_oldbitt
© Copyright 2004 tatty_oldbitt (tatty_oldbitt at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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