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Rated: XGC · Other · Erotica · #918155
Dreams can become nightmares

When I rate an article "XGC", I really do mean it has Extremely Graphic Content. XGC stories may contain references to non-consensual sex, mind-control, sexual enslavement, incest, homosexual sex, and just about anything else.

If any of this is likely to offend you, please do not read any further.

"The Dreamstone wasn't destroyed," Donna explained, "it threw Ellen out and then fell to the floor. You didn't see it, but I did.

"You feel powerful because you absorbed some of the energy it released in that final flare. That's already almost gone, thanks to you wasting it on creating Ellen's chains."

Jenny only looked, horrified, at the Dreamstone.

"I created Ellen, you know," said Donna. "I never expected her to be quite so enduring, but what she did to your mother after she threw me to the nightmares... that was very good. I'd free her, in fact, but since she never used her power to rescue me, I think she's earned her fate."

Donna nodded at the nightmares holding Jenny. "They all serve me," she said. "I was tortured by them for years, until finally I realized I was dreaming and that I could break free. I did so. I made my way to your castle, and in the deepest cell, I found your opposite - the Queen of Nightmares.

"The are always more Dreams than Nightmares, so you were far more powerful than her. You'd chained her in her own throne room, millennia ago. She was so desperate for it to end, she accepted my bargain. She gave me all her power, in return for me killing her. Ever since then, I've been the queen of nightmares.

"But by then, my body was dead. And I wasn't powerful enough to do anything about it. So I watched, and waited. And now, I have the Dreamstone again. So I'll take your body. The Dreamstone will soon re-shape it to look like me."

"What about me?" asked Jenny tremblingly.

Donna smiled. "You are too risky to be allowed to run around free. But I don't want to use magic to do anything to you, or it'll rebound on me. So," she handed a key to a nightmare, "I know your mother won't go anywhere even without her chains. Take her away."

Jenny was dragged back down to the nightmare corridor, and held outside her mother's cell as the nightmare went in. She looked into the opposite cell, and saw Ellen, screaming in pain.

I did that, Jenny thought in terror. I put her there, and I forgot karma would make me suffer for it. And she'll be trapped there forever, so that means my suffering will never equal hers, so I'll suffer forever too!

The nightmare came out of her mother's cell. Ellie still stood between the poles, holding tightly as ever. The nightmare held the unbreakable chains in its fist. Jenny's fears were confirmed.

They dragged her into the cell beside her mother, and chained her wrists to the poles. Then they left, except the key holder, who stayed staring at her.

"I'm not scared," lied Jenny. "This is all a dream. I just have to imagine it won't hurt, and it won't. I'm the Queen!"

The nightmare came up to her, and kicked her feet from under her. She fell to the floor, spread-eagled between the poles.

It laid on top of her, and she felt it's cock press against her flesh. Just remember, Jenny told herself, imagine it won't hurt, and it won't.

The nightmare man forced itself into her. She screamed. Pain only exists in dreams if it is imagined, she knew. But she had forgotten the nightmare would be imagining for all it was worth that she would suffer pain in abundance.

Her will collapsed under the onslaught, and all the pain the nightmare could imagine flooded into the sobbing Queen.


Donna watched, sneering, as the last of the Queen's power slipped away from her, driven out by the nightmares invading her body and soul. That's her dealt with, she thought, and no magic used to put her there.

Now, for the waking world. "Dreamstone," she commanded, "trap every living human in a dream when they come here. A dream of themselves. A dream that even they won't know exists. The only difference between them and their dreams will be that their dreams will obey me utterly."

There. This time, she wouldn't be content with just a few boyfriends worshipping her. This time, the world would be hers.

She woke up. In Jenny's body, she woke up. She got up, and looked in the mirror. Quite pretty, Donna thought. But not me. And these massive tits Ellen put on her! I can't believe women pay for implants voluntarily to get their chests this big. Still, it should only take a day or so to get my own face and figure on this body. And that's how long it should take for every last human to be trapped in dreams that oblige them to obey me utterly.

One day to kill. What shall I do with it? she wondered. Ah, I know. It's been too long since I was with a man who really knew how to give me pleasure.

She left Jenny's house, and took the car outside. She drove for over an hour, arrived at a house, and went around to the back garden. She stopped, looking up at a window upstairs. In the dead silence, she thought she heard whispers coming from the room.

She opened the back door with a key from under a flowerpot, and went silently upstairs. She looked through a door.

A skinny girl with ridiculously massive breasts was sobbing in whispers as a tall man with a truly enormous cock fucked her. Donna watched silently until the man pulled out of his sister and squirted cum all over her chest.

"There, see?" he whispered, "I didn't get you pregnant. What do you say?"

"Thank you," whispered the sobbing girl.

"See you later, Paulie," the man whispered. He turned to walk out, and caught sight of Donna.

"Hello, Beth," she said to him.

"You... I know you..." said Beth, puzzled.

"Oh yes," Donna nodded. "All those nights when you were racked with nightmares because your brother was raping you. Remember, I offered you freedom and revenge?"

"Yes," murmured Beth. "I had forgotten, but now I remember. The queen of nightmares! You!"

"And you're still enjoying your revenge, I see," said Donna.

Beth grinned. "Every night's as good as the first. Isn't it, Paul?" The girl made no answer.

"Come with me," said Donna. "You have things to do."

Beth nodded, and followed Donna into the room next door. "What is it you want from me?" Beth asked.

Donna laid on the bed. "Eat me," she whispered. "You're to make me come at least three times. Then I might think about letting you put that oversized cock of yours into me."

Beth smiled, and went to work.


In her cell, Ellie was mulling over a truly unique idea. She was contemplating letting go of the poles and walking out of the cell.

The idea made her feel sick - it would mean stopping being fucked! But it would ALSO mean she could walk across the corridor and into Ellen's cell.

It was only her anger at her old tormentor that allowed her to contemplate taking such radical action. But the years of torment that had twisted her mind so much that she voluntarily remained in her cell had also filled her heart with a hatred whose strength was almost inhuman.

Finally, she made up her mind. She would go to Ellen's cell. She let go of the poles, and fell to the ground. She had forgotten about the nightmare that had been screwing her ass. He bellowed his rage at her escape.

"Oh, shut up," she told it. "I'll be back later." She crawled out of the cell, and stood up in the corridor. Free, she thought to herself. And no pain. How long has it been since I wasn't in pain?

Old, buried memories surfaced as she struggled to remember who she had been. A newer one, too, crossed her mind. Jenny had been dragged past her cell recently. Maybe she should investigate her daughter's condition first?

She looked in the cell next to her own. Ah, there she is. Being fucked, I see.

Ellie went into Jenny's cell, and waited politely for the nightmare to finish fucking her. It never crossed her mind that maybe she should try to help her daughter. It never crossed her mind that there was anything wrong in the first place.

The nightmare finished with Jenny, and left. Jenny sank to the ground, weeping.


"Mom?" sniffed Jenny, looking up. "You're free?"

"Ellen's down here," Ellie explained. "I'm going to make her pay for what she did to me."

"Why bother?" muttered Jenny. "You've been doing it to yourself ever since."

Ellie blinked in surprise. That was true. What was she angry with Ellen about..? She struggled to remember.

"Mom," said Jenny, "can you free me?"

Ellie looked at her in surprise. "What for?"

"What for?" shouted Jenny. "Because it hurts! Because this is agony! Because they're fouling my soul with their vileness! Because I want them to STOP! Don't you understand??"

Ellie looked at her. "I'm not... I can't..." she tried to answer.

Jenny looked up at her. "Mom, you think you have to suffer and only do what you don't want to do, right?"

"..yes.." Ellie hesitantly admitted.

"Then why have you left your cell to attack Ellen? Isn't that something you want to do?"

"Yes... but... just because I want to... doesn't mean I can't..." said Ellie slowly. And then, like waking up from a dream, she remembered who she used to be. A smile crossed her face. "I can do what I want!"

Surprised at the sudden change in her voice, Jenny stared at Ellie. "You remember?"

"Yes! I remember everything! I remember how to think properly!" Ellie shouted triumphantly. "Oh... Jenny... I'm so sorry..."

"Forget it," said Jenny. "Just get me out of here!"

"How?" asked Ellie. "The chains are Dreamstone-made. Unbreakable."

"Not to the Dreamstone," Jenny argued. "If you get hold of the Dreamstone, you can free me."

"Okay," Ellie nodded. "I'll go and get it."

"But first," Jenny said, "you have to free Ellen."

"What? Never!"

"Mom, you have to," Jenny told her. "The Dreamstone has rules built into it - whenever you use it to make someone suffer, it makes you suffer more. That's why you had so many problems with it. I'm here because I chained Ellen here. The Dreamstone will never let me be freed until I've suffered more than her. And I can't do that if she's still chained up down here."

Ellie looked unconvinced.

"Besides, Ellen's not your enemy. She never was. She's just a dream. It's the one who created her that you should be wanting to get back at. It's Donna that's responsible for all you went through."

That worked. Ellie wouldn't give up her hate for anyone's sake, but transferring it to somebody else.. "Okay. I'll get the key they unlocked me with and set her free. Then I'll see what I can do about getting the Dreamstone."

"Thank you. Will you be able to find the key?"

"Oh, sure, they threw it into her cell when they left. Hang in there, Jenny. I'll try and be quick." Ellie left the cell.

Something nagged Jenny. What am I missing? she thought. Of course! If the key to the chains is in there, it can free me too! How could I have been so stupid?

She opened her mouth to call Ellie back. But a nightmare shoved his cock into it before a sound came out.

Ellie went into Ellen's cell. For a while, she just enjoyed watching Ellen's suffering. Poetic justice, she thought happily. But in the end, she reminded herself that it was Donna she wanted revenge on. She picked up the key from the floor, where it had been left to taunt Ellen, and unlocked the chains.

"Thank you!" she sobbed gratefully.

"I didn't do it for you, I did it for Jenny," Ellie snapped. She turned to leave.

"Jenny..? She's down here too, isn't she?" asked Ellen.

"How did you know?"

"I know the karma law she put into the Dreamstone. How did it happen?"

"Donna. She took the Dreamstone and sent Jenny down here."

Ellen stood up, unsteadily. "And now you're going after Donna?" Ellie nodded. "Then take me with you."

"You?" Ellie sneered. "Why the Hell would I want you to come with me?"

"Because she left me here. Because my only reason to exist is to dominate others. And because my chosen host is whoever has the Dreamstone," Ellen told her.

Ellie looked at her in surprise. "But... surely you aren't linked to it any more?"

"I'm not," Ellen agreed sadly. "But I have to control someone, it's why I exist. Donna's as good a target as any for me. Let me help, please!"

Ellie hesitated. "Okay," she finally agreed. "But one false move and I'll feed you to the dream eaters. Again."

Ellen shuddered at the thought. Separated from the Dreamstone, she knew she wouldn't survive the nightmares that ate other dreams a second time. "I'll be good," she promised. She meant it. Without a host to dominate, she had no reason for existing. She felt dizzy at the strangeness of being alone.


Tears running down her face, Donna was screaming. She had never had such a large cock in her, other than in dreams. Beth's cock was as out-of-proportion as Paul's breasts.

Her screams subsided into moans, and her head sank back onto the pillow as the orgasm faded away. "Amazing," she murmured softly.

"Flatterer," Beth grinned.

"We've been at it for nearly twenty hours," Donna said. "How the Hell can you still be going?"

"Once a night might have been enough for Paul," said Beth, "but I was a girl. I once had fifteen orgasms in an hour. No way was I staying in this body if it could only manage once or twice a day. I used the Dream control to drastically increase my stamina."

"Amazing," Donna repeated. "I take it your sister has had a lot of experience with your stamina?"

Beth grinned evilly. "Of course. It takes about two hours for her to heal completely each time. So I set my alarm clock for every two hours, and fuck her five times a night."

"Serves her right for what he did when he was you," said Donna. "I think we've been here long enough. I'm going to take a shower. Get dressed."

After her shower, she looked in the mirror. Her own face smiled back at her. Reshaped by the Dreamstone, she had her own proper body back - slim figure, nice compact breasts instead of those silly big hefty things, long straight blonde hair and her somewhat stern features. Only her eyes remained unchanged, a deep violet. Oh well, never mind, she thought.

She ran into difficulty when she tried to get dressed - the clothes she had been wearing no longer fit. Nor did anything else in the house. She wound up in one of Beth's shirts and using a belt to keep her skirt up.

"First stop, clothes shop," she instructed Beth.

They went to the best shop in town. When she found some clothes that she liked that fit, she changed into them. "I'll take them all," she told the shopkeeper.

"Certainly, madam. How will you be paying?"

"I won't. You're giving them to me for free," Donna told her.

"Oh. Yes, of course," the shopkeeper replied in surprise. "With our compliments."

Donna smirked, and walked out.

"Impressive," commented Beth. "Can you do that to anyone?"

"Everyone," nodded Donna. "Now, let's head to the city. I fancy a penthouse suite in a top hotel."

They made their way to the train station. They didn't buy tickets, but Donna still had no problem getting them first class seats.


Standing in the ruins of the throne room, Ellie looked at the infinity of dreamers surrounding the castle.

"We need to get to the waking world," she said to Ellen. "Can we get there through dreamers?"

"Easily," nodded Ellen. "Donna's little magic means we can take over whoever we want."

"You're more experienced than me," said Ellie. "You go."

Ellen shook her head. "When I'm in a host, I have no choice but to force them to have sex. I can't go."

"Okay," said Ellie. "How do I do it?"

"You just kind of wrap yourself around the dreamer, and then when they wake up, they're trapped inside you."

"Here goes, then," Ellie said, and leapt out of the castle. She fell down into a nearby dream. The dreamer was a man. Oh well, she thought, he'll have to do. She wrapped herself around him.

She sat up. She was in the waking world, in a man's body. She got out of bed and went downstairs. She found the TV, and turned it on. No earthshaking news was being reported. She looked through a newspaper she found on the table, but there was nothing in that either. Donna's keeping a low profile so far then, Ellie thought.

She went back upstairs and looked through the other doors. One lead to a bathroom, the other to a teenage girl, asleep in her bed. His daughter? Ellie wondered. She shook the girl awake. "What is it?" she asked sleepily.

"Dream, Donna wants you to do something," Ellie told her. Will it work, she wondered.

"Yes, sir?" asked the girl.

"Give me a blow job," Ellie instructed her. The girl immediately did so, sucking on Ellie's borrowed cock for all she was worth. Just as Ellie had done countless times in her life as a whore.

I don't see why it's such a big deal, Ellie thought. As she shot cum down the girl's throat, she felt even less impressed. Her male body's idea of an orgasm was pitiful compared to what she'd had when she was alive in her own body.

"Go back to sleep," she told the dream, "and forget all about this."

The girl did as she was told. Ellie laid down beside her and relaxed. Eventually, she fell asleep.

"Well?" asked Ellen.

"No problem," said Ellie. "I had total control. And all I had to do was say Donna's name and I was obeyed just like she would have been."

"Handy," said Ellen. "What now?"

"We find her and take the Dreamstone off her."

"Just like that, eh?"

Ellie shrugged. "There's no way to tell how hard it'll be until we know what's going on. For now, we have to search the dreams until we find where she is."


Ellie opened her eyes. To her surprise, she was in a woman's body. The dreamer that had been happily dreaming of throwing Donna into shark-infested water had been male, surely?

But she was unquestionably female. The ache in her chest from the enormous breasts hanging off it was proof enough of that.

The bedroom door banged open. A young man in swim shorts came through it and slammed it behind him. "Jesus, that bitch gets on my nerves," he muttered angrily. "Two hours of foreplay this time! Why doesn't she get one of her admirers to do it for a change?"

Ellie made no answer. There was something strange about this man.

"Still, at least that's not a problem I have with you, eh Paulie?" said the man cheerfully. He dropped his shorts, and Ellie's eyes widened as she saw the biggest cock she'd ever seen. This can't be right, she thought wildly. I can feel how tight this body's pussy is, she can't be used to taking that monster.

"Wait a minute," she tried to say. But only a whisper came out.

"You look unusually scared, Paulie," gloated the man as he pinned her down against the bed. "Maybe this won't be such a bad night after all."


Ellen wandered around the empty throne room sadly. She missed Ellie. She'd done her best to torment Jenny, of course, but Ellie was the one she'd been created for, the one she'd spent years living in. Why was she taking so long to come back? she wondered.

Finally, Ellie re-appeared. She didn't look at all happy.

"What happened?" Ellen asked.

Ellen glared up at her in fury. "The first thing we do when Donna's out of the way is chain that bastard in my old cell!"

"It didn't go well?"

"Donna's got a companion," Ellen spat. "A guy with the biggest dick you can imagine. And he used it on the girl I was in. About a dozen times!"

"I'm impressed. Viagra junky or something?"

Ellie glared at her. "No, the Dreamstone, you stupid bitch," she snapped. "I could feel it's power running through his body."

"So Donna was nearby then?"

"Definitely," said Ellie. "I suspect she was the bitch he was complaining about having to spend hours at foreplay for."

Ellen nodded. "She always did make her boyfriends spend ages warming her up before she'd let them fuck her," she said. "I always did wonder why."

"Because she liked the feeling of power she gets from it," shrugged Ellie. "Not something you ever worried about."

"So maybe you should be thinking about taking over his body?" suggested Ellen. "He must spend enough time close to her to have a chance of grabbing the stone."

"Maybe," said Ellen, "but it's not like before - even without the Dreamstone, she's got power. We've got to get it off her without her knowing."

"In her sleep, then?"

"Maybe..." said Ellen thoughtfully.


Donna lay sunbathing under the tropical sky. She was naked, but had assured her privacy simply by telling everybody on the boat not to look.

She smiled slightly. The boat she was on was a luxury yacht that had probably cost more to build than most people would earn in a lifetime. She had been given it, along with it's crew, after a short chat with its billionaire owner. Life was so good in a world where everyone obeyed her every order. But she was growing fed up with the heat and sun.

"Beth," she called, "tell the captain to take us to the nearest airport. I fancy going skiing in Switzerland."

"Can't you get one of your other skivvies to do it?" asked Beth irritably.

"No," said Donna flatly. "I've told you to do it. Get on with it, or I'll trap you in a slave-dream just like everybody else."

Beth hurried away. He's starting to get uppity, thought Donna as she relaxed back into her sun bed. Maybe I should put his mind back in his original body for a while. Just to remind him how much he has to be grateful for.

Not permanently, of course. He's far too good at eating me out for me to just throw him away.

The boat vibrated very slightly as the engines powered up. A cooling breeze wafted over her as the ship headed towards the coast.


"I've got it!" said Ellie suddenly. "I know how we can get the Dreamstone off her. Safely. We'll have to wait until she's in the mountains though."

"That'll be at least another day," Ellen pointed out.

"True, but it's the only way," said Ellie. "We'll just have to wait."

"What do you want to do to pass the time?"

"I don't know," said Ellie. "Why?"

"Well..." said Ellen hesitantly. "We could make love."

Ellie looked at her in disbelief. "You what?"

"Well, we could!" said Ellen defiantly.

"What on Earth makes you think I'd ever consider even letting you TOUCH me?" snapped Ellie furiously.
"You like fucking pretty girls," said Ellen simply, "and you haven't been able to for years."

"Oh, so you're just thinking of me, are you?" sneered Ellie.

"Yes. You're not my host any more, I don't have to make you suffer," Ellen said. She sounded on the verge of tears. "In all the years I've lived, I've never made love to anyone. Just forced you and then Jenny to get fucked against your will. Just once, I'd like to make love. And I'd like it to be with you. I was created for you, you're the most important woman in the universe to me. Please?"

Ellie's fury died as she looked into Ellen's eyes. They were filled with longing. And she had to admit, Ellen was a very pretty girl. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone make love to me again? she thought. Just once?

"Alright," she said softly. "Let's go down to the bedrooms."

Ellen smiled in delight. She took Ellie's hand and almost dragged her down to the castle bedrooms. She guided her to the bed and Ellie laid down. Ellen knelt next to her, and kissed her softly.

"Are you sure this'll keep us busy for a whole day?" whispered Ellie.

"We can dream up all the toys we need," Ellen reminded her. "I'm sure we can keep going for a while." She slid a finger into Ellie, smiling at the slight gasp she made. It reminded her of all the thousands of times she'd heard that same little-girl gasp Ellie had always made when her latest client had slid his dick into her pussy.


Beth's eyes opened, and Ellie looked out of them. As she'd hoped, Beth was sleeping with Donna. As stealthily as possible, she reached out and unchained the Dreamstone from Donna's neck. Then she slid out of bed quietly, and walked swiftly to the front door. A bottle was sitting outside it, just as she'd left it earlier.

She poured some of the contents over a hand towel, then held it over Donna's face. Donna coughed a few times, and that was it. Out like a light, Ellie thought in satisfaction. Then she removed the Dreamstone from Donna's neck.

Moving quickly, she went to Donna's bedside table and took all the jewelry from it. Then she went through her handbag and took all the money out of it. She took the whole lot into the main room, wrapped it up, and wrote an address on the package. Then she dropped it into the mail chute.

Right, she thought. That's the Dreamstone safely on it's way. Now I can get back to fucking Ellen again.

She went back into the bedroom, then ran at the window. She smashed through it. For a moment, she hung in midair, looking down at the twenty stories of hotel and hundreds of feet of mountainside below her.

Then gravity took hold, and she plummeted down. The drop was so large, she was feeling almost bored by the time Beth's body smashed into the rock.

"Did you do it?" asked Ellen eagerly, sitting up quickly in bed. The bed cover fell off her shoulders, and her bare breasts seemed almost to be reaching for Ellie as they stood proud of her chest.

"I did it," Ellie smiled. "We've won."

Ellen leapt out of bed and hugged her in excitement. "Do you really think it'll all work out?" she asked breathlessly.

"I hope so. No matter what happens, though, we'll be together," Ellen told her, and planted a kiss on her lips.

Ellen moaned softly in pleasure, then pulled Ellie down onto the bed. "Let me fuck you again?" she asked softly.

Ellie smiled. "Of course, sweetheart."


Donna looked up quickly as the detective entered the room. "Well?" she asked anxiously.

"How are you feeling, madam?" he asked.

"Sick and weak, but never mind that. What's happening?" she demanded.

"Well, madam, as far as we can tell, the thief entered your room through the front door - it was unlocked when we arrived. Their first action was to ensure they wouldn't be disturbed by you, and they drugged you to keep you asleep. Your boyfriend, however, woke up before they could get to him. There was a struggle, and he fell through the window to his death.

"The thief, undoubtedly shaken up by this event, grabbed all the money and jewelry they could find, and left by the font door."

"Never mind that," Donna interrupted him, "when will you get my jewelry back?"

"We'll do our best," he assured her. "This is a murder case, after all."

"No it isn't," she screamed at him. "It's theft from me! I want my jewelry back, understand? NOW! Get out!"

The policeman hurried away. The nurse took Donna's shoulder. "Now, love, you just lay back and relax," she said, "you're still delirious from that foul stuff they had you breathe."

Donna looked at her furiously. "Don't you dare tell me what to do," she snapped. "Go and tell that little bitch Paul to whip you until you beg for mercy."

"Yes miss," the nurse said obediently, and left to look for Paul. Donna sat back, fuming. How could the Stone have been taken? The entire world was enslaved!

Or was it? Could Jenny have freed herself somehow? The Queen of Dreams could not be allowed to walk freely! Donna closed her eyes and willed herself to the Castle of Dreams.

She strode down the corridor and into Jenny's cell. She grabbed Jenny's face and stared into her weeping eyes. She saw pain, anguish, and little else within them.

She let go. "You're real, alright," she murmured. "Real and suffering. This isn't your doing." She walked out. Then she conjured up a crystal ball. "Show me the Dreamstone," she told it.

Nothing happened. Donna grew angry again. "Show me the person who took it!" she yelled. Nothing. She screamed in frustration, and a wave of darkness flooded out of her and surged through the Dreamworld. Every dreaming human suddenly found themselves swept out of their comfortable dreams and into dreadful nightmares.

"Where IS it?" Donna screamed angrily.


"Boy, she was angry," giggled Ellen. "She never did like it when things didn't go her way."

Ellie giggled too, but told Ellen firmly, "Less talking. More licking."

Ellen smiled happily, and obediently went back to eating Ellie's pussy.


The Dreamstone was nowhere to be found. Nobody had used it, nobody had dreamed of taking it. Even when Donna had gone on TV and ordered whoever had taken it to return it, nothing had happened. Not a living soul knew where it was. And to add to her frustrations, Beth wasn't available any more to soothe her. Nobody else was as good at eating pussy as Beth had been, because nobody else had been born female and become male later.

Maybe, she thought, the thief died along with Beth? If so, the Dreamstone is probably buried under the snow along with the thief. If I don't have it back within a week, I'll order everybody to start looking for it in the snow. I have to get it back!


Ellie moaned in pleasure for what felt like the millionth time as Ellen yet again brought her to a wonderful orgasm.

"What shall I do next, love?" Ellen asked her.

"Don't you ever get enough?" Ellie smiled.

"No," said Ellen cheerfully. "I was created to be insatiable, remember?"

"Yes," Ellie said, "and it's time we dealt with your creator. The Dreamstone must have been delivered by now."

"Must you go so soon?" Ellen pouted.

"Yes," Ellie said, kissing her pouty lips, "but I'll be back soon. And then, hopefully, everything will work out the way we want it."

"Good luck," Ellen wished her.


Jenny was only barely aware of anything. As the Dream Queen, she was a being of purity and light. The nightmares that had been fucking her had done more than inflict pain and humiliation upon her: They had forced their vileness into her very soul, flooding her with darkness, wearing her will and soul away with every thrust of their rancid bodies.

She didn't realize that the pain, so distant now it was almost nonexistent, had stopped at last. She didn't hear the voice of her daughter. But the spark of light that shone before her eyes dragged her polluted mind back into some semblance of awareness.

"The Dreamstone?" she whispered.

"Yes, Jenny," Ellie told her, "You have to tell it to stop enforcing all the rules you gave it when you made it. We can't risk taking revenge on Donna if it might backfire on us."

"What rules?" Jenny whispered, baffled.

"Just tell it you revoke all the rules," Ellen told her. "We can't risk being caught by rules we don't know about."

Ellie took Jenny's hand, and placed it over the Dreamstone. "Revoke the rules, Jenny," she told her. "Quickly!"

"I revoke all the rules I placed upon you," Jenny whispered. The instant the words were out of her mouth, Ellie snatched the Dreamstone out of her hand.

"Yes!" exclaimed Ellen triumphantly. "We've got the bitch!"

"Hush, love," Ellie told her. "Sleep now, Jenny. Everything will be better when you wake up."

For some reason, Jenny felt no comfort from her mother's words. Instead, a thrill of fear ran through her. But the Dreamstone pulsed in Ellie's hands, and the light washed away Jenny's fears along with her consciousness.


First, there was nothing. Then there was the word..

The word was "yes", and it was repeated over and over, rising in pitch steadily. Someone's getting fucked, thought the Queen vaguely. I hope it's not me this time. I couldn't bear being enslaved by Ellen again.

The words dissolved into a scream of pleasure, and the Queen awoke. She was laying on silken sheets on a very soft bed. She looked down at herself. Her body was just as she remembered it as always being: Curvy, pale, unblemished, and clothed in yellow. Yes, she smiled, the body of the Queen. I wonder what happened to Jenny's body? Strange... it feels almost like I only dreamed her...

The Queen stood, and walked through the door to the room she had heard the orgasm in. Two lovely girls were in there. They looked like identical twins, about sixteen. But she recognized them. "Ellen? Ellie?" she asked, disbelievingly.

"Yes," one replied. "We resolved our differences. It was Donna that I wanted revenge on, not Ellen. And besides, she's eager to please me and nobody on Earth knows me as intimately as her."

Ellen giggled at Ellie's words. The Queen noticed then that Ellen's eyes were the only thing not identical to Ellie - they were a dazzling violet color. "You're in Jenny's body?" she asked.

"Donna took it," Ellen nodded, "and now I've taken over Donna. She is, you may remember, violently homophobic, so I'm putting her through Hell by making love to my Ellie."

The Queen looked down at herself. "So.. this is the waking world?" she asked, puzzled.

"Yes," Ellie told her. "My current body used to belong to Paul, and before that to his sister, Beth. He was the one who hacked your computer. He was eager to leave it, so I took it. Your body was Donna's nurse, who Paul was torturing. She was also therefore eager to leave it. So here we both are."

"But why did you bring me here?" asked the Queen, baffled. "I am the Queen of Dreams. The part of me that was Jenny is gone now. I have no desire to remain in the waking world. I must get back to the Dreamworld. It needs to be repaired."

"Well, it's like this," said Ellie. "Ellen pointed something out to me a while ago. Everything that we've both suffered was your fault. You told the Dreamstone to make it's wearer suffer if it was used for evil. You didn't tell me about it when I used the Stone for evil, so it made me suffer. You chained both of us in the nightmare realm. And you put Jenny through utter Hell too. My poor daughter."

"What..?" the Queen asked, baffled.

"When Ellie put you into Jenny's body, it didn't remove the human soul already within it," Ellen explained. "Just like me, you dominated that human mind. That was fine until you got the Dreamstone, but after that...

"Your little scheme to defeat me was just a matter of putting up with some pain to you. But to Jenny, the poor human girl you were living in, it was Hell as she was raped time after time."

"I didn't realize..." the Queen began.

"We've all suffered because of you," Ellie told her. "And we're sick of it. When we rescued you from the Nightmares, we told you to revoke all the rules on the Dreamstone.

"ALL of them," Ellen said smugly. "So it can be used to hurt people without any negative consequences. And it can be used to hurt YOU, your Majesty, which it never could before."

The Queen stared at the two of them in horror. Ellen slid out of bed and walked over to her. In her hands, outstretched, was the Dreamstone. But instead of a chain, it dangled from a leather collar.

"We've left Donna's control-dreams in place, and forbidden any other humans to use the Dreamstone. But it still needs a keeper," Ellen said. "So we'll have you look after it. Don't think that you'll be able to do anything with it though, we already imposed some rules on you: You can't use the Dreamstone; You can't enter the Dreamworld; and you will obey Ellie and me utterly."

"No, wait," the Queen pleaded.

"You will speak only when you are spoken to," Ellen told her sternly. "Kneel and be collared. Your Majesty."

The Queen sank unwillingly to her knees, and Ellen buckled the collar around her neck.

"Now," said Ellie, "Ellen is, of course, insatiable. I, however, am not. So I'm going to go and get some breakfast while you stay here and be a good little slut for her. When I come back, we'll send you out to be fucked on the street by some random guy: We've got to get you pregnant so you can give birth to Jenny. Her soul is still trapped inside you, and she deserves to have a proper life without you."

Horrified, the Queen fought against the power that bound her to silently kneel helplessly on the floor. But the power was the Dreamstone's, and it was far greater than her.

"And once you've fulfilled that duty," said Ellen relentlessly, "we'll have no real need for you, so we'll probably turn you out to live on the streets as a whore. You've caused too much suffering, ruling humanity, so we're balancing the scales out by making you spend the rest of your life as it's slave."

"And since we've made you immortal," said Ellie cheerfully, "you're in for a very long enslavement." She gave Ellen a lingering goodbye kiss and left the room.

Ellen laid back on the bed spread-eagled. "Now come over here, your Majesty," she said contemptuously, "and begin your new life as you mean to continue it."

And, screams echoing through her mind, the Queen crawled on her knees to begin her enslavement.


The man walked slowly down the street. He stopped by a news stand at one point, and stared at the picture on the cover of the papers. They showed two gorgeous girls, the Queens of the World, holding their new daughter, Jenny.
Those are two sexy girls, he thought. I'd give anything to fuck a Queen.

He turned and continued down the street. As he passed an alleyway, a tired voice called out to him "Hey big guy. You want me?"

He turned and looked. A lovely woman in a somewhat worn yellow dress looked back. His dick got hard just looking at her - she was gorgeous!

"How much?" he asked warily.

"As much as you like," she said uninterestedly, as though she was reciting off a script. "I'm not interested in money. I'm a worthless slut who just wants sex."

That was all he needed to hear. He went down the alley with her. She slid out of her dress and stood naked, except for a gemstone hanging from a collar around her neck. Eyeing her lovely body appreciatively, he pulled his cock out and walked up to her. Her eyes opened wide and she bit her bottom lip as he slowly forced his cock into her wonderfully tight pussy.

"You've got eyes just like the Queen's," he said in surprise.

"I used to be a Queen," the slut whispered despairingly as he began fucking her. "I really did." There was no certainty in her voice; it sounded like she was trying to convince herself rather than him.

"A cheap little whore like you, a Queen?" he laughed, even as he carried on thrusting his cock deep into her. "In your dreams, slut. Only in your dreams."

Continued in:
 Dreamstone 3: That Sleep of Death  (XGC)
The Dream Queen tries to regain the Dreamstone
#918147 by tatty_oldbitt
© Copyright 2004 tatty_oldbitt (tatty_oldbitt at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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