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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #936233
This is an original short story I plan to expand into a novel. It is a work in progress.
Note from the author: The Vow is a work in progress. My current plans are to use this, and another short story to construct a novel or novella series using the recurring characters. I hope you like it, I have always loved reading and writing fantasy and this is just my humble jaunt into the genre.

As he stood before his lord preparing to receive the honor of knighthood, all he could think about was all the good he would do under his new title. Whimsical dreams of slaying vicious ogres, protecting beautiful maidens and saving whole villagers from the evil grasp of Athranon’s enemies filled his thoughts. All his life, Garret saw no goal higher than becoming a Knight of the White Rose, a devoted paladin to the god of justice Bashimen. Ever since he could remember, when he saw a parade of noble knights parading through the streets of Athranon’s capital city, with their heads held high and a noble gleam in their eyes, he had wanted nothing more than to be one of them. He had trained and tested for years, and now his day was finally here. Today he became a real knight.

“Garret Longfellow, protégé of Baron Luther Grimwarder , son of Araman Longfellow approach your lord.” The speaker was a regal man, dressed in white armor and a long flowing cloak and a platinum circlet adorning his head, he was the Regent of Athranon, Baron Luther Grimwarder, brother-in-law of the late king of Athranon and godfather of the infant prince. Garret approached his lord, and kneeled before him, with his head held high. “Squire Garret, do you swear by your lord Bashimen, that you will follow his cause? Do you swear hat wherever there is darkness, you shall be the light to banish it, that you shall defend the helpless, that wherever there are those that would do wrong, you shall be the one who does right? Do you swear that you shall hold your duties to your lord, your land and your people above all others? Do you swear on your honor that you will live and die by the teachings of the Knighthood of the White Rose, as long as you live?”

“I do, my lord”

“Then rise…” Luther lightly touched his jewel encrusted sword on each of Garret’s shoulders “Sir Garret Longfellow, Knight Apprentice of the Order of the White Rose! Take this sword, young knight, may its shining blade guide your way in through any darkness, into the purity of Bashimen” Luther withdrew a shining mythril long sword, a beautiful treasure given to all knights of the order. The blade had etched in it Garret’s full name and was his most prized display of his newly obtained knighthood. “We expect great things from you, Sir Garret, make us proud my boy.”

“Thank you my lord.” Sir Garret took his sword at his side, and passed through the long archway of swords, all of them held by his fellow knights, who softly congratulated him as he passed. He was now a knight, and he believed no greatness was outside of his grasp now.

Garret was a young man, having just turned 20. He stood about 6 feet tall and had a toned, not overly muscular build. He had deep navy hair, a dark blue that looked almost black. He kept it slicked back, but when loose it was long enough to cover his ears. Araman Longfellow was a merchant by profession, he wanted nothing more than to have Garret take over his busuiness. At the age of 15, Garret left his home and has not spoken to his father since then.
Since becoming a knight, Garret now spends his time as a member of the knight battalion stationed in the town of Centinal. Centinal is directly on the border between Athranon and it’s closest neighbor Santioch. Since the war 10 years ago, this was enough reason to station a battalion of knights there, but the two countries had entered a period of peace and the town really didn’t have need of the knight’s protection. Garret hasn’t complained about the lack of heroic acts he has preformed. Most of his duties have been rather routine. The most combat he has seen would be an occasional tavern brawl and a few forest goblins that wandered into town. Garret spends a lot of time staring at the wooden celing of the barracks, tossing a short dirk into it and catching it as gravity lets it loose.

“Hey Garret, you as bored as I am?” the speaker was another young knight, with his curly brown hair, blue eyes and a cheerful demeanor. He was a stark contrast to the serious minded Garret. The two had become fast friends nonetheless and were usually inseparable in even their duty assignments.

“What do you think, Raes?” Garret tossed his dirk into the celing again, barely catching it before it came down on his unarmored thigh.

“Ya know, by the way you scoff at your guard duties and things like that it almost comes off like you don’t like being a knight.”

“Well I just thought I would be doing more, you know, heroic things by now in my life. I joined the knighthood to be a hero. As it stands though, I protect the Governor’s home much more than I ever protect the weak and save the helpless”

“You must take the dull with the heroic Garret. We can’t be off slaying dragons and saving damsels all the time. Is that why you want to join the Crimson Shield so badly Garret? Joining them is practically a death sentence.”

“At least they get to see some real action.” The Crimson Shield were the most dangerous sub-order of the Knights of the White Rose. They were assigned only the most high priority missions and were made up of some of the greatest fighters of the realm. The test of initiation was so difficult a fifth of those who took the tests were injured so badly they could never fight again, or they ended up dead. Garret had taken the test twice already, but had not quite made the cut each time. His leg was still sore from the sword wound he had taken during his last test.

“Y’know Garret, I think I have the perfect solution to our problem here.”

“And what would that be?”

“We get as innebriated as humanely possible!”

“During the middle of the day? While on duty? Hah, I’m in.”

The two of them strapped on their necessary armor and readied their horses. In a vain attempt to keep a sense of order to the knight’s stationed in Centinal, the local governor had passes a law stating that all knights appearing in public were required to wear certain pieces of knightly attire. They must wear their issued breastplate, adorned with the Athranon crest, a plated headband, also bearing the crest and the knight’s sword. With these easily identifiable items, it was clear to everyone who had authority in town and who did not.

As Garret and Raes neared the edge of town, they came on a large cart in the middle of the road. The cart was large enough to keep Raes and Garret from passing their horses through the thin road. The wagon was more than enough to house at least a small bed and other essentials along with the assorted knickknacks scattered around it. The owner of the wagon was a young Thaxian woman standing between the cart and two dangerous looking men. Garret recognized them as a couple bounty hunters who were passing through town. Garret wondered to herself how such a innocent looking young woman had earned a bounty.

“You really think you two are going to take me in? I have escaped more skilled looking hunters than you. Though the two of you probably take the prize for the stinkiest hunters I have dealt with so far.” The girl put on a brave face, but her hands shaked as she gripped her quarterstaff. She really was quite young, no older than 18 and was quite attractive. Her hair was a kind of chestnut brown and she had a lovely dark skin tone. Her red tunic and black cloak were well kept, but covered in dust and her large brown eyes stared coldly at the two men in front of her.

“Heh, you really think you can take us both on, little girl?”

She really couldn’t. The bounty hunters saw through her bluff as easily as Garret had. She put on an intimidating face, but it she couldn’t hide her shaking hands and legs completely. These men were both more than twice her size and armed with curved swords that looked sharp enough to cut her quarterstaff like it was a twig.

“Hah! Who is gonna care if we kill a little Thaxian dog around here? You wanderers are not citizens and you obviously have no family to worry about you. I say we just gut her now, Batta, the bounty says dead or alive anyways.”

“Raes, I have to do something about this. Can I count on you for backup?”

“Normally I would say we shouldn’t get involved, but those two are scum, you can count me in man.”

Garret rode forward and yelled to two bounty hunters, “Just what is going on here?!.”

“Oh crap, Batta, it’s the knights! We should probably get out of here!”

“Ah, shut up, ya coward. These knights can’t do anything, we are carrying an official bounty for this girls head.” Batta reached into his torn trousers and produced a scrap of paper with a crude sketch of the girl and a reward notice of 5000 gold pieces. He handed it to Garret for closer inspection.

“Hmmm, where did you fellows get this bounty notice?”

“Why right here, at this town’s garrison!”

“I seriously doubt that.”

“Wha?! Why do you say that?”

“Any official bounty authorized by the garrison would have the Athranon seal on it. Do you see that anywhere?”

“You didn’t tell me this bounty wasn’t official, you clotpole! We are in so much trouble now!”

“The way I see it you have two choices. You idiots can run along and pretend you never saw her.” Garret nodded to Raes, and they both dismounted and put their hands on their swords. “Or we are going to have to take a little trip back to the garrison. What will it be?”

The uglier of the two men drew his sword and rushed at Garret. The large man took a few sloppy looking swings at his target, but Garret dodged each of them easily. He swung the blade like a club, and was almost laughably predictable. After his third swing, he got the broad blade stuck in the ground. Garret took this chance to draw his own sword, and landed the flat side against the broad cheek of the bounty hunter. The large man fell onto his side and was out cold.

Upon seeing his partner sprawled out on the ground, the other man dropped his sword and ran. Garret could have sworn he heard the man crying out something that sounded like “Mommy!”

Garret sheathed his weapon, and turned to the young girl, who looked rather shocked at what she had just seen, “Hmph, those types of guys are like hyenas, only attacking when they have a clear advantage.”

“I could have taken those two by myself, you two didn’t have to step in.” The young girl softened her expression and put down her quarterstaff “But, um, thanks. Most knights wouldn’t bother to help someone like me.”

Garret awoke with a start. The Thaxian girl was leaning over him with a concerned look on her face. He could tell he was in the town’s jail cell, not because of the sight of it, since it was almost completely dark, but because of the horrendous odor that circulated the cell. He wondered whether what he did was worth it, but when he saw the girls relieved smile when she saw he was okay, he knew deep down it was. “Are you all right?” was all he could say to her.

“Oh lord knight, I am so very sorry, I got you arrested by your friends! I don’t even know your name and you risked you life for me? Why?”

“Well first off, my name is Garret. And it is part of the knight’s code to protect the helpless. I couldn’t let them kill you. It seems my lord does not respect the knight’s code. And I am beginning to doubt whether half the knights who take the oath respect it either…”

“My…My name is Reyathalastoruisquione. Most people just call me Rey. Sir Garret, I am so sorry this happened. What is going to happen to us now?”

“Don’t worry Rey; I don’t plan on making these our last days. I am going to get us out of here. I owe you that much.”

“So what is your plan iron britches? Whine and complain to the guards till they get tired of you and just throw you out? It might work cause I am already tired of you.” The voice came from the corner. Garret hadn’t noticed the man they seemed to be sharing a cell with. He was a gruff looking man, with a scar on his cheek and piercing green eyes. He had long, slightly unkempt blond hair and had a bit of melodic tone to his voice. Judging by his the rags he wore he had obviously been a prisoner for some time. “Pleased to meet you Garret, my name is Terinius. So you think you are gonna bust yourself out of this place? So tell us mister brave knight of the white rose, what is your big plan.”

“I don’t remember asking for your opinion, half-elf. And well, I have a plan, it’s sorta in the, er planning stages though. I am sure it will be enough to get us out of here though….”

“Ooooh, an astute one, I figured you couldn’t tell a fair folk from a tree stump, much less one with only half the elven lineage. “

“Well it was pretty obvious. You pushed back your hair as you took that opportunity to insult my plan, showing the modest point to your ears. Also you couldn’t be a full blooded elf because you are sporting quite the beard from being locked up for some time. It is quite common knowledge full blooded elves have no body hair, that includes facial hair.”

“Well then kid, if you are done showing us how clever you are. I would like to get out of this hole. And your Thaxian girlfriend is the key.”

“What do you mean lord Terinius? What can I do to help?”

“You know Thaxian spells don’t you? Using sand to put people to sleep right?”

“Er, yes, of course. It comes in quite useful on the road, but we don’t have any sand.”

“Well try using this on the guards then, girlie” Terinius tosses a small pouch of sand to Rey. Her eyes light up and immediately she begins to fake sick to get the attention of the guards.

“Ohhhh, I feel so bad…I need help over here!”

“What’s wrong girl? What are you complaining about?!”
Garret was immediately in on the plan, and of course tried to help the situation: “You better get in here! I think she is dieing!”

“Hold on, hold on, just don’t try anything funny you two…” The guard unlocked the door, and leaned over Rey. Within a second, Rey had thrown a bit of sand in his face and uttered a few Thaxian words. The guard was quickly snoozing on the floor.

They ran out of the cell and snuck up on the two guards leading to the prison office and managed to incapacitate them without too much trouble. However as they ran into the main prison hall they met with one obstacle that could not be overcome with simple magic and stealth.

“Garret, I can’t allow you to go any further. You have gone against the will of our lord and now you conspire with a known war criminal.”

“Raes, I didn’t think you would understand. Do you really think the Governor should have so much power over us? You saw how he acted today; I have arrested common brigands with more tact than the lord. People like him should never be given a position of power.”

“But he has been given his position Garret, to betray him would be betraying Athranon.”

“Hmph, a common answer for a lowly dog of the state!”

“Quell thy tongue elf! I don’t need a lecture from a spy! This is between me and Garret.” Raes drew his blade, and tossed Garret his own knight sword. “Draw your weapon Garret, we will settle this like knights”

“Yes, that is the only way we can settle things.”

Raes lunged at Garret, swinging his sword in a wide horizontal slash. Garret stepped back and brought his blade up to block Raes’ vertical follow up cut. This cross slash maneuver was a typical opening move. Raes swung again, coming down diagonally with a wood chopper type motion. Garret blocked and pushed Raes’ blade back. The mythril blades hummed and crackled with energy, almost seeming to rebel against fighting each other. Raes was swinging wildly, attempting to break through Garret’s guard, but Garret knew all of his moves. After 10 more clashes Raes was beginning to tire from his purely offensive tactics. Garret had yet to make a counter maneuver.

“Why don’t you attack back, Garret?! All you do is block!”

“Because all you do is attack Raes. You can’t beat someone who knows all your moves like that. You are just going to tire yourself out.”

“You always thought you were the best swordsman Garret, just because you knew every knight’s attack pattern like the back of your hand! Well I will show you there are some moves you do not know!”

Raes hunched down low to the ground, he was practically kneeling. Garret began to shift closer to him, when Raes suddenly leapt backwards, using a blast of blue light from his sword to propel himself hard off the wall and launching himself at Garret. The dexterous vaulting maneuver caught Garret off guard and Raes smashed the pommel of his sword into Garret’s left shoulder. Both men rolled to the ground and Raes was the first to stand up.

“You see Garret?! I call that the mystic wall vault! Bashimen’s blessed sword can be used to channel his divine energy, allowing me to fire it into an object and propel myself away from it! Not bad, eh?”

“You have advanced farther than I thought Raes, but you used the mystic blade maneuver all wrong!”

Before Raes could act, Garret drove his own blade into the floor, and it erupted in blue light, propelling Garret towards the celing. As he approached the celing he thrust his blade into it and quickly performed the technique again, this time propelling himself straight down at Raes. He easily cut down Raes’ block and left a large gash across his chest.

“Come on! Let’s be off!”

The three of them ran to the stables next to the prison and managed to find two horses. Terinius rode ahead on a lithe scout horse while Garret and Rey shared his own larger war horse. They took an unguarded shortcut through the woods and manged to escape the town.

“Garret? Is that knight back there, is he?”

“Dead? No, Rey. He should live, I didn’t cut him very deep. He might be weak from blood loss for a while though. And he will have a scar. He wont be coming after us anytime soon though.”

“We have to get out of Arthranon as quickly as possible Garret. Do you know the quickest route to Santioch?”

“If we keep following the woods south we will get there pretty soon. Do you think Santioch will give us sanctuary?”

“Of course, what war do you think I am a criminal from?”

“Are you telling me you are from Santioch?! But the war ended 10 years ago!”
“Yeah, well, I think Athranon sorta forgot they threw me in that damn dungeon till recently.”

“Unbelievable! And the governor was planning on having you killed for crimes in a war that shouldn’t have happened in the first place!”

“Yeah, he is one of the sleaziest of men I have ran into yet. He has been skimming taxes off the backs of the poor for years. I saw it all.”


“A little dungeon mouse told me. You can overhear anything coming from the baliff’s office if you lean against the right wall of the cell. Well, that is if you have acute elven ears at least.”

“Well, we should really be getting a move on. I doubt we will be returning to Athranon any time soon.”

“Hold on one second Terinius.”

Garret had ridden up to a large boulder. He withdrew his mythril sword, and stared at it for nearly a full minute. He then raised it up and thrust it into the stone. The blade lodged into place quite firmly and would be impossible to remove without breaking either the stone or the sword.

“Lord Garret! Your sword! Why did you do that?!”

“I used to think that sword represented all that was good in this world, but now it is just a bloodstained piece of silver. I have to find something else to believe in now, Rey.”

“Perhaps you should start with yourself, young knight.”

“Yes Terinius, perhaps you are right, shall we be off? I am sure someone is eagerly awaiting your return in Santioch.”

Terinius scoffed, and with that they rode off to the south, their journey stretched out before them. They were unsure of where they would end up, but each knew they would not be returning to Athranon anytime soon.
© Copyright 2005 FlyinBrian (flyinbrian at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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