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An advanced race of creatures take over the secret military base know by some as area 51 |
The year is 1947 in Roswell new mexico it is mid afternoon on Mac Brazel's ranch and it is time for his daily inspection of his field.As he walks into the northern portion of his field he notices bright mattalic material scattered about the field as he wonders around the field he notices three body bags lying on the ground and a fourth sitting on the ground.He runs back to his farm house and calls the military base thinking that a military aircraft had crashed.After a long hour of waiting military vehicles come speeding up to his house.Mac leeds them out to the crash site where they tell him not to tell any one what he saw. The military quarentines the field for two days while they clean up the wreckage after the military is done they take the wreckage to a hanger where it is flown to a secret base in Nevada where the bodies and the debris is stored away never to be seen again. Now lets fast forward to the year 2005 where science technitions Kyle Newman and Cody Ekelund walk through a large military hanger at andrews airforce base in California."Kyle check out these readings on this f14's computer they're off the charts." Cody says glancing down at his PDA."Holy crap I better contact the commander and let him know what going on."Kyle replies.Kyle walks up to the red cordless phone hanging on the wall and calls the commander ," Sir this is Kyle you need to come that these readings for the f14 they are off the charts." kyle states."Iam on my way." The commander replies. After about twenty five minutes the silent hangar is filled with the echo of running footsteps coming their way.The commander comes running into the room and snatches Cody's PDA out of his hands and glances down at it."Oh my god this is strange I'd better call Nellis." The commander says."Nellis?" Cody asks. "Thats classified."The commander says.The commander pulls out a cell phone and presses a speed dial on his phone and begins to wisper"I think we have a problem." ," what kind of problem?" The person on the other end of the phone asks. "You would have to see it I will send two of my best technitions by plane to you." The commander states. Kyle and Cody board a large cargo plane surrounded by armed guards. While in the air they are watched closely by on of the guards.As they approach the instalation they here "This is dreamland please give verification codes now."A voice says over the radio.When they land they are met by large amounts of armed marines standing at the edge of the tarmac and behind the marines was a large man in a dark black suit.,"Are you the guys who have the strange information on the f14?"The man in the suit asks."yes we are."Kyle says. The man in the suit leads kyle and cody into the base built into the mountains in the first room they notice three large metal detectors.The man in the suit turns to the men and says,"You will tell no one of what you saw today.Got it?" " Yes." Cody says studdering.The man leads them into a large room with large metal doors each one has a rather comical sign on it "Sqeelers will be shot" The man points to the signs as if he were making a point.He leads them into the room behind the doors where little grey things with oversized hairless heads and large eyes each one tilts their heads and waves at the two stranger. Cody looks at kyle and notices that his eyes are wide."You alright?"Cody asks. Kyle just shrugs.The man continues to lead them into a large room where there are more creatures, but these ones are about 8feet tall and they are holding large staffs and they are shocking other creatures in cages."Whats going on?"Kyle asks. The man in the suit turns to Kyle with angry expression on his face "The ones in the cages are hostile crash survivors found all over the world.These ones are the ones you wouldn't want to be alone in a dark alley with.One of the aliens reaches his hand through the bars of the cages and one of the taller ones shocks it."The only thing wrong with these cages are that they are power operated so if the power went out they would automaticaly open." He leads them into another room filled with large disk shaped objects sitting a large stands "This is where we keep our crashed ufos that the creatures came in on." The man states. Cody walks up to one of the objects and runs his hands around the outer rim of the object."Do you know what this is made of?"Cody asks. "No not yet, but we were hoping that you guys could help."The man says.He leads them into a large corridor illuminated by red lights at the end of the corridor there is large room with 30 computers and two people at every computer."This is what makes this base tick this room controls the minigun cameras."The man says pointing to a spot on the roof just outside the door where a piviting camera with a minigun on its side."Now let me show you where you guys will be working."The man says.He leads them through the corridor again, but this time he leads them through a hidden door on the right that leads them to another smaller corridor and down this corridor are labs occupied by men in white hazmat suits.The man leads Cody and Kyle to a vacant lab ,"This is where you guys will be working there is a phone on each desk with a list of extensions for the base the command center extension is the one you can us e to reach me if you need anything."The man says.Cody plugs his PDA into the computer and he begins to look more closely at the data from the jet fighter."Hey Kyle come look at this."Cody says pointing to the graphs on his computer screen. Cody and Kyle work late into the night until they fall asleep at the computer. They are awoken in the middle of the night to the sound of an alarm.Cody walks up to one of the scientists in the ajacent lab "Whats going on?" "The power is out and the creatures in the cages are wreaking havoc through the base."The scientist answers.Kyle look out the door into the corridor and sees movement at the end of the corridor."Holy shit."The scientist screams. The figure turns towards the corridor and begins to sprint down the corridor towards the men Cody and Kyle duck back into their lab and drag the door shut a few seconds later they hear the scientist scream then they hear the sound of blood splattering against the metal door.They soon hear the sound of nails scraping on the door.They sound of gun fire begins to cancel out all other noise in the corridor "Hello is anyone alive in there?" A voice calls from the other side of the door.Kyle pushes the door open to see three marines standing in the door way one of the marines has a bandage around his bloody arm."Come with us we have orders to take you to the command center."One of the marines says.The five men walk down the corridor, but the door out towards the command center is locked down."God damn we're going to have to go around which could take alot longer."The wounded marine states.The marines lead the technitions down the darkened hallway in the distance they could see muzzle flashes and shadows moving around.The marines tell Cody and Kyle to stand still and crouch after a few seconds of silence they see a large figure sprinting down the corridor. The marines open fire killing the figure and spraying its blood all over the walls and the marines.The five men begin to sprint down the corridor as they get towards the end of the corridor another figure comes sprinting down the hallway.One of larger marines steps to the front, grabs the creature by the throat, and slams it to the floor. At the end of the corridor they enter a larger room where hundreds of marines and creatures are fighting."Shall we join them?"the large marine asks.Kyle and Cody nod and two marines hand them their desert eagle hand guns with six clips.The five men chrage into the room with guns blasing.When things start to calm down they have time to closely inspect some of the attacking creatures and they notice that they look almost exlactly like humans except for the heads which have large bulges coming out of the side of their heads.As the marnies walk around and kick the dead bodies into fires in the room they begin to hear weird growling noises coming in their direction."Get ready."One of the marines says putting his rifle to his shoulder.Seconds later they begin to see shadows running down the hallway.Cody raises his pistol and begins to fire blindly at the shadows he strikes the lead one in the leg sending it tumbling head over heels down the hallway.Everyone in the room begins to unleash a hail of bullets down the hallway until the growling stops.After things settle down a bit Kyle walks down towards the hallway where the creature that Cody shot was laying.When he approaches it, it grabs his leg and begins to make a gasping noise Kyle steps back and shoots two bullets it to its head.The marines run down and look at the now twitching body at Kyle's feet "God thats discusting."The wounded marine says kicking the body. The large group of marines walk down the long hallway towards the hangar with the large objects, when they enter the room they see large number of the creatures gathered in the middle of the objects and they were piling dead marines and scientists in the corners.Kyle raises his pistol and shoots one of the creatures through the side of the head after it hits the ground the other creatures crouch down and begin to look around.A marine raises his rifle and fires a round through the chest, when it hits the ground the creatures run for cover and the marines begin to pick the runners off.One of the creatures spots the marines and the creatures begin to fire their advanced weapons into the group of marines one of the shots hits a marine sending him falling to the ground followed by a trail of boiling blood.He hits the ground screaming at the top of his lungs "Help him."One of the marines sceams.Kyle drags him though the door into a succluded part of the hallway.When Kyle reaches into the man's wound he is burt by his blood.With blood pooling and running out of his mouth the marine says"Help me.Please help me I'll do anything you want please just help me."Kyle looks down at the marine and says, "There is nothing I can do for you Iam a scientist not a medic.Iam sorry.""Then grab in my shirt pocket grab the photo of my kids and put me out of my misery."The man replies.Kyle digs into his pocket,grabs the photo, puts it in his pocket,puts his gun to the marine's head,pulls the trigger,and takes the marine's side arm.When Kyle returns to the room he sees Cody and the other marines staring at him with wide eyes,Kyle to angry to notice walks out into the room with a pistol in each hand and begins to hunt down and wound the creatures.After he is done he walks back to the group of marines "Aren't you going to kill them?"A marine asks."No I think that I am going to let them suffer for a bit first,like they did to the marine."Kyle says angrely.After a few minutes of listening to the painful shreaks of the creatures Kyle and Cody wonder around shooting the creatures in the head. The men travel through the winding corridors through the base towards the command center,but when they come to the hallway where the command center is located one of the minigun cameras is opening fire on another small group of marines killing them quickly."What the hell don't they know who they're shooting?"a marine asks."Not if the control room is under the thing's control."Cody states.The marines look at each other in in disbelief "okay we need to get in there and retake control of the base."Kyle says."first lets make sure there is no movement among the dead marines. Then, hey do you guys have gernades?"Kyle asks. And two of the marines nod and pull two fragmentation gernades off of their body armor and hand them to kyle.The marines watch for any movement among their fallen comrads.After a couple of minutes of watching the still and silent marines Kyle lobs a frag gernade directly under the camera when the gernade detonates sending burning hot shards of metal flying in all directions destroying the camera.The men make their the large amount of fallen marines infront of the door and they force their way into the conrol room to find small grey creatures with oversized bald heads that are only 3 to 4 feet tall sitting at the chairs controling the cameras.One of the marines smashes the creature's head into the center console of the computer and the others stand up, the marines begin to drop the other creatures in the room.After all of the creatures in the room Cody picks up the bloody radio and says,"Who ever is on this channel please pick up we need help." "Hello?" a voice calls over the radio."Yeah hi who is this."Cody asks. "Iam with the fighter/bomber wing just outside the base. What is going on down there we have been trying to get a hold of you guys for hours,bur we couldn't get a hold of anyone."The voice calls back."Do you have anything that could destroy this base pretty quickly?"Cody asks."Yeah we could carpet bomb the base and that would wipe it out."The voice calls back."Do it."Cody shouts. He looks around the consol and finds a big red button that says evac above it,he presses it and an alarm activates."Come on we have to get out of here!"Cody saysThe men run through the winding corridors to the entry way where the once tall metal detectors stood are now in flaming pieces on the floor.When the group of men make it out side they see a large number of marines outside as they look around they see a marine lying in the hot burning sand with another marine kneeling over him and giving him cpr."Come on marine your gonna make it.Come on,come on you'r gonna make it." The marine lying on the ground doesn't move,the marine at his side puts his head to the man's chest,stands up,and covers the dead marine's face with his hat.The marines look at the men emerging from the base.A group of marines approaches the men "What was the alarm for?"A marine asks."The air division is coming in and carpet bombing the base."Kyle says."Everyone get as far away as possible."The marine yells.The marines begin to scatter off into the rolling desert hills as Kyle's group makes it into the hills they see three black stealth bombers fly over them.They drop their payload on the base destroying it quickly Cody and Kyle turn to see the destroyed base. |