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Rated: E · Short Story · Inspirational · #965569
The breaking of the wall of sin in your life.
“The Wall that never got Broken”
Taken from “He Is Our Peace” Song

Once upon a time there lived a young
Lady named Janet who lives in Florida.
One morning she woke up real early she
Put a CD in the CD player, she listened
To the first song called He is our Peace.
After she listened to He is our Peace a
Few times that song got her to thinking what
It means in her life. That song does have
A meaning to the song. Here is the words
To the song “He is our Peace”.

He is our peace * Who has broken down every wall * He is our peace, He is our peace *
He is our peace * Who has broken down every wall * He is our peace, He is our peace **

Cast all your cares on Him * For He cares for you * He is our peace, He is our peace *
Cast all your cares on Him * For He cares for you * He is our peace, He is our peace.

Ephesians 2:14-15 says v.14) For He Himself is
our peace, who has made both one, and has
broken down the middle wall of separation,
v.15) having abolished in His flesh the enmity,
that is, the law of commandments contained
in ordinances, so as to create in Himself
one new man from the two, thus making peace.
One day I was thinking about what the song
Means and the bible verses mean. When we have
A wall of sin between you and God, we are
Separated from God and God won’t answer
Your prayer or hear your prayer. When we
Have a wall of sin, we need to ask God to
Forgive us so the wall of sin can be broken
Down. When our wall is broken God can
Hear our prayer and answer our prayer.
After your wall is broken down and God hears
Your prayer you can have the peace you
Need in your life. The wall you have up
That has not been broken down can represent
Anything in your life that hinders you from
Breaking it down. One side of the wall is
You and other side is God, between is the
Wall of sin separating you from God. The only
Way the wall can be broken down is pray
And ask God to forgive you.
Here is a wall:
God’s Side

Sin Sin Sin Sin Sin

Your Side

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