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Rated: E · Fiction · Sci-fi · #967174
This is a story about my costuming group and their involvement in the Clone Wars.
This story is about my costuming group I joined, The Jedi Assembly, and our involvment in the Star Wars Clone War. I added some of our ow ngroup in there to get a feel for what was going on in this fictional war.

The Jedi Assembly:

The War of Change

It was the war that changed my life forever; the Clone Wars changed the whole galaxy. I, TaiLon Kae was one of the few Jedi that experienced and survived this tragedy. It was about a year into the war, when I was summoned to Coruscant to speak to the Council of the progress on the planets of Dantooine, Kashyykk, Kamino and the Outer Rim. My padawan, Valis Korriban was to accompany me to the Jedi Temple to speak with Master Yoda and Master Tanthos Jorlac. As I was entering the temple, Master Nova Darklighter, a Jedi with extreme craftsmanship said to me “I see your new robe has not been burned or torn too much Jedi Kae.” I nodded to her “Yes it seems that I managed to stay away from blasters this time around!”
We walked up the staircase leading to the council room and observed many younglings training, padawans getting ready to be chosen by a Jedi master. When we reached the room, without even looking to my padawan I said “Stay here for a moment until it is time.” With that said I walked into the council room and bowed to the council. Master Yoda commented “Come to us you have of the progress of the Clone War?” I replied “yes, I have Master. The Separatists are being pushed off of Kamino as we speak and we are holding are own at the enclave on Dantooine. I still do not know much from Kashyykk though!”
Master Jorlac replied “How is your padawan coping with the war all together. Too many young Jedi get bullheaded and charge into battle and come back a changed person.” I waited a moment and replied “He is strong willed and has not faltered under my tutelage. He is progressing along quite well.” As the Council members sat there in thought, an urgent message was sent to Master Yoda and Tanthos Jorlac’s private study. As they both got up quietly, Master Yoda said “Come back we will, hear from your padawan the council will.” As the door closed behind them, I bowed and retreated to the waiting area outside of the council room.
Master Yoda and Master Jorlac received a holo-message from Jedi Mon Jas Charan. He says “Separatists are moving towards the Kashyykk system as we speak, and we have lost contact with Quilan Vos.” Master Yoda sits there a moment and Master Jorlac replies “What are the Wookies doing to prepare for the Separatists onslaught?” Jedi master Charan responds “They are gathering their troops as we speak, but I don’t think they have enough force to hold the Separatists off for long.” Yoda speaks up and says “Go I will to Kashyykk, know the wookies I do. Help they will need in defeating this threat.” Mon Jas Charan said “Ok Master Yoda, I will inform Captain Tarfful you are on your way.” As the Hologram disappeared, Tanthos looked at Yoda and Yoda said “The council informs we will, on my mission to Kashyykk.”
With that said they both returned to the council room and they informed the council of the impending mission and news. As Yoda prepared for his departure, Tanthos spoke to the council and then came over to speak with me. As he spoke to me, a vision came to of me and my padawan fighting on a world and I looked over and he fell over from a blaster that came from a distance. I stood there a moment and froze and Tanthos spoke up and said” Master Kae, are you alright?” I gained my composure and told him of my vision. He thought a moment and stated “It is a vision of a possible outcome, if things do not change now.” I asked him “But how can I change things that I do not know of?” He said “It is not you that needs the change!” Then it hit me like a force of wind, my padawan.
As my padawan and I walked through the temple, I noticed he was a bit quieter than normal. As we walked I said “Valis, What’s wrong?” He stopped a moment, looked at me and said “There is something I must tell you, but now is not the time. When the time is right I will tell you and then you will know.” With that said, we walked towards the archives to do some research on adversary that was coming up through the ranks of the Separatists army. At one time, the temple was a buzz with potential padawans and jedi knights, now those knights and padawans have been scattered across the galaxy to fight a war that has brought despair and gloom to many planets.
As we entered the archives, Master Jocastu Nu, the keeper of the archives assisted us in our research. As I looked over the information we found, I sensed someone walking towards us. As I kept reading, Master Xana greets us and asks me to come with her. I tell my padawan to keep searching and I will return in a moment. As I walk with Master Xana, she tells me of a mission the council has assigned to me. “You must go to Tatooine and find out about the disturbance in near Mos Eisley and the Dune Sea.” As I weighed the mission in my head, Xana continued, “Your padawan will go with you and this will be a test for him as well, he will either triumph or die!” With that said, I told Xana that we found out who this adversary is, “Grievous is the name that comes up” I said to her. She ponders this a moment, “Grievous, yes I have heard of this name, but he is in the low ranks of the Separatist army. He has never been defeated and Count Dooku seems to favor him.”
After I receive details on my mission, my padawan and I head to the Tatooine system in my modified Corellian freighter. As we travel through known space, my padawan sits in his chambers and meditates. I go through standard checks on the shields and weapons systems, when I receive a hologram from Master Mon Jas Charan. I accept the message and he says, “Master Kae, Quilan Vos has been located. He is on Tatooine, embedded in a Separatist headquarters in Bestine.” Listening to this I say to Mon Jas, “I am headed to Tatooine as we speak, how far are you from Tatooine?” Mon Jas tells me, “About six standard hours, we can meet outside of Mos Espa. I will contact you and let you know when my ship is near.” As I acknowledge this, the hologram shuts down and I return to the cockpit.
As my ship heads to Tatooine, Master Mon Jas Charan’s ship comes out of hyperspace and arrives early outside of Mos Espa. He lands and unhooks his swoop bike in his cargo hold for the trek across the desert. He checks all systems and it is ready to go. He go to the cockpit and shut down the power to the ship, only allowing the emergency power to stay on. He brings the swoop bike down the ramp and takes his micro-binoculars out and scans the area. He sees the occasional womp rat and wild bantha in the distance but nothing to worry about. As he puts them into his pouch, he feels a presence close to him and reaches for his lightsaber. He holds the grip under his robe, when a dark figure jumps down from the top of the ship. This dark figure has a cloak over his eyes, so Mon Jas can not see who it is. “You are strong in the Force and have been watching me for sometime.”
The dark figure pulls out his lightsaber and his yellow blade ignites from the hilt. Mon Jas pulls his out and ignites his blue blade. Both men look at each other and the dark figure jumps at Mon Jas with a strong attack. Both blades clash and each man attacks and parries every move the other does. Mon Jas sweeps the dark figure off of his feet and his lightsaber flies out of his hand. As he approaches the fallen figure, he gets his lightsaber back and goes on the defensive. As the two men are battling, my ship lands not to far from Mon Jas’s. He open’s the ramp and jump’s out to assist Mon Jas. His green blade ignites into a fury of moves that the dark figure barely blocks. As Mon Jas and I battle this figure, Valis comes out to see if he can be of assistance. He concentrates on the battle and then Force grips the figure by the throat. The figure drops his lightsaber and grabs his throat in pain. Mon Jas and I look around and see Valis with his hand up and his full concentration on the man. I shouts to him, but he goes unheard, so he Force pushes Valis down and breaks his concentration. Valis hits the ground and the dark figure hits the ground, gasping for air. Mon Jas and I check the man and then attend to Valis.
After I talk to Valis about his actions, we walk over to Mon Jas and find out who this mysterious figure is. Mon Jas pulls the cloak off to reveal a man with similar markings to Quilan Vos, but with shorter hair. He stands up “I take you are here for Quilan Vos?” As we nod, the man says, “He sent me to see who landed here and find out what their intentions are.” Mon Jas tells him, “As you see we are Jedi and are not here to bring Vos any harm. We want to talk to him and find out information from him.” The man stands there for a minute, then gives us directions, “Go to the Tusken Raider Village on the edge of the Dune Sea, Vos will be there waiting for you. It is too dangerous to talk in town since the Separatists have begun to make their rounds here.” As we no choice but to accept these conditions, Mon Jas asks him, “What is your name?” The figure turns around and says, “Atari Hett, my uncle is Asharrad Hett.”
As we prepare our swoop bikes, Valis comes over to me, “Master, forgive of my actions, I should have not done that.” I put my hand on his shoulder, “We all make mistakes, but we must control our actions regardless of the situation.” Valis returned to his swoop and finished his checks. Mon Jas and I look at each other, but do not speak. Valis is on the edge of the darkside and does not know it yet, I think to myself. As we climb on our swoop bikes, I point to the Dune Sea and we speed towards the endless sea of sand.
Master Yoda arrives on Kashyykk and is greeted by Captain Tarfful. Yoda looks up at Tarfful “Hm Arrive the Separatists, have they? What of your defenses are you doing?” Capt. Tarfful growls and Yoda understanding him fully. “Speak I must with Chewbacca” Yoda tells Tarfful. With that, both of them head towards the village in the trees that house the wookie warriors. Yoda assess the village and thinks of a way to prepare the village for an assault. Yoda directs Tarfful to build up the lower walls and get as many boats there as possible in case of a watery assault. As Yoda nad Tarfful stand there, Chewbacca comes up and greets Master Yoda. “Glad to see you, I am. Having such a warrior , wookies are lucky to have” Yoda tells Chewbacca. Chewbacca tells them both of the progress they have made to the defenses of the village and the speed they are moving to make them.
Back on Coruscant, Master Jorlac and Master Mace Windu speak to the rest of the council members. Besides Master Jorlac and Windu there, Master Xana, Schph Gochi, Nova, Oppo Ranciss, Saessee Tiin, Even Piell, Shoshana Win(via Hologram) and Leda also via hologram as well. “The Clone War has stretch us out throughout the galaxy” Tanthos said. “We must not faulter under the pressure of war and break our ranks, as they are dwindling with each major battle” said Master Windu. All the council members agreed and Master Xana said, “What of Master TaiLon Kae and Mon Jas Charan, any word from them?” Master Jorlac shakes his head and says “No, no word from them.”
Deep within a cave on a distant planet, Count Dooku was preparing Grievous for his indoctrination into the dark side. Count Dooku pressed a button and a case with a man lying it appeared. “Ah, my old master Sifo Dyas, your lightsaber will come in use to me after all” Dooku said. To Dooku’s much surprise, Grievous’s melding of flesh and metal came together nicely. Dooku looked over the half man-half machine lying before him. He rose the table on which he laid and unstrapped him, holding his former master’s lightsaber up. “Take this weapon as your own, every Jedi you find you will take their weapon as a trophy and a reminder to other’s of your power” he told him. “You are now the General of the Separatist Army” he told Grievous. With his metallic hands, Grievous took the lightsaber and looked it over. Dooku told Greivous, “Now go droid, destroy those that have come in your way.” As if to awaken a beast, Greivous ignited the lightsaber and destroyed the armored guards that were standing near him. After the last one fell, his cold, yellow eyes looked at Dooku and he said, “I AM NOT A DROID!”

As if to sense something was wrong, Mon Jas and I speeded up their swoop bikes at full speed towards the Tusken Raider village. As they approached the village, they noticed that no Tusken’s were guarding the village. They stopped just short of the village and dismounted the swoop bike’s. Mon Jas and I looked around and noticed a small shadow moving into one of the hut’s. He pointed to it and we moved in that direction to investigate the shadow. “Let me go around to the back and my padawan will go around the other way, Mon Jas you stay here in case it comes out this way.” As we separated, the wind began to pick up around us. It was not uncommon to have sandstorms here, but the wind formed a wall of sand around us and four huts that were close to us. We looked around and out of nowhere Quilan Vos appeared. “I see you got my message.” He stood there with his arms crossed and lightsaber hanging at his side. “Where have you been, we were told you died on Malastare” Mon Jas told him. “No, that was a diversion for me to get deeper into Dooku’s lair. He is planning on revealing a new general to his army. This new general is bad news” Vos told us.
Master Schph Gochi was on her way to Dantooine, when her ship was attacked. She managed to destroy all her attackers, but her deflector shields were a little worn. She checked her navigational computer to see what planet she was near. She could make it to Dantooine, but she would be pushing it. As she approached Dantooine’s hemisphere, her alarm system went hay wire and went out. She landed just outside the Jedi enclave and made the landing as smooth as possible. She lowered her ramp and walked out to be greeted by Jedi Master Jauhzmynn. As they walked to the enclave entrance, Mynn as she was called said “It is always good to see you Schph. I see you still know how to fly.” With a glance at each other and a smile, they walked to the courtyard for a quick meal.
With each passing moment, the galaxy was crumbling into turmoil and the Jedi Order knew it. Master Yoda was on Kashyykk, Master Kae and Mon Jas were on Tatooine, Master Gochi was on Dantooine and every other Jedi knight was spread out amongst the war raging galaxy. To the Council’s much surprise, my padawan was getting closer to the darkside with every action that he took and I was not aware how close he really was. His actions on Tatooine alarmed me enough to send him back to Coruscant and be counciled by Master Nova Darklighter.
Master Mon Jas and I asked Quilan Vos who this general was. “General Grievous” he said. As if a blow hit me square in the head, I looked at him and he acted like I already knew him. “This General Grievous is a threat to all people in his way, including Jedi.” Mon Jas asked Quilan, “How did you hear about Grievous and what is Dooku’s plan for him?” Vos looked at both of us then looked at Mon Jas and said “He plans to eradicate the Jedi Order with him and Dooku’s master is the mastermind behind all this.” When we both heard that, I sent a holo-message to the Jedi Council informing them of the news.
:Transmission to Coruscant:
Master Jorlac,
“Master Mon Jas and I have found Quilan Vos and he has informed us of Count Dooku’s plan to introduce General Grievous to the Separatist army and eradicate the Jedi Order. How do you want us to proceed with this new information?”
Master Jorlac responds by saying
“Master TaiLon Kae,
You and Mon Jas bring Quilan Vos back to the Jedi Temple and we will analyze this information to the reports from across the galaxy.”
I look at the hologram and confer their orders to Mon Jas. “We will be there as soon as we can, TaiLon Kae out.”
: Transmission ending:
We talk with Quilan and decide to take my ship back. We take Mon Jas ship and stow it at a docking bay in Mos Eisley for storage. We pay the dock keeper an extra fee to keep it a secret. Mon Jas locks his ship up for a safe measure and we take off from there back to Coruscant. As we fly through space, our ship comes under attack and we scurry to get to the guns. The shields hold up against the attack and soon we are on our back on our way.
Quilan is in his chambers sleeping while Mon Jas is assessing the rations we have aboard. As we enter the Core Worlds, we see on the holo news that Count Dooku and the Separatists are mounting an assault on Kashyykk. Master Yoda has been warned of the impending threat and his advising the wookies of it.

© Copyright 2005 TaiLonKae (tailonkae at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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