Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/968398-Bonny-rabbit
Rated: E · Fiction · Other · #968398
Bonny is hopping through the feild until she hears a noise in some bushes...
"Thump,Thump"Bonny was hopping along the feild. She was just enjoying the nice morning. There were flowers everywhere! Bonny loved the spring. Her baby would be coming soon. It was the season every rabbit had their babies. She hopped back to her den and her husband Henry was gone. She went out to search for him. She couldn't find him anywhere.Then from behind her in the bushes she heard a growel. Then out of the bushes came a fox! She ran for her life and the fox chased after her. Then Bonny saw a small hole and she dove into it to save herself and her poor unborn baby. The fox couldn't fit in the hole and ran away to find some other breakfast. Bonny noticed that the hole was emty and dicided to stay there. Her husband must have been eaten by the fox because she waited for five days and he didn't come back. Bonny sobbed for many days from the loss of her husband. Then she felt something. It was the baby! She was having her baby there in the den all alone. Once the baby came out she held it in her arms. Bonny deicided to name her baby Jakie. She was so happy to not be alone there in the den. She raised Jakie for a long time until she could run around outside with her. She tought Jakie how to get food in the wild. One day Bonny took Jakie for a little hop around the field. They talked until Jakie said"What happened to my dad?". Bonny knew she had to tell her sooner or later so Bonny sighed and said"I was pregnat with you when it happened,I was hopping on a nice morning when I went back to the den and he wasn't there,I went out looking for him and a fox jumped at me from behind the bushes and I ran for the den and then I was safe but I guess the fox ate your father,"Bonny sobbed.Jakie began to cry with her and they cried all the way back to the den. It was night soon and they both went to bed. Soon it was morning and Bonny took Jakie out in the field to get carrots for breakfast.
© Copyright 2005 Natalie (jazzdancer13 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/968398-Bonny-rabbit