Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/980353-Dandelion-Fields
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #980353
boy meets girl, girl meets boy. dandelion fields- their shared memories.
Stepping out into the warm, Amber shut the door of her Mini behind her, eyes fixed on the red brick building in front of her. "So this is my new school," she thought with an inward sigh. She'd been moving from place to place since young and this was her fifth school in her high school years. Wordlessly, ignoring the fascinated stares of the students in the basketball court next to the car park, she strode up the stairs, disappearing into the shade of the building

Chris Evans picked up his bottle, giving himself a generous douse of water. Shaking his brown hair out of his eyes, he watched quietly as a pretty blonde sidled up to him on the bleachers. "So Evans, fancy a drive out of town after school?" she whispered in his ear, her hand running up his back. Cocking his eyebrow at her saucy overtures, he turned to face her, his hand automatically reaching out to cup her cheek. "Anytime, anytime for you." And with that, he bent his head and captured her lips in a full on kiss

Frustratedly running her hands through her hair, Amber paused outside the door to the art room. She had just finished settling her school entry and was to start school the next day. Gently pushing the door open, she stepped into a musty smelling room, with sunlight spilling through the bay windows. The room was littered with easels, half completed canvases, sculptures sitting prettily in a corner, with the smell of turpentine and paints lingering in the air. Her eyes sparkled as she took in the familiar sights and smells. Amber was an aspiring art student- art was the only thing that kept her sane in the nomadic lifestyle she had led her whole life. She sought refuge, solace in her art, the one thing that was ever constant, that was ever loyal, that would never change as long as she willed it not to. It was something she could control, and she found comfort in it. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she picked up a brush, smiling. She knew she would have no problems settling in.

Chris set down his bag on the benches in the changing room as he stripped out of his clothes. "Hey dude, you saw that babe coming out of the Mini just now? Pretty young thing. Jason was having a bet about who would be the first to screw her. I bet less than a month. Innocent young thing," drawled a voice as he emerged from the showers with a towel wrapped around his waist. Chris snorted, "Spare the little ones, kid." "Yeah? You aren't so gentlemanly yourself. Who was that running his tongue all over Jeanna's mouth just now?" Chris gave a sardonic smile, "I only have my fun with those that know what they are doing."

Darkly, Amber strode along the corridors to her locker. She had just had a frustrating Literature lesson- arguing with the teacher. "Idiot," she thought furiously, "Dali wasn't mad, he was a genius." So furious that she walked headway into a hard chest, her books spewing across the floor. "Darn it!" she said under her breath, stooping down to pick up her books. The person she had just knocked into had bent down as well, helping her to pick up her spilled noted. "Thank you, " she said hurriedly, as she picked up her notes and politely accepted those he offered, before giving him a quick smile and scurrying off to her next lesson.

Chris looked on as she hurried away, an amused smile playing on his face. This was the feisty newcomer who dared to challenge Mrs Whitcombe's views on Art in the 20th century, yet here she was looking decidedly adorable in her absentmindedness. He couldn't help but notice her eyes- a startling shade of ice blue, that had stared down Mrs Whitcombe, yet sparkled embarrassedly at him just now. Interesting. But not his type. Yes, not his type.

Amber settled on the bench by the basketball court, running her hands through her hair absent mindedly. She had had a torrid day, people had been regarding her with curious stares after that particular episode with Mrs Whitcombe, she had knocked into someone in her haste, nobody was making any effort to befriend her, girls wre giving her critical once-overs while guys were pretty much learing at her. Slipping her sketch book out of her bag, she settled comfortably and started sketching. It wasn't as if she looked wierd. Soft strawberry blonde hair framed her face, ice blue eyes peeked out from lush lashes, her lips had on impeccably pink lip gloss. Her petite frame was dressed in a simple T-shirt and a trendy denim skirt. Nothing wierd there too. Biting her lip in concentration, she deftly outlined the structure of the school courtyard she could see just beyond the court. Just as she was immersing herself in her work, she felt an arm snaking around her shoulders and a gravelly voice remark, "So you new here? Made any friends yet? I'm interested." Stiffening, she looked up and found herself staring into the face of smirking blonde. "I would appreciate it if you would first remove your arm from my shoulder, then we'll talk about friendship," she retorted coolly. "Touchy here ain't we? But I like it. What say you, we take a drive round the friendly neighbourhood, then go to dinner, then somewhere fun?" he continued, in what he must have thought was his most charming voice. Just as she was about to tell him to get a life and get his butt off the bench, she heard a voice shout out " Hey Jason, not seducing young innocents here are we?" Turning her head, she saw a tall brownhaired guy jog over and give him a friendly punch, "Mike's back and he says Coach wants a word with you." Hearing "Jason" give a curse under his breath before slouching away, she looked at her "saviour" imploringly. He grinned at her, " Hope Jason wasn't giving you a bad time. He's got it in his head that he's gotta date every girl in this school once." "I was just going to tell him to get a life, and that i wasn't interested, when you came over and spared him the ignomity. Thanks anyway" she retorted dryly. His grin spread furthur, revealing a dimple in his right cheek, "That's the second thank you i've gotten from you today, and again, you're welcome." Amber wrinkled her nose, puzzled. "I was that poor fella you knocked into after Literature today. Speaking of which, thanks for running down that old bat- she's been getting unbearable. We reckon it's menopause," he offered. Grinning, "No problem, it was my pleasure," she replied

Grinning, he took in her smile, lighting up her face and adding a mischievous twinkle to her eye. "You an art student or something? How'd you know so much about art?" "Yup, I take art." "Cool." She smiled again. "Say, you free after school? How about heading down to town? I mean, just a meal or something? I could tell you more about school. And the latest goss if you want," he stumbled over his lines. "Somehow, you sound more inviting than your friend just now," she said softly, "but yes, would like it very much." "Great, so i'll meet you at six at?" "The art room. Thanks." " No problem." Then as if to reassure himself that this was just a harmless excursion, he bent down to ruffle her hair, "See you later, kiddo. If anyone else tries to trouble you, you just let big brother here know alright?" And with that he jogged away lightly, giving a jaunty wave over his shoulder.
© Copyright 2005 AngelicDisguise~ (chipmunk0318 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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