Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/998789-Money-Isnt-Everything
by Nikki
Rated: XGC · Preface · Romance/Love · #998789
Caused by money, life goes downhill for John Pern
Marie signed the divorce papers and handed them to John. “Don’t just leave me here like this John!” Marie said, holding back tears. John stood silent. Marie clenched her fists in anger. “Three damn years John, and you turn and throw it away because of a job!” John turned and walked out of the door without saying a word. When the door clicked shut, and the tears came. She fell to her knees, sobbing into her hands. She took a deep breath, screamed and hit her fists angrily on the floor. She felt numbed of all feelings other than anger and pain. Her hands clenched so tightly that her knuckles turned white. She bit her lower lip, lightly at first, then with increased pressure until the skin broke and the salty taste of blood poured into her mouth. She took a deep breath and slowly stood up. She stood in silence for a moment and then, turned and saw a photo of their wedding day sitting on the table. She threw it as hard as she could against the wall. The glass shattered across the floor. She slowly walked over to the picture, stepping on the glass, not flinching once. She picked up the picture and grabbed a pen out of a desk drawer. She scribbled a quick note on the back of the picture and dropped in on the floor. She slowly sauntered into the kitchen, leaving bloody foot steps wherever she walked. She pulled open the silverware drawer and reached in with her left hand. She grabbed a hold of a knife by the blade. Her hands tightened upon the sharp blade. It sliced through her skin and the blood ran down her hand and dripped on the floor. She never winced once and walked slowly down the hallway, dripping blood. At the bottom of the stairs her breathing hastened. She turned and with heavy feet, walked up the stairs. All she could hear, was the dripping of the blood upon the hard wood floor. At the top of the stairs she paused and looked down the hall at the white door that opened to her bathroom. That was her destination, the end of her life. Her hands dangled at her side. Staining her shorts with her blood. She began to mumble to herself. “Pain, loss, fear. That’s all I ever felt John. Until I met you.” With that she continued down the hall, her feet dragging, her breath slowing. A puddle of blood sat at the top of the stairs. She reached the white door and opened it with her right hand, slowly. She took a faulty step and stumbled to the ground. The knife fell and slid across the floor and hit the side of the bath-tub. She began to sob again. She pulled herself slowly to the edge of the bath-tub and set her hands on the edge. Her wounded hand left a crimson handprint upon the white, pure ceramic. She stood little by little as the blood slowly dripped down the side of the bathtub. She climbed over the edge and lay herself down into the tub. The ceramic was cool against her bare legs. She dangled her arm over the edge of the bathtub and reached down and picked up the knife. This time by the handle. The blade still coated with blood. She laid back and set the blade against her face, it was cold. She brought it away from her face and set the tip on the edge of her wrist. Her breath hastened, and with her final breath she screamed. She pushed as hard as she could and ripped open her wrist. The knife slipped out of her hand and hit the wall. She watched the blood pour and within the next minute. She had passed out. She slowly bled until her breath and heart ceased, and her life ended with a final hard breath.
John walked into his new apartment, setting bags of groceries on the ground. He sighed at the emptiness. He un-bagged his groceries and filled the refrigerator. Then, he began to unpack the boxes and boxes of stuff. Precisely placing everything where he wanted it. Marie wouldn’t get in the way this time. The first month on their marriage was hell when it came to the house. She wouldn’t let him put anything where he wanted, and she didn’t give him enough work space. That wasn’t the only problem with their relationship. She had always been in control, he always made the sacrifices. Finally, after she gave him the ultimatum, asking him to quit and sacrifice his job if he still wanted to be with her. He broke it off. He wouldn’t take that. He felt in control this time, and smiled. After a few boxes, he yawned and plopped down on his bed and pulled out his I-book from his case. He checked his emails and went to sleep. The next morning, as he stood in the empty space, that will soon be his office, he thought of Marie, and his stomach sank, he all of a sudden had a terrible feeling. He picked up the phone and dialed her number. No answer. He dialed again. Still, no answer. Confused he set down the phone. He walked back into the study and began to unpack his computer. He heard sirens outside and looked out the window. The ambulance sped towards his old street, followed by two police cars. Worried, he called Marie’s neighbor. “Carlos, this is John, I know this sounds stupid, but do you mind checking on Marie?” he talked fast and explained to him how he had just left her and how he saw the ambulance. He had given Carlos no time to speak, and yet he gave no response. It was silent on the other end. “Carlos?” He began to panic. “What’s wrong Carlos?” He heard sobs in the background. Then, Carlos finally responded. “There is an ambulance outside you house john, and I don’t like the looks of it.” Johns stomach sank. “What do you mean?” His hands began to shake. “Just get over here” Carlos said and hung up the phone. John raced out of the house. He ran up to his car. After fumbling with the keys, he got the car open and started, he tore out of his driveway, not noticing the car that almost hit him. The car honked and showed him the finger as he drove away. John’s mind raced at the possibilities. His hands were sweating and his stomach churned. “just get to the house,” he mumbled. After about five minutes he came to the corner and held his breath as he turned onto his old street. That’s when he saw the house. His stomach dropped and his heart skipped a beat. The house was surrounded in yellow caution tape. He quickly pulled over on the street and jumped out of the car, leaving his car door open. He raced to a cop. “What’s happening here, where is Marie?!” The cop looked up. “You the husband?” he said in a melancholy tone. John nodded. “Well, as of yesterday.” The copped turned and waved another cop over. “It’s Mr. Pern” He said as the other one walked up. The cop paused and sighed. “What is going on officer, where is Marie.” The cop looked up. “We are sorry to inform you sir, but Marie is dead.” John froze. “How?” he asked under his breath. “Suicide, she cut her wrists.” John knees felt weak. He was silent. “Mrs. Venice called us this morning, she was coming for a visit and called us after she walked in and found a path of blood.” John looked over at a stretcher. On top of it was a black bag. He saw a hand, pale and bloody. On the ring finger was a ring. Her wedding ring. He was suddenly felt with guilt. He stood in a trace. The officer broke it. “She wrote this” The cop said handing him their wedding photo. He turned it over and read the small note out loud. “Money Isn’t everything, John” He handed the photo back and looked back at the stretcher. He collapsed on his knees and, he began to sob.
© Copyright 2005 Nikki (swank at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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