Positive WDC Community Involvement with Enthusiasm. |
WDC Celebrity Authors Thank you ~Minja~ for the shining awardicon that decorates the item's doorstep. MOTTO: Positive WdC Community involvement with enthusiasm. CELEBRITY means: The state of being well known in the WDC community, Through Click it ▼ Well Flourished Portfolio Items. Active Involvement in The WDC Community. Active in Reviewing Programs. (You have at least 200 minimum of Reviews given in the WDC community, Reviews must be in public.) There is Something that interest me when I visited your Portfolio. Everyone are eligible here thru nomination from the survey form "WDC Celebrity Autograph" , my eyes port-raid and my invitation. Here's the awesome exclusive WDC Celebrity Badge Award already from the creative wit of The StoryMistress Would you like to know who are the awesome authors who already have this exclusive badge award:
If you hook me for doing good, great and being as you are in the WDC community. You will be a part and your works will be showcased here and recognized as one of The Celebrity Authors here In this wonderful world of WdC.
(More coming soon!) WDC Celebrity Authors Autograph Here is a collection of awesome WDC Authors that I interviewed through survey:
12.({user:?} might be you) 18. Chris Breva Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? : (b) No,I stick to one :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : It just seems to come to me. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? : Robert Frost :Your favorite Quote about writing. : Never quit." :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired you and influence your writing. (user name please) : Innerlight Author :Please name your best and favorite created work. : 18. Jeannie☃️ Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? : (a) Yes, when things interests me :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : My writings come to me in dreams, prompts, or my feelings when sad, angry, or hearing something humorous. Sometimes I just start writing and ideas come to me. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? : Kay Hooper and James Patterson :Your favorite Quote about writing. : “"Your writing voice is the deepest possible reflection of who you are. The job of your voice is not to seduce or flatter or make well-shaped sentences. In your voice, your readers should be able to hear the contents of your mind, your heart, your soul. Meg Rosoff :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired you and influence your writing. (user name please) : DMT - THANK YOU WRITE.COM :Please name your best and favorite created work. :
18. Beacon's Anchor Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? : (a) Yes, when things interests me :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : I like to find my inspiration from going out to the desert or find something on the internet that interests me. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? : Stephen King and Joan Hall Hovey :Your favorite Quote about writing. : “"Keep on Writing and Never give up! :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired you and influence your writing. (user name please) : 🌖 HuntersMoon :Please name your best and favorite created work. :
18. Schnujo's Giving Away GPs Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? : (a) Yes, when things interests me :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : I can find inspiration anywhere such as watching a show or movie and thinking something else would/should have happened. But in order for me to get around to actually writing it, because I'm lazy and busy, it tends to be either a prompt for a contest or something I feel very strongly about such as my experiences in the Army, especially Iraq. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? : Jim Butcher--When I read his series, "The Dresden Files," I was like, "That sounds like me as an author. I can write stuff like that!" Granted, I don't write stuff like that, but the voice and style he uses in that series seems almost as if it came from my head, especially about 15-20 yrs ago when I first discovered the series. He inspired me to want to write more and to trust that I can write as I am, not as I think people want me to be. :Your favorite Quote about writing. : “"Write what should not be forgotten" ~Isabel Allende :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired you and influence your writing. (user name please) : Naturally, many people have influenced and inspired me here, but to pick one, I'd say BradJShaw ⚓. He taught me about cozy mysteries and got me interested in them. Now I'm scheduled to actually teach a class on them. My first (and so far, only) NoNoWriMo project was a cozy mystery. That reminds me, I got over 50k words, but I still need to turn that into a novel. :Please name your best and favorite created work. :
18. Paul D Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? : (a) Yes, when things interests me :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : Expressing creativity is what interests me. In writing I can explore and create strange and wonderful things. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? : Robert Jordon :Your favorite Quote about writing. : “Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.” ― Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired you and influence your writing. (user name please) : 🌑 Darleen - QoD :Please name your best and favorite created work. :
18. Quilli ☕ Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? : (a) Yes, when things interests me :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : For me, inspiration comes from memories and feelings that have been trapped in everyday things like aromas, music, photos, etc. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? : Stephen King, Maeve Binchey, :Your favorite Quote about writing. : "Every secret of a writer's soul every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written large in his works."~Virginia Woolf :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired you and influence your writing. (user name please) : :Please name your best and favorite created work. :
18. Fivesixer Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? : (b) No, I stick to one :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : For poems, it's usually of my surroundings...what I notice when I'm out and about. If a line or phrase strikes me, I'll jot it down or try to make a good mental note of it, until I'm ready to write. When I can build off a solid line and make something I'm happy with, it's all worthwhile. When I'm blogging, I need a good prompt that that resonates with me instantly...if I read it and can easily formulate an entry to it in my head, it's worth revisiting when I'm ready to sit down and expend the energy I need to write an entry that makes me happy. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? : Way way way too many to list! :Your favorite Quote about writing. : "One of the advantages of being disorganized is that one is always having surprising discoveries." -AA Milne I don't consider myself to be totally disorganized, because I wouldn't know where to start if I were. But I do love this quote, and life can be messy at times...out of that can come many exciting and beautiful things. :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired you and influence your writing. (user name please) : Also too many to name, but if I had to pick one it'd be Cinn. Her poetry is amazing, her blogging is top notch, and she's a fantastic person. No offense to anyone else, but I was only allowed to pick one. :Please name your best and favorite created work. : I honestly don't know what my "best" is...I don't look at myself like that. I'm gonna go with my current blog, because it's a labor of love and I need to work on it more.
18. amy-Finally writing a novel. Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? : (a) Yes, when things interests me :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : I find inspiration in nature, historical events, or an ideal just hits me. My inspiration comes from every where actually. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? : Stephen King :Your favorite Quote about writing. : “Read a thousand books, and your words will flow like a river.” :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired you and influence your writing. (user name please) : I can't pick just one. There is so much fabulous talent here. :Please name your best and favorite created work. :
18. Phoenix McKnight Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? : (a) Yes, when things interests me :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : I have found inspiration for stories from music, pictures, contest prompts, and from asking myself what if. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? : Christine Feehan :Your favorite Quote about writing. : “If you tell the reader that Bull Beezley is a brutal-faced, loose-lipped bully, with snake’s blood in his veins, the reader’s reaction may be, ‘Oh, yeah!’ But if you show the reader Bull Beezley raking the bloodied flanks of his weary, sweat-encrusted pony, and flogging the tottering, red-eyed animal with a quirt, or have him booting in the protruding ribs of a starved mongrel and, boy, the reader believes!” —Fred East, WD :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired you and influence your writing. (user name please) : Sally :Please name your best and favorite created work. :
17. kerrimiller Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? : (a) Yes, when things interests me :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : It depends on the project and what I'm writing. For poetry, some of my ideas come from deep contemplation. For my novels, it's not as simple. Inspiration can come from anywhere. I got the idea for one character, Skenya, by watching some ad (forgot what it was of) of birds flying from a tree and thought "hey, this would be a cool idea for a special power". The thing is, my inspiration can come from anywhere, but it's how I incorporate all of my ideas which turns them into what they are. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? : James Scott Bell. His book "Start Your Novel From the Middle" influenced how I outline. :Your favorite Quote about writing. : "If it's still in your mind, it's worth taking the risk."~Jessi Elliott :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired you and influence your writing. (user name please) : Satuawanybecause she's the reason why I'm in WYRM, which is where I gain feedback on my speculative fiction. :Please name your best and favorite created works. : My favorite created work would be The Illegal World Series, but it's still in the beginning stages, so I'll leave you with this poem:
16. eyestar~* Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? : (b) No,I stick to one :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : My muse follows the energy as it pops up. Nature is a big source of inspiration, sometimes an image or an occasion prompts my muse or the heart just sings for the fun of it. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? : Rainer Maria Rilke :Your favorite Quote about writing. : “ Everybody is talented, original and has something important to say. Speak or write from your true self." ~ Brenda Ueland :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired you and influence your writing. (user name please) : For my Haiku- alfred booth, wanbli ska :Please name your best and favorite created works. : Best and favourite are not the same so I will go with
15. 🌖 HuntersMoon Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? : (b) No,I stick to one :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : What beautiful writings? Usually, I write to a prompt. When not prompted, nature. Nothing is more inspiring than looking out my window. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? : Robert Frost for his simplicity; Poe for his ability to see what's not there. :Your favorite Quote about writing. : “Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words. Robert Frost." :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired you and influence your writing. (user name please) : There are so many but for purity of form: Christopher Roy Denton :Please name your best and favorite created works. : Why, the one I'm currently writing! OK ...
14. Nixie💃💃 Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? : (a) Yes, when things interests me :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : Images, dreams, dialogue from a book, movie, or TV show gets my brain going. Places I've been. Places that don't exist. Writing a story that falls somewhat into the speculative fiction genre, but not exactly. I write what I wish could happen. Or weird things that work for me. No laughing. Holding a stone brings inspiration. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? : Jeff :Your favorite Quote about writing. : “Don't forget-no one else sees the world the way you do, so no one else can tell the stories that you have to tell. Charles de Lint :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired you and influence your writing. (user name please) : eyestar~* & ~A.J. Lyle~ :Please name your best and favorite created works. :
13.Carol St.Ann Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? : (a) Yes, when things interests me :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : Inspiration comes in many ways, through many things. It never makes its way through the noise of busy days, though. I must make quiet time to hear the muses. A pensive moment will do. And then a single raindrop can birth a novel, an apple can birth a poem, a nod from another writer can afford s break through. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? : F. Scott Fitzgerald :Your favorite Quote about writing. : “My current favorite is: "I write because I am a better person when I spend a good chunk of my time with people who only exist because I made them up." -- Leslie Budewitz :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired you and influence your writing. (user name please) : Max Griffin 🏳️🌈 :Please name your best and favorite created works. :
12. the Wordy Jay Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? : (a) Yes, when things interests me :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : Reading the great stuff that other people write is always helpful for me. One's imagination doesn't always rise up to the task, y'know. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? : Stephen King (though I'm not a particular fan of horror) :Your favorite Quote about writing. : “It takes a heap of sense to write good nonsense.” ~ Mark Twain :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired you and influence your writing. (user name please) : I'd have to say Angus , not that I'm a fan of his horror stories. I like that almost all of his stories has a got some sort of twist to it. :Please name your best and favorite created works. :
11. Christopher Roy Denton Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? : (a) Yes, when things interests me :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : I like prompts. Many of the stories and poems I've written began as a response to a prompt image or quotation. My response to such a prompt will usually take the form of a basic setting and conflict. Like when there was a short shots image of a man holding a briefcase in the rain, I wondered what was in the briefcase. I decided he must be a murderer and have some weapon in his briefcase. If he was a murderer, then he must have a victim, and so there we have two characters with an obvious conflict. Once I've worked out a basic premise from the prompt, I focus on creating an ending for the story. If I cannot think of a resolution, I usually won't bother writing the story. For me when I'm reading, what makes a great story is a satisfactory resolution. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? : Stephenie Meyer. :Your favorite Quote about writing. : "Ideas are cheap." - Brandon Sanderson, when arguing that the skilful crafting of a story is more important than coming up with awesome ideas. :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired you and influence your writing. (user name please) : 🌖 HuntersMoon :Please name your best and favorite created works. :
10. Jay O'Toole Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? : (b) No,I stick to one :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : Consistently, throughout my life as a writer, the things I see and the situations I am experiencing bring life to the words I write on a page. Haikus are traditionally connected with nature. For these I have but to look at the plants in my house and in my yard. My fiction symbolizes my comprehension of the world in its fullest sense and of its better self. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? : SI have two favorites. They are C.S. Lewis & J.R.R. Tolkien. :Your favorite Quote about writing. : "I learned long ago that I should never wait for inspiration or a good beginning. I just jump right in, realizing that it doesn’t have to be good—I’ll either cut it out or clean it up later...I think a lot of writer’s block happens when people wait for the right words. I never wait for them. I just write. Then, later, I labor over finding just the right words, and there’s no block because I’m looking at something on the screen, which is always better than looking at nothing." (Randy Alcorn) :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired you and influence your writing. (user name please) : LinnAnn -Book writer :Please name your best and favorite created works. :This sonnet seems to form my treatise about writing in specific and about life in general.
9. Hanna ~ Be Kind 💕 Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? :(a) Yes, when things interests me :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : It all depends on the day, what has happened throughout it, and what have I seen, heard, experienced. There are so many people and things that inspire me to write. Nature is a big part of it because there is something so magical about being outside with a pen and paper, and just enjoying the beauty of life. I think if we look deep enough we can find inspiration in most things. People, animals, nature, music, books, tv, movies, theatre, architecture, even a blank piece of paper can be inspirational! Because it's a symbolism of starting fresh. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? : Sara Shepard ~ I fell in love with the way she writes afrer reading the 8th nov :Your favorite Quote about writing. : " To write means more than putting pretty words on a page; The act of writing is to share a part of your soul with the world." :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired you and influence your writing. (user name please) : The Ink Maiden~ she inspired me to try creative writing. :Please name your best and favorite created works. :I'm very proud of my book, Beautifully Privileged. It's my first novel and there's something very special about that.
8. Angus Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? : (b) No,I stick to one :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : On the rare occasion when I do write something 'beautiful' (since I normally write horror), I find it in my surroundings. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? : Stehen King :Your favorite Quote about writing. : "'Both writing and reading will take you to worlds you could never imagine.' That's mine, by the way! :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired you and influence your writing. (user name please) : sugarglider58 :Please name your best and favorite created works. :
7. Lornda Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? : (b) No,I stick to one :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : Most times I draw from the real life, but it can also include a touching prompt with a quote or an image :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? : Erma Bombeck :Your favorite Quote about writing. : " The best time for planning a book is while you're doing the dishes. ~Agatha Christie :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired you and influence your writing. (user name please) : 🌖 HuntersMoon :Please name your best and favorite created works. :
6. Choconut Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? : (a) Yes, when things interests me. :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : Most of my writing is based on my own experience, to some extent. I find it easier to write about people and emotions than big action adventures. I tend to have a lot of odd dreams, as well, and sometimes I use those as the basis for stories. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? : Marian Keyes and Nicci French :Your favorite Quote about writing. : "I write only because there is a voice within me that will not be still" ~ Sylvia Plath :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired you and influence your writing. (user name please) : Hannah ♫♥♫ is fab. I love the poetry of Cinn , Sally and Whata SpoonStealer . I love ♥HOOves♥ 's writing as well. So many more also. :Please name your best and favorite created works. :
5. ♥HOOves♥ Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? : (a) Yes, when things interests me. :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : I find most of my inspiration in the funny and odd things that happen to me every day. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? : Ernest Hemingway :Your favorite Quote about writing. : "This book began magnificently, went on very well for a long way with great stretches of great brilliance and then went on endlessly in repetitions that a more conscientious and less lazy writer would have put in the waste basket." Ernest Hemingway :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired you and influence your writing. (user name please) : Too Many To Name and I might forget one :Please name your best and favorite created works. :
(Celebrity badge-pending) 4. Beautiful Candy Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? :No,I stick to one, :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : Through life experiences, through daily conversations, and through reflections. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? : Pearl Buck :Your favorite Quote about writing. : "Reading makes a full man; Conference a ready man; and Writing an exact man."- Francis Bacon :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired you and influence your writing. (user name please) : DRSmith & the prodigal son returns 2024. :Please name your best and favorite created works. :
3. Princess Megan Rose Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? :No, I stick to one, :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : TV Shows, watching nature, quotes from authors and a vivid imagination. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? :Jane Austen and Danielle Steel. :Your favorite Quote about writing. : "I write not because I choose to but because I have to." :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired you and influence your writing. (user name please) : ♥HOOves♥ & sunnystarr :Please name your best and favorite created works. :My Jane Austen series. JUst read my Port and see what you like. It would mean a lot. 2. ~Minja~ Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? :Yes, when things interests me :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : I was writing about this the other day in my blog. I get inspiration in the morning, right after I drown myself in grief and sorrow the night before. When I'm not drowning myself I read. I think reading is the most important to keep inspiration around. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? :Lang Leav :Your favorite Quote about writing. :I don't think that all writers are sad, I think it's the other way around- all sad people write. :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired and influence your writing. (user name please) :Charlie ~ :Please name your best and favorite created work. :
1. the prodigal son returns 2024. Interview/Autograph ▼ :Do you always change your pen name or handle name? :No,I stick to one :How do you find your inspiration when creating beautiful writings? : I listen to what people say are the things that interest them. These are ideas that come from friends, strangers, acquaintances, or even the News. Sometimes they are my own ideas about one thing or another. It's the artist's job, or the writer's job, in my opinion, to then take these ideas which can be about anything from war, to dragons, to hate and love, and convert them into lasting images that will make people think about things in unusual ways. This is done in the form of humorous or serious imagery, usually surrealistic in style. :Who is your favorite Author, that influenced and inspired you in his/her works? : Michael Crichton, Stephen King :Your favorite Quote about writing. :That writer's block is not a real thing. It is a result of falling out of love with writing, and needing to fall back in again. :Who is your favorite Author here in WDC, except me, that inspired and influence your writing. (user name please) :Too many to mention. :Please name your best and favorite created work. :My best is for other people to decide. But my personal favorites are, in writing, my collection of essays, both in my portfolio and my personal website. My website, @ www.dragonia.net, is my crowning achievement, I think. It stands as a singular piece of work, of which I am very proud. |
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