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Rated: 18+ · Bulletin · Contest · #2087062
For those who DARED take up the PODIUM. Interesting reading in here!
Click here to SCROLL down to See RESULTS of The 4Cs Below.

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Mu wa wa wa!
For those who DARED to...
*RibbonB* Take up the Podium *RibbonB*

Divider for contest


Whata round! The topic of Covid-19 ended up being a bit more divisive than I thought it might be. We had hoaxes and conspiracy theories, general cautions and information, and the ever interesting blanket statements careening down the slippery slope of logic. This is a far more complicated topic, Covid-19, that I anticipated! That'll show me *Smirk2*

However, that said, I always enjoy myself when reading YOUR thoughts. While all five entries did have opinions (YAY!) not all had logical conclusions. What I look for is just opinions based on your presented facts. Now these 'facts' can be about the science of wearing masks, say, or the transmission of the virus itself, but they do need to correlate and adequately connect with the opinions deriving from those facts. Because I feel that not all of the entries did this, and due to the number of grammar, syntax, unity, punctuation, and presentation errors in the majority of the entries, I will only be awarding first and second places. However, everyone has received 12,000 Gift Points (a bonus was included due to my injuries causing this to stretch too long), the exclusive 4C's Trinket, the exclusive 4C's Merit Badge or another of my choice, as well as prizes of AwardIcons and more GPs and... stuff. I simply am omitting third place, really.

A cautionary tale of editing your work before turning it in, mayhap! It happens to all of us *Smile* Need help? Ask someone to read it through for you! Run it through SpellCheck or grammar checkers. But above all, read-through your entries (many times!) before entering them into any contest or publication. Enough said. Almost. I found this Newsletter in the archives to be truly well-written, well-expressed, and a terrific primer to peruse before you declare your work done and submit for any publication or contest:

Animated pic for my contest
"The 4 Controversies Contest

1st Place:

The Great COVID 19 Hoax of 2020  (13+)
To Dream The Intolerable Dream. Dream 19!
#2226927 by ♫~ Kenword~♫

Hoax? Well, maybe when this was written last July, the author actually believed it all to be a hoax. Maybe he still does?! Regardless, this entry is well written, has great unity, and has got me to thinking about its content, instead of its structure. Always appreciated! But does the author believe what he says herein, or is he 'hoaxing' us all? That just might be the real question *Smirk2* Well executed!

What formulation of vaccine one gets will depend on the person's profile: Level of IQ, docility rating, production value, work ethic, unquestioned lawfulness, sheep-likeness. These chosen ones will be dosed with a vaccine that not only prevents the virus, but also makes them extremely competent in the procreation of the human race.

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2nd Place:

An Analysis of Powerful Voices  (13+)
How our leaders use harmful rhetoric about COVID-19 to influence public perceptions.
#2226610 by Emily

(Emily has) put together a factually accurate write based on four inaccurate statements made by the (former) POTUS. Gosh knows, there must’ve been so much to choose from *Bigsmile* Yes, I happen to agree with (Emily), but I certainly don’t need to from a judge’s standpoint. I couldn't agree more with the statement below, said (and written!) so well:

With the ear of the nation and the world listening in, America’s leaders have the responsibility to speak honestly and professionally about the failings of the United States in our handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Merit Badge in Quill Award
[Click For More Info]

2016 Quill Award for Best Philosophy/Psychology for  [Link To Item #2083509] . For more information, see  [Link To Item #quills] .           Merit Badge in Quill Award
[Click For More Info]

2016 Quill Award for Best Political/Opinion for  [Link To Item #2083509] . For more information, see  [Link To Item #quills] .

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I finished somewhat sooner than I thought as I couldn't sleep. This round produced some very interesting, thought-provoking entries. I knew it would, because Faith in every way is a pretty interesting topic. It's also a very personal one, and some people might have struggled revealing enough of themselves and their Faith through writing, while some seemed to find it old hat! I give ALL contestants major kudos and applause for simply entering! But of course, as in any competition, there are those whose entries stood out to me. I encourage everyone to read the other entries, and send the author a note, if not a whole review—let them know how it made ya feel.

A special THANK YOU to Lilli Munster 🧿 ☕ 🎃 who was such a big help with her reviews, support, and quick wit! No wonder I thought you were a teacher *Laugh* My memory *Facepalm*

Did anyone notice I skipped ROUND VI. entirely and went from V. to VII.?
Seemed fitting with FAITH as a topic *Whistle*

Animated pic for my contest
*Noteb* September 1, 2019 - October 7, 2019 *NoteB*
"The 4 Controversies Contest

1st Place:

Whither Faith  (ASR)
A reflection on the big questions (trigger warning: religious heresy) Quill Award Winner!
#2202344 by Words Whirling 'Round

Terrence has hit upon something I’ve tried hard to explain before, and failed every time. This is his point that he goes on to extrapolate throughout, and ties it up in a nice bow at the end. By the way, I think knowing has a trade-off with ceasing to be in this existence, so yeah definitely we cannot know it all without that trade-off. I see a poem in my future: you can know it all but you’ll have to die first *Ha*

Belief can also be a conscious choice, an acknowledgment that truth is elusive and that some things cannot be proven either true or untrue. When we fully accept that we cannot know, but choose to believe anyway, that’s my definition of faith.

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2nd Place:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2202274 by Not Available.

For Kit, Faith is not just a personal belief system, but also an intellectual one as is evidenced by her largely teaching-centered write. That is good to see! I think she should open a website with an aim to Apologetics. I'm going to enjoy reading the linked sites and articles she has presented! Read this.

Because God knew me since before I was born and loved me enough to create me, I have value and I am precious to Him. I am not some mixed up collection of chemicals or a cosmic accident. I am intricately designed in God’s image with intellect, memory, emotions and with a unique combination of personality traits and talents. My nature is far beyond that of any animal. Therefore I value myself despite what anyone thinks of me.

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3rd Place:

I Never Knew You  (18+)
Just a humble opinion on the Christian Vs. Atheist debate.
#2201626 by John Shenandoah

John's write is first and foremost some of the strongest in tone; his opinions are chop-chop-chop, coming one after the other, and very decisive. Opinions are the most important requisite of the 4C's Contest, and I definitely want to say 'kudos'! Good job. He also approached this as a serious, intellectual paper, (rather than an emotional one). This might be something you would read in college, but he has related it to himself enough for it to not be boring *Thumbsupl* Again, good job on the plenitude of opinions.

Faith is by its very nature spiritual, the Christians need not fight on the battlefield at all. Secure in their beliefs, they should offer only the love promised to them by Jesus.

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4th Place:

Faith   (E)
What I Believe
#2201564 by Prosperous Snow celebrating

So nice that Neva has written about her more unusual Faith in my 'lil contest. I've wondered about it before in her Spiritual Newsletters. Because I've had no exposure whatsoever to the Baha'i Faith, it has taken a few reads for me to grasp some of the key concepts. It's interesting that this Baha'i Faith embraces Jesus as one of their Messengers! I was very shocked. One of the few that has a crossover of sorts. This is a truly interesting write and I look forward to reading more about it *Smile*

To me
faith means accepting
the common foundation of all religions.

Accepting Baha'u'llah as the Manifestation of God for the present age started me on a journey that changed my world view. I believe that Baha'u'llah is the One Promised by all religions. He was sent by the Divine Creator with the message of unity. In the decades since declaring my faith in Baha'u'llah, I have realize--through meditation on the scriptures he revealed and prayer--that there is much more to the concept of unity than I ever imagined or could even comprehend.

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*ExclaimP* WHATA ROUND! Nice variety, some good writing, some great writing. I had a hard time choosing, but I am feeling good about the final results. A sincere THANK YOU goes out to this rounds contestants: you guys proved you know how to read directions *Laugh* Seriously. Made it pretty easy on me pre-judging *Bigsmile*

As many of you now know, I ended up in the hospital during this round, and the whole blood clots in the lung artery thing has made me slower than I usually am in judging. I sincerely appreciate you guys being so patient! It was a relatively small round in number of entries, but that doesn’t bother me— not when they're so good.

Animated pic for my contest
*Noteb* January 22 - April 1st, 2018 *NoteB*
"The 4 Controversies Contest

1st Place:

Planned and Unplanned  (18+)
For the 4 Controversies Contest - Round V
#2147088 by QPdoll

A vulnerable write full of heart and emotion, yet unmuddied with bitterness. That’s difficult to achieve. Doesn't bite off more than it can chew, so to speak, and is well written, unified and structured. I think everyone can learn something here in QP's opinions and facts herein. Think you know everything about abortion? Think again. Her purpose is also clearly stated and supported:

It's not that I feel I need to explain myself, but more for educational purposes.

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2nd Place:

Sticky Situation  (ASR)
Are we allowed to ask questions anymore?
#2150583 by Genipher

What can one mother say to argue against some vaccines? Quite a bit as it turns out! This is a purposely snarky write that's well written, somewhat shocking, and interesting. I still think it's funny she doesn't know who Jenny McCarthy is *giggles* Showing my age! YOU KNOW YOU WANNA READ THIS!

I'm stupid. At least, that's what sanctimoms say when they hear I don't vaccinate my children. I've obviously made the decision because of Jenny McCarthy (whoever the heck that person is) and not because of any independent research I've done. How dare I question the medical communities and the dogma they spout as fact? Why would I possibly risk my child getting measles, whooping cough, or chicken pox when the CDC has all but cured those diseases?

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3rd Place:

Rising Above Internet Bullies  (13+)
How They Operate & How to Defeat Them 1,065 Words
#2153452 by ♥OctOGRE tHiNg♥

A necessary write full of some good olde fashioned opinionated writing-- not debate-- I think everyone can learn something from. Not that I necessarily agree with all of this, as usual, but it's an interesting take on bullying, and it really packs a punch. Think you know it all? Read it and see *Bigsmile*

Here, I can appreciate that the topic of bullying is especially important to you. In fact, in this line you are talking about it happening here online, and it’s certainly true, it does— haters will hate— bullies will show their true colors: I can tell, usually, from the character of and the number of posts who exactly is directing the proceedings. I would say that avoiding the bully is a subsequent goal and objective that I have developed over time.

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4th Place:

Who Wrote the Epistle to the Hebrews?  (E)
A Submission to The Four Controversies Contest
#2149073 by QueenOwl ~ A New Day Dawns

Did you know that for hundreds of years, it would seem that the powers that be actually accepted AND advertised the Epistle as the work of Paul? Indeed. It seems throughout history, there’s been more than normal scholarly debate and opinions being bandied about— rather like the thought that the earth was flat, not round as we now know it— it was for many years accepted as the gospel truth *Laugh* Find out how by reading this.

First, let me restate the reasoning of some scholars and theologians why they cannot give anyone credit of authorship; much less, Apostle Paul, based on the following presumption:

1) According to C.I. Scofield, Editor of The Scofield Bible Study, the Letter to the Hebrews is an anonymous book. Its authorship has been debated since post-apostolic days. In certain passages, its language is like Paul’s and, because of the personal reference to Timothy in 13:23, some scholars have attributed the letter to Paul. But, that’s where they leave it hanging in limbo. Maybe yes, maybe no. Nothing definite came out of it.

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Honorable Mention:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2148055 by Not Available.

This is just a fun read; snarky and witty at the same time, what would YOU do if you had to corral all the office workers into a luncheon that served ALL their various dietary needs? It certainly shows how ridiculous it can get! I really think Mary's right-- we need to "cut the food drama" and get back to work! Well, some of us *Think* Mu wa wa wa. A nice debut!

Don't go out to eat with your friends and pout about what you can't (or won't) eat. Don't go into gory detail about your bowel movements after you have a bowl of carbs. Please refrain from complaining about the yucky gluten free crusted pizza you ordered with watery vegetable 'cheese' and soy sausages. Cut the food drama. I don't want to hear it and neither do your friends or the restaurant staff.

See ya'all in mid-August 2018!
Animated. While the cats sleep, mama writes.

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Mu wa wa wa!
For those who DARED to...
*RibbonB* Take up the Podium *RibbonB*

Divider for contest

*ExclaimP* This was an experimental round in the 4C’s— fiction. And poetry! And anything that ISN’T Non-Fiction *Laugh* Ya’all proved to have some interesting imaginations. Some were funny, some super serious, some tongue in cheek, and a couple defied categorization. Kudos to you! Congrats to those who placed. For those who didn’t place— please come back and try some psychology, or politics, or science, or just about anything so long as it is Non-Fiction and full of opinions— the next round will be in mid-August.

As many of you now know, I ended up in the hospital during this round, and the whole blood clots in the lung artery thing has made me slower than I usually am in judging. I sincerely appreciate you guys being so patient! I tried to sweeten the pot, also *Bigsmile* It was a relatively small round in number of entries, but that doesn’t bother me— so long as those who wanted to enter, did.

And remember. . . if you hate your review(s) and these results, go complain somewhere else tee hee. In the end, it is just my OPINION *Ha* I read EACH entry at least TWICE-- quite thoroughly. ANYWAYS, just ask me if you've any questions! ~Adrienne *Peace2*

Animated pic for my contest
*Noteb* January 22 - April 1st, 2018 *NoteB*
"The 4C's SPECIAL Contest - CLOSED

1st Place:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2150440 by Not Available.

”With all you’ve said in the story I see it as almost a rite of passage that every woman must struggle in some way to bring forth new life. There’s always an inconvenience, a desolation, a confusion, many questions—so much happens in the mind before a birthing. At least, this is how I relate. The happiest of soon to be mothers are conflicted in some way, to some degree; amazing how your writing can bring about such interpretations. Good writing’ll do that though, and this is stellar writing!” A unanimous judges favorite *Shock2* We never ALL agree *Laugh* It’s sick and twisted a la Strega, sure, but it’s also a hard smack of reality. In odd ways. If you read nothing else from the site this month, ya gotta read this. Seriously.

I'm telling you that my name is Jessica. It's not, but I'm telling you it is. When the water in the tub starts going cold I'll empty a bit and add some more hot. We're gonna be spending a little time together here, you and me.

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2nd Place:

Danielle's Story  (18+)
What happens when a minor gets pregnant through rape, but can't terminate the pregnancy?
#2150680 by Warped Sanity

”This is just the kind of fiction I had in mind when opening the special round of the 4C’s. This is a more serious write, and it doesn’t try to be campy or amusing where it isn’t appropriate. This isn’t hard for me to review, as most fiction is, because it’s a plight that many women have gone through. It’s a smart topic to choose as it is strong— no matter what your opinion, it’s sure to also be strong. Then Angela threw in the religious angle, which only makes it that much harder...” for the young lady, and again it ends in strength. Well, it can’t be easy to do THAT. Do whata, Whata? Read it and find out!

This is my penance, she thought. She should have never gone to that party, disobeying God’s commandments. Drinking was a sin. If she wouldn’t have gone there, Robert wouldn’t have put something in her drink and she wouldn’t have been raped. Now part of him was inside her, growing like a disease.

Divider for contest

3rd Place:

Social Justice  (ASR)
Do magical beings need worry about social justice in 2018? A comedic flash fiction.
#2146928 by CanImagine

This is a satirical look at conformity (and a couple other issues) told as only Stefan can— in a fantastical way. Shazam! Something you’d think I’d be used to by now, but I admit, it takes a while to get my imagination going lol. This—man, I don’t want to give too much away for those who haven’t read it—you should read it. It’s cute and spritely, and the characterization of erm Tinkerbell’s sister is superb *Bigsmile* Okay, sorry dude, but I gotta quote some of this!

Courtney looked at her sister who shrugged. She then asked, “All things Chicago?”

“Don’t you know anything? Chicago Fire, Chicago P.D. and Chicago Medical, they’re the best shows on.” The fairy turned and retrieved the battery pack. The indicator light was green showing a full charge. “Hurry up, my batteries are charged.”

“Why can’t you just use magic?”


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Honorable Mention::

I am Weird  (ASR)
A blitz poem about Animal Rights
#2147334 by Weirdone-Back in the games

”I love that you wrote a poem for this special round of the 4C’s contest *Laugh* That’s just cool. I’ve run across the Blitz form before and have always wanted to try one myself. I like the staccato pace of the short lines. Animal rights. Good topic! More like reminding us what meat is and where it comes from. And as a non-vegan I wasn't in any way offended. Best of all, chock full of opinions, and without having to say ‘me’ or ‘I’ all the time.” This entry followed my only real contest ‘prompt’— be very opinionated! “Nice.“ *Bigsmile*

Animals born
Animals live
Live with parents
Live on a farm...

Body sold
Sold in stores
Sold and cooked
Cooked and served
Cooked while you think
Think of meals...

Divider for contest

See ya'all in mid-August 2018!
Animated. While the cats sleep, mama writes.

*Noteb* ROUND IV. RESULTS: *Noteb*

1st Place:

...to Spite Your Face  (18+)
Silence & child sexual abuse
#2123262 by Cinn

Kylie surprised me with this gutsy entry. I didn't QUITE know what to think. So I thought about it. I wrote a poem or two about it *cringes* And I thought about it some more. Then I started getting ideas in my head, and I realized I was actually agreeing with her, and I hefted my figurative call to arms and dived into a review with more ideas and affirmative nods than anything else. This write on the need for WORDS in sexual abuse of children has the power to change lives; ours, theirs, and the unknowns out there that Ky still needs to educate. This, my peeps, is some TA excellent writing-- she's sure as hell opinionated *Ha* Bravo! If only it wasn't necessary. . . Parents especially: READ THIS.

And you know what happens when adults talk about the child sexual abuse taboo? They no longer feel the shock of it. They learn to see the signs. They listen closer. It's a more present concept in their lives. Wouldn't that be a terrible thing?

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2nd Place:

On Circumcision  (18+)
An argument against non-medically necessary circumcision being practiced on minors.
#2123589 by Scaredy Kitti

Now, whata's a nice girl like Kitt writing about circumcision for? Shoot, read it to find out-- this is a FASCINATING write. Quite a complicated topic with many branches of thought, religion, culture, and practice. Not to mention the historical and medical aspect *cringes again* But that fellow cat-loving lady handles the subject with intelligence, finesse, and-- might I say-- a definite RESPECT that I think men are long overdue. Great research! Massive opinions. Truly, a giant HIGH FIVE Kitt. YOU KNOW YOU WANNA READ THIS!

It can be argued that circumcised men still experience sexual pleasure, and this is true. It can also be argued that if someone was circumcised at birth, they won’t know any better. This is true as well. However, the loss of these nerve endings and the other effects of circumcision cannot be denied. And considering the negligible benefits of circumcision, that’s a rather big loss. Besides, most people can get used to most things, but that does not mean that they should have to. Not when it’s completely avoidable. If there were, for some reason, a trend of removing one of a baby’s toes, those babies would never know any better. They’d feel they were walking just fine. But that does not make it right.

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3rd Place:

Platitudes Don't Soothe Grief  (13+)
Platitudes don't erase burning hell of grief.
#2121129 by ~Minja~

Minja's opinionated entry on platitudes during times of turmoil and grief is a strong call for a little more knowledge in helping our loved ones through the grieving process in an individual manner. Like with most things, people handle death and its aftermath in different ways: this is Minja's advice and outright plea for us to become better at supporting those going through such a difficult period in their lives. If there's one thing I've learned from this, it's that there is no time limit on grief! Or at least the initial stages. It is a process. Want to be a better friend? Find out how by reading this.

You have to be strong they said. You have to be grateful they said. Can anyone please stop this nonsensical madness of sympathy? In your grief, how often you've been told to be grateful? How often you've been told to move on? How often you've been told that everything happens for a reason? All these well known platitudes that supposed to make you feel good about yourself while living through sudden trauma that changed your life completely. If you are dealing with any sort of grief right now or any sort of traumatic experience I want you to know that you do not have to feel any of this, you do not have to be any of this. The only thing you have to be is yourself through the atrocity of this season, or something that psychiatrists calls stages of grief.

Divider for contest

4th Place:

The Regressive Left:Dangerous Ideologues  (18+)
The road to hell is lined with good intentions. The 4 Controversies Contest entry.
#2119056 by A E Willcox

This smart, witty political write is very well written! Amanda has a good wit throughout, and manages to teach us all something about the motivations of the political parties-- and the shenanigans they pull. Certainly chock ful of opinions *Crazy* Some of this flew a bit under MY radar, but we all know I am politically stunted *Bigsmile* An enjoyable read *Thumbsupl*

The Regressive Agenda can be fairly summarised by these twelve points -

...7. Disregard linear time. Blur the past with the present so as to demonise modern people for the actions of those of the distant past.

8. Mention that it is not all. Assert that they are saying it is 'all', then tell them it is not all. Then eject.

9. If someone brings up a problem, pivot to talking about a non-problem.

10. If someone presents a problem to you, mention another problem because two wrongs make a who cares... *Rolling* So right!

Divider for contest

Honorable Mention:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2121560 by Not Available.

This is a call for answers; answers about LTUAE (Life, the Universe, and Everything [Douglas Adams book so I stole the expression / acronym]). Do you think there's a heaven? What does it look like, your heaven? Why is yours different from mine? How can I reconcile the hurt in the world with the supposed existence of God? Well most of us have these questions, but Colleen has her own-- find out what they are. She even invites you to share your wisdom with her. . . respectfully, of course! I DUG this, and went off on quite a monologue *Whistle* Welcome to the 4C's!

People like me – who really need for Heaven to be more than a concept – latch onto any signs of its existence. The seemingly realistic channeling of psychics, the stories of children seeing and talking to their deceased relatives, the miracles reported all point to its possibility. But then there is the rational side of my brain that wants to deny my fantasy.

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Honorable Mention:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2123602 by Not Available.

Ah the *Fire* girl has an interesting phrase here in 'Leftover Women'. I mean, I still smile when I read that! Like pass the mashed potatos, mom; leftover women. In the victorian age, they'd just refer to these women as 'spinsters', but it IS a rather ugly word! Some feminism, some history, some opinions. Take your pick! Nice.

In today's world, our society has more and more women choosing to stay single. Additionally, a new "phenomenon" of sorts amongst these women has emerged- the subcategory of single women in their thirties. Many people also refer to these ladies as "leftover women," but I believe that attaching such a label to these women as "leftover" is not only wrong, but also outdated.

*Noteb* September / October 2016 *NoteB*

*ExclaimP* A sincere THANK YOU goes out to this rounds contestants: you guys were understanding with the EXTREME lateness of these results. Boy am I humbled! Emergencies happen, although I haven't had a tsunami or tornado yet *Smirk2* My mother thanks everyone for their well wishes, too. In future, I will make sure Shannon can complete the contest as much as possible. JUST in case. But this is my baby, and I love it: love to read all the variety of entries.

*ExclaimP* I am a bit OCD though; no matter how behind I may get, I will NOT compromise quality. If you hate your review and these results, blame something else lol not my extreme lateness *Ha* And YES, politics are allowed for the next round. They still bore me a bit though, so be daring and be different! Tee hee. I'm still under construction there *Think* ~Adrienne *Down*

1st Place:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2096943 by Not Available.

Mare made me REALLY think. Gutsy! Check this out:

As I said in the beginning, I don’t understand “religion” as an institution. Institutions that were created by men. Human beings, no better or worse than you or me. Who gave them the right to implement rituals and restrictions that they’ve made mandatory? Telling another human being (priest) my sins, does not take the place of God. Only God can forgive sins. Speaking to God privately, and being truly sorry for your transgressions, are the only path to forgiveness....

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2nd Place:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2097714 by Not Available.

This elf is anywhere but on a shelf *Ha* The points herein have an unusual quality of stepping back from the more emotional arguments for or against religion: she drills straight down to the fundamental core of what makes us so darned contentious about our belief system, or lack thereof. Looking forward to more entries from this one!

This is where the problem of religion comes in. Religion, not faith, is something men created to have structure around a belief system. The structure then often has rules and traditions which must be adhered to.

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3rd Place:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2100290 by Not Available.

Whoa you know that crime show Unusual Suspects? Let's just say this entry is kinda like that-- a big surprise. I'm not wholly convinced, but I am interested in the subject now. I'd like to find out more... veddy opinionated... see whata you think!

I am currently in college working towards a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Master of Science in Social Administration. When I tell people that my ultimate goal is in sexual assault victim’s advocacy, the assumption is almost always that I am interested in women’s issues. I actually am not. My objective is to use my degrees in the areas of male sexual assault. My belief, based on research, is that men are more so the silent victims. I am interested in creating awareness, changing gender biased laws, and creating programs geared towards men healing from sexual assault.

Divider for contest

*Noteb* June / July 2016 RESULTS: *Noteb*
*Down* ROUND II. *Down*

1st Place:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2090079 by Not Available.

The nature of true acceptance involves being wholly willing to accept our suffering without fighting against it. Acceptance means embracing - not rejecting - our most difficult emotions and thoughts without being driven by them, and making room in our lives for negative side effects and unpleasant thoughts and feelings in order to create a meaningful life.

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2nd Place:

UNTITLED, (No Name)  (18+)
An essay I wrote about what it means to be a nobody, for a contest here.
#2087953 by HorrorMovieGeek

I'm a loner; my body may be in class, but my mind is off somewhere else, so it's just a loaner - I come back for it at the end of the day, and go home without ever really talking to anyone. Then I keep to myself for the rest of the afternoon and wash my mind out after seeing friends hanging out with each other for most of the day, knowing that I’m going to have to see it again the next day; rinse and repeat until the feelings go away.

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3rd Place:

Gun Control, Really?  (13+)
Is gun control truly the answer?
#2087494 by QPdoll

So how do we begin to curb these mass killings? Let's start with treating mental health disorders while at the same time working on gun control laws. However, the reasons for which the laws are being suggested are for actions that should already be in place. Background checks and waiting periods are just a few examples. The bottom line is that if someone has set their mind on killing people, they will go to whatever extremes necessary to fulfill their plan. If guns aren't available to them, they'll find another weapon or means. It's not the guns that are killing, it's the people behind the triggers.

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4th Place: Tied!

Water Baptism Controversy  (E)
This is a submission to The 4 Controversies Contest under the subject: Religion.
#2089385 by QueenOwl ~ A New Day Dawns

Once the Holy Spirit indwells, they are welcomed with open hearts and rejoicing in identifying them as born again believers. There is no need to put them through the ritualistic water baptism. Neither is there a need to belittle them. Their interpretation is just as valid as those who practice water baptism. *Neither water baptism nor the Lord’s Supper is to be regarded as a means of salvation; they are, however, a scriptural means of testimony for the church in this age.

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#2088947 by Not Available.

If that sign doesn’t stop people who are otherwise law-abiding citizens, how can people believe that gun free zones and women’s bathrooms will be protected by their signs? Respect of the gun, and fear someone else might take you out first, goes a long way in preventing violence.

*Down* ROUND I. *Down*
*Noteb* May / June 2016 RESULTS: *Noteb*

1st Place:

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#2084657 by Not Available.

Opinionated, perfect writing, profoundly thought provoking, and amusing. No, I don't particularly agree. Nope, I don't need to. Read it for yourselves *Wink*

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2nd Place:

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#2084734 by Not Available.

Wow. 100% opinions, but not as the word might imply. No, more like the kind of quotes you would give to your child on graduation day, or perhaps to cheer up a friend. If you look in the dictionary under 'Directions for a Good Life', you might expect to see any of these bulleted gems therein. I'm going to post these on my corkboard, just as soon as I move and have a desk. Seriously. Whata? I said seriously. Take a peek, if you wanna *Thinker*

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3rd Place: Tied!

Which Direction Will America Go?  (13+)
An Op-Ed About The Fundamental Change to America
#2083848 by Dee

Dee's entry was the easiest to read, despite the fact that I'm SO not familiar with politics: whatan excellent writer! I hope to learn more from her political knowledge-- she has a great grasp on what's going on in America, but isn't ego-driven to prove it. Nice. Go. Read it. And Vote *Peace2*

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#2085108 by Not Available.

I never expected from the title and introduction to be so drawn to an entry about school and boredom. When I heard 'soul searching', my ears perked up. This writer has something to say, and in a unique way. Extremely opinionated, relatable, and deceptively... deep. Well done! Check it out.

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4th Place:

Disability and Twisted Ideology  (18+)
How we treat people with disabilities says a lot about our nation...
#2086377 by Scaredy Kitti

Kitt really engaged me here with her opinions on how we treat the physically and mentally disabled in our society. At this international issue's core is a fundamentally flawed system in stasis, indeed one that's dependent upon the integrity and downright human decency of its peoples. Well, that's whata I took away from such a well written, informative entry. If you aren't disabled yet, you will be *Ha* It affects us ALL, so please do read it. *MedicalBlack*

They are. Since I was a wee child with freckles.

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