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Rated: E · In & Out · Friendship · #2090539
The Reasons Why . . .
I think you know Bobby- the prodigal son returns 2024. Right?

*CheckR* Mostly, you will see him in the reviewing section, because he likes to give reviews to fellow members here in WDC, and his reviews are one of the best reviews here in the WDC community.

*CheckB* Sometimes he will share some good thoughts and kind of crazy good thoughts in the Newsfeed. *Smile*

*CheckB* More often he gives encouragement and inspirational advice to you or to fellow members here, if you still didn’t heard how his advice, you can pester him like me in his email door room. (just kidding!) *Bigsmile*

*CheckB* You can’t see him in any contest or groups, but when you ask him to give you a good review, I’m sure he will definitely grant your wish, because sometimes he is a genie in giving reviews.

*CheckB* And he is my BFF and one of my good friends here in WDC since Nov 2014, and He will be celebrating a birthday this July 21, 2016. *Bigsmile*

The Reasons Why . . .
image above is from Kiya Shoppe

And as his BFF and one of his good friends here in WDC I would like to give him a SURPRISE party to celebrate his birthday here because he means a lot to me, and I think of all of us as his friends here, and as he said once for me before has become his home away from his home.

as I call this party ......

The Reasons Why . . . .

The rule is just only simple, my only purpose is to make him AMUSE and feel Special in his BIG day!

Just answer the following Question below.

Why Bobby is one of your friends here in WDC?

Or just complete the following sentence below:

The reasons why he is one of my good friends here is because… *Think*

*CheckB* It can be in formal and serious but amuse.

*Reading* "The reasons why Bobby is one of my good friends here is because I find him a humorous and a good person in which he cheers me up instantly on our first meeting here by giving me a good advice regarding my office mates who teases me about my fond of poetry, it just like he pop up with a smiley face in my email door and from then until now he became one of my good friends here. (he still have his picture in his bio during that time)." by Samberine Everose

*CheckB*It can be simple but philosophic. *Angelic*

*Reading*"...because I would like to know why dragons are scary, but I've found out at the end that not all dragons are scary, they have kind heart also." by Samberine Everose

*CheckB*Or maybe funny. *Laugh*

*Reading*" ...because he had fanned me, and want to know why he fanned me.. (just kidding, honestly, I'm the first one who fanned him " *Laugh* by Samberine Everose

*PartyHatB* *PartyHatB* *BurstV* *CandyCaneR* PRIZES *CandyCaneR* *BurstV**PartyHatB* *PartyHatB*

*CandyCaneR* A Party have souvenirs, so this Party have Prizes.
All who posted their answers will have a chance to win PRIZES below

*CandycaneR* 2 winners of MBs you still don't have- if we will be having a total answer between 10 to a maximum of 25 answers.

We have 17 posted quote answers see below *Down* from our awesome guests friends. *Smile*
1. abbyer
10. Lornda

2.Whata SpoonStealer
11. Lornda
3.Whata SpoonStealer 4. Beautiful Candy 5. Beautiful Candy 6. Beautiful Candy 7.Strega
17. Seshat

And the two winners of MBs are-

Tammy *ConfettiG*- MB sent
Whata SpoonStealer *ConfettiG* - MB sent

*Candy1*With 2 winners of a consolation Prizes

1.A Gift Certificate from "Leger's Shop

Winner-- Seshat *ConfettiG* - ORDERED ALREADY

2.A Teddy Bear Gift Basket from "The Teddy Bear Gift Basket-CLOSED

Winner- Elle - on hiatus *ConfettiP* - SENT ALREADY

*ConfettiR* *ConfettiGR* CONGRATULATIONS ! *ConfettiR* *ConfettiGR*

Please see detailed result in the Virtual Dice by copy paste this number:2090539 and put in the Virtual Dice
area- box space view, found on the left corner *Left* See writing. Com Tools by clicking the gray arrow then look for the Virtual Dice.
For more information about the rules in choosing the winner please, follow all the posted quotes below *Down* Thank you.

Your answer should be humorous or funny but the truth in him.

A member can post below a maximum of two answers only.

The deadline of this game party will be on his birthday (July 21-WDC time), because that will be the time that I will inform to him. *Bigsmile*
You can still send him on that day any gifts you would like him to have.

Donation in any amount are welcome and greatly appreciated. *Heart*
You can send your donation here in this item "Samberine Everose Group Funds*Right* item number:2072550
The Total amount of Donation that will be accumulated will be used to buy a gift (Ribbon, or goodies) for him. (Your name will be added in the message of the GIFT)

A huge THANK YOU to all who will participate to make this birthday party meaningful and full of CHEERS!. *Heart*

Samberine Sig.

Now Here Comes the Quotes
"The reason Bob is one of my good friends here is because he is a kind, funny and thoughtful person. Of course, it doesn't hurt that we practically come from the same country... *Smile*"

"255 characters?! *takes a deep breath* You are the sunshine in our dark boxes; emitting your light for any persistent, smart, or honest soul to bask in. I do not merely bask-- I bathe in your goodness. Bobby, Happy Birthday!"

"Bobby's my friend because I ended my response to a review of his on January 24, 2016, with: *Salute* Rock on, dude! Seriously. *Rolling* "

"Bobby is one of my good friends because we both came from the planet Mars where no living things can grow but only real friendship. I think he has ears that can reach to my place that's why he can easily help me in my personal life struggles."

"He also has the eyes of an alien with an x-ray vision that when he reads my poems or stories, he could understand and spot-on my writing intentions in details. "

"If I could find a portal around my place, I would send him a home-baked cake, sugar-free, because the sugar was given by our neighbor. I will pass through the portal and greet him Happy Birthday with the clink of the wineglasses filled with water. "

"Bob is one of my good friends because he hasn't given up on me yet. That man has the patience of a saint, and the sharp wit and intellect of a demon. When I'm uncertain about a new direction he's always willing and ready to hear me out. Happy Birthday Bob"
-- Strega

"Bobby is one of my good friends because we totally disagree on politics. Life's empty without a good argument *Wink*"
-- Tammy

"Because the prodigal son returns 2024. has been my first WDC LOVE GURU *Pthb*"
-- Tammy

"Um, it's only 'E' rated, so I can't say what I want. *Rolleyes* *Laugh* I met Bob while crediting his reviews and he always said thanks, but also added his two cents worth on the meaning of life. It's all deep, ya' know? *Wink*"
-- Lornda

*Confettib* Happy 'B' Day! Turning 39 again looks great on you! *Confettib* Add a glass of something, something, we like here
-- Lornda

"Friend? I think not! More like spiritual up-lifter when it's most needed. Oh, and there was a time I thought his name was 'Timbuktu', and I wondered if he lived there, but all that was cleared up with the purchase of my NASA-powered glasses. *Glasses* "

"Bobby's my friend because he's amazing. He's a thorough reviewer who offers wonderful critiques. His sense of humor is that lovely combination of amusing and dry and he effortlessly lights up WdC without even realizing it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FRIEND!!!!!"

"Everyone needs at least one friend who is normal, to help balance them out. Whether I am that for Bob or he is that for me, I'll leave that up to you to decide. *Smirk* Happy birthday old man! *Laugh*"

"We wanted to Surprise Bob, a particularly apt sentiment, given his domicile. And it's good to see another WdC-er of my vintage still going strong. Keep it up, Bob and let's give these young whippersnappers a run for their money."

"Wow! I'd forgotten about this very human thing called camaraderie, and for me, it is a rare treat indeed to be so honored by so many beautiful people. I am blushing, which I don't do often or easily. A huge Thank You to one and all for making my day. "

"Hey, I wasn't done yet. A special thanks to Samberine for doing the heavy lifting setting up this well deserved tribute to moi *Smile* I have to joke or else go all sentimental. And once more, a humble expression of gratitude to all you whippersnaps!"

"Happy Birthday, Bobby! i am surprised to be at your party, 'cuz i'm not sure we have ever met. anyone committed to encouraging and inspiring others is bound to cross my path (eventually). Enjoy! :D"
-- -xXx-

"Thank you everyone for taking the time to be here in this birthday party. I'm sure BFF sir the prodigal son returns 2024. are in cheer-in now. *Bigsmile*)) "

"But, the party is not yet over, we have to choose the most amusing answer that were posted here. I hope the birthday celebrant the prodigal son returns 2024. will not have a hard time to choose on the answer that posted here. *Smile* "

"Except me, just in case he will going to choose my posted comment, because bad for me for being the party host. Happy Birthday again BFF! *Bigsmile* "

"So we have a total number of 16 posted amusing answers, except my amusing comment and 3 answers from BFF. We are qualified to have the Number 2 Prizes which consist of: 2 winners of MBs & 2 consolation prizes. *Smile* "

"Happy belated Birthday Prince Ahmose Bobby and I connected for a love of all things Egypt to begin with. Then his writings are powerful,truthful and brutal, again like me. He helped me with my Angel story and I'm still grateful he did. Thank you my friend"
-- Seshat

"Okay, everyone. I already talked to our recent celebrant the prodigal son returns 2024. if who will be the 4 winners in the game of this b-day party, and his decision is he can't choose which is the most or the best answer.... "

"...because all the answers that are posted are all meant for him and all the spared messages above are all the best greetings that he received in this celebration of his b-day. *Smile* So definitely to end this party's game.... "

"....I hope it will be fine if we can have a rolling in the virtual dice. In other words the Virtual dice will be the one to choose the 4 winners. Numbers will begin from the first one who posted the bday quote/answer. "

"All posted Quotes/answer except notes that I posted here (being the party post) and message from the prodigal son returns 2024. will have a designated number; eligible to enter to the Virtual Dice rolling. *Smile* I will post here above the winners afterwards."

""On behalf of BFF-Bobby, he will not be here to post his message expressing his Congratulation to the winners and his sincere Appreciation to all....."

"who take the time to partake this party celebration, because he is not fine today and his taking care of his wife, hope he will going to be fine soon, but he is very thankful that he have many friends here in WDC. Thank you." "

"So this ends the party. I will send this forum now to his Portfolio, for him to see or sneak sometimes that he celebrated a happy birthday party here and reminding too that he have BFF and good friends here in WDC. *Bigsmile* "

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