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Rated: E · In & Out · Writing.Com · #2252733
Come on in! A guestbook
Welcome to my theater! I hope there is something here you will enjoy. I would love to meet my audience, so if you're here and would like to leave a note that would be awesome.
"Good late afternoon The Puppet Master; I enjoyed your photos. Love red pandas and raccoons too."

"I know I've read something of Kafka's besides "Metamorphosis" but, for the life of me, I can't recall what it was. Anyway, it looks like your new guestbook is seeing some action - yay! Have a wonderful evening. /s/ A Real Boy"

"Hi there, I'm Beacon and I have joined in 2014 but I didn't come back on here until 2017. I'm happy to be back here and I've been on here since then. I hope I can get to know you and be friends as well. I'm on the west coast of USA, well, california. "

"Good Evening The Puppet Master, I thought I would stop by to say hello to my fan. I hope you are having a good day today. Blessings, Sharmelle"

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/handler/item_id/2252733-Puppet-Masters-Theater