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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Gothic · #2253579
A short story idea based off of The Eagles 1976 song Hotel California.
This is a chronicle unlike any other. A chronicle of my life and how I succumed to the danger that is LA. This is my one and only warning. Stay away from the HOTEL in California.

The year was 1989, and I had just left home from a boring small town in Montana.
Well, not so much left as… ran away. I wanted more adventure. I wanted more excitement in my life.
I am a rebellious teenager after all.
Sixteen to be exact, but I was real close to turning Seventeen.
However, I just didn’t quite make it there, and that was about… 30 years ago give or take.

Some how with only the clothes on my back, and 100 bucks in my pocket I made it to what people like to call Tinsel Town.
I stepped off a bus in L.A. at 1 o’clock in the morning, and instantly I heard this music.
There was an angelic guitar strum that enticed me, and I couldn’t help but follow the sound.

I followed it to the top of this hill behind the Hollywood sign where there was an old, tall, and dark macabre palace.
In giant letters a sign illuminated HOTEL in a deep dark red light, and there was a man on the roof playing a guitar amorously.
People were out front singing and dancing.
Drinking glasses of wine, and hypnotized on drugs.
I was amazed I have never ever seen such a thing.

The man on the roof had an alluring aura, and he glared at me with daggers in his eyes, gesturing me to enter his hotel with his hand.

I anxiously walked through the Hotel doors.
It was huge, and beautiful inside.
There were black chandeliers on the ceiling and white shiny marble tiles on the floor being covered with red shag rugs.

A suave man floated over to me, and introduced himself as Marius the Hotel owner.
I told him my name, and he proceeded to give me the grand tour.

In one room it was casino themed where people were dressed like they were from the 30’s.
There were all kinds of intimate activities going on through out the hallways, and every other room was vacant with teens passed out with a needles in their arms.
My parents would blow a gasket by the type of debauchery that was going on here.

We entered another room with a metal door that had weird inscriptions imprinted on the door in another language.
He was very keen on no one allowed in until dinner was served.

After the tour I followed Marius to the front check in counter.
He goes behind the desk, and dings the bell.

“There is one room left, and it is yours for only one small price…. your soul”.
Marius began to laugh, and I laughed nervously with him.
“We will settle at check out” he admitted cagey.
“Here is your key sir” he said.
I warily took the key out of his hand, and went to room 237 to settle in.
I jumped on the bed, and when I looked up there was a mirror on the ceiling.
At that time I didn’t understand the point of a ceiling mirror.

A knock on the door broke my tran of thought and a very beautiful woman claiming her name was Jezebel walked in. She was wearing a white lingerie corset piece holding some pink champagne.
She poured two glasses, and sat at the edge of my bed.

“Marius wanted me to help you settle in before the big feast tonight” she seductively told me.
She handed me the glass, and we both sipped the champagne before becoming quite comfortable with one another.

I fell asleep soon after but then woke to the sound of a loud bell. I had only closed my eyes for what felt like a seconds but it had been hours. I looked around and noticed Jezebel was gone. It was damn near dawn.
I got dressed and made my way to the dining room.

The metal door I seen earlier was now open, and there was a long wooden table set up with lit black candles, and red placements mats. About 8 plates covered around the table but I noticed there was no silverware.
I thought it was a little odd but I sat with all the rest of the guests anticipating a tremendous meal.
Marius walks into the room holding a white napkin around his arm like a servant, and his helpers closed the metal doors.
One impatient guest lifts up the cover noticing that his plate underneath was actually empty.
“Where’s the food” he shouted?

Marius had an insidious laugh. There was an awkward silence.
“You are the food” he answered with a devilish tone.

The guests looked around confused then suddenly Marius, and all his helpers face changes. They’re eyes glowed red and grew fangs.
In a flash they attacked everyone. I couldn’t help but watch as I was in shock.
They ripped their heads off, and sucked the blood from their necks.
Blood was everywhere. They had left me for last.
Last thing I remember is Marius staring at me amused, and then …. darkness.

I woke up in a coffin in the dungeon of the Hotel. All the other coffins that were down there were empty. It had seemed like I was the only one Marius turned.
I crpeted upstairs, and to my surprise I was greeted by Jezebel with a kiss. I thought I was being quiet.

“Marius is expecting you at the check out counter” she said.
I backed away from her and wound up in the game room. I looked around and thought I could use a pool stick for protection.
From what I know about vampires. I must stick him right through the heart.
I tried sneaking up on him.
I raised the stick.
But before I had a chance to strike; Marius spoke.
“You can’t kill me.”
He turned to face me.
“I mean you can, but than you would die too. I made you. If I die you die” he admitted.
I second guessed what I should do. I mean I was only sixteen. I wasn’t ready to die yet.
So, I put the pool stick down.

“I told you the price of checking in was your soul”.
I was so mad I stared at him with such hatred. He conned me. I didn’t even stand a chance. I was dead the moment I stepped off the bus.
“I mean you can check out if you like but you can never leave” he mocked.

I had to wait for dusk to go outside now. And I had a job to do. I put on my best threads, and stood on top of the roof of the hotel with Marius. We see a typical Californian guy driving really fast through the hills in a topless red convertible.
Marius starts strumming the first chords on his guitar and I follow along singing some lyrics.

“On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair”.
You can actually see the notes flowing through the night sky as they electrify the mans ears.
Enchanted by our music he is compelled to turn down our drive way.

Marius, and I meet him at the check in counter.
“Welcome to Hotel California” he announced.
I shook my head in misfortune.
“What a sucker”!
Marius showed him the tour just like he showed me, and just like that it happened all over again.
As much as I despise luring innocent humans I must feed to survive, and so that was my chonicle of my death.
My chronicle into becoming:
Luther Cel Tradat.
Sounds more gothic than my human name.
Oh, there goes the mission bell.
It is time for the feast.

© Copyright 2021 Kerr Cole (ghostwriter003 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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